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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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posies are walking around the network, hello , kyivstar support service, and how did you answer me, and you yourself are on vodofon, when they will work, i am not asking for myself, i am asking for the residents of terenka, people are already without a subway, and now they can’t even call a taxi. in 4-5 hours you will work, arrest officer, what are you? yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, mykola dikhtyar, specially for espresso. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the spresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna
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koval. greetings to all viewers. at least six people were injured by russian shelling of pokrovsk in donetsk region. the private sector of the city came under attack. two more people are probably under the rubble. one person was rescued from the ruins of the house, the regional military administration reported. the search operation is ongoing. six houses were destroyed. in addition, in rivne, the russians targeted a house in which a family of six was allegedly staying. the circumstances are being investigated. two children were injured in the kherson region due to russian shelling. the nine-year-old twins were traveling in a car with their parents between the villages of dar'ivka and fedorivka, when the enemy opened fire. the boys were taken to the hospital, their condition was stabilized. one has a foot injury, the other - soft tissue of the previous abdominal wall. the countries of the european union should share the burden with germany. aid to ukraine,
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frg finance minister christian lindner called for this during a speech at the congress of the free democrats. according to the diplomatic service of the eu, germany is the largest supplier of military aid to ukraine, having provided weapons and equipment worth about 25 billion euros. in november last year chancellor olaf scholz's ruling coalition agreed to double military aid to... ukraine in 2024 to 8 billion euros. the threat exists for all of europe, so others must share the burden. it cannot be that germany does more for ukraine, while other strong european countries do less. now is the time to show that the european union is a community of values ​​that comes together in times like these. ukraine
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uses three times less shells at the front than in the summer of last year, this is reported in materials of the all street journal. if up to 7,000 shells were used per day during the counteroffensive, now only 200 are used . the worst thing is that the ratios have swung in favor of the russians. the cannons of the 45th artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine successfully struck a concentration of enemy personnel. according to the general staff, the russian occupiers lost another 1,279 soldiers in the morning. also, ukrainian artillerymen are conducting a successful counter-battery fight, in which, in particular, american m-777 howitzers help. commander of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi published a video of the work of our gunners. as the general noted, bad weather does not interfere with the calculation of destroying the enemy and supporting the infantry on the front line. russia attacked
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ukraine with north korean missiles. new evidence was provided by the prosecutor's office of the kharkiv region. this missile is one of several that hit kharkiv on january 2. it is somewhat different from the russian ones, both externally and technically. a slightly larger diameter than iskanders. electronics, nozzle and aft part are different. as you know, they died as a result of the russian missile attack on kharkiv two people more than 60 were injured. i should note that north korea is under a un arms embargo. the security council resolution was adopted with the support of russia. according to the information that is available on the internet, the photos that were displayed in north korean parades, behind the nozzles, behind the rear part of this missile, it is very similar, and indeed this missile is from south, north korea. it was manufactured on the basis
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of iskander, therefore there is a great similarity, that is why we are inclined to the version that it is possible that this is a missile that was provided by the north. korea. hezbollah fighters fired dozens of rockets at northern israel. the rocket fire came after hezbollah leader sayed hassan nasrallah called for revenge for the killing of saleh arturi, the deputy leader of hamas in the lebanese capital. the militants said that their rockets flew towards the aerial observation base on mount myron and they hit the target. the shelling was caused by the county. well, alarm in 90 settlements in the north of israel. tzahal retaliated against a militant cell in southern lebanon. alaska airlines is suspending 65 of its flights
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aircraft boing 737 max9, after the liner with passengers was forced to make an emergency landing due to a rupture of the cabin panel. the airliner was en route to ontario , california, and landed shortly after takeoff in portland, oregon, with 171 passengers and six crew members on board. a panel, which is used as a rear door, came off the plane. the aircraft was delivered to the airline at the end of october and was certified at the beginning of november. the number of victims of the earthquake in central japan exceeded 100. 20 people, more than 200 more are considered missing, in the city of vadzima, according to the city authorities , there are about a hundred destroyed buildings in which living people may be waiting for rescue. rescuers are in a hurry to free survivors, as rain and then
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snow are expected on sunday, which could lead to large-scale landslides. more than 31 thousand people are in special shelters, most of which have limited conditions. for people's lives. the polish government will sign an agreement with farmers blocking the border with ukraine. rech-pospolita writes about this. minister of agriculture of poland's economy, czeslaw sekerski, today has to agree on a document with the protesters in ryaszew. he will help to unblock the sheghini border checkpoint. polish farmers renewed the blocking of freight traffic from poland to ukraine. in particular , our film crew visited the sheghini medic checkpoint the day before. from 9 a.m. on january 4, polish farmers resumed their protest action at the border at
