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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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lady, did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of not being able to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the foundations welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who really eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher. it is all the more interesting to take another look at... the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. thatcher documentary. only forward. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso. we are coming back. thank you for watching us. thank you for being with espresso. we are now in touch with olena bilozarska, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and, in fact, an extraordinary personality. congratulations, madam. on our airwaves, glory
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to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we introduced you as an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, but we will start with a topic not military, although related, but with an artistic topic. we know that you have created a gallery of portraits of fallen defenders of ukraine. and these are not just portraits, photographs, these are actually painted portraits. and i have a question, why, why did you decide to draw gelevaru pencil in this particular format. and why women? and it all started almost by accident, that's all graphic, graphic drawings, they are made in the same style, paper, felt pen, nothing else, i actually don't draw, i learned to draw, well, before that, i created portraits of my friends, acquaintances, some of them.
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and it started like that, it happened like that, it's gone, ms. elena, i'm sorry, it's very, very bad to hear you, we'll reconnect now, so we'll communicate with you again and return to our conversation, and in the meantime, i'll tell you briefly about mrs. olena, because she is actually our colleague, yes, in the past, she was a journalist who was still in the 14th grade in the year immediately after the russian...invasion , she joined the military, joined the right sector, and later began to draw, and her first two heroines, yana rekhlitska and daria filipieva, were drawn at the request of the comrades of our heroine who died, even then , the relatives of the other defenders began to apply, and some even sent photos of the girls to olena bilozarska. could draw and
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reproduce them, there were even certain conversations about publishing this selection somewhere, but from what we know so far, some specific houses there is no news about any album, about any such publication at the moment, and in fact , on her facebook page, olena bilozerska shows all her works, if you are interested in looking at portraits, there are many extraordinary personalities, women, heroines of the ukrainian people who, in fact, did just that a great contribution to our state now, and it is important. so that we ukrainians are also familiar with these extraordinary figures, and while we wait for the opportunity to reconnect with ms. olena, i want to quote the actual information that is coming now from of kyiv, hundreds of relatives of captured servicemen, in particular
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the defenders of azovstal, gathered for the free azov action in kyiv, but it is happening right now, several hundred people gathered in the center of kyiv to remind that there are still defenders of azovstal in the russian polon... ukrainians stood with posters and actually reminded the authorities and reminded all of us, ukrainians, that there are a lot of azov residents who are still in captivity, and here i will simply remind you that just a few days ago, one of the the largest exchanges during the entire time of the full-scale invasion, 230 prisoners of war were returned, among them there were also civilians, but unfortunately, there were no azov fighters among them, and therefore, after this exchange, the family. soldiers from azov remind all of us once again that they continue to be prisoners , some of them for a very long time, some less, some more, but it is the soldiers from azov that the russians are trying in every way not to hand over to us, and it is important to make more efforts so that everything after
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all, it is not only the military to release others subdivisions, other formations, as well as to among polo exchanges, so that from occur between exchanges. azov fighters were also prisoners of war. now, while we are establishing contact with olena bilozerska. we will have a short break, then we will return to our conversation and tell you more about this extraordinary person. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and you are in the world of cartoons. click and around the universe of cinema. but where. oh, what is needed! megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. a good tradition at christmas time holidays, to carol together with the picardy tertium. tickets on the concert ua website, media
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and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who think and comment the most. current social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and , in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday, 5:10 p.m. on espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians. with disability, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you
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get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor. employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, we share. useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. let me remind you that olena bilozerska, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, is in touch with us. and actually we are talking about those portraits. of the fallen ukrainian defenders created by ms. olena, you started talking about the fact that
