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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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market economy, democratic and so on , you know, i just can't imagine that such a situation as with the state audit service would happen in the west, well, i just can't imagine, that is, the rule of law there, the right to property, that's what is supported there always and by everyone, that is, you know this, a constant, even during the war, of course, and while, well, listen, kristina, if, let's say, according to the law, war does not replace the law. if the decision of the national security council made a decision that the entire economy of the country would be transferred to military rails, what would come 1% company, ugh, period, yes, without question, you have turned the country into a military river, no, you really have a 363 resolution, which says 1% services, 30% production and 3% imports, it is for weapons, it is valid, what are we talking about
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well, actually, the transfer of the country to the military rails, i would like it to happen after all, it happened in the minds, in the heads, in the mentality, because you rightly pointed out, now we are not talking about a sprint, now we are talking about a marathon, we are forced learning to live in the conditions of war, none of us has experience of living in in war conditions, work in war conditions, raise children in war conditions. to give birth to them in the conditions of war, we are all, let's say, already psychologically premeditated, and in this context i am ready to forgive a lot of things to many , to be honest, because i understand what these received psychological traumas are, and you know, i would like to emphasize this is my observation, the people who were involved in the war process of 14th year, they now bear it much easier, because for them
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it is already a passed stage, the people who were involved, i have no complaints against anyone, yes, people , for which the war has become relevant, only there at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, they are now going through what i went through there in the 16th year, i just want to hug them there and say that it will not always be like this, you will get better someday, so i urge everyone on the eve of the holidays, we are one country, we have nothing to divide, democratic elections must be held. elections must be held , elections that will be confirmed by the whole civilized world, because if this does not happen, then we have nothing to fight for, we become, excuse me, a country, a kind of small concentration camp like the neighbor is close by, and therefore i call for understanding, understanding of political forces, military forces, military-political forces, volunteers. businesses
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and everyone else, we are all ukrainians, we all have to be united, we all have to understand that the enemy is behind the railing, yes, and what i would like to emphasize, we, as adults, you and i have done for ourselves, let's put it this way, such decisions were made that we will stay in this country, yes, and i set the main goal for myself, this is the exit. yes, to raise children in such a way as to break their psyche the least. that's why i urge you every mother, think first of all, like in an airplane, put a mask on yourself first, stabilize yourself, and then on the children, and everything will be fine with us, for sure, i learned, everything will be fine. thank you dana, dana yarova, volunteer, member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense, member of the collegial body of style support of the ministry of defense. and a person who also deals
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with the needs of our ukrainian children, the dream of the children of ukraine, the public association is doing an extremely important thing, thank you dana for this conversation, thank you to all our viewers and to the listeners who joined this conversation, and we will definitely see you in our next conversations with the next guests, be with espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. bribes treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. which of the judges stood out last year? cars are constantly changing on it. greetings, this is judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. together with the team, i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. we believe in
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the victory of our armed forces, whose courage and resilience impresses the whole world, and thanks to which you and i followed the judicial reform taking place in ukraine. and is one of the key requirements for our entry into the european union. summarizing the results of the year, let 's remember those desperate people, representatives of the old system, who tried with all their might to disrupt important transformations for ukraine, and fortunately, they did not succeed. the judge of the zinkiv district court of the poltava region, serhiy dolshko, in his judgment. called decisions the ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers are private companies, and the laws on mobilization and martial law are copyrighted works. according to the materials of the case , a resident of donetsk region who is conscripted and suitable for military service, who received two summonses for
