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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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lik and around the universe of cinema, next? oh, what is needed! megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on tosmai, 15% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and oskad. currently , the tv channel will feature a retired british army colonel and military expert glen. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, god save the king. glory, god save the king. well, the scenario of a long war has already taken its toll. so we understand that the question will be in resources. it's money, it's equipment, and it's prepared human reserves. yes, we understand that the russian federation has now demonstrated its meanness, that is, what they can do, in particular, it is about massive missile strikes on ukrainian cities. ours is against. air
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defense demonstrated to the russian interlopers that we can work normally and neutralize their missiles, but in general, in the medium term, this implies a certain competition, who will have more air defense systems, who will have more missiles, which strikes to deliver, and so on. first, we expected big attacks, since russia has had almost no missile launches for several months, meaning it is... amassing resources, at this point it appears that the main attacks were carried out for the purpose of terror, not to disable missile systems, but from a strategic point of view, if russia will be able to continue to throw a large number of missiles at ukraine, even if ukraine is successful in shooting them down, at some stage you will not be sweet, due to a decrease in the supply of missiles from western partners. we know that other countries have problems with the presence of missiles,
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so it is quite possible that, for example, what your people are doing in kyiv, gathering small teams with machine guns and other weapons to intercept drones, this practice should be extended to the whole of ukraine, so that we do not have to shoot at drones with expensive missiles. it is necessary to approach differently how drones attack and how missiles do it, because every missile launched from the ukrainian side is worth its weight in gold. while russia continues to receive drones from its allies and is actively preparing to manufacture its own. so in in the medium term, we just have to hope that we don't run out of missiles and that western countries such as great britain, the united states and germany are actually able to provide ukraine with more missiles than it needs. in order to radically change the situation on the battlefield. in your opinion, what steps should be taken, because some of the so-called military...experts are talking about what, about
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the need to move the war into the depths of russia, in particular, it is more about defeating certain russian military objects, but for this you need equipment, and the necessary equipment that would allow this to be done is currently under what is, under a certain, so to speak, unspoken taboo, we are in a difficult situation, however, i think that putin's position now.. .it's even more difficult because he needs some success before the election, that's one of the reasons why they 're doing massive attacks, they're trying to get some kind of breakthrough, it looks like they want to take the audio because that will be enough for putin to say, that they have advanced but when you have there is not enough equipment and missiles, you cannot attack deep into russia, and if it were possible to strike with long-range missiles, then one must... ask one question: will it help
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the front line? and the answer at the moment is rather no. in fact, it could create even more problems, including turning the russian population even more against ukraine, if you start killing people inside russia. therefore, it is very problematic before the elections. i think that you need to see how the elections will be held in russia to understand which one the population's appetite for continuation. but if it will be possible to hit distant targets, then specifically important objects whose destruction will directly affect the course of the war should be under the crosshairs. we are interested in the big fish, obviously we are talking about the biggest objects in crimea, about ships like novocherkassk, about the crimean bridge, that is why we need to strike, because cutting off crimea will change the entire geopolitical situation for russia, an attack on another fuel. even behind the front line
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in russia probably won't matter much for the front line, so we should do something that will actually bring big realistic gains that will change the course of the war, and not... just hit whatever happens, a missile recently landed on the territory of poland, earlier there were relevant stories with the airspace of romania, that is, in this way , we understand what messages putin is sending to the west, well, according to the approach, we need to make a certain strategic decision for ourselves, about the readiness to respond in one way or another , possibly in a military way, if a military operation is carried out, i am not saying, what it will happen now, but we... understand that putin is demonstrating his readiness, on the other hand, maybe putin wants to force the west to protect its resources in this way, especially when it comes to air defense systems, missile complexes, and so on. you are touching on two points here: the first
