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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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and what are the main trends now, what is the public mood now regarding the republican candidates? trump has a high level of support, but is it unanimous enough to talk about the indisputability of his nomination? it is mixed, but the support is so great that i think it is possible to talk about the finality, because... on january 15, there will be the first primaries, in the primaries , caucuses are not held in the states. meetings, vote for candidates from their party, and trump will definitely win them, after that he will start winning, one state after another, he will win everywhere, maybe he won't win the republican primaries somewhere, well, democrats in very blue states. where, where the republicans
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might be more moderate, well, but he has an undisputed advantage, which is that there are about 39 million registered republicans in the country, and of those, about 25 million, they support trump, they absolutely, they don't care what trump does, what he says, what becomes known about him, is not for them meaning that he is accused of committing the 91st criminal offense, they will support him. unfortunately , the problem is that because trump is the answer to the demand of a lot of people, the problem is not trump himself, the problem is that there is a demand for trump, well, there are others, if we consider other candidates, well, let's say, in the future , like literally yesterday or the day before yesterday, the candidate ramaswamy, the republican, who he positions himself as, he is the same as trump, so that trump voters will support him, well, but he is ... handsome, that's why
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energetic, he said that he would take the united states out of nato, that is, if he becomes president, well, you see, they are very little different from each other, the candidate who is running in second place, the governor of the state of florida, ron lander, he constantly relies only, and he emphasizes that he 's only going to rely on, as he says, conservative voters, that he... conservative interests, which is the exact opposite of how president joe biden positions himself, by the way, because he says, that i am the president of all americans i will be the president of all americans, i will protect the interests of all americans, well, there is another candidate that we see on the screen right now , nikki haley, who, by the way, very sincerely supports ukraine, but when we speak at... various
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debates or in her speeches goes into domestic political things, it is absolutely there in the very, very right sector there, where there is trump, where there is desantis, where there is ramaswamino, because the majority of the republican party is such that it has other ideas than, well, literally reactionary ideas about i do not support internal political matters i think that if... uh, nothing changes, trump, he is, he's the undisputed leader, and he's going to be the republican nominee, what could change anything are the convictions, if he's found guilty in the commission of criminal offenses, well, the first trial, it is scheduled for march 4, it will most likely be postponed, because trump has filed an appeal, which will be considered in the next ones. tuesday the court of appeals for the district
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of columbia, he filed an appeal, he claims that if he did something that the president should not the importance of what he did, that he's immune , uh, well, he'll probably be denied by the appeals court and then denied by the supreme court, but he, he can delay the start of the trial, which is his purpose, actually, he wants to delay the trial until after the election, but march 25th is set for... a trial in new york, it's in the jurisdiction of the state of new york for his fraud, falsification of financial documents, and this crime was committed before he became president , that is, he will not be able to delay this process here and there, that is if there are guilty verdicts, it still won't turn away from trump, those who like him among the republicans, among those about. people, but it might turn
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independent voters away from him, non-partisan voters, and it might significantly reduce his chances of winning the election in november, so that... might affect what happens, and everything else, i think not, so that neither rondson nor nikki haley, they actually have no chance to overtake trump in the primaries, they can argue for second place, well, there are rumors that trump can offer, say, monica haley, to run for vice president with him, several newspapers and tv programs report this. lately, well, it is not known whether it will be or not, if it is, it means that trump wants, wants to rely on such classic republicans, more moderate, who support nikki haley, but he is the undisputed leader, among
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republicans, he is supported by the majority of registered republicans, who will choose their party's candidate for president-in-waiting in the primary. so, thank you, mr. igor. ihor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, was in touch with us. thank you once again, and we remind you that we are closely following what is happening in the united states, because, in fact, a lot in ukraine depends on the processes there. and now, dmytro chikalkin, a diplomat, translator, tv presenter and blogger, in addition, the first consul of ukraine in israel, is in touch with us, just to remind you. congratulations. congratulations, mr. dmitry, we will talk with you about this public disturbance in connection with the bad jokes of our humorists, right here not only the quarter of 95, and the diesel show, and this is such a contemptuous attitude towards ukrainians,
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for which we have to apologize, but on the other hand, in other countries, people are used to such harsh jokes on themselves, and they are, i would say, part of media space, some charlie hebdo magazine is laughing at the french in a way we never dreamed of. why do you think we are so sensitive? well, first of all, we are going through the most tragic period of our modern history. you know, i always repeated this formula that in addition to a sense of humor, a sense of tact and a sense of proportion are also important. and what in other circumstances, it might not have stirred up the population, but today even there such, well, in comparison with... and banit sticks ukraine porn actress or tomos thermos, these were quite such, one might say, more balanced jokes, yes, that is, there was no such thing the time of indignation , when we heard that there was the slogan glory to ukraine, which we just greeted
