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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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to detect, we will have to change detection programs, detection systems, well, and more, so to speak, powerful provision of precisely radar, corresponding to the number of air defense systems themselves, well, and placement in specific sectors where there may be priority directions of strikes, but until then i predict , knowing deeply how the intelligence of the usa, britain, germany, france works today, in iran, as well as in north korea, measures are now being planned to... prevent such actions, why? well, according to north korea, it is clear that in addition to the transfer to russia, north korea threatens south korea , threatens japan and even the united states, so the entire potential of these countries is aimed at north korea so that it stops aggression, including following deliveries of ballistic missiles to russia, and this is being considered by the security council, even the un , but operationally , all efforts will be used to devalue russia's supplies of these... in the same
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way, not only diplomatic and, so to speak, operational measures will be used against iran, but prejudicial measures, which will first of all give super the negative perspective of iran, this is a threat , for example, the infliction of even global strikes by the adversaries, the mediterranean sea, even taking into account the fact that not only the supply of russia, the intervention of iran, is exactly the problem, take the military of the middle east, this is israel-arab, so to speak, conflict, which is iran. which is the main beneficiary of this conflict, therefore it will be hit comprehensively and depreciating precisely their structures and factories for the production of missiles, because these missiles will not only go to russia, but will be used by some extremist terrorist organizations, therefore, the complex actions of our allies against iran will devalue their production, so to speak, and possibly iran's supplies to iran for the russian federation, iran itself will keep missiles for itself.
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because he will see the prospect of war, and he needs to operate something, so to speak, if he gives it to russia, of course it will become clear, and the fourth format is powerful pressure on the president of iran, on the leadership of iran, using not only sanctions, but very specific systemic operations against them and them the environment is a closed topic, i know it well, because i dealt with iran together with our nato partners, so it can act very effectively, but this is already a matter for the special services of these countries. which should work at a higher level. mr. mykola, we understand that we really need a fishing rod, not a fish. we receive quite a lot of funds from abroad from our partners, some of them are for specific purposes, some of them are in the form of actual aid, such as various equipment, weapons, but we also receive money in particular, which is actually possible direct, you say so, these are your words to build up and strengthen the ukrainian army and the ukrainian military industry, of course, we must take into account the fact that...
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the stories of a few days ago are not repeated, when these military industry, these military industry objects are fired upon russians, what do you think is the first thing to build, create, provide for our army, so that we become independent, so that in a few years we do not depend on russia in case of any more attacks. virgins as much as it was this time? well, first of all, a long period of time was engaged precisely in the security council of ukraine, this is a question in the line of intelligence, but we directly dealt with the problems of bod, but we saw the threats that exist, and that is why the president put to all leaders, specifically of all periods, that we will develop a powerful military industrial complex and new high-tech technological weapons, not worse than in europe, than in nato, and than in the usa, then russia would never dare to attack, having the power...
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bc conditionally ballistic missiles kb pivdenne, for example, ballistic missiles up to 200 km kb luch, for example, tanks stronghold , better, than the leopards that we are asking for today are old and not worse than abrams, respectively, powerful drones, dozens of centers that have been developed by shmil, who conducts reconnaissance on the battlefield, will end up with ballistic, drones that hit up to thousands of km, carry half tons of charge, and on, on, the cartridge factory, which we did not do. time, because our officials demanded bribes from british and english firms that were preparing to create just the turnkey cartridge factory, and this is all ammunition of any caliber in 8 months, still far before the war, that's what what they did, and therefore it was necessary to transfer it to military power as a last resort during the aggression of russia, to move factories with more production underground to other cities, not where they were traditionally located, this is within our power, part of it should be moved abroad and once... to form
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common positions somewhere, this is the main basic segment, so that we do not go with an outstretched hand to our... partners, because at the moment we produced it in such quantities that the armed forces of ukraine really need today, and more one point, very important, we could from allies to receive better technologies , sanctions against russia, and ukraine - a technological solution, just american technologies, and british, and german, japanese, that is, it is not directly weapons, but technologies that sell everything, guidance systems, corrections, radio electronics, chips of various types and the like, nobody measured us. did not interrupt anything, on the contrary, they would be happy to help and sell it, this is exactly the first line, it is our own military equipment, well, today we already have a war, so the second component is the support of our allies, already ramstein 50 countries cannot provide, because a lot has already been transferred and is not available in some countries, but 28
