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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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performed procedures, the number of procedures that took place, price reductions, savings and everything else. i don't know what will happen next, because there are already changes to resolution 1275, i don't want to announce it yet, because we are still in the process of negotiations, which i, for example, do not like yet, maybe we will reach some kind of consensus, then i will say my own opinion, while it has not been approved, and while we are still in the working group. i will not comment on it, please tell me, well, in general , the ministry of defense is a place where discussions are permissible, where you can with a well-reasoned argument to achieve a result and defend one's position, or we already know, and here we are approaching the party said, we, we, we are doing this, no , you know, i want to, you know, i am like a sensitive person , what i see is about that and sing, yes?
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i see good, i say good, i see bad, i say bad , in fact, i see on the part of the top management of the ministry of defense a desire to listen, to listen, to involve, maybe it is not a desire, it is an understanding that public control can be, maybe they do not want me there see, but they are forced yes, but still we have some negotiations, we have some arguments, sometimes it's more calm. well, sometimes it is not very calm, but we are trying to find a consensus, it is true , here is communication, by the way , there was no such thing during the razniak, it was very deaf, and now with the change of the minister of defense, i have communication with all the deputies, it's true, well, it's true, they really listen, they accept something, they don't accept something, they accept something after a month what was said, some not at all, and somewhere i can say that listen, and what does it offer? you are better
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than i thought, that is, we are currently undergoing some kind of transformation process, but to say that we are not heard, i cannot say that, okay, this actually already gives hope for some perspective, look, now on at the level of the ukrainian parliament , initiatives are being developed regarding mobilization, demobilization and all these related processes, there is an understanding that we need to harness ourselves in... there is an understanding that we will still need a lot of human resources in order to at least stand in this struggle. and at the same time, returning again to the question of how to provide for these people, do we have an understanding that now everything is on wheels, and it will really move on rails, or for each, i'm sorry, every time for a uniform, we will have to fight for each purchase that relates to water or .
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we will have to fight for the supply of the same fuel, that is, we want to understand whether we manage to systematically change or patch holes on the go, well, now about the bad, to date nothing has been systematically changed, unfortunately, but the process is dynamic, i say again, it sometimes going the wrong way sometimes he goes in that direction, sometimes, i am wrong, they prove to me that it will be better that way, he is now about... dynamically changing, very dynamically, because to me, well, we are already joking, yes, today we are running in the same direction , tomorrow in the other direction, but still i would like to emphasize that what is happening now and these attempts to find compromise solutions, yes, even if they are discussed there in raised tones, but still the opponents hear each other, that's all one brainstorm, yes, that is, they sat down, sketched and found some you'.
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they went home, slept, calmed down, came the next day, talked. there is no system yet, the system does not work, everything is in manual mode, everything in manual mode just happens, here they did it, here they did not pay attention, here, but there is a desire, a real desire, i see this desire, to create a system, and it deserves it , to be, i can't say that i'm directly in the team, yes, i can say that i'm like people. who has been in these processes since the 15th year, i constantly say that i am ready to help, i help, it is true, i can be there one evening say everything, i can't, go home, sleep, come, say, okay, let's move on, i think we need to get to the stage where it will be a system, and it will not depend on which person came to the position , it will be a system that makes impossible the options we had. the ministry of defense, you
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know, it's a bit of a pity that reznikov was fired because of scandals about eggs and jackets, which are 7-8, and not because of scandals. and not the arms scandal, according to the progress, which was purchased through alpha , there are funds, sorry, no, no, for 17 hryvnias, eggs there i'm sorry, the budget would have been enough for this year. i'm really sorry, kristina, that they left these questions later. for how he was fired, they left later, and they are not addressed now really to that team, and this is a problem for us, as a civil society, that we have such a little guppy memory, yes, yes, but eh, along with those,
