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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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499 uah powerful saw strong. what is needed. call we summarize the informative morning in ukraine. khrystyna parubiy works as a news press in the studio. fatal accident in the lviv region, one person died and five were injured as a result of a collision between two skoda fabia cars on the kyivchop highway on the outskirts of lviv. according to the police, the 30-year-old guilty driver lost control, drove into the oncoming lane and collided with another car. the 21-year-old driver died on the spot, her three passengers are in intensive care. in the hospital is also a 13-year-old uplift. who was in
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the cabin of the culprit of the accident. the driver who caused the fatal accident was arrested. and in lutsk , 10 cars and a minibus collided across ozheleditsa. the accident happened in the evening on one of the city's bridges. three people were injured, and almost all vehicles were damaged, the regional emergency department said. in the morning, the russians attacked the dnipro with a missile, our defenders of the sky managed to destroy it. the head of the dnipropetrovsk region, serhii lysak, said. there is currently no information about the consequences of the attack. and there are new ones in kherson victims of the morning russian attack. a woman died as a result of a direct hit to a residential building. another one is injured. a 62-year-old man also died in the hospital, the regional military administration said. in addition, an elderly man was hospitalized with an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound on his lower leg. another resident of kherson for... injuries during
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the shelling of the city market. civil infrastructure facilities were damaged in the city. the bodies of the dead boy were found under the rubble of a destroyed house in the village of rivne in donetsk region. so at least 12 people died as a result of yesterday's massive rocket attack on pokrovsky district. in particular, five children. six victims are currently known. rov community, five more residents died in the village of rivne of the myrnograd community - informed the head of the region, vadym filashkin. in general, more than 200 private houses, 15 high-rise buildings, a forgery-midwifery center and the administration building were damaged due to this attack. rescuers continue to search for people under the rubble, there is also a dead person and injured people in the village of the northern turkish community. the occupiers dropped two guided aerial bombs on it, damaging five apartments. one
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person was injured as a result of the shelling of the village of zhilanne in the ocheretyn community. the railway bridge built by the occupiers near mariupol was not completed, and the armed forces of ukraine destroyed it. the fuel tankers and engineering transport of the occupiers were eliminated with a precise strike in the village of granitne, - said petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol. according to him, the russians tried to shoot down the ukrainian missiles, but failed. also, our defenders in... discovered where there are new enemy air defense batteries in the mariupol district. pontoon bridge the russians swam to the ukrainian defenders on the desna river. he was caught in chernihiv oblast. previously, it served the occupiers as a crossing, the state border service reported. it was noted there that the border guards had been monitoring the suspicious structure for a long time, until it stopped near the coast on ukrainian territory. sappers have already inspected the bridge,
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no explosives were found there. in germany , unknown drones are spying on the training of the ukrainian military. drones already have been flying over training grounds and barracks for more than a year. this is written by bild. the bundeswehr suspects that moscow is behind the attacks, but cannot prove it because the police have not yet been able to plant any of the devices. in october 2022, the ministry of defense. germany also reported that unknown persons were trying to use drones to monitor the budesfer training ground near fleken, where the ukrainian military trained on armored vehicles. the occupiers have released 63 daggers across ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war. 25 such missiles, which the russians until recently considered completely invulnerable, our defenders of the sky shot down, - said air force spokesman yuriy ignatov. for the first time, air defense forces destroyed ballistics in
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may of last year, when they received the patriot air defense system from western partners. the other day, in one of the districts of kyiv, sepera destroyed a part of it. missile that did not explode during the russian attack on january 2. and we ask you to join our collection. the espresso tv channel is collecting funds for a front-line car for the tankers of the offensive guard, who protect us in the east of ukraine. cars on the front line save life, but due to constant shelling and roadlessness, often become expendable material. you need a lot of cars and they should be delivered quickly. so our goal is uah 2,500. join in, don't be indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. the minister of foreign affairs of japan, yoko kamikawa , arrived in kyiv on an unannounced visit. this was reported by the japanese kyodo news agency.
