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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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about your fears, about your doubts, about your hesitations and feelings, and this will not only create a good relationship between you and the child, not only will it allow the child to open up to you in the future, but it will also help you get support, get help, feel needed and loved in your own family. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zima, this is the velikiy eter program on the espresso tv channel, and for the next hour and 47 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important thing, whether the enemy is really preparing an attack on kharkiv, what the local authorities say about it, and how quickly the situation can change in anticipation of severe cold weather, is ukraine's energy system ready, how air defense is preparing to destroy enemy missiles. drones that can
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hit energy facilities, we will talk about this and other things with you, but let's start with the announcement of the collection. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of kamikaze drones for the legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these soldiers actively defend ukraine with self-sacrifice and hatred of the enemy since the 14th year, and they work in the hottest directions. they fought for donetsk airport, ilovaisk, fought in sumy region and kharkiv region. as well as soledar and bakhmut in donetsk region. currently, soldiers need kamikaze drones in sufficient numbers, they can stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy in a matter of minutes, both in manpower and with the help of armored vehicles. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. let's support the wings of dreams and hope for our army, because these are actually our wings, which today keep us, as they say, in the air and... prevent us from falling into
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this most difficult and darkest time for ukraine in the 30 years of independence. so , let's get involved, we have to collect uah 5 million, so the challenge is serious, but we accepted this challenge and will see that in time we will answer this challenge and close this collection, well, now we will donate, of course, to the extent that each of us has, to the extent of our capabilities , which he has. well, we will talk with oksana pogumiy, deputy of the kherson city council, ms. oksana, congratulations i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, well, actually , today the enemy again shelled kherson, kherson oblast, let’s start with the security situation, namely in the city of kherson, which was also flown in today, please , well, lately the security situation here has worsened, we have more dense shelling and, unfortunately, unfortunately, not without human casualties, ugh.
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and i read that today, well, during the last day, it flew into the humanitarian headquarters, it also got into the building, if you can, well, from what you can say to an agrarian enterprise, from what you can say, where the enemy is targeting, what objects is he currently choosing for himself, well, now we see, first of all, they are shooting where they think our military can live, and the way they themselves lived in... kindergartens and so on, then they shoot at these infrastructure objects and shoot where they think they can be hidden, our equipment is hidden, unfortunately there are adjusters, but without that it would simply be impossible in some places calculate, let's say, what else can i add about what i can say, it's actually clear,
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that the enemy, looking for its goals, sometimes non-existent, hits civilians, civilian objects that are destroyed, suffer, but in the city, in the settlement of stanislav , a 62-year-old resident died, in kherson oblast, there are also seven wounded, well this, if we talk about the region, maybe you can add more information to this, we have from... now such villages as stanislav, kizamys, veletenske, they generally suffer a lot, because the enemy is very close there, there are none of ours there bridgeheads on the left bank, so the enemy is there very close, and there is no light there, and there is just horror, what is going on there, even though people live there, i just talked to the military today, well, they all say, in general, these settlements... are being swept off the face of the earth, well
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, of course, obviously , that there is no one in the krinka for a long time, there are no people there, there are no people at all, so, well, i will not ask about the situation. military there, because it is clear that this is the area of ​​responsibility of the operational command of the south, they should tell what is happening with our marines there, how it is possible to resist the enemy, well, but in general can you hear explosions, and also there is this big island, the enemies are constantly trying to attack it, and the armed forces of ukraine are holding on there, i generally, you know, the impression of a person who lives in kherson, but knows that there on the left bank are holding our soldiers, let's say so. those who live right in kherson , in the areas very close to the dnipro, and antonivka, kindiyka, and the ostriv microdistrict, they are under fire every day, the whole city
