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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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territory of ukraine, only since the end of last month, russia has launched 500 missiles and drones on our territory. on december 29, they launched the largest attack from the air, on january 2, the most massive attack with hypersonic dagger missiles. according to the white house, during these attacks, russia also used new ballistic missiles that it received from north korea. what kind of rockets are these and how did the enemy change their shelling tactics? vlada tsymbalenko will tell. a new large-scale wave of russian missile attacks on the territory of ukraine. since the end of december, the enemy has intensified combined missile strikes. december 29. 158 air
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targets, on fire from falling debris and rockets - seven regions of ukraine. 3 days later another terror - 99 whole under attack kharkiv and kyiv. the russians hit with kh-101-kh-555 cruise missiles, calibers, ballistic and air-ballistic daggers. and before that, ukraine is pelted with shaheeds. such shelling tactics cannot be called completely new. it is possible, experts say, but the russians have changed the methodology. they are now emphasizing ballistics, because they understand that on the 29th, 96% of their missiles were shot down, and sometimes up to 100% were shot down from shaheds. therefore, the russians are still from and let's say this, since last august, they have increased the production of actual ballistic iskanders and... and on january 2, for the first time in
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the history of the world, the enemy simultaneously launched the largest number of kinzhal 10 aeroballistic missiles . our air defense forces destroyed all of them. but the emphasis on ballistics is not the only thing russia has changed compared to last year's energy terror. according to british intelligence, the targets of the attacks are now the defense industry of ukraine. and this is confirmed in gur, but also from tradition. equipment, we cannot say that the targets are only the military-industrial complex, no, first of all all the targets are the territory of ukraine, another target, according to president zelenskyi, russia tried to return the threat of destruction of our energy sector with its strikes at new year's time, and one more worrying moment... the united
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states claims that during the latest attacks , russia used new ballistic missiles missiles received from north korea. according to our information, north korea recently provided russia with ballistic missile launchers and missiles for them. on december 30, 2023, russian forces launched at least one of these north korean ballistic missiles over ukraine. looks like this one the rocket fell in an open field in the zaporizhzhia region. on january 2, russia launched several north korean ballistic missiles over ukraine. and this is another one. experts say a new threat to ukrainian cities. however , it is still unknown which missiles the enemy launched and how many they received. it is possible to make a cautious assumption that we are most likely talking about missiles that are known by western classification as kn-23 or kn-24. this is a ballistic missile that was, well, let's say this, it's very similar to the iskander, it's a little bigger, but its technological solutions, visual solution. more precisely, it completely
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coincides with the scandal. experts say that the supply of missiles from other countries means that the enemy is not able to produce them in sufficient quantities for terror. as of now, russia can produce about a hundred missiles a month of various types, but they cannot use all the missiles they have, because they have to keep the so-called inviolable stock. a little more than 500 missiles, there are 520, yes, and if the russians have accumulated 1000, they have now spent 200, they still have three. such full-fledged ones can russia makes and produces missiles despite the sanctions and restrictions imposed on it, tries to engage in import substitution and obtain components through third countries. they create fake companies all over the world, they create logistics chains in order to arrange the supply of electronics through third, fourth, and sometimes even fifth countries. due to more complicated logistical routes, the production of weapons is slower and more expensive, and even though... there is enough money,
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and they are not spared for terror, because on december 29 , the enemy spent more than 1 billion on the attack dollars, on january 2, 600 million. it means nothing to them. it's not so much the numbers that are the problem for them, it's that they can't do this kind of terror every day. moreover, now the enemy wants to equip the kh32 cruise missiles with cluster ammunition, as the center of national resistance claims . a cartridge warhead with a similar weight can quarantine a larger area of ​​damage. so far , the enemy has not used such missiles recorded, but this means that the response to an air alert should be as quick as possible, because such weapons become even more deadly against the civilian population. vlada tsymbalenko, we are ukraine marathon, the only news. after
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massive rocket attacks on ukrainian cities , the european union is sure that russia does not seek peace in response to kremlin terror. european countries are taking... unprecedented steps, such as the norwegian government, which allowed the direct sale of arms to kyiv. before that , there was a ban on trade with countries in norway war it existed since 1959. anna hryshina will tell you more. the massive attack on ukrainian cities forced europe, even during the christmas holidays, to consider how else to help ukraine with weapons. and a number of eu countries have already announced the first important ones this year. strategic decisions. norway will sell arms and defense products to ukraine directly, the government decided. for more than 60 years, the northernmost country in europe had banned the supply of ammunition to war-torn areas. voslo made an exception for ukraine. from now on
