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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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to maximally localize the production of the equipment that we receive, or to organize service tech, service centers for this western equipment that we receive, and on the other hand, there are technologies for which ukraine is strong enough in the world and has a significant position, for example, radar equipment, for example , anti-tank. then the equipment, for example , armored cars, this is the equipment that we can independently produce, as it was said earlier in 2022 in commercial volumes, well, okay, then the question arises, i was just on one broadcast, and there were lviv entrepreneurs who right now they are producing equipment, there are some platforms, well, i don't understand much about it, and they said that their prayer... is for
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the state, they have already understood that the state will not help, but that it at least does not interfere , as far as this is true , as far as private enterprises, as far as enterprises in general hope, because mine was just a claim to them in the kulars, i met with them and said, listen, well , everyone has been saying this for years, if not decades, and you continue everything, oh the state does not help oh, the state doesn’t help , but it doesn’t help everything... forget about the state, on the other hand, how can you forget about it, if someone pays you money, obviously it’s not mykola veresen who orders it , but the ministry of defense, that is, probably the state, and even then you there is nothing to keep your contingent of people and so on and so forth, to buy everything you need, that is , deadlock with the state is bad here, without the state is also bad, but the question is so correct and logical very much... there are really problems, well,
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if so with then from the point of view, as you say, and addressing the clusters and different ones manufacturers, and remember, last time we were involved in the audit that was conducted at the katkom enterprise, this is a problem, on the other hand, well, in fact, there is no support from the state for private enterprises from the point of view. relocation from the point of view of compensation for losses there during missile strikes, now , for example, such a sufficiently wide wave is spreading, so resonant in relation to open data on the manufacturers of armed military equipment, including in the context of the last two massive missile strikes. ago
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in this regard, there is a problem, there is instability, and there is, let's say, life as if we are not in a full-scale, not in a full-scale war, as if we are not in a state of war, on the other hand, it should be noted that there is a certain simplification of the state's intervention in conducting business, it is necessary to note there the simplification of various checks, still... it is being adjusted, but it is being adjusted under pressure, yes, that is, such, such, such, such, say, the scheme of a democratic society, and in relation to customers, er, as payers, well , let's also give due, and within the framework production of weapons of military equipment, and within the framework of cooperation with domestic manufacturers, er, the end of the 23rd year, this is another.
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the situation than, spring-summer of the 22nd year, some contracts have already been established, some procedures have already been established more or less, and a strategy to support the domestic producer has been declared, and you can see now from the statements of american politicians, regarding the need to increase domestic production, because no longer partners are able to provide... support, that is , we, and even we are encouraged to prioritize domestic production more. well, look, i'm such a very libertarian person, i always said that give free rein to private enterprises, everything will be fine, but here i was told a very interesting story that contradicts my beliefs, it's called the absence of a ministry, they say that it doesn't exist in ukraine at all, well let's say so, the ministry. of the military industry,
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which would coordinate everything and say: we need so many shells, we know 17 factories, we distributed orders among them and... now we will have as many as we need, and guns in we also need so many of us for these shells, and we know eight factories and let 's place and so on and so on, and whether or not ukraine really needs this mini, well, conditional ministry of military industry, or is it better for ourselves private entrepreneurs will help, huh? well, here it is necessary to talk about not only private, but also state, because a significant amount of the production of military equipment in ukraine is traditionally under the authority of the state, at state-owned enterprises, here i would talk more about the fact that i share your libertarian views
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and i don't see the point of creating any more organs, even if the ones we already have are functioning properly. therefore, here we can talk about the fact that the ministry of defense of ukraine , when purchasing, or any other departments of the armed forces that carry out purchases, should prioritize and understand the consequences for themselves, purchases by import, or purchases from a domestic manufacturer, e. by the consequences, i mean the fact that no foreign specialist or expert will come to ukraine to adjust the system or will not come. and in the future to repair, this time, well, in another way, secondly, this is a comparison of expensive equipment, and we must also say about the ministry of strategic industries, which exists in our country, which has precisely this function of setting up production, and this year