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every day, but they are not bothered there at all. but i just know that the bridgehead is very difficult... it's me i know for sure and of course we hear shelling, but just before literally 10 minutes ago, we only, we have already learned to distinguish between arrival and departure, let’s say, ours shoot or not ours, when, when it’s russian, we swear, when ours, we say, well done, boys, i generally do not know what the temperature situation will be in the kherson region, but i know that it will be cold throughout ukraine, somewhere plus... -20, somewhere -15, but i think that kherson will definitely not be you know, in such a greenhouse effect, it will also be a difficult situation, plus water, nearby, well, humidity, it worsens the situation with the cold, we understand this very well, it lowers the degrees, if it is -5, then it will be -10, and the enemy
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will obviously continue the shelling again, how ready is kherson for this, in terms of heating people, i am now again , please don't, and you won't do it yourself, don't name it... the point where people can be warmed up, because they try to beat, that's the shelter, in my opinion, if i'm not mistaken, they kissed somewhere , therefore, but generally globally, so that people can at least not die from the cold in case of what, well you see, the problem is that we cannot put up tents on the streets, as we did every winter, let's say this, and even if last winter we put up tents and we sat without electricity for a month, then we could also do recharging, and people... were digging, we had stoves there, so now you can’t do that , they will come right away, i think, well, at least the authorities were preparing for that, and we have storage facilities, and in the houses, not a bomb, but there is a storage facility, and i think that the generators are ready in the houses, well, i
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know, at least what i know, they are ready there to the point that if it's cold, people will be able to go down to the shelter and warm up , well, actually, if we talk about the reconstruction of the region after... about the fact that the war is ongoing, and some communities from, well, you said correctly, if about kisumys to talk about stanislav there is the bilodzer community, the enemy is simply trying to raze it to the ground or lower it below the ground level, but there are still reconstructions somewhere, i read such a story today that ternopil builders rebuilt 33 houses in arkhangelsk, these are isolated cases, i i mean history arkhangelskyi, or somewhere, after all , they are rebuilding, adding temporary housing. maybe some such, you know, these modular houses are made, which, well, at least in such a difficult time can give a person both a roof and heat. our pokrovsky facade is very revealing, because while we were under occupation, it was exactly at zero for eight months, and
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a lot of houses were destroyed, and the village was very large, and now when we go to mykolaiv, i see how it is rebuilt, and even if i would say that quickly, i would not say. what slowly, but of course, these will not be the same houses as they were before the owners built large ones for themselves there, but they are also small modular ones, and those buildings that can be rebuilt are being rebuilt, they are being restored, they are being repaired, and this inspires hope , that when rusnia is driven away from the left bank, the entire region will quickly begin to rebuild, in fact , so far it is one by one. i will ask about these villages, the story is like this, the owner of an agricultural holding was detained in kyiv, who, well, working in the kherson region, he has a business in the occupied territory, and his companies actually pay tax there to those formations
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that were created there in the occupied territory, well, plus it feeds, feeds the occupiers, maybe you heard more about this story, how loud it was in kherson or not, i can say? honestly, i read this today in our online publications too, i don't know what this person's last name is, but we don't have many owners of agricultural holdings, and when we know, well... well , in general, i want to tell you, even if not knowing the last name is a big scumbag, so to speak do not swear, unfortunately, on the left march, those who did not leave the farm owners, they went to cooperate with the occupiers, i am not talking about all of them, but there are such cases, and i am very ashamed of such people, and i am very sorry that they are so weak when it comes to money, and i am very sorry that... they treat our state like that, right