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this is a pencil, this is a gel pen, this is on paper, and we ask you to continue the conversation, why, why do you draw women and what it all looks like, you have a lot to say it's time, how much have already created portraits, but first of all i want to apologize to the audience because of bad communication, well, this happens sometimes, you understand, they draw only with a gel pen on paper. i didn’t learn anything else , no one ever taught me how to draw, somehow it turned out on its own, and as a very young person, i sometimes drew portraits of my friends, acquaintances, also famous politicians, and it so happened that shortly before the new year i got sick and i was treated at our base and because of that i missed important training, i was very sad because of that, so ... well appeared, there was some free time while i was receiving treatment, and so i started to draw these
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portraits, i draw not only women and not only the dead, boys, i also draw our heroes, both dead and alive, but why girls, well, that's why i'll be honest, girls, i have a dream and hope to include all our fallen heroines who gave their lives in this war for ukraine, and maybe... then publish some kind of album in their memory, that is, these pictures and small biographies, well written in such a warm and heartfelt way, guys, i would also really like it if i wanted to to honor, but one person, unfortunately, cannot create portraits of all our fallen men, this is the situation, as of now, i have already drawn 29 portraits of the fallen defenders, but these, well, i posted them. the internet is a little less, i now have 24 portraits in the gallery on facebook, and i noticed that the
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ones i draw are later, recent portraits, they are much better in quality than the previous ones that are now on the screen, by the way, because i'm getting a little bit fuller and i'm also learning a little, how long one portrait takes, not long, i paint one evening, well one, if it's complex, if it's a large portrait, then one day somewhere, if it took more... then i wouldn't have time in principle, now i've already recovered a little, thank god, and i'm returning to the performance of official duties, then i will , of course, now i will rarely be able to draw, but i still hope that one day i will have enough time and opportunities to draw all our female defenders, of course, if this album is published during the war, then it will not be possible to include all the fellow heroines, if only because there aren't many... yet information, maybe there will be a first volume, and a second volume after the end of the war, so far i
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have such plans, or from that can be an album like the one you actually mentioned, in addition not only with portraits, but also with stories, in order to understand who and how many women end up in the war, maybe this is not only a call, but also the result of some such great hesitation, because when going to war, they often... have to leave their family, children at home, and it is always such a dilemma, yes, where do you need me anymore? how about the album and certainly, there will be stories of these heroines, not only theirs portraits, not only brief biographical data , where she was born, where she served, where and when she died, but there will be something about their personal lives, about their families, about their motivation, all the information that i can gather, very briefly, whatever wanted to catch up with you... to talk about a rather important topic: mobilization, and now parliamentarians are working on a draft law on mobilization
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, ukrainians most actively googled this very word this past year, i mean, what is your position, what should be the changes regarding mobilization, and what exactly yours are talking about brothers, and how do you generally see for yourself some of the most urgent changes that must be adopted, i will say briefly, the fact that the parliamentarians are now only ... talking about the future law, it is a great shame, because the parliamentarians are thinking about their ratings, which may fall due to making unpopular decisions, mobilization is not necessary yesterday, it is necessary... the front needs people, our people, well, the people tend to believe in some kind of german language, the wunderwaffe, and magic weapons, or f16 or something else, first there were bairaktars, then javelins, then f16, and weapons, even the best weapons, do not work without the people of the front, you need people, and you need to mobilize, you need to mobilize both for the front, and labor, for
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those people who will remain in the rear, you need to start producing your own shells for artillery. needed for yesterday, i understand that a lot of people don't want to go to the front, which is to be avoided, but, but, but, to defeat the dragon, you have to become a dragon yourself, otherwise there is no chance. mrs. elena, if you had such an opportunity, if you were listened to, what would be the amendment to this would you introduce the bill? for that you need to be a lawyer, for that you need to be a parliamentarian, so that, i mean from your experience, you can see on the spot what is needed, how it is needed. they just said that mobilization is needed both for the rear and to provide for the front, i don't think that any special amendments are needed regarding any of them, well , reduction of preferential categories and so on, we still have a sufficient number of people in the corps who are not called up to the army, banal because they are not registered with the military, and all these people must be found, how is it better