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the medike szegyny checkpoint. according to roman kondruw, the leader of the polish protesters, only three will be allowed trucks for... an hour, the strikers promise not to detain vehicles with humanitarian aid and perishable goods, and the reasons for the action are called the opening of borders, which flooded subcarpathia with grain from ukraine, as well as the fact that polish transporters remained without work, how long did you stand , three days, but it doesn't even mean that there was a strike, there is something else, there is one customs officer on the polish side, and all of us... we are jammed, we carry out our activities at the checkpoint on the ukrainian side and 100% affirm that, what is happening on the territory of poland , we cannot, because even those drivers who enter ukraine, er, their er, well , they have different versions, some say that they still
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carry out out-of-order passage of perishable goods and goods of a humanitarian nature, others we are informed that they pass in the order of the general queue, as the spokeswoman of the lviv border guard oleksandra kuchkovska says, at the checkpoint you can constantly observe the accumulation of trucks trying to get to ukraine. today is the day the largest number of these trucks is right in front of the checkpoint of the doctor shagini, it is about six hundred. from december 24 to january 4, while the poles suspended the holiday strike, at the shegyna checkpoint, a medic was able to enter ukraine within a day. on average , about three hundred trucks crossed the state border. in advance, the current protest will last until february 3. however, the protesters emphasize that they will block the border until the polish government signs a guarantee that their demands will be met. wait for the next news release
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at 7 p.m., mykola veresen will continue the broadcast of the tv channel in just a moment. and good health again, by 7 p.m. we will discuss what is happening in ukraine and the world, now there will be a little bit about ukraine and a little bit about the world, namely the american political world. oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism. good health, mr. oleksandr, thank you for finding time for us. yes, congratulations, mr. mykola, good evening. well, look. so, there was such a pause, an oppressive silence, as they write in ukrainian novels, with
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the hills, that is, those of washington , and the question arises, is there anything to fight now, well, because the war is going on, what i observe is such a new year’s such, well, not silence, but such, well, what i see, how many enemies have been killed, sometimes there are thousands, now there are 800, which means that something is happening there less actively. they mostly shoot at civilian infrastructure, they don't know what is happening there on the front, in short , the impression is that there is something to fight for, and if not, this is my inner conviction, convince me if i'm not right, that they will give both money and weapons , maybe not as much as i would like, but i would always like to get all nato weapons and then win and finally hang the yellow-blue flag over the kremlin, but what do you say? what are your thoughts, but i don't have such big problems in my head, when i think,
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oh, will they give or not, i think that a large percentage will be given anyway, well, you know, the analysis that we have now, which we operate, it fully confirms your impression and your feeling, you just need to understand why there is this delay in help and what is happening in parallel with this delay, let's start with the last one, in parallel with the fact that the united states is really mired in... its own internal political crisis, really cannot yet give the same aid package to us, nor, by the way, to taiwan, nor israel, they cannot give anyone the necessary aid package, at the same moment the europeans began to organize, only from the beginning of november we already had several missions of the french ministry of defense and key french manufacturers of military equipment, we had a lot of germans, we had the british, and all they understand that the states are, of course , an ally, the states are good, but... european countries in the eu and outside the eu, well , they themselves need to be ready to give
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ukraine more and give ukraine better, so on the one hand we see that the states are not united, and there is a clear understanding that our allies are ready to fill this gap as much as they can, and with regard to the states themselves, fortunately for us, we clearly understand the goals pursued by the anti-ukrainian narratives, and what they want to achieve, to which borders, let's say, they want a trade... the same trumpists themselves, it is clear that they want to expand the funding of border protection , border protection, they want new legislation, they want to introduce their people to all specialized committees, and in principle they have already achieved this for the most part, that is, we understand to what extent the white house can trade with them, we see that the white house also understands this very well, so it makes very limited, but still good concessions, so one way or another, but trade forever... you can’t blackmail, at some point you have to or agree, or simply withdraw from the negotiations, and
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it looks like the trumpists will indeed agree at some point. mr. oleksandr, what about the speed, well, there is a discussion going on here, some say that this speed is something of a weakness, others say that it is sufficient, the europeans and americans have the potential to supply weapons and ammunition to ukraine, well , that is, when you say... here is the french delegation, it is she who is coming, there are two options for coming, oh, we can make you such guns, now we will open a factory and we have already assigned the drawings there and a normal person understand, well, in a year, at best, these guns can only be produced, they have not yet been delivered to ukraine, but there are such opportunities for this to happen, well, to be told today, and the gun? well, the conditional cannon appeared , well, okay, in march, in two months, yes
