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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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very theoretically, now we will talk more practically, if yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the attack uav company of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh ataman ivan sirk, appears. this is a bakhmut direction, if it appears, it has appeared. thank you, mr. yuri, for finding time for us. what is the situation in the bakhmut direction, what is there, because what we are observing here in the rear, in the deep, in lviv. we see that one day correspondents or some specialists write that there is increasing pressure on the ukrainian troops, the army, on the second day i write that, on the contrary, the ukrainian army is increasing the pressure, on the third day they say that the intensity is decreasing, on the fourth that the intensity is increasing, and what are your eyes , mr. yuriy , seeing there, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, the first thing to realize is that the bahamian direction for... continues
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to be a priority, which enemy has commands to recover the lost positions that were de-occupied by the harrow forces during the summer counteroffensive operation, and then form a bridgehead for the attack on the city yara times. as a result, the enemy uses all available shock and assault potential and manpower, equipment, artillery, sawing equipment and other technical means in order to realize the task. the enemy stormed in all directions and continues to do so. but objectively there were no substantial successes. most of the sections in the bakhmut direction, where powerful brigades, from the defense forces, are working, it is implied, are closed, and the enemy during such actions suffers quite significant losses in its shock and assault potential. consequently, about a week before the new year, objectively three or four days, the pressure of the enemy dropped somewhat and the intensity of the assaults also decreased, because objectively he stretched out his shock-assault potential. there are significant
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losses, in particular, in equipment that provides logistics, fire cover, tanks, tanks, and so on. a week before the new year, the enemy began to press with new force, he managed to achieve certain tactical successes on the stretch of the road from the time of yayar to bakhmut, this is probably the most difficult direction now, because the enemy is in this the tone beats constantly around the clock, without reducing the pressure, but despite the fact that in a week... until the new year and to this day there are constantly stormy storms, the defense forces reliably hold the lines and bought the situation that happened on the road from from the time of oyar to bakhmut. the battles are difficult, tough, the weather conditions have worsened in our donetsk region, but today we have a plus, there is such a changeable rain for a short time. tomorrow we have -3, everything is frozen, by the evening we have +2, it rained and fogged again, so the conditions are not suitable
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help us to take defensive actions , as far as the enemy is concerned, considering the fact that people are an expendable material for them, this plays into their hands somewhat, because in certain vietings they storm exclusively with manpower with the support of their artillery means, that is why if the enemy certainly had partial tactical successes, but at the current moment, objectively, there are no such successes, and despite the weather conditions, despite a certain shortage of ammunition, or despite all the difficulties, the defense forces managed to buy the situation. it is very important to refer to ukrainians, i would like to call on them to maintain unity within our state and, if possible, to donate to the defense force. the scope of the war is very, very high and powerful. unfortunately, even with the support of our international partners, the state cannot completely cover the entire need for equipment, ammunition and uavs. and uavs in the current war, reconnaissance is ours. into the air, which help us see
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the enemy in day and night time. bpa shock means are surgical precision weapons that help to hit the enemy in the most accessible ways places where other fire means are not very effective. sir, mr. yuri, look , this is for ignorant people like me, i think most of the people who are in front of the tv now, not on the front, they don't understand it very much, when we read 92 separate assault brigade, then we understand it directly , what, well, for me , a civilian artilleryman is... those who shoot guns, tankers who ride a tank, infantrymen who go on foot, and stormtroopers, like, this means, those who exclusively storm, what is assault brigade, this, this, that she, that this what is the name assault, what are they, you only storm , you don't defend, only attack, or what is it, look, we have all the defense forces, they don't attack anywhere, we defend our land, and even when we go forward... we don't
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attack , we release. secondly, regarding the assault brigade, the assault brigade includes tanks that provide fire cover for our assault groups, and artillery, and mortars, and... sable, that is , the assault brigade is such a large mechanism that ensures the reliable execution of shock-assault actions when we are in offensive, when the offensive is stopped for various reasons, it is connected with weather conditions, with ammunition, with equipment, with many other things, the brigade goes into defensive actions and receives one or another line. i will tell you that in the 92nd assault brigade, this month we have completed a year of service, before that we were there. sent from the tro to the 92nd assault brigade, have been with them for almost two years in total, this is the brigade that is constantly in the combat zone, in all the most difficult directions, and objectively, guys and the girls who are serving, as in many other brigades, they are extremely brave people, and stormtroopers, infantrymen are