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military service, first in january and later in march of the 23rd year, ignored both summons, although he was warned of criminal liability for dodging a ghost. judge doljko acquitted him. the servant of themis justified his decision by the fact that the laws of ukraine and the presidential decrees on mobilization and martial law, which are called so -called in the verdict, are allegedly author's works. the so-called laws of ukraine, which are legitimized under the guise of laws, are author's works, have no constitutional basis, are not essentially laws, and are not mandatory for the people to follow. are offers from an entity providing public administration services. these normative acts have the status of being applied, and are not legally valid legislation. in addition, judge doljko named the ministry of defense of ukraine by a private company,
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referring to the fact that the department has an identification code of a legal entity. he also called the cabinet of ministers a private company. the judge claims that the ukrainian government. belongs to a private foreign company, referring to foreign registers. also , the judge believes that territorial staffing centers do not have the right to staff the armed forces of ukraine, but can only offer to conclude an employment contract. at the same time, the judgment emphasizes that coercion into a labor contract is a form of slavery. however judge serhiy dolushko surprises not for the first time. its logic when making court decisions. in 2021, he justified the illegality of the introduction of quarantine in ukraine, and in 2018 he acquitted a businessman who was arrested while handing over a bribe to the chief of the zinkiv police. within
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a year, he closed the case against the ex-head of the zinkivska district state administration, who filed a declaration late and fled from the police. at the end of april, the security service of ukraine detained the head of the poltava district court, larisa bogomolova. she is suspected of treason because of the alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. at the beginning of the war , bogomolova worked as a judge in the berdyansk city-district court, after the capture of the southern city, she voluntarily stayed in the temporarily occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. according to. law enforcement officers, she allegedly urged other employees to support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them, and turned those who refused to cooperate into the fsb. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters
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from mariupol to the mangusha district. the russians killed these servicemen. the security service of ukraine published an audio recording of bogomolova's phone conversation. with the occupier, today i heard information that three people from azov got out of mariupol by some tricks. can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in mind. judge larisa bogomolova, without remorse , betrayed the employee of the russian fsb and all her colleagues who had a pro-ukrainian position. and we can ask you, you have a list of judges, there are not so many of them. of course. and you can you tick me those who are staunch opponents of all this? i can, tag me and drop me a photo please on telegram ok? good. in addition to outright snooping, larisa bogomolova also performed the work of a personnel officer for the russian occupiers. in particular, according to the investigation,
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she helped form the occupation unit of the ministry of emergency affairs of russia, and also recommended candidates to her russian curator. the gauleiter of berdyansk and the heads of one of the enthusiastic local hospitals, that's why i'll make a list for you, it's better call me one more time , tell me, ask one more time in... i'll tell you for sure, we'll definitely use it, if i know something, i'll tell you for sure, if i don't know something, i'll say, i'm sorry, i don't know, okay, we've agreed, what i don't know, i can ask someone i know, and i know half a city, the court took larisa bogomolova into custody without bail, and the lawyers tried to cancel her arrest, assuring that the judge had a serious illness, in particular, they emphasized that with 2017... bogomolova suffers from cancer and has diabetes. also
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larisa bogomolova's lawyers assure that all the information about the azov fighters, which she gave to the employee of the russian fsb, is not true. from the decision of the zaporizhzhya court of appeal. according to the testimony of the suspect, the information that was reported to the fsbr employee is fiction: it does not contain reliable data. known to her, any coincidences are coincidental. however , the prosecutors did not find confirmation of these words. the court kept bogomolova in custody. national anti-corruption bureau with specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office the judge of the kyiv district court of odesa ludmila saltan was exposed for bribery. according to the investigation , the judge received $400 from the citizen. for passing a positive decision in a civil case in his favor. she was detained immediately
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after receiving the funds. currently, her actions are qualified under the third part of article 368 of the criminal code. obtaining an unlawful benefit. judge lyudmila saltan has long had an ambiguous reputation. and questions about her integrity arose long before her detention. ukrainian judge. the only source of income of which, according to the law, is only salary fee, lives in the elite cottage town of sauvignon-3 near odessa. here she has 10 acres of land and a house of 400 m2. according to avtomaidan experts, its cost at the time of purchase in 2009 amounted to uah 1,282. she is 21 years old. salary of lyudmila soltan, as of 2011. today, this estate can
