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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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so conditional, because our air defense system is constantly growing and manages to shoot down enemy missiles, shahedis, and so on, although not as much as we would all like, and accordingly we are entering a long process of the so-called competition of defense systems, state apparatuses, and so on respectively the battlefield. a military machine is a very serious mechanism, but from the point of view of comparison. their characteristics, their analysis, qualitative, quantitative, it is not so difficult to compare, if we compare the potential opportunities of the russian federation now, it actually has its own with the budget decisions of the current year, i set an extremely high task, and if i were asked whether i believe that these... indicators will be
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achieved, understanding all that the totalitarian machine, the post-soviet machine represents, and yes, in some way it will be achieved , but not in technologies, not in quality and not in the indicators that are indicated, as of december 2024, by quantitative indicators, these are powerful. in terms of aid to ukraine , they will help ukraine to gain dominance at the front in terms of ammunition, armored vehicles, and at the end of spring about closing the sky from attacks missiles and bombing systems, i.e. these indicators, i am now talking about the plans, so...
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at first i said about the plans that are in russia, now i will say about the plans that are in the states of the european community, nato states and specific corporations that are engaged in the production techniques next, i think many of the listeners and viewers have noticed this thing that has been playing throughout 2023, this is the so-called block of countries there. ah, who will be engaged in the production of artillery, armored vehicles, aircraft and increasing the naval capabilities of ukraine, the so-called coalition of guns, armored vehicles, aviation and naval capabilities. we have already forgotten about those coalitions that were formed within the framework of ramstein and the so-called copenhagen format, where the anglo-saxon states were formed separately.
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my coalition to help ukraine, i will once again repeat the thesis that is already appearing in the western press, german, british and certain american publications. according to the indicators of 2024, ukraine will become dominant in certain indicators, thanks to the help of europe and the united states of america, this should be acknowledged, this... should be understood, and from the point of view the competition of the totalitarian system and the system of the democratic, competitive system, i have no doubt that german, american, french, british corporations will overcome these achievements, because, first of all, the formula of private-state cooperation is applied there, that is, both the state and the private sector take... . undertake the obligation to launch these
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industrial production lines, because we are not only talking about the quantitative parameters of the production of equipment, ammunition and weapons, but in fact in several cases we are talking about construction from scratch certain lines, and it is not only about achieving parity and dominance in conventional weapons, but also about making a qualitative leap. it is no coincidence that in the final article of 2023 economist and in the first articles of 20 2023 , bild and economist began to write about the fact that a majority has been formed in the united states of america congress, which insists on supplying ukraine with modern complexes of medium-range missile systems. this is not accidental in ukrainian. after
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the bombings and rocket attacks during the christmas and new year holidays in ukraine the russian military returned to the topic of transferring the war to the territory. the enemy , now they have started to write about it again, because it is a direct consequence of the fact that in the congress a coalition was formed to supply ukraine with modern weapons and a missile complex with a medium range, that is, take it from 300 to 800 km, so this is what we are talking about, and if you add to this the fact that today the output is armored vehicles and the f-16, then... in principle, you can look at the year 2023 quite optimistically with regard to, let's say, stabilization, well, first of all for me the most important thing is in the informational and psychological state, because this, this depressant, forgive me for the slang that
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hung in the air at the end of 2023, he is dangerous not because he breaks the front line, he is ours, ours... the feeling kills, but as the polls of the democratic initiatives foundation and the rozmkov center showed at the end of 2023, they were published somewhere in the 10s, early 20s, even in december, 90% of ukrainians are convinced of victory, and if we talk about the mood of ukrainian society , then it carries an encouraging, hopeful character and content, therefore , both the external and internal parameters of 2024 will determine these things, according to which trends they can be characterized, well, we can talk a lot about this, but i am convinced that
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in this confrontation, which begins now with a comparison of quantitative budget indicators and so on, russia, it will not be able to. to move with the west, in principle, by its nature, it is not capable of doing this, so your truth is that if and whatever they plan, they can bridge their way to the front line only people, and they will continue to do it, they will continue to do it, and this should be understood as the main means. the assault of ukraine by the aggressor. mr. roman, you mentioned that it will be possible to finally implement the strategic vision, in particular regarding the supply of medium- range missile systems. this is an extremely important decision, and i do not want to involve this matter, in particular, in
