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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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and to this day, i am the one who for centuries carries the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow down to the enemy, i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god, and always believe in my invincibility. i will arrive quickly, i am already buying a ticket, one to dnipro, please, thank you. uah 5 from each bus ticket goes to the restoration of ukraine, we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat. rules of a warm
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country. healthy care. thank you for adjusting the heater and making sure the temperature is adequate without wasting money on the wind. let's beat the winter together. news live to your. attention in the studio of vera sverdlyk, congratulations. the impact drone targeted an apartment building in dnipro. it happened around 9 p.m. on saturday, when the enemy launched the first wave of martyrdom across ukraine. according to the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak, rescuers freed six people from the rubble, including two children. previously, they were caused by minor injuries. in general , the affected house was inhabited. 22 families,
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including two people, applied independently to the hospital, no one is seriously injured , thank you to our rescuers, thank you to our police, who are working on the spot, and in pokrovsk late on saturday evening , a woman's body was retrieved from under the rubble, there, and also in the village of rivne, a rescue operation is underway, informs about this is the state emergency service. earlier, the head of the donetsk regional military administration, vadym filashkin , announced the victims in advance. 11 people, including five children, were victims of the russian attack. at noon on saturday, the enemy fired eight rockets in the pokrovsky district, damaging more than 30 private houses. he reacted to the shelling president volodymyr zelenskyi. the blow of the russians was simply on ordinary housing development on private houses. all the wounded are given the necessary assistance. and russia must always feel. that none of these strikes
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will pass without consequences for the terrorist state, we must ensure this with our own defensive and political capabilities. one dead, two more wounded. such are the consequences of the shelling of the nikopol district, the russian army struck 12 times with artillery and attacked three times with drones. the area is also damaged two industrial facilities, three... dozens of private houses were affected by several auto power lines and a gas pipeline, 200 families are currently without electricity, energy workers are already working on restoring networks. oleksandr golub from smila in cherkasy region lost almost everything after a rocket attack on december 29. a russian rocket fell right in his garden, killed his wife, destroyed his house, destroyed his car, and wounded him. nowadays, his house
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was demolished to build a new one on that place, and the benefactors gave the citizen a car to replace the one that burned down, now he is a man he recovers from the loss, he is grateful for the gifts and says nothing, he will not replace his beloved wife, and now there is nothing left, the grandchildren have nowhere to go, there is no one to turn to, this will take away all of that. get ready, and the grandmother will not be returned, which will be very difficult for him in his old age. 18 enemy attacks on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region and 27 in other directions were repelled by the defense forces over the last day, the general staff reported in the evening report. the occupiers unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical position on avdiivskyi. direction of our defenders
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continue to restrain the russian army in the areas of maryinka and novomykhaivka. a former shakhtar from bakhmut looks after. and horses and rehabilitates soldiers with hippotherapy. andriy gladkyi lost his wife and all his property in donetsk region. he moved to kropyvnytskyi with his daughter and radically changed his profession. he says that animals help him to forget his own grief, and also to be useful to the army. yuliya babak will tell the story of the emigrants. we catch andrii hladky at work in a club. he has a lot of things to do: clean the body, give him a drink. at first glance, it seems the man worked with animals all his life. before the war, he worked with a miner at the solenii mine, they lived like all ordinary people, houses, apartments, cars, everything was there. until the russians broke into his native bakhmut and
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destroyed all the family's property, and later took the most valuable thing, killed andriy's wife. there was an arrival and she died, i don't want to remember, i'm trying to forget. i wanted to bury my wife and it didn't work out, because these criminals were nearby, they wouldn't let me, so she stayed near the house. to recover from the experience, the former miner is helped by a new job at kropyvnytsia equestrian club. well, he also feels good about them, i feel good about them, the animals help, it carries everything during work, there are six of us in the team. of people, four of them are immigrants , hippotherapy for the military is carried out here, his compatriot works side by side with andrii, so they both remember their native bahamud, together they say that it is much easier to experience grief , that’s something compatriots, it’s already a little happy, what
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’s left a memory from krypnytskyi yuliya babak, artur perikhanyan, we are ukraine, marathon. blue news. mass road accident in lutsk 13 cars collided at once. currently , three victims are known. medics have already provided them with help, the police have yet to comment on the cause of the accident. according to witnesses, a 20-year-old girl was hit by a car on the exit from the bridge, and the cars following did not have time to brake due to ozheleditsa. polish farmers ended the blockade. since saturday evening, ukrainian trucks have been passing through the checkpoint at medic shagyni without hindrance, the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andriy demchenko, said. this was preceded by the signing of an agreement between by the polish ministry of agriculture and farmers. the government agreed
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to satisfy the basic demands of farmers, provide them with subsidies, favorable loans and keep the agricultural tax at last year's level. medica sheghini was not the only one. at the blocked point on the ukrainian-polish border in yagodina, ravaruska and krakivka, the road for ukrainian cargo carriers is still being blocked by polish carriers. the world health organization is called to restore quarantine and the mask regime, its leaders warned, the world covered by another wave of coronavirus. in recent weeks, the number of new cases is increasing rapidly, so it is worth returning to previous measures. security measures, including wearing masks in public places, maintaining social distance, testing and vaccination. voz canceled the pandemic status, which was introduced after the outbreak of the coronavirus last year in may. the death toll from