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countries of the world of the rimstein group can be transferred, these are the usa, canada, great britain, france, germany, partially italy, spain, countries hardy in fact, this is the block that should be, along with financial support, that i think that at the end of january and february, both in the usa and in europe , the issue will be resolved, well, in different formats, but resolved regarding the financing of the entire security sector of ukraine , and supplies, and provision of military equipment, this the second component, and the third component in this segment, this is today, without waiting for the decisions of different, so to speak, periods and governments, this is the purchase of arms, especially ammunition on... world arms markets, this is an exit today, while there factories are being deployed in the usa, in germany, in france, new factories are being built there, what you can buy, you can also buy soviet ammunition, which ternavskyi says we have a shortage of, and of course, nato ammunition, which are on world markets, everything is being organized, i know
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this military model - technical cooperation is not theoretical, but from practical actions, it is organized for a month or a half, and we can have a powerful influx of the first batches, it will provide our... fighters and commanders at the front by all means, and most importantly, this is the 24th year, next to with these factors, this is a powerful change in strategy, the conduct of war, excluding large-scale offensive operations, but this requires a deep development of the general staff, not only the first line - it will prevent the enemy, defense, fortified areas, the creation, destruction of the enemy's reserves, which we make up to a thousand men every day, and this is the main topic, a new strategy of offensive operations, do not go in attacks , dragon teeth, minefields, there are just elements, but this is already something that the general staff should develop not in deep secret, this is how they will wage a new war when the enemy is not expecting, when global and diversionary strikes are carried out, and then the main ones and in
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which sectors, it can be, as i say , the zelenskyi and crimea and the southern direction, but it can also be the eastern regions, but it is necessary really form in this great complex and strategists. and armaments, the armament of our military industry, and the arms markets of the world, and of course our allies, i think that such a synergy, such a symbiosis, will ensure the prospect of successful hostilities, because putin expects yet another meeting of the collegium on december 23rd to be an exhausting , a long war , using its military-industrial complex, using just the resources of iran, and north korea, but receiving just a number of... uh, military and uh, a number of artillery shells from the countries where they sent, for example, pakistan, for example, arab countries , for example, africa, and technologies, for example, from china, from turkey , or through third countries, receiving technologies from the advanced countries of europe and the united states,
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by smuggling, through firm connections that russian intelligence has in various segments of the world, and of course it will provide its missiles, and planes, and drones, respectively, those components that today... mr. mykola, forgive us for one minute, so i will ask you to respond as briefly as possible, we have funny news from crimea, recently our armed forces manage to hit command posts and the institute for the study of war analyzed that ukrainian missiles and drones penetrate the russian air defense system, you have 30 seconds to say how effective this russian air defense system they praise so much really is. to this day, that stupid russian system does not work, it does not work even near moscow, they are moving the occupied territories of our state to crimea and other regions, it does not work, we also penetrate the airfields and launch sites of the s-400 installation, remember? in the crimea by various types of aircraft, by headquarters, by
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the black sea fleet, which is not freely there to move, that is, we are working and breaking through already clearly, using all different models and drones, missiles, different rification models. and sabotage groups that conduct operations, this is our perspective. thank you, thank you, mr. mykola, the general of the army of ukraine and the head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in the past, mykola molomush was on our airwaves, meanwhile... the general staff reports that the russians continue to strike today in the kharkiv region and around noon on the village of nechvladavka in the kupyan region was again beaten and damaged a private house, fortunately there is no information about the victims yet, we hope that it will remain so. on this, marta and i say goodbye to you, have a peaceful and safe evening, take care of yourself and be sure to stay away from... the press, then our tv channel's broadcast will be continued by our colleague khrystyna
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yatskiv with a very important interview, stay with us, there are discounts on eurofast, 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 90.9, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 99 uah. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200. and we offer you a light bulb that shines, even when there is no light, for only uah 99. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in capacious battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, don't be afraid. voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. suddenly
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russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of changing processes. country and of each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let 's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. greetings, this is espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv