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norwegian private companies will be able to obtain an export license for direct arms sales to ukraine from the local ministry of foreign affairs after appropriate verification. in... the extraordinary security situation that has arisen as a result of russia's aggressive war, it is extremely important for us to continue supporting ukraine. we must plan for the possibility that an illegal war of aggression may continue. espen bart eide, minister of foreign affairs of norway. until now, all aid to ukraine with weapons was a donation and had to go through all government circles bureaucracy. and now the ukrainian government can turn to the arms manufacturer and purchase exactly that. wants, not what norway prioritizes, and it saves you a lot of time. since the beginning of the great war in ukraine, norway has supported our country militarily and financially, from its own reserves it has transferred 400 units of anti-tank weapons, 22 self-propelled howitzers, high-precision multi-purpose
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hallfire missiles and more than 1 billion dollars to help civilians. in an interview with we ukraine, a norwegian professor specializing in security and defense, karsten. explained that from by oslo's decision on direct trade, kyiv gets full access to the goods of the local defense industry. your government can now check if there is an innovative manufacturer in the market. i would like to point out that the norwegian defense industry is really big, and this is important. it does not produce a complete platform, as, for example, tanks, but produces weapons, missiles, machine guns. and from now on, it's all available to you. at the same time, eu countries seek to increase production already in the spring. ammunition up to a million per year, that much was promised to be transferred to ukraine by march. in brussels previously stated that the stockpiles of weapons are running out due to deliveries to kyiv. and the other day , the british publication telegram reported that nato countries ordered about a thousand missiles for the patriot air defense system. the production contract
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was signed by germany, romania, the netherlands and spain. the ammunition will cost 5.5 billion dollars and will be completely manufactured in europe. content. they claim that the members of the alliance will transfer a part to the armed forces. russia, according to western intelligence, is already releasing 1.5 million projectiles a year from the conveyor. russian factories produce weapons in three shifts, and europe still sleeping even one million is not enough now. f-16 fighters - air defense systems - this is what ukraine needs right now. in the near future, ukraine is preparing to receive more than half. hundreds of f-16 fighters from the netherlands and denmark. france is going to join the training of ukrainian pilots. finland is more than doubling the production of artillery shells in order not only to strengthen its defense capability, but also to transfer some of the weapons to ukraine, because, as the head of
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the european council charles michel pointed out, russia is obviously ready for peace does not want in response to the increase in shelling by the russians of peaceful ukrainian cities, the ukraine-nato council. next week , kyiv will hold an extraordinary meeting at the level of ambassadors, it was initiated by the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. the key issue of the meeting will be the increase of supplies for ukraine, air defense systems. from brussels, anna grishina we are ukraine, marathon, edina news. despite the procrastination of the american congress, the us state department reports that there will be aid to ukraine, but not in such volumes as before. in general, since the beginning of the full-scale aggression of russia, the united states states have the status of the largest foreign donor. in 2022 , more than 20 billion dollars worth of weapons were provided to the ukrainian army. already last year, there were 34 packages of military aid. in the amount of 24 billion dollars. on the 23rd, the armed forces of ukraine received petrio systems,
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abrams tanks, armored vehicles, missiles, atakams, artillery shells, demining means and other critical equipment. and there was also a historic decision to provide f-16 fighters. meanwhile, washington and kyiv are waiting for january 8, then congress will go to work after vacation and will continue consideration of the issue of approving ukrainian aid for more than 60. american dollars. the administration of president biden currently states that the priority in future defense packages will be anti-aircraft defense. ukraine and europe continue to support. in particular, this week germany handed over a batch of military aid to the armed forces of ukraine. the new package includes ammunition, missiles for air defense systems, 10 mardor infantry fighting vehicles, as well as a skynex anti-aircraft self-propelled installation. also berlin gears an undisclosed amount of leopard tank ammunition, as well as thousands of helmets,