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be worth from 550 thousand dollars, at least 20 million hryvnias. soltan declared that this house is officially worth about uah 2 million there, although in our opinion, this price is underestimated, when we filmed and flew over this house, it was there until... the 16th year, then judges did not have such a huge salary, as they do now, she also has no income apart from the judge's salary, so at that time it was quite difficult to explain exactly how she could, could buy such a house. in her declarations , lyudmila soltan also indicated the availability of an apartment in odesa for 68. the judge also likes expensive cars, in 2013 she bought a new
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volkswagen tuarec, its value at that time was at least 50 thousand dollars, this is soltan's total income for 3 years. cars are constantly being changed for her, then she had them volkswagen toorech, and she sold and bought newer ones. she currently has an audi q7, also 2009, at least it was 2019 on the 2020 declaration. lyudmila soltan was appointed a judge in 2009. in 2017 , the verkhovna rada voted to elect her as a judge indefinitely. but already in 2019, the higher qualification commission tried to fire her due to ineligibility for the position. then soltan simply failed. qualification assessment. judge saltan of the kyiv district court of the city of odesa received less than 50% of the maximum
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a possible point for completing a practical task. therefore, she did not pass the exam and cannot be admitted to the second stage of the qualification assessment for the position held. in january 2019, the commission of judges submitted the request for the dismissal of the higher quali to the supreme council of justice. the latter undertook to consider it only after one and a half years in august 21st, but still did not satisfy, so lyudmila. she was in office, administered justice, until she finally fell for a bribe. this was the final digest of the judicial control program, see you in exactly a week. the village
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of borodyanka is a living testimony of the crimes of the russian federation, like this monument. to taras shevchenko, she is covered with scars. this is the main street of the village, the central one. in 2022, at the beginning of march, the russians continuously dropped aerial bombs on it for two days in a row. what about your apartment now? completely burnt, completely. we managed to save nothing, nothing, in general, when we went up as firefighters and police, there was nothing there, not a single thing that we could save. lyudmila ivanovna lived in one of high-rise buildings on the central, this is what her apartment looks like today. my father, for example, regrets most that he has a photo, he is already 80 years old, that the photos were burned, where my late mother was in her youth, where he was in his youth.
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nearly fifty civilians died under the rubble of buildings. the russians did not allow the rubble to be dismantled and extinguished. gather the guys, they said 50 m from your house we will shoot and that's all, and these are the remains of ms. lily's house, while the authorities, together with donors, are looking for opportunities to rebuild it, the woman lives in a modular town, the rooms themselves were fully equipped, now i have already done everything in my own way. "i love mine, come in, every room was equipped with such and such wardrobes, there were bunk beds, about three hundred people live in this town, they arranged temporary accommodation as best they could, mrs. lilya shares, it was our girl's birthday, we celebrated, well, children
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are playing here, you see a little." the woman does not complain about the conditions in the modular town and cannot wait to be able to live as before. you can live, i can't say that it's bad here, but this is not home. i understand you. and what do they tell you, what they promise, what about housing? oh, i know that the tender was passed, i know that it is written that from february our house will start, well, the reconstruction will start on ours. at home mrs. lili, like thousands of other residents of borodyanka, will have to suffer. new housing is promised and not soon. today , design works are being carried out to replace the destroyed buildings. in the first days of the invasion, more than 900 buildings were damaged, 400 two, 402 buildings were completely
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demolished, that is, they will be. dismantled, 406 will be underwent a major overhaul. and this building was christened the arch of friendship of peoples, so that everyone would remember what the brotherly love of russians looks like. today it is being demolished, the rashists dropped an aerial bomb on it, killing three people. already. six apartment buildings have been completely demolished, one apartment building is still under demolition, and two more apartment buildings will be partially dismantled. a significant part of the infrastructure facilities is being rebuilt by the efforts of european donors, others - at the expense
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of the central government. 97 objects in kyiv region rebuilding with funds from the liquidation fund. of the consequences of armed aggression, this is the station street in the city of bucha, it is one of the most famous, and here's why: this photo went around the world, it was taken exactly on this street, one of the first completely destroyed columns of the russian army. for resistance to the occupation , the invaders terrorized civilians and destroyed their homes, such as this building. this is a five-story building in... a projectile hit between the second and third floors and caused significant destruction, so we had to do a full one. dismantling and now we are engaged in restoration. now in buch above two years ago, the buildings look like new, many local residents rebuilt
