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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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figuratively speaking , and make them work in a different way, unfortunately, i do not see how they can work quickly, that is , in theory, maybe, maybe there is potential, but people, unfortunately, and how do you think it turned out the situation with such, i would say , the difference in the number of shells in the russian and ukrainian armies, we cannot advance, we can only restrain the russians somewhere, everywhere, everywhere we are forced to save ammunition, artillery, works as minimally as possible, well listen 200 shells now in ukraine, in russians 1,000, although a few weeks ago there were 700, that is, they increased by 3,00 precisely thanks to the supply from north korea and , judging by everything, from iran, but once again these are conditional figures, but in any case five times more than ukraine fires, that is, we cannot advance, we can keep the russians somewhere at a distance, carry out their attacks, local assaults, but for advancement...
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unfortunately, we do not have the strength. and how could it happen that the military-industrial complex of north korea, which has always been accepted from an economic point of view, not even from a political point of view, to say that the country is backward, poor, does not even have the opportunity to feed its population, and has more military equipment than the european union? well, it's a priority, it's a question of priorities, the chuchhs believe that everything is for the front, everything is for victory, and what not. your parents did not eat, your grandfathers did not eat, so what, what do you need to start, you need to eat, no, you will live like this, and the koreans, i don’t know, agree, disagree, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is what they make , how many are they, 70 years old they make munitions, i don't know how much there is, no food, no mobile phones , no travel, air connections with russia are partially there, a little with china in the big account and that's it, there is nothing, but there are shells, that's how they are here. unfortunately, you know,
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russia, iran, and north korea have gathered together. you basically believe that there are some, i would say, levers of influence on the same north korea, on iran, to force them to stop supplying russia with weapons, that it is already a fact that they will continue to do it because already now they are also talking about iranian ballistic missiles, not only about the korean projectile, well, this is a withdrawal into subjectivity, you know better than me when they do not communicate with a person there, well , with a person with the leader, they do not communicate, she is with the goy, this is where they start contact her, and then she can negotiate, she can, and what do you offer me, let me listen to you, your offer, well, the european one, for example, should be much more interesting for us than the russian one, and then we can turn to the russians and to say: listen, here the european union, well, conditionally offered me... for example, what do you offer,
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the russians i can say 2 billion and 20 thousand tons, that is, well, this is a game where north korea will only win, i can't even tell you what the leverage is influence on north korea, there is such a dogma that china can influence, but on the other hand, there are rumors that china seems not to be able to influence much, but in fact we do not know this, well, it is not clear how much china needs to influence. .. china should be interested in something that the european union or the united states can do to suggest to china that it should reconsider, and consider influencing north korea. well, another important point here is that lately we have been seeing a change in priorities in beijing, kimchanin has been visiting putin, meeting with him at the cosmodrome, in beijing for the entire time since the pandemic. of the virus, the highest
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official from north korea was the deputy minister of foreign affairs, this is also such an interesting moment, but let's remember that during the meeting between putin and this north korean dictator, a member of the politburo from of the chinese politburo, which apparently did not spy at all, but observed the conversations, the agreements, in order to then directly transmit first-hand... information in chinese, how they agreed, what was agreed on, well, it's very interesting for me, for now it's another mystery, that russia offered to north korea, it would be money, it was, for example, it was provisions, or both provisions and money, or technology, if technologies, then what kind, production of nuclear weapons, launch vehicles or aviation, we saw that north korea interested in aviation, and this one the dictator was sitting in the cockpit. aircraft, fighter jet
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, maybe it was discussed, that is, a very interesting question, in any case, in any case, contracts tend to be completed, russia has transferred something, transferred in return a deal? but this equipment is north korean, it can really be considered that it can be used for a long time at the front, as far as, in principle , north korea is able to produce exactly high-quality military equipment, that is, the quality of outfits, high-quality weapons, namely, wait, about shells or about equipment that drives, for example, about shells and about equipment that drives, these are different things, but just like that, let's go now on physiology, as far as we... know that north koreans and south koreans, they are in language, they differ already with height , yes, by 15-20 cm, yes, even yes, well, there is such a figure , it was called that 2-3 cm lower than a north korean, than a south korean, this is an average, yes,