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in terms of rear support, we often talk with you, and we continue to talk, and we will talk again , but when we touch on the issue of weapons, here we have to be very careful, because i understand that there are things that... you you can't, i can't, but i'm in cooperation, let's say, in constant cooperation with law enforcement agencies, and you know, i was quick about it on some issues, i even think that we will be able to move some issues from their place, ugh, i'm a hard worker in his article he noted that it is the technological breakthrough that can displace the situation at the front, which now... looks very positional, let's say, it does not look positional, we have entered the stage of a positional war, this is also part of the war, it is also necessary experience and you have to persevere, there is an active stage of war, there is a positional stage of war, the positional stage
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of war differs from the active one in that it is a war of logistics and support, how well it will be provided and how well the correct logistics will be built depends on... positional war depends on this, here i i would like to point out that as a person who also participated in the reform of the ministry of defense in 15-17 years, but we did not have such a large number of military personnel at that time that it is very difficult and dangerous to change systems during the war, this like during a surgical operation, one surgeon conducts the operation, then another comes and says, let me come here after you and cut something else, the main principle... harm, that is , it is impossible to stop the current purchases of the ministry of defense, if you want to change something, you have to change on some pilot project, then draw conclusions and implement it on the territory of ukraine, then there must be a transition period, so these are some quick, sharp steps that we have seen for three 3
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months, yes, when the agency told us that from august, from september, from october, i repeatedly led to higher management. the leadership of the ministry of defense that this is a path to nowhere , you must make a transition period, you must change the regulatory framework, because we purchase within the framework of the regulatory framework, you must prepare for this, well, now in december i can state that i was definitely heard , and they began to be more cautious about some processes, whether the situation will change, the new team that came and whether we will really switch to the system or not, well, time will tell, but for now i can state that that we are in dialogue, we communicate , we try to find a common language on some issues, we are all different, but the goal is probably the same, it is to make a system that will not depend on
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personnel, oh, let's talk with you about a sore topic, why precisely with you, because you have taken care of it in the same way and continue to take care of it, and this is the topic we talked about in our previous meeting, the medical care of our military has changed, the commander has changed, ms. ostashchenko has actually resigned from us, so with of his position, we have a new one, i don't know if it is appropriate already now to talk about some initial results, everything i know from ms. korchynska, that the new commander at least communicates, is ready, again, this is important. come on, kazmirchuk , anatoliy petrovich, we have known each other since the 14th year, he was the chief doctor of the kyiv military hospital, i know him very well, we had different situations, we also quarreled, reconciled, reconciled, quarreled, and i am sorry
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that verba andriy vyacheslavovych did not agree to this position, this regiment was the head of the medical department, he refused, but anatoly petrovych kazmirchuk. i want to tell you that even with some misunderstandings that occurred, i believe that it was a successful decision, he is in touch, he is. first of all, to approve those standards for medical first aid, yes, jutes, tourniquets, oh my god, 10 years of war, honestly, i have such a deja vu all the time, this is the first, second, to approve the evacuation stage, to approve the base hospital, approve treatment, approve rehabilitation, and i also want to note that it was small... who knows, but on 23.08 , the head of the national security committee sent a letter in which he asked to be removed
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from the command of the medical forces for the function of support, when in the 15-17 years there was a ministry of defense, then a department public procurement carried out the purchase of medicine, then i don’t know why it was given to the command of the medical forces, my proposal to the deputy governor was moderate, it concerned the fact that let’s give this budget to the primos agency , what difference does it make to them, what should they buy, yes, that is, no what's the difference if they are they buy a million syringes, for example, for cancer patients, what difference does it make if they buy 10 million syringes for the elderly, that is, there is no difference, but the problem here is that we need to approve the standards, that is, we have a preliminary agreement with anatoly petrovych that we will meet and we will approve the standards, and the second we will start purchasing, that will be it. either arsen will do it, or the medical agency will do it, and this issue will be closed, i think that this is