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their homes on their own, others were waiting for help from the state. everything was restored, windows were installed, everything, balconies were glazed, everything is so good, only that, of course, look at all this, we remember. the situation with reconstruction in irpen is worse. occupants from... chile 3/4 of all infrastructure facilities of the city, the damage was estimated at 750 million dollars. this district in the city was perhaps the most affected by russian aggression. residential complexes here were shelled with hail and aerial bombs. estimates for reconstruction approved only in 2023. two years ago, there were high-rise buildings here, now it is a continuous field. graffiti. banksy is all that remains of the phosphorus-burned high-rise. in
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the meantime, the country's authorities have made the buchan district a living proof of russian atrocities. foreign delegations are constantly brought here to open the eyes of the world to the true face of the russian federation. to hear the ukrainian people, and then return to indonesia and tell our society what happened here, because russian propaganda is powerful, even in the indonesian media, so we let's make an effort to show at home what is really happening here, how we can help. artem logutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. there are discounts on aqua'. maris 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. tired of heavy and bulky forks? then the compact and powerful saw strong from unpack tv is just for you. now you can easily
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winters two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? let's find out about this one. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. every day, every hour, every minute, we
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receive. a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. as assessed by ours successes of the international community and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries. this is a review of only important events , significant, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and other things in the issue today, about important things in simple language, accessible to all viewers, welcome to the studio iryna koval, and this is the summary of the week on the tv channel espresso. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. hello
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friends, probably one of the top topics this past week has been the discussion of the 95th block, the show they put on on new year's eve, on new year's eve, it ran from 7:00 pm until, i think on the second night, i had the pleasure of watching all of this because i had to do a review for the show, but literally in the next day or two. no, the real kolotnech scandal started because one of the users of social networks noticed one of the numbers in this show, which already contained such , you know, a phrase, or even a word that will probably already take root in our ukrainian language, it is called siskadovska, ah, it was about a girl who comes to transcarpathia from skadovska, but since she
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speaks ukrainian so much that she gets siska-dovska, i think it will enter the ukrainian language as a neologism along with the burp, which we acquired last year, well, let's remind ourselves of this number, were you born in ukraine, and yes, of course, a why didn't we communicate in ukrainian before that, well... before that, well, me, well, because i 'm from syzkadovsk, i apologize, who, no one, and from where, there is such a city in the kherson region, skadovsk, that's why i'm from kadovsk. we will definitely discuss with you in the next half hour why the level of our comedy shows, at least the top two,
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is... the show from the 95th quarter and the diesel show have already hit the bottom, these are my subjective judgments, as well as theirs is shared by a lot of my colleagues, journalists who are engaged in reviews of these shows in particular, well, let's also think about it, and why do such jokes appear in general, why do they last for years, by the way, i and my colleagues, who have been regularly reviewing these shows for years, we have seen this for years, two years ago three. 4, 5, 6, 7, that's why such jokes were on our television, they still remain, and we will try to understand, and why exactly now scandals around these numbers arise regularly, because this week we discuss the 95th quarter and dieselshow also came across to criticism, just two weeks ago, dieselshow was again exposed to criticism, well, during the year we also saw scandals
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with other humorous shows. with humorous series, remember this series from make it to 30, with this stupid girl from kolomyia, well, let's understand: firstly, if we talk about the jokes of the 95th quarter and dieselshow, from my point of view, dieselshow is a much worse phenomenon, than the 95th quarter, and many people do not like these jokes, and now they get into such fights, because the authors, from my point of view , are absolutely suitable. mindlessly to their writing, they have several schemes by which they write them, and they have been using them for years, and it doesn't matter what they write about, about the occupied territories, about some family celebrating some holiday, about a married couple going shopping, it doesn't matter, they are all the same exactly constantly for years, so i guess in general their jokes on…


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