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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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continuing with our program on war and weapons, we're going to talk about a project that 's unique in some ways because we have a significant number of drones that are used by the military, in the range of 70 different types. and samples there are shock, reconnaissance drones , sub-shock drones, there is a certain number of different munitions , which are created for the specifics of each type, but here is the team, which we will talk about further, it started from its own concept of using shock bros in drones, and so the world with 'appeared unmanned strike a complex called backfire, and now we are joined by artem scherbakivskyi, he is the operator of the uav of the combined squad of evil birds and actually...
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one of the members of this team that created this rather interesting complex, mr. artem, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, congratulations , i would like you to tell our viewers in a little more detail what backfair is, because they probably forgot something, we talked with you about six months ago, and i think that during this time, maybe the complex has changed, but i would like you to be so general things were told so that our viewers had no idea what we were going to talk about next, but of course it has changed a bit, we are not standing still, we are constantly improving, backfiire is an aircraft-type uav, that is, a plane about 3x2 m to understand the dimensions, now it flies for a distance of a little more than 50 km in one direction and carries the cargo. useful 5.5 kg already, six
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months ago it was 3.8 to 4 kg, now it is already 5.5, in principle, the uniqueness, well, we did not invent anything beyond, beyond our capabilities, so to speak, we simply combined, good decision. and packed them in a very stable body, fluid in plan like an airplane, that is why it turns out to be effective for us, there are already more, i think, for today at this moment, probably about 200 sorties, the airplane works constantly, well... . not alone, of course, sometimes the enemy
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shoots down, well, any weapon can be destroyed, our plane is the same, sometimes it is shot down, but it is much more difficult, for example, with a rebo, the enemy cannot silence it with radio-electronic warfare, shoot it down with some kind of missile either quite problematic, because it has no heat. trail, for example, a-ah, they are usually shot down with a large caliber, these are zushki, or - kpvt, for example, too, well, that is, you, you, the main nuance of the complex do not talk about the fact that, in fact, it ensures the destruction of the enemy, with ammunition that is dropped from this complex, but it goes according to the programmed coordinates and complexes,
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the enemy simply cannot be suppressed, this is the main feature of your development, as i understand it, yes, because there is nothing to suppress, he flew, he has a mission, he bombed and returned, from the latest interesting and hostile videos the channels started buzzing, this is when our aircraft , so to speak, is doing a cluster bombing , it's... about 18, at that time we dropped 18 vogs, a very impressive video on light unarmored vehicles, that is, on cars, and it was in depth , uh, in the enemy's depth, so to speak, i 'll cut you off a little bit here, we had a bit of an argument about this video on the eve of our program, because there's literally... 6 seconds
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where the cluster munitions are unloaded, but now we will show this video, maybe in the context of our conversation, but that made me smile there. this is the reaction of the enemies, but i found a reaction in the enemy public that was written in russian, there the armed forces of ukraine used a new drone for the first time with the possibility of dropping a large number of cluster munitions. the ukrainian beckfire drone, a division of angry birds , dropped a large amount of ammunition on the positions of the russian air force in the svo zone. we hope that our drones will be developed soon. and the creation of similar machines, then the question arises, what worried them so much, whether they will be able to repeat it and what is now backfire hit performance, you said about 200 sorties, are there any other targets that are that good other than what we saw in this
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short video with cluster munitions? and yes, there is a defeat of the enemy’s reb, and... a defeat of the enemy’s air defense systems, close-range, that is, the work is going on, effective, and as you can see, from the enemy’s public, they, before they laughed, now they are already thinking about what to do with it, well, we'll see in time, if everything... works out as we planned, and the troops will be fed up with our complex in a large measure, then it will already become a serious problem for them when there will be thousands of them, and by the way
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, regarding the order, if we do not say too much, that is, is the ministry of defense ordering the ministry of statistics now, or as before, most importantly, let’s say so, at the expense of the initiative yours? the team is increasing the production of these complexes, what is the current situation, and the order is quite voluminous, well, i can say that, well, and in fact, do the capacities of your team now allow us to satisfy this order, which i think will be more and more , it will ok do you need to expand capacity? do we need money, so to speak , in order to purchase something there, to expand the team of manufacturers, how is this component currently being resolved, of course, funding is also needed for new developments, because in addition to this aircraft
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, we also have a number of promising promising weapons, and in principle we let's go... a slightly non-standard path in terms of production, we want to do franchising, so to speak, well , such a fornetti from arms, when anyone with some finances and an understanding of production will be able to produce our complexes at its capacity, that is, it will provide us. saturation and there will not be any specific point for the enemy who can destroy it and destroy production, well, then that means that it is you who must prepare a perfect package of documentation,
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write down all the technological cycles, make such a mass book there in digital form, which is transferred to your partner and where, relatively speaking, he will be able to repeat it, so far i think that it will be such a first experience. so what stage are you at now with this first experience? just is several agreements on production at other facilities, in principle we are working on this, there is an understanding of how to do it, how to scale, because most of our team, and the civilians we have, and military personnel, military service. they have an interesting background in business in various fields, and in principle there are no new solutions for us, we are simply
