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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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created recently according to the drawings of the russians and the technologies of the russians, which they provided, possibly to other countries, including, possibly, to north korea. over the course of a week, russian rockets damaged one and a half hundred residential buildings in kharkiv, and most of them are multi-apartment buildings. utility workers continue to cover broken windows with plywood, and repairmen continue to restore communications. two houses suffered more than the others, because... rockets flew just under people's windows, what is happening there now, we will see in the story of iryna antonyuk, meet mr. oleg at his entrance with a broom in his hands, i will shake something out of the glass, all the same, your apartment is also destroyed, it is difficult to say that it is not destroyed, mr. oleg is one of the few residents of the house whom you can meet here today, because most left, windows. there is no electricity and heating, we
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were told about this by mrs. olena, who came here to see her daughter. the invaders' rocket hit the yard of this building on january 2, and utility workers are still covering it with plywood, thousands of broken windows around and raking away garbage. that day another russian missile greatly damaged this house in... the tiny heart of kharkov , near the gutted entrance we meet mr. serhiy. on the day of the attack, we spoke with him, and this interview was seen by his granddaughter abroad, at a time when she could not call her grandfather. thank you for doing a good job. the invaders took serhiy's house, there is no light and heat, it is unknown when it will be repaired, the broken windows were barely covered with plywood. serhiy and his wife let a student live in their apartment. i am a musician myself and i have a lot. and this house is warm and light
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connected only to the part that was less damaged, stanislav lives in this more or less surviving apartment, the rocket did not explode in front of his eyes, it is difficult to describe it in one word, but it is such a small stress that how... just because of this attack, two died, more than 50 townspeople were injured, 16 are still in the hospital, three of them are in a very serious condition, iryna from kharkiv. russian special services closely
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monitor the consequences of attacks in ukraine, the enemy analyzes publications on social networks and even gains access to video surveillance cameras. thus, in the capital, during a massive missile attack on january 2, a web camera recorded the work of our air defense, well , later it turned out that russian hackers were even able to control the camera, how dangerous it is and how social... surveillance cameras are almost in to every private house in multi-apartment buildings in shopping centers for security, because this is how you can monitor your property online, and not only the owner, but also the enemy. the owner may not even know that the russians are adjusting their shots through his surveillance cameras. during the last such... dangerous strike
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, the sbu dismantled and blocked two private surveillance cameras. on january 2, equipment filmed the work of our air defense. of course, we will not show these footage, because they appeared almost immediately in the russian zmi and, most likely, in their special services. i installed the camera in 2019 to monitor the imaginary territory for car seizures, and a few months ago i noticed that the camera changes its settings and raises the horizon. he did not pay attention to it, did not expose it to someone there. value the russians took advantage of this. even under during the may shelling, the security service asked the owners of webcams in ukraine to stop online broadcasts. however , not everyone listened, just as not everyone observes the ban on filming the work of air defense and posting the footage on social media, like this woman. i sincerely regret that on january 2, 2024, technically, the work of the air defense forces got into my video. and... your phone,
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you can't publicize the consequences of flights or falling debris on social networks, at least until official announcements are made. the special services are already working with this woman. i filmed. only after the attack on january 2 did the sbu make an arrest four bloggers who taught on the social network the work of air defense and the consequences of the russian attack. all their videos were instantly picked up by the russian media. during emergency measures , mobile phones were found at the actual places of residence of the bloggers, which they used to record and distribute prohibited content. comprehensive checks are currently underway, based on the results of which the issue of bringing these persons to justice will be decided. the enemy is carefully monitoring all information, looking for all available methods to guide their missiles and detect air defense systems. unsecured webcams are at
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particular risk, since the beginning of the full-scale special services have already managed to block the work of about 10,000 ip cameras that could be used for correction. missile attacks on ukraine. russian hackers, they constantly scan the ip-space, the internet space of ukraine in search of such open cameras, and they constantly get access to them and analyze the videos that they broadcast, so in any case they will not connect them to the internet. placed so that they remove only what needs to be removed, and in no case not bare or open areas. russians also monitor the social networks of ukrainians, video. from there , it becomes available to the enemy in a matter of minutes, and therefore he can adjust his strikes in real time. especially if you can see some other buildings, then identifying the place where the missile landed is the same as the work of the
