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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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ukrainians who speak ukrainian, who switch to ukrainian, because the authors say that they made this number in general in order to support these people, so that they do not think that they have some kind of ugly appearance, so that they do not think that they are will laugh, they did this stunt, well i think they achieved the opposite effect, i don't know what they were thinking, portraying a completely idiotic character, trying to support these people, well, i mean, look, you look so idiotic when you cross. everyone laughs at you in ukrainian, but , but go on, we support you, absolutely some absurd twisted logic, but just note, russian-speaking people who come to ukrainian and make mistakes, they don’t speak like this character, that is, they don’t even they studied elementary, which is called matchastina, they did not study, well, these are typical troubles and difficulties with language that arise in people, let's listen to what it looks like. and
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you know, i'm ukrainian, well, i used to growl at school, no, no, i didn't growl, volchara, studied, studied, that's why many words , words, words, words, words, words, i remember, i already vomited, you know, and... who has small children, well, those who enter kindergarten or first grades, i think you friends are watching jokes like this somewhere, and it is very strange to me personally that adults laugh at such jokes, i was at the performances of the 95th quarter, the women's quarter, live, i saw these sold out, children, to things were also there and people really laughed, there someone thinks it's a montage, no, it's not a montage, really people they laugh, but that’s the way it is, the question is that when
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everything got agitated, the mayor of skadovsk recorded a video, because skadovsk, let me remind you, is an occupied territory, and the mayor of this city said that it’s not so bad, other people’s lice are like their own nits , and actually he said that now all of us residents of skadovsk, who stayed there and who left, need support, and not such mockery, because it is a mockery, not himself. irony, because in our country such authors of such sketches often say, but you simply do not have self-irony, you simply cannot laugh at yourself, laugh at self-deprecatingly, and making fun of yourself and insulting yourself, these are completely different things, let's listen to mr. mayor, probably the jokes about siysky skadovsk seem very witty to someone.
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but let's leave it to the conscience of the directors, i hope they will have the strength to apologize to the ukrainians. today, skados is under occupation, and what it really needs is support, not ridicule. well, the participants in this scandal, of course, later apologized, but there is a big question before their apologies, well, i just i'll tell you, because a lot of people ask, why, how in the world did they... think of taking an occupied city, why, well, why, well, they would have taken some other city, it would have been less of a hassle, from my point of view, because i've been for a long time watching the jokes of the residents of the neighborhood, my , my position is that, my guess is that they, most likely, did not even google this city, maybe they did not even know that it was occupied, but they just have such a principle of being funny, as i said earlier, in their opinion, words are twisted. from there
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skadovsk, they must have thought, i'm like that i imagine how this situation could have been, and skadovsk from skadovsk is similar to siskadovsk, let's make a skit around this, why do i say that, well, i'm talking about the fact that they most likely just took this name, yes the city, and did not even see where it is located, because they announced this number as a girl from the east comes to transcarpathia, in fact, skadovsk is not in the east, it is in the south, it is kherson region. and earlier on the women's quarter, i was six months ago on their show, they laughed at the city of wroclaw, for example, how do you find the name of the city funny wroclaw, because the audience laughed, well, it was in the context of a scene that a man wants to break into poland to his wife, because he has not had sex with her for a long time, and he is so excited that he reacts sexually to everything, and when the border guard says something about wroclaw there, and he starts to get even more...
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excited, my friends then said in the comments that there is another wonderful polish name dorota, it was possible to make a skit around this, it is just in the style of the 90s. 105th quarter, that's why i'll emphasize that everything is built on such things in them, and that's it when they began to ask, it was obvious that they did not know that this city was occupied. i also want to remind you about this scandal with the tv series that made it to the 30s, there it also happened, it came to the indignation of the residents of kolomyia and the statement of the mayor of kolomyia, i will remind you that this series was shown there, one of the heroines was... lyuba from kolomyia, who was completely atypical, but now we can show some images of her, photos from this series, she was a completely atypical resident of kolomyia, because she did not speak the way they speak in kolomyia, she used atypical words even for russian-speaking ukrainians, like kura-grecha,
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as far as i understand, that's how they speak in russia somewhere in the st. petersburg area, and this was also an indicator that the authors of the series had not studied. what is kolomyia, they just randomly took some city, kolomyia, somewhere in the west, let's take it, because in their opinion it, again, it seems cool to me, it sounds funny, let's make some fool of kolomyia, especially they showed kolomyia as a village, and kolomyia is not a village, it was enough just to google some banal wikipedia, go in, see that there are about 70,000 inhabitants, and that it is a city with a long enough history, there are a lot of historical and cultural monuments. why study it at all, if you can just, as i say, fall into the keyboard with your face in the keyboard, and then you get a script in them. regarding the apology, the authors apologized, but they would have apologized specifically, now we can listen to what
