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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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it is quite possible to confiscate these assets in favor of ukraine in this case, well, this is his point of view, you and i are not lawyers, but i think that this is also serious, and this is actually being discussed. in general, if we are talking about the decision of the united states to provide aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, negotiations for concessions continue in order to move the deadlock of this very decision, but which one? i tried to find some news about this, the latest news, they date back to december, but it said that senators, even during the holidays, during the vacations that they went on, they continue to consult, there's a group of six senators, three democrats and three republicans, who are negotiating a compromise that doesn't...
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involves aid to ukraine, as you know , which relate to changes in american immigration law, and the senate returns to work on monday, which means that then they will officially continue their conversations, and you can expect some statements to reporters, since the senators will return to washington, just reporters they will usually be asked how these cases are resolved. let's hope there will be some news next week, early next week. well, while we have the following signals, in particular, i am referring now to the spokesman of the us state department, matthew miller, who with his last speech stirred up our society a little. we will continue to support ukraine as long as it is needed. this is the policy of the united states. this does not mean that we will maintain the same level of military funding as in 2022. years, we do not believe that there is
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a need for this. the united states, according to him, is betting on independence, or, well , that kind of subjectivity, at least that is the case with our military-industrial complex in the near future, perhaps. dmytro kuleba , the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, reassures and says that there is no need to fuss, we are not talking about the 24th year, but about the overall concept of the united states. in the beginning , many helped, but then... we are watching how ukraine takes the initiative in this sense , do you have certain fears here? i have no, and i think that dmytro koleb is right, the fact is that as i see this quote from mittya miller in ukraine, someone twisted it, someone does not give it completely. the fact is that he really, he was referring to the future, which is uncertain, because he said that the...
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of the united states is for ukraine to be a free, democratic state, for it to stand firmly on its own two feet, so it is in the interests of the united states states to ensure the possibility for ukraine to produce ammunition and weapons in ukraine, but he emphasized further, you quoted his texts, but this about halfway through what he said, he goes on to say that we are nowhere near there and so we must continue to help. in ukraine, at least at the same level as it was in 22-23 years, that is, this is a strategic goal for the long term, but it is not at all about the administration advocating that aid to ukraine be reduced now, the point is on the contrary, in these 60, more than 60 billion dollars, which the administration is asking congress to allocate for aid to ukraine, the money is wasted on military aid. the request
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has increased almost one and a half times, and on the allocation of weapons under the pda program , under which weapons are simply transferred from the pentagon, and the order of weapons through the program of assistance to ukraine in the field of security, the white house is asking to increase these expenditures for the 24th year, that is, they plan to provide more weapons to ukraine in the 24th th year, than, than even. on the 23rd , it seems to me that the expenditures were slightly reduced, well, in this request of the white house for other types of aid, there for direct financial aid, humanitarian aid, but it is precisely for military aid that the white house requests an increase in expenditures on the 24th year. let's talk, mr. igor , about what exactly is happening in american politics, because this week it just became known that the president of the... of the united states,
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donald trump, the former president of the united states, donald trump, he can win the support of the supreme court usa to rule out the possibility of non-admission. before the previous elections, before the primaries in those american states where the authorities have already made such a decision, well, for now it is the state of colorado, there is also the state of maine. how in principle the supreme court of the united states states can support trump, or could it be that the decision of the supreme court will become sensational and really for the first time in the history of the candidate for the position of the president of the united states will not be allowed to participate in the election campaign? look, i would be glad if it were so, that's how. you just said, but, i'm not a lawyer, but i think that the supreme court is in favor of trump in this case, unfortunately, well, the point is that whatever the ideological views, the ideological beliefs of the supreme
