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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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engaged in the discrimination of images of ukrainians, not self-irony, i mean, these are caricatured images of ukrainians, mockery of the ukrainian language, and so on, so this issue is long-term, and i will also mention the diesel show, because it is not the first time that the diesel show ran into a scandal , for example, a whole review of their new year's show was released on the media detector, and i will say that before that a few weeks ago, it was also on the marina detector. week wrote a review in response to kolotnecha on twitter, because the diesel show was made like this a skit about a ukrainian family under occupation, and there they showed that the occupation is in principle absolutely normal, well, a normal story, it is absolutely not dangerous to live there either, you can swear with the russian military, do not take a russian passport, and then they were very upset at this review the authors of the diesel show, and let 's see the reaction of the actress who for... wrote her reaction on
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instagram, just compare her reaction with that of the 95th quarter and understand the difference, bitch, i'm sorry, wrote about us like that already distributed to the whole internet the information that our number, which generally makes fun of the occupiers, she slandered us with such nonsense, i apologize that it does not come to mind, what she tells us, that we dare... the brain is on those people who are in the occupied territories, it is a lie , it’s a lie, look at the number, it’s normal, and it offends me that they are like that, i don’t know, maybe she’s paid, i can’t give a damn, because the children are watching us, but i really want this redhead, well, you’ve seen her, she’s also a redhead, how could she this color put on yourself, as how can you believe a person who, if you look at her page, it's just, well, it's just terrible, it's kind of political. a whore
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, i guess i don’t know who exactly does it professionally, well that is, if you criticize a reasoned show that has already hit the bottom, and not for the first time, you are paid, that you are a political sex worker, and so on and so forth, this is the reaction dieselshow, we should have yaroslav zubchenko on direct call right now, he's in charge. if yaroslav is with us now, he is with us, hello yaroslav, hello, congratulations, i was hoping you would introduce me as a seller animal, but okay, we can be corrupt animals together, because i also have such claims against me, so we, as corrupt animals , can now talk about these unfortunate victims of ours, yaroslav, i know that earlier reviews were also published on... well, not only the diesel show,
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but also other shows, and there were even threats, for example , they wrote something on natalya ligachoviktorka, please remind me what it was all about and for what? and it was two years ago, it was my text, it was called rick badluca, it was my first experience of dozilshow, actually, i was deeply impressed, because if someone is not watching, i i hope no one in your audience is watching, the dezel show consists of four. about alcohol, prostitutes, about shit and about oral sex, and the new year's concert and that , they are just interspersed with such jokes. we wrote about it and people wrote to natalia ligachova, this, i forgot his name, the main one, this dieselshow actor personally, ah, about what ’s there, clean it up and don’t write such a thing, ato, well, there were some similar hints , which of course it was
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very funny and raised the text, raised the views of this text, but yes, really there was where the show actually threatened journalists to take down their text, and it wasn't just with media detector, and then when michael schur did a video about del show being anti-vaxxers, they had anti-vaccination jokes right there, it was like a targeted campaign on their part, they also threatened them with almost a lawsuit there so that they would not use their materials, and so... the story there literally three weeks ago again with the same number and with a specific attitude towards journalists, i have in general it seems that such shows are burying themselves with such a reaction, well, that is, apologize, delete the number there, or keep silent, if you have enough spirit and intelligence for this, but to threaten the media, well, this is very strange, although it fits into the general the canvas of their behavior and their sacrifices, that 's why i still compare the 95th quarter. the reaction
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to this scandal seemed to me to be more adequate, well, simply, because i compare it with diesels, and here at least no one called anyone a slob, although the actress still approached... i think why the authors over the years, they clearly do not understand their blunders, well, this is not the first time they have been criticized, it’s just that now they are more active, but still they cannot understand what they want from them, that is, they seem to apologize, but still say that we are not you didn't want to offend anyone, you yourself perceived it so simply, well, just perceive it differently, and it's difficult for me to formulate it in concrete words so as not to offend anyone. but i think it's just a problem of generations partly, partly upbringing, partly environment, that is, there it is this type of people was brought up by these, not even soviet, but purely russian humor, which was inspired by russian humor, worshiped russian humor there, worked with ural
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dumplings and so on, soaked in it, soaked in kaven, and well, they were formed like that, they sincerely did not they don't understand why it's wrong, just like your grandfather doesn't... understand what the problem is with racism or what the problem is with the jokes about the place of women and mother-in-law, they just, i think, sincerely don't understand it, but they have similar jokes which they like them, or they are simply not capable of something good, something smarter, then they blink , the audience hides, and they do not understand why they cannot talk, why they cannot joke about the fact that the roma stole a horse, despite the fact that they use the word roma, for them it is normal, they are some new trends and... and they, they treat them like that, specifically, skeptically, it seems like that, in fact, there are many people who, well, not just don't understand there, why can't to say gypsies, you have to say roma, that these are some new, well, some kind of leftism, what it's kind of already bent, it's often