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yuri the great said, he is an actor who is quite popular in the 95th quarter, he just played this man from transcarpathia, let's listen to what he wrote on instagram, but this number is not... russian and not about skadovsk. this number is about people who do not dare to speak ukrainian in everyday communication, fearing that if they speak with mistakes, they will look somehow wrong in the eyes of other people. therefore, the main message of this number is that there is no shame in making mistakes. it is a shame not to speak your native language in your country. each person perceives and interprets humor individually, so if someone is looking for a negative connotation, he finds it. well, you know, on the one hand, these explanations compared to other explanations, especially the one with the reaction of dezelshow , are absolutely, absolutely unconscious, but it shows that yuri the great, the team of the 95th quarter did not understand what the claims were, because well, they say that first of all you
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didn't understand, in fact it's your fault that you didn't understand our joke, we didn't want to offend anyone, and secondly, it's just logical if you want to support russian. .. people who switch to ukrainian, why do you portray them as idiots, that is, how does it all fit together, that is, look at what idiots you are, when you are wrong, but we support you. regarding iryna gatun, this is the actress who played this girl siskadovska, then this is my colleague marina denylyuk yarmalayeva, she found with characteristic meticulousness, looking through her instagram, this is a photo from the 15th year, you see her taking pictures in a soviet uniform and also in ... in the 18th and 19th years, iryna rested in the crimea, like this, and also, after that, here, for example, how the institute of reputation is working, we are now starting to work in the cultural cluster of krakow, the play with the participation of iryna gatun was canceled, she also plays in the black
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square theater, by the way, at one time oleksiy arestovich, vasyl golovanov, such a tv presenter, played there i don't know, you can probably call him an actor, and now they canceled this performance for moral and ethical... reasons, and let's listen to irina, because she recorded her answer on instagram, but again, this answer outraged even more more, well, people said that it would be better if she didn't recorded because she again accused people of hate, let's listen, many have seen the wave of hate that has now risen about the number on the block, to whoever it ... really offended, i apologize, sincerely, the point number was that we have an obligation in our country to speak our native language, and even if it doesn't work out very well at first, that 's all, and to whomever it is, i sincerely
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apologize once again, but those paid i want to say to the creatures who specifically raise this hate, you and your putin are all paid the creature who criticizes, well, actually, the paid one is obviously also... she is the editor of, for example, the kherson media, which is called watermelon city, she is from kherson, she also survived the occupation, and here she filed a complaint with the commission on journalistic ethics, and here she wrote to herself in tiktok, a whole, a whole terado, in response to this apology, which she rejected, she wrote that the apology cannot contain further insults and further accusations, well, the commission actually reacted... of ethics, they rolled out a statement, now we can do it to see, and they, for example, write
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the following: humor should also not contribute to the rooting of certain often erroneous stereotypes, to label representatives of certain groups as inferior. in the past, this technique was widely used in products aimed at several markets at the same time, the ukrainian, russian market and the so-called cis, and led not only to a simplified understanding of the ethno-political situation in... many countries, but also normalized for a significant number of the ukrainian population the feeling of inferiority of their own cultures end quoting from myself, i will add that our comedy shows completely and throughout the war years were engaged in discriminating the images of ukrainians, not self-irony, i mean, these are caricature images of ukrainians, mocking the ukrainian language and all that, so this question is long-term, and about the diesel show i'll also mention it, because it's not the first time dieselshows have run into each other. various scandals, for example, a whole review of the new year's show of
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all their shows was released on the media detector, and i will say that before that a few weeks ago, it was also on the marina detector kryzhnya wrote a review in response to kolotnecha on twitter, because dezelshaw made such a skit about a ukrainian family in the occupation, and there they showed that the occupation is, in principle, absolutely normal, well , a normal story, to live there absolutely. it’s not dangerous either, you can swear with the russian military, don’t take a russian passport , and then the authors of the diesel show gathered a lot for this review, and let’s see the reaction of the actress who recorded her reaction on instagram, just compare her reaction with the reaction of 95 quarter and understand the difference, beaver, i'm sorry, i wrote about us like that all over. they spread the information that our number, which in general makes fun of the occupiers
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, she slandered us with such nonsense, i apologize that it does not come to mind, what she says, that we laugh at those people who are in the occupied territories, lies, lies, look at the number, it's fine, and it infuriates me, what are they like, i don't know, maybe it 's paid for, i can't help it, because the children are watching us, but i really want this redhead, have you seen her? she is also red as she could be put this color on yourself, how, how can you trust a person who, if you look at her page, it's just, well, it's just terrible, she 's some kind of political whore, i guess, i don't know, eh, who definitely does it professionally, well i.e., if you criticize a reasoned show that has already hit the bottom and not for the first time, that a paid political sex worker and so