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fire adjuster, then they slightly change the sight and the next shot is more accurate. that is why it is impossible to post on the network the consequences of enemy flights, videos don't even forward to each other, you can be with some degree of probability to be sure about the security of your device, your phone, you are there, let's say, follow, install all updates and so on, and the person to whom you forward all this business, he it could be, well, let's say an outdated version of this messenger, it could have a virus on the phone or on the computer, and this virus could be developed specifically by russian specialists, and it could forward all the information, well... wherever they see fit . if you witnessed the filming such a video or saw publications or broadcasts from cameras, you need to urgently contact the cyber police. such actions can be considered as adjusting the fire, and such a violation is punishable by imprisonment for up to 12
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years. vladyslav palioda, maksym khlopotov. we are ukraine marathon, only news. and these are not all the topics of our issue. this will be discussed later. no. ukraine currently needs several million workers, they will be looking for one, the bitter cold is approaching, frosts up to 25° and powerful blizzards will cover ukraine from tomorrow, where it will be the coldest. the situation on the korean peninsula is worsening. north korea has shelled the coastline near the south korean border for the second day in a row. today alone , more than 60 artillery shells were fired in one hour. the day before , the south korean military recorded 200 explosions. in response to the shelling, seoul began military exercises in the border region. it is officially reported that no damage from the attack was recorded, but the civilian population of the islands near the line of fire was ordered to evacuate to
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safe places north korea has resumed artillery fire in the buffer zone near the west coast. this is a provocation that threatens peace and increases tensions on the korean peninsula. we warn: north korea bears full responsibility for the escalation of tensions. we call on the dprk to immediately stop such actions. our military, in cooperation with the us, is monitoring the situation and can take appropriate measures. well, while the north korean military was rattling its weapons on the border with its southern neighbors, the leader of the dprk , kim jong-un, held a review of the military factory together with his daughter , he visited the enterprise where mobile rocket launchers are manufactured. the visit was reported by north korea's central television, however, without details of where the production is located, or at least in which province it is located, the journalists did not report. kim jong-un's daughter has recently appeared regularly in public with her dictator father. south korean
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intelligence insists that she will be his successor. the polish government has agreed with the farmers to unlock the pass medical sheginy point. the agreement with the farmers was signed by the minister of agriculture cheslav sekerskyi. for the opening of the border, he agreed to satisfy the main demands of farmers: to provide them with subsidies, favorable loans and... to keep the agricultural tax at last year's level. medica sheghini is not the only blocked point on the ukrainian border. in yagodina, ravaruska and krakivka, the road for ukrainian freight carriers is also blocked by polish carriers. in zaporizhzhia, a scandal in a children's hospital. a video where in one of the wards got into the network a girl beats another, younger than herself. at the same time, others... the children are filming it and inciting it, there are no doctors nearby, so
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there is no one to stand up for the seven-year-old girl, it turned out that these children were taken from different families under certain circumstances, and while they are waiting for a decision about their future fate, temporarily reside in the hospital. our olena kaptyukh understood extraordinary events. these shots are shocking, here the girl mocks a child younger than her, first throws her blanket on the floor, like the one on... hurries to pick her up, starts hamselites are smaller in size and tolub. the fight is filmed by other children from the same ward, there are no doctors or adults nearby to stop it. this video was filmed here at zaporizhzhya children's hospital in the pediatric department. seven-year-old eva was brought here, who was taken from her mother because she neglected her child. however, in the hospital ward, the girl's life became even worse. eva
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was found on the street, wandering without her parents. this girl was on her own, the teachers saw her and called the police. in the video yevubye is another girl, she is five years older older than her, she was also taken from her family. it is not known what caused the beating, its participants do not explain. some kind of conflict arose between them, because the children... are not brought up, the children are removed from their families, well, they say that they are playing like that, in the hospital they say that they already learned about the beating from the video, they assure the children, they have already talked, however , they emphasize that this is a hospital, not an orphanage, where there are specialists in education, they really need educators, and teachers, and they must, they need them first of all. eva has been in the hospital since january 1, but her mother is still not looking for her daughter, at home probably at home, because they do not appear, they continue their personal