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the earthquake in japan has risen to 126. more than 200 people are still missing. power is gradually being restored along the country's coast, however. all water, food and fuel are still in short supply. the roads are impassable, the asphalt cracked and deformed during the earthquake. lesya golovina will talk about how the country is recovering from the deadly earthquake. a family from the japanese city of wajima inspects what was once their family homestead. on the site of a three-story building in the historic center , only charred ruins remained. the house collapsed and then burned to the ground during the earthquake that hit the... the city of wadzima was the most affected during the shaking, 69 of its residents were killed, and more than 500 were injured, as the locals don't know how to live in the middle of the ruins. there is no food, no water, worst of all, there is no
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gasoline, people are still standing in long lines to buy fuel. masakatsu nakaura, the owner of a sweets shop, prepared a traditional japanese dessert for new year's holidays. we have a lot of pudding left, we prepared it for the holidays, but there is no electricity, the refrigerators are not working. we know a lot of people are out of food and the treats are still edible and enjoyable, so we thought we'd share. nakaura pudding local resident sashi kotakagi, the owner of the kimono shop, will enjoy it, her business was not affected, but the woman has nowhere to live, but she is most worried not about herself, but about her children. that day we could not call our daughter for a long time. we didn't know if she was safe alive or dead. however, we managed to talk briefly in the evening.
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search operations are underway in the destroyed cities, there may still be people under the ruins, so the rescuers found an elderly woman who spent three days under the ruins of her own house. an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 shook japan on the first day of the year. the province of ishikawa was the most affected by the elements. it is still difficult to get there. roads are blocked. fell, the railway was damaged, the region continues to shake, seismologists recorded hundreds of weaker earthquakes, in addition, a cold weather has come to the province, frost and snowfall are expected. lesya golovina, we are ukraine, marathon only news. large-scale floods in the north and west of europe, high water covered several countries at once, flooded france and belgium. there have been no showers in germany for more than two weeks. lower saxony is threatened with destruction. are trying to pump out water in the most dangerous
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places, in hamburg the water level on the elbe has risen by 3.5 m, in the ruhr region due to rains, railway tracks have been damaged, then not also great britain, the country is suffering from rains and gale force winds, meteorologists have announced the next yellow level of danger. i communicate. by the people of the east midlands affected by this devastating weather. we want to assure people that all necessary services are available there. ukrainian believers officially celebrated baptism on january 6 for the first time. in lviv, in the sky, on 15,000 liters of water were consecrated on the market square. military chaplains of various denominations took part in the festive service. due to the lingering air anxiety, not as many people came as usual, generally close. hundreds of people, these are townspeople, guests, forced migrants and military personnel who are currently in the city undergoing
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rehabilitation. during the day, all those willing could collect holy water. the fact that it was so sanctified by all denominations, between the fact that it was common, jointly sanctified, and therefore we want peace, and it somehow united our entire country. we all dream about victory but in cherkasy. dozens of townspeople not only for baptism, but every day rush to the dnipro to immerse themselves in the icy water. they say that walrus helps to get rid of chronic diseases and energizes, as our olga kosenko told us. it's only 7 in the morning, and the cherkasy walruses are in a hurry to dive into the icy water. emotions are not hidden. as soon as you get out of the water, you want to live and reproduce. i am already 69 years old, well , i still feel like 50. many members of
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the longevity club are already retired, have been dying for more than one decade, came here to get rid of of chronic diseases, cold water , they say, cures it, i bathe in it, i don’t know, i don’t know how i covered my legs at home, nothing hurts anymore, nothing hurts, the club is managed by serhiy kaliga, he is 58, has the second group of disabilities and almost a year protects ukraine from the russian invasion. he says that squinting helped him cope with the army's workload. wrapping in water, physical exercises, this helps your body cope with emergency situations. weight, protection, armor, er, ammo, it's all weight, and if you you do not have a normal physical condition, it will only... harm the body. serhiy came to cherkasy for rehabilitation after a concussion, he could not help himself, he says, so as
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not to plunge into the icy water again. inspires, gives strength. and it also makes it possible to meet such dawns. from cherkasy olga kosenko, oleg klymenko, we ukraine, marathon only news. sakors bloomed in the dnieper, buds were attached to them, and pink and white flowers appeared in some places. an unexpected spring in the middle of winter would come to the city for several weeks in a row, the temperature remains positive, the spectacle wants beautiful. but it is dangerous for the trees, botanists say, if the sakora are already putting out young shoots, they will freeze as soon as the frost hits, the only hope is that the cold weather will stop the growth process of the japanese cherry, those buds that have tied, the buds that have bloomed, they will freeze , of course, but it will not kill the plant completely, yes, that is, but if
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the simple processes already begin, if the shoots begin, the buds begin to open ... and the growth of the sprout begins, it will become a real tragedy. from the north of europe to ukraine 20-degree frosts and powerful blizzards are coming. rapid cooling will begin today, forecasters warn. the worst frost will be in chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast -19-25, heavy snowfall is predicted in kirovohrad oblast and dnipropetrovsk oblast. however, the cold will stay for a short time already... on january 11 , the air temperature in ukraine will start to rise again. take care of the warmth, first of all in your heart, then olena chabak and nikita mikhalov. i thank you for your attention and trust.