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, and my colleagues and i continue to conduct a series of interviews with the most interesting speakers for you, in normal times i would not be so sure that we could hear them, at least my guest today is quite rare in particular in the ukrainian capital, and this is a great opportunity to meet with the officer of the third separate assault. brigade with the plaintiff beard, we will not go into detail, hello, congratulations, indeed we are recording this interview at the exact moment when the third separate assault brigade is located. and not at the front, because you are now working, improving, equipping yourself, and soon you will return, maybe when the audience sees this interview, you will already be at work again, most likely, as the sense of self in i like the conditions of kyiv, before christmas
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. life is bad, then there is a war in our country. i want to have a chance to rest, go to the movies, to the theater, to a club, i don't know, for guys who will get younger, that's why i really like you, you are military environment, so polar in this position, because again... such a very sensitive moment, someone is annoyed, and it is completely understandable, someone is happy and says: oh, i understand what we stand for, and in general, well, it’s cool that we can provide such a life at least in some part of our country, i think that the question here is exactly, well, there are two aspects for me, the first - it is social,
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i.e. when a military man can afford something that an average citizen can afford, and... even better, when his family is well off, yes, and when he returns home, he is fine, in his psychological state , well, he is more motivated, he is not mad that, well, there, how do ordinary citizens who do not they take part in hostilities, and the second aspect is, well, initial psychology, there is upbringing, the psychological state of a person who was before that. uh, yes, that is, i have it there at the expense of all kinds of youth organizations in which i was there for some survey, which was acquired there at the age of 14-17, well, i am aggressive in the other direction, in the direction of the enemy, and not in side of its citizens, and this is by the way, now
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it has been almost two years of a large-scale invasion and there - under 10 years of war, this is what characterizes ukrainian society now, someone says that we have begun to sacrifice each other, instead of fighting the enemy, are you watching it? well, this is a classic of ukraine, we don’t even need the dog to blame us, we ourselves will argue with each other, we will blame each other internally, this is some kind of history of mentality, the question is whether this is a remnant of a scoop, is it already on... being us here, i didn't think about it, but there is such a thing, there is such a story, on the other hand, if we were not like that, and wouldn't we then be russia, well, there is no one with anyone quarreling, everyone as a party of poo, said, yes, i believe that this is the period that, well, we we will come, and it will either stay with us or not, it is more about everything
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that is permitted on the internet, that is, it is new for us, that is... well, until recently, no one there has done this, now, dear grandmother, get out, if she has access there, she can do and say whatever she wants, and people started talking, i think that at some point they just have to eat it and it will fall somewhere by itself, let 's leave this story, questions, so as not to pile up there's nonsense for this time, while he, ugh, i'll tell a little about our today's hero, a beard is a man who is originally from crimea, from simferopol and... and this is a person who, as his brothers told me, stood at the origins of the azov movement in general, the azov movement as such, until 2017, but, as they say, the azovians themselves quite often, there are no exes, you still remain in this community, even if you represent or
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found other units there, i don't know, of different types and forces in ours. and the year 2023 and such a little fascination as ukrainian society with what should happen in his opinion, maybe somewhere in the world, instead we are in this studio now, and what is the 23rd for you it's been a year, for some reason you were disappointed, or in principle, you didn't build any illusions for yourself? let me first say a little about azov, we, that is... here you need not to confuse units, well, that is, when i left azov, i, well, i stayed there for some time there, yes, but i was not in the unit. and what you are talking about is the azov family, well, that is, it always remains, but the azov, the one that exists at the moment, are people who have completely gone through their own path, and this is
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separate, well, it is not necessary, if only, it is theirs, here we have our own division, which also has achievements and but the family, yes, is more social, more honor, that's where the soul is, honor. and about what i was thinking about how this summing up the results of the 23rd year, i believe that we are alive and we are in this studio, it is already good, there are some plans of directly victorious ones, there was no feeling that we were directly behind we will expel the urals from everyone in maskal, we are military, we, we have a task. we carried it out, the tasks that were set before the third separate steering brigade were fulfilled for 100%, which were set before us for this year, the question of what
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people are told that we were about to win, or did anyone have their own vision of the results of the ukrainian counteroffensive, then there are two, two answers: first, come and see for yourself? not as you thought, here, and the second thing is, we need to put the country on the military track, what russia did, if we really put ukraine on the military track, then we have every chance to win in this war. well, look, in your opinion, does your thesis about the need to put the country on military rails not consistent with what you and i started this conversation new year's eve kyiv, we started this conversation with whether i am angry or not angry with these people, that is, this is what it is