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lives. instead, outraged townspeople came to the hospital with a question: why don't doctors intervene when children are being abused, they say that if there is not enough staff, they are ready to be on duty here themselves. they saw this video where children beat up a younger girl, and we can't do it like i am the mother of four children, i just didn't sit at home, we'll just come and sit. in these wards are on duty so that children do not rape each other. a conversation between outraged townspeople, management of the hospital began to turn into a conflict, so the hospital administration called the police. we were called because of the conflict situation. while officials and doctors are trying to decide eva's fate, her mother does not even want to hear about her - say the children's service. she was told what measures there are, what documents are needed, if you really, like mom, want to return. child, well, not much happened to you there, maybe you yourself suffered from some action there, she
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listened to all this, but unfortunately, in the future, she does not allow any cooperation and even into the apartment. on shelters for children have been evacuated from the zaporozhye region, so eva will be looking for a place in other regions, they are also trying to find her father and other relatives, the officials are looking for them on their own, because the mother refuses to give their contacts. olena kaptyu from zaporizhzhia. debris from a russian ironworker cut the face and lives of people from vyshnevoi, kyiv region, and tetiana, who lived in solomyanka a few days ago, and was deprived of her apartment altogether. these are just two stories out of thousands of similar ones after a massive attack by the russians from the air. on tuesday, january 2 the enemy launched a hundred units of deadly weapons only on kyiv. almost everything was shot down, but not even their remains... or grief. hundreds of apartments have been destroyed, thousands of people are now homeless. how do they
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recover from the experience? dari tserok will tell. when did the only charred walls remain from the house? and the second day of the new year almost became the last in life. the impact and everything flies off, windows, frames, he cut me in general. on january 2, missiles aimed at kyiv and the region. almost all districts of the capital and suburbs, and what about the epicenters of russian attacks for four days now because? taisiya and vasyl return home with several turbos in their hands, they haven't been here since tuesday. and going inside is still a little scary for both of them, because a few days ago, in this apartment on the fourth floor, they experienced the most terrible moments of their lives. such a loud explosion and glass flies at me. i felt pain in my leg, everything was cut, and blood was also flowing near my eye. it is lucky that it is intact. you will always be reminded of that morning with the scars on your face and all the fragments of the facade of the house,
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the explosions left the house still in the early hours of the morning. simply next to many... tivkami is now a several-meter gap, this is where the wreckage of a russian iron ore fell, damaging more than seven hundred apartments with an explosive wave. among them is the home of pensioners, now it has no surviving windows, all the docks have been covered with film, because there is no money for new ones, so the only hope is for a warm winter. tatiana, there is nowhere to turn, her whole apartment is now a complete ruin, one wall is missing, another has a hole, and all the studs are knocked out. the axle threw out the armature, this axle, this axle threw out a piece. he was here in the summer, it's a wall, like in the midst of all this chaos, she survived and still doesn't understand, because when the winged aircraft were flying to kyiv and the ballistics were hiding in the corridor, and all those stones flew right at her, i heard an explosion and i already have a piece of concrete on my phone, that's all from the glass, she just bought a new jacket, and there is blood too, for three days she
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has been sorting through the debris at home together with her family and friends, looking for some surviving things, so that they can make repairs here. transfer them to another, temporary housing, we take away the remaining ones, pasta, cereals, vegetables, destroyed they will begin to restore only when they completely disassemble the rubble and make an examination, it is previously known that at least four entrances are unfit for living, the situation there is critical, others are less damaged, already with communications, they restored the heat supply in four entrances of the damaged house, those that the least affected by the explosion are the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth entrances. there is currently heat, electricity and water supply, but anatoly's house in the private sector will generally have to be dismantled, because the walls will collapse here and there, the same fate befell his nearest neighbors, it is practically not subject to repair, why, because the walls were built from the foundation, the husband now hopes only
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for compensation from the state, tatyana has already written such a statement, and also issued a one-time assistance, the amount of which is ten... in order to receive it, the residents of the damaged houses go to the neighboring school. we have a hot meal here, tea and sandwiches, and yesterday we had two field kitchens, that is, there were 600 people. and here for those who have lost everything they have gained over the years across the road, they carry it here warm clothing. this headquarters will work until monday, and when the holidays are over, it will be transferred to the nearest police station. well, in the conflict of war, life wins, at the time when on january 2 russia massively bombarded ukraine, 47 children were born in the capital's maternity hospitals, and elvina seidbulaeva already met the babies who were born on the most hellish day of january. natalia tenderly hugs