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an average figure, yes, well, average, that is , we imagine, we imagine that if this equipment, if this equipment goes to russia, then there will have to select individual buryats who can get into this technique, it was not created for the average person. russian stepan, i don’t know, i’m 1.78 m90 tall, they will be, accordingly, smaller, about the shells, an interesting story, at first the russians say, here we have come blue ammunition, cool, super, powerful, there and accurate, more accurate, than ours, although right in such posts they raised an article for discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation, it is interesting, then other comments followed. where such an offensive story began, that the northern the koreans do not know how to make ammunition, that everything is not done qualitatively, somewhere it is done by eye, there is gunpowder, here they were not filled, here they were not balanced, maybe it is from party to party, but here are two such polar opinions, at least among russians in
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the public sphere, well in generally speaking, they are, here are the latest russian attacks on ukrainian military enterprises, in principle , we can build a military-industrial complex like this. so that the russians do not know where our factories are, even if we do not indicate their addresses in some audit, as happened last time, here that's it, that's really the problem, both audits and inspections, it's clear that the russians have the opportunity to do internal investigations, they use open sources, we've seen such moments when they find, calculate the geolocations to spy and attack these places, and our people are eliminated. .. unfortunately, well, 98%, probably 99% of all arrivals at our facilities are the work of our citizens, they passed it on, someone directly works for the russians, someone stupidly published something, took a picture somewhere, i don’t know, in the background techniques, the russians established a place, his
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allocated and struck, and of course the last percentages are when the russians themselves calculate, receive information somewhere from satellite intelligence, technical intelligence, someone on the radio... spoke to our military and said where they were going, where they were taking equipment, somewhere they were hanging trackers, by the way, they are actively hanging trackers on the border, well, on the border with the european union, the european union with ukraine, on the trailer on the lord, on the railway transport and then look for it later, where this equipment is going, these cargoes, there conditionally the rivne region, such -then district, such and such a village. what aha, old collective farm, aha, that’s where they are, of course, that is, unfortunately, we have few underground shelters, underground factories, although we have metro builders, they can drill it, do it, but i always give such an example, the metro , arsenal metro station, correct me, it seems
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to be 100 m deep in kyiv, ugh, it seems to me the deepest, the station in general, and even though it launches two daggers in a row, well, there only the plaster will fall off inside and everything, everything... work, but on the other hand, we don't have a subway it has been under construction for many years in a row, maybe there are metro builders, but there are no metro builders , so really, it is being washed away, you yourself know how much you can earn from this, if you have 17 eggs, you can earn for three hotels in croatia, then for of course there is more, more, but here it is a question of priorities , we want to survive, we need production, production only underground, unfortunately, the territory of ukraine is very small, it is shot through, we do not have conditional urals... where you can 1.2 km from the border with the russians to hide something, unfortunately, everything is visible, everything is being shot through, well, our allies now speak absolutely clearly about the fact that it is necessary for ukraine to have its own production, that in the future ukraine itself must fight with the russians, yes, i adhered to this opinion even
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at the beginning of the war, when there were talks, oh, we have to ask the europeans, the americans have something to give us weapons, well, my opinion is this, we need to... not just ask for weapons, okay, let's ask for a license to assemble, for example, helicopters, for example, well, for example, hey, we need helicopters, well we don't have helicopters, you can to agree, for example, we produced 10 , kept three for ourselves, and handed the rest over, for example , to the americans, the same about missiles, about shells, let’s assemble them under license in ukraine, we need it, we will need it for a long, long period of time , our warehouses were destroyed on the eve of the war by very active strike groups of the russian military intelligence, which were sent here, which were set on fire, destroyed, and here i remember a conversation with one high-ranking official who told me that even after the explosions, well, the second... explosion warehouses, he said, but we have these shells piled up, there will be enough for years, as it turned out,
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what is missing, well, this is an amazing story, by the way, we did not understand this, because it was even shown in the movie, remember his excellency's adjutants showed how warehouses were burning with weapons in kyiv, how the reds set fire to warehouses in kyiv or vice versa, well, that's the first thing, it's the first thing to destroy the warehouses, of course, thank you. thank you for this conversation on our air, we were contacted by ivan stupak, military expert, former an employee of the security service of ukraine, we will now take a break for a few minutes, but you, please, stay with us, we will continue our conversation, there are discounts on fkalor, 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. wow, walked the waters. ordinary water is not enough, drink reo, i am saving myself reo, you are ready, dear, ready, i took reo.