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called such a different story, but in general, what to do with it, because we're currently discussing, for example, i'm in general, this is my subjective position, frankly speaking, i 'm somehow in the place of colleagues from ictv 2 would think about whether such a show should be aired at all in principle, because it already crosses the limits, we have a specific attitude to bans, because here it is as if we have a democracy, ukrainians do not like to ban something , but in general, what do you think should be done with such a show, and what should be the scheme, so it must be some kind of decision of the national broadcasting council or something, like what? what to do next? there will be two parts to my answer: the first is for the audience to understand that this is not just dumb humor. stupid humor is a matter of taste, someone likes stupid humor, the word stupid itself is subjective, in short, everyone can have their own taste for jokes about shit and real sex, okay, but diesel concerts are
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not only stupid jokes , this is a systematic humiliation of women, there are numbers about the fact that women a lot of points, they need to tape their mouths, plus all the women in the rooms are diesels. or housewives or prostitutes, that is, it is a matter of role models that are imposed on ukrainians on new year's eve. the second thing is the promotion of alcoholism, there is a huge amount in the diesel show , that is, there are not just a lot of jokes about alcohol, alcohol is idealized, if you do not drink, you are wrong , there was a joke on new year's eve without alcohol, it means that you will have a rubber snowman , there the child says: mother, how did it happen without a cold one, this is alcohol propaganda performed by children, one wait a second, eh, yaroslav, we have a passage , in fact, we can now look at what you are talking about, about this boy, about the grandfather, there, the grandfather and the grandson, if possible , please put this passage now, and yes, the grandfather wants to drink the whole scene, he can't do it, and he's already telling his grandson,
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well, let's drink with you, granddaughter, let 's watch it, grandson, maybe with you, yes, come on , but i'm still 10, and i'm you... just 10 drops, drops, grandpa, you're kidding, this is fate playing tricks on me, or rather mocking me, oh, i got a potion of happiness in the game, oh, come on, you will drink the potion of happiness in your game, and i will drink my potion of happiness here, yes, come on, damn it, i lost, you and i both lost, here we see, by the way, i am a good actor, as well as a good actor, stanislav baklan, who plays in the 95th quarter, frankly, it hurts me to look at baklan, because i have also seen his wonderful roles in the theater, for example, in his youth, he played, he no longer plays in mysterious variations, this is a wonderful performance, and he just portrays his character very subtly, here in
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in the 95th quarter, he played there, oh, some kind of maniac, and a porn actor and a maniac who comes to a speech therapist, and this is all absolutely also idiotic, and... well, but yes, yes, continue as i said, the question is what to do, that is, there is a huge list of real problems, not just stupid jokes, but downright degrading such things that... border on hate speech, or obviously cross this line, propaganda of alcoholism, xenophobia, sexism, there is a huge list, and what about to do this, it is obvious that at the state level we cannot prohibit a lot of honor, but we have mine there seem to be two ways, the first way is from the side of the advertiser, in the event, when some shows or comedians or just any media stuff there, for example twitter, resort to some such stupid things, for example such... and anti-semitism, advertisers refuse it, sponsors of the desert show in this issue are an alcohol
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brand and a means for patenting, if advertisers told the desert show, like, we will not place our brand against the background of anti-semitism, sexism, xenophobia and everything else, i think it would be a motivation for diesels to change, if no one wanted to be associated with them, because they are dead, or the second option, this is a question for the tv channel, for the producers, for pinchuk, as a matter of fact... pctv, is it normal for them to release such content for ukrainians, is it not for them they want their tv channel to be normal, and don't they want the hctv brand and their names to be associated with such things, with the promotion of alcoholism from children, with jokes about roma and jews, and taping women's mouths and with all the other long list, i.e i think it should be an internal decision of the managers or an external decision of the sponsors, but someone has to say: enough, because it is obvious that diesels will never stop by themselves, they have ratings, they have no taste, and they will us to poison them with this until
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someone bothers them, well, here yaroslav is in agreement with you, because looking at the reaction of the diesel show itself, i definitely understood for myself that they don't, they don't even understand what is wrong at all. yaroslav, thank you very much for your analysis, yaroslav zubchenko was with us in direct contact, the deputy editor-in-chief of the detektor media publication, which deals with me... well, the conclusion is disappointing, we will be watching all these shows from diesel for a long time, shows from the 95th quarter, well, how about us, we will still watch, because the scandals, i'm sure, will continue, because the authors will not give up their style, yes, because, for example, the show, you see, they have the impression that they basically did the skit again, after , how they... were beaten for a skit about a family in the occupation, they did it again literally in a few weeks
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, they say, you know, we will do what we want, well , the only thing left here is to hope for civil society, for the fact that we will simply be people who do not agree with this, to raise some waves of indignation constantly, and maybe then the owner, for example, ictv2, well, maybe he will understand that anti-semitism is not very good, like any other derogatory things. forms of attitude towards people. well, that 's all for me guys, if you want good humor, by the way, you have a way out, you can watch on youtube, many of our stand-up comedians are wonderful, vasyl baidak, anton tymoshenko , nastya zukhvala, anyone who really knows how to make a good joke, knows what self-irony is, but also knows what insults are and does not get to them. well, that's all, my friends, stay with espresso and see you in the next broadcasts, there are discounts