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her daughter, the girl met that friend in the first moments of her life in a sheltered hospital. january, when the russians attacked the capital with rockets. the first alarm was at night, we, like everyone else, went down to the shelter and waited until it was over, and they had already read that there should be a second alarm. the very beginning of hell, when the alarm sounded outside the window of the hospital and the shelling did not stop. in the shelter, natalya began to give birth, the doctors calmed her down, distracted her with conversations so that the midwife did not listen to the explosions. they reassured, they talked about the fact that the most important thing right now is the health of the child, my health, they distracted from everything, we are here now, we are giving birth now, as we gave birth in the past, and we pay attention only to this, we do not listen to anyone , only us. yarenka, the second child of natalya and her military husband, was born healthy, 3 kg
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, 100 g and 50 cm. small, but so active. it's almost eight o'clock. it was, there was still anxiety , there were still explosions, well then, of course, emotions ran high, because on the one hand , this is happiness, this is joy, this is a new life, and on the other hand, it seems to me that we do not deserve anyone, not just to give birth, and to live in such conditions. anya thought she would have time to give birth before the new year, but it turned out differently, her girl, like yarynka, was born on january 2, the mother was worried that day. not for myself and for the child, it was very loud , there were many explosions, and i already felt that i would probably go into labor, i was very worried, very worried, especially me... explosions, a woman was born already after the shelling in the evening, from the bomb shelters she was transferred to the ward , for ani and her husband, this is the first, the most expected
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child, 3 kg 260 g, 52 cm, straw, i just really like such a ukrainian name, in the hospital they call their mothers in labor heroines, in our department three girls were born, three girls, this is a good sign, because if a girl gives birth, this is a sign that... there will be peace , we have a very good bomb shelter, everything is equipped there, a delivery hall, a special place for babies, a special room, a special place for pregnant women, in kyiv on january 2, the day of the mass shelling 47 children were born, among them twins, one more girl. ilvina sedbululayeva, kostyantyn tserinok, we ukraine, marathon, single news. frosts up to 25 and powerful blizzards will cover ukraine from tomorrow. a fierce winter is coming to us from the north of europe and promises heavy rainfall, strong gusts of wind, and
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more ice on the trees and ice on the roads. forecasters are scaring residents of kirovohrad and dnipropetrovsk regions with 30-centimeter snowdrifts, chernihiv region and sumy region will be the coldest. the thermometers will show up to -19-25 there. in the south. somewhat warmer, the temperature will not fall below 15 degrees below zero, but the cold will not last long, as of january 11, the air temperature in ukraine will begin to rise again. the war poses new challenges to you and me, due to mass migration and mobilization, there is currently a particular lack of working hands estimated demand for 2024, several million workers. why so many, and where and whom will they look for? our iryna kondrachuk analyzed the work of various spheres of the economy, she
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will tell us about their common pain and about the solutions that are needed right now: one army man gets six civilians, they counted the president, so for another 500 thousand mobilized, an additional 3 million taxpayers are needed, but where to find them? we have not had statistics for almost two years, but the survey shows that about 20% of ukrainians are unemployed, and on the other hand, we we see a very... big shortage of technical specialties. the lack of highly qualified specialists is the biggest challenge of 2023-2024 . so what methods do employers use to compete for workers? previously, we could literally find staff there in a few, four, five days, including interviews. now it can really be up to two weeks. and how will turbulence in the labor market affect our earnings? we reviewed absolutely everyone's salary. this is one of the company's largest stores. from the sphere of internet trade in ukraine, staff here constantly on the move. oleksandr, where is your workplace ? well, in fact, you can be here, or there, or, in principle, in any point of this
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trading hall. what was done by 10 workers before the war, now here are managed by six, they say that it is also profitable for them. the more work you do, the more you earn. now it seems that greater universalization is underway in our country. and, roughly speaking, almost, almost every employee understands how. another department works. special education or knowledge of english is not required here, but young people are given preference. guys, girls from 20 there to 25 years old, that's it young teams, there are drop-off points, shops, there are smaller ones where only girls work. increased women's groups in the network of gas stations. here we notice female gas station operators and even employees of malting premises. well, we have very heavy pallets, for example, alcohol, there, water - this. in general, one pallet can be up to 500 kg, it happens with us, for example, for a ton of water, it is two pallets, at least.