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, right here, i would have grabbed such, such people by the throat, i understand how you feel, knowing that those people who shoot in kherson every day, someone feeds them and earns this bloody money, thank god that the security service of ukraine found out, detained, and let's believe that the person will receive, well, if his guilt is proven, he will receive an appropriate court sentence and prison term, i will be very brief at the end. have the enemies somehow become more active, perhaps information is reaching the occupied territories on the eve, well, on the eve it still has to happen, well, but in time, on the eve of the elections that will be held in russia, the next election of putin, and they also want it all to be held in the occupied territory of ukraine, it is not known what will be occupied there until march, but in any case, how the enemy is acting, whether they are not showing any activity in this regard, they added them. the rioters that we had in kherson came there, well, at least we have such information, and they are now very actively
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looking for those who are pro-ukrainian, who still remained in that pro-ukrainian territory, so we warn everyone and as soon as we can, that whatever please, please, keep yourself in your hands, please don't pretend to be easy, because we just know that even for the ukrainian language, if we have here in kherson ... to show russia that we were waiting here, waiting for putin and his troops, then i just imagine with horror what they can do there, now on the left bank, it will be two years soon , how are the people in the occupation, today i heard about such an initiative from the state company ukrposhta that they... will deliver medicines to the de-occupied territories, well , where not every pharmaceutical company, relatively speaking, or
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some carrier, wholesaler would bring the most necessary there are some, well, this is not an advertisement now, relatively speaking, there is some panadol or something expectorating , people don't need things that stabilize the pressure or some tranquilizers either, but these mobile departments, how great is the need for this now in the kherson region, again, are there currently those communities where just... then no the medicine arrives , but the person feels sick, the blood pressure rises , god forbid there are any injuries, and there is nothing to prevent it, but there is, of course not, they do not arrive everywhere, unfortunately, there are villages where there are only grocery stores, there are villages where there is a grocery store, but bread, for example, is brought there twice per week, and about medicine, then things don't go well at all, and we even sometimes pack such packages of basic necessities ourselves. the parcel and we transfer it with cars to those who are going there, and it is on our right bank, the fact is that
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the people left are mostly of a respectable age, and they already have their own diseases, and these are exactly the medicines for heart impressions, someone there has diabetes , some gentlemen have other medicines, i just forgot asthma, that's what we pack and hand over, so i think there is also a plus. even just in terms of money, these drugs are very expensive now specific, ugh, well, i will finally ask about a certain selection, whether there is enough products, i mean food, well, such as the most necessary products of light industry, there are underwear, clothes, somewhere the pants are warm, well, because it is winter even in boots , it happens that somewhere a flight is broken, well , in a word, the situation is not easy, so it is all necessary, is there sufficient access to such products, again, and access to work, because in order to buy all this , people need to
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earn, it is clear that there are volunteers, someone something is brought somewhere, but you will not provide all the residents of kherson with all this, as things are now with work, and where, after all, there are more people in the public sector or the private sector, please, more work in the public sector, because many private people have left and almost no one returned, very small, who keeps his shop there. there are, there are products, you can't complain, because there are several stores in the atb network, there is one silpo store, so, as we have about a third of the population left, we have enough of these stores. the market works, of course, not like that the selection is the same as it used to be, but there are also prices , the prices are moderate, but with clothes it is more difficult, well, personally , i either use the internet or go to mykolaiv, but not everyone can do this, practically nothing new is imported, and there are very few open points with the sale of clothes, well, work, there
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is practically no work, if there is any choice, then there is practically none. and still i will ask, today we have more time, and i will not ask the question about the evacuation of children, it is clear that if there is an opportunity, it is not necessary to wait for a critical situation, it is better to let the children leave, they will learn somewhere, rest, and then maybe the situation will stabilize, more or less it will be possible to return, is there such an option, or do parents use this option, the option is there, you need to contact the military-civilian administrations and you can leave for free, that's it. maybe you could leave the railway station, now it’s probably more by bus after arriving at the railway station, then people are just afraid, but the further i go, the less i hear about, you know, when it will fly very hard, then that’s all parents they think, eh, we still have to leave, but for now, as long as there are no victims, they sit
