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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 11:30pm-11:59pm EET

11:30 pm
what kind of a lady under the heavens, who followed us to her son, whether it is mary, or the mother of god, in blue robes full of grace, what kind of a lady, next to the angels, the moon of the stars under her feet , isn't it maria, isn't it? mother in blue robes full of grace. oh, what a lady, that heavenly mother who carried the cross for her son on calvary. yes, then mary, yes, then the mother of god. in blue robes, full of grace. on
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the holy evening, on the coming of age early, god grant, the pure virgin gave birth to a son, god grant, god grant, the service for volodymyr bely began in back in 1994, when he became a cadet at a military institution of higher education. he faced a real war in 2014, when he participated in the anti-terrorist operation as part of the 24th separate mechanized brigade. in 2020, he retired and two years later again became a commander of the armed forces of ukraine. even though i was a military pensioner
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, i remained a military man, and this is my duty, as they say, no one revoked the military oath, and secondly, these are my personal convictions that the enemy cannot be allowed to enter our land. the 33rd rifle battalion was formed in lviv, a currently performs tasks in sumy region, konotop district. and also in the city of putivl. the situation at the border is tense, the man has a son who is waiting for him at home, so he knows firsthand about the pain of separation. volodymyr admits that as a psychologist he passes through the stories and experiences of everyone and emphasizes that the real panacea for the military is the love and understanding of relatives. constantly encourage, raise the mood.
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well, let's say this, for wives, it is always said that wives of wives love their husbands very much, children who love, that's it they knock on their dad, it really, really affects them, they promise to take care of the festive mood of the soldiers, those who will not be able to visit the holidays at home will definitely receive greetings and taste kutya, we organize the holiday, no matter what it is, it may not ... of such a massive, let's say, variety, but that there is a holiday, the fighters will definitely feel that they have a kutya, that they will definitely have a kutya, a kutya in the trenches, well , how dear they are despite the tense situation at the front, volodymyr belyy believes that in the new year, changes for the better await ukraine, i hope that our western partners will help us with our army, i believe, i hope that... that
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there will still be progress and the liberation of our territories, somehow it must still happen, we did not start this war, that's the truth, and god is with us, with the ukrainian people, and he will certainly help him, the ukrainian people will have patience, and what i forgot to say, this is what they need unconditional faith in victory. she will definitely be. we are with a carol under your roof. early early, early, rejoice, my heart. son of god, born.
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early, early, rejoice, my heart, son of god, was born, bless you. i hear happy celebration, early, early, early , rejoice, my heart, the son of god was born, early, early, rejoice, my heart, son of god. born, happily celebrate, praise god, early, early, early, rejoice,
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little earth, the son of god is born, morning. early, rejoice, little earth, the son of god is born, be healthy, who is in the house, early, early-early, rejoice, heart, the son of god is born, early-early, rejoice , earthling, son of god, people.
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kobzar, tatyana shevchenko received such a lawsuit on the front line. even before february 24, the woman signed up for the lviv teroborona, and on the first day of the full-scale invasion , they went to the location of the brigade to defend ukraine. i remembered that one of my professions is a medic, so i decided that i could be useful to all the military. i will learn things just being in the reserve, leaving for training. in the past, ms. tetyana worked as a nurse in the lviv hospital, so she was hired as a sanitary instructor in the 103rd separate brigade of the territorial forces defense well, as an instructor, that means a health instructor, my task is to save,
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help, treat, not only, let's say, not only physically, but... also morally and simply to be a spiritual support for the team, for the personnel. in june 2023 , a medical company was created at the base of the 103rd brigade. the command decided to appoint tatyana, the head nurse. near the front line , a medical reception room, a 25-bed inpatient unit and an evacuation department were set up in the basement. and the evacuation department deals with evacuation. interception leaves, works more with the wounded, and the medical department, which treats both our guys who do not need hospital with somatic diseases, and we accept from
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all brigades, we have such a thing as acubar trauma, work against the background of artillery shelling, sometimes it has to be taken immediately at the stabilization point. 12 or even 20 soldiers each, such moments feel like hell, ms. tatiana admits. i am happy when we have no work, if we have no work, then there are no wounded guys, well, our evacuation the brigades are silent that they are not transporting anyone , there is no need to leave for some kind of interception , there is no need for help, so there are no wounded, our chat is silent about the fact that there are two hundred , an hour after the tourniquet is applied... some military personnel need to be taken to the hospital, but in in the conditions of hostilities, this is not always realistic. the evacuation continues for 3-4 hours, which is great. 6-8 hours, unfortunately, sometimes longer. and everything depends on your battalion medic. first, everything depends on the military man himself and
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his comrades. ms. tatiana calls medical colleagues as a second family. i went to war because i think that someone in... the family must go to war, it's either dad, or mom, or children, god forbid, that's why it happened in our country that to war i left, after the victory... sergeant tetyana shevchenko plans to return to work in the lviv city council, because she knows that she can be useful to her community. kateryna uliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel.