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chevrons approaching victory. strength, will and endurance, have been handed down for centuries from father to son, and i am the one who carries cossack strength and cossack glory imprinted on my heart, i am the one who carries within me the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, the unyielding will of me... who lives to this day, i am the one who, throughout the centuries, carries the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow before the enemy, i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god and always
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believe in my invincibility. greetings, friend, i am marichka padelko, a tv presenter and mother of three children. i'm sorry i don't know your name, i'd like to know what you did for a living to a full-scale war, what coffee i drank and what i dreamed about, but i know something else: one day you went to defend what is dear to you and to all of us, our ukraine. my husband is also at the front, and i understand what difficult trials the war forces to pass every day. your injury hurts me. i really want you to get well. and the least i can do for this is to share my blood. i do this very sincerely and with only one note. thank you,
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hero. hospitals need donated blood every day. one donor can save three lives. give blood, save the hero. well, our congratulations. the only news marathon continues, at 4:19 a.m. on the studio clock. congratulations to everyone who has already woken up, or who is still awake. olena chabak, i'm nikita mikhalov, we are ukraine, we work for you. good morning, thank you for your trust and let's start with important news that concerns you and me. house speaker wants talks with biden on deadlocked issues. and it is, in particular, about aid to ukraine and us border policy, bloomberg reports. the publication notes that a bipartisan group of senators has been working on possible changes in the immigration policy of the states. by the way, this is what the republicans demand in exchange for support for emergency aid to ukraine. the senate is considering smaller concessions than the house majority is demanding
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. therefore, there is a possibility that the house will not be satisfied with the proposals of the senate, and the deputies from... will again find themselves in a dead end. at the same time, us president biden accepted the invitation of the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, to address the congress on march 7 in his annual address. the appeal will be entitled about the state of affairs in the country. this is about biden said on saturday on the x social network . the state of the nation address is an annual, i will remind you the message that the president of the united states delivers to a joint session of the united states congress at the beginning. in most calendar years about the current state of the country, usually such an address contains reports on the budget, on the economy, news, there are all kinds of agendas about progress, as well as the achievements and priorities of the president and his foreign proposals, and there are many questions about the further assistance of the united states states of america, about the upcoming elections in this country, and all that
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let's talk further, now we are in touch with andriy dobryanskyi, director of communications at the ukrainian congressional committee of america. good morning, mr. andriy, you have an evening, good evening to you, our greetings, good morning to you, thank you for joining, mr. andriy, let's go. let's start with this help, which konsha needs for ukraine in the near future, because the war continues, so we need to receive weapons. there are different opinions on this matter, one of them is that the aid may be approved by february of this year. what do you know maybe you have more info? we all hear the same whispers, only that here in america we speak directly to our various congressmen, the senate. and everyone is pretty sure that there will be some kind of agreement, but just like when there was an agreement on the budget in september, just like last spring, now the time has come
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when finally president biden himself can get involved, because in military affairs the same generals cannot come to an agreement until the war begins, so there had to be certain steps and... both in the senate and in the congress, so that they finally got to the state where the president can fit in, and now there will be three parties, the house, the senate and the white house, all three will finally speak together. mr. andriy, well, the fact that all three of them will finally agree is good, and the chances that a consensus will be reached, as you estimate, given that the senate sees its concessions, the house of representatives sees its own. concessions, their level, the administration of the us president, we need a common denominator, what are the chances that they will find it? well, when we
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have a bipartisan discussion, we know positions on one side, the other, here on the tripartite, it's a little difficult to think of what will happen, i think, i'll give one example, now now speaker johnson, he started his position as speaker. with a majority of about five men, it has decreased, and in fact he, he will have only one vote, the majority until the end of february, when there will be another congressman resigned, then in each chamber, in each side of these discussions, you have to think about internal political affairs, as well, when speaker jansen has such a small one. this is it means that he can't simultaneously express how the entire house of representatives should vote, he will then have to negotiate
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with the democrats in his party in the house, as well as with the republicans, then it mixes politics in the house, in the senate day after day as well there is a change of opinion when there is a discussion about the case at the border of america. finally, the state of the president, he is now thinking about his political campaign for this year, and he better finish all the affairs as soon as possible, now now, so that he does not deal with discussion, he thinks, as soon as possible he can go to the whole country to politicize. mr. andrii, please tell me, how is it currently felt in the united states of america? that the next year, that is, the 24th, which has just started, is a year of election races, and the whole country is focused on this issue or not?