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and think that somehow it will pass, i would still leave with my children, i'm on... what's up, i tell everyone that if the children leave, yes, it is difficult to live in a foreign city, again , we do not have a state program such that it is possible to come, and the further away, the longer this great war lasts, after the invasion, the less help people get from the state, even the one that was, and people are simply afraid of this more, of this uncertainty, of the fact that they will not find any work there at all, you will have to pay for housing. it will be necessary to pay, to look for children where there are children, because when children are small, they are simply afraid to leave, due to the fact that they have nowhere for their children, you know, why i asked this, because i read a story literally yesterday, and when you read such stories, it's just that it's very expressive here, because you see a photo, read a person's story, when you know more, it hurts more, because it hurts for every
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person who died in ukraine, a child, a soldier, an elderly person , yesterday we talked about the death of the well-deserved. onslaught of ukraine ms tymoshenko, who died in i did not make a mistake, because i am afraid to make a mistake, god forbid, but in kharkov for 85 years, respected artists and from enemy shelling, but i read a story about 11-year-old hleb, who writes like this, could become a famous medic, in kherson they said goodbye to 12-year-old hleb, who died before the new year, on december 31, the russian military shelled kherson again, then an enemy attack took the life of an 11-year-old boy, maybe you just know a little more about it, because when... you read these expressive stories, well, you understand what you know, we save paintings, works of art, gold from skov, some other things, it's all important, but children are the future, that is, if there is no future, then we are fighting as the last battle, and it is important to win it, but for whose sake, what there will be more, but we have this blood that is spilled, it should become
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the seed for the future life, and this life is here, maybe a little more about this story, this is just such a motivation, you know, to still go to everything. my own story, i'm not me, i understood everyone's own story, but still, please, er, the boy didn't run he literally went to the store to hide from the shelling, and right there he grabbed the door handle and that was it, and died, and here, you say everything correctly, this is motivation for your relatives, for the parents of children, that you are, after all, must now put, the most important thing for you, these must be your... children, not your situation there is such that you do not want to be there, or you cannot, or you are not sure about something, you must take responsibility not only for the fact that you gave birth to them and everything, take responsibility for the fact that you need them now to save their lives, and that is why i emphasize , you must leave with the children, i absolutely support you, it is such a challenge, it is so difficult, well
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, again, this is a war zone, for now, unfortunately, well, the whole of ukraine is a war zone, because it is flying and and... lviv and lutsk and elsewhere, but it's one thing when a rocket arrives there every few hours, and it's quite another when it arrives every day, so here the territory of war must be the territory of war, and then there there will be life, we believe in it, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, oksana pogumiy, a member of the kherson city council, thoroughly discussed the situation in the kherson region, and now we will thoroughly discuss the situation at the front and sum up this week with serhii zgrec, director of the defense agency. i congratulate you vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk about how we strike at russian targets in crimea, about the struggle of our air defense against russian and already... north korean missiles, about the situation on the front line, more on that in a moment.
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wow, i went for a walk, water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo, i am saving myself, reo, you are ready, dear, ready, i took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts on citrik, 20% in pharmacies, plantain. you and thrifty. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how does the international community evaluate our successes? and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. world closely monitors whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about
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behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. congratulations. iryna koval is in the studio and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week. every saturday at 2:10 on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with
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anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, topics will be relevant, guests - special.
