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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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the biggest money-laundering device in the entire history of the world banking system, that is, today we finance from our own pockets a channel that belongs to a corrupt oligarch, and this channel has a studio that belongs to the ukrainian president, and he makes jokes for our money in such a way that it is infuriating well, a normal part of ukrainian society, that is, it is completely inappropriate, i am here now, well, not only now, i have been following the most successful for 20 years. in my opinion, the satirical project in the world today is the israeli project eresnede, it is wonderful country. so, what are they doing right now, 3 months after the start of this hamas attack, all of them, previously the main object of their satire, is dina rosenblum there, well, there are the stars of show business, politics, and today, well, their latest sketches are there on... coverage of the financial
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basis of hamas activity, how the hamas leaders become multi-billionaires, very much there, this is really high-quality humor, high-quality satire, they make fun of the so-called independence of these commentators in the united nations organization, they highlight, well, the so-called the policy of not... non-engagement in bbc news coverage, that is, wonderful, bright , which, again, is aimed at influencing a foreign audience, well, its own audience, a foreign audience in order to, well, in this way support the informational israeli state, and what makes the 95th quarter, where their creative works that would help ukraine today, well, focus on...
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the ukrainian-russian war, they again joke about these so-called everyday topics, someone gave me the statistics of this diesel the show you mentioned yeah what there, 90% of all jokes are exclusively about everyday topics, i.e., i often remember the phrase that it is such a great thing to realize that the people on... whose land, on whose land , the most outstanding satirists and humorists of the 20th century were born, he got to such humor, to such laughter, which he presents to the stage today, is it the 95th quarter, or is it the diesel show, that 90% of them are about alcoholics, well, how can it be at such a crucial time for the fate of our entire state is once again state-owned. if
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if it were simply funds from pinchuk's pocket, or from kolomoisky's pocket, well, let him be greek, but in our case these are people who have the most expensive, let's say real estate in the same london, there pinchuk could sell for a tenth of his palace in belgravia and provide funding for his and his tv channels there for 3-4 years, but for some reason it comes from our pockets today. this money is used to finance those shameful projects, perhaps because the actual demand for such humor still remains among the masses, and we see this on television ratings, in particular of these humorous projects, although of course, when we talk about the case of skadovsk and the 95th quarter, i am personally pleased that at least a certain bubble of ukrainian society has responded to this, which means that there is some awareness of the collective nature of our traumas. in contrast to
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literally 15-20 years ago and all these jokes about signor holodomor, and we thank you very much for joining our broadcast with an analysis of the situation, and one more point, that is, in fact, this humor is directed at the lowest tastes there society, but if it was a private matter, well, god be with him, but it is for our for our... money, i always tell this famous parable about how socrates led his students on the way to the acropolis and met there a famous hethera of athens and she said to him: all your efforts are in vain, all your efforts, philosophers , it is enough for me to raise the hem of my dress and all your students will follow me, so said socrates, but you lead them down, and i lead them up, i.e. the task of the state is to lead society upwards, and not to descend to the most shameful at... the lowest level of humor in which
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these diesels and the 95th quarter represent, thank you, dmytro chikalkin, diplomat, translator, tv presenter and blogger, was in touch with us, time to cut short. a break and the second part of the saturday political club, as usual, a frank conversation with vitaly portnikov. don't switch. there are discounts on deflation. 20% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. it is a good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, media partner of spresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. good health to good people. live sound. there are discounts on paracetamol
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darnitsa. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and oshchatka. today at 9 p.m. on the espresso tv channel in the news program, results of the week. the russians have changed the tactics of strikes on ukraine to overload our air defense system. in order to receive compensation for the damages caused by the war, people need to unite. in 2023, the ukrainian army received weapons that had a significant impact on the course of the war. after a six-month break, it took place. greater than the time of a full-scale invasion russia - exchange of prisoners. farmers and transporters block the polish border again. the government of the country promises to settle this issue again. so, watch the news, the results of the week on the espresso tv channel at 21. we continue