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this is her first visit to ukraine since taking office in september. kamikawa will hold talks with ukrainian government officials, in particular with minister of foreign affairs dmytro wobbly it is also planned that she will take part in the ceremony of handing over large-sized energy equipment as part of japan's assistance to kyiv. polish farmers have suspended the blockade of the ukrainian border, they have unblocked the movement of trucks through the medic shagyni checkpoint, near which they have been protesting since january 4, said andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine. this was the result of agreements between the protesters and the minister of agriculture . of poland the country's government promised to fulfill the key demands of farmers. these are subsidies for corn, cheap loans, and not to increase taxes. this year, for the first time, ukraine officially celebrated baptism on january 6 according to the new julian calendar. but in hotsul oblast
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, they switched to the new calendar last year. our film crew visited the village of kryvorivnia in the ivano-frankivsk region. so, how do the gotsuls preserve the traditions of water consecration and. men's carol, see further in the plot. from the very morning in the church of the nativity of the most holy theotokos in kryvorivna, the festive liturgy begins. otes ivan rybaruk invites locals and guests to the holidays in advance. this is the second time this year. epiphany in the mountain village is celebrated on january 6. they sanctify the water and enjoy the performance given by the local carolers. the tradition of men's caroling in the mountains has existed since
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ancient times: from small to large, boys and men take ax in their hands, put on a horned hat and unite in so-called parties, groups. mykola zelenchuk has been caroling together with his father for two dozen years, he is one of the few who knows how to use both the hutsul horn and the trembita. this is for transcarpathian oxen, once it was 10 meters long, but now it is 90 cm, because they had to cut to make him have hours of play. they get used to ancient customs and the smallest. mykhailo enthusiastically shares his first experience and plans to continue it in the years to come, my dad used to go, my grandfather used to go, well, that's how it is in our country, so i went too, but i like the fact that you have to go and glorify, because now there are a lot of
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there are no adults, due to the fact that some are there for the war, others are, well, already, well, we still have to go, there is less, so support. i saw an adventure, did i break off from the day, this year in the verkhovyna district of the carol bands twice less, it is connected with the fact that local men defend the country at the front, here in tyl the fellow villagers do not forget about them, everything collected during the caroling will be handed over to the army, i have been going to kulniks for about 35 years, and i have been going to birch trees for 25 years. we have to gather young people, we take them, we attract them, because it has to live , it won't happen if we let them all go , that's it, it's all ours, it's ours, because we live by it, we 're waiting for the world like this, today is over and
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you're already thinking, oh my god, it will run until tomorrow and how will it be tomorrow, we have to go, children, a lot went caroling, it makes the soldiers happy , so this year they did not... they caroled on the front line, last year they still caroled, but many returned home, thank god, they already caroled together with other carolers, this year we managed to collect more donations for the armed forces, it is also happier. people understood that this was an important matter. after the consecration of the water , the carolers say goodbye until the next christmas, which will be celebrated on december 25. from prykarpattia , ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. take care and do not forget our ukrainian traditions. i will conclude with this issue, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. then my colleagues will continue the ater with analytics, don't switch. stay with the espresso team.