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reo - water for special medical purposes. we continue the political club, we will now talk with igor simivolosy, the director. center for middle eastern studies, congratulations, mr. igor, congratulations, congratulations, well today already, i already spoke on this program on the 93rd day of the conflict in the middle east, and what are the interim results of three months, well, if we go by the messages of the israeli side, then they took control of the gas and practically. the main points of resistance of hamas have been eliminated, to what extent this is true or not is a big
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question, but in general it seems that yes, the city is more or less controlled by the israelis, this is the first, that is, if we are talking about a purely military, military moment, the second moment , which remains open, it is possible war. with lebanon, and specifically with hizballah , at least for now the tension is not relieved, it even increases, and the parties exchange blows, mediators are trying to prevent escalation, but so far it is not very successful, in any case, the americans will obviously do all so that... such a conflict, a regional conflict in the middle east does not happen. well, it is clear that in the same
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context there are two more events, the israelis issued a plan to regulate gas, which is called the four corners, where it is assumed that hamas will be replaced by another palestinian administration for the restoration of gas and the like, that is, finally in 3 months. war, the israeli government managed to offer at least some clear plan for getting out of the war, getting out of the conflict, and obviously this is due to the fact, not least, that next week south africa's lawsuit will be considered in the un international court of justice, regarding the genocide that committed by israel in relation to the pale'. well, israel, accordingly, since it signed this convention on the prevention of crimes, genocides and
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punishment for him, he will accordingly participate in this in these court sessions and has already appointed his judge for and hopes that the arguments will be heard. and tell me, mr. yegor, if this, in relation to this four-point plan, which was provided, as far as i remember, by the minister of defense of israel yaav hagalan, to what extent this plan can be considered realistic. let's say, which points do you consider realistic and which not so much? well, to be honest, i don't think he's very realistic in terms of the fact that he doesn't solve the key in the grand scheme of things. the question is this plan, that is, it seems that everything is happening in such a way that the problem lies only in gas, in hamas and nothing else. in fact, the problem rests on the occupation of the west bank in the first place, and there are practically no solutions, no even proposals, and accordingly we know that
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during the meeting of the israeli government, several ministers made demarches there. refused to participate in this meeting, obviously, even such a very, i would say, no, no, not a very radical plan, but which goes to meet the united states of america, their no, it is not perceived by them. well, by the way, regarding the demarche of the ministers, there is already such a scandal related to the fact that these ministers are quite radical ministers, and some ministers from the likud party headed by benjamin netanyahu, in particular his closest associate mil'. hef , they were criticizing the chief of staff of the israel defense forces, it's a strange situation when some ministers are harshly criticizing, and other ministers, which is the minister of defense, and the minister of the war cabinet, benny gantz, who was also the minister of defense, just the chief of staff defends himself, the prime minister, it really reminded me of some other country, he just tells the chief of staff, well, you have to listen to my ministers, sometimes
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you have to listen to ministers, you see, valera, his name is not valera, but it does not matter, obviously, obviously, there are such comparisons here , you can bring such comparisons, and i think that , in principle, it is to a large extent the politics of netanyahu and his style of leadership, but, as you know, he especially never says yes or no no, he pauses until the end, and avoids answering if possible, and c in this case, he exhibits exactly the same style of behavior. in principle, to what extent can the israeli government itself, in the composition in which it is now, find some kind of real plan to solve the problems, because it is clear that the prime minister is restrained by his right -wing allies , the far-right, in the military cabinet, people who understand , that they can come to us to replace the prime minister of the same benigan, this rating is much higher than