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the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly. bortnikov, well, let's smoothly move on to the actual discussion of the previous and other topics. mr. vitaly, the reaction of ukrainian society, at least the active part of ukrainian society, to new year's humor is really active. but, according to my observations in 1995 quarter was followed a little more carefully than the diesel show. well, obviously, yes, it is only against the background of quarter 95 that dieselshow became so, i would say, also in demand. from the point of view of those who do not accept these types of jokes now, although i will say it again, there have been a lot of such jokes on our screen for a decade, here you just have to understand what really happened, i think that it is not only war, you know, in why the matter,
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it seems to me in general, if we talk seriously about this whole story, that's why i asked mr. chikalkin several times times, why in france or in italy such things are viewed with complete calmness, uh, but in... us, it always caused a part of the audience, and now in a large part of the audience, such disapproval, and you know, i have become convinced over the years and on my own life experience that humor is a very national thing, well, like folklore, like folk songs, you see, we can watch some performances by british and american comedians, we don't understand at all. i can fake a laugh because i know where to laugh, but i'm not funny, i just don't i want to convert people, and exactly as i do not tell my ukrainian people from jewish
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anecdotes, not about jews, but jewish ones that jews tell each other, because from the point of view of a person outside the jewish environment, it does not even look like an anecdote, it is a parable, ugh, some complicated parable. what kind of person, who is a ukrainian or a pole or a frenchman, if he reads it in a book, he perceives it as a literary work, well, well, well, well, it’s interesting how it all turned out, and the jews want, they find it funny, because these are different, different, i would say, ideas about what is so funny, what is so unfunny, now let's look at our humor, our humor generally takes. its origins, if you will, from soviet humor, what was soviet humor? soviet humor could not be national, everything that was national in soviet humor was destroyed by the bolsheviks in each individual republic, including russia, oberchenko, zoshchenko, all these were such
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russian humorists who were simply destroyed to such an extent that one was expelled, the other was harassed so that they they simply could, those who remained wrote sterile. things and people these sterile things were not laughed at, they are not funny, as a result, they remained on the soviet stage already in my childhood. almost exclusively humorists of jewish or armenian origin, raikin, zhvanetsky , kartsev, shifrin, uhu, khazanov, later petrosyan, this is not some, this is not, not some attempt to say that only jews can joke, simply in those conditions it turned out that only people of jewish origin can joke like this. so that the superiors would not be offended, and the people would be funny, because
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the jews were used to this type of humor, they all for a time they somehow survived and it was said that on the one hand you are laughing, and on the other hand there is nothing to complain about, and they complained, everyone had heart attacks, party verdicts, theaters were closed, but they somehow survived in these conditions, and it was funny to us, because we understood that they were not about this, but about this, i generally think that if we look... now at raikin, we will realize that this is generally the art of pantomime, uh, there was an important no the text, and a person, as he looked, and a person looked into the hall with his eyes, people looked at him and understood what he really wanted to tell them, but the secretary of the party committee, who was sitting in the first row, could pretend that he did not understand it, that he did not see it, and everyone was more or less comfortable until the second or third heart attack reken, that's about it... that was the humor, what is a club of cheerful and clever people? this is such an illegitimate child of this humor, because
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it was clear that the youth no longer understood it, it was the humor of the older generation, and when the thaw began, this is more or less the life, they decided that it was necessary for the youth to joked, but then it was banned, because it turned out that joking young people are too much, they may not understand properly, yes, they don't know how to look with their eyes, they need to be told something. that there was a scene and it was restored during the reconstruction, renewed during the reconstruction, we also all watched it, it is also a strange phenomenon that the leading companies of these teams of this new club, cheerful and clever, cheerful and clever, were ukrainian teams from odesa from my native university in dnipro, because i still saw how it was created, this... in the former one student theater, youth, and these are all my fellow students and peers, to a certain extent, some
