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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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that is, one and the same person , the same oleksandr popovych, he takes part in the fight against the pechenegs, and at the same time he takes part in the battle of lipetsk, this is a famous battle of the 13th century, precisely in the vladimir principality, in the battle, in the battle of kalka, and so on further. that is, well, but we understand this now, in the middle ages, in the early modern times, it was not clear, why do you know, you start reading the chronicle, you have to get access to it, and secondly, until you read up to the 13th century and you will see , that there is the same hero, you know, here it is possible joke. the ecology was different, people lived for a long time and could fight, in general, bylyna is an oral folk work, was it specific to the territory that is now ukraine, or is it just that northern, moscow fiction, and what happened to these epics in general , you know, as a state policy, some trumpeters who spread these stories, or they were simply passed on by word of mouth, you know. let's return to the very boring topic
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of chronicles, because there is one great intrigue in this, the summer chronicler, when the compilers of the chronicle he really used some sources , he used the names, he sees an askold grave, about some askold, that means a local prince, i see something else there, yes, so it’s that, and it was essentially a reconstruction like this, but what helped him were these relics, if we let's look, for example, at... the fragment where yaroslav mudro competes with the polish troops, it is the beginning of the 11th century, so we can read this line in the story, because it was written without punctuation marks, that is, without all, all words, all letters we wrote in one line, and if you and i break it into two words and we will see them in cologne, we will see that there is literally a poetic form, that is, the chronicler took and rewrote this story about the battle. in one line and wrote it down as:
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from here we know the words that sviatoslav kharobry said in the 970s nester the chronicler in 1113 i quote verbatim, because these are really the words that we murderers hear, so it is undeniable that it existed, a tradition this was a little modernized in our country, here the epics were covered with another layer of literary creativity, these are cossack poems, this is a cossack epic. and only in this kazykomepi sometimes sprouts something that we see from belyn, but we have, for example, from the 16th century, mentions of illya moravlianin, filonov kimita chornobylskyi starost wrote about the fact that soon there will probably be a period when courage and courage will again our ancestors will own like bagatyr and ilya muravlein, and we understand that if the old man is writing about not just a saint who is in a laurel in caves, but the project
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of a rich man, then he is writing about a chivalric epic that reached from the movement to the 16 century, because they they saw heroism in this, this is an epic - this is the ethics and aesthetics of the army that they remembered and knew, that is, we can even formulate it like this, and in the end, right here i want to draw attention once again, dobrynyan nikych is a person who is uncle of volodymyr the holy, this is an aristocrat, this is a local. this is a hero from chernihiv, on the territory of chernihiv, the image of murimeika murymets, a cossack robber, and that is why muromets call ilya the cossack, ilya murimets , became an image, but oleksiy popovych has an image, but this is true. hratiborych, this is oleksandr
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popovych, then we also see oleksa popovych , whom shevchenko even captures in the peryasov oblast , a cossack register, some kind of image, and the main thing is that oleksiy popovych is not just a human image, it is a symbol of demonology, because he is actually, you know, sometimes portrayed as cunning, sometimes like that, but he has no history. where he would speak with his other comrades, so that he would not mislead them, or he would not do something evil. it is an evil demonic spirit. oleksiy popovych is the oldest among them, but he is always depicted as young, young, which will turn out somewhere, it is the oldest, because it is demonic, it is chthonic, it is a symbol of evil. oleksiy popovych, this olby khratyborovych, is really a person who acts not by force, by cunning, but by cunning, not by courage, but... by cunning, and he too, this is an image
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that has been superimposed, where some, something like you know, in scandinavian mythology there was such and such a thing, that's why it's very interesting. with them, loki's name is even similar, it's simple. he was strangled, you knew, kyiv is ours, here is the death of an unknown hero, about which you will not even tell. by what there were prototypes of what they had there, i don't know, heroic deeds to kill in
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the people's memory, in fact. look, well, you have to understand that what we are saying about folk memory is also to some extent a reconstruction, so to speak, it is... no , they didn't sing there, you know, at every step of the way, these legends and once again, this image of the three heroes still haunts us, in fact only vesnetsov brought them together, in fact they are prototypes, first of all, from different centuries, well, literally, dobrynya is the border of the 10th and 11th, olbek - this is the limit on the 11th-12th, and iliamurami is already special. rus, that is, why he is actually the hero of chernihiv , this, this is even later, that is, it is believed that he died at the beginning of the 13th century, when rurik, the prince took, took kyiv, that is, it is completely among these, but conditionally speaking, dobrynya - this is actually an outstanding military leader and