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in the programs of the 95th quarter, they ridiculed it, said that it was necessary to make room in the lviv toilets of the time, yes. but at that time the society was indifferent to it condescendingly and there was no such wave of concern and indignation, which in fact led to what it led to, because i always repeated that we underestimate the role of this political technological tool, which is humor, which, unfortunately, is used in russian today, continues to be used. his russian federation, at one time i cited these astronomical figures, which let's say gazprom paid the media simply paid kishniukov and putin's media structure about the media paid 350 million dollars simply for the copyright on
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comedy club, well, that is, what were the bets on kuna and there at one time for the same disgraceful tv series servant of the people about... which was recently written in the russian wikipedia that the main fable of this tv series is the confrontation of such a lazy, stupid ukrainian , the thief zavhar budek and the saint of russian civilization, russian culture, the great professor, academician kovalev, that is , 10 million dollars were allocated for the production of a season, or rather two seasons of this series per year, that is, i am a person who, well... was involved production, including television and radio products, internet projects, i understand how far these numbers are from reality, that is, unfortunately, i well understood that this does not happen so simply
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by chance, yes, that it is, unfortunately, this is such a political-technological operation, which aims to manipulate public opinion, that the people... without watching this tv series, understood that we all live here in one way, one people, as zelensky said, yes, one, one joke, same culture, same, even there currency. it was putin who said, it is another president, well, why did zelensky repeat it in his infamous broadcast in donetsk in april 2014, yes, he spoke in one language, one people, that is, here for me from the time when he first screamed on stage, then well , the fact that i saw him, what my classmates, graduates of our military institute, immediately paid attention to. of foreign languages ​​in moscow, when he stood up, he would fall to his knees and shout: "vladimir vladimirovich, take me away
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from this miserable ukraine." then they still said: "now this guy has a card yes, that is , there was nothing strange here for me, especially since i, unfortunately, well, understood that this tool of political-technological manipulation of public opinion is used in that, among other things, and because of the fact that... appreciated the role of my vassily yatsia project there and the operation of the professor in 2004, when the late pavlovsky summed up his politico-technological activity here, as the head of the political technologists of the staff of yanukovych's staff at the time , he said that he called me then the blockbuster-furor of the orange revolution, said that we really changed the psychological situation in the country, because in september 2004, almost 60% of ukrainians there were ready to vote for yushchenko, the then candidate,
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yes, but only 15% believed in his victory. that is, i personally perceived it as such an insult, as a slap in the face, as society signed off on its own helplessness, and therefore, you can say, i returned to political technology, because i moved away from it back in 2001, but in .. he really appreciated it gleb pavlovsky highly appreciated it and asked such a question in this interview, he says: why is russia not doing anything against the enemy, why are we not doing anything to protect russian interests in ukraine? and then, i often remember this story, oksana marchenko once told about it, just as medvedchuk invited the entire editorial team of the 95th quarter to his place in pushcha ozornaya and then left. in the internet space, first, the sickle on eggs project.
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it's interesting that now you won't find any mention of this project on the internet, but if you type in youtube with sickle on eggs, then you you will see the works of art that will eventually be used by this very content that they accumulated in six months was used in the very first season of the 95th quarter, which was filmed here in october. palace, and on the eve of the then parliamentary company, he came out precisely under the flags of this block , not like that, and completely repeated in his messages the main ideas that the speakers of this block, first of all there, medvedchuk, boyko and shufrych, remember this advertisement, they they said that we only have russia, that ukraine is ours, that the west ukraine is needed as a dumping ground for nuclear waste, that is, the same, unfortunately, messages that were sent later during the years of activity of the 95th quarter there,
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and which, as a former diplomat there, infuriated me so much that in in these three seasons of this infamous project , the servant of the people at a time when 7% of the ukrainian territory was already occupied, but in those dozens of series there is not a single hint of russia as a factor of security, danger for ukraine, there are the main ones, the main thing... the threat to the ukrainian state is the imf, remember how zelensky is there sends, well, rather, geloborodko eloquently sends this head of the imf there on a petition tour, or how they meet in geneva in this big hall at the world bank, and they tell zelensky that your place is only there to grow corn, yes, zelensky beats there into his chest and shouts, yes, we are a missile state, we want to produce missiles, he is told no, know your place, yes, that is , who was according to... the interpretation of these screenwriters, screenwriters - this is not surprising, and it's a shame,