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are the same age, some are fellow students, some are acquaintances, and a little later, this is a turning point, ugh, the question arises, why the odesa and dnipropetrovsk teams were so popular then, they were a continuation of this soviet humor, but in such a youthful form. and yet, one way or another, for us, this club of merry and frivolous people ended with the soviet union, but soviet humor generally died and the kvk remained on the stage, but in some kind of theatrically. ugh, what are these people doing, those who want to stay in business, and soviet humor, and the fun club as it was for primarily for the russian audience, there are simply more people, if it is a business, then... they will buy more in moscow than in in kyiv , well, that means those who can are also starting
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to count on the russian audience, what the russian audience laughs at, the jews, they already laughed, all of them are on the ukrainians, all of these, you know, techniques that were, that there is something to be said in foreign languages, so to speak, they are no longer interesting, because you can laugh straight away, you don't need to go through them anymore. because of this censorship, and you understand, you can laugh at ukrainians, the odesa gentleman show or the kvk theater in dnipro, it 's not so interesting anymore, because living or chepurnyak, well , again, it's not that i want to offend anyone, it's just reality, they can't look stupid , i'm sorry, well, they don't look like that, even filimonov, ugh, well, he played all the time, because he's an odesa... a comedian, he played an odesaite, but the russians already laughed at odesaites, they
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they already had zhvanetsky, they already had kakras , they already wanted a simpler and more understandable humor, and it must be said that quarter 95 gave them this humor and became extremely popular in russia, and there was a platform for this, too, because there was the only ukrainian duo, who got on the big soviet stage, there were many comedians in ukraine. raikinsky's level, but he had to play the role of a poor ukrainian. a ukrainian, berezin as best he could, because he too, he was not a russian, also played the role of a russian as best he could, but it is also interesting that such a character was needed, because a real russian could not lower himself to this, so it was necessary for berezin
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to play the role of the older brother, without being an older brother, that is, it was all essentially scripted. in this duet, where two outstanding comedians, perhaps the best on the ukrainian scene, in general for the entire time of the existence of our variety show, were forced to play such a role that the moscow public would like , to speak in a slur, to pretend that people speak only russian, and the other somehow in ukrainian, but so that i could understand him a russian, we will see all this later in , i would say, in an amateur form in quarter 95. and the russian audience will be delighted, and behind the russian audience , the ukrainian audience will be delighted, which has always turned to russian audiences like a star, and if in moscow likes it, and it is also ours, so we should like it even more, and thus all these scenes about the poor ukrainians,
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the stupid khokhlo, ugh, from what, they moved on. from russia to ukraine, but where we are with you now, we are with you in 2024 year, when there is no russian audience in quarter 95, zelensky is an enemy of the people, all scenes with his participation from russian satirical programs that used to be there, if something is shown there, are cut out, just like in other quarters. and the humorous stories themselves, they continue to be written as if they are for the ukrainian, for the russian audience, that is, so that we don’t laugh at ourselves, and that’s the problem, that’s what i wanted to achieve from dmytro, and that they laugh at us, so we are acutely aware of it and perceive it, which means that ukrainian show
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business is now moving by inertia, by inertia because it's a showbiz. calculated for the russian destiny, it was first russian-speaking, we are hearing it for the first time, we are hearing it, they are speaking for the first time in many years, they began to speak ukrainian, and as it looked before, the ukrainian language was allowed in there only for this time of the tarapunkian flavor some person comes, she is stupid, she is provincial, she is weak, she does not understand how the world is organized in general, she enters the moscow slums... with this funny language, but we all speak beautifully, that's all let's talk about the scene as you, dear viewers , want, but this is a character, this is a character, this is not us, we are in the next scene, this actor will speak in a good language, it's okay, he's playing such a character now, you know, that's how it's been for years , you