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, thank god, has already declared or already allocated sufficient , it seems to me, a financial resource. for the organization of such work, for the organization of production support, for investment in the development of production capabilities, therefore to create, i myself am categorically against this, and there is no sense in this, but to develop what we have, you know how you can control where you influence, you can influence, well, financially, let's say this, by helping or doing something, not only controlling, but... then it will, let's say, will give some development results and will give some significant influence on enterprises, and the declared budgets are quite significant, this raises a very important question, precisely about budgets, bribery,
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bribery in your industry, where is it more? when purchasing abroad or during production in ukraine, because i also thought about it and talked to specialists, they say that in ukraine has greater control, well, it may not be greater, but well, there are many more eyes, and there are many more options to expose it than you can somewhere on the phone, or on the computer, give us an inflated price, the french, the belgians will give, i 'll put a couple in my pocket millions, i will to live beautifully, mr. mykola, this is a golden question and a very correct one, why, because really, i will translate what you said into some norms, let's say, the law or the way we purchase, for the domestic producer is very strictly
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limited, it used to be limited profitability of the enterprise, yes, and he must file calculation, estimate of each agreement, in which to lay out. the cost of the elements show the cost of each component, show the level of profit on it, the costs of it, and procurement with import, it involves simply submitting, the cost is like that, it was compared on the market in some place, yes , and purchased, no one does not control, therefore, of course, the plus in ukraine is that we have a fairly limited money market, now it is impossible to take foreign currency abroad, nothing, yes , only purchases, i mean under something that you use for production, so of course to implement, bribery in external contracts, it is not controlled, the component in internal contracts is strictly
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regulated, and by the way, this is a question for the previous comparison with internal production. in and imports, it is necessary to organize domestic production in ukraine there on a smaller scale, it may be more expensive than imports, but it will be controlled. and here it is, well, you have to understand that not always, not always, not for everything, well, for example, i can give, here we are as a manufacturer of armored cars, we all our equipment, which we supply to the ministry of defense, in no case have i seen anyone offer cheaper than what we supply, in other types of weapons, for example, there are means of communication, things that we cannot produce. in what millions are there, they can really be ukrainian-made more expensive than
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imported counterparts, but well, it’s case by case, you have to go according to it, yes, no, but then we support our own production, in 5 years, in 10 years the war will end, sooner or later, and we will have something, for the next war, i will wash my mouth with soap, then, i will wash my mouth with soap, that or, or technology, or technology, that you can also western technologists. to develop it and to obtain in the future some technologies of the next level. now we will not have vladyslav belbas, the director of the ukrainian armored vehicle company, but advertising, mr. vladyslav will appear later and we will continue the conversation with him. there are 20% discounts on amicitron in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe of cinema is around, then,
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oh, what is needed. megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in travel pharmacies for you and save money. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger, friends, meet, friendly online community. and enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with
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disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, we share. useful information and learning new things, together we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ucraine. so, our program continues. vladyslav belbas, director of the ukrainian armored vehicles company, is in touch with us. thank you for being with us. stay, and i have one last question, is it possible to clarify it, but this is in a broad sense
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, the last one, but there is, there is an audit somewhere, no, not an aggressive audit, no, not to imprison someone, but just to know how much is needed of this, that, such munitions, such munitions, such armored vehicles, such tanks, how many can ukraine make now, how many factories should be opened so that it can do it in a year or a year from now. to do how much we need to purchase, we don’t have and won’t have any chances, there are n’t any, then let’s not, but let’s sign some long-term contracts with someone, like this audit, just an understanding of what is there, what is missing, ah, well, from the point of view there will be several, let's say, an answer from several parts, from the customer's point of view or from the point of view. of defense, let's say this, there is a need, there is their need for procurement, the need for the general
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staff, it is planned, it is a secret document, but it is planned, based on the plan, the action plan, let's say, it is defense - it is only expenses, attack - these are other costs, reserves of some kind, some not... eh, this is a need, it is necessary for manufacturers to enter into contracts, so that they understand eh how much of such equipment, how much of such ... equipment is needed from each manufacturer or each type, there is a need for munitions, there is a need for radars, in other respects, and in relation to the capabilities of industry, that is exactly why the ministry of strategic industries was created, yes , because er, let's say this, the ministry
