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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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they steal, well, this is also a story about kirkorov and baske, who simply cover other people's songs, then they are sued for plagiarism, well, that's how they covered someone else's swimsuit, but it's really such a nuisance, and it also speaks of a certain level, i would say perception , by the way, i'm very glad that when we showed some footage from transcarpathia of this very similar party, listen, well, people are doing something you don't like, why are they doing it anyway? thus relieve themselves of stress, we know these people, because if we also start talking, you know, we have during you don't need to do anything about the war, you can't march and cry, by the way, i absolutely believe that we can face such things, i remember very well how in the lviv tram, i was driving and musicians came in, playing some completely ordinary song ukrainian
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and then some woman started shouting to them that they should not play here, my son died, i absolutely believe that such an emotional reaction, if you lose a child, then the next day you go on a tram and hear music, you don't want to at all, for someone to sing something and what, you don't want someone to live i'm sorry, it's such an emotional reaction that again and again people who think they have to live, they also have to realize that other people may not want that, yes, because there's been a huge loss and it's such a wound in society, which... will be very difficult to heal, and it must be clearly said that since this war will continue for a long time, and there will be great losses among people, the number of people who will want others not to live will increase geometrically progression, this is our such a military reality, because, unlike russia, we are at war , but russia, too, is a war of mutual attrition, in russia, too, there will be more and more people who will lose their parents, brothers, husbands, and they... too
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will not wanting others to witness something, this is the reality that russia and ukraine are like siamese twins who are at war with each other, and in which more and more graves will live for the next decades, this is the reality, but deep down, from those people , who were not so affected by the war, and this is me talking about ukraine now i will say, because in russia all this will be decided by the party and putin, so to speak, is tolerant. to those who experience and will experience grief, because it is from these people that the atmosphere in society depends, not from those who experienced this grief, because it is very difficult for these people who experience this grief to think in such categories, they live in the emotional world of loss and it takes time for the feeling of this loss to heal, and this is again the case for many people, as we know after the second world war, it is for... years of a decade,
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it is still very important that the culture does not cultivated, because the soviet culture cultivated it and did not give people the opportunity to get out of this emotional trap of emptiness, and in our country, in some year, in some 75 or 80, valentina tolkunova was sung at concerts, but no matter how we live a friend without the second, if there was no war, well, you understand, imagine it. you lost your fiance, you are a young woman, and you hear it, you are already 60 years old, but you had the right to live life afterwards, even if your youth was scorched by war, and the state did not give you this right, they always wanted you were a despondent widow, at least in your head , even if you succeeded, you still had to live in sorrow, and this is an absolutely short-lived attitude towards... own citizens, which
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was still there, precisely because it was such an attitude, they could easily move to a new stage of war because it keeps people traumatized, prevents them from healing their wounds. mr. vitaly, unfortunately, time is pressing us, and there are a few more topics that definitely cannot do without your analysis, the exchange of prisoners is very large-scale and with the help, in particular, of the united arab emirates, they say in gur, it is interesting, saudi arabia and the emirates and their role in... the processes between ukraine and russia, what do you say? i think that the role of the emirates is absolutely logical for the simple reason that after erdogan gave our president the commanders of azov, well, russia could decide that he is not interesting for her as an intermediary in exchange processes. but at the same time, putin is now interested in cooperation with the emirates of saudi arabia. assets, money. property, the price of
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oil, there is a lot of everything there, it is absolutely not by chance, putin chose the emirates and then saudi arabia for his first visit to the borders of the post-soviet space and china. i have not been anywhere else, only in the emirates and in saudi arabia. so, now the question arises, when this happens, when the emirates understand that putin is interested in them, and they need to increase their international prestige, then they can in turn demand from him his participation in the exchange to show that they can no less than the president of turkey, even more so for its president... khahayana, this is another important moment, because he needs to balance between the united states and russia to turn a blind eye to some of their offshores there and so on, in the west, that is, he needs to be useful there and useful there, against the fact that putin does not want
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saudi arabia or the emirates to increase oil production, which he ultimately - the rest why not give him 230 ukrainians? that's why he takes them prisoner, in fact, both civilians and military. of course, it is for him, there may simply be different considerations, for which we give hostages. we can exchange them for coins once, remember? it was very it is important that this gas process does not turn into an opportunity to interrogate tsemakh. so. and that's why he was even ready to ... vatysentsov, but he got his way, because one way or another the process could not establish the involvement of the highest political and military leadership of russia in the destruction of the plane , the swich game was worth it, so now is a new moment
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when someone so obvious should be released no need, medvedchuk is not there, huh, but there is interest from arabs from the emirates and saudi arabia. leaders of their own international prestige, he can make them such a gift? yes, maybe, if they promise not to raise the price of oil, not to increase oil production, if he knows for sure that he will be able to earn a certain number of billions of dollars, spend the economy on military reals, build a certain number of missiles without any, and to provide nothing, so this, and this does not mean that it does not need to be used, it is necessary, because it will still negotiate with
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the emirates from saudi arabia, it is very good that our diplomacy was able to dispose of their own some wishes, their own intentions, that interests have converged here. ukraine, yes, the united arab emirates and the russian federation. but now we have to understand that turkey's opportunities there, they are limited, as a neutral intermediary, so i don't really understand why president erdogan says that he has to fight for the regime, to stop, to limit switzerland's opportunities because it imposed sanctions against the russian federation , until recently, switzerland could represent the interests of georgia in moscow after the diplomatic break. between georgia and russia, now in russia clearly says that they do not consider switzerland a neutral country, this is the first time in history, ugh, that is, the number of countries able to act as mediators between moscow and kiev is becoming fewer and fewer, with the speed