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transferring our former civilian experience to the military industry, that is understandable, and then what one member mentioned in essence, how then these new in... teams that receive this complex, in terms of its use, is it complex with from the point of view of preparing there calculation for programming, for launching, there for equipping the combat unit, how? this ingredient? er, no, it's not complicated , it's quite simple, er, to use, er, you can learn it in a week, plus another week, er, canvases under the guidance of instructors and you can use, er, it's not is complicated, but in the future we plan to make it even simpler at the expense of... a series of series about new software that
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will make it easier to use, that is, there will be several buttons, a take-off point, a reset point ammunition, landing point and everything, they put it on the screen, it will make the route for you. will take into account the altitude, will take into account the weather at the time of the mission, uh, and will already fly according to the coordinate, that is, we are going to that, in principle, one of the concepts of all our developments, and ideally, this is the maximum easy-to-use weapon, eh , one of the developments, it's no longer a secret, we talked about it, it will be a chip for guidance for any fp. which will lower the entrance threshold to kamikaze copters for pilots, there will be
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a target capture, a push of one button, and it will automatically harvest the target, well, that is , it will be a module that can be used in all our fpv drones, as i understand it, and it is precisely this terminal stage, the final stage, which is the most difficult. which in fact, well, then the entire russian trench rap will be removed, because if there is such an extension, it means that we will nullify this potential that he is currently trying to create there, this is how it looks, this is how you correctly noticed, exactly and when to expect this cardinal breakthrough solution, it is already there, it is already on the chip, we already his test... here again is the question of additional funding, because in principle our
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team has come to the point that we do not plan to produce any of our solutions, we want to bring them to the final sample, so to speak, already factory and before '. vat on the production of others, this allows us not to concentrate on the production of some capacity of the production organization, and it allows us to scale quickly and efficiently, that is, but i will just digest the information about this module right now, in fact, it is extremely a revolutionary solution is also needed, because it can really now... well, multiply the efficiency of using our fpv drones, and this means that if we are heard, and we
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will write more after that, there will probably be some news about this, because it is it is also extremely important that ours there, i don’t know bry one, there is the ministry of strategy and technology, the ministry of defense, because if you really have such developments, then it should be put into practice as quickly as possible and scaled up and used on the battlefield, so i would like to for you to emphasize again that you have such a solution that indeed, it... already has a character so close to the practical level, yes, this solution already exists, it is almost ready, well, it is ready, we still need to test it in combat conditions, and in principle it will be possible to launch it, but the only question is that, most likely, we will not be able to put this chip into service, get permission for operation or put it into service, because it is a component, it is not, well, there is no
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mechanism of delivery into service, uh, that is, rather than everything, other drone manufacturers will be able to purchase it, put it in their drones and theirs to put drones into service and obtain permission for operation, that is, this is the model , well, we have the management of unmanned systems, which a new management has been created, i think it is headed by quite adequate people, i think that in principle, and you should talk to them there, because everyone understands how important it is. i hope that this will be supported by the general staff of the ministry of defense of ukraine. yes, we also hope for that. well, of course here, we lean a little against our bureaucracy, but without this, unfortunately, it is impossible. to me i like the new trends that the minister of defense has started to introduce. panuerov
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i hope that the bureaucratic component will decrease in the army, not only in terms of new weapons, in general in terms of the use and document circulation in the troops, this is an important reform that should help us, and here are almost extreme questions, have you had contacts with by foreign manufacturers of drones? complexes, is there a need for cooperation with some foreign companies in order to solve the problems that your company is currently solving there, or so far you able to bet on their own strength? yes, we had contacts, quite interesting, but due to our experience, we are
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already ahead of other countries in many areas, for example, the french, we talked with them, they have their own plane there, a bpa bomber, and when we asked how you solved the reb problem, they shrugged their shoulders, like, yes, we don't have such a problem, well, of course, because they 've never faced it, they're supposed to bomb somewhere in africa. rebels, some terrorists, who do not have the same weapons as our enemy, this is one task, because objectively, we are fighting with one of the strongest armies in the world, and this must be recognized, and therefore our experience is unique, unfortunately, and for
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this reason, we will return to your beh-fire, where we started. as i understand it, it will still transform, it will probably be a little bit bigger, it will already carry more cargo, it will probably have different options for combat equipment, although we can already see that there are already those solutions, and probably you will work on increasing the accuracy of hitting, and all these requirements will probably be implemented is there anything else in the backfire 2.0 versions, but first of all there is the k2 version, which i... said, which flies further and carries more, we are already working on the k3 version, there will be even more interesting ones until i to announce them, well, the team is constantly working, there are other variants of the uav aircraft type, that is
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, we are not standing still, we are working both on the backfire and on other developments, and well, because the front dictates the conditions, and we have to move further, further, we have no right to stop. mr. artem, thank you very much for the inclusion for the work you do doing for the armed forces, because what you said actually inspires optimism, because these decisions, in my opinion, are extremely important, so thank you again to your team and i will remind our viewers that it was artem sherbakivskyi, uav operator of the evil birds unit, as well as a member of the team that developed the backfire strike drone, we see that this drone is now being transformed into more powerful versions, there will be new modifications, but we also see that separate technological solutions are being worked on, because relatively speaking, the appearance of these software elements for fpv