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of defense, the customer, the defense forces, they should not take care of the development of the industry or the development of... industry, their task of the ministry of defense is to ensure the activities of the armed forces, the task of the armed forces to fight, yes, they are not we need to think about the development of armored vehicles in ukraine or the development of mortar production in ukraine or the development of ammunition production, what i said before that, when purchasing, we can compare imported or ukrainian and give priority there based on technical parameters or. value, and the ministry of strategic industries, and this ministry was the initiator of the law on defense procurement, and was the initiator of various by-laws regarding the supply of military equipment, which
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affects all this ee, how is that right? to say such environment of production, environment of production and supply, armament of military equipment. and, let's put it this way, they are capable, there used to be such a program , as far as i heard from open sources, there was a review of the defense industry, which was presented to the country's leadership there, which was carried out by ukroboronprom and the ministry of strategic industries, but now, well, it is probably more confusing. after all, it is the ministry of defense, because there appeared, well, not that much, but a very significant number of manufacturers of drones, for example, yes, what was done by the ministry of digital transformation, and they purchased state special communications, and the last question, you just literally have a minute, minutes are a lot,
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by the way, so that you don’t think that it is very little, look, there is such a word more beautiful... they really like tenders, and when i hear the word tender during the war, i, you know, do not get inspired, because ukraine is not america, there are not millions of enterprises here that produce this or that military equipment, so , everyone knows there are three or five manufacturers of armored vehicles, you say my cheapest, fuck this tender, this is the time, and the military is sitting without your armored vehicles on the side... as soon as you do something without a tender, all the journalists like me will pounce on you and bite you, what to do? don't sell cars like eggs at 17 , well, that's a simple answer, but on the other hand , well, look, without a price comparison, there won't be any adequacy, that is
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, the procurement procedure must be simplified, i'll tell you, look, there is no tender for armaments military equipment. there are direct purchases from customers, but there is a comparison and analysis of the market, and i, by the way, i can say that there are more or less, more questions, i understand that about rear support, but openness of procedures, openness of procedures or openness of these processes , it always reduces the corruption component and improves, let's say, the procedure. she, she can drag out the procedure somewhere, but here you have to choose whether there is time or cost, vladyslav belbas, director of the ukrainian armored vehicles company, we were just talking about ukrainian armored vehicles, about how, after all, the ukrainian industry can give advice to itself and give advice to all of us about what we will fight with russia with. i will say goodbye to you,
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at the end i will show you the story of khrystyna parubiy about kateryna, an officer from the forces of ukraine, she recorded the crimes of the russian occupiers during the counteroffensive in kharkiv region and the work of our soldiers in donetsk region. rather, now there will be such a ten-minute plot, then, as i understand it, there will be news. all the best, ladies and gentlemen, see you tomorrow. how much worse am i than other people, those who struggle. why should i? a country in which there will be no freedom. kateryna, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, has been in the army for about four years. at first, she worked as a specialist in moral and psychological support, and now she covers the work. soldiers at the front. the task of the press officer is to show the truth of what is happening, that is , through the eyes of the press officer, the whole world sees the
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horrors and crimes committed by russia on the territory of ukraine. kateryna joined the army in 2021, although the desire arose much earlier. the woman was preparing to become a teacher of physical education and basics health. the revolution of dignity began and the plans changed, since then i went to the military several times, but they did not take her, i am young, i am healthy, i thought that i was a physically strong, intelligent woman, and why can’t i help the state, why, well, if i can't do something, so i 'll learn it, in the 17th year, it seems, i came again to another, a military officer, and they told me there: well, if you were still an officer, maybe you would become some kind of deputy from the military academy, then no there was an mpz, but
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it seems it was called differently there, i say do you want an officer, it’s not a question at all, i say i will come to you next time as an officer. kateryna fulfilled her promise and signed a contract with the armed forces of ukraine, becoming a deputy for moral and psychological support. from the divisions, at that time the brigade was already performing tasks in the combat zone. we drove there for 40, 50 km to a point where there was a mobile fire group in order to work with the personnel, but i, to be honest, did not like it very much, it does not correspond to my character, does not correspond to any my ambitions so kateryna transferred to another position and began... to work in the press service of the 30th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, covered events in the svitodar arc and in pakhmut. i was very comfortable, because
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every day we did not have a single day, not until february 24th, not after the 22nd, when we stayed at home, that is, maybe some sunday, but it was still work with materials, we were constantly leaving, we talked these are very cool people, soldiers, officers, sergeants, each person is such a pearl, a pearl that shines, you just need to open the shell and look at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, the brigade had already been in the combat zone for seven months. kateryna was just waiting for the rotation. these were positions near horlivka on travnevo. i took the journalists. of one of the tv channels there, because there was heavy shelling there, even before february 24, it was january, the russians
