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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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the north, northeast and even cherkasy region, central ukraine turned red. in fact , the threat of ballistics, the use of ballistic weapons by the russians, has been announced there, so do not ignore the alarm, take shelter, because this is what saves our lives. in a moment we will continue our airwaves and talk about the air, about drones, about what is changing the course of this war. which is really very, very important, because eh, and i want to remind you that we are currently collecting exactly for drones, kamikazes for our defenders, for the cold ravine, 5 million hryvnias need to be collected, more than once on our airwaves and the representatives of this brigade and other military men said that it was the drones, and of course the slaves, that was what they really, really needed. we will ask more about our next guest, valery borovyk, commander of the special unit. of strike
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drones, the white eagle, joins our conversation, glory to ukraine, mr. valery, glory, we just talked about the importance of drones and understand that both sides are constantly working on improving, improving those drones that are used on the front, they have already left from maviks and we have all kinds and different, and here is the latest information that the russians have launched their kamikaze and kubla drones, they were like that. not that they are bad, but they could not cause significant damage, so they could not carry any heavy load, could not hit any powerful targets, so they began to improve them, improve them, and now they can pose a danger to us, we ask you analyze what kind of drones they are and how they are changing, what kind of threat can we expect now? well first of all i want to say that they have always been dangerous i mean dear drone even... when you have 300g
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or 400 g, as was the case with a blade that flew far, hit more or less accurately, but carried only 300-400 g, explosives, but with an accurate hit they caused damage, this is from fizblades, this is what basically started combat drones kamikat from the american company airov, eh, of course, what, what lancets, what eagles, which coordinate strikes, what others... which are even used and made in garages, they always cause damage, the question is, the effectiveness of their impression, this is the first and the accuracy of the hit, the second, the third is the range to the target, because really, i heard yours there the last phrases that very seriously hinder the rebs, what is russian, what is ours to the russians, and losses just at the moment.
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targeting at the moment of flight, and sometimes even at the moment of take-off, depending on how far you are from the front line, they are quite essential drones, lancets are a good thing, we really do not have analogues yet, but we make other drones , for example, there is a repulse, but they are of a completely different type, the lancets were, well, how to say, whether they were stolen, or the technology was transferred, let it be... the israelis figure it out there, as far as i know, the technology of an old israeli drone was bought and a lancet was made based on it, it's a very nice, nice drone, here it is shown, they want to make it swarm technology, what is swarm technology, it's not just a drone flying on a mission, which you set, set a mission and it flies according to the algorithm, yes, they talk about the fact that drones can communicate with each other.
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relatively speaking, when one drone has identified a target, whether it has been neutralized or not, the others join in, either hitting the same target or choosing a different target, how will it work, we will see, we are also seriously working on this technology, we had to receive some components last month, i think that this month we will already show the so-called inter-network, what is the inter-network, that is when through one drone. from the control station you can transmit information to another drone and they will be correlated with each other , we will still test this thing, it is very interesting, it is very promising, but you know, well, let the russians, if they are already saying what they have this will be the technology let them see, test it on the front line, because you know, there are a lot of interesting technologies, there are in germany, in the czech republic, there in poland, in israel. but when
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you get to the front line and start using radio suppressors in such tight suppression, many technologies don't work. for example, on our last attack , we lost three drones, which three months before were working normally in the kherson direction, in zaporizhzhia, there is already such a dense rebov, rebov defense somewhere, and well, they lost three drones, and that's it for us, it hurts, although sometimes you lose 80-90%, and 10% flies up and hits everything that is necessary there, so i want to say that ... constant changes, they have will happen, and in russia they will also do it, looking at how much we will do countermeasures, it is clear that it will hurt when there will be a greater, greater load of the combat unit, when they will strike more accurately, when
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they will communicate with each other with drones and apply there are a lot of impressions, but everyone is working on it, we, we are working, the russians are working, the chinese, let's see who will use it more effectively, please tell me, and those drones that are at the bread factory, they started making them, that is , they actually started making them there for almost a year, now it seems 250 units a month, that's what they can to give how serious it all looks, because if all bread factories in russia switch to the production of drones now, it will have a significant impact on the front, in fact, you know, i ask you not to throw hats at them, that they are at the bread factory all this they do, because well it's simple, if, as you say, we can also do it anywhere, scaling is not a problem, i.e. if you have a rolled-out technology, if you have design
