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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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i am a russian warship, i suggest you lay down your arms and surrender. fate will smile, we will throw away our arms, all the beauty in the sun, satan, and we are brothers on our side. soul and body, we will put
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our words to rest and show that we are brothers of the cossack rib. there are leftovers for aquamaris 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony, where there is error, we will. margaret
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thatcher, the iron lady, did everyone love her, or supported its reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of not being able to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the foundations for the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who really eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of margaret thatcher's caliber, so it's all the more interesting to take another look. on the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. documentary tape thatcher only forward. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening on the front? what personnel losses . and techniques on the battlefield, how
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the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, important, reliable events, it is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and many others. about important things in simple language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant issues. common
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discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk: sunday 17:10 at espresso.
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greetings, dear viewers, on the air of the television channel, the program studio zahid, we will analyze the most important events of this week, there are quite a lot of them, and we will try to predict what the following weeks will bring us today's guests roman bezsmertny and glen grant. the tv channel is now on the air the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi will work. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, christ is born with the new year. thank you and merry christmas and happy new year. well, the key story is
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a scenario of a long war. we understand that the russian federation is ready to launch massive, large-scale strikes on our defense and civilian infrastructure. yes, we understand that... that they are achieving certain successes, but the successes are quite conditional, yes, because our air defense system is constantly growing and enemy missiles succeed, shahedis and so on, although not as much as we would all like, and accordingly we are entering a long process of the so-called competition of defense forces, state apparatuses, and accordingly the battlefield, a military machine is a very... strange mechanism, but with from the point of view of comparative characteristics, their analysis, qualitative, quantitative, it is not so difficult to compare, if we compare the potential opportunities
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of the russian federation now, it has actually set an extremely high task with its budget decisions for the current year and... if you ask me, do i believe that these indicators will be achieved, understanding everything that a totalitarian machine, a post-soviet machine is, and yes, in some way it will be achieved, but not in technologies, not in quality and not in the indicators that are indicated, as for december 2024. in terms of quantitative indicators, these capacities in terms of aid to ukraine will help ukraine to gain dominance on the front in terms of ammunition, in terms of armored vehicles, by
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the end of spring about closing the sky from impacts by missiles and bombing systems, i.e.... these indicators, i am now talking about plans, i.e. first i said about the plans that are in russia, now i will say about the plans that are in the countries of the european community, nato countries and specific corporations that are engaged in the production of equipment. next, i think that many of the listeners and viewers noticed this thing that sounded throughout 2023, this is... the so-called block of countries that will be engaged in the production of artillery, armored vehicles, aircraft and increasing the naval capabilities of ukraine, the so-called coalition guns of armored vehicles, aviation and naval
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capabilities, we have already forgotten about those coalitions that were formed within the framework of ramstein and the copenhagen format. the so-called, where the anglo-saxon states separately formed their coalition to help ukraine. once again , i will repeat the thesis, which is already found in the western press, german, british and some american publications. according to the indicators of 2024, ukraine will dominate in certain indicators, thanks to the help of europe and the united states. america, it must be acknowledged, it must be understood, and from the point of view of the competition between the totalitarian system and the system democratic, competitive system, i have no doubt that german , american, french
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, and british corporations will overcome these achievements, because firstly, the formula of private-state cooperation is applied there. that is, both the state and the private sector undertake to launch these industrial production lines, because it is not only about quantity. the parameters of the production of equipment, ammunition and weapons, in fact, in several cases, we are talking about the construction of certain lines from scratch, and we are not only talking about achieving parity and dominance in conventional weapons, and to make a qualitative leap. it is no coincidence that in the concluding articles of 2023 the economist and in the first articles ( 2023 bild and the economist began to write about the fact that
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a majority has been formed in the congress of the united states of america, which insists on supplying ukraine with modern complexes of medium-range missile systems. it is no coincidence that ukrainian forces returned to the topic after the bombings and rocket attacks during the christmas and new year holidays of ukraine by the russian military. transferring the war to the territory of the enemy, now they have started to write about it again, because it is a direct consequence of the fact that the congress formed a coalition to supply ukraine with modern weapons and missile systems with a medium range, that is, take from 300 to 800 km, so about this is the case, and if you add to this the fact that today... the day at the exit is armored vehicles and the f-16, then in principle
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you can look at the year 2023 quite optimistically in terms of, let's say, stabilization, well, first of all, and more importantly for me , it is in an informational and psychological state, because here, this depresnyak, forgive me for the slang that hung in the air at the end of 2023, he is dangerous... not because he breaks the front line, he kills ours, our feeling, but as the polls of the democratic initiatives foundation and the rozumkov center at the end of 2023, they were announced somewhere in the 10s, early 20s, even the numbers of december, 90% of ukrainians are convinced of victory, and if we talk about the mood of ukrainian society. then it has a hopeful, encouraging character and content, therefore both in
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the external and internal parameters of 2024 will determine these things, according to which trends they can be characterized, well, we can talk a lot about this, but i am convinced that in this confrontation, which begins now with the comparison of quantitative indicators of the budget and... and so on, russia, it is not will be able to compete with the west, it is fundamentally incapable of doing so by its very nature, so your truth is that if and whatever they plan, they can only pave their way on the front line with people, they will continue to do it, they will continue it should be done, and it should be understood. as the main means of attacking ukraine by the aggressor. mr.