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right and good, well , there is already some shift in the context of provision, in the context of provision, it is still going that was purchased earlier, but i want to tell you very much, and it was lying in warehouses, yes, excuse me, but i want to say that there was a very active discussion, and anatoliy petrovich goes to the meeting, says, let's create a working group, let's finally approve that ... a first aid kit, which we have already approved 155 times since the 14th year, and let's, well , in a different way, uh, i live in a different way, i see such optimism here, i see, honestly, good, good, you see , so we see, well, and i can't help but ask, the year was rich, i'm coming back again to this thesis on theses on confirmation is certain, and some have appeared in connection with this, either in that... it has accumulated, or it is some kind of despair already at play, but they say that society is beginning
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to disintegrate, again with "there is this partisanship, and the symptoms of this are increasing more and more, and this applies even to the military and political leadership, rusnia, i'm sorry, russians, i don't know whether they are baking there or not, whether we can say such things at all, what the national council will tell us, but the russians play on this, they no longer say the military and political leadership of ukraine, u they already have a military wing, a military leadership and... a political one, and this is purely their narrative, and we really shouldn't allow it to be like that. is this conflict that everyone talks about so much, is it genuine, or is it more inspired after all? well, i think that there is no smoke without fire, it seems to me that this is the first, the second, i have probably been talking about only one thing for a month or two, that i would like a lot of heterosexuals, that i would really like a military political leader . gave us a sign, yes, no matter what, a photo, a video, something common
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statement, gave us a sign that everything is fine with them and that they have a complete understanding, this worries me as a citizen of the country, i would like to understand that we are going in the same direction, what i miss, i really miss that the unity that existed in the first months of the war, when everyone understood that they existed in common. human values, the value of your life, your child's life, parents, and so on, people in general, animals, yes, that is, the value of life, now, well, i don't know about you, i'm watching political games already, i'm watching some kind of redeployment, everyone already they start there, something for themselves, some , let's say, some positions to take, in relation to fatigue, krystyna, everyone is tired, everyone is tired, let's say, not only tired, exhausted, but
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also our children, and we, and we no longer react to a lot the fact that we reacted in the first days is difficult, it is difficult, i think that we will have a lot of problems after the end of the war, but we still have to live until it ends, exhausted, exhausted, probably a tired person can make more mistakes, than a person forces, there is also such a thing, and here i am for myself it's just that i made a promise to myself that i try not to judge, i really try to be honest. to understand the position, it may not be the same as mine, but to understand it, the only thing that is unacceptable, i simply cannot come to terms with what i will fight for, and the military leadership of our country, including the political one, knows about it, these are corrupt actions during the war , let's be honest, the budget of the ministry of defense is now the budget of our state, those who
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do not believe, can open the budget of 24 and see the expenditures on the ministry of defense, that's what i don't... i will never be calm about corruption in the rear when people give their lives, because i would like to remind our leaders who are involved in some corruption scandals, that this is a historical fact, when they buried alexander the great, who for his age was howling around the world at that time, in his will was that his bodyguards should be buried in a coffin with open arms. so that it can be seen that a person who has conquered the whole world goes to the next world empty-handed, and therefore this request for justice in rear, it is very high now, and i will not close my eyes to this, there is no understanding, no professionalism for everything else, if people learn, well, okay, okay, but if i see that it starts again, sorry to whom
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war, and to whom 20, 50, 100%, yes, i will not close on that. attempts to compromise the military, what to do with this, i am not talking now about our leadership, specifically the military plane, i am talking about a trend that may have already arisen, and in society in general, and maybe even you, look, it is not only military personnel, and volunteers, yes , that is, it’s the same... narratives are like that, they are one and the same, by the way, recently i even wrote in a post that it’s not you, well, don’t look at it as a game, they’re just playing with your consciousness experiments, if you heard such a narrative once , twice, you said, this is all wrong, and then at some point you will realize that what you