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documentation, you can do it in the ptu in the former, yes, you you can do there at the former radio factory, or just gather people, teach them. their er-e ba nu large-sized assembly, as they say, to do, that is, it is no longer a problem. when the technology is rolled out, when you have design documentation, you can give each person what to do, where to go to solder, and then to twist it, and then to download the program, to test it, then this is scaling, question number two, it already... depends on how much money you invest in production and what kind of people you have, and it is possible to keep super high-class specialists there for assembly, it is not , it is not a laboratory, everywhere, here and there, they show how they are assembled, well, the collection of old ones is already here
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, but it is possible to assemble in different versions, i do not think that they as it is shown now, these drones are collected everywhere, because there is no sense to do... well, expensive production, i think these are one-off batches, but if such assemblies are launched and they are really scalable, then it is very cool, and we need to go not just this way, we need to go a better way. mr. valery, i would actually like to talk to you about a better way, because on the air of espress, in particular, the uav operator of the combined squad of evil birds, artem sherbakivskyi, stated that... they are currently developing a new chip for fpv drones, and he will allow, essentially hitting a target automatically after pressing one button. this is something interesting, new for us, we this has never been seen before, and we want to understand how effective these drones can be and whether the enemy republic will not be able to suppress them, and
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also, in the context of this question, i would like your assessment of the one million fpi drones that the authorities were talking about, whether it is enough for your opinion of this amount and what should it be in your opinion? let me start with the last one, if we make so many drones and they are not only fpv, which let's say, 10-20 there at most, if a good unit 30% flies to the target, because they they are cheap, they are defenseless against the enemy, and well, they do not always carry, if we are talking about... a large combat load, then if we will not concentrate only on this type of drones, but will make good military drones that will work not only as kamikazes, but as bombers that will be resistant to rebu, and if this million includes
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at least 70% of such drones, and not just one -off chinese assembly, then it will be very cool, a million is not bad, it is good , but it is very important that this million be at least on 70-80% ukrainian, ukrainian assembly, with ukrainian components, we are now... for example, investing in the production of components for drones, and it is very important that the state also supports this. as for the development, this is it, if you haven’t seen this before, we, we are already testing it too, it ’s called the last mile, that is, the last mile of getting to the target, so that you click on the target on the monitor, and it has already reached there itself on... when you are cut off by a trench reb, your telemetry is cut off, be it video or
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communication, but he already reaches the goal by himself, not based on the coordinates or on the fact that the pilot is correcting it, the question here is not that it reaches this particular target, here the question is that we are still working now, so that it continues to track the target, if it is, for example, bmp it doesn’t matter if there is a beauty there or a rebovo station there, yes or there is a sunflower there, and if this target saw or felt that it would be affected or hit and went, went quickly, then it is important that the drone follows this movement and hits this target in motion , this, this is a challenge because this it is always necessary, if it is an airplane, then the ailerons must be constantly adjusted for this purpose, which means that if it is a quadricycle, then there are
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nuances, therefore, if there is such a solution, we have it on the way out as well, we are finalizing it on planes, if it will be on quads , there is a slightly different, i say again, methodology, then it will also be good and very cool, and it will be very cool, so good luck to our colleagues, good luck to us, good luck in ukraine, and what do you think, why in ukraine... what is preventing us, why is it so and what needs to be changed so that we can to launch mass, actually, large-scale production of ukrainian drones, various, we understand that in ukraine there are a lot of engineers, people who are friends with the head, who know how to calculate, design, and produce such things, there are also a lot of them, so where, where is this problem , which does not allow us to move forward, why do we continue to purchase abroad, why is there no configured... production of drones , even for the military industry, and not somewhere for, i don't know,
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wedding photography, it is here that the state should not interfere, but help . the first is very important, very important, now the first stage is a problem, it is the reservation of personnel, that is, when there is a programmer or a cool engineer and he is not booked and he is taken away and given a machine gun and put in a trench, then we lose a very large... number of lives, as people , soldiers that he could save by making a cool drone, so there should be one hundred percent reservation of personnel for the production of drones, components for drones, and so on, this is clear, because if you now have a principle of 50% only reservation from everyone, then look, to organize the production of drones, like ours, for example, you need an administrator. who will purchase, and not only deal with the administration there, we