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roman, you mentioned that it will be possible to finally implement the strategic vision, in particular regarding the supply of medium-range missile systems. this is an extremely important decision, and i do not want to get involved in this matter, in particular, in what, for example, happened in the territory of the russian federation, in particular, when we are talking about the belgorod region, i do not... possess classified information of the military plan, yes, but we understand what narratives are dispersed in the russian federation. we must give a clear answer to the question of belgorod: the armed forces of ukraine have nothing to do with what happened there. the fact is that both the vykursk and belohorod regions, which are on the border, through the territory of which missile
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complexes are launched in... , well, in other border regions of the russian federation, and now it has already been proven, by the remains of those fragments of missile complexes that which it has already become fashionable there to say that the combat part of the missile has gone away. she went somewhere there to a kindergarten or to a private residential complex and so on. at the same time, i would ask everyone to pay attention to the thesis expressed by dmytro yarosh in his post, he is right in some respects, the ukrainian side must clearly develop a response plan to such shelling of cities and forces of ukraine, not to reflect, this is the most important thing , it is necessary to determine
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the objects and points that fall under the category of military and military objects, and when... there are shellings, to react and hit these objects, the principle of reflection cannot be applied here in any case: i shoot where i see, this is the first thing, i insist on this once again, and everyone must understand this, ukraine has not shelled and will not shell non-military objects, non-military objects, this is compliance, strict compliance with the norms. humanitarian law, i do not want to name the number, the numerical number, how many military personnel of ukraine, representatives of the defense forces, i.e. the armed forces, the national guard, and voluntary military formations today are in prison for having violated humanitarian law, but i
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emphasize this once again, the ukrainian army, the armed forces of ukraine adheres to the norms of humanitarian law, and if any cases occur from the point of view of events on the front and the rest, these are excesses, this is something that does not fall under orders, commands, etc., and is an exception, and is an accidental event, recognized by the ukrainian political leadership and military command, as a violation of humanitarian norms. right, i was a little surprised by the fact that after the events in in belgorod, some of the ukrainian journalists started talking about the fact, and maybe it was ours who started hitting anywhere, i emphasize this, the armed forces of ukraine do not hit civilian objects, because every military man has
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a souvenir with him, in which painted, this monument is approved by an instruction letter. the ministry of defense, the ministry of health, the general staff in 2015 there are relevant instructions of the general staff of the ministry of defense, which were approved by the presidential decree and orders of the ministries and departments that regulate the behavior of soldiers, representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, who are fully responsible and obliged to respond. humanitarian law, well, i completely agree with you, and we understand how the enemy would like to use it, on the one hand, the enemy, talking about the fact that this is ukraine, would be shelling bilhorod, he is counting on his domestic audience, yes, well, at one time they blew up houses, yes, do you remember the story about the so-called ryazan sugar and so on and so forth, in order to
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to activate the processes of internal mobilization of the russian nation, on the other hand, we also understand that this is intended for whom? against our overseas and european allies , and a missile flew to poland for a reason, i will interrupt you, now, after the events in belgorod, the security council was convened on the initiative of the russian side, please draw your attention to the position of the representative of the united states, france , great britain and germany, who absolutely clearly gave an assessment, this is a matter of disorder in the russian army. and claims for because what happened in bilhor should be presented not to ukraine, but to the kremlin. ukraine adheres to the norms of international humanitarian law, and this was also proven by subsequent reports about the fragments of those rockets that fell on the heads of the civilian population in
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belgorod and other border settlements . now, as for missiles that flew into the territory of poland. poland is a nato country. on, the territory of poland, like the territory of all nato countries, in matters of anti-missile and anti-aircraft security, is monitored by the aegis system, it is a system of anti-missile defense of nato countries, which is called aegis, this system is managed from two centers, with secretly in europe and to a large extent in turkey, this system is able to monitor the situation, starting from the entire field, the entire sky of the country. nato, ending with neighboring states. the system is on standby in automatic mode. if the announced
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parameters are correct, and they say that the missile flew 40 km into the territory of poland, then this means that this system was disabled from automatic activation. it means that depending on... who was on duty, or the control center in ramstein, or the control center in izmir, the one who managed this monitoring, gave the command to turn off, because i say again, during the takeoff, during the trajectory, the relevant, and it is calculated by the signature very simply, by the monitoring system, such a missile can be lost by the progress system, both at the stage of rising air, and at... the stage of reaching the highest point and when aiming at the target, i.e. the iedges system, which is currently unique from the point of view control of the skies of nato countries.
