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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] unfortunately, there is no such kind of caroling party or caroling band everywhere, in fact, in every village there is already this caroling, to a greater or lesser degree, but it is already there, i think that everything will recover with time, children go to caroling, it is very cool, there are doorknobs, these are the smallest children, there are shepherds, and there are also kings, they walk with roots, with mittens already, completely three different types, mykola sat at the head of the table, bowed his head, and saw a tear. how are the three of you doing ? super ruslanochko , thank you very much. to relatives, neighbors, to godparents, well , to each other, as well as to the family, from here, so that
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they will wait for this unity in a year. so that they wait on the shoulder of unity, every caroling party is its duty to go to every house, even to a house where no one lives, to carol so that life is restored there, we will feel for you today, all good people, may god's help always be with you it will be, may god bless every day, every hour, may the trouble perish, be healthy together with the children, may there be no sadness and grief... there will be a thin girl and a vigil among you, let it grow, a cloudy mountain may it pass you by, may rye and wheat give birth well, all kinds of grain, all pomace, may the song not perish in the native land, may our ukraine prosper, christ gives birth to everything, the fields are being created to this day, we are not just singing the old carols, as it used to be 100 years or 100 years ago, no, we sing as we do today, and all that heritage of the carol, which is thousands of years old, which is naturally pre-christian,
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we have given to jesus. and living in the mountains, living in this beauty that is in us, well, we couldn't just be different, maybe because we were a little isolated from the world, in addition, gotsuls are very passionate, and we cannot just sit down at the table and eat, we want everything to be beautiful, besides, in addition to being passionate, we are also freedom-loving, we are not very attached to foreign cultures, foreign authorities and just lived their lives. rikha , but god forbid, you are all cows, because we are already leaving, be healthy, to protect your culture is a great effort of the soul, and the hutsuls, how such people are very creative and very hardy, they did not give in to this, because they believed , that if we
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refuse this, then x a few circles, honestly let's think, let's climb the mountain , let's turn the silver cards in our hands, and the feet are light, let's walk lightly, to the merry-go-round, all the meadows, all the meadows, wide... wide fields, wide fields, blue seas, around my daughter, these are god's words , as ukrainian is our native language, we are carolers, let's honestly believe, the country's language,
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sing to christ, i welcome you to the espresso channel. this year, the government of ukraine plans to increase the production capacity of the domestic defense industrial complex by six times compared to the 23rd year. capacity building of the defense industry has scale up the production of long-range missile systems, drones, and artillery. armored vehicles and other systems for our military. currently, according to the ministry of strategic industries, ukraine's defense-industrial complex includes 500 enterprises employing 300,000 workers. however , it should be understood that currently four out of five companies in our opc are actually private, and this component is developing primarily due to the initiative of
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managers and teams of enterprises that. create the necessary weapons for our army and defense forces. so, about the possibilities of private companies, about how their potential was realized last year, what are the plans for the future. year, we will talk about this in the next edition of our program about war and weapons, both in general and in general by companies and by example of specific samples of weapons and equipment. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the director of the defense express company, which, together with the espresso channels, now strives to cover the most relevant events in the life of our military and the defense industry of the complex and now we are joined by serhii vysotskyi, deputy head of the public organization national association. of the defense industry of ukraine on strategic communication. mr. sergey, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. yes, congratulations, mr. serhiy. greetings, dear viewers, i am glad to see and hear you too. you have been working in this position for some time. i think that you have familiarized yourself in detail with
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the capabilities of those companies that are part of your association today, and i would like you to tell our viewers how it is now what are the capabilities and capabilities of private enterprises that we... the main results for the past year, are there any data on production volumes, that is, such general features that allow, well, to make a general assessment of what is happening in the private sector of the domestic defense industry. yes, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, well , we usually do not carry out a financial assessment of the companies of the association, but we can say about all companies that, of course, compared to ... the period before the large-scale invasion , production has increased tenfold, there are certain types of weapons that were actually put into service, certified, according to the state,