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court justices, they are judges after all, they follow the law, the point is that trump's pre-election ban, according to the third part of the 14th amendment. to the constitution of the united states, since trump has not been found guilty by any court of law of having participated in rebellion against the united states, it is subject to interpretation by specific officials, such as the state of maine, the state's secretary of state, which is responsible for conducting elections, or the particular court, the supreme court of the state of colorado, which in response. suspended trump at the request of several public organizations from participation in the primaries. the supreme court may interpret it differently. i think that since there is no court verdict against trump, no guilty verdict against trump about his participation in the rebellion against the united states, then
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the supreme court will most likely say that, well, since there is no conviction, then it cannot be said that he participated in the rebellion against the united states. so, he, he can take. participation in the elections, although i would be happy if he did not participate in the elections . tell me, please, how much in general in the united states such decisions can be based, in particular, on the personalities of the judges of the supreme court, because well, i will just remind you that a certain part of them was appointed during the term of office of donald trump, we in ukraine are used to believing that you know who the judge was appointed for, that he will be in... in any way fence off where he can afford it, i hope that this tradition is already slowly changing in our country, but can something like this even exist in the states, or is there still an institution above all else, and despite the fact that the judges are absolutely specific people, they will be governed exclusively by norms
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law, i think the latter is true, even though three of the nine supreme court justices are trump appointees, but if even the supreme court...holds trump in this case, it's not because these justices are trump appointees, after all, they are judges, and if there is a law that clearly says something, they can't go against the law, even if they don't like the law, and there have been times when this supreme court has ruled against trump, more than once , this supreme court, let's say it was ruling against trump on appeal trump of the election results of the 20th year, he made decisions about... before trump, when trump did not want to provide, say, his tax returns, and several more times, that is, when there is a law, then the judges, who would be their ideological beliefs, no matter who appointed them, they are still judges, they are simply
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guided by the law, when there is no clear law in some cases, then they can be guided by their beliefs, their feelings, how these or other things should be interpreted, but when there is clearly a law, then i think that at least the vast majority of supreme court justices will be guided by the existing, existing law, well, there is also the question of public trust, you remember that the supreme court of the united states once made a decision of absolute principle for the future of the country in the case of gore v. bush, when the vice president of the united states, albert gore , tried to... deny the victory of george bush jr. in the election of the head of the american state, the court ruled in favor of bush, not grief, but many people in the american media at that time talked about what the decision was made because there is a conservative majority in the court, and the majority of judges are appointed by presidents, republicans
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, then movies were made about it, about a stolen victory, it became such a meme, and if the court now makes such a decision in favor of trump, will it not turn out that most of the us media will say that the judges did it precisely because... the majority of the justices of the united states supreme court are appointed by republican presidents, the judges are appointed by the presidents, the democrats are in the minority. and i think the media can do that to speak, completely, is completely. perhaps , as i agree that the decision in favor of bush in 2000, it was then more ideological than based on laws, although bush won in florida quite honestly, there was a recount later, he won about 500 more votes, but there was no clear definition, because it was the first time in history, no, it wasn't regulated in any way, so it was just... a case where judges could rely on their beliefs,
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conscious or subconscious, and i think if there will be a decision in trump's favor in this case, there won't be, of course there will be media who will not like it, they will say that it is precisely because there are three judges appointed by trump, and most of the judges are appointed by republican presidents, well i again- i still think that the vast majority of judges will use the law if there is a clear definition in the law, they will use this clear definition, even if they don't like the law. well, it seems that, if we are talking about candidates from each of the parties, then from the democrats understand everything. actually, joseph biden is the current president of the united states. but with the republicans, it is still not completely clear, in particular for the reasons we just talked about. what are the main trends now, at this stage... we understand that they may change in the coming months, already literally at
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the beginning of spring, super tuesday, i think it will be very interesting to watch, and what are the main trends now, what is the public mood now in relation to republican candidates, trump has a high support, but is it unanimous enough to talk about the finality of his nomination? it is not uniform, but the support is so great that i think it is possible to talk about no appeal at all , because on january 15, the first primaries, not caucus primaries, are not held, caucuses are held there, such party meetings are held, people come to meetings, vote for candidates from his party, and trump will definitely win them, after that he will start winning in will be one of... state by state he will win everywhere, maybe he won't win somewhere
