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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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news came to us, news came to us, a virgin gave birth to a son, a virgin gave birth to a son, news came to us, a virgin gave birth to a son, a virgin gave birth to a son. the only son, the son of the only god, the righteous god, the righteous, the son of the only god, the righteous god.
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the righteous god, angels sing, angels sing, god, glorify god, glorify, angels sing god. they glorify god, they glorify, and we are also people, and we are also people of god, let us glorify, glory to the cherry, let us sing, and we are also people... god,
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let's glorify, glory to the cherry, let's sing, and we also the people of god, let us glorify, glory to the highest, let us sing, and we also... children of god, we glorify, glory to the highest, let us sing. on christmas holidays, we become a little like children and wait for a miracle, or we ourselves turn into magicians and save the suffering, support the weak, inspire the tired, protect.
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offended, we fill the world with love, and let it become a little kinder and happier for a while, shepherdesses at dinner, the first of all to come. in the manger on the straw they found the lord, stood, sang, praised christ, and the holy mother, stood, sang, christ was praised, and holy mother, we are all sinful people. you alone are holy, lord
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almighty, you, the father, forgive sins and grant renewal, on the day of christ's christmas. forgive for sins, and give renewal, on the day of christ's ascension. on the christmas of christ, an angel flew, he flew in the sky and sang songs, you people, celebrate , on this day carol, on the day of christ's day, you people, celebrate, on this day carol, on the day of christ's carving.
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well this bad boy that's saying thank god. celebrate on the day of christmas. you people celebrate, on this day, carol, on the day of christmas. on the day of the nativity of christ. on the day of the nativity of christ. christmas night gives. salvation to the world, and hope to each of us, and the harder the enemy tries to take it from us, the stronger our faith becomes that no one will ever be able to steal our hope and light. at a terrible price, we are regaining
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our ukrainianness, crystallizing one common dream, victory. on holy eve, christ was born, oh, god forbid, he was baptized in the water of the jordan, on easter he reported to the dawn, oh, god forbid, he went to rusalim, in rusalim and... rich people, oh, god forbid, rich people build bridges there, oh, jesus christ walks on those bridges, oh, god forbid, oh, walks, walks, the smoker wears, pam-pai,
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wa-ba-bam- pam-bye oh man, man, i owe you, oh, god forbid, i owe you , cut off your head, cut off your head, bury it in a grave, oh, god forbid, and wait by the grave for the night, when the one you killed.
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he will take his wife, his wife, and his neighbor with him, oh, god grant that all the relatives are healthy, that the house is cheerful, oh, god grant, seven worlds of stulidniks,
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welcoming the new christmas of the world and the new year , every ukrainian knows that life is a great luxury, and it is a journey with thousands of intersections and roads, with many joys and trials, and in this journey it is important to remain human, and to live in many more generations of ukrainians, who will defeat evil and become even wiser, happier, free-loving and beautiful. god is creating, who can know what, jesus is the name, mary is his mother, here the angels wonder,
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the newborn is afraid, and the ox stands and shakes, the donkey grazes vaguely, the shepherds cry. god yours, right here, right here, right here, right here, right here , mary's mother, sings beautifully, and the angelic choir even... helps, here the angels wonder, the newborn is afraid, and the ox stands and shakes, the donkey grazes vaguely, the shepherds cry in the flesh of a god, right here, right here, right here, right here, old joseph, once a child, rock, rock, little child, here the angels wonder, they are afraid of the newborn, and... she is shaking, barefoot is vaguely grazing, the pastures are clattering , i see god in the flesh, right here, right here,
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right here, right here, here, kings from the east are crying out for glory today, incense, myrrh, gold are brought, here the angels wonder, the newborn is afraid, he stands and shakes, the ambassador grazes in confusion, the pastors cry. and i see god, right here, right here, right here, right here, here , and we are brothers today, let us run to the king , let us give praise to the born god, here... angels are heard, the born one is afraid, and the ox stands shaking, the messenger is confused graze, pastures
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cry in the flesh of your god, right here, right here, right here, right here, here, our holidays with anxieties in the air and in our hearts, our pain cannot be contained inside, in every family candles of memory are lit, in memory about those who never the holy supper will come, and whose names are inscribed in our hearts, and in the heroic epic of our family. in every family, prayers for those who hold the ukrainian sky on their shoulders, our family must and will live, bringing victory closer every day, i hug you, my ukraine, you are strong, you will stand, we will win. a sad holy evening in the 46th year
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throughout our ukraine, crying at every step of sitting down to dinner. and the children ask, mother, mother, where is our father, why am i not having dinner, our father, the children, is protecting nenka, somewhere... in the east of ukraine, the holy evening is remembered. help us
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god, get over it all. muscovites from their native ukraine. drive muscovites out of their native ukraine , a sad holy evening in the year 23. you hear the heart of the world beating in ukraine, you