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already after a large-scale invasion, they went into series, and we hope, of course, that this serial production will become, well, such a foundation. to strengthen our capacity, our defense forces, well, from what has been announced, at least in public , an official can say that finally our bohdan howitzer, which is manufactured by an enterprise member of the association, has gone into series production, there are plans for a small increase in this production, well so we went to the series and now massively supplied to the armed forces ukrainian... and from one more company, a member of the association, in fact, this is the only example, well, almost one hundred percent and almost 100% domestic of such a defense product, there are some parts of ordinary terrestrial
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origin, but this a completely ukrainian product, so the question is how much this company will be able to build up, expand its production capacity and contract accordingly, well... the logical processes at enterprises in order to increase this volume have changed, and it is not only about companies association, of course, private ukrainian defense companies are very actively involved in the production of ammunition, it is now being produced, well, there are several examples in ukraine, in such a tight conversion, in close cooperation with western partners, i am manufacturing. now we are reestablishing the connection, we are talking with serhiy vasotsky, he is the deputy head of the public organization national association of defense industry of ukraine for strategic communication, now we are continuing our conversation, mr. serhiy,
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continue if possible, yes, yes, yes, i was talking about what companies, private companies, not only in our association, in general , companies that have shown a very successful example of cooperation and... conversion with western partners in the production of ammunition, here i am also talking about the line of ammunition, have demonstrated over the last year soviet calibers 152, 122, as well as nato calibers, 155 - artillery caliber, and there are 82nd or 120th mines for mortars, and this conversion is of course expanding, we hope that we will be able to private ukrainian companies will be able to put in 30, 40, or maybe twice as much. munitions for the needs of the defense forces already this year, there are high-tech developments, we take an active part in such conversion programs with western partners to strengthen air defense, to
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strengthen the ability to protect the sky, so in fact, in fact, we have to fully agree, of course with the officials , with the ministry of strategic industry, the ministry of defense that... the military-industrial complex of ukraine is on such strategic lines, and for that, in order to expand this production, that is, in order to... make both quantitatively and qualitatively even more products this year, well, we need, we need, of course, some conditions, which i think we will also talk about after you on this broadcast. yes, mr. serhiy, indeed, the next question, i would like to understand what exactly is the creation of the synergy effect, it requires such, well, assistance from both sides in order to achieve the most effective result, and of course, then after this, in any in this case , our private enterprises have certain ones difficulties, problems, and they are actually
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consolidated in the format of appeals to nadia, and what are the issues that most concern our private enterprises now, the lack of finance to order, there forecasting of orders, personnel, equipment, if these areas could be arranged in such a way, regarding certain areas that bothers our private citizens? look, this is a very large-scale complex of tasks that must be solved. in the near future, first of all, of course, this is a set of tasks related to the fact that private military-industrial enterprises complex, they assume all risks regarding the production and supply of the corresponding products, be it ammunition, or military equipment, or some technological components, it is necessary to understand that the element base for such products. for weapons and ammunition
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and technological products, we do not have enough, moreover, we do not have enough capacity to ensure a full one-hundred percent production cycle of ukrainian weapons and ammunition, but at the moment i am not sure that these production capacities can be 100% done, because it requires extremely high investments, the transfer of technologies from our western partners, which , unfortunately , they are not yet... this is a security issue, yes, because , as we can see on the example of recent missile attacks, the issue of security for military-industrial complex enterprises is very, very serious, so now the production of these products, starting from an elementary mine of some kind. for mortars and
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ending with high-tech ones samples of our weapons are provided in a situation of conversion and in a situation where we, as a country in an existential war, compete with other countries for the supply of a very limited number of elemental bases and components for our defense products, in order to plan more clearly. or the capacity to purchase on a larger scale, in larger quantities under more long-term contracts, which ensures a reduction in the price of this entire elemental base, of course, we would like the ministry of defense and other government the customers nevertheless paid attention to that norm, the article of the law on defense procurement, which provides for the conclusion of long -term contracts, unfortunately... so far, the practice of concluding long-term contracts for
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the supply of weapons and ammunition is not widespread, let's say, examples of similar there are already contracts, but they are not placed on some kind of flow, let's put it this way , of course someone can tell me from the answer that, well, how is it, there are a large number of unscrupulous suppliers, there are these scandals that we have seen during this year with... companies, well, like, for example, the very same alpha group, it was such a sensational scandal, well, what if the money was absorbed, but no, but they could not supply the products, that is why there are such questions, how are we going to , we will be able to ensure its fulfillment in a long-term contract, for this you can, well, you can confess, you can develop very different approaches, there is a register