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republican primaries, well in very blue democratic states, where republicans can be more moderate, well, but he has an undeniable advantage, that is, there are approximately 39 million registered republicans in the country, and of them approximately 25 million support trump, it does not matter to them at all , what trump is doing, that he's... says that he's getting out, it doesn't matter to them that he's charged with a 91st felony, they're going to support him, unfortunately, that's the problem, because trump is a response to the demand of large number of people, the problem is not trump himself, the problem is that there is a demand for trump, well, there are others, if we look at other candidates, well let's say further, like literally yesterday or the day before yesterday, the candidate... ramasswamy, the republican who he positions himself so that he is the same as trump
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so that trump voters will support him, but he is young, handsome, that is why he is more energetic, he said that he will withdraw the united states from nato, that is, if he becomes president, well, you see, they differ very little from each other, the candidate running in second place is florida governor ron desantis. he 's always relying on, and he's emphasizing that, he's only going to rely on, as he says, conservative voters, that he 's standing up for conservative interests, which is, by the way, the complete opposite of how president joe biden positions himself, because he says , that i am the president of all americans, i will be the president of all americans, i will defend. the interests of all americans, well, there is also the candidate that we see on the screen right now, nikki haley, who, by the way, supports very sincerely
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ukraine, but when, say, at various republican debates or in her speeches, domestic political matters are discussed, she is absolutely there in the very, very right sector, there where trump is, where desantis is, where ramaswamina is, so that the majority of the republican party is such that it does not support ideas other than... well, literally reactionary ideas regarding domestic political matters, i think that if nothing changes. so trump is, he is the undisputed leader, and he will be the republican nominee, which, what can change something, is sentencing possible if he is found guilty of felony charges, well the first trial is set for march 4th, it will most likely be delayed because trump has filed
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an appeal, which will be heard next tuesday by the circuit court of appeals colombia. he appealed, he claims that if he did something as president, it doesn't matter what he did, that he's immune, ah, well, he'll probably be denied by the appeals court and then denied by the supreme court, but he, he can delay the start of the trial process, which is his goal, in fact, he wants to postpone the trial until after the election, but another trial is scheduled for march 25 in new york, this is in the jurisdiction. of the state of new york regarding his fraud , falsification of financial documents, and this crime was committed before he became president, that is, he will not be able to delay this process here and there, but if there are guilty verdicts, it will still not distract from trump trumps those who like him, among
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the republicans, among those roughly 25 million people, but it can ... turn away from him independent voters, non-party voters, and it could significantly reduce his chances of winning the election in november, so that could affect and what happens, and everything else, i think not, because neither rondosan nor nicky haley , they actually have no chance to overtake trump in the primaries, they can argue for the second place, well, there are rumors that trump can offer, say... together with him, several, several newspapers and tv programs have reported about this recently, well, it is unknown , whether it will or not, if it will, it means that trump wants, will want to rely on such classic republicans, more moderate, who
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support nicky kelly, but he is the undisputed leader among the republicans. of kants, he is supported by the majority of registered republicans, who will choose their party's presidential candidate in the primaries, and thank you, mr. igor, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, was in touch with us, thank you once again, well, we remind you that we are closely following what is happening in the united states, because, well, there is really a lot in ukraine depends on the processes there, and... dmytro chikalkin, a diplomat, translator, tv presenter, blogger, in addition, the first consul of ukraine in israel, i'm just reminding you, congratulations, mr. dmytro, glory to ukraine, heroes glory, good evening, friends , congratulations, mr. dmytro, we will talk with you about this social disturbance in connection with the bad jokes of our humorists, here it is