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demining equipment, ground surveillance radars, drone detection systems, assault rifles, trucks, minibuses and all-terrain vehicles. well, belgium will send two f-16 fighters and 15 instructors to denmark to train ukrainian pilots there. in the spring , 50 pilots from ukraine will begin a six-month combat training. the belgian press reports, the training will include training for pilots, technicians, and also for mission planners. there are two study cycles eight weeks each. at the same time, the danish press, citing the local ministry of defense, reports that denmark delivered fighter jets to ukraine late. the first six boards were supposed to arrive before the new year, but instead they are planned to be sent in the second quarter of 2024. ukraine has full information about the situation on the borders with belarus and russia. the defense forces are preparing
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an appropriate response to the actions of the enemy. thus, in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, they commented on the report about the probable attack of russia in the kharkiv region, in ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine are informed that the enemy is trying to storm in the kupinsky direction, but the russians have not had any success in this direction. about the situation in the most difficult points of the front. further in the story: the bakhmut direction remains one of the hottest points on the battle line . here are the shots from the platoon of attack uavs as part of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. with the first drop, the unit hits the invaders and destroys a group of invaders near bakhmut. our soldiers repulse enemy attacks near andriyivka, kordyumivka, and klishchiivka. a tick, as it was, and remains for the enemy. some such sacred place, where they are ready to put
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any number of their men, if only to advance 100 m there, so the battles really continue there constantly, and especially this wedge, which the enemy is trying to drive a little north of the village, and constantly, we constantly see that neither attacks nor shelling stop there. russians under bakhmut. press on bohdanivka and try to break through to ivanivskyi, the activity of enemy aviation decreased, on the other hand, the occupiers significantly increased the use of artillery and strike drones. the enemy is trying to concentrate its efforts north of bakhmut in the direction of bohdanivka, which is the shortest way to the temporary yar to the exit to the siverskyi donets-donbas canal. to the west of the city. here and there the enemy is trying to carry out small assaults, but without involving
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serious, let's say, forces, only, presumably, probing whether there are any changes in our defense. after a few days of relative decrease in activity, the occupation troops became more active along the entire front line in the district avdiyivka the russians have been storming the city since october last year and the defense forces are fighting back. the enemy two russian tanks ignite like matches after dropping our troops in the railway area east of stepovoy. this is the work of the 25th assault battalion of the 47th brigade in avdiivsk. direction enemy attacks continue in the area of ​​novobakhmutivka and the coke plant. the russians are trying to break through to the outskirts of the city. there are attacks on the village of novomykhaivka. enemies are storming the positions of the armed forces from both the northern and southern parts of the village. again the russian occupiers became more active in the mariinsky direction. there,
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15 attacks were repelled in the areas of marynka pobeda and novomykhaivka. this is almost twice as much as for. custom. the enemy inflicts shelling and airstrikes on a daily basis. settlements of donetsk region came under artillery and mortar fire. the russians raze them to the ground every day and every night and destroy everything they can get their hands on. the enemy does not stop trying to surround avdiivka and suffers significant losses. in the press center of the defense forces of the tavria direction , they say that the occupiers refuse to go to the butcher's shop assaults refusal of personnel to participate in assaults is recorded. in various ways , the crews of various armored vehicles are sabotaging their participation in offensive actions, they know that the chance of survival is small, because tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, and other armored vehicles are struck by our soldiers, if not the first ones. the russians continue to advance in the kupyan direction. the occupiers
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are storming positions near the village of senkivka. in the kupinsky direction, seven thieves were repelled. attacks, it is near the settlement of synkivka, the enemy is trying to advance here in order to capture it this settlement for the further offensive on the city of kupyansk. i would like to remind you that during the past occupation by the enemy , the logistical supply of the enemy group of troops was carried out through the village, our defenders managed to eliminate 69 fighters in this direction and destroy 14 units of military equipment, including one bmp-2. we see that for three months the enemy has had no success in this direction, our defenders have shown a new video of the destruction of another column of the enemy advancing in the kupyansk direction, now activity invaders has decreased , the armed forces of ukraine are pushing back the invaders, this is reported in the kharkiv
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ova, commenting on the information that russia is preparing a second attack on kharkiv, the ova says that currently no concentrations of russian military units have been recorded on the border, our military is holding back the enemy. maryna smalova we are ukraine, marathon, single news. raid at the lair occupants. the main directorate of intelligence and the ministry of defense of ukraine announced the conduct of a special operation in the belgorod region. it happened before the cut-off during the arrival at the russian positions of the top military leadership, special forces mined the only road that the invaders were moving, and also attacked a russian... platoon stronghold, the enemy suffered losses, the main intelligence office reported, the number of killed and wounded invaders is being specified. in general, in russia, the temporarily occupied crimea was actively bombarded this week. on thursday , the armed forces of ukraine hit the command post of the russian occupation forces near sevastopol, explosions also rang out in yevpatoria, it suffered serious damage