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see the ukrainian family standing as an unbroken wall between light and darkness, you feel the power of the world pulsating somewhere between bakhmut and kherson. you know, our family lives under the dome of love, unconquered, beautiful, strong, magical, free. give birth, o god, to rye, o god, give birth to rye, for a new summer. we will live, we will rustle rye, we will live, we will sew, we will sew, we will sew sewed, let's live , let's go around in a circle, now up to the sky, then down, come, come, come to us, mykolo, mykolo, let's go around in a circle, now
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up to the sky, then down, come, come, come to... us mykolo, mykolo, let's circle, now up to the sky, then down, come, come, come to us, mykolo, mykolo, let's circle, then up to the sky, then down, come, come, come to us mykolo, mykolo, blanket, snow, on trees and grass , so it will be so it was, because do not stop the circle, let's spend, let's spend the circle, then to heaven. come on, come on, come on to us, mykolo, mykolo, let's go in a circle, then to the sky, then down, come, come, come to us, mykolo, mykolo, where it has frozen, the spring will beat, that's how it will be, that's how it was, because we can't stop the circle, we're going , we make a circle, then
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to heaven, then to home, come, come, come to us mykolo, mykolo. let's circle in a circle, now up to the sky, then down, come, come, come to us mykola, mykola, the sun was shining, new life gave birth, so it will be, so it was , because we can't stop the circle, we're going, we're going in a circle, now up to the sky, then down , come, come, come to us, we are naked, we are in a circle, lead us in a circle, then up to the sky, then down, come, come! come, come to us, mykolo, mykolo, let's go around in a circle, then up to the sky, then down, come, come, come to us, mykolo, mykolo , let's go around in a circle, then up to the sky, then down, come, come, come to us, mykolo, mykolo, reap, let's live, let's reap, let's live, the territory is growing.
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the territory of christmas, the territory of christmas, the territory of christmas, the territory, christmas night is sown with quiet joy, lulled by tenderness and love, mother's echoes in each of us. lullaby, grandmother's tale, father's power, grandfather's wisdom. each of us cultivates the power of the family in order to pass it on to our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on as long as this crazy world stands, which is currently freezing in anticipation of the birth of the savior.
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oh leliya lelizia gave birth to jesus christ, virgin mary. virgin mary gave birth to jesus christ. oh lelia, lelia, not a little cradle, virgin
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mary. and a lot of virgin mary lullabies. oh, my dear, my dear, but the church men brought those... the glasses will be good wheels for her son, and the church men's vitreochki will be beautiful. cradles for her son, o lelia, lelia,
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you didn't have a diaper, virgin mary, you didn't have diapers, virgin mary. oh dear sister, there will be curtains in the church, there will be beautiful swaddling clothes for her son, there will be beautiful swaddling clothes in the church, look. and a son. oh, lelya, lelyzya. virgin mary gave birth to jesus, christ.
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virgin mary gave birth to jesus, christ. rejoice, heaven, rejoice on earth, christ was born, the church was built, and with three
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windows, rejoice, rejoice, heaven, earth rejoice. christ was born, the first window, the bright sun shines, rejoice, rejoice, sky, rejoice on earth, christ is born, urevikontse shines a clear moon, rejoice, rejoice, heaven,
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earth, rejoice, christ is born, in the third window, bright stars are shining. and rejoice, rejoice, heaven, earth rejoice , christ is born, angels sing , god is glorified, rejoice, rejoice, to the earth rejoice, christ is born, rejoice, heaven,
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earth rejoice, christ is born, and we all sing, god about... let's praise , rejoice, rejoice, heaven, earth rejoice, christ is born, rejoice, heaven, earth rejoice, christ on...
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guns, the muses are silent, do not believe, war is not can force us to stop feeling, speaking, singing, creating, loving, art saves us from madness and pain, it warms , illuminates, unites, it is light in the midst of darkness, harmony in the midst of chaos, it is a point of support amid the destruction of war, the ukrainian paradise is growing, and everyone from us it will grow its own tree of wisdom, knowledge and love.
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and at mr. ivan's, and in his yard, and in his yard, and a willow grew, rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth, god, was born, under the willow, there are three thrones, and the first saint. nativity of christ, rejoice, oh
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rejoice, earth, son of god, born. and the second saint is the mother of god, and the third holy day is john the baptist, rejoice, oh, rejoice on earth, son of god! born,
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born, born, there are discounts on hepargin, 10% in the pharmacies of travel bams. savings there are discounts on zzilor 10% in pharmacies plantain you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great aether. my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today.
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two hours to learn about the war. exactly and we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now about what happened in the world , yuliy fizar, yuliy dobryvechor will talk in more detail , please give me your word, two hours to keep up with economic news , time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters, that many have become familiar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us. about the weather on the day of the guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to...


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