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not only quarter 95, this diesel show, and this is such a contemptuous attitude towards ukrainians, for which has to apologize, and on the other hand, in in other countries, people are used to such harsh jokes on themselves, and they, i would say part of the media space, some charlie hebdo magazine there, laugh at the french, in a way that we never dreamed, why are we so sensitive, as you think, well, the first thing is that we are going through the most tragic period of our modern history, you know, i have always repeated this formula that in addition to a sense of humor, it is also important to have a sense of ... tact and a sense of measure. and the fact that in other circumstances might not have disturbed the population, but today even there it is, well, compared to with ebanito sticks, ukraine is a porn actress or tomos thermos, these were quite such, one might say, more serious jokes, yes, that is, there was no such indignation at the time when we heard
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that there was a slogan glory to ukraine, which we just greeted in... .. let me remind you, in the programs of the 95th quarter, they ridiculed him , they said that it was necessary in order to free up space in the lviv toilets of the time, yes, but then the society read it, and they treated it leniently and there was no such wave of concern and indignation , which is actually led to what it led to, because i've always said that we underestimate the role of this... technological tool which is humor, and which, unfortunately, is being used today by the russian, continues to be used by the russian federation, i.. . at one time , he cited these astronomical figures, which let’s say gazprom media paid simply paid kishenkov and putin’s media structure through promedia paid 350 million
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dollars simply for the copyright on kamedi club, well, that is, what were the rates for kona and there at one time for the same disgraceful tv series servant of the people, which was recently mentioned in the russian wikipedia. it is written that the main fable of this series is the contrast between such a slovenly, stupid ukrainian, the thieving zavhar budek , and the luminary of russian civilization, the great russian culture, professor academician kovalev. that is , 10 million dollars were allocated for the production of one season, or rather two seasons of this series per year, that is, i am a person who, well, was engaged in production, including that. and tv product, and radio product, the internet projects, uh, i understand how far these numbers are from reality, that is, well,
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unfortunately, i well understood that this does not happen so simply by chance, yes, that it is, unfortunately, this kind of political-technological operation, which aims to manipulate public opinion so that people do not watch this series. in-laws, understood that we all live here somehow in one, one people, as zelensky said, yes, one, one jokes, one culture, one, even there was a currency, that ’s what putin said, that’s another president, well, why zelensky repeated it in his, there to the infamous broadcast in donetsk in april 14th, yes, he spoke the same language, the same people, that is, he has been here for me since those times, when he first... walked on stage then, well, what i saw him and for what my classmates, graduates of our military institute of foreign languages ​​in moscow, immediately drew attention
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, when he stood up, he fell on his knees and shouted: "vladimir vladimirovych, take me away from this unfortunate ukrainy", then they also said: "now the card will be against the guy", yes, that is, there is nothing here for me it was not surprising, especially since i, unfortunately, understood... er, that this political-technological tool of public opinion manipulation is used for one reason or another and because of the fact that the role of my project of vasiliy yats and the operation was appreciated there professor in 2004, when the late gleb pavlovsky was summing up his politico-technological activity here, as the then head of political technologists of yanukovych's staff, he said that he called me then the blockbuster fuhrer of the orange revolution. said that we really broke the psychological barrier the situation in the country, because back in september 2004, almost 60% of ukrainians there were ready
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to vote for yushchenko, the then candidate, yes, but only 15% believed in his victory, that is, i personally perceived it as such an insult, like a slap, like society signed off on its own helplessness, and that's why it's okay. to say, returned to political technology, because he moved away from it at one time there in 2001, but he really appreciated it gleb pavlovsky highly and asked such a question in this interview, he says: and why russia is not doing anything against the enemy, why are we not doing anything to protect russian interests in ukraine, and then, i often remember this story, oksana marchenko once told about it. it was medvedchuk who invited the entire management team of the 95th quarter to his home in puscha azornaya, and then
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the project sickle on eggs appeared in mm on the internet. it is interesting that now you will not find any mention of this project on the internet, but if you type sarp on eggs on youtube, you will see works of this art, which will eventually be used by these themselves. the content that they accumulated in six months was used in the very first season of the 95th quarter, which was filmed here in the october palace, and on the eve of the then parliamentary company, it came out just under the banners of this block, and completely repeated in its messages those main what are the ideas of the speakers of this bloc, first of all there are medvedchuk, boyko and shufrych, do you remember this advertisement, they said that we only have russia... that we need ukraine, that the west, the west of the west, ukraine is needed as a nuclear waste dump , that is, unfortunately, the same narratives, messages that passed later in...