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it was dark and dark all around, the lanterns came on, in fact the stars lit up in the sky, the moon, like the master of... smiling familiarly, scatters incense, kuti and honey, angels at work, you need to erase all distractions, light holiday lights, prepare a holiday dinner. and everything is good to remember, scatter, and regrets of love,
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today is the time to love, give to all people your joy and warmth, today is the time, i will forgive all wrongs. you, because it's already christmas in the yard, because it's already christmas in the yard, in our hearts, it's christmas, the carolers are already coming, full of the first dawn, to bring cheerful news to this. peace, to wish happiness and harmony to all our people, to our
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native, dear ukraine, time to love , to give to all people their joy and warmth. today is the time to forgive all wrongs, because it is already christmas in the yard, because it is already christmas in the yard, in our hearts it is christmas, christmas. christmas, christmas,
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christmas, christmas, time to love, to give, to all people. joy and warmth, time, forgive all the wrongs, because it's already christmas in the yard, because it's already christmas in the yard , in our hearts, christmas, in our hearts... their christmas, good evening,
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good evening, good evening, good evening. good evening to you, lord, rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth. son of god, be born, be born, set the tables and sickles, mothers, rejoice, oh, rejoice on earth, son of god!
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was born, and put the kalachyna from yaroivchenitsa, rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth, son of god, be born, oh, rejoice, earth, light-hearted, born, rejoice. earth, rejoice, earth , rejoice, earth, rejoice, because they will come to you, three feasts are visiting, rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth, the son of god, born, gave us all
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freedom. good luck to ukraine. oh, rejoice, earth, son of god, born. oh, rejoice, earth, son of god, be born. oh, rejoice , earth, son of god. people. we congratulate you, gentlemen, masters, that christ is born, that is ours the ukrainian nation has freed itself from the yoke, we waited happily then, and we ask god, let our ukraine bear its name, let
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it bear, let it be heard throughout the whole world, let it be glory. there are many summers in ukraine, may troubles and disagreements pass us all, and we glorify god. christ is born, let us praise him. may the most pure mary, who gave birth to us in the nativity scene, give birth to christ, glory to god in the highest,
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glory to god in the highest, and peace to all. on earth, glory to god in the highest, glory to god in the highest, and peace to all on earth, an angel from heaven appears to the shepherds, and announces this joyful news, glory the highest glory to god in the highest, and peace to all on earth, the shepherds run to the manger and bring gifts to christ in the offering, glory to
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god in the highest, glory to god in the highest, and peace to all. on earth, let us also give christ our obeisance, and together with the heavenly choir sing, glory to god in the highest, glory to god in the highest, and peace to all on earth, glory to god in the highest, glory to god in the highest, and peace to all on earth. glory to god in the highest, glory to god in the highest, and peace to all on earth, christ is born, let us praise him,
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christ is born, let us praise him, christ is born, let us praise him. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is big ether , my name is vasyl zimaim, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics today we will... we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let 's talk more, serhii zgurets is with us, and how is the world, now about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy
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, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time in order to fight for money during the war oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations , please, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news, presenters who have become familiar to many... natalka didenko ready to tell us about the weather for the day i will come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who care. espresso in the evening.
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as long as the world exists, so long the struggle of good and with... light and darkness continues, and we live the world with our love and believe that good will win, christmas is always about light, even when outside the window is a dark warlike winter, when the enemy is trying to plunge us into deep darkness, when clouds of pain and crazy fatigue hang over ukraine, there is a light, turn it on. light in your heart, let it spread throughout the world and sprout love. we ukrainians need it very much. open
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your arms, carolers are coming. good evening to you, lord, master, rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth, the son of god, born, set the tables, and all the mothers, rejoice, oh, rejoice, ze. son of god, born! tai
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put kalachi, from spring wheat, rejoice! oh, rejoice, son of god, born on earth! they are coming to you, they are visiting you for three holidays, rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth, the son of god, was born, and what is the first holiday, the birth of christ, rejoice. "oh, rejoice, earth, son of god, born, and
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that second holiday..." saint basil, rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth, son of god, was born, and what is the third holiday, holy baptism, rejoice, oh, rejoice on earth, son of god! was born, let him celebrate with us! all our family, rejoice,
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oh, rejoice earth, son of god, born, all our family, glorious ukraine, rejoice, oh, rejoice earth, son of god. i was born a long time ago, when humanity did not know smartphones and laptops, news spread from neighbor to neighbor, from house to house, they were brought by random travelers or kobzars,
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special people. the news came from the heavenly court itself, from the lord god, because for love there are no obstacles, it reaches everyone whose heart is open, across kilometers, generations, centuries, yesterday evening... and yesterday, evening, from the heavenly court, from the heavenly court, yesterday, from the evening, from the heavenly court, from the heavenly court, at'. news has come to us,
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news has come to us, a virgin has given birth to a son, a virgin has given birth to a son, news has come to us, a virgin has given birth to a son, a virgin has given birth to a son. the only son, the son of the only god, the righteous god, the righteous, the son of god.


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