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is how much longer putin can continue to act, and frankly, he will be able to continue at this pace for another couple of years, because what he does, he just does. throws into ukraine what he has plenty of, people, weapons, ammunition, and this can continue for a very long time. let's not forget that he controls the missile launches, so he can do it whenever he wants. now, in a week, next month, at the rate he can afford, and russia will continue to do so for as long as possible. at the moment , russia is not sending any signal to the west, i am talking about the missiles that flew into romania and poland. these are just mistakes on putin's part, and the message that putin can continue to fight has long been sent to both brussels and berlin, everyone knows about it. there aware that they must continue to support ukraine as the war is ongoing. i don't think they expect putin
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to expand the geography of the war, because putin is unlikely to be able to win such a large-scale battle. after all, the west is really capable of influencing many things. to prevent putin from advancing his aggressive ambitions, but if the course of the war continues as it is now, then putin will definitely not stop, and the west will have to find new ways to slow it down. it is likely to be more powerful sanctions, about increased control over their compliance to find out exactly which processes can be stopped in this way. right now, people in the capitals are trying to figure out how to reduce putin's ability to wage war in the... long term, so we 're going to see some small steps soon, and a lot of things we're not going to know because it's going to be between banks, between financial institutions, it's going to be many discussions between european officials, between american officials, and, for example, switzerland, about which
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we will never know. so you can be certain that much is being discussed behind the scenes in an effort to reduce putin's ability to continue this war as it is at this stage. in order to change the course of events on the battlefield, we need aviation in sufficient numbers. we understand that a principled decision has already been made, and we thank you for it. storm shadow works for the royal family of great britain. yes, but storm shadow combined with aviation is a completely different quality, right? we understand that this would require not one or another aircraft, but perhaps two or more three or four squadrons of f-16s. accordingly, this entails the strengthening of... air defense systems that could cover military airfields, so we understand that russia is also preparing for similar scenarios. honestly, i can't answer that question because i don't know what countries actually do. i don't know
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how many f-16s are being prepared for delivery. i also don't know how many of them are actually ready to go to the front line. and here i have a question, when you will have f-16, what are you from? i don't know that at the moment, i'm not even sure if many other advisers have an idea of ​​how ukraine will use the f-16s, as there must be some element of surprise when they are launched, and another question is whether they will support the frontline or be used for more strategic purposes, such as destroying russian aviation, i don't know, we'll have to wait and see, but it's difficult... the comment that everything revolves around the f-16, for example, the abrams, is not necessarily true. i mean, the most important thing that will change the situation at the front is quality training. high-quality training of commanders and soldiers is
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the first and most important thing, because in order for this not to happen, soldiers still have to fight on the front lines. they're doing fine with drones, but you have to remember that f-16s won't destroy drone air cover, they won't engage them, even if you have f-16s, even if you have more abrams , those drones that use. russia will still be in your sky, so instead of constantly thinking about something big, you need a lot think more about countering drones and weapons, there is a certain fixation on large and powerful means against them, but the presence of large equipment and more weapons did not help to counterattack. what matters is the quality of training, so that soldiers can continue to fight as they fight, and even better. for me, this is the highest priority. training is especially important in the case of mobilization, soldiers must be properly trained before
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going to the front, otherwise they will simply be killed in large numbers. so over that a lot of work still needs to be done, you shouldn't put all your hopes on the f-16. you should not wait in the clouds , of course they will help to move forward, but probably not in the way you expect , and finally, mr. colonel, what signals are now waiting for... more in london, berlin or washington from our military and military-political command? i don't think they are waiting for any signals, now they are well aware of what is needed in each of the spheres, and each of these countries has its own different problems, the main problem of the usa is their domestic politics, which is closely related to negotiations regarding the positions of political parties before the presidential elections, that's where the problem lies. great britain will continue to be. with you, there is no doubt about it, they know what is going on and will do everything to support ukraine in any way possible,
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but they are running out of equipment and actually running out of ammunition. so, at some point the uk will not be able to supply you until their defence, their industry starts producing more. it is the same in germany the problem with politics itself. the left party, which was basically against the war, is now essentially turning to the right. if we talk about great support, then it will continue. will come from poland, and much more help can come from southern countries, such as france, spain, portugal, italy, they need to be more involved, because they have more opportunities to help ukraine with equipment, equipment and other things, more than they do are doing now, signals, they have not changed, but for some countries they should be stronger than for others thank you very much, mr. colonel, for this frank conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that now the retired british army colonel glen