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objectively the most difficult job in the defense forces, we have them of steel, i remember the situation when during the kharkiv counteroffensive operations , two groups competed with each other, who would be the first... in the area of ​​​​visibility with an rpg to hit a tank, they competed with themselves, a combat tank that fired at our positions, and this is one of the small examples of such people in the defense forces, thanks god, our mothers are enough, that's why the defense forces manage with a smaller number of personnel, forces and means to ensure the result that is now available, and those experts, including international ones, who are actually military personnel and understand military affairs quite perfectly, they say with one voice that , that... that the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian nation have done the impossible in the war against russia as of today. mr. yuriy, there are definitely big discussions in tyla and on the pechersk hills in kyiv, where the government was located both in tyla and here in lviv, and well
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it's just that we hear from all sides about mobilization, recruiting, that's what they call it, that's what they call it, what would you say, a person who... serves the army for many months and years and sees it all with his own eyes, and it's a difficult question , i would say that i would not want to be an adviser to the minister of defense, if you called me and told me that you would advise mykola, i would be confused, and you, speaking generally, i believe that having such a neighbor historically turned out like this, like the russian federation, we have a model of training in general in society... should be arranged according to the principle of israel, when every citizen of ukraine has, must and knows how to defend his family, his home, his state with a weapon in his hands. this is my belief, so i will explain it with a simple example: if a criminal comes to your house,
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breaks down the door, starts raping your wife, child, killing and torturing them, and you cannot do anything at the same time, because you have no... not found somewhere inside in a sparrow, nobody likes that, right? but if you have the right one training, conditional techniques of hand-to-hand combat , weapon ownership, you will have these weapons at home, and a thief will come to your door, you will probably shoot him with everything that can be shot, and your family will remain alive and safe. this applies to our entire country, when we are fighting now in the east, where there is a line, and we are fighting not only for these regions, we are fighting for the whole of ukraine, in particular... for lviv, and for kyiv, and for kharkiv, and for dnipro we are fighting so that the thief, the occupier, never comes to our homes. and we will fight for ours contemporaries and future generations, so that our children do not know what war is and do not know what air alarm is and how it arrives. so,
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probably, everyone should ask themselves questions, not what is happening there, who is fighting there, who is involved in corruption, who is involved in uncovering corruption, and so on. and waking up every morning, everyone has to ask themselves a question. and what did i do for ukraine to win this war, what did i do for my family to be safe in our country, what did i do for my mother pride to be called ukrainians? here is a comprehensive answer to the question you asked, in our company, in particular, a unit from a company in connection with the effective performance of combat missions is increasing to a battalion from next month, and now we also need to replenish people, these are uav operators, and drivers and engineers. and many others. the main requirements for our candidates are the first, motivation, a person must be motivated, and the second is discipline. everything else, we will train and make you an effective military man who can do everything i do said earlier, protect your family,
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protect your state, if i have the honor, i would tell how this process takes place, more broadly, yes, just interesting, just interesting, yes, for civilians, you just need to go to our social network maybe you will add a link to the broadcast, there is a qr code, follow the qr code two forms: for civilians, for military, for civilians you fill out the form, within three or four days our representative will contact you. you and i are trying to find a common language, i'm sure in that, given the dynamics of the draft, it is quite high, we will definitely find a common language with you, if you have a sufficiently high level of motivation, after that we will provide you with a paper that you are drafted directly to us in the brigade and you you go to the military equipment center, there is a conscription process and you are sent for 30 days to receive general military training, general military training is where you learn to shoot. provide tactical assistance, use with maps, maps and all the necessary basic knowledge, you will be trained very briefly, but