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administrator, in fact he was the co-head of the state during the time of vladimir, especially when vladimir was young, and certainly such... people remain in history, this victory of olbeg, it is actually, well, not heroic, yet once i emphasize, it was he who killed the polovtsian votash, who came to the negotiations, and in such a memorable, odyssean way, they made a hole in the roof and he, since he was a good archer, he killed this itlar through the hole in the roof, in principle, well, that is, from the view modern... people it is possible and no no no no curl, it is absolutely so chivalrous, i.e. the plot of a chivalric novel, yes or a chivalric tale, if it is small, he acted in the interests of his lord, and in principle this is an interesting, interesting plot , which was repeated constantly, and actually ilya
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muromets, or murovets, in principle , a native of murovla, if we talk about the first mention of him, then he is simply obviously a person who was distinguished by some enormous power, and that is why he was remembered, by the way, the first mention... does not apply to russia, it is absolutely ukrainian a mention of which, which a colleague said, there , by the way, in one row it is said that there will be characters like ilya muravlyanin and solova solova budymyrovych, we perceive them as an antagonist, antagonists, but in many stories they are this assistant is a force, well, we know that ilya was a robber, if we talk about this leika murymets, that is, first of all, you need to understand that this is a completely different character. which were united to a certain extent by chance already in the 19th century, when russia needed this imperial myth about heroes, so to speak, and secondly, there were so many of these heroes that it cannot be reduced to, you know, to this absolutely of a pop picture, are
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there even up to a sticker for russian vodka, there were two heroes, that is, i am up to the fact that any kind of ideologization, she very much primitivizes, in fact there are a lot of materials. but look, here are the russians, they are not the only ones where vasnitsov painted this picture, but they also made a whole series of such full-length cartoons for children, in fact, like any national myth and national imperial myth, it is rebroadcast in various manifestations, and it all begins from children's books, because these are didactic stories, they are about how a family begins, yes, that is, in the beginning, in the 19th century , these were children's books that taught about these great people. of course, in the 21st century, the role of these children's books are played by cartoons, and therefore there was an order to create cartoons. what was the falsification of the nikleniv chronicle? it's not that there were or weren't great heroes, it 's that they transferred russian characters to
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kyiv, to kyiv soil, and it turns out that ilya muromets, he, he is not from morovsk, as he really is it was from murom, and it turns out that between murov and the dnieper there, well, how many there are... in the morning he was in murom, and now dobrinya is cutting popovych in them rostovych, that is, these are their own, so to speak , russian people who ruled the shores. the dnipro has been in kyiv for a long time, and there popovych defends kyiv when the prince is not there, this is the ideologeme of our kyiv, but in the 16th century, now what about these cartoons , look at these cartoons, all these heroes are absolute russians, they walk there in boots, they they go to kyiv, but there is such a cunning prince sitting in kyiv, who fully corresponds to the image of pro-ukrainians in modern russian propaganda, he is very timid. he is very greedy, cunning, and in fact, it is very, very
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it is dangerous, because it is laid at the level of the subconscious in children, the new generation of russians, the idea that we russians are rich, and this is how these, that is, the ukrainians, are slandering us all. to ukraine, because they were written. that he got up in the morning in murom, murom is the vladimir region, it is 1200 km from kyiv, and by noon he was already planning to be in kyiv, on the way he killed himself with a nightingale there, 15 minutes to another prayer in chernihiv to jump in, that is well, he can do it very quickly, plus there are relics of ilya of pechersky in the kyiv-pechersk lavra, i remember, i saw them myself, and he was canonized in the 17th century under the name of ilya z'. murama, can we say that this is exactly this person? we know that the relics of ilya are around,
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because in the church calendar he is ilya muromets, that is, the church still gives him that name. well, about bagatyr, who was canonized by the church, about illus murom, who is in the kyiv-pochersk lavra, several decades ago research was conducted, my editor serhii shinkarchuk prepared an explanation of what was discovered there. thank you, yulia! in 1988, an interdepartmental commission conducted an examination of the bones of reverend ilya pecherskyi. the results are impressive. the height of the saint during his lifetime was 177 cm. quite heroic figures for the times of russia. bearing in mind that for the 19th century , the height of an adult man is considered to be 165 cm. on ilya's bones, scientists discovered multiple fractures of the clavicles and ribs. traces from the impact of a spear. mecha, why not heroic fun? it is interesting that scientists are sure that at first ilya pechersky could not