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grant, a military expert, god save the king, glory to ukraine, was working on spresso. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about the most important things, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. there are 20% discounts on citric in pharmacies psylsnyk vam and ochadnyk, there are discounts on eurofast 20% at pharmacies psylsnyk, pam and savings hello friends, during the past week, probably one of the top topics was
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the discussion of the number 95 block, the show that they prepared on new year's eve, on new year's eve, it stretched from 7 in the evening until, it seems, 2 in the morning, i had it's a pleasure to watch all this because i had to do a review for this show, but literally the next day or two , a real scandal broke out because someone on social media pointed out one of the numbers in this show that already contained this, you know , a phrase or even a word that probably we will already take root in the ukrainian language, it is called siskadovska, and it was about a girl who comes to transcarpathia from skadovska, but since she speaks ukrainian so badly that she can't... dovska, i think it will become part of the ukrainian language , as a neologism, along with
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the burp, which we acquired last year. well, let's remind ourselves of this number. were you born in ukraine? oh, yes, of course. and why didn't we communicate in ukrainian before that? well, what about that, well, me, well, because i am sizkadov excuse me, who? no one, and from where? there is such a town in the kherson region , skadovsk. we will definitely discuss with you in the next half hour why the level of our comedy shows, at least two of the top ones, this show from the 95th quarter and the diesel show, have already hit the bottom, this is my subjective judgment, and they are also divided by a lot
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my colleagues, journalists who are engaged in reviews of these shows in particular, well, i will also ponder... why do such jokes appear in general, why do they last for years? by the way, i and my colleagues who are involved regularly for years, reviews of these shows, we have seen it for real for years, two years ago, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, that's why such jokes were on our television, they still remained, and we will try to understand, and why exactly now the scandals around these issues regularly, because this week we discuss... 95th quarter and dieselshow also came under fire, just two weeks ago dieselshow came under fire again, and during the year we also saw scandals with other comedy shows , with humorous series, remember this series with time to 30 with this stupid girl from kolomyia, well, let's get it straight, first, if
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we talk about the jokes of the 95th quarter and dieselshow from my point of view. dieselshow is a much worse phenomenon than the 95th quarter, and many people do not like these jokes, and they get into such fights, because the authors , from my point of view, approach their writing completely thoughtlessly, they have several schemes according to which they write them, and they have been using them for years, and it does not matter what they write about, about the occupied territories, about some family there that meets some kind of holiday, about a married couple that goes shopping, it doesn't matter, they have the same thing all the time for years, so i assume that in general their jokes are not built on real issues, that the authors do not dive deeper at all, what they are making these jokes about, they just choose some funny
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words in their opinion and beat them, but let 's look at another example from the same number of scandalous ones... and you will see in general, but pay attention to how this girl from skadovsk, how she speaks ukrainian, that is, it is completely is in no way based on what mistakes are made by russian-speaking ukrainians who switch to ukrainian, because the authors say that they made this number in general in order to support these people, so that they do not think that they have some kind of cool appearance, in order to , so they don't think they're going to be laughed at, they did... that's a stunt, well i think they achieved the opposite effect, i don't know what they were thinking by portraying a completely idiotic character, trying to support these people, well that is look, you are so idiotic look, when you switch to ukrainian , everyone laughs at you, but, but switch, we support you, absolutely some absurd twisted logic, but just note,
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russian-speaking people who come to ukrainian and make mistakes, they don't speak like they do now. .. nashka, that is, they didn’t even learn elementary, which is called matchastina, they didn’t learn, well, these are typical troubles and difficulties with the language that people have, let’s listen to what it looks like, you know, i’m the ukrainian language, well run away at school, that's it, growled, no-no, no-no, didn't growl, volchara, studied, studied, studied, yes. that's why there are many words , words, words, words, words, words, i remember, i have already observed, well , you know, who has small children, well, those who enter kindergarten or first grades, i think that you friends are watching