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on fkalor 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. to where there are mistakes, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of not being able to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt. it was thatcher's reforms that laid the foundations for the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who
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really eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher, and it is all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. documentary tape "thatcher". only forward. january 7 at 10 o'clock. 10 and 220 for espresso. about the first week of the new year, which began with massive shelling, casualties, the border blockade, our return home and support, about this and much more in today's issue. the russian invaders have changed their attack tactics in an attempt to overwhelm our
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air defense system. to receive compensation for damages. affected by war, people need to unite. in 2023 , the ukrainian army received weapons, which significantly influenced the course of the war. after a half-year pause, the largest exchange of prisoners during the full-scale invasion of russia took place. farmers and transporters block the polish border again. the authorities again promise to sort things out. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and this is the news, the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. without betraying the traditions, the russians continue to kill and destroy. we did not have time to recover from the massive attack on december 29, when on new year's eve the russian federation released 90 shaheeds across ukraine. and already on january 2, the russians struck a new one
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massive attack on our cities, to say the least. six people died and more than 130 were injured. in the night from january 1 to 2, the russians fired 35 rockets, and in the morning - 99 rockets. from tu-95 strategic bombers. daggers from mig-31k planes, calibers from the sea and an iskander-type missile from the north. at first , the missiles flew, as it were, to different regions of ukraine, maneuvered and changed. direction, but later it became clear that the main target of the enemy is the capital. our air defense forces shot down 72 targets. falling debris happened in 10 districts of the capital, as a result of which there were numerous fires, destruction and burning in residential buildings. terrible consequences in the solomyan district.
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49 people were injured in a fire in a high-rise building. people died. in the podilskyi district, warehouses, two car showrooms were on fire, 29 cars were completely burned, and a gas pipeline and a water pipe were damaged. kyiv region was also affected by the shelling, at least two people died and more than 20 were injured. 14 apartment buildings, 50 private houses, and more than 90 cars were damaged. two schools, a church, one of the regional medical facilities, warehouses. the most destruction occurred in the city of vyshnevo, as well as in the brovarsky, buchansky, fastivskyi, and vyshhorodskyi districts. the enemy also hit kharkiv with s-300 missiles and iskander m. ballistic missiles . two people died,
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16 were hospitalized. 55 high-rise buildings were damaged in the city. explosions were also heard in odesa and kirovohrad regions. the russian federation has changed the nature of long-range air attacks on ukraine. this was noted by the ministry of defense of great britain from referring to the data of his intelligence. according to them , last winter russia struck the energy infrastructure. after analyzing the strikes at the end of last year and at the beginning of the new year, the ministry of defense of britain came to the conclusion that... they were aimed primarily at the defense industry of ukraine. so, how did russia change its shelling tactics and how much funding do they have in order to arrange such massive strikes on us? let's see further. with an interval of four days , the russians staged two super-powerful attacks on
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ukraine. the largest took place on december 29. the aggressor country launched 150. eight missiles of various types and kamikaze drones, and on january 2 , 130 air projectiles in total. on tuesday, in the first wave, the invaders attacked various regions of ukraine with shahads. all targets were destroyed by anti-aircraft defenses. later, russia launched another 99 missiles of various types. most of the shells flew towards kyiv. the russian invaders tried to overload our system. air defense, launched missiles and drones from different directions and changed routes flights at each target, the russians released several missiles, anti-missile systems. did not have time to reload, in addition to massiveness, they had two unique features: this is a significant use of cruise missiles of the kha-101 type after
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a long pause, because previously russia for four months got by with either shaheds or missiles up to the s-300, and this is actually the massive use of the kh101 just confirms the fact that the enemy prepared thoroughly enough for... the objects he wanted to hit, because the most accurate missiles are at the disposal of the russian of the army, it is the kha101 type missiles, these are new samples, which actually, theoretically, should hit the targets. daggers were used in significant numbers, and in fact, the use of cruise missiles from air bombers and the use of daggers, also from russian planes, actually reached the ceiling. not so much missiles as the style of the number of carriers. the enemy aimed primarily at military, defense enterprises and critical infrastructure facilities. according to defense