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to walk, and later overcame the disease. on the vertebrae of the skeleton, there are traces of spondyloarthrosis, which can confine a person to bed, but is treatable. these remains have no feet in the relics. is it related to the surname chobitok? we know that john the baptist has several heads and several right ones. hands in the world, so we know that there is, as it were, the holy great martyr varvara in kyiv, and in italy there is her head, we know that relics were often given by them, first of all, because it is a gift of a monarchical nature, and if we today they think that one president can to present it to another president, they hesitate, but they do not know the order, not to present the head, to present it, well, they actually did so and presented it to volodymyr the holy. holy barbarian , but there is an interesting story about zelya, that he was
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laid in the caves through the wall, that is , the wall went into two corridors, and he lay across this way and that, and people, when they walked, saw the legs on one side, then turned around, for a long , long time, they saw the head, and they thought that it was huge, they nicknamed him the slipper and in particular because it seems that when he took his last... and he fought back with the slipper, that's why that he was a monk, he could not take a weapon, because ilya muro either did not have time, the sky did not have time, yes, because ilya murovlya is a moravian, why, he himself says that he cried because of his professional activities, because he did so much evil evil, that is, how he understood it because of this christian ethics, how many people he destroyed, although he is a soldier, it is clear that he came. because of this, he went to the monastery, that is, there is also such an interesting image of this very, you know,
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cossack of this monastery in nasory, this is the old trakhtemiriv cossack who went to monastery, because they have a common ethical component, which is absent, for example, among muscovites. he was an image in the 16th century from the letters of the mayor of chornobyl, an image of a true old knight, and here we are... about knightly culture, we don't have it, why? because at one time in savka, when they filmed films about alexander nevsky, who is the enemy, the knights, the west? tiftons, rilamam go, fascists, germans, and knightly culture was dismissed, because it was absent on the territory of today's russian federation, and everything connected with crusaders, with knights, this topic was simply closed here. in fact , in ukraine, in 1147, we had the first knight tournament, which was recorded in the annals and dedicated to knighthood. in the knight, at the same time
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, there was this chivalric culture, cossacks we called ourselves people of the state of chivalry, and indeed. chivalric culture, it has no borders , it was understood by everyone, from the conquistadors and those who did the reconquista in spain, to our knights, to those people who lived here, it was a common culture that knew the existence of those common heroes who were in europe, which knew what the behavior was in general, and it is clear that , unfortunately, we lost not only these three heros, but also dozens, dozens of other heros, with whom we were left with legends, heros and their daughters , and a gladiator, a gladiator is a woman, a hero, it’s not just a piece of bread, we lost them, unfortunately, it’s really interesting here about gladiators, because i’ve never actually
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heard of such a thing, there were female heroes, you knew, no, well, i have to say more , that the word, even the word hero, is not specifically ukrainian and generally european, it is borrowing from mongolian, so to speak, through the turks, well, what was the name of such warriors in our country, maybe there were braves, vytyazhi is a hint of vynovaryags and so on, that is , it is completely different, and bagater is already such a culture of the post-mongol era with with corresponding, so to speak, connotations , by the way, there are still heroes, negative ones, but on the other hand, absolutely historical characters have also been preserved among them, for example, the same one, here we told this story about the murder of the itlar by olbeg, but how olbeg became a hero epos, so etlar became, he turned into an idol, idols of god, yes, that is, this is also a reference to
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a real character, bonyak is also a real khan who turned into a bunya. and then at vii's. vii gogolovsky actually has prototypes, this is an absolutely real khan, who got enough, so to speak, of russia, but nevertheless, that is, we must understand that he conveys the epic and real events, he helps to reproduce how he once helped the chronicler compile our annals, so he also helps us understand the past of our country. now i'll say something that most people don't will read about belinka. women's texts: dobrina mykytych, nikytych, died of a woman, so to the wider world, and this is only exclusively the history of ukrainian literature of mykhailo hrushevskyi, this is an analysis of this phenomenon. dobrynya nikytoch in his epics, as he was, he was so fired up, boasted that he was such