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the rating of netanyahu, in principle, you can expect some kind of political plan that will implement my such situations. well, to be honest, i don't see it yet, i'm like this is such a short answer, but if it is developed, then it is obvious that for netanyahu any course of events in which his cabinet, part of his cabinet, or the coalition, part of the coalition expresses to him mistrust, leaves the coalition, well, it practically looks catastrophic, so he will hold on to the last and maneuver between the americans'. what a tough position, which is becoming tougher, the demands of the europeans, and actually the demands of the ministers of their government. if we talk about the situation in liuvan, well, come on let's start, by the way, with the elimination of saleh al-aruri. here, too, there are different views, because some say that al-aruli was precisely one of
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the most radical figures of hamas and an active participant in the destruction. of peaceful citizens on october 7 last year, others say that arur took a more or less moderate position during the negotiations, and that his elimination, on the contrary , will strengthen the position of the radicals in the hamas politburo, if at all we can say that there are both radicals and non-radicals, i am also in i have big doubts, to be honest, well, i think it's already here it doesn't matter because all of the hamas politburo are marked with red crosses, that is , they are all suicide bombers from... according to the decision that was made by the israeli government, so what difference does it make in this case if radicalism in the politburo will increase or not, the other problem is that , which, of course, an attack on the suburbs of beirut, well , it can cause a certain escalation, although now
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we see that neither hezbollah, nor iran, nor other participants of the so-called ... opera movement, well, are not ready for large-scale and large-scale actions against israel, and that is why there is a pause here, and the very death of the hamas leader, well, one of the members of the politburo, it practically does not give, does not create new threats of such an irresistible nature, if in principle we talk about the second front of the offensive, that is how this story with the death of alyaruri, the position of hosbola leader hasan nasarala and this organization in general, how ready are they for some kind of greater escalation, do you think? as for me. then they are not ready, not ready, and they repeatedly emphasize this, but here, i think, that to some extent, this is an independent decision, and
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obviously, this is a decision that was made in consultation with senior iranian comrades, because the iranians certainly do not need such a conflict now, because hezbollah is and remains for them a very important component of their security and such a constant deterrent for the israelis, so it is unlikely that they will start first now, but if a large-scale invasion begins, well , you know, there was an ultimatum, but that time has long passed and there is a big diplomatic discussion around it, then of course it is already here the iranians will have to somehow make a decision, well, if not iran directly, then... obviously its satellites and its proxies. why did the secretary of state antony blinken go to the middle east, by the way, he is currently
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paying the most attention to this direction, and he is not ukrainian, but specifically the middle east. well, yes, obviously, because no one wants a war with iran, and the united states of america is in the first place, so it is necessary to minimize the threats that exist now and do everything in order to ... avert a major regional conflict, an election year president and get involved in a major regional conflict with absolutely incomprehensible results, taking into account the very fact of iran, weapons, population, the possibility of destabilizing the economic situation in the region, blocking the straits, carrying out other sabotage, well, of course, all this does not inspire positivity. any ideas, and blinkin is now rather working as a fire brigade in order to restrain a little the desire of a part of the israeli
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political community to strike as soon as possible against hizbollah. the state secretary spoke about the fact that turkey can play an important role in further settlement of the situation in gaza, i so... understand that even after the war ends, how much can the united states now count on erdogan? well, there's one nuance there, which is very interesting, because somebody has to, well, if, at a minimum, they were to ensure the safety of the second gas, after hamas is gone, well, somehow magically disappeared from the gas, and one of the options, which, in principle , the turks offered and offer and... would like to see, is the participation of the turkish military contingent to ensure security in gas sector. i don't think that israel will go for it, because, as you understand,
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the pots have been beaten there for a long time, but the americans need to give something to ertoğan, because this topic is too heated in turkey, and without any obvious political success, ertoğan will. to rest , yes, in the end, obviously, sweden's entry into nato, the vote in the parliament, many other things, so, in addition to the political, military and humanitarian aspects, obviously turkey can really play a greater role in stabilizing the situation in the gas sector, given that others the arab countries are not ready for a tako... role and have refused possible participation in multinational forces that may possibly be deployed in the gas sector. and by the way, why did president trukhan become more active in