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what, for example, happened in the territory of the russian federation, in particular, when we are talking about the belgorod region, i do not have classified information of the military plan, yes, but... the armed forces of ukraine have nothing to do with what happened there, the fact is that both vykursk and bilhorodsk regions, which are border regions, through whose territory missile systems are launched across ukraine, they risk that , which is part of the complexes. these do not fly to ukraine, but fall in kursk and belgorod, and in other border regions of the russian federation, and now this has already been proven by the remains of those missile complexes, which or what there
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it has already become fashionable to talk about the fact that combat part of the rocket went away, yes, it went somewhere to a kindergarten or to... a private residential complex and so on. at the same time, i would ask everyone to pay attention to the thesis that dmytro yarosh expressed in his post. he is right about something. the ukrainian side must clearly develop a response plan to similar shelling of cities and forces of ukraine. not to reflect, that's the most important thing. not. it is necessary to determine the objects and points that fall under the category of military and military objects, and when shelling occurs, react and hit on these objects. the principle of reflection cannot be applied here in any case: i shoot
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where i see, this is the first thing, i insist on this once again, and it is necessary for everyone to understand that ukraine has not fired and will not fire. not military facilities, not military facilities, this is compliance, strict compliance with the norms of humanitarian law, i don't want to name them. number, digital number, how many military personnel of ukraine, representatives of the defense forces, i.e. the armed forces, the national guard and voluntary military formations, are currently in prison for that they violated humanitarian law, but i emphasize this once again, the ukrainian army, the armed forces of ukraine adhere to the norms of humanitarian law, and if... some cases occur from the point of view of events at the front and in the rear, then these are excesses, this is what which does not
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fall under orders, commands and so on , and is an exception and is an accidental event, which is recognized by the ukrainian political leadership and military command as a violation of the norms of humanitarian law, i was a little surprised by the fact that... after the events in belgorod, part of the ukrainian journalists they started talking about it, and maybe it was ours who started hitting everywhere, i emphasize this, the armed forces of ukraine do not hit civilian objects, because every military man has a monument with him, in which it is written, this monument yatka was also approved by an instruction letter from the ministry of defense and the ministry of health. of the general staff in 2015, there are
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relevant instructions of the general staff of the ministry of defense, which were approved by the presidential decree and orders of the ministries and agencies that regulate the behavior of soldiers, representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, which fully comply with and are obliged to comply with the norms of humanitarian law. well, i completely agree with you, and we... understand how the enemy would like to use this, on the one hand, the enemy, talking about the fact that this is ukraine, would be shelling bilhorod, he is counting on his domestic audience, yes, well, at one time they blew up houses, you remember the story about the so-called ryazan sugar and so on and so forth, in order to activate the processes of internal mobilization of the russian nation, on the other hand, we also we understand that it is aimed at whom , at our overseas and european allies, and... it was not for nothing that a missile flew into poland, i will interrupt you, now after the events in belgorod
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, the security council was convened at the initiative of the russian side, please turn your attention to the position of the representative of the united states, france, great britain and germany, who gave an absolutely clear assessment, this is a matter of disorder in the russian army, and claims about what happened in bilhor should be... not to ukraine, but to the kremlin. ukraine complies with the norms between humanitarian law, and this was also proven by subsequent reports about the fragments of those rockets that fell on the heads of the civilian population in belgorod and other border settlements. now, as for the missiles that flew into the territory of poland. poland - this is a nato state, the territory of poland, like the territory of all
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nato states, in matters of anti-missile and anti-aircraft security, is monitored by the aegis system, this is a system of anti-missile defense of nato countries, which bears the name aegis. this system is managed from two centers, with ramstein in europe and from mir in turkey. this system is able to monitor the situation, starting from the entire field, the entire sky, nato countries, ending with neighboring states. the system is on standby in automatic mode. if the reported parameters are correct, and they say that the missile flew 40 km into the territory of poland, then this means that... this system was disabled from automatic activation, which means that
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depending on who was on duty , or the control center in ramstein, or the control center in izmir, the one who managed this monitoring, gave the command to turn off, because i say again, during the approach, during the trajectory, the corresponding, and it is calculated by the signature very simply, the monitoring system. such a missile can go astray with the trajectory system both at the stage of rising into the air, and at the stage of reaching the highest point and when targeting the nation. that is, the ides system is currently unique from the point of view of controlling the skies of nato countries. it is not clear to me, either they were wrong and to this day the wrong parameters regarding where and are circulating in the press how far this missile flew, because i do not believe that