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now, that is, i am not saying that it should be like this, i am saying, that it is now, and in me it does not cause aggression in me, does not cause some kind of lunch, god forbid, that's it, but i think that it should be different, we should do it as much as possible, that is, don't just donate , and every person in this country... must do something every day, day after day , for this victory, and do it here and there choose for yourself, yes, now, then, there , who wants to join the economic front, who wants to join another front, who wants to join another front, no, it should be a state program, a single powerful machine that will turn into death for the enemies and our victory , ugh, and in the army itself now, well, that is, in 2023... it became clear that we need to harness for a long time and we will need many people for this struggle, calls began to join
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the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, in general, especially since you know your strengths parties, you can find suitable positions, suitable work , various specialists are needed in the armed forces, and so on and so forth, will we sooner or later rely on what we have, they tentatively say... are they all uav operators or logisticians, and there will be no stormtroopers left, or something like that? well, that’s right, it’s a whirlwind, it’s also a system, first of all, a uav operator is a person who has undergone some kind of training, not everyone can do it, this is a person in whom, in whom money is invested, in which forces are invested, that is, well , it's not just recruiting people to say, you will be a drone operator, yes, then есть, that is, a person prepares there for six months, he teaches. there are not so many positions , we have a human resource, the question is that
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it should not be lost, yes, that is why we are constantly working on medicine, that is , a person will not go into battle, just knowing how to shoot, he will be able to do everything possible and the brigade and the elder as senior chief. will ensure the safety of these guys who will carry out direct offensive actions, if it happens, it will be military rails, it will be right there, they will follow it, that is, without losing human resources, we will be able to ugh more, well, the third oshb, as we speak, now it seems to me that there is no person in this country who does not know about the existence, at least of your brigade, because the information campaign is very... accurate and, in my opinion, accurate, a lot representatives of different businesses support you, and we see it
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every time we just go to the supermarket. and how did you manage to achieve this, well, that is, to create a certain brand and encourage people to join you during the mobilization of recruiting, i understand that there will never be enough people, but those willing to join you in in principle, there are many, as far as i know, well, first of all, this is word of mouth radio, well, that is, yes, again, we all, everyone writes on the internet some of these and people see a... well, what is a little different about us, yes, that is, people see in the fact that as we are developing, as we were able to set up a complete unit in two years, here is someone who crossed paths with us, who has friends, someone is also reading somewhere, he is being mobilized, i want to be in the third assault brikan , someone, our contingent is right there, that's exactly the volunteers, and someone is looking for a place for him
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to leave... a person wants to, he monitors the internet and chooses where to go, here, he stumbles upon us somewhere, oh, here i will go, here, and then it has already grown into a brand, the commander is the same, and also the manager good, here is the work of the commander, the selection of his staff, sometimes there are people who are responsible for some media component, it works, it works, we talked for a long time about the fact that at... the most important thing is our people, yes , and this is how we differ from our enemy, i understand that things are different in combat conditions, and without losses cannot be avoided either, but for almost two years of a large-scale invasion, do we still stand on this, do we still have the understanding that a person above all else, that is, depends on
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the commander, i can only say for... our commanders, well, in our country, the recruitment process is such that the human resource is the most important, well, because a person, even here , if you do not take humanitarianism, then from a purely military point of view, a person can react to any situation, a person can perform the craziest tasks, if it goes to... that's why people's lives are the most important, returning a little to the azov family, an extremely long and very dramatic tragic episode with mariupol, with
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the mariupol... zone in general and azov, how did you experience it and in general, how could you internally bear all of this, because it insane workload, well, it was really a big blow for us, precisely the fact that we couldn’t somehow, well, really help it, but at the moment, i was involved precisely in the defense of kyiv , and well, we also had something to do, that is, we fought there, and in parallel our command in particular, found some options, so helicopters flew to mariupol together with the crowd , volunteers, azov residents, and not only old azov residents, but also a bunch of young guys who
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were ideological... somehow, that is, you were still in all these processes in order to facilitate, further release, our comrades were there, that is, i don't know how it was with everyone, it was the same for me, we did not think about release. i didn't believe it, well, there were so many troops there that it was unreal, but we couldn't leave our friends there, then yes, it was a matter of honor, well, now bahmud and the situation around him looks difficult in the context of the fact that the enemy has taken the initiative.


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