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, well, in fact, we just moved, what you described, you described very well, this was the state we had in the summer of 22, when until they came to see us for real, oh, and you can do something, wow, what kind of weapons do you need, oh, let’s try to fix it, but now it’s already an arrival, every arrival of official persons is accompanied by the arrival of representatives of big business, big defense. complex, and actually these people in the delegation are much more interesting to us than just politicians, because politicians say what we expect from politicians, that we are together with you, we are fighting against russia. we're with you until the end, blah blah blah, we've heard it many times before. and what do businessmen say? businessmen clearly say that we are increasing the number of our kind, we are increasing the number of industrial lines, and already there after a few months we reach such and such production indicators 155 millimeter projectiles, for example. what rhine metal tells us are already real numbers. over the past year and a half, rain metal has opened five
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new factories, in the future, by the end of spring, they will be able to cover what rainmetal's representatives say. the absolute majority of ukraine's needs for large artillery shells, primarily 155mm. and the whole question here is simply the political readiness of the governments of western countries to purchase these products from them. and that is why i said that it is very important that, say, the same germans increased the budgets for ukraine for the 24th year in twice. this is just when the political will to do something meets the fact that the business of this particular country has already clearly said: this is how we can provide it to ukraine and this is how we can... do it quickly, because unlike political circles, business circles have always been much more adaptive, that is why these krizdi are very different now, i.e. this million projectiles, i don’t know how much it is a lot or a little, which were promised, then they said
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it would not work, but the potential for producing and supplying these projectiles to ukraine exists, exists there are factories, there are factories, there is, i don’t know , the metal for... these projectiles, there is procurement, because i understand that this chain is quite long, long, for this you need this, and this, and this, and explosives, and metal , and specific metals and so on and the like, all this is there or not, there are and create opportunities for it to be constantly in the necessary amount, that is, the fact that the russian metal expands its system of industrial production is very good, that that, say, general dynamics is american. which is the main component supplier and components for armored vehicles , for ukrainian defense systems, they added several tens of thousands of jobs and placed several new orders for american industry, it is very good, very good that south korea, japan have already openly said that our industry is ready to support ukraine, that if last year they produced the necessary shells and handed them over to the americans, now they
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are ready to do it directly, this is very good, that is, unfortunately, it is very difficult for me to say, regarding specific... figures, at what moment they will prevail over our needs, i.e. when production will be more than our needs, but they are already talking about the fact that the main issue is political will, the main issue is that the western allies are ready to provide funds in order for ukraine to have this to buy weapons, because a business cannot work for free, no matter how cool, good, good it is, but you have to buy materials for something and pay salaries for something, and our next guest will be... just about ukrainian weapons manufacturers, but i would like to have you so, i will also ask him about it, i would like such a bridge, we need, we need everything that shoots, or only shells, well, relatively speaking, if you count how many were provided, then there are a lot of tanks and a
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lot of guns and a lot of bats of some kind, i'm a little specialist. army, then the question arises for a person like me, no, no , no, well, absolutely not military, that everything is there, only more, more rockets, more shells, maybe more barrels are needed, because they say that they what they what you you say, but the guest disappeared due to our fault, no, no, there is no connection, he is now being transferred. are playing and i hope there will be a connection, but for you, for the audience, i will say that there are different approaches, my, my non-military mind tells me, well , maybe we really need these barrels, because when you shoot a lot, a lot, a lot shells, they are destroyed, we need them and shells, maybe we have enough of everything else, because when conversations begin that the americans
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say that we will reduce the supply, then it may be because we do not have them, because we do not want to, or because there are all ukrainians enough, apart from the fact that it flies and directly kills russians, i mean primarily shells and missiles, and then it is clear that the carriers of these shells and missiles and rockets are in ukraine, and there are enough, conditionally, i do not know, but so, only shells remain, and the fact that these barrels are collapsing, du, dulo, i will find out how it will be exactly. in ukrainian, let's do the following: now we will go to the advertisement, and during this time someone will watch the advertisement, someone will try... to get in touch with mr. oleksanr kraev, the expert of the council ukrainian prism of foreign policy, because we lost it, and this is wrong. there are discounts on
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aquamaris of 15% in the pharmacies psylanyk pam and oschad. a special performance by the legendary band mertvyi piven with an orchestra in lviv. on january 8 , tickets to the stage of the lviv opera are available on the website of the organizer bigshow ua. information partners are espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. there are 20% discounts on anticataral in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we are
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we will bring harmony, where there is error, we will bring truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of not being able to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt. thatcher's reforms themselves laid the foundations for the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who truly eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher, and it is all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. the thatcher documentary is just ahead. january 7 at 10 am and 10 pm at espresso. good health again, we are trying to find