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and this, why, the white house would really like, as well as our supporters, ukrainian supporters in the senate and congress, they would like to agree, now, such a large amount of money, so that there would be no such discussions during the campaign, this very important. we, i think, i think , we understand how much ukraine appreciates it, the ministry of foreign affairs, as well as the politicians and diplomats here in america, they would not like ukraine, which over the past year has invested a little more and more, as a political game for politicians, as we agreed, it would be best for ukraine, so that ukraine could abandon political ones. yes, let's talk about the election then, and what has to do with the various candidates for the presidency of the united states, i'll add information now, then mr.
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andrii, we will go into detail. and expand, here the supreme court of the united states of america will consider the issue of disqualification of ex-president trump from the primaries, the basis for this is the events of january 6 , 2021, i will remind you, this is the storming of the capitol by supporters of the ex-president, the american media write about it, and the meaning and the scope of the 14th amendment to the constitution will be considered by the us supreme court on february 8, for the first time, i will remind you, it was adopted shortly after the civil war and was hardly applied. this amendment prohibits officials who participated in insurgents or mutineers to hold public office in the united states. the court's decision will have a significant impact on the course of the presidential campaign in the united states. this year, i will add, and according to journalists, it may either bury trump's chances for election or re-election, or, on the contrary, encourage him and his supporters even more . so, how do you rate the chances, mr. andriy, that the decision will be... by
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the supreme court not in favor of trump and his lawyers? there are some certain questions before the chief court, one about this case in colorado, as well as in maine, just now the chief secretary of this state refused , said that trump is the same as in colorado, they would not like to have him on the ballot in maine, in that each... the state under our constitution has the right to decide for itself who will run in each state, that is why the trump team would very much like the supreme court to decide on the whole country at the same time, and not that it would happen that the supreme court in each state, like the supreme court in colorado, should have its own certain decisions, but nevertheless, and very there is a very
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big margin of trump's team, as in in the 16th year and even in the 20th year, as well as this time, now not only after the court cases, president trump does not take part in his big events, his manifestations, he does not gather bodies all over america, from time to time by the time he went to ayuva, the first will be the preliminary elections, but he... does not actively participate and did not even participate in other debates, well, it is a separate matter, whether his ratings, numbers are still 40% popular in his party, but not to participate in debates, or to personally visit people as often as other candidates, greatly strengthens those other candidates, specifically the former governor of the southern serolina. our neki
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gale, who is now going higher and higher in the ratings in new hampshire, which will be the second primary, and we certainly don't know what the reaction of trump's team will be, how he will lose, whether in iowa or new hampshire or south carolina, one of those previous elections, will he turn like he was in the 20th year that it's all fixed. that it was illegal, we just don't know what his reaction will be, but we can say probably that he does not take up the company's business, as he actively took it up in the 20th or 16th year, then he complains, complains that in the 20th year he was robbed of a chance for the presidency and now he wants to win back. mr. andrii, if you look at trump's political biography,
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it is not that simple, but it is the same. now he has a lot of supporters among voters, he is the only president in the history of the united states who has gone through the impeachment process twice, the courts are waiting for him now, but nevertheless, his electorate supports him, and trump has no doubts about his victory despite the challenges facing him, and if suddenly this happens and he faces defeat, please tell me who is now a likely candidate to replace trump, who has? the most chances, and from the republicans , you say, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, i said, former governor, former ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley, who already speaks a lot in support of ukraine, that's enough, in fact, for those republicans, ukrainians, here in america, it is enough, i know, they are interested, they will be interested in talking to her, yes
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itself... well, we already know the name.


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