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remember the despair, he articulates. all that the serials made by our humor studios will not be able to be shown on the russian market after 2014, there, and you remember what there was, what the hysteria was, that it will be necessary to shoot films in the ukrainian language, and how they are shown in moscow, you understand, the point is, sometimes it seems to me, i don’t want to think like this, that some... our outstanding masters of culture wanted so much in 2019 to agree with vladimir vladimirovich putin on peace-friendship and chewing gum , to be able to show their product in russia, to get back into this beautiful market, because they could just sit down and look at the business plan and realize that
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their wonderful studios will go bankrupt because there is no such profit in this ukraine, ugh. and did not understand what to show her viewers, and therefore, if this ukrainian government cannot come to an agreement, it is profiting from the war itself , instead of people watching beautiful, good series all together, then let us come to power and come to an agreement and we will play our films and our skits, it could be like this naive childish, i would say, such a naive childish worldview, the more people who for years from... were in moscow more than in kyiv in russian show business, and what is russian show business, this is again what makes russian show business from russian, russian politics, i to you just... i will say, as a person who communicated with those, with those, by the way, there will be a question about trends in russian show business, that is, i had friends among russian performers, who
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now the poor women cannot take off their shirts, because already and the weight is not the same, and because the attention of society is not the same, and there are many acquaintances among politicians, and of course i saw that russian politicians, they always looked at ukraine. as a territory that they have to conquer, and russian artists have always looked at ukraine as a market, yes, well, just a market, they did not want us there, and it did not matter at all whether we are an independent state or not, they needed them to come here and for the audience to perceive them as their own, and they perceived ukraine as just another playground for the time being, well, you remember until 2014 , if you turn on the radio in ukraine, it used to be that you are in bryansk, in kursk, not in moscow, because it was not a moscow-level radio, but bryansk or kursk or yaroslavl
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provincial radio, and who sings on our bryansk radio, people's artist of ukraine - philip kirkorov, people's artist of ukraine - mykola baskov, people's artist of ukraine - yosif kobzon, people's artist of ukraine, i don't know, not deserved, well, in short. there are many of them, these are people who had nothing to do with our country, in general, well, at least kobzon had, at least he was from here, and he could sing and record discs of ukrainian songs by staisii povaly, when he had already become an apologist for the regime, he did all this, and baskov kirkorov, what they sang, but pukhachova although she tried to sing a song about a towel in ukrainian, but she was not given a folk song for it an artist of ukraine, and these people are even just them... i don't know what it is, no, there was one song by ubaskov, ukrainian-language, you are my ukrainian, there's something about you, you're the only one for me, that's how baskov sang it, i know about it only because
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, that it turned into a crazy meme, at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, when ukrainians began to joke about what will happen, when, what will happen to russian show business, when the armed forces, you are my ukraine, you are navikina, it was somehow difficult to find in the circle, but these people all lived together in one until a certain moment, you see how the 14th year changed everything, even the 19th, even the 22nd, more , much, zelensky ended up in the chair of the president of ukraine, for him all these people have now become enemies, and these people simply wish him death, those people who lived with him , pugachev and galkin and there, i don’t know, and slipakov have all gone to israel and are making fun of their former friends there, because they say, what are you, how are you behaving, and kirkorov, oops, is sitting in the position of a guy, and
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apologizes for that , that he did what he always did, from the age of 18, to 506, none haven't dressed up for a day at any party, ugh. and now, when he is no longer a young man, he apologizes to russian society for what he did, for what they idolized him for, they always loved him for this outrage, and that's it, but i so want to be a part of it horror, yes, for me too , this is a question about the morality of these people, i promised to just ask this question, here before the new year in russia i had my kipish, forgive me, but it’s interesting to... well, at least publicly, i don’t know, that they have in their heads to this, but the same kirkorov, and not only,