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a powerful hero, and his death was very unexpected, and... a glade, a glade, because a woman, a hero, from her field, and, that, that on the field, she simply strangled him, in what way, in such a way that even now i am ashamed to say, she sat on his face, that's it the death of an unknown hero, about which you will not even tell, wait, but i described hrushevskyi, well, there are these legends. it's just that he commented on it a little,
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we can cut it out of the program, they fight dragons, they... boasted, it was a feat about these epics, because when i was looking to read about heroes in ukrainian, it's all the same translations from russian, do they differ in ours from those references that remained vs, we have fewer references preserved in our country, because you know, well, to explain why this happened, this is this this is the easiest, you know, from the mention of school, they have doubles, because it is their brightest event in their life, so the same, the same with the whites, because it happened. colonization, people dispersed, including from the lands of kyiv, carrying with them these memories, epic songs and so on, they fall, relatively speaking, to the north, nothing
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happens there, nothing happens for centuries, everything was heroic, you know, in the distant past, and that is why they keep these and these and these songs, yes, on the other hand, this is a question for ukrainian writers, so to speak including what to address, this is actually a lot of material to write about. this is a phenomenon, for some reason our readers read sagas, scandinavian ones, but no one in dobelin, i have not looked into these subcultures, but there subcultures are connected with reconstructions there or scandinavian influences, well, everyone there has little older eda, younger eda, runes, no one, in our published epics, but to take and read, none have been published in the ukrainian language. bylin e, and this is a big problem, and the plus problem is that few people know what it is at all we have a huge chivalric epic left in these epics, because all these western epics,
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they don't contain so much demonology related to, well, let's say, there are some notions of dragons that existed, or in the sakha, something came down , well , look here, they fight dragons here, we can cut it out of the program so that you can take it as an idea and write a book. on the other hand, one must understand that a lot of things were displaced, including by the church, because in fact there is such a well-known story, here we are prolbeg has been mentioned several times, but a very similar story that has been preserved in the sagas is about the murder of boris yehleb, er, the saga of edmund, who were actually killed by yaroslav the wise, that is, it was his, that is... this soldiers in his service, in ukraine, in russia , it was attributed to svyatopolk, and yaroslav is wise, he is not just wise, yes, because
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that is what the people called him, as they say, yes, and because he controlled the writing of chronicles, he knew very well what to call himself, and what to call his brother, and finally, we started with the fact that the russians are stealing and stealing everything possible, how can these thefts be stopped? er, and do we need to return, for example, these heroes, you prove that they are not ours? there are two, two possibilities to stop the theft, it is either to do something with the stolen, well, for example , to make it so that no one has any doubts that it is ukrainian, and this is about what we said, that we should talk about it, about it it is necessary to tell, explain, well, and the second point, so that there is no thief or thieves. got it, this is what the ukrainian armed forces are doing now. i will definitely add that through the fact that we won't win the historical battle
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for a long time, nevertheless, the state must pay attention to the humanitarian component and use the full one, so that our historians do not engage in the fact that they are preparing children for the external examination, having doctoral degrees and not... working on other people's grants, and in the end , you know, everything that can be done, because the cartoon about these three heroes, yes, it's really cool, you look at it, it's cool, and we don't have such a cool cartoon, we have a cool cartoon about this bald, nikita, but there is no such cool cartoon, and it's a pity, cool cinematography, too, but now we see a good one, a good one. but you know, it is necessary to act through the children, because the child is often the teacher of the parents, he tells them, i want to go there to see if
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you can see, that is why we need to pay attention to computer games, to cartoons, to the cinema and to tiktok, why in oleksiy popovych and dobrynikich are not the heroes of tiktok, thank you very much for this article about bagatyrs, about women bagatyrs, something that i definitely did not know. oleksandr alforov, oleksii mustafin, this is a paragraph, be sure to subscribe, be sure to comment, because well this is how youtube's algorithms work. no comments, no reactions, this video is being seen by fewer people than it could be. we are grateful for every reaction, we will respond to you, and join us.