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we are coming back. thanks for watching espresso and thanks for supporting our defenders. thank you for participating in the meeting we have just announced. collection of kamikaze ammunition for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar 5 million hryvnias. need to collect for this purpose, now you will see, here is the qr code, scan it for yourself, take a picture, so that at any convenient moment you can join the collection, you know, it is good to donate according to the principle, how much can i pay for the fact that i go to sleep peacefully today, that i go to sleep in my bed, in an unbroken house in the warmth, for the fact that i can go for coffee, for the fact that i can... just walk down the street, and if there is still an opportunity to go out somewhere, i don't know, to some event,
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to some event, then it should generally be worth a lot and a lot, and actually, not as payment for a ticket, as payment for various gatherings for our defenders, because it is thanks to them that we can sometimes pretend to try to live as we once did and now add to ours. from roman pohorily, co-founder of deep state, who is already in touch with us, welcome, mr. roman, to espresso. congratulations, glory to ukraine. well, i want to personally thank you for the work you are doing, it helps us a lot to follow the events at the front and helps us in our journalistic work. but i'll start with what you think the current state of affairs is actually at the front, so we understand that you are cherpa. information from various sources, and now special attention is focused on the avdiyiv direction, what can you say, in particular about
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this direction, and in principle, is there any certain activation in other directions? over the past few days, especially the last day , there has been a lot of intensification in the area of ​​maryanka, the enemy has moved artillery there and is shelling the neighboring settlements with maryanka, the positions of the ukrainian military, they are trying to move... now on the outskirts of marginka itself break through positions, look for weak spots somewhere, in the same way, activation is starting again little by little in the novomykhaivka area, they are gradually bringing some new forces there, new reserves and are trying to storm accordingly, the same can be noted in the bakhmutu area, activation is taking place there, especially in the north, khromovy, bohdanovka, the enemy constantly. the pressure is constantly pulling up some reserves, especially human resources, well, the entire
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section of the front, that is, to some extent, there are assaults, there near avdiyivka, now the enemy has concentrated on akh and dachas, that is, he has left south of the steppe, if you look at the steppe, then they move more north in the ocheredyny area, that is, now they are searching somewhere... places are regrouping, gathering new forces and moving where they can, probing, mainly shelling artillery, other means of divination our positions. mr. roman, regarding the southern direction, regarding the kherson region, we know that they have resumed airstrikes after almost a two-week pause, after we destroyed three of their dryers in one day, or ground operations on the ground... also they began to activate there together with what is happening in the sky, on the ground the activation
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did not decrease, the enemy constantly pulls some forces there, our defense forces destroy them on the approach, both human resources and equipment that are trying to break through somewhere are mostly destroyed, to raise forces somewhere, accordingly , our fighters are forced to destroy these forces continuously. if we talk about raids, then there is constant shelling not only from aviation, but also from various types of artillery, especially on the crossings, on the right bank, he wants, not to give to cross, to somehow bring down the speed of the crossing, especially the equipment, unfortunately, it is very difficult for our fighters, because they are constantly under these attacks, it is a very difficult situation on the left bank to be in such conditions, but even in spite of this, our forces can set the pace , the initiative, that is, they are destroying the enemy on
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the sly, but there are no significant changes, especially in the field of defense, mr. ee... roman, i would like to add to my colleague and clarify the question by asking you, we know that there is actually an extremely difficult situation, and taking into account the cold weather, the very serious minus outside, we understand that the dnipro will begin to freeze, can the enemy take advantage of this, and in principle, what is the current situation around the wells, are there any certain shifts around this settlement, everything that is possible, of course, then please let me know, as i explained, that there are significant changes along the line. there is no combat clash, then now everything is going positionally, the enemy is constantly pulling up reserves, his concentration is to pull up the troops to the lvz, that is, to push our fighters out of the bridgehead, from the already occupied lines, and they have it it turns out very difficult, because you can take as an example, this is the rotation of brigades, that is, they withdraw certain units from that direction,
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change them, this shows that our fighters work effectively, they ... destroy a fairly large number of the enemy, but despite this they are also focused on the crossing , they are constantly shelling it, they do not want our military to cross, so they are shelling both the right bank and the crossing itself, and these rotations, i understand, for some kind of treatment, recovery, etc. further, it is characteristic only of the south, for kherson oblast, when they are taken to the crimea, somewhere to hospitals, is this a typical situation of uzdov. the whole line of the fund, well, now we are talking about the crimea, then this situation followed there, there is the withdrawal of certain units, and of course there will be a replacement instead of them, that is, it does not change the essence, they have reserves, they are tightened, they will continue to storm in the same way , but this is an indicator that our