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citizens of russia, the same kiryushchenko, the russian citizen who is currently appointed there was even appointed as the head of some of our film industry in ukraine, but he was the main producer and screenwriter of this series, that is, things were so obvious, that is, the very fact that zelenskyi has been there for as many as 25 years of his... . activity, as the satirist never made a sharp joke about putin, we will not see in any of them, well, that is, if we compare even with our project, then... the second character after yanukovych was odious was putin, in our these were masks, these cartoon ones, they were all blanks for the production of cartoons, they were just to highlight this terrible role that this character plays in the history of ukraine, but zelensky
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mocked ukrainian politicians and played a poho funeral . the same poroshenko, let me remind you, in one of these series of his series, where he mocked his parents, as if the late poroshenko and his children, i in general, when i saw his joke about the fact that - well, they had some kind of sketch about , how poroshenko's children got into accident, i don't know, i have four children, i would be the same as poroshenko, if he joked like that, i wouldn't, i don't know what i would do with him, if i ended up with him. on one stage, as it was in poroshenko, the question, sir, mr. dmitry, well, charlie hebdo makes much harsher jokes about french politicians, against the background of which some funeral of a living politician in general looks completely childish , do you remember that editor, they laughed at the prophet muhammad there, they laughed at sarkazy, i will remind you that when
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the son of president sarkazy, it was a famous story, was meeting his own. there as a future bride, they said that he was ready to convert to judaism for the sake of this bride's money, there was such a caricature, but this is not done at the expense of the state, in our issue , it is not enough that it is done at the expense of the state, well, we are the payers of ours we pay taxes so that today the tv channel is financed, the owner of which is perhaps the most wanted criminal in financial corruption cases in the world, let me remind you that the western press calls... mr. kolomoiskyi, who after all led to the victory of this 95th quarter, by the operator of the biggest money laundry scheme in the world bank in history, the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world banking system, that is, today we finance from our pockets a channel that belongs to a corrupt oligarch, and on
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this channel there is a studio that belongs to the ukrainian president, and he is for us. jokes in such a way that it outrages, well, a normal part of ukrainian society, that is, it is completely inappropriate, here i am now, well, just now, i have been following for 20 years the most successful satirical project in the world today, in my opinion, is the israeli project eretsnet, this is a wonderful country, so what are they doing now, here it is three months after the start of this hamas attack, all of them, before the main object of their satire was there netanyahu. is dina rosenblum there , well, there is a star of show business, a politician, and today, well, the last ones there, their sketches, which are gaining millions of views on youtube, they are dedicated precisely to highlighting the financial basis of the activities of hamas, as they become multi-billionaires, hamas leaders,
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this is really a real high-quality room, high-quality satin. they make fun of the so-called independence of these observers of the united nations organization, they make fun of the so-called policy of non-engagement in the coverage of bbc news, that is, wonderful bright, which , again, are aimed at influencing foreign audiences, well, their own audience, ground audience for that matter in order to support information in this way. the israeli state, and what is the 95th quarter doing, where are their creative creations that would help ukraine today, well draw attention to the ukrainian-russian war, they once again make jokes about these so-called everyday topics, someone gave me the statistics of this diesel show that you mentioned, yes, that 90% of all jokes are exclusively about
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everyday topics, i.e. ... to realize that the people on whose territory, on whose land the most outstanding satirists and humorists of the 20th century were born, he got to such humor, to such laughter, which is presented there today on the stage, is it the 95th quarter, or is it the diesel show. there they have 90% about alcoholics tapovy, well, how can it be in the time of an hour so decisive for the fate of our entire state to once again spend state funds, if they were just funds. from pinchuk's pocket, yes, or from kolomoisky's pocket , well, hey the greek, but in our case, these are people who have the most expensive, let's say, real estate
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in the same london, there pinchuk could sell a tenth of his palace in belgrave and provide financing his and his tv channels there for 3-4 years, but for some reason it is being used from our pockets today. this is money to finance those shameful ones projects. perhaps because the actual demand for such humor still remains among the masses, and we can see this from the television ratings, in particular of these humorous projects. although, of course, when we talk about the case of skadovsk and the 95th quarter, i am personally pleased that at least a certain bubble of ukrainian society reacted to it, which means that there is some awareness of the collective nature of our traumas, as opposed to literally. 15-20 years ago and all these jokes about mr. holodomor, and we thank you very much for joining to our broadcast with an analysis of the situation, one more
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moment, that is, in fact, this humor, it is directed at the lowest tastes of society, but if it was a private matter, well, god be with him, but it is for ours, for our money, i always... tell this well-known parable about how socrates led his students on the way to the acropolis and there he met the famous athenian hythera and she said to him: all your efforts are in vain, all your efforts, philosophers, it is enough for me to raise the hem of your garment and all your disciples will follow me, yes said socrates, but you lead them down, and i lead them up, that is, the task of the state is to lead society up, and not to descend to the most shameful, which... thank you dmytro chikalkin, diplomat, translator, tv presenter and blogger was with us on communication, it's time to take