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already combine there, but there will be a logistician who will purchase the equipment in other countries, deal with delivery, he is not an engineer, but he is a big and serious component of this team, and the most important thing, of course, is that he is an engineer , are programmers, it experts who work to improve drones or even make them. which have already been made, that is, the reservation is one hundred percent, okay with checks from there to the general staff that they are all involved in this process, it is very important, this is the first, the second is that these are long contracts, if you get a contract, how are we here until the new year? to pass complexes, then it is not promising, you need... the interpretation is not just for a year, for several years, because you hire a person, you have, he has to
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provide for his family, he has to see the future, and the company, who does, should see a perspective in the fact that she does not deal with others, so these two aspects are the most important now, long contracting and reservation of people for the production of high-tech products, it would also be good, but we have already decided this in principle, this... we no longer take funding from investors to the state for this for the production of equipment, but it would be good if the state supported the production of drones for a reason. by contracting the purchase of finished products, and also support in the assembly, in the import of the assembly, because the problem of the chinese now is two or three months of delivery and a very, very big shortage has now gone, postponement of the delivery dates, they are most likely, first of all, they know how to do it beautifully, they fulfill
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orders from russians, who simply flood them with funds and there is one border, not like with us. it was transported there, and it is there after some time faster than in our country, in a week or two it is already in production, it takes us through european countries, they do not sell some components directly, it takes a lot of time, so the production of the complete set in ukraine and supporting this production is very, very important, and we hope that everyone who needs to hear this, everyone those who have influence are listening to you now, because we know that there are also... potentially investors from the west who are ready to come in and invest in something that will be used on the front. thank you for the conversation, valery borovyk, the commander of the special unit of the white eagle strike drones, was with us, and we will continue to talk about that international support. serhiy jerch, head of the ukrainian nato public league and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine,
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joins our broadcast. congratulations, mr. serhiy. i congratulate you. good day. regarding international. support, we understand that money, weapons are very important, but air defense, as we can see, is no less important, and recently they started talking about the fact that somewhere there might not be enough, that we have to make something ourselves. on january 10 , a meeting of the ukraine-nato council will take place in a few days, and we will talk about air defense and the strengthening of anti-aircraft missile defense. what do we expect from this meeting? will it be purely formal? will there be results and what do you think? well, we hope that there will be results, this is the second meeting, and a full-fledged one of the plan, the ukraine-nato creation council, created at the vilnius summit, in fact, the founding meeting of this council also took place there then, it was demonstrated how everything will work, a new format of relations where
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ukraine has the same powers and rights as other participants of this council. no one can block the holding of this council at any level, as it was before with the commission of a nato country, when hungary was there, somewhat reduced the status of this meeting, the meeting and if it blocked meetings at the highest levels, but now decision-making such advice, it is to some extent binding on all participants. that is , it can be considered as nato plus ukraine, and it is very good that now the meeting will be focused on the promotion of air defense of ukraine, anti-missile defense, perhaps it will be about the new supply of such protection systems for ukrainian cities, and this is
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important for us, because precisely the population is concentrated in the cities, production is concentrated. infrastructure, including the military-industrial complex, which we need to protect in order to produce ammunition, ammunition, military products for defense. mr. serhiu, look, i would still like your opinion regarding the statement of the spokesman of the us state department, matthew miller, who stated that washington will not support the military financing of ukraine at the level of 2022-23 years . the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine is already discussing it. this statement of his, and there it was noted that the states seek to help ukraine develop its own military industrial base, therefore, in general, it is said that instead of supplying ready-made weapons, the states will produce them in ukraine, i would like your comment on this, do you think that this can somehow speed up, let's say,
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the delivery of the same missiles for air defense to the front faster, and their provision to the air force, in particular, for example, than we imagine it, because we understand , that all this needs a certain amount of time, in order to start production in ukraine, and even more so, we see that the enemy is attacking the civilian infrastructure , including, and are there any guarantees that such productions will be safe here, let's say yes, that's right, it's not done by one there one one lever to make it switch, production in ukraine started right away, we know how long it all takes. how is it not easy to set up a production line there, but now your stories talked about the production of drones, and
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taking into account the fact that it has been a long time, relatively long ago, er, this production has started, but it has not yet reached that level, which we would like, although, let's say, the period before the full-scale invasion, no one forbade us... to finance these large projects, because it was clear that drones - this is the future, all the more so because it is defense, defense of the military, not soldiers, but drones, and it would save lives, well, obviously those leaders who managed the state's finances and could contribute to this did not have such a vision for this, well. .. that everything needs to be said about today, and here it is of course worth paying attention to the fact that