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intensively, so that you understand the general essence of military service and can be effective on the battlefield. after that, you arrive at our unit and, according to the distribution, you are sent to training on one or another means of fire, depending on whether it is reconnaissance or shock, from 30 days to 45 days. then you return to our unit again with this skill.' to one of the best calculations, where you already get combat experience during two or three weeks, and only after that you are supplemented by a powerful calculation of motivated people, where you continue to effectively perform combat tasks on the approach of victory, that is, the general process from civilian to performing combat tasks takes from two to 3.5 months, for the military it is enough to go through, fill out the questionnaire and if your military leadership does not object to your transfer. to our unit, according to the legal mechanism of transfers, we will be glad to see you
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with us, and i have to tell you that, sir, sir, very important question, i also talk to people here who go on vacation from the front line, and they tell me, and quite often it has been like this for about a month and a half, you know, anxiety, oh, we won’t finish it there, it’s bad there, it’s bad there, there, over there, everything is terrible, over there , we are losing now, the day after tomorrow we will lose, but as for the objective data, i see that last year the banks donated one and a half times more than in the previous year, that is, in the second year of the war they donated one and a half times more, you say that the dynamics of the draft are quite optimistic, and a two weeks ago in lviv and kyiv they were shouting, nobody wants to go, what kind of coercion is this, that we have to run after them on the streets, force them, but nobody wants to, everyone is running away, even some former advisers of the presidential administration we were told about this that no one, everyone is already
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standing at the border and begging the poles and hungarians to let them pass, because they do not want to fight, is it that we are so stupid, or are the russians so intelligent, who let in gossip and rumors, and we here we believe, or we believe ourselves, the innovation itself is such that we, we, oh, we all give up, hands down raised, it is necessary to give up and unfurl the white flags, your version? a person from the front line, my opinion cannot be fully representative of all the troops, i am talking exclusively about the dynamics of the staffing of the unit, believe me, in general , ignorance and misunderstanding of how mobilization takes place, plus warming up of the information companies of the russian federation give rise to opinion in society, and plus , in addition to this, there were cases of insufficient work, when a person found himself right in the bakhmutsky... trenches on the second day, i conditionally speaking, so on the front line, where it should not be. to date, this is almost impossible, and this does not happen.
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it is necessary to clearly explain to people that before you are assigned to a combat brigade, you must undergo a course of general military training. and there are many professions in the defense forces, starting from attack aircraft, infantrymen, ending with operators of radio-electronic intelligence, radio-electronic warfare, uav operators, drivers, technicians and many others. there are a lot. professions that are needed to complete, because objectively the situation is now such that international partners provide us with technical means that help us gain an advantage over the enemy in battle, for example , radio-electronic intelligence tools that help us detect enemy drones, and then at the expense of radio electronic warfare tools to suppress them, and there are not enough operators, because people are trying to avoid full mobilization, because they are all told by social networks, which are heating up, that today they will be called up, tomorrow you will die, well, that is not the case is happening at the current time... and accordingly , the state, in my opinion, should implement clear and understandable
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information campaigns for every ukrainian, in which way the conscription takes place, how the prizes can be arranged centralized to one or another unit, and what awaits you in future, this is very, very important, as far as generally speaking is concerned, we are a free country and often enough we say that we have rights, rights, rights, rights, rights, rights, and that's what everyone says, but... no we must forget that we have a duty to protect the homeland - it is a duty that must also be fulfilled, because the exits somehow you know, such social injustice that half of the men... have already been actively fighting for more than two years without resuming the rotation, some, for example, like our unit, but we do not complain that they are motivated , we understand what we do in war, and some say, my mother didn't give birth to me for war, well, it doesn't happen like that, you have to look inside yourself to find courage. thank you very much, yuriy fedorenko, fedorenko, commander of the
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92nd attack uav company of the separate assault brigade named after kosh otaman ivan sirka was with us, thank you for that. who were with us, and our next guest, we will already talk about tyl, oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, if he appears, i will be a very happy person, because i have something to talk about, i have , i have accumulated certain questions for e people who embrace human rights, that is how we ended our conversation with mr. yuri, whether human rights can be protected during war, we do not know, but we do not see, i at least i definitely see mr. oleksandr, if , if he is not there, then let me know, but he is, he is, fine, fine, good health, mr. oleksandr, thank you for finding time for us, congratulations, good evening, well this is my