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oleksandr krayev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council who is still lost, temporarily, i hope, but so far we have not been able to find him, and therefore, in order to somehow shed light on the situation with the supply of weapons , a small plot, small, not quite 4 minutes 30 seconds, it will be about what kind of military assistance was provided to ukraine by ukraine's international partners during of the 23rd year, let's not forget that one hundred weeks ago a great event happened, the 23rd year turned into the 24th year, and therefore about the military aid of our partners, what are the first impressions, under this slogan... already the former minister of defense oleksiy reznikov accepts a package of military aid from western partners. the first batches of leopard tanks and a variety of the latest weapons. when we talk about the 23rd year,
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actually there is a whole range of models that were new. indeed, we waited a long time and finally received athecams in cassette use. we received cluster munitions for artillery, we received storm shadow and scalp long-range missiles, which were also discussed for a long time on... our partners were still transferred. that powerful offensive equipment did not ensure a breakthrough of the front in the south of the country during the summer counteroffensive. one of the reasons is the delay in providing assistance. protracted bureaucratic processes allowed the russians to consolidate their positions. in principle, everything is completely mined, landings, fields. it is difficult to approach them. and they have trenches. dug in for a long time, they have very deep trenches, trenches , in addition, the equipment provided by the western partners was not enough for a counteroffensive,
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military expert serhiy zgurets is convinced. the number of these samples is not enough to ensure quality changes on the battlefield. 20 attacks can't change the situation, they can destroy 20 enemy targets, and there are thousands of targets here, not dozens. the same applies in particular. and stormshadow, can't there be a certain hundred stormshadow destroy all the objects that are extremely important for change stability of the enemy's defense. but they are not the only allies, the armed forces received powerful military assistance from the russians. according to analysts, according to the results of 2022, the ukrainian defenders managed to win the largest amount of military weapons on the battlefield, in particular thanks to the escape of russians from the north of the country. and the breakthrough in the kharkiv counteroffensive, where it was possible to capture entire warehouses of ammunition and heavy equipment, now this weaponry is destroying the russians, well, it's ours. this is
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a 12.7-caliber machine gun squeezed from a bad russian friend, a cord machine gun, anti-aircraft, meanwhile, the ukrainian defenders skillfully mastered the equipment provided by the allies last year, the powerful m-119 and m-777 howitzers this year proved to be effective in counter-battery combat, shot. the soldiers learned to hit with this weapon from the first shot, they set a goal to get there to the fifth, sixth floor and they got there, there was a sniper, a 105-caliber rifle, a window, and they repair and return them to the formation in a matter of hours, this is a fragment of the arrivals here, it's already brewed, already done, because...
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the oil was flowing, we stopped working, done it cleaning, brewed, the handsome guys did it overnight and drove it to us. today, the ukrainian military-industrial complex itself provides only 8% of the total needs of the armed forces of ukraine, so according to serhiy zgursy, it was the western aid that ensured the stability of the defense and allowed the current demarcation line to be maintained. what would have happened if there was no foreign aid... the situation was actually quite critical, because ukraine does not currently have the opportunity to carry out defense and offensive without relying on foreign aid military potential. but probably the most important success in the provision of military aid is the aviation coalition of states: the netherlands, norway, denmark and belgium agreed to transfer effective f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, although they are expected in 2024, so it was necessary to go on a counteroffensive without
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summer. and good health again, unfortunately, mr. oleksandr kraev, expert of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prism, as he got lost somewhere and we did not find him, but very much, as i promised the bridge, probably he heard about the bridge that i i throw the bridge to the next one our guest, well, he disappeared, but the bridge still remained, the director of the ukrainian armored vehicle company, in touch with us, thank you for finding time for us, good health, thank you very much, mr. vladyslav, so i have to you, then the question arises, we need here and immediately, western equipment, what i mean, i ran a program here with your predecessor, let's say, and i say, maybe this equipment is enough, this is work on... but
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to create military the industrial complex is the newest, there may be a number of tanks, battleships, guns and so on, enough, only there remains somewhere to find rockets, bombs, and shells, and everything else is there, well, i know that the barrels need to be changed, because they are destroyed from very frequent use, i learned this from the beginning war, what do you say, mr. vladyslav, something? we have something , we need to develop it ourselves , start producing it, and we may not be able to replace something and we need to get measures, where it concerns complex technologies, such as cruise missiles, do you understand air defense, for example, air defense systems, yes, without them we now we are not going anywhere, we will not be able to do anything,
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because production will be unprotected. but it is also necessary to maximally localize the production of the equipment that we receive, or to organize service tech, service centers for this western equipment that we receive, and on the other hand, there are technologies in which ukraine is strong enough in the world and has a significant position, for example, radar . equipment, for example, anti-tank equipment, for example, armored cars, this is the equipment that we can independently produce, as before in 2022 it was, they said, in commercial volumes, well, okay , then the question arises, i was just on one broadcast, and there were entrepreneurs from lviv who are currently producing equipment, there are some platforms, well, i don’t understand much about it, and
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they said, that... because their prayer for...


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