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the automatic mode of operation of this could be disabled by commanding the system. systems, including unfounded statements that these missiles, which are in question x, and, well, these are all missiles of the iskander complex, let's say, they are capable of bypassing monitoring systems, anti-missile defense aegis, so the issue needs further confirmation or refutation from the point of view of the authenticity of the facts that have been voiced, but the fact that... flew into the territory of poland is the truth, another matter, that the statements that the poles were unable, the poles are not capable, this is not true, because i emphasize this once again, the patriot system, which is on duty, including in poland, it is integrated into the ijis system, in
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ukraine patriot is in autonomous control mode, it is not integrated into the system. hence the anti-missile missile , the petriu anti-missile complex is only a tool to impress the attacker, attacking missiles are not a self-sufficient institution, so it is tempting to make claims to the poles, well, this is a little wrong, because we do not know things, about which i am now talking, due to which circumstances these conditions were formed, well, in order for me, for example, to draw a conclusion, i need additional information, therefore... to clearly tell you what happened and why there was such an action or inaction, i can’t, and not knowing certain information , i’m not going to go around like that, well, it’s just that there are specifics of certain protocols, so we understand that the enemy, in particular, the russian federation, he can deliberately, pretending that it is accidental, so to speak some kind of rocket, he can deliberately direct them, so come on
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attention to the thesis that was voiced by the prime minister. tusk, he said that in a strategic perspective, europe is definitely a target for russia, that is, he is very wise here, let's say if the key to the problem was wrapped in a wrapper, he said not now, but in a strategic perspective, on the one hand, if he gives a chance for moscow and beijing and tehran to come to their senses, and on the other hand, he understands that... there is no one to come to their senses anymore, and therefore it is necessary to build up the security and defense potential, but still he leaves, well, a chance for another , another way of driving dialogue with the führer of moscow, and i must say that, so far, i do not see a more accurate
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description of the situation that happened with this missile, that is, for the poles, for poland, for them a long time ago... it was clear that there is moscow, but this incident with missile, he absolutely clearly indicated that europe is the target, ibuild wrote about this at the beginning of 2024, literally in the first issues, about the fact that in the winter of 2024-25 there will be an attack by russia on european states, at the moment when there will be a transition in washington from... one president to another, that's right it is not by chance that petr pavel also said that 2024 may return in an unpleasant way, pay attention to how he said, he did not say for ukraine yet, he said for us, for us, he said, although for some reason in ukraine it was interpreted as for of ukraine, although the situation
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is such that from the point of view of ukraine and the ukrainian, ukraine and the european union are common. well, what is not understood by everyone in europe today, and what is good for ukraine is good for europe, what is good for europe is good for ukraine, and vice versa, bad is bad both there and here, but these two positions that were voiced, the build with references to european intelligence and peter pavla about the threats of the next year, well, they were simply demonstrated by this one. i am convinced that knowing russian diplomacy and understanding its tools of action, these two frenzied attacks on ukraine that happened at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year, this is, as it were, a confirmation of the theses that they are ready to attack european states, this is
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the first, and secondly, this coincidence is not coincidental with theses about what you see there, theses appeared in the western press that putin gives signals about some kind of negotiations, that is, this is what is called under... with force to diplomacy, and this is how it should be interpreted, it should be understood, and in response, it is necessary to increase the capabilities of anti-missile and anti-aircraft security and prepare appropriate gifts for the moscow führer so that he did not feel his impunity, and the thesis that the current situation needs it is absolutely correct. transferring the war to the territory of russia, how to do it? this is already a matter for the military, a matter for the general staff, i am not talking only about the ukrainian general staff, but
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and allied headquarters. well, from my point of view, the year 2024 should be the year of the formation of combat-ready forces of the ramstein format and the management system, to the point that what would flash... in the western press regarding the possible opening of the second front, where and how, this is again a matter headquarters, but in addition to helping ukraine, it is necessary to think about how the appetites of the moscow führer regarding the attack of europe and other points should be quenched, and for this the trend that is currently shining in the middle east. where in a recent, very recent interview, benjamin netanyahu, prime minister of israel, said that this war is for many months,
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we are talking about a war between israel and hamas and israel hezbollah and israel and the houthis, in fact this is an iran-israeli war and this is a potential war with iran, a potential war with the russian federation, yes, for some reason they are ashamed to call her. well, the world, the current world surprises me in its reluctance to really look at the course of events, i think, like many people, i think, mr. roman, that they are simply trying to somehow localize certain scenarios, hoping to return to the state before war, there is such a legal term, on the other hand, we understand that war is also about resources, technological resources, you very rightly noted. the fact that a certain strategic decision has been made, but any strategic decisions can sometimes rest on stubbornness, forgive the taftology of this or that congressman.