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of honest companies that supply almost 100% of the contracted products to the defense forces, there are some criteria that can be developed, but the implementation of the rule about long-term defense contracts are a necessity in order to ensure , first of all, and war, you know, is about a resource, and money is a very important resource in any war, and in order to ensure... lower prices for final products, for weapons and ammunition, you need predictability, you need the ability to contract all these components, elements of foreign origin. production facilities that are located in third countries in the long term, and of course this will help reduce the price, because unfortunately, according to examples of implementation contracts, if we have short-term contracts for six months, for example, we see such a trend that every six months the prices of
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products, weapons, ammunition, they increase, because because the world market of these components, chemicals. explosives, gunpowder , it does not stand still, this market is highly scarce, now, highly competitive, and therefore, of course, these international companies that manufacture this particular elemental base or these components, well, such as explosives, gunpowder, again, they keep raising their prices because it's classic, classic law economy, the more so, because in fact both you and the directors of many enterprises talk about long-term contracts as a condition that will destroy the price reduction and stable loading of enterprises, but this does not happen despite the obvious rationality of such a step. you were at meetings with the ministry of defense, with the new leadership of the ministry of defense, i think that these issues
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were raised, and if there are still no changes, is there an explanation why the general staff of the ministry of defense or other structures there are not ready... to switch to this rational way of cooperation with ours defense enterprises? i, i would, you know, i would say that there is no lack of readiness, there is a very constructive discussion with the leadership of the ministry of defense, the general staff, and indeed, now we see very positive trends regarding the readiness to communicate with the industry from the representatives. state authorities, state customers in the field of defense, that is why we are approaching this , believe me, i think that this year we will have successful examples of such contracts, i have already said that, let's put it this way, the first ones are already swallows, for the first positive examples, they
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are already being followed, so we will hope that this dialogue will be continued, that we together with the state authorities. in the ministry, we will work out the criteria , we will work out appropriate decisions about what to conclude these long-term contracts, especially with those companies that have proven themselves to be reliable suppliers, with companies that are not just importers, but those that manufacture weapons and ammunition, that is well , i think that we will come to that, again i want to note that the dialogue is very constructive and very positive. well, then i would like to touch on one more topic, a long-running topic that started last year, namely the position of the state audit service regarding the profits of defense enterprises. there were several decisions of the parliament and the cabinet of ministers regarding
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this situation, there were also meetings of the pka enterprise with the participation of your association and the new leadership of the ministry of defense that the situation is illogical. it needs a solution, because it harms the defense enterprises themselves, but as of today now the situation looks like, because i see that there is an impression that the dosa stands its ground, and these risks are already becoming practical risks, but there are examples of enterprises, in particular there is a fire engine, where the director is accused of violating his powers there, there is a court case, what can be done now to prevent this situation'. i want to direct the issue in a logical and rational direction, but first of all, mr. serhii, i want to give an explanation to our viewers, well, regarding such a widespread narrative about some businessmen who make money from the war, in fact, if a company that manufactures
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arms and ammunition or even imports them, well, it is doing an honest job in terms of reporting. that is, does not hide any commission or profits in any transactions, well, fictitious, well, these companies live in very honest companies, i mean honest honest companies that manufacture weapons and ammunition, respectively, or supply them by import, they live in a very regulated field, the profit on the supply of such products, it is regulated... this is by a decision of the cabinet of ministers, and this is the so-called system of 1.330, 1% for the purchase of components in the middle of ukraine, i.e. contracting between ukrainian counterparties. 3% for imports, 3% rate of profit and 30% - it is for work, that is
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, it is for labor for labor hours, which are needed in order to produce weapons or some type of ammunition there, well, and in the cost of production , about 30% , they are very low, well 5%, relatively speaking, in the cost price of some final product, this is robo work, so it's actually... a very regulated field, there are no excess profits, if the company works honestly and there are no corrupt price increases there some relevant products for weapons and ammunition, and moreover, it is necessary to understand that if we are talking about the private sector, then in the private sector of the military industry there is no state funding, no subsidies, no direct state investments. or private , in fact, almost all, almost all of this profit that is received, it is reinvested in