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question, actually speaking, but it is possible... how to combine human rights and war during a war with human rights is always bad, well, in fact, it is a total violation of human rights, because the first human right is the right to life, and ukrainian legislation says that on the contrary, if you kill that muscovite, then they will give you an order, if if you kill anyone in peacetime, you will be put in prison, and if you kill the enemy in wartime, you will be awarded an order, well... conditionally yes, how is it in general, how do you work in these conditions ? we work precisely with documenting what are called war crimes and actually defining those facts that really fall under this category, and here i can partially agree with your thesis
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that human rights during war really turn out to be ... you know , a double threat that is given less attention when carrying out tasks that are military tasks, and at the same time it is important not to cross those limits when there will be a violation of those norms that are called the norms of international humanitarian law, this is actually called the law of war, because human rights are, let's say, peacetime rights that are tried to be observed under during hostilities, but the law of war is an international humanitarian law, and accordingly, when it comes to how to treat the civilian population in the occupied territories, how to take prisoners, how to treat prisoners of war, how
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to conduct hostilities so as not to cause harm or to minimize harm to civilians. population, and a very large number of other situations and problematic issues, they relate specifically to the standards of international humanitarian law, and human rights are also sewn up here , which you also talk about, look, i have a very similar attitude towards you, well, this is a remarkable adjective, this is under the land of the question, here i imagine a person who is a believer and enters the church. jehovah's witnesses, where they cannot do many things, there are many prohibitions, and keep, for example, weapons, and i just imagine, during the war , they give him a summons, he honestly comes and says that i am ready to serve somewhere in the rear, clean, lift, give rides and so on, but for such people a special
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separate institution is needed, the state cannot do such and such for such and such. yes, you are one of 100 , but we are for you, we have a special car, we will take you to a place where you will be taught how to wash dishes well, and then you will wash dishes in the back, i tentatively say, yes, but it is some when everyone goes in one direction, and 5, 3, 2, 1% go the opposite way, it is necessary to create a completely different one, which also costs money, people who will serve it all, what to do in such cases? well, first of all, such cases should be regulated at the legislative level, and you just violated, you are trying to show all those problematic. issues that have not been settled in ukraine to date, including, in particular , with alternative service and the fact that the issue of persons who
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can refuse the so-called conscription in peacetime is raised to this day fixed, and agree to alternative service, during the wartime regime, such a possibility is not provided for, so here either the person will be recognized as... violating the relevant orders of the commander and he can be convicted of committing military, let's emphasize, war crimes , because she refuses to obey the orders of her commanders, which she is required to obey, or her condition will be taken into account, and she will be transferred to a service that does not involve the handling of arms, and accordingly it will be in fact, an analogue or replacement of this alternative service, it will already depend on... the same recruitment centers, the same, military units that are being formed, which also do not always consist only of combat units, and
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accordingly, this question for today i i think that it is solved in practice, although it is not fixed at the legislative level. look, people are already contacting you, and because there is such a wave of discussion of the draft law on mobilization and... in a few days it may get to the verkhovna rada hall, because it seems that his the committee has already considered or is currently considering these days, and if i were an interested person and had some free time, then i would also, perhaps, turn to you, and what is here, and what is here, and how is it here, is there already addressing you and what is discussed at your level of human rights protection in this law, what interests you in this law on... i just very carefully read this draft law, in the form in which it is currently presented on the website of the verkhovna rada of ukraine , and in fact, so far it
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is not a text that regulates legal relations, and there are proposals that, let's say this, are adequate and can be approved and accepted, there are those that cause the most... disturbance and questions, in particular this proposal regarding the possible restriction of the rights of persons who must be summoned or appear at the shopping center , territorial centers of recruitment and social protection, and accordingly, in the event that they avoid such, let's say, ah, such a visit to these centers, they can be applied to them, they are automatically, or in some other way, at the request of the head of this center, entered in the register of debtors, i.e
