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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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on the 13th, it is already the old new year, and on this day children go to give generously, and adults also go to give generously. was born, what exactly happens during this holiday, it originates from pagan times, it is already somehow associated with the fact that spring will soon come, also associated with generosity, when they are already generous about the fact that cattle are calving, yes if only nature came to life, kisho ha'.
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these are the ones next to the central road, they are the most visited, of course, a lot of little girls come, where there are girls, there are a lot of boys who wear masks, the subjects of attention are also vasilis, this is the most important, they also go to vasilis, but they know that some people are not allowed on the 13th, they know who is allowed on the 14th. there are such households where the melankas come the most, and even then the neighbors, acquaintances go there themselves to spend the night, it is fun for them to see all this action, to see many people under a mask, where they see in people completely different traits of their character, niece , generous evening, good evening, good health to good people. in general, you can go to
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anyone, you can beg under the windows, it happens they beg, knock on the window , and vasylka will let melanka in, even apart from the vasyls, a lot of people are allowed in, there are people who just really, really love this business, maybe they used to go, but when they got older, they can no longer go, then they start letting melanka in, a lot there are people like that, they prepare in advance to receive melanka, they have the light on, let's say all night, and milanka... can come in at any time, why did you decide to walk in the meadow, you wouldn't have been better off sleeping under a blanket, warm, no , we just love it, respect it, keep it traditions and we preserve traditions so that they don't disappear, and how many years have you been going to us, well , since when have you been going since you were little? i'm already six. two years old, at the age of seven
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he started going to the melanka, these melankas, they also scare away evil spirits, scare away evil spirits, and the fact that these people also dress up as different, mostly negative characters, and then that, then this is actually this scare and scaring off various evil forces, and there are a lot of people who are afraid of melanka, and they do not go outside on the 13th ... the house, so that some melanka does not get to them somewhere, melanka often scares children, there are so many different, different situations, what do you have, say hello, nothing can be done, this is an opportunity to reincarnate somehow... throw out some possible
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negative energy measures for every year i i made something like that, but i may be ashamed , but mostly if i made something like that, you don't just take off the mask there and i understand everything. melancars, let's say, they try to hide their faces, hide their habits, change the voice, for example , men speak in women's voices, women speak in men's voices, change their behavior, because, in addition to the fact that the village is very large, people still guess, very much guess by their hands, by their eyes, for example, if you look through the ma , well , like, you can recognize a person through a mask in someone's eyes, no one wants to wear the same mask. two or two times even in the same year
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, and in the same way for the second year in the same mask , they try not to go either, because people already remember, you buy, no, i myself yes... a mask what is interesting, it helps many people to really discover what is secret in them, where they really solve, well, of course, what they treat, who has a few grams of alcohol somewhere, and a person really shows his food, where he is not attached, where he relaxed, where she begins to create different, improvise and receives. the pleasure of communicating with the hosts, not all people can and know how to go into melancholy, not everyone, let's say, is given to the fact that they know how to melancholy well, so they can simply change clothes, come, go into the house and stand, just stand, there are other
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people who are very actively melancholic, so they , let's say, brawl in the house, as we say, turn the house over, alibi. and in milanka very often the owners were happy, and some were worried, here they were always under a mask, and those whom they had harmed could come and harm them. there were such cases when they entered the house and immediately scooped out the ashes from the ashtray, they could climb into the pot, see what was cooking there, they could throw it into the shed.
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unwritten, unwritten rules, which, which everyone adhere to, everyone who goes to melanka and who watches, well, as they say, there are people who go to melanka and go to melanka, yes, there are such rules that you cannot remove a mask from another person, if someone entered the house, then it is forbidden to remove the mask from him, if by force, and the one who is in milanka, he can do it only voluntarily, as i was here a long time ago, and what is visible here? and he always starts a conversation, and in order to make it more difficult to guess, a young man, 18 and
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20 years old, and an older resident, who is 80, can come in years old, and some of them will be 60, he said , fellow man, woman of the same age, how are you, and he knew stories from their lives and learned from... the dialogue like a good acquaintance, he could talk for an hour, and they didn’t recognize him for two, he himself kept him from it a certain satisfaction, and the owners themselves always have a thirst to know who it is , and they asked to remove the mask, the one who came to change clothes to remove the mask did not always agree , of course there were cases where the owners even wanted to see who was under the mask so much that ripped off it was scary and not very a good move that could have ended badly.
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they enter the house in groups, and this group, as long as it is in the house, the other group does not have the right to enter, because the others can take off their masks to show their faces to the owners, well, they are melancholic all night until the morning, very often in the morning at 9-10 sometimes people return home.
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time changes, the world changes and the little one also changes with time, she is not the same as she was, i don't know, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, or 50 or 100, she is modern, it is very good, because it allows live, to exist, and the younger generations are also melancholy and walking. and this allows this to exist and this to live, this phenomenon of this tradition
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when it fell apart. the soviet union , then they already started using modern mechanized means, well, of course, when the snow is plowed it is always beautiful, it is also romantic here, and immediately people have better pleasure, stand out more, i am with you in the trailer, i am with you not in the trailer, this is both progress and economic achievements and the ability to afford certain things. a resource, because there have been cases before, this is an axis on a fir, as
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usually, either gotsuls, or gypsies, or a man and a woman in a carriage, these were rarities, but this was a rarity, because then it was the period of the soviet union and somewhere someone broke away, drove like that, then it was some kind of danger that they could be caught, well, now so , then a reenactment, a brigade, then there are hutsuls and artists who want what, there is no set.
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groups from different parts of the village gather their own installations where they show different skits, in addition, they go and independently, not only in groups, they change clothes and also show different skits, this action continues there until p.m.