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mercilessly hit the houses of civilians, they simply destroyed, they also killed people, a couple of days later, it was january, i am going again to that position, i am taking journalists, because there was another hit in a civilian house, and they take away a white chick. nastogo javelina. and already when a full-scale invasion took place. on february 24, everyone ran, collected their things, hid them, passed something on. i held the dog close to my heart so that, god forbid, he didn't run away, so that nothing would happen to him. a dog, a camera and a laptop. then the woman felt the threat of a great war. we are storming. they filmed there, i don’t know, the tanks were shooting with direct fire, and i even filmed it near the test station, you can hear it from the first shots, i put my phone on the ground, stood,
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waited for the tank to work, and there for in literally three minutes , the aircraft worked, the tanks worked, the saw worked, our equipment worked, that is, in these three minutes everything happened completely. kateryna took part in the kharkiv counter-strike. recorded the consequences of the crimes of russian troops on ukrainian territory, and now we have arrived at the position of the invincible second army of the world and will get to know their best guns, this is how they look powerful, powerfully standing and rotting in ukrainian land. we left for units, we just filmed when we could molten metal flowed out of the tank. that is , it was just following the tracks, we filmed how the equipment was burning, we saw the still warm bodies
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of smelly russians there. this is very , very beautifully executed, this is a very cool and powerful operation of the defense forces, that is, this is a resource, this is people, this is equipment and this is information, this is very powerful , this is very cool, that is, we really, we really did not even expect it ourselves, there was also the thing that struck the most in the counteroffensive, the general picture, where... the russian military was stationed for a certain time, there they put here they put a mirror, attached a portrait of a bare-breasted woman to the boxes from under the weapon, put toilet paper, something was russian in them, something they stole already here, that is , the building itself, and they also kept with them old propaganda newspapers, i
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was wondering if they took these newspapers in order to wrap the food, or if they were specially brought to them, because the dates did not match the fresh ones. the woman is convinced that the work of the press officers of the brigade is important at the front, because they have the opportunity to be the first to see and cover combat actions and consequences russian actions and convey information to the whole world. inclining to the transparency of the media, we take a conventional foreign publication and look at the situation. if the situation allows them to be brought directly to the position, we bring journalists directly to the position, they film the events that are happening there, they take comments from our boys and girls, and they show the world that this is really happening, the world should know, the world should support us khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. roman horbach, representative
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of the charity fund modern ukraine. foundation delivers humanitarian goods to residents of front-line regions, implements cultural projects and purchases ammunition for the military. on december 28, roman drove a four-wheel drive suv from france. the vehicle will go to the 14th separate brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. today , we had to wait for more than 5 hours at the checkpoint near hrynyi dolgobuchy. from the moment i drove up from the polish side. to the schleckbaum until the time of departure. the volunteer drove the car using the humanitarian aid's electronic accounting system, which became operational on december 1, 2023. digital declaration makes it impossible to steal goods, but complicates the work of volunteers, explains the president of the charity fund modern ukraine, volodymyr havrysh. first of all, in order to formalize all this, it is necessary to recruit professional accountants and lawyers who can
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do it. and there is a big problem in this , because the costs for wages, for increasing the staff, this burden goes to charitable funds, i would like to remove these restrictions for funds that actually do the work within the framework of the war. the new rules oblige volunteers to declare customs cargo in electronic format, to distribute aid within three months after its import and by the 15th of each month. to submit reports, but these changes have a negative impact on the amount of assistance from foreigners. this is a big burden, and to a greater extent it is foreign donors who refuse this declaration. the question is still quite important: if, for example, we import some summer items in the winter period, there is no question about how we should distribute
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this humanitarian aid within a 90-day period. the authorities agreed to certain concessions. on december 21, 2023, the president signed the law on simplifying the rules for the import, accounting and distribution of humanitarian aid. the innovation concerns the importation of imported cars. from now on , servicemen can receive vehicles as well as individuals. from january 21 , the 911 law and charitable funds that bring cars to the village come into force. they can transfer it not only to military units, as is happening now, but also to individuals, military personnel who need this help. while volunteers are registering in the automated system system, the cabinet of ministers allowed the import of aid based on paper declarations. until april 1, 2024 , the electronic declaration procedure will remain voluntary. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel.


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