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this is such an extrajudicial execution, let's say so, and accordingly with the corresponding consequences, that is, they do not have the right to use their own property, dispose of their funds, which are in their accounts, to which moving abroad is blocked, accordingly , even the use of a car, etc. the use of a driver's license seems to be also indicated there, that is, it is actually a violation of the rights of those persons with the aim of encouraging, let's say, these persons to be afraid and appear before the criminal investigation department. how much is it legitimately, well, as far as i'm concerned, there are certain ones here, to say the least. significant violations of rights and, accordingly, to what extent it will be justified in the current conditions in ukraine, this is also a big question, so this issue will be, i think,
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the most debatable, in particular, it is the introduction of one single law, i will remind you that it is about making changes of the 12 laws that are in force in ukraine, it is only about making a single one. well, this point is article 20, which i mentioned, the inclusion in the law on mobilization about mobilization and the mobilization order, it seems to be called that, and accordingly, this rule there, to me, looks a little strange, but when we talk about this bill in general, then in fact this mechanism is being built there to overcome the legal gaps that currently exist regarding mr. oleksandr ? what am i crossing, but how, how is it possible otherwise, i simply, i understand that this is not your mandate either, your mandate is to protect rights, and not to invent a law on... projects, but
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anyway, well, okay, i'm not , well, i have, i am so old that i can not go to the army, but for example, a 40-year-old man is told that he should go to the army, he does not go to the army, and there is no influence on him, he continues to use a car, and goes abroad, and withdraws money from accounts and so on, and i'm sitting thinking, what to do with her then, if it's ... well, nothing, we can just say, yay-yay-yay, how are you not ashamed not to go to the army, yay-yay-yay, that's it, the end, what to do, a very good question, and it, by the way, is being raised today, and it arose even two years ago, and more, and actually, it is connected with the lack of a clear fixation and registration of persons who move and are
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not in the places where they are. are registered as a matter of fact, well, for example, someone is registered, for example, in the city of lviv, has already lived and worked there for a certain number of years , either in odesa or in kyiv, and is in no hurry to go to the local registration authority, including the local procurement center , in order to stand in line, on er, i'm sorry, to register and have already such a mobilization registration, let's say this. and there are quite a lot of such persons, and it is a question of how to first correct this one the situation, and what is appropriate for today, here is the initiator of this draft law, how to have a full record, a real record of all conscripts, and employers are also tied to this, first,
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local self-government bodies, bodies... of state authorities on the ground, which should accordingly carry out such a registration, but i think that it can be done without such a violation of rights, precisely because of places of residence, through establishing the exact number of people who live in certain settlements, with their corresponding, let's say, some kind of re-registration, or clarification of data so that they could provide such data, what happened in... when there was a large migration of people from places where military actions took place in the west regions, and there were constant queues to the same recruitment centers, because individuals had to register for this military registration for five days, all those who were required to serve in the military, this happened and this is a normal process, accordingly, now it is just necessary to establish specific mechanisms, especially
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since we have a lot of ee... digital capabilities and ways to control, without such restriction of rights, i repeat, because we are talking now about the application of such a repressive mechanism when a person becomes guilty, presumed guilty, without having committed some offense, because it has not been established that she avoids this mobilization for some, let's say, her own subjective desires, there may be many others. factors when a person cannot appear, and at the same time he will be deprived of the right access to one's property, disposal of one 's property, and accordingly, there will be a whole series of problems that ukraine will face , including this and this, in this case, in the event that it is implemented. thank you very much, oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights. congratulate mr. zakharov if you see him, he is one of
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the founders. of your organization, as far as i remember, and now we are again talking about our rear problems or not problems, about successes or failures, about the economy in 2024, we will to talk with oleh penzen penzeny , an economist, a member of the economic discussion club, that's exactly what we're going to discuss, mr. oleg, thank you for finding time for us, good health to you, we saw each other, we used to see you more often than now, yes. we have not seen each other since the beginning of the war, look, i will try to ask such simplified questions, and first i will inform the audience that the questions will be, well, as if this is money in your pockets, ladies and gentlemen, because the budget of ukraine is actually a pocket of ukraine, how much money is there, like in your family, or in your family, or in my family.


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