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the ukrainian direction, he again spoke with president zelensky, again says that an immediate ceasefire is needed, is he just words, or does he have any, relatively speaking, real political tools to get what he's talking about, i don't think he has any political tools, it's certain. well let's say dissatisfaction with the fact that turkey was bypassed by the united arab emirates, and they are now not participating in the grain agreement, and actually stopped playing the key role that turkey played during the last two years, because we know that, in principle, turkish news should... report only good news about president erdoğan and his diplomatic genius, yes, so in this case erdoğan is trying
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to come back on this one. on this way and in some way to umbrella the soil, well, on the other hand, with on the other hand, if we talk about the fact that turkey does not play such a role now, but when president erdogan, say, handed over the commanders of azov to the president of ukraine, should he have understood that the russians would be removed, conditionally speaking turkish, from the list of neutral states? yes, i should have understood, understood, and was not very happy with the fact that there was a lot of pr around it. well, that is , the turks are ready to do something, but they really don't want it to be known, well, that's the position of this middle eastern country. and tell me about the unification of the arab emirates, if we are mentioned about saudi arabia, it can be said that it is these two countries that russia simply needs now, it is forced, let's say, to fulfill certain of their wishes, because
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their well-being depends on them. russia itself from the point of view of petrodollars, well at least the united arab emirates one hundred percent, and the issue is not only in the petrodollar, although it is also a very important component, but the issue is that the united states of america is now essentially a cash register, a black cash register russian, that is, there is a huge amount of russian money, russian companies, through this country there is a lot going on, well, a lot of powder, and that's why... this, let's say, the opinion of this country weighs quite a lot for russia, and if you can explain to our tv viewers such a strange role of qatar, it is also an important country for ukraine, an ally of the united states outside nato , the politburo of hamas sits in qatar, the prime minister of qatar met with the relatives of the israeli hostages, please, literally yesterday or today, well these days, how can this happen
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at the same time? very simply, because qatar is a country that gets its, well, let's say makes its heshev, so to speak, on mediation, which means that it must have access to all players, and access on the condition that these players trust it, or trust it by passing on information, or trust it by organizing secret negotiations. please note that for a long time, qatar has been such a back yard of negotiations for the americans, and which sooner or later then directly flow into the negotiations in the present, well, the same negotiations between the taliban and the united states of america, which were organized by qatar, and many other such wraps, which are not mentioned now
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, but in which the cat... actively participates, well , the country is small, the country is ambitious with an ambitious leadership, which needs, needs its place under the sun and, accordingly , is looking for this place, and in their opinion, it is such a position, an active position, influencing the processes that take place in the middle east and was actively involved as a mediator, provides them the most. security, this is actually, i think, a fairly simple explanation for their behavior. how long can the war in the middle east continue in an active phase. we we always say: the israelis should take into account the fact that they have some limited time, then the americans will tell them that they need to stop, this was the case during all the middle eastern conflicts, but something like this is not happening, this is somehow different, yes absolutely, because a strategic
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decision has been made with...hamas, and until this strategic decision is reached, no one will stop. this is a strategic decision, this is a consensus decision essentially by europe and the united states of america, and, accordingly, by israel. and this is, on the one hand, a problem prolongs the conflict and creates new grounds for israel's accusations, and on the other hand, it is impossible to back down, because all the plans that are currently being built, as of now, they all work out. from the concept that there is no hamas in the gas sector. but here is such a simple question: what is really the matter with hamas, if we talk about the gas sector? if the population of the gas sector is holding everyone hostage, as we now know, they are not hamas, they are ordinary people. if the so-called seasonal workers of the gas sector participated in extermination of israeli citizens, they are not members of hamas. if the population


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