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a short break, and the second part of saturday's political club is, as always, a frank conversation with vitaly portnikova. don't switch. a special performance by a legendary band. dead! songs, new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. tickets for the stage of the lviv opera on january 8 are available on the website of the big show ua organizer. information partners are espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. there are discounts on hepargin, 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about
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the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony, where there is error, we will bring truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't get carried away. her intellectual method, which consists in the inability to think that she can be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the groundwork the foundations of the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who truly eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher, and it is all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. only forward on january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 for espresso. we continue the saturday political club,
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khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. well, let's smoothly move on to the actual discussion of the previous and other topics. mr. vitaly. a really active ukrainian reaction society, at least the active part of ukrainian society for new year's humor, but according to my observations, the 95th quarter was followed a little more carefully than dieselshow, well, obviously, yes, it is only against the background of the 95th quarter that dieselshow became so, i would say, also in demand from the point of view from the point of view of those who do not accept this type of jokes now, although i repeat, there were a lot of such jokes on... our screen for a decade, here we just need to understand what really happened, i think that it is not only the war, you understand what the matter is, it seems to me in general, if he is serious: about this whole
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story, that is why i asked mr. chikalkin several times, why in france or in italy such things are looked at completely calmly, huh, but in us it always caused part of the audience, and now a large part of the audience has such a lack of perception, and you know, i have become convinced over the years and from my own life experience that humor is a very national thing, ugh, like folklore, like folk songs. you see, we can watch some performances of british and american comedians there, we do not understand at all why, why people laugh, i will tell you honestly that i have never understood why it is necessary to laugh at ukrainian jokes, i can imitate laughter, because i know where to laugh, but it is not funny to me, i just don't want to convert people and that's exactly how i don't tell my ukrainian people from jewish anecdotes not about
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jews, huh. which jews tell each other, because from the point of view of a person outside the jewish environment, it doesn't even look like a joke, it's a parable, uh, kind of complicated a parable, which person, who is ukrainian or polish or french, if he reads it in a book, he perceives it as a literary work, like this, well, yes, well, it’s interesting how it all turned out, and the jews want, they funny because it's different, different... said idea of ​​what's funny, what's not funny. now let's look at our humor. our humor generally takes its origins, if you will, from soviet humor. what was soviet humor? soviet humor could not be national. everything that was national in soviet humor was destroyed by the bolsheviks in each individual republic. including russia. overchenko, zoshchenko, all these were such
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russian humorists who were simply... destroyed to such an extent, one was expelled, the other was harassed so that they simply could, those who remained wrote sterile things, and people did not laugh at these sterile things, did not it's funny, as a result, during my childhood, the soviet scene was almost exclusively composed of humorists of jewish or armenian origin, raikin, zhvanets. kartsev, shifrin, ugh, khazanov, later petrosyan, it’s not some, it’s not, no, not some trying to say that only jews can joke, just under those conditions, it turned out that only people of jewish origin can joke in a way that the authorities are not offended and people find it funny, because jews are used to this type of humor, they do it all
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the time. somehow they survived and they said that on the one hand you laugh, and on the other hand there is nothing to complain about, and they complained, everyone had heart attacks, party verdicts, theaters were closed, but they somehow survived in these conditions, and it was funny to us because we understood that they were not about this, but about this, i generally believe that if we look at raikin now, we will realize that it is generally an artful pantomime, well, it was not the text that was important, but how the person looked, and the person looked. into the hall with their eyes, people looked at him and understood what he really wanted to tell them, but the secretary of the party committee, who was sitting in the first row, could pretend that he did not understand it, that he did not see it, and everyone was more or less comfortable until the second or third heart attack of a shark, that's about it, like that there was humor, what is a club of cheerful and clever people , this is such an illegitimate child of this humor, because
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there was me... that young people do not understand it anymore, it was the humor of the older generation, and when the thaw began, this is more or less the way life is, they decided that it was necessary for young people to joke with themselves, but then they banned it, because it turned out that joking young people is too much, they may not understand properly, yes, they do not know how to look with their eyes, they need to be told something to be skit, and it was restored during the reconstruction, renewed during the reconstruction, we all watched it too, also a miracle. it is a strange phenomenon that the leading companies of these teams of this new club, cheerful and clever, cheerful and clever, were ukrainian teams. odesa, from my native university in dnipro, because i still saw how it was created, it was still a former one.


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