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do, it’s not for me to judge, and send them to the army e. i don’t even think that it is necessary to lower the age of mobilization there to less than 25 years, many people think so, i don’t think so, i think that people younger than 25 should go to the rear training, for example, on these same milling machines and being involved in the production of the same ammunition, that is, up to 25, they are young, they learn quickly and accordingly it is a job without risk to life, i would do so if it depended on me. thank you, olena bilozarska, officer of the armed forces. of ukraine was in touch with us, and i have already touched on the topic of mobilization here, i will quote the head of the profile committee, oleksandr zavitnevich, who says that certain norms are undergoing significant changes, the point is that this draft law, which is currently being considered at committee, it will not be in the form in which it is shown
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to the public, i would like to remind you that now the norms of this law are being discussed in closed session and, as far as is known , each item is being passed through, and actually, i will quote zavitnevich, he says that so it was hot, lively discussions, various arguments, sometimes even very emotional, there are a number of discussion norms that are not approved by the committee members, now the main task is to find a balance between constitutional rights and the necessary measures to solve the tasks of mobilization that limit these rights, it is also necessary to take into account the possibilities economy, there are extremely complex issues of financial support for mobilization measures, sources of meeting needs, in general . the final decision of the committee will be made on tuesday. and the fact that today, after all, for a long time, our speakers have been repeatedly saying that, in addition to mobilization, it is also necessary that ukraine not only
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asks for, negotiates with the event for support and assistance, we also have to do something similar ourselves. ... to produce, sometimes more slowly than we want, this matter is progressing, but at the beginning of the year we also have positive developments, the sturm sm self-propelled atgm has passed state tests, the ministry of defense is already introducing it into combat the operation of such military equipment, this is how we are currently showing it on the screen, and the ministry of defense has already announced the successful completion of these tests. about which we mentioned the sturm sm anti-tank missile complex. in total, during this first week of 2024, almost one and a half dozen new models of military equipment were codified, which were tested earlier last year. well, we are adding to the conversation nataliya ligachova, the head of hedektor media and the editor-in-chief of the detektor media portal.
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welcome to espresso, mrs. natalia. congratulations. miss natalie. we talk a lot about the fact that informing, especially during a war , is important and must be carried out very , very well, and here is one of the latest topics that are being discussed not only in ukraine, but are already being discussed in the world, that in ukraine e- e information has become so very specific, it is necessary to change the format, it is a telethon, is it possible after two years of such a habit. no matter how it should look, this process is long, drawn out, or cut down at once and make radical changes, who should supervise? well, i think that... uh , it would be better to make or develop and release all tv channels at one time,
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well, in quotes, or reformat, as it will happen in reality, karandeev stated, performing the duties of the minister of culture and information, reformatting is certain, i am not sure that it should not happen at all. unification of some tv channels now, especially now , there are already so many political quarrels in our country, and this is not good, maybe there should be an unification, but i would followed a different path, i would have followed the path of bringing television channels representing the opposition into the telethon and introducing some kind of supervisory board into the telethon, which would be not only... well, that is, now we understand that this is manual leadership of the state, and on in the first stages of the war, it was justified, but now in order to remove this imbalance in
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the presentation of different opinions, and such a very glossy picture of the war that is taking place, and i would also forget the control of the public. mrs. natalie, let's move on to the discussion of an equally important channel communications, this is a telegram channel. and there are a lot of questions about them, in particular in the expert environment, and you also often mention it, in particular in the last of your columns, and we understand that at the moment it looks like this, at least surveys, sociological processes claim that ukrainians get the most information from from there, but this is such a network that is not controlled and there is essentially no one to give advice on it, and at the same time you are actually in your own... most likely, this is how you express an opinion , if i interpret it correctly, that after all, our the authorities are not trying in any way to want to control this network, so
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somehow to regulate its work, on the contrary, it gives it carte blanche in its work, how dangerous telegram is for ukrainians, and how do you think we should treat this network so that it can to be useful, but at the same time was not harmful. well, i think that it is dangerous, precisely because it is not controlled and precisely because it is a russian network, and we cannot exclude that it is controlled by the fsb, and the fact that it has become the main network for receiving news of ukrainians is fact, and we won't get anywhere from this, i think that the government contributed a lot to this, first of all, because it started promoting anonymous telegram channels itself, and secondly, because it... got there very late still produced official state information. what to do now? i think that we still need a large