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on and so forth, this is the reaction of dieselshow. yaroslav zubchenko should be in direct contact with us right now, he is the deputy editor-in-chief of detektor media. if yaroslav is with us now, he is with us connection hello yaroslav. hello, congratulations. i was hoping you would introduce me as a venal creature, but okay. well, we can be sales together. animals, because i also have such complaints, so we, as venal creatures , can now talk about these unfortunate victims of ours, yaroslav, i know that reviews were also published on the detector before, well, not only the diesel show, but also other shows, and there were even threats, so they wrote something on natalya ligachovidaktorka, please remind me what it was all about and for what? and that was two years ago, it was mine the text on... was called rick badluck, it was my first experience of the show, actually, i was deeply impressed, because if anyone is not
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watching, i hope no one in your audience is watching, the dezel show consists of four types of jokes, and i am not exaggerating now, about alcohol, about prostitutes, about shit and about oral sex, and here is the new year's concert and this and this, they are just interspersed with similar jokes, we wrote about it, and people wrote about it, natalia ligachova, this... zabuko is the name of the main actor diesel of the show personally, ah, about what to clean there and don't write like that, ato, well, there were some similar hints. which of course was very funny and raised the texts, raised the views of this text, but yes, it really happened that where the show actually threatened journalists to remove their text, and this was not only with the media detector, and then when michael schur did the video about the dezer show as about anti-vaxxers, they had anti-vaccination jokes right there, it was such a direct targeted
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campaign on their part, they also threatened them almost with a lawsuit there so that they wouldn't use their materials, that's the story there literally three weeks ago again with the same number and with a specific attitude towards journalists, i generally have the impression that similar shows they bury themselves with such a reaction, well, that is, sorry, delete the number there, or keep silent, if you have enough spirit for this and intelligence, but to threaten the media, well, that's right, it's very strange, although it fits into the general canvas of their behavior and their jokes, so, well , i'm still comparing the reaction to this scandal in the 95th... , well , simply because i compare with - diesels, yes here at least no one called anyone a slob, although the actress still approached it, i think why the authors clearly do not understand their mistakes over the years, well, this is not the first time they have been criticized, it's just that now it's more active, but still they can't
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understand what they want from them, that is, they seem to apologize, but they still say that we didn't... we didn't want to offend anyone, you yourself took it so simply, well, just perceive it differently, and it's difficult for me formulate it in concrete words so that no one no offense, but i think this is simply a problem of her generations partly, partly upbringing, partly environment, that is, there is a type of people brought up by these, not even soviet, but purely russian humor, who were inspired by russian humor there... created russian humor, worked with urakian dumplings and so on, soaked in it, soaked in kaven, and well, that’s how they were formed, they sincerely don’t understand why it’s wrong, just like your grandfather doesn’t understand what the problem of racism is or whatever problem jokes about the place of a woman and a mother-in-law, i think they simply do not understand it, but they have
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such jokes that they like, or they are simply not capable of something good, something smarter, then they blink, the audience shuts up. and they don't understand why you can't talk, why you can't joke about the fact that roma stole a horse, despite the fact that they don't use the word roma, it's normal for them , they are some of these new trends, and they they are treated like that, specifically skeptical, it seems to me that way, well, there are really many people who well, it’s not just that they don’t understand there why you can’t say gypsies, you have to say roma, that it’s some new, well, some kind of leftism, that it’s some kind of already gone... will die, it’s often called such a different story, but in general, what’s up with that to do, because we are currently discussing, for example me, in general, this is my subjective position, to be honest, if i were in the place of my colleagues from зctv 2, i would think about whether such a show should be aired in principle, because this already crosses the limits, we have
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a specific attitude to prohibitions, because here as if we have a democracy, ukrainians. they don't like to ban something, but in general, what do you think should be done with such a show, and what the scheme should be, so there should be some decision of the national broadcasting council, or something, how, what to do with it next, my answer will have two parts , the first is for the audience to understand that it is not just about stupid humor, stupid humor is a matter of taste, someone likes stupid humor, the word stupid itself is subjectivity, in short, in everyone can have their own taste in jokes. bad and real sex, okay, but diesel concerts are not only stupid jokes, it is a systematic humiliation of women, there are numbers about how talkative women should be taped, plus all women in diesel numbers are either housewives or prostitutes, that is, it is a matter of role models, which on new year's eve are imposed on ukrainians. the second thing is the promotion of alcoholism, in the diesel show
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, a huge amount, that is, there are not just a lot of jokes about alcohol, alcohol is idealized, if you do not drink, you are wrong, there was a joke on the annual night without alcohol, it means that you will have a rubber snow girl, there the child says: mom, how did it happen without cold girl, this is alcohol propaganda performed by children, and yaroslav, just a second, because we have, yaroslav, we have a passage, in fact, we can now see what you are talking about you are talking about this boy, about the grandfather, there is a grandfather with a grandson, if you can put this excerpt now, please, the grandfather wants so much to drink the whole scene, he can’t do it, and he is already... he says to his grandson, well let's have a drink with you, granddaughter, let's watch this, grandson, maybe with you, yes, come on, and i'm still 10, huh? and i you only have 10 drops, drip, grandfather, you 're joking, this is fate playing a joke on me, or rather mocking me, oh, i got a potion