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chevrons approaching victory. marines are not born, they become marines, they become thanks to constant training, thanks to the support and help of comrades and commanders. join the friendly family of brave in spirit and faithful to the oath sons and daughters of the motherland. beat the enemy together with the best cossacks of our time. to representatives of the marine corps manning and recruiting center in your rtcc and sp, or call us at the number on the screens. finding yourself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands of defenders are overcoming. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. applying for a veteran's grant is easy and convenient.
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through the action, apply and receive up to uah 1 million to start or develop your own business. rules of a warm country. kitchen. thank you uses a dishwasher every year. washing dishes by hand is so family-style. let's beat the winter together. the only main thing on the air is the we ukraine channel, oleg panyuta is in the studio with you, good evening, and here are the events we will talk about today: new threats of air strikes, the enemy is betting on ballistic, hypersonic weapons from the dprk and plans to equip cruise missiles cluster munitions under the enemy's sights.
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there will be aid to ukraine, but in what amounts? america is reducing volumes, europe intends to increase support, an unprecedented step norway is coming. who will support us the most? live and survive in the occupation, infiltration camps and deadly escape from the enemy. how russians make fun of ukrainians, the story of teenagers who spoke out from the enemy's vices. 11 dead, including five children, eight more people were injured. these are the preliminary consequences of russian. strikes on pokrovsky district. the head of the donetsk regional military administration, vadym filashkin, said that the enemy hit with s-300 missiles. the main attack took place in pokrovsk and rivne of the myrnograd community. on the situation already responded ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi. he expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and emphasized that such actions of russia will not go unanswered. the blow of the russians was simply on ordinary residential buildings, on
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private houses. to everyone. the necessary assistance is provided, and russia must always feel , feel that none of these strikes will pass without consequences for the terrorist state, we must ensure this with our strength, our own defense and political capabilities. nine-year-old twins were injured during shelling in the kherson region, as reported in the regional the prosecutor's office, the children were traveling with their parents in a car between darivka and fedorivka when it was okupa. opened fire, the boys are now in the hospital, their condition has been stabilized by medics, two men were also wounded in the kherson and beryslav districts, one of them was hospitalized, another man was injured during the shelling of ivanovka, the russians were prowling and struck residential areas and an educational institution at night, it got away without casualties, but it is impossible to live in some houses after the shelling, so that they have already appeared for a month, what is wrong with him?
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the enemy renewed massive missile attacks deep into the territory of ukraine, only since the end of last month, russia has launched 500 missiles and drones on our territory, on december 29 they hit the largest. air attacks on january 2 , the most massive attack by hypersonic dagger missiles. according to the white house, during these attacks, russia also used new ballistic missiles that it received from north korea. what kind of missiles are these and how the enemy has changed the tactics of shelling. vlada tsymbalenko will tell. a new large-scale wave of russian missile attacks on the territory of ukraine. since the end of december, the enemy activated combined missile strikes. december 29, 158 air targets in... the fire
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of falling debris and rockets, seven regions.


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