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express, before the attack, russia collected a total of 800 missiles of various types, including 160 units type "x-101". from this it is possible to understand the intervals between possible subsequent strikes of raschits. in principle, such mass attacks in... they cannot be frequent enough, because on the one hand, the limitation of the number of kha101 missiles, on the other hand, the time of preparation of the operation, planning of the operation takes quite a long time, because even planning for one kha1 missile takes from four days to two weeks, this means that these missile strikes in two attacks, so they prepared for a long time, and prepared so carefully, so that it was difficult to quickly plan the march. for each hast-1 missile. during the recent missile attacks on ukraine, russia used several missiles obtained from north korea. this was stated by the coordinator of the national security council
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of the white house, john kirby. at the same time, russia turned to iran for help. deliveries of short-range ballistic missiles may take place this spring. tehran continues to supply moscow with thousands of kamikaze drones that kill civilians. for almost two years of full-scale war, the ukrainian air defense system increased many times during the last two massive attacks, anti-aircraft forces shot down more than 80% of enemy targets. thanks to our western partners, our country is now protected by such systems. like cheetahs, nasams, sampti, iristi, patriot. only on january 2, the patriot defense forces shot down 10 out of 10 russian
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daggers. enemies launch them from mig-31.k fighters and in a matter of seconds they fly hundreds of kilometers. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, emphasized that if these missiles hit the target, the consequences would be catastrophic. ukraine for... now has the most powerful air defense system in europe, which no other country has, but not all of ukraine is covered by patriot or sampti, to put it mildly. our air defense is now faced with several challenges: to effectively shoot down enemy targets, destroy launch systems on the territory of russia, and cover the front lines from enemy aircraft. according to various data in our country. during the war , from four to more than 6 million people lost their homes. the kyiv school of economics reported six months ago
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that almost 9% of housing in the country was destroyed fund. at that time, it was announced that the total amount of losses exceeded 54 billion dollars. it is clear that the situation has changed in six months, and not for the better. that is why it is so important to know. can ukrainians count on state aid and how to get compensation for destroyed property. well, our entire apartment was completely burned down, all documents were burned, all things, nothing, nothing. this is viktoria, a resident of the capital's solomyan district, whose house was hit by an enemy rocket on january 2. that day, the family was visiting, and this saved lives, because the flames started to catch fire. it went straight from the corridor and there were no chances to escape. victoria's apartment burned completely, along with all property and documents. it takes time to restore them.
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the family wrote. well, they filled out some applications there, but our documents were burned, except for the passport, not children's, there are no certificates, there is no ownership of documents, so we have to restore everything, it takes time, and there is nowhere to live, so we are looking for some kind of housing. in such a situation, other residents of the destroyed building, some live with relatives, someone has friends, whether the entrance is subject to restoration, an examination will establish, how long will have to wait, it is unclear. our entrance is being closed for reconstruction, they said it is impossible to live there, there will be no water, heat, gas, or electricity. they promised one-time help, some french help there from french partners, and they are booking. some kind of
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housing, they said how it will be, they will call and we don't know at the moment. today , work is boiling near the high-rise building, windows are being patched, doors are being installed, garbage is being removed, all thanks to the solidarity of ordinary people, volunteers and communal services. if it weren't for the volunteers, of course they would have cleaned it up, but the question is how long it would take, because it is a force majeure, what happened, and if the communal services, they can't... they can't plan such and such processes for themselves large-scale, that's why it's cool that we can unite, and it would be good if this union happened every day. about 2,000 people joined in helping the victims in the solomyansk district, shovels, bags, film, plates, all this was purchased with the funds of caring people. i myself i live in the solomyansk district, but a little further, and therefore it seems to me that it is important, in the current reality, to order as much as possible. documents
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that confirm the fact of compensation, then go to lawyers, who will already propose some actions to receive compensation, so where to go to receive compensation for property damaged as a result of russian attacks. you can submit an application for compensation in several ways: electronically through the action and in paper form through the administrative service center. the maximum term of consideration. established by the state for 30 days, after which notification of the commission's decision must be received. first, let's take a look at the state program, there is support, it determines compensation of up to uah 200,000 for damaged property. this is a very simple mechanism, you need to register, there is support in the program.
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action, after which, guided by the instructions of the electronic program, already take certain steps. there is another legal mechanism, to go to court against the russian federation, but it is a long way, according to lawyers, it should be done already after the end of the war, then the question compensation for damages from the aggressor state will be easier to legalize. when the world celebrated. the russians killed ukrainians by launching uavs and missiles. mrs. bridget brink, the us ambassador to ukraine, wrote on the social network ex. putin welcomes 2024 by launching missiles at kyiv and across the country, while millions of ukrainians once again shelter from the cold. loud explosions rang out in kyiv this morning. it is extremely important that we support ukraine now to stop
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putin. head of the ministry of foreign affairs


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