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during the years of the activity of the 95th quarter, and that i, as a former diplomat there , was so outraged that in these three seasons of this infamous project servant of the people in the period when already 7% of the ukrainian territory was occupied, but in those dozens of series there is no hint of russia as a factor of security, danger for ukraine, the main, main threat to the ukrainian state is the imf, remember? as zelensky sends there, or rather holoborotko eloquently sends this head of the imf there in the first place an erotic tour, or how they meet in geneva, in this big hall, in the world bank, and they tell zelensky that your only place is to grow corn there, yes, zelensky beats his chest there, shouts, yes, we are a missile state , we want to produce rockets, they say to him, no, know your place, yes, that is, who was in the interpretation of these screenwriters, screenwriters,
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that is... which is not surprising and unfortunate, citizens of russia, the same kiryushchenko, a citizen of russia , who has now been appointed there, even appointed as the head of some of our film industry there in to ukraine, but he was the main producer and screenwriter of this series, that is , things were so obvious, that is, the very fact that zelenskyi during his 25 years of activity as a satirist never... never made a sharp joke about putin, we didn't we will see in none, well, that is, if we compare even with our project funny eggs, then the second character after yanukovych was the odious putin, in our masks these were cartoon masks, all of them - blanks for making cartoons, they were just for in order to highlight this terrible role
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played by this character in the history of ukraine, but zelensky mocked ukrainian politicians and staged the poho burial of the same poroshenko, i will remind you in one of these episodes of his series, where he mocked over his parents, as it were , the late poroshenko and his children, i in general, when i saw his joke about the fact that they had some kind of sketch about how poroshenko's children got into an accident. i don't know, i have four children, i would, like poroshenko, if he did joked, i would, i don't know what i would do with him, who, if i found myself on the same stage with him, as it was in poroshenko, the question, sir, mr. dmitry, well, charlie hebdo makes much tougher jokes about the french politicians, against the background of which the funeral of a living politician looks absolutely childish, you remember that editor,
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they laughed at the prophet muhammad. they laughed at sarkazy, i will remind you that when the son of president sarkazy, it was a famous story, met his there future bride, they said that he was ready to convert to judaism for the sake of this bride's money, there was such a caricature, but this is not done at the expense of the state, in our issue , it is not enough that it is done at the expense of the state, well, we as taxpayers we pay to finance today the tv channel , the owner of which... is possibly the most wanted criminal in financial corruption cases in the world, yes, let me remind you that the western press calls mr. kolomoisky, who ultimately led to the victory of this 95th quarter, the operator of the biggest money laundry scheme in the world bank in history, the largest money laundering scheme in the history of the world banking system, that is, today we finance
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the channel from our own pockets. which belongs to a corrupt oligarch, and on this channel there is a studio owned by its ukrainian president, and he jokes for our money in such a way that it outrages a normal part of ukrainian society, that is, it is completely inappropriate, i am here now, well not only now, i i have been following the most successful, in my opinion, satirical project for 20 years today in the world, this is the israeli eresneder project, this is a wonderful country, so what are they doing now, this three months after the start of this hamas attack, all of them, before the main object of their satire was there natanya or there dina rosenblum, there there are show business stars, politicians, and today, well , their latest skits, which are gaining millions of views on youtube, are devoted precisely to the coverage of this financial
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background. for the activities of hamas, i remain a multi-billionaire and


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