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proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. you know, such a chant will be the fact that today the governor of belgorod region , gudkov , says that... and whoever wants to should apply and they will be evacuated. rockets, unfortunately, fly over the territory of our country, but on january 2 another one happened, massed or not, i won’t say now what is the biggest, sergey will say, the biggest, not the biggest, it doesn’t matter, it more than 100 missiles, shelling, the consequences of this shelling and what to expect next, well, we are really talking about the fact that the enemy there on december 29 and january 2 carried out massive missile attacks with a complex of various means of impression, ranging from fpv drones to
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kha-101 cruise missiles , hypersonic dagger missiles, and actually the enemy pursued several targets, primarily strikes on industrial, military-industrial facilities, and civilian facilities, and at the same time, just after a long pause, a significant number of hast missiles were used there for the first time. one daggers were used and our anti-aircraft defense showed a high level of efficiency, i already said once that, relatively speaking, when 20% of enemy targets are knocked out, then it is considered that the air defense is sufficiently effective, if now our air defense system destroys 80 plus percent of missiles, with which the enemy is trying to attack our facilities, it is , of course, four times better than better, so we really now, well... understand the high level of our air defense capability, but we also understand the insidiousness the enemy, because in fact for the first time there he used almost all the dagger carriers,
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raising 10 mig 301 aircraft into the air , he used other means of impression, and today, just for the first time , representatives of the united states, in particular, the coordinator of strategic communications of the national security council of the white house, john kirby, said for the first time that , that both on the 29th and on the second , north korean missiles were used for the first time to strike our cities, was stated there. certain infographics, which were primarily about zaporizhzhia, although our data indicate that there are fragments of these north korean missiles more likely in kharkiv than in zaporizhzhia, and now let's talk about the key points on the front, which are currently burning the most, where the situation is difficult, we can't even imagine how difficult it is, it 's impossible to convey it in words, sometimes serhiy reads, i
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sometimes read what the military write there. what they are going through, this, well, this, it is difficult to go through with them, yes, sitting, no, not being there, but bakhmut, the onslaught of times, what is the situation there, does the enemy really manage to win back some areas and is it enough forces and means of the armed forces of ukraine to hold, and what is the most critical , perhaps the most critical direction there now, well, when we talk about bakhmut, then together with there on... in the north with avdiivka, it really remains a difficult area on the front line, but if we are there, well, we have been carefully watching this direction for a week, then there is actually no such critical advance of the enemy, because the enemy is now trying to advance there in the north, if we look at the map now, then he is trying to advance there bohdanovka, in the direction of ivanovsky.
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but these advances in fact, there are no such significant changes taking place there that would affect the tactical, even more so the operational situation there, except that in a week there is an advance of several hundred meters to the west of khromovoy, and this is exactly the direction that already in principle, it is known where the enemy has accumulated forces and is trying, relatively speaking, to start this entire wide front. there are bohdanivka, khromov, ivanovske, then use it in order to try to move in the future on chasivyar chasivyar is the commanding heights, it is our line of defense, and, considering the pace at which he is advancing there, to bohdanivka or to ivanovsky, we can understand that, in fact, these are such rather limited capabilities of the enemy. changes also did not occur in the south, when we talk about klishchiivka and andriivka there. but there are nuances
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that, as they say, our military, that in fact the enemy is actively using fortifications, is occupying, but we still, in principle, sometimes ignore the need for fortification, i do not have i mean those fortifications that have been built there at the expense of civilian construction companies, but even our military is sometimes too lazy, relatively speaking, to dig in to the full height for... they dug in there up to the knee or up to the waist and it is believed that this will be enough, although the enemy, on the contrary, is trying to dig in as much as possible, and when we talk about bakhmut, what our military says is that we have a sufficient amount of artillery, but the enemy has a certain advantage in mines and mortars, that is, we use the advantage in artillery, and the enemy is just actively uses mortars, and of course water cannons are used on both sides,
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we know that. but the area of ​​bakhmut remains so difficult, but not so critical , that we can say that the enemy has some systemic advances there, i’m just saying, since you already mentioned mortars, i know that ukraine produces mortars and we , well, of course we count on our partners, who probably have some better , more efficient, more modern ones, but ukraine also made its own mortars and actually they were tested, there were some pluses and minuses somewhere, but... during the so-called anti-terrorist operation, well, why do i say the so-called, because it was actually a war, and these mortars showed themselves, is there an opportunity to produce them now, or is the problem in the order, in the specialists, in the possibilities , well, there are two parts here, in fact, now mortars caliber 60, 70, 120 mm, they are manufactured, so we had several interviews with a representative of the ukrainian armored vehicle company, which actually now -


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