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in modern times, that's all, you will see the traditional hutsul-hutsulka, sir, madam, but now, sir, madam, it is modern, especially now there is a choice of masks to suit any taste, let's congratulate our diaspora from different countries, for ukrainians, hutsuls, applause bind
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reflects the problems that currently exist in society, and when they show these modern heroes or anti-heroes, they very often make fun of them in different ways, i think that this is a form of art in which you can make fun of just some or or some a person or an event. the new mastet shelf is baked we all vasel with their current holiday, be healthy, all the guests are in the village, this is an event. it lasts there until the evening , it is, let’s say, such an official part, after that all these melankas go to their houses, also on vasil days mainly, because it is the name day of the vasil family, and they usually let in a lot of guests there, it actually happens if the holidays are even longer , then it happens that they go on the second day, and i wrote it down in advance, in short, the ukrainian
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also congratulates you, they told you to say this, that's all , in short, everything, health, all the best, the finn kisses you, listen to me. songs, look, you do it like that, because you are the best, and the best is the best , they kissed everyone, after all the holidays they make such a special holiday for themselves, for those people who went to milanka, others can also come, and eh and just walk, they make a blur, they call such, whether vasylko is at home or not, ku'. people who go to melanka are usually quite socially active people, they do something in the community, or volunteer, or even from the children of those who go to melanka, they also get used to doing these platforms, first of all they accept experience, as they used to was accepted
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some part of those traditions, well, because traditions are always lost, they, they are somehow leveled and changed, but that... experience, how to behave and such, it also emerges such a communication of a little younger and older generations. a tradition is mostly an action that takes place for at least 70 years, it has a chance to be a real tradition and remain. novanka is a little more than 70 years old, it is our true tradition. it. it must have been instilled in me since childhood, i saw how my parents walked, er, my brother walked, me i walk now, it's something that keeps you here in this place and brings you back here , before it was mostly men, but now
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there are a lot of women and children, well, it's nice. by the fact that these traditions will continue, if the young generation is currently walking, then there is still a reserve of such reliability for 30-20 years, which will give these traditions their energy, this is a code, it combines it, but there are no traditions, it is cut off roots, and who knows what they can graft, i don't think about it that much. that i need to go to melanka to, i don’t know , to be emotionally cleansed there, not at all, but it works like that , this morning we caroled with women who are already of a rather respectable age, and they go and, as they say, will go to melanka as long as they live .
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feel free, you are real, and every touch will be tender when the world opens up to you, loving yourself is very
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easy now, feel free. pamper yourself every day. naobielf is the real you. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increasing the loss of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory for... which all of ukraine is waiting for, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes , glory, glory, every day. every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses
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of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how is our success assessed by the international community, and what is moscow lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the tweet closely monitors whether and what weapons will be available for ukraine, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about outside. behind the commanders. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. vasyl winter's broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to catch up
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economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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the christmas carol in the gosul region is unique, i can say that there is no such christmas carol anywhere, the carolers have one, well, not too much, but a strict selection, it's scary.
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buzzes, and the birch of what? we figured it out, we saw that when something goes wrong somewhere, a piece of land slides, or a forest burns down,
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the first tree that will appear there will be a birch, a birch - this tree is the first, it is a tree that leads all other trees, you approach the birch and say: "you are a birch, a birch, you have such a general notebook with collids" ? we are, some say: and this is my grandfather’s notebook, you approach the second birch tree, he also has it, and they collected these notebooks, printed the texts, and now a book is being prepared for printing in the college of the verkhovyna district, based on the notebooks of these birches, of your house , here is a milestone from the sky, a roof to the earth, but give. god, health is a comfort to you, oh from heaven milestone, to the earth shake, and god grant everything.
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under the soviets, it was forbidden here , this, even about this, it was somewhere , they gathered somewhere, they went on horseback, you know, in the mountains, not not, not close to the road, yes, they sing carols in a quiet place, it was forbidden, then it was forbidden, and then, when it warmed up a little, they already allowed religion to be open, what was possible and to go to church, and even then they began to live alone there. ugar two. you approach the house. you are hiding under the house. and when you walk under the house, it's as if you are making greetings for the house and for those people living there in that house.
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we will turn russia around. makes a decision whether he invites these people to the house, because inviting carolers to the house means four hours, the standard purchase is four hours, rejoice, oh, rejoice on earth, the son of god was born, we thank you.
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but if you are not accepted in the house, only guests in front of the house, then you danced, so it turns out, the landlord gives us some money , and he can treat you, and you also went to the second house, and i’m sorry, be healthy, be healthy, infamous landlords from up in the carpathians, we they came to you to think and still in faith grew up, the fields are growing, they have already harvested
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, christ was born. we will learn to give glory to jesus christ. traditionally, women don't go, why? because at home the children are small, there are livestock , and there is a lot of work, and it is easier to let go of the husband, well , the husband went away, celebrated, caroled, and the wife pulls the cart at home. so it was, that was the way of life, however, now everything is a little different, and we had such cases when women... went to carol at home, then from house to house to church, from church to the churchyard, to the whole village and again to the house, so alpha and mega, the beginning and the end, where we started, we return there.
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in our village, each village has its own caroling party or caroling group, unfortunately, this is not available everywhere, in fact, in every village there is already this caroling, to a greater or lesser degree, but it is already there, i think that everything will recover in time, the children go christmas caroling is very nice , there are door knockers, they are the smallest children , there are shepherds, and there are also kings, they walk with crowns, with turbans, completely three different types, nicholas was sitting at the head of the table, sitting. well, of course, they go first to their neighbors, to their godparents, and to each other , as well as to their families, so that they can wait for a year.


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