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drones, why is it important, because in fact now the fp drone operator is a person who endures... emotional stress during the execution of a combat mission, there are four or five missions a day, this is actually a qualitative limitation, because then it becomes difficult for the operator to really hit the target is under the influence of the enemy reb, if the fpv drone is at the terminal stage, i.e. at the end it can capture the target and destroy the enemy object by itself, then this means that the burden on the operator is reduced, and on the other hand, i repeat, this story with the trench re '. now the enemy is trying to saturate the front edge with various means of combating drones, primarily with fpv drones, we can see that such green boxes appear on some russian tanks where... there are fpv drone suppression systems, but these are the modules that cherbakivsky is talking about , in principle, they are now being developed by several more teams, to tell
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the truth, they are actually really zeroing out the capabilities of the russian reb, they are extremely interested in making it happen as soon as possible, i think that the military leaders will understand the significance of this step and support the initiatives team, which is now represented by artem scherbakivskyi, so these were the main conclusions of this military program of ours, where, on the one hand, we see the potential of private companies with certain bureaucratic restrictions due to the actions of certain state bodies, in particular dasa, and really breakthrough solutions that can be implemented by private companies to increase capacity in various areas, starting from unmanned complexes and ending in other directions, stay tuned to the channel, there will be a lot more interesting. there are 15% discounts on strength detox in pharmacies
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psyllium, pam and ochad, there are 10% discounts on lactiale in the pharmacies of psalysnyk, pam and ochad. every day, every hour, every minute we get a big one. amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield? how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week. it review of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available
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to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. events, events happening right now. and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand, antin borkovskyi and invited experts are sober evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, which saturdays at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sundays at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present their own project. with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be
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analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso.
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hello friends, during the past week , probably one of the top topics was the discussion of the number 95 block, the show that they prepared on new year's eve, on new year's eve, it stretched from 7 in the evening until, it seems, 2 in the morning, i had it was a pleasure to watch all this, and because i had to do a review on this... show, but literally the next day or two days later , a real scandalous fight began, because one
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of the users of social networks for. weighed one of the numbers in this show, which already contained such you know, a phrase or even a word that will probably already take root in our ukrainian language, it is called siskadovska, and it was about a girl who comes to transcarpathia, from skadovska, but because she speaks ukrainian so poorly that she ends up with siska-dovska , i think that it will be included in the ukrainian. language as a neologism along with the chanterelle that we got last year, well let's remind ourselves of this number, were you born in ukraine? well, yes, of course, and why didn't we communicate in ukrainian before that, well, what about that, well, me, well because i'm from siskadov, i'm sorry, who?
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we will definitely discuss with you in the next half hour, why the level of our humorous shows, at least two top ones, this show from the 95th quarter and dieselshow, have already hit the bottom, these are my subjective judgments. they are also shared by a lot of my journalist colleagues, who are engaged in reviews of these shows in particular, well, let's also think about why such jokes appear in general, why they continue with their hands, by the way, i and my colleagues, who have been involved regularly for years reviews of these shows, we see it for real years, two years ago, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, that's why such jokes were on our television, they still remained, and we will try to understand, and...
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why exactly now scandals around these numbers arise regularly, because this this week we are discussing the 95th quarter and dieselshow also came under criticism, just two weeks ago dieselshow came under criticism again, well, during the year we also saw scandals with other comedy shows, with comedy series, remember this series with time to 30 with this stupid girl with a circle... well, let's understand: firstly, if we talk about the jokes of the 95th quarter and the diesel show from my point of view, the diesel show is a much worse phenomenon than the 95th quarter, and many people do not like these jokes, and now they get into such riots, because the authors , from my point of view, approach their writing completely thoughtlessly, they have several schemes according to which they write them, and they
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use them in... for years, and it does not matter what they write about, about the occupied territories, about a family celebrating a holiday, a married couple walking stores, it doesn't matter, they have the same thing over and over for years, so i assume that in general their jokes are not based on real issues, that the authors do not delve deeper at all, what they are making these jokes about, they just choose some ... somewhere funny in their opinion, words also beat them, but let's look at another example from the same scandalous number, and you will see in general, but pay attention to how this girl from skadovsk, how she speaks ukrainian, that is, it is not at all based on the fact that what mistakes do russian-speaking ukrainians make, which are switched to ukrainian, because the authors say that they made this number in general
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in order to support these people, so that they do not think that they have some ugly appearance, so that they do not think that they are will laugh, they did this stunt, well i think they achieved the opposite effect, i don't know what they were thinking, portraying a completely idiotic character, trying to support these people, well, i mean, look, you look so idiotic when switch to ukrainian, z everyone laughs at you, but, but move on, we support you, absolutely some absurdly twisted logic. but just note , russian-speaking people who come to ukrainian and make mistakes, they do not speak like this character, that is, they have not even learned the elementary, which is called matchastina, they have not learned, well, these are typical of some troubles and difficulties with the language that arise in people, let's listen to how it looks, you know, i speak ukrainian, well, i'm at school, that's...


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