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of happiness in the game, oh, let 's drink the potion of happiness in your game, and i'll have my potion of happiness here i'll drink, yes, come on, damn it, i lost, you and i both lost, but we see, by the way, i'm a good actor, just like the good actor stanislav baklan, who plays in the 95th quarter, to be honest, it hurts me to look at cormorant, because i also saw his wonderful roles in the theater, for example, in the young man, he played no longer plays in mysterious variations, it’s a great performance, and he just very subtly portrays his character, here in the 95th quarter he played porn, oh, somehow a maniac, but a porn actor and a maniac who comes to a speech therapist, and that’s all absolutely idiotic too. well, but yes, yes, continue as i said, the question of what to do, that is, there is a huge list of real problems, not just stupid jokes, but downright
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degrading such things that border on conspiracy of enmity, or obviously cross this line, propaganda alcoholism, xenophobia, sexism, there is a huge list, and what to do with it, it is obvious that at the state level we cannot decide to ban a lot of honor, but we have, it seems to me, two ways. the first way is from the side of the advertiser. in the west, when some shows or comedians or just any media thing out there, for example, twitter, resort to some such stupidity, for example, such masc and anti-semitism, advertisers refuse it. sponsors of the disney show in this issue are an alcohol brand and a patent agent. if the advertisers were to say "dze show", like, we will not place our brand on against the background of antisemitism, sexism, xenophobia. everything else, i think it would be a motivation for the diesels to change something, if no one wanted to mess with them, because they are finished, or the second option, this is a question for the tv channel
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, for the producers, for pinchuk, as the owner of ctv, not for them it is normal for ukrainians to release such content, don't they want their tv channel to be normal, and don't they want the ictv brand and their names to be associated with similar things, with the propaganda of alcoholism from children. with jokes about gypsies and jews and taping women's mouths and all the other long list, i mean i think it has to be an internal decision of the managers or an external decision of the sponsors but someone has to say enough because obviously the diesels themselves will never stop, they have ratings, they have no taste, and they will poison us with this until someone interferes with them, well, here yaroslav is in agreement with you, because looking at the reaction of dieselshow itself, i definitely understood for myself, that they don't, they don't even... understand what is wrong at all. yaroslav, thank you very much for your analysis. yaroslav zubchenko was in direct contact with us. deputy editor-in-chief of
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the detektor media publication, which monitors the media space and information space. well, well, the conclusion is disappointing, we will continue to watch all these shows from diesel shows from the 95th quarter for a long time, well, how about us, we will still watch because scandals. will be confident in the future, because the authors will not give up their style, yes, because, for example, dieselshow, you see, they have such an impression that they fundamentally did it again skit, after they were criticized for a skit about a family under occupation, they did it again, just a few weeks later, saying, you know, we will do what we want, well, we can only hope for civil society, to the fact that we will simply be people who do not agree with this, raise some... waves of indignation constantly, and maybe then the owner, for example, ictv2, well, maybe he will understand that anti-semitism
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is not very good, like any -what other disrespectful forms of attitude towards people, well, that's all i have, friends, if you want good humor, by the way, you have an outlet , you can watch many of our stand-up comedians on youtube, great ones, vasyl baidak, anton tymoshenko, nastya zukhvala, anyone who really knows how to make a good joke knows what self-irony is, but and knows what insults are and does not reach them. well, that's all for me, friends, stay with espresso and see you in the next broadcasts. there are discounts on eurofast 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. it. this is a truly
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every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how is our success assessed by the international community, and what is moscow lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and which ones what the russian occupiers are whispering about. behind the commanders. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, expert comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso.
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one to the dnieper, please, thank you, my country, do not fall to your knees, in my heart you are forever the only one. uah 5 from each bus ticket the ticket is being renewed. we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat, join me, i'm afraid of the dark, but, but i'm not as afraid as before. be there when i'm scared. do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charity fund. call 0800 210 106. warm
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country rules. bathroom. thank you for passing through the night at low temperatures, loading the drum as much as possible. let's beat the winter together. it's two o'clock in the morning, it's news time on the information channel marathon i prepared this issue. editorial office of the we ukraine channel. an air alert has now been declared in zhytomyr, vinnytsia and khmelnytskyi regions. on saturday evening, russia launched two waves of missiles from the south , the air force reported. around 9:00 p.m., several explosions rang out in dnipro. monitoring telegram channels wrote about it. do not neglect safety , stay in shelters if you are in
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risk regions and zones. and there is already official information.


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