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occupant protection system. russian propaganda media wrote about the liquidation of the 23rd. of its military, including high-ranking officers, ukraine is still collecting information about enemy losses. it was loud in feodosia, dzhankoya and near the crimean bridge. the occupation authorities traditionally assured that they had dealt with the threat, their anti-aircraft forces seemed to have shot down all the targets, there was unrest over novorossiysk and belgrade. footage of the consequences was published on social networks. yesterday, eyewitnesses counted up to 10 explosions in the saka district of novofedorivka, where the station is located. military airfield. the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, mykola oloshchuk , confirmed in telegram that the ukrainian military hit the control point of the russian aggressor. ukrainian intelligence said that the occupiers lost ammunition depots at the airfield in saki, other losses are being clarified. do not look
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russian soldiers in the eye, do not take pictures, do not speak ukrainian, be ready for phone checks. these are just a few short rules for surviving the occupation in zaporozhye. teenagers who did not have time to leave on time, told how they are currently surviving under the total control of the aggressor. these are berdyansk, melitopol, energodar. they have been under occupation for a year and a half. our olena kaptyukh conducted an exclusive interview with those who escaped from the hell of the occupation. maria panchuk, a freshman at the zaporizhia national university, dreams of becoming a journalist. she meets friends in the city , takes exams, but three months ago she lived in berdyansk under occupation, and then she thought of only one thing, how to escape, that was... the city, this is just my native home, which was covered with some kind of cupola silence where there is none people on the street, where the only thing you see
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is military equipment, maria hid these photos from occupied berdyansk and was able to show the empty streets of the once resort town, empty shelves in shops, closed attractions, this is what berdyansk looks like now, and she says it is even scarier the occupiers themselves, the military. can just come up with a machine gun , get to know the girls, it's clear that it's scary, it's clear that it hits the psyche very much, and, well, actually, i know of cases when the girls are not even asked, that is, it's clear that we we can talk about cases of sexual of violence, when our ukrainian girls, even children, because at that time i was 17, can simply be beaten, and there will be no big announcement about it. maria tells how she was almost shot by the russian military, that's how they have fun there, they scare the girls to death in order to get to know each other. we were just sitting, talking
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, two russians in military uniform came up to us, and one of them just came up and pointed a machine gun at me, well, that is, i was sitting, he was standing, and he just asked your name so clearly, and my friend and i explained there ... when maria entered the at the university, she understood that she had to flee from berdyansk, she found a driver who took her to novoazovsk, the only way out, and there she ended up in a filtration camp, at 2 o'clock in the morning they take everything from you, all your documents, all your phones, you fill out a form with 20 questions, where you just flat out lie, because there are questions like a... do you support the invasion of russia, a special military operation, do you support the ukrainian leadership. the road to zaporizhzhia from
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berdyansk in maria took five days, passing through russia, latvia, lithuania and poland, traveled all over ukraine to study in zaporizhzhia, so she says, closer to her hometown . here she met friends who also escaped from the occupation, among them danylo, who lived in the village... high up near vasylivka, played football with his friends, lived like all teenagers, until the russians came, who were they will start shelling, and it's just that there was some fear in the neighboring villages, there was a tractor and so on, that is, they could rape them, in general, children there could be taken to melitopol and kept from their parents. danilo left when the so-called road of life was still open, he then spent five days on the highway in line. the toilet is on the street, there is not enough food, those days, he says, he hardly remembers, until the moment when he saw the ukrainian flag. when i saw the ukrainian flag, i breathed in
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a chest full of air, that was the feeling that i was at home. maria and danylo found new friends at zaporizhia university. danylo says that only in his group, half of the group members also left the occupation, they dream of returning home, but only under one condition. i plan to return. only after the deoccupation, i am very i want to go home, i really want to see my relatives, i plan to return to my ukrainian, berdyansk. from zaporozhye. olena kaptyuk, daria zeryanova, we are ukraine, marathon, only news. at the moment, the air alert is sounding in several regions, in the dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhia, mykolaiv and kherson regions they are warning about the threat of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. be careful, please be safe. our own lives, and our homes . after a long pause, ukraine managed to return 230 prisoners, most of whom are soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, some of whom have been in