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yes, well, i was extremely surprised and alarmed when i heard from our ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, mr. kuleba, that we, well, we are not considering any options, that there is confidence, well, that the united states will provide us with the necessary macrofin on the other hand, we understand that in the united states there have been... and not such miracles, well, it is worth mentioning only the storming of the capitol and we understand that the united states is currently going through probably the most dangerous election campaign in its history, you understand what, mr. antin, the problem is, in the conditions of recognized multipolarity , it is impossible to return to monopolarity, it is necessary to go through leadership, and leadership is a thing that carries the will... the character, whether the american society, which in its history gravitates towards isolationism, is able to talk about leadership in
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the current situation, and that means help, and that means, forgive me for using that term, in this case, it's a sacrifice, and it takes will, and it takes very strong leaders, and i can tell you that.. .. i am convinced that america will pass this exam, because the settings are positive in the congress, and the settings are positive in the senate, including, it is not so much about internal political clashes as about the adoption of this global choice, because the point is , that these concrete slabs, which consist of the russian-ukrainian war. the iran-israel war, and the sino-taiwan confrontation, they must stand on a solid foundation, because god forbid, one of them will fall.
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they will begin to fall like dominoes , thank god, they understand this in the state department, in the pentagon, in the congress, in the senate, and therefore, i will emphasize this once again, it is about the global choice of america, because in fact this choice will take place in the autumn of next year, in the united states of america, and in june in europe, when the european parliament will be elected, it is a choice. including about what fate awaits the military the criminal putin , the red dictator xi jinping, all this bunch of fundamentalists in iran and so on, and such scumbags from this trio as lukashenko, etsera, maduro, there, ah, kimchenin, kimchenin, and so on, that is , in fact, the year 2023 , 23 years old.
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at the end, he noted the beginning of a turning point, and here president joseph biden and all the others are right, but the 24th year is the year of defining the turning point, the formation of an ascending force that will be able to strike at russian racism, dictatorship, the red dictatorship of china, at islamic fundamentalists of iran and so on. here. about what we are talking about is how effective it will be, from my point of view for ukraine , it will be effective f16 for the fracture and they will forgive me for breaking in so much, well, but we understand that there are certain, so to speak, indicators, litmus tests, and here we are not talking about some symbolic number in the 16th, for example three, four or five squadrons, but look, all the decisions.
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accepted, i remember the statements, not suffering from these things, and lloyd austin and mark miley, that by the end of the 23rd year, the f-16 will be in ukraine, this is the maximum that was called, but where the dog is buried, the industrial capacities of neither the united states of america nor european countries allowed to re-equip them and... bring them to the level of integration for participation in combat operations as part of the armed forces of ukraine. and here the question is not in the decisions that were made, not in trained or untrained pilots, in the industrial potential. and if we take in fact all the contracts that were not fulfilled or obligations that were not fulfilled, then the reason for their non-fulfillment is weak industrial...
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capacities, and this, as you understand, well how at least a month, if we take the shortest necessary lines for the production of, say , ammunition, it was no accident that i stated at the beginning the thesis that only by the end of 2024 is it realistic to gain dominance on the battlefield in certain types of ammunition. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extraordinary. important and interesting conversation, i would like to remind our tv viewers that roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, was currently working for you on espresso. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click, and you're in the world cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema, next? oh, what is needed. blinks, turns on. hundreds of
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channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on tosmai, 15% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings. now the retired british army colonel and military expert glen grant will work on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, god save the king. glory, god save the king. well, the scenario of a long war has already taken shape, so we understand that the question will be in resources, it is money, it is equipment, and it is prepared human reserves, so we understand that the russian the federation has now demonstrated its underhandedness, that is, what they can do, in particular, it is about massive missile strikes on ukrainian cities, ours against...


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