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were told, it went into your head, you will not even understand it, but it will go to your head, and... let's put it this way, yes, i see some kind of demonization in general, and there the armed forces and let's put it this way, let the military do things wrong, let the military fight, yes, but we have our own godfather here, there our godfather, here there are our godfathers, we have our own affairs here, well, i would like to remind our political leadership that if the military leadership had not pulled out our the country, which the western partners gave 2-3 days, and did not pull it out until... from today, when you and i are sitting in calm kyiv more or less, and we can conduct broadcasts, the political leadership would not be able to do something now to do, yes, it was pulled out by the entire military leadership, so how do you look at me? this is a misunderstanding, i really want to believe that this is just some kind of situational misunderstanding, but
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you say that some sign would be enough for you, well, minister of defense omirov, recently answering questions from journalists. said that we are even joking with the boss, who is going to fire you this time or something like that, well, that is, he said that horses can actually be changed at the crossing, if there is some insanely urgent need for this, but now it is not about this at all , and ms. christina, i am very glad that he said that, it is good, then on this is what we become, this is what we stand on, but we carefully follow our hands, absolutely precisely. well, you already mentioned the volunteers, at the end of the year many of the people who are engaged in this activity actually gave up and say that those circles of hell that invented it for them with additional, let's say, procedures that apply to the border and in general activities, they simply reflect not
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the desire, because for these people it is no longer a desire, it is just a way of life. to help the army, and to help those who are suffering from the war, but they, they really don't know how to get out of these complications that were created, basically this is what their vote looks like now, the volunteer vote, well, let's do it, firstly, there is a problem, secondly, they have been trying to count volunteers since the 14th year, i have already gone through it, that no authority , no government was able to count us and drive us into some... that's why, if you remember, when the president changed, we had a generally authorized case of volunteers, i only saw it there two weeks ago for the first time, ee i all these e. i perceive things very well, with some kind of irony, because i say that i have been on i see how they try to count volunteers , but it doesn't work
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, volunteering is a very anarchic movement in fact, because volunteering is passion, and passion in general, let's put it this way, somehow to line up, count, say who will do what, it's very it's difficult, i have repeatedly said, i have never seen bigger things than volunteering anywhere, and this is the first. this is the second, now the third, i would like to address those volunteers who lowered their hands, my camera is here, yes, dear volunteers who, let's say, joined our movement, two years during a full-scale invasion, believe me, there are many of us, and with such actions, it has already happened more than once, and to give up, let's make an analogy, in relation to the military, tue? this year in december, it seems to me months, if not, correct me christina, a law was passed to increase the responsibility during the surrender of positions by our
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military due to the fact that our military is not always provided as they should have been provided, of course they leave their positions, this can be understood when tanks are coming at you, you have a kalashnikov assault rifle, then this is not a war, this is a shooting range. i haven't seen anyone who... would give up on the part of the military, so i have a wish for everyone: please sleep, eat, watch tv, one day, you can't do it anymore, get up and start doing work further, all questions, which the cabinet has given us now, i think that in a month or two we will return again to the movement that was, anarchic, common sense, absolutely, okay, but here is christina, i must note, very... if you me if you ask me if i need to do accounting, of course, yes, if you are me you ask if you had to register volunteer cards, well, of course you have to, there is
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ukrainian legislation, if you receive income, you have to pay 19.5%. if you say yes, yes, you are an accountant, i have been an accountant since i was 14 years old, well, as a person who ran a business in the country for 20 years, i know that gambling is not allowed in my country, it must be done. but that system, i... was offered to us by the ministry of social affairs, i said in the ministry of social affairs, if you show me how to do it, i can repeat it on camera, i will do it for you, well, until no one comes forward show me how to do it, so i'm not going to give up, i think they 're going to give up first, we're hoping for some sort of rationalization of what we 're leaning on now, and it's not just about volunteering, generally the end of the 23rd the year was marked by... certain such tensions, yes, we have a history of instability and lack of understanding of what will happen to our funding, particularly for our war from our
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most powerful partners, we have a huge number of problems on the border with our neighbors who are not miss what we needed now for the war or to eliminate the consequences of the war, in particular, and also volunteers, if they also say that their work has become much more difficult and... and we are now at such a point of the sinusoid, probably somewhere lower, and we only hope that there will be an improvement , you know , kristina, i can tell you that when i go on the air now, i generally tell probably only one, maybe 3% of what i know, because what it is to understand, over what abyss we are, i know , and... they will not give us funding, then we will not take the blame, if