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something like this jokes, and i personally find it very strange that adults laugh at such jokes. people, i was at the performances of the 95th quarter, the women's quarter, live, i saw these sold out, the children were there too, by the way, and people were really laughing, someone there thinks it's a montage, no , it's not a montage, really people are laughing, but it's like that , the question is that how did everything get upset, the mayor of skadovsk yes, he recorded the video, because skadovsk, let me remind you, is an occupied territory, and the mayor told this city that it is not so terrible. other people's lice as their own nits, and actually he said that now all of us residents of skadovsk, who stayed there and who left, need support, and not such mockery, because... this is exactly a mockery, not self-irony, because we often have such authors of such sketches say, but you simply have no self-irony, you you just can't laugh at yourself, laugh at some of your actions
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self-ironically and make fun of yourself and insult yourself, these are completely different things, let's listen to mr. mayor, probably jokes about the village of skadovsk are of some kind. it's very witty, but let's leave it to the conscience of the directors, i hope they will have the strength to apologize to the ukrainians. today, skadoos is under occupation, and what it really needs is support, not ridicule. well, the participants in this scandal, of course, apologized later, but and there are big questions about their apologies, well i 'll just tell you because a lot of people are asking. and why, how did they even think of taking an occupied city, why, well, why, well, they would have taken some other city, it would have been less expensive, from my point of view, since i have been
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watching the jokes of the residents for a long time, my, my position is that my guess is that they most likely didn't even google this city, maybe they didn't even know it was occupied, they just have this principle, brothers are funny, as i said before, on their opinion to twist their words there skadovsk , they must have thought, i can imagine how this situation could have been, skadovsk, from skadovsk, it looks like si skadovsk, let's make some skit around it, why am i saying that, well, i'm talking about the fact that they most likely just took this name, yes the city, and did not even see where it is located, because they announced this number as a girl from the east comes to transcarpathia, in fact skadovsk is not in any ... it is in the south, this is kherson oblast, and before that i was in the women's quarter for six months so on their show, they laughed about the city of wroclaw, for example, how do you think the name of the city
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of wroclaw is funny, because the audience laughed, well, it was in the context of a skit that a man wants to take a break to poland to his wife, because he has not had a she has sex, and he is so excited that he reacts sexually to everything, and when the border guard tells him something about a guy there. and he starts to get even more excited, my friends then said in the comments that there is also a wonderful polish name dorota, it was possible to make a scene around it, it is just in the style of the 95th quarter, that's why i'll emphasize that everything in them is built on such things, and when they started asking questions, it was obvious that they didn't know that this city was occupied. i would also like to remind you about this scandal and... with the series, we managed to make it to the 30th, there, too, it came to the indignation of the residents of kolomyia and to the statement of the mayor of kolomyia, i will remind you that
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one of the heroines of this series was shown there, there was lyuba from kolomyia, who was absolutely atypical, now we can show some images of her, photos from this series, she was a completely atypical resident of kolomyia, because she didn't speak the way they speak in kolomyia, she used neti... words even for russian-speaking ukrainians, like kura grecha, as far as i understand, that's how they speak in russia somewhere in the st. petersburg area, and this was also an indicator of the fact that the authors of the series did not learn what kolomia is, they just randomly took some city, kolomia, somewhere in the west, let 's take it, because in their opinion , again, it seems to me that it sounds cool and funny, let's let's do something stupid with kolomyia, moreover, they showed kolomyia as a village, and kolomyia is not a village, it was just enough to google some banal wikipedia, go in, see that there are about 70 thousand people there, and that it is a city with a long enough
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history, there are a lot of monuments historical and cultural ones, and why study it at all, if you can just, as i say, fall into the keyboard with your face in the keyboard and that’s how they turn out to be a script, regarding the apology , the authors apologized, but they would apologize specifically, now you can... listen , what yuri the great said, this actor is enough popular in the 95th quarter, he just played this man from transcarpathia. let's listen to what he wrote on instagram. but this number is not prussian or proskadovsk. this number is about people who do not dare to speak ukrainian in everyday communication, fearing that if they speak with mistakes, they will look somehow wrong in the eyes of other people. therefore , the main message of this number is... that it is not a shame to make a mistake, it is a shame not to speak your native language in your country, each person perceives and interprets humor individually, so if someone is looking for a negative subtext...