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fighters are working effectively, they are effectively changing, destroying the enemy, and this is how work is done. as for other directions, there is always some kind of rotation, but in general, there is strengthening to a greater extent than displacement, or there is rotation or changes and the like, that is, due to losses, or when this rotation takes place, such time intervals appear when certain areas on the front line remain, perhaps not exposed, but with less personnel, with less equipment, in fact. less provided by the russians, or do they first raise the reserve, and then take those who are on a mission? such cases happen, and mostly both sides, unfortunately, i have to say both, because this happened, for example, with sterns, when there were recent losses of position, the russians took advantage of some rotations and hit,
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concentrating a large number of forces, our fighters do exactly the same, that's good. tactical maneuver, when the enemy makes a rotation, the enemy somehow changes not positions, but military personnel, and accordingly you can howl in this direction, if he is weakened, this happens in all areas of the front, if we talk about the edges, then here the situation is completely different, because the enemy he pulls up all these reserves, he storms them, we don't have them now there are such strong initiatives to move, there to attack and make some tactical maneuvers. that is, the point here is that those brigades, those units, which constantly send human resources to storm, they are exhausted, they are destroyed, that is why they went to go to recovery, and in their place another will come, other meat will come, with which they will storm our positions. let's move to the north of our country, in recent days there has actually been a lot of
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talk about the fact that the russians are apparently preparing another major offensive in the north, in particular in... kharkiv oblast, ztelegram at least writes this, well, actually the ukrainian authorities say that at the moment they are not observing the gathering of the troops of the russian occupiers, so that they could somehow advance and actually make a big offensive. nevertheless, we also know that, for example, the institute for the study of war says that the russians can continue to aggressively advance from the eastern direction , from the village of senkivka itself, to kupyansk and kupyansk vuzlovy. if we are talking about a possible attack from the north, i mean belgorod, shebekino, or deepstate analysts are now somehow observing the activation and accumulation of russian troops. and are there really any prerequisites to believe that they can repeat the attack on kharkiv oblast, in particular, it is meant on the northern flank? the situation is as follows: where our partners
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, western journalists got this information from is unknown, we all know very well that for the second month there has been activation and constant assaults by the enemy in the kupyansk region, at least from tynok, masyutivka, yagilne. very constant, active battles, we see footage assaults, we see shots of entire columns with which the enemy is storming, and this was happening, it started happening not yesterday, not the day before yesterday, and not today, it has been happening for several months, the biggest battles are very heavy in the senkivka area, the enemy is trying to advance there, occupy it village, they have absolutely nothing going on, heavy battles are taking place near the first estuary. north of south of him in the forests themselves, there are also very difficult battles, because morog advances with infantry, the enemy constantly somehow tries
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to sneak in somewhere, they don’t climb in groups, but more intelligently, in individual forays of some kind, then the person is at a fairly large distance from each other, they climb, our fighters search for them constantly with drones, there they hit them with drops and the like, with artillery. then these battles go quite hard and for quite a long time. the enemy set the task of occupying kupyansk a long time ago, and he has been announcing this constantly, for a very, very long time, he is also trying to take the estuary, this task was announced several months ago, at the beginning of the past, by shuigu himself, and we see their intentions, their attempts to storm, therefore there is absolutely nothing new here, we... have been declaring for a very long time that in kupinsky, in the kupinsky district , there is a concentration, there is a concentration, and now we see what this concentration is turning into, into constant
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assaults, and it continues , of course they will continue because they have the resources, for how long is not known, and whether their priorities will change, whether they will change directions, we recently stated that, well, it was sometime last week, they pulled up to estuary two, already engineering units. maybe there will be an attempt to cross the askil river through this river, how it will turn out again, it is not known whether they just pulled it up or whether they really want to do something there, we do not know, but the following fact was recorded: now the assaults continue, as they were yesterday, so today they are and will be, and for how long it is not known whether the russians can strike there in kharkiv or something else, they can do everything, absolutely everything, but... this must be followed now in the near future, do they have any prospects, whether they troops are gathering there, or are they preparing for there is absolutely no such thing, everything is controlled,