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captivity for almost two years since the first day of the full-scale invasion of russia. details about the largest exchange and when to expect the next one, further in the story. 20 months in captivity from may 17, 23, on the 22nd of the year, she retired. they were taken prisoner, since then mrs. galina has not seen her daughter, a military medic, went to the front during the anti-terrorist operation, signed a contract, full-scale caught her in mariupol, the girl was wounded, in the end, after a long defense at azovstal and leaving the factory, galina fedyshen ended up in the hands of the russians, where she stayed until january 3, 2024, she called from the place where they were exchanged, she called and... said that she was already in ukraine. together with another 230 ukrainians , dozens of buses and express cars were waiting for the ukrainian heroes, and even more people to
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hear in the dark. glory to ukraine, glory, we are at home, you have not forgotten us, words of gratitude, flags and sincere hugs of ukrainians freed from torture captivity, endured, thank you. they took away, among those released, 130 soldiers of the armed forces, 55 of the national guard, 38 border guards. one a representative of the national police and six civilians who were illegally detained by the russians. everyone's stories are different, many are terrible, many are complicated, but not all have one thing in common. and ukraine turned everyone back. this is the largest exchange since the start of the full-scale invasion. the process was blocked by the russians for a long time. the previous official exchange of prisoners of war took place on august 7 , 2023. then only negotiations continued. not
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the last role. extreme exchange organizations were played by partners from the united arab emirates. finally, after a considerable interval time, we managed to conduct a very difficult exchange, there are combat medics, and defenders from the sharp zmiina, from the chernobyl nuclear power plant, who were captured for the first time, the command became, border guards. a pleasant and unexpected nuance was the return home of 48 defenders with the status of missing persons. data for which russia did not provide. ukraine has always done and will continue to do everything to return all the heroes and heroines home, all those who remain in captivity, all those held by the russian federation. a big one is working on it team of the coordination headquarters. further , rehabilitation awaits the ukrainians freed from the enemy's hands, and life will continue, as on the second day, the newly freed military medic galina fedyshyn got engaged to
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her lover myhola. sinyak was also captured after leaving the prison, but he was released earlier on september 22, and now the couple has been reunited. the struggle for everyone and everyone who still remains in russian captivity will continue, at all levels and in all ways. we use every opportunity, try all options mediation at every international meeting. what can be the help, we raise the subject of the return of our captives and will continue to work to return ours, all ours. as of now , 2,828 ukrainians have already been returned from enemy torture camps, and at least 4,337 more, of whom russia continues to hold more than 3,500 military personnel and more than 750 civilians. however, those responsible
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for the exchange are still cautiously optimistic . blocking the process, because there are currently enough russians willing to return home, and there will only be more of us at home. anna brykova, natalya farmos, vitaliy kobenets, we ukraine, marathon, single news. well, the missiles that the russians fired at kharkiv were probably from north korea. this is the assumption made by the prosecutor's office of the kharkiv region after examining the shells with which the invaders fired at the city center on january 2. experts have established that they differ from typical russian iskanders. dimeter, internal filling and even inscriptions on the cases, some of them are erased, and others are simply made with a marker. because of this, investigators assume that either the russians switched to rough production, or these missiles made in another country. this is not what it was before, that is, it is a different missile based on iskander. most likely, this is a missile that was or was provided by north korea. or this
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missile was created recently based on russian blueprints and russian technology that they provided, possibly to another country, including possibly north korea. over the course of a week, russian rockets damaged one and a half hundred residential buildings in kharkiv, and most of them are multi-apartment buildings. utility workers continue to cover broken windows with plywood, and repairmen continue to restore communications. two houses suffered more than others, because the rockets landed right under people's windows. what is happening there now, we will see in the story of iryna antoniuk. we meet mr. oleh at his entrance with curtains in his hands. something will be shaken out of the glass, that's all. your apartment is very damaged. it is difficult to say that it is not destroyed. one of the few residents
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of the house who can be here today. third, because most have left, windows.


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