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he finds it, well you know, on the one hand these explanations compared to other explanations, especially the one with the reaction of the diesel show, are absolutely, absolutely unconscious, but it shows that yuri the great, the team of the 95th quarter did not understand what the complaints were, because they say that it was you in the first place, you did not understand, in fact, it is your fault that you did not understand our joke, we did not want anyone offend, and secondly, it's just logical... if you want to support russian-speaking people who switch to ukrainian, why do you portray them as idiots, that is, i mean, how does it all fit together, that is, look what idiots you are when you are wrong, but we support you, regarding iryna gatun, this is the actress who played this girl siskadovska, then here is mine a colleague of maryna denylyuk yarmalayeva, she, with characteristic meticulousness, found it on her instagram, this is a photo from the 15th year, you see it in
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the soviet one. she is photographed in her uniform, and in the 18th and 19th years, iryna rested in the crimea. like this. and also, after that, here, for example, how the institute of reputation is working now in the cultural cluster of kraków , the performance with the participation of iryna gatun was canceled. she also plays in the black square theater, by the way, at one time oleksiy aristovych and vasyl golovanov played there, he is a tv presenter and, well, i don't know, he can probably also be called an actor, and now they canceled it. this performance for moral and ethical reasons, well, let 's listen to irina, because she recorded her answer on instagram, but again , this answer outraged even more, well, people said she better not put it on the record because again they accused people of hate let's hear a lot of people saw the wave of hate that's going on right now about the number on the block before... who's
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really offended by this, i i sincerely apologize. the essence of the number was that we are obliged to speak our native language in our country, and even if it doesn't work out very well at first. that's all, and to whomever it is, i sincerely apologize once again. but those paid animals that are specially raised this hate i want to tell you, you and your putin are all paid creatures who criticize, well , the actual paid one is evgenia virlych virlych, she is the editor of, for example, kherson media, which is called watermelon city, she is from kherson, she also survived the occupation, and so she filed a complaint with the commission on journalistic ethics, and
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she wrote to herself: in response to this apology, which she rejected, she wrote that the apology cannot contain further insults and further accusations, and that's how she actually reacted commission on journalistic ethics, they rolled out a statement, we can see it now, and they, for example, write the following: humor should also not contribute to the rooting of certain often erroneous stereotypes about representatives of certain groups. brand them inferior. in the past, this technique was widely used in products aimed at several markets at the same time: the ukrainian russian market and the so-called cis, and led not only to a simplified understanding of the ethnopolitical situation in many countries, but also normalized it for a significant number of the ukrainian population feels the inferiority of their own culture. the end of the quote, i would like to add that our comedy shows were completely engaged in discrimination and insults during the war years.
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ukrainians, not self-irony, i mean , these are caricatured images of ukrainians, mockery of the ukrainian language, and so on, so this issue is long-term, and i will also mention the diesel show, because it is not the first time that the diesel show has been hit by a scandal, for example, on detector media released a whole review of new year's, that's all their show, and i will say that before that, a few weeks ago, marina kryzhnya also wrote a review on the detector in response to the stabbing. on twitter, because dieselshow made such a skit about a ukrainian family under occupation, and there they showed that the occupation is in principle absolutely normal, well, a normal story, it is absolutely not dangerous to live there either, you can argue with the russian military, do not take the russian passport, and then the authors of the diesel show gathered very much for this review, and let's see the reaction of the actress, who recorded her reaction in
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instagram just compare her reaction with that and


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