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our fighters are on the borders , are in positions , conduct surveillance, prepare and are always ready to meet the enemy, what about the belarusian border, the belarusian borders are also being strengthened, the belarusians are not capable of anything at all, they , they can give... territory to the enemy, how do they do it , they can distract our troops, there the drg works constantly in the borders on the borders with our country, the drg works, this is also known to everyone, and it is a very difficult situation with which our military is also fighting, some attacks, there are regular attacks with a large number of troops are not observed now, we see how the border is being strengthened, our military is also controlling it all, they are... keeping the defense, and any attempt by the enemy in that area to move forward, do something, some activation, it will be a failure, unless
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they have to charge the same amount that they did at the beginning of the full-scale invasion to do something, at this time in the near future, in the near future they do not have that opportunity. mr. roman, still issues regarding crimea, in recent months, it was simply a firework of emotions when we read about something here and there. is exploding, the last few days have also greatly amused us, and actually, whether the results of the work of the ukrainian air force in crimea have, or whether this is actually what significantly changes the map of crimea in general, actually the one that you draw from a military point of view, a cluster different equipment, personnel, in the end their air defense and such other things, well, there were. we saw impressions and there were various statements, where these came, were, where these blows were concentrated, significant changes, significant changes are necessary,
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so that they... these were very massive strikes, these changes will make corrections, because logistics was also affected, it was affected there, respectively, in terms of the concentration of human resources, and in terms of technology, and in terms of some other strategic issues projects, it happens all the time, every blow has some consequences, every blow has some corrections in the conduct of hostilities, but significant ones, unfortunately, cannot be said yet, because these... blows do not win the war, whether offensive or defensive the enemy will not be stopped, because crimea is a military base, it is not easy the territory for living, as it was before, for recreation, as it was before, and this is a military base, where a huge number of different means of war are concentrated, the enemy, aviation, air defense forces, the concentration of equipment, human resources, this is all, our
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armed forces are working that... to impress all this, and we see that it is all working, our armed forces are destroying the enemy every day. mr. roman, i would like to add to the actual topic and continue the topic of crimea, which is currently happening around the so-called crimean bridge, the kerch bridge, in different ways it is called we know that the russians are trying in every way to protect it from possible repeated attacks, but analysts are now observing the situation around this facility and to what extent. are they now trying hard to protect him from possible repeated attacks? they provide security really very powerfully, there is a large number of air defenses concentrated there, and we see that they often block it, carry out some additional security measures, checks, they protect it, for them it is an important object, for us it is an equally important object, which needs destruction, and
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sooner or later it has to happen. because, because this is one of our goals, when it will happen is not yet known, but of course the eye is there, and we hope that our defense forces are doing everything to prevent it from happening, but the russians usually live in fear of that , that it will be destroyed, that it must be destroyed, and accordingly they take any means of protection to prevent it from happening, or will there be any way? the deep state map will be updated in the sense that maybe some new options will be added, will there be more information, or are you planning something like that? of course, our map is constantly being improved, recently there was a huge update, first of all, in terms of closed functionality that our military has access to and helps with certain front-line tasks, there was an improvement, in particular with the height map, we also added convenient ones. for all
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users, this is that the recent update area appears on the map, that is, everyone can see how the map has changed there in the last time, in the last day, it is highlighted by a special area, we are working on the functionalities, now we hope to in the future, all this time work is being carried out with the state emergency service, emergency situations, there will be an additional layer, which we previously announced, we have signed a memorandum and the state emergency service. our map in terms of our professional work, we are working, of course, we are working, as well as on the map itself, on the mobile application, which has also improved a lot, we are always improving, working on improvement. thank you, roman pohorily, co-founder of the deep state map, was on our air and regarding the map, the alarm of ukraine map, began to change, actually for a few minutes therefore, the east, north, northeast and...
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even cherkasy, central ukraine, turned red, in fact, the threat of ballistics, the use of ballistic weapons by the russians, has been declared there, so do not ignore the alarm, go to shelter, because this is what saves our lives. in a moment, we 're going to go on air and talk about the air, about drones, about what's changing the course of this war, which is really very, very ... very important, because, and i want to remind you, we're currently collecting on kamikaze drones for our defenders, for the cold ravine, uah 5 million must be collected, more than once a year on our airwaves, representatives of this brigade and other military personnel said that it was drones, and of course the slaves, that was what they really, really needed. more, we will ask our next guest, valery borovyk, commander of the special unit.


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