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ours, you, you understand, we already clearly in months of september gave a road map and said that guys, we will finance you in case you do the first, fifth, seventh-10, yes, relatively speaking, and have we fulfilled it, well, i... in my opinion no , will it not be about military gains now, no, there was, there was pure corruption, especially the ministry of defense, there in general there were very clear and very specific demands, but does our leadership realize that for a year and a half we completely, sorry, they dragged, and we also had direct infusions without precedent since the vietnam war in the budget every month from the side of the united states, there are interesting historical situations,
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i want to recall the whole analogy of the great depression in america, the 39th 29th 39th year, which brought america out of the great depression, the beginning of the second world war, we have a unique opportunity now, i'm very happy that our military-industrial complex is developing at some superhuman pace, because , for example, if they told me on february 20... february 4 , 22, that i would participate in the creation of an army of drones, yes, or this is for everyone this is already a clear story when i bought them in october of the 22nd year, few people know about it yet, and when we move to the tactics of conducting contactless combat, plus we will learn how to launch drones, we will master rebs, we will start making artillery, we will start make cartridges, listen, yes, we can later become such
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an exporter of high-tech goods with added value that we will pull out the entire economy on our own, but at this moment there is no stage to go out, the second girlfriend, alla basalaeva, we do not have the first girlfriend we touch today, basilaeva's second girlfriend, who is leaving on the enterprise of the military-industrial complex and says that the profit of state-owned enterprises, yes, for a second , of the military-industrial complex is equal to the losses of the state, if this continues... well, then we will not achieve anything, because the first producer of fire engines , this is a large mechanical engineering industry, economists, financiers know how much investment should be made, how many jobs should be created , what equipment should be installed, how the enterprise should be developed in such a way as to assemble a fire engine, yes, on the territory of ukraine, we understand how the first criminal case was opened before i issued
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the resolution. through the verkhovna rada, so they are haunted to this day. so. i have a meeting, let's say, with my girlfriend, i have, there today, i'll go now. and it seems to me that after all, it is necessary to listen to common sense, to get out of this situation. well , i'm sorry, listen, i'm already talking about it probably, well, no , probably, it's already been seven months since the baby could have been born, yes, and if this continues, then... when they tell me dan, what do you think after the war, investments will go here, with this attitude, no, they will not go, because, excuse me, spitting on the constitution of ukraine, where it is written that any entrepreneurial activity is created with the aim of making a profit and proving that the act of the village is higher than the constitution of ukraine, well i'm sorry, i'm not ready to fight with it, and whatever you want to point out, this is this fir, this is a big enterprise, which one we talked about,
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which one. poland and i decided to open it there. well, that is, everyone understands that these are taxes, jobs, capacities, gdp and everything else, it is not related to security, absolutely not, he said that well... listen, well, people were stopped, in general, the enterprise was stopped, deber is sitting there. does this mean that we are still undecided, yes, at the end of the year, we finally got the understanding that our negotiations on joining the european union with the european union are beginning, yes, but we are still internally undecided, we are, after all, a soviet , well, maybe in the extreme case a post-soviet country, or we are a country with a developed market economy,
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democratic. you know i just don't i can imagine that such a situation as the audit service took place in the west, well, i just can't imagine, that is, there is the rule of law, there is the right to property, it is something that is supported there always and by everyone, that is, you know this, a constant, even wars, of course, and in the meantime, listen, kristina, if, let's face it, according to the law, war does not replace the law, if the decision of the nsdc was acceptance. the decision that the entire economy of the country is transferred to the military rails, that the 1% company will arrive, uh, period, yes, without question, you have transferred the country to the military rails, no, in you really have the 363 resolution, which says 1% services, 30% production and 3% imports, it's about weapons, it's valid, what are we talking about?


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