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it is not clear to me, or they were incorrect, and today the press is circulating incorrect parameters regarding where and how far this missile flew, because i do not believe that commanding the system about... could disable the automatic operation mode of this system, in including unsubstantiated statements that these missiles, which are referred to by x, and well, these are all missiles of the iskander complex, let's say, they are capable of bypassing the monitoring systems, the aegis anti-missile defense system, so the issue needs further investigation confirmation or refutation from the point of view of... the authenticity of the facts that are voiced, but the fact that the rocket flew into the territory of poland is true. another thing is that the statements that the poles
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were unable, the poles are not capable, this is not true, because i emphasize this once again: the patriot system, which is on duty, including in poland, it is integrated into the aegis system, in ukraine the patriot is in... autonomous control mode, it is not integrated into the igzhis system, hence the missile, anti-missile anti-missile complex petriu is only the instrument of impression of the attacking, attacking missiles, and not a self-sufficient institution, from presenting claims to the poles in this way, well, it's a little wrong, because we don't know the things i 'm talking about right now, under what circumstances these conditions were formed, well for... . in order for me , for example, to draw a conclusion, i need additional information, so i can clearly tell you what happened and why there was such an action or inaction, i can’t, and without knowing certain
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information, i can’t just go around like that, well, it’s just that there are specifics of certain protocols, yes we understand that the enemy, in particular the russian federation, he can deliberately, pretending that some kind of missile is accidental, he can deliberately direct them, so pay attention. to the thesis that was voiced by prime minister tusk, he said that in a strategic perspective, europe is definitely a target for russia, that is, he is very wise here, let's say, if the key to the problem was wrapped in a wrapper, he said not now, but in a strategic perspective, on the one hand, if he gives a chance to both moscow and beijing... tehran to come to consciousness, and on the other hand, he understands that no one can come to his senses there anymore, and therefore it is necessary to build up the security defense potential,
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but still he leaves, well, a chance for another, different way of conducting a dialogue with the führer of moscow, and it must be said, that well , so far i do not see a more accurate description of the situation that happened with this one. missile, i.e. for the poles, for poland, it was clear to them for a long time that there is moscow, but this case with the missile, he absolutely clearly indicated that europe is the target, the bill also wrote about it on the beginning of 2024, there literally in the first issues about the fact that in the winter of 2024-25 there will be an attack by russia on european states, the moment... when there will be a transition from one president to another in washington, and it is not by chance that peter
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pavel said that... the year 2024 may return in an unpleasant way, pay attention to how he said, he did not say for ukraine, he said for us, for us, he said, although for some reason in ukraine it was interpreted as for of ukraine, although the situation is such that from the point of view of ukraine and the ukrainian, ukraine is european the union is a common thing, well, what not everyone in europe understands yet, and what is good for ukraine is good for europe, what is good for europe is good for... ukraine and vice versa, bad is bad there and there , oh, but these two positions, which were voiced by the build with references to european intelligence and peter paul about the threats of the next year, well, they were simply demonstrated by this rocket. i am convinced that knowing russian diplomacy, understanding its tools of action, these... two frenzied attacks on
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ukraine that happened in the final of the past and on the beginning of this year, this is, as it were, a confirmation of theses that they are ready to attack european states, this is the first, and secondly, this coincidence is not coincidental with the theses that, you see, in the western press there were theses that putin gives signals about some negotiations, that is, this is what is called coercion by force to diplomacy, and this is how it should be interpreted, it should be understood, and in response, it is necessary to increase the capabilities of anti-missile and anti-aircraft security and prepare appropriate gifts for the moscow führer so that he does not feel his impunity,
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and the absolutely correct thesis that the current situation needs to be transferred to do so, this is already a matter for the military, a matter for the general staffs, i am not saying only the ukrainian general staff, but also the staffs of the allies, and from my point of view, 2024 has to be the year of the formation of combat -ready forces of the ramshtein format and the management system, to the point that... what would flash in the western press, regarding the possible opening of the second front, where and how, this is again a matter for the headquarters, but in addition to helping ukraine, it is necessary think about how the appetites of the moscow führer to attack europe and other points must be curbed, and for this the trend that is currently
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shining... in the middle east, where in his recent, very recent interview, benjamin netanyahu, prem' the prime minister of israel said that this war will last for many months, we are talking about a war between israel hamas and israel hezbollah and israel houthis, in fact it is an iranian-israeli war and it is a potential war with iran, a potential war with the russian federation, so its , her what they are ashamed to call someone, well, the world, the world the current one surprises me in its reluctance to really look at the course of events, i think, like many people, i think, mr. roman, that they are simply trying to somehow localize certain scenarios, hoping to return to the state before the war, there is such a legal term, on the other hand we understand that war is also about resources, technological resources lead.
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rightly noted that a certain strategic decision was made, but any strategic decisions can sometimes rest on stubbornness, forgive the taftology of this or that congressman. yes, i was very surprised and alarmed when i heard from our ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, mr. kuleba, that we, well, we are not considering any options b. that there is confidence, well, that the united states will provide us with the necessary macro-finance, on the other hand, we understand that... that in the united states there have been not such miracles, well, it is worth mentioning only the storming of the capitol, and we understand that the united states, which is currently experiencing, probably the most dangerous election campaign in its history. do you understand what, mr. antin, the problem is, in the conditions of recognized multipolarity, to return to monopolarity is impossible, you have to go through leadership, and leadership is a thing... ya


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