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lyubov karpenko, a frail storekeeper, is rolling her loaded dress, it seems that something will lack the strength to lift this 19-liter bucket from the order. and do men help you? well, it's only if it's in bags, if we need to load bags, salt, sand, then yes, we ask the guys, they help us. and how big? 50 kg, how much do you weigh? 50, what to do, our guys are in the war, it's hard for them there too, we have to do their work as well, the situation in our country is such that there are no women's and men's jobs anymore. therefore, the next, forced step, women will be put behind gas trucks - explains the char-director of the company. we understand that there will be a shortage of personnel, and there will be, well, not only due to the fact that there will be a new... wave of mobilization, and due to the fact that migration continues, it has not stopped. the kyiv school of economics has calculated that in the coming years there will be fewer and fewer working people, according to their forecast, from the pre-war
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17.5% of the working-age population, by 2030 there will be less than 12 million in ukraine. the youth who are growing up, they too, do not plan to stay in ukraine, and in general, for the next two or three years there, maximum five, in our country we will face even more the fact that we will not have a demographically young population that is ready will be work. there is already a shortage of technical university students, they say at the production of ventilation systems, they organize internships for them here, and then hire them. universities also receive. very big, let's say, the hunger in terms of students , if we say so, the department plans to have 30 students, recruit five per academic year, locksmiths, electricians, welders, machine operators are needed en masse, there are no queues of young people, so they retrain experienced ones, i am very close i live very close by, and here i have a little time left before retirement, and i decided that why no, why not, why not try,
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saleswoman by education... she mastered the technique for herself in three months, she says, it is easier with a machine than with colleagues. men don't always understand why a woman came here to do a man's job, and the relationship is such that it 's a little, well, how to understand that, yes, what she understands there. fighting stereotypes and anti-crisis management, that's what awaits us in the coming years, analysts say. without our own economy, we will not be able to finance our own. opportunities at the front, not only at the expense of western aid, it may not exist tomorrow be, we need to create our own plan b , for example, the mobilization of qualified specialists to enterprises that will serve the army, and these are repairmen, mechanics, the same locksmiths, electricians, software developers, this will save money for the state, which had to finance the same specialties among soldiers, and will replenish the state treasury with the necessary taxes. another step is the socialization
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of the military and civilians who return... with injuries from the combat zone, this will also be an additional workforce, but it is necessary to adapt workplaces for people with disabilities and to attract them, to work more with business, the state with business with educational institutions, all the heroes of our material are already adapting to these changes, and anti-crisis managers of companies are preparing their plan b. how to attract workers from other countries of the continents, but for this the law needs to be changed. i am sure that ukraine will cope with this challenge, the main thing is to defeat the enemy, we dream and do everything for this, each in his place, we call for this with best wishes, quiet evening, be healthy.
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chevrons, approaching victory, strength, will , and indomitability, centuries before. passed down from father to son, and i am the one who carries cossack strength and cossack glory imprinted on my heart. i am the one who carries the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will lives on to this day. i am the one who carries
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everything for centuries. you have the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow down to the enemy, i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god, and always believe in my invincibility, i will quickly get there, i am already buying a ticket, one to dnipro, please, thank you. uah 5 from each bus ticket goes to the restoration of ukraine. we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat.


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