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order to increase capacity, but i know examples of companies that simply reinvested 100% of this profit in new production capacity in the relocation of enterprises, which will be necessary from the point of view of our, well, such a security situation in terms of missile attacks, and even if it was on a... this is not something so sky-high and it's not some kind of deal, it's a business that works in a very regulated regulatory field with very small small percentages of profits , which are being reinvested in ukraine to have more weapons, so that our armed forces can receive more shells, more mortars, more armored vehicles, more other types of ammunition, more means of radio electronic warfare with... development more, more, more, more, that's why this situation with the dsu , it was so blatant, because in fact we
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interpret it, well, as a sabotage against its defense and industrial complex of ukraine, because it should be noted that this audit is still ongoing, it no longer applied exclusively to private enterprises , no, in fact they put the entire military industry of ukraine, both state and private, under attack, for some reason they decided in... despite the existence of the law on defense procurement, despite the existence of relevant resolutions of the cabinet of ministers, dasu pulled out of context only one resolution of the cabinet of ministers 335 and said that all the profits of the entire ukrainian military industry for 22 years are losses to the state budget, and therefore all companies, there company directors, relevant officials should be in prison, if these are losses to the state budget, well, this is a prison further on, and it was a very interesting example of this, our military-industrial complex could simply stand up, you know, in one week, due to searches, due to criminal
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proceedings, due to some court processes, well and due to the possible reluctance of even some owners to continue this work, because if you have a choice, you, well, you know, we live very, very much, in fact, they often do not understand, unfortunately, in which situation our citizens are at risk. and tension exists in our military-industrial complex, well, everyone works in three shifts, yes, it is 24-hour work, there is a threat of missile attacks, and we have to build, but people are dying, no matter how effective our air defense is, no matter how much we strengthen it , unfortunately, there are examples, well, when we heard the last example, it was a production yes, when missile strikes are carried out, people die there, well, that's the great thing. the production process, a huge industry , which directly depends on the survival of our state, the survival of ours, so we
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have little time, what the situation looks like now, now we are on behalf of the association, this is our association, and the union of employers of ukraine, and the union of light industry, we are jointly with the ministry of defense, and thank you very much to the ministry of defense. for again a constructive, very, very sober position, a draft cabinet resolution was developed ministers in order to solve this issue , it must be said that this issue for the future, that is , for the 23rd year, has already been resolved, i.e. , the relevant regulations have been amended, and now, if the profit cannot be written off as a loss of the state budget, well, but for the 22nd year, this problem remains, and a resolution of the cabinet of ministers was developed. it was introduced before the new year for consideration by the cabinet of ministers, now we are waiting for the appropriate decision from
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the prime minister to issue this resolution that will regulate it. the question is critical to the meeting of the cabinet of ministers, of course we , on behalf of the industry, on behalf of the military-industrial complex, call on the prime minister to bring this matter to the consideration of the cabinet of ministers as soon as possible. mr. serhiy, thank you very much for these explanations, they are important in the context of the situation surrounding these inspections of naudi, the enterprises included in naudi, and i would like to remind our viewers that it was serhiy vysotskyi, the deputy head of the public organization. national association of defense industry of ukraine for strategic communications. we see that there is potential in private enterprises, but such things created by the audit service really undermine this potential and create risks. we hope that the prime minister will still decide to adopt a resolution that will stop these illogical actions on the part of the turkish service. and then we will talk
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about specific samples of military equipment. and weapons that are created by creative teams, private companies, on the example of the backfire unmanned complex, but more on that after the advertising and information block. there are discounts on defly, 20% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. there are discounts on psyk, 10% in pharmacies , plantain for you and savings. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. where there are errors, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method
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undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk.
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sunday, 17:10 at espresso. continuing with our program on war and weapons, we will continue to talk about a project that is unique in some ways because we have a significant number of drones that are used in the armed forces, there are around 70 different types and models of strike prospector. drones, impact drones, there are a certain number of different munitions that are created for the specifics of each type, but here is the team , which we will talk about further, it started from its own concept of using impact bros in drones, and this is how the world appeared an unmanned strike complex called backfire, and now we are joined by artem sherbakivskyi, he is the operator of the uav of the assembled


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