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it is about some naked party, they do not touch, that is true, the wives of various rather interesting characters, such as the main developer of the momenturniks, so they, because if you have a husband in the apparatus , you can still undress, and if you don't, then, so what, it's education. cultural figures, that now it will be the case that now what is needed is not loyalty, but exemplary behavior, this is still very strange, in russia they said all the time that there is no war, russia is conducting some kind of special operation on the territory of some there is ukraine , unknown to anyone, and we live a normal life, we don’t have a war, if there is no war, why can’t we stretch out at a dinner in a club, but russia , you understand, is such a construction, putin is already using this war to build there is an orthodox taliban. ugh, and now they are showing how a proper cultural figure should behave, correct, the same was true in the soviet union in the 1930s, but everyone is on
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the same side. went to the stanislavsky yanimirovich danchenko theater, the moscow art academic theater, where there was a classical theater, or a small theater, classically, and on the other hand, merhold's theater, an experimental theater, where something absolutely incredible happens, what happens next, this experimental theater is destroyed, merhold is shot, who was a completely loyal person to the soviet government, a people's artist of the republic, ugh, and what happens to the actors of the theater? its main actor, the symbol of this whole experiment, the world-class comic igor elynskyi becomes the main actor of the small theater, all the following life from 30 there 5 years to 80 he plays roles classical repertoire, although in fact he is an actor of an experimental eccentric theater, an eccentric, the main eccentric of the country, but he was told that if you want to act, you want to be a people's artist
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, a hero of socialist labor . already was, and he was already a people 's artist, so he already played in some soviet film comedies of the khrushchev era as he was able to in principle, and that's why we know him, by the way, because i mean some viewers there, which still caught the soviet movie theater, some kind of carnival night there, but there it goes, ilinsk eccentric like that, but that’s already old age... he should, in principle , have played like that all his life, and he would have been a great man in world theater art, and so his no one knows, well, but they explained to them that now it is necessary to play like this without any experiments, it turned out as it was before the revolution in the imperial theater, in the imperial theater, we now have an imperial theater, emperor stalin, and please, without tricks, here please, without tricks, and that's it
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exactly what kirkorovo, sobchak and... want to be here, want to make money here, please, without focus, went on stage, the party of lenin, kamsamol, but they hoped for something completely different, they hoped to hang over all people, these scraps, well , but they themselves hoped to continue to expose themselves, to behave as they like, to feel completely free, but it does not work when you drag into your country and... remove the appropriate regime in it, do not be surprised when this the regime comes and slaps you, it's such an idea that it will come true the right country, well, yes, and we will, relatively speaking, paint a tricolor and a portrait of putin on our naked, how to say it, beauties, they have such a baller there.
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how does the guy from kherson, who really has a portrait of putin on his body, and this is a tattoo, forget him, well, at some point later , they will be imprisoned simply for mocking putin, uh, no one thought that if you wear a sock in certain places there, then this is hooliganism and you will sit for 15 days, by the way, today this rapper was put in prison again, for another 15 days, it turned out to be insufficient, and you understand that this is still such a deep provincialism, i remember. that one of the great rock musicians, i don't even remember who, put on this sock, you know what, when you and i weren't even born, i think, at the beginning of the year, well, everyone said, oh at the end, you can perform like that too, but no one else has particularly shown that, after all, in rock music it's not the sock that matters, well, everything, just like in rap, i suspect, but in russia it's such a thing that, my god, we've seen it, never like that
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it was, you... it’s just all that too, you know, very secondary, ugh, we very often deal with russian pop music there and so on, and we see that they steal everything, well , this is also the story of kirkorov and basques who simply cover other people's songs, then get sued for plagiarism, well, that's how they covered someone else's swimsuit, but it's really such a nuisance, and it also speaks of a certain level, i would say perception, by the way, i'm very glad that when we... showed some footage from zakarpattia of this very similar party listen, well, people do something you don't like, why do you care about it at all, if they relieve themselves in this way, we know these people, because if we also start talking, you know, we have nothing to do during the war no need, you can't march and cry, by the way, i absolutely believe that we can face such things, i remembered very well.


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