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company, and here it will not be possible without the state to at least remove the anonymity of telegram channels, perhaps to ensure that state bodies do not transfer or leak that information, which is very sensitive, first of all all anonymous tv channels, and... and i still came to the closure, and moreover, they say that technically, experts once told me that it was impossible, now they say that there are already some tricks about this, i know, i understand , that this opinion is very unpopular, because the messenger is very, well, it is useful in some ways, and it is convenient, and it provides information quickly, but it is necessary to start at least by calling ukrainian telegram channels, giving up anonymity , so that they become transparent, firstly, secondly, so that they pay taxes from this advertisement which they place in their
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telegram channels. ms. natalia , what about the principle of onevoice, how, at what stage, at what level should this happen, i.e. until what moment, there should be joint rhetoric, there should be joint statements, and actually in the same direction, regarding all ukrainians the media, who would be able to control it, actually monitor it so that it all happened so competently and did not harm our state, and from what moment should there be so-called democracy, well, i think that once again there should be joint efforts of the public and the state, without the state we will not get anywhere here, and the state should at least stop tolerating... and it is doing it now, yes it is doing it, we understand that some state bodies control some anonymous tele
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telegram channels. they also fight with journalists, with independent media, and this is not ok. this, this must stop, secondly, together with the public, we need to develop an algorithm on how to get out of this situation, the algorithm already exists, and i know there are initiative groups that are developing this, we need to speed up and do all this, er, that is way out, there is a way out put a telegram, if it... don't close it, because it is possible that it will hit the ukrainians very painfully when they receive information, but how to make telegram more, at least more dangerous for ukraine, well, although it is very dangerous that he's russian, that's just wow, and one more question, we have literally three minutes. jokes
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about skadovsk, we understand that it is not about skadovsk, that these are actually jokes about the whole of ukraine and about all ukrainians, with those from the west and with those from the east, the same if it's about control, one of the missions of television, any media, it's actually also such an educational, intellectual moment when we have to raise the level of our country in general, these jokes actually lead to another. side, what will happen next with this, will there be an end to this incident and some development, or will the second one be forgotten in a week, and again, the eyes of siskadovsk will sound in our hearts, well, i liked the statement of the commission of journalistic ethics, they propose several steps there , in particular , the introduction of an institute authorized to...
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tv channels on inclusivity media with movorozne or something else and a few more, i understand that, but others say that it is necessary simply to replace with a quality product, but who will replace, that is the point. i believe that the regulator of the national council for television and radio broadcasting, which can now regulate any media in ukraine itself, should have a big role here, there is a law on media, there is an article... it is very well written, at least the main points that should be followed , which the media must adhere to, and the national council must have your say, including those shows that have already taken place on new year's eve, the diesel show and quarter 95, that is, any discrimination, any slander, mockery of social groups, it must
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be stopped and... here can act hard enough national council, if those who are doing it now understand that they will be subject to harsh actions of the state, they will start to turn on their brains and think how to develop their show in a different way. thank you, ms. natalie, nataliya legachova, director , head of gedektor media, chief editor of the portal detektor media was with us, and we already have the first... announced results of the visit from japan to kyiv. so, japan has announced that it will allocate 37 million dollars to the nato fund as additional aid to ukraine, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of japan, yoko kamikawa. she has already announced that these funds will be used to purchase anti-drone systems. great and wonderful news, and more news, more important, fresh information already
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has and will be prepared. and for you iryna koval, iro, you have a word. thank you, oksana, well, literally in a moment i will tell you about the most important events. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on a tv channel for your attention. press in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. consequences of yesterday's enemy attack by shaheds on the dnipro. people take surviving things from damaged houses. they close the broken windows, try to remove the debris. special equipment is working. in the city, two high-rise buildings and an administrative building, an educational institution and its dormitory were damaged, the head said.


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