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on the day before this session of the ukraine-nato council, we started our conversation with you, namely a consortium of countries such as romania, germany , the netherlands and several other countries, they announced that they will finance the production of thousands of patriot missiles for the patriot system, in order to provide themselves and ukraine, and ukraine , obviously, from warehouses located in american, european, europe, these missiles can be provided to ukraine , instead of them new production missiles will be completed, it is important for us, understand. that such a number of anti-missiles should be ten times greater than the number of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles that
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russia can launch in order to have guaranteed protection, because not all rockets reach the whole, so it is a consumable that needs to be in the right amount, and here it should also be added that in general and nato and... the union, taking into account the fact that in their statutes the main thing is - it is the protection of a person, his well-being , security, human life, therefore for ukraine, which is heading to the european union, heading to nato, it is also important, perhaps, to make some non-standard decisions, there is an example of such economic cooperation, when the energy system of ukraine is united with the energy system of europe uh, maybe it should be combined anti-aircraft, anti-missile defense of europe with the same system in ukraine, this would contribute to the fact that this defense took place more actively,
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and there is no aggression or provocation of russia here, on the contrary, it is defense, and this is such a good , noble and just direction of military activity, just i want to ask mr. serhiy about this, because analysts... gustav gresel of the european council on international relations just said that for 30 years nato believed that they had superiority in the air, so they did not pay much attention to air defense and the stockpile of missiles, they believed that they would not have necessary, now we are suffering because of this, and actually in the context of what you said, is it possible that the west is ready to turn a blind eye if we, using non- ukrainian western weapons, strike at russia, but not at civilian objects, as they they do, but according to... military equipment of theirs? well, that's right, the ukrainian side destroys military targets, it's obvious, if only it was demonstrated
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by us, using those drones or missiles of our own ukrainian production. i think that this number needs to be increased, because our hands have been tied to some extent, prohibiting the use of western long-range missiles on the territory of the russian federation itself, we have one more minute, please. to summarize, to summarize, the german parliamentarians, who called for the provision of german taurus missiles, so that there would be permission to use these missiles against objects in the russian federation, because they are shelling us from their territory, and we are silent, and to destroy their logistical links, their military centers - this is, as it were, what will lead to... the subsequent reduction of shelling of our territory, the preservation of the lives of ukrainians citizens thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy jerch, head of the civic league of ukraine nato and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine.
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on the airwaves of our tv channel, alarms have already sounded across ukraine, where the threat of ballistics was announced, this threat has been canceled. we're going on a short break now, stay with espresso, it's going to be interesting. there are discounts on fkalor of 20% in psarynsky, pamp and oskad pharmacies. wow, went for a walk, water. ordinary water is not enough here. drink reo. i'm saving reo, you're ready, dear, ready, i took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. turn on well, that's when everything is as you want. click, and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema, next? oh, what is needed. my turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on ice cream. 10% in pharmacies plantain,
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the lady only goes forward. thatcher documentary. only forward. january 7 at 10:10 and 220 on espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of crows. to effectively hit the enemy and increase losses. for the approaching victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front,
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societies. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. which exactly? news will analyze the guests of the project this week and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. thanks for watching espresso. andriy deshchytsia, a diplomat and extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, is a new guest in our studio. congratulations, mr. andriy. let's have an espresso and start talking about
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relationships. the tension lasted for almost six months, after we saw on the contrary very good relations between the two countries, now it seems that an agreement was signed yesterday, the new polish government signed an agreement with the farmers, at 21:00 in the evening outside kyiv the farmers unblocked the border, in fact they got the , what they wanted, but the government just paid off, let's say it as it is, i would said that the tension has not subsided yet, because the tension remains, it is only about the farmers, but the truckers are still protesting. and continue to block the ukrainian-polish border, and in fact it is good that the government found an understanding with farmers and resolved these problems, which, by the way, did not really concern ukrainian-polish relations, they were more demands that directly related to production or producers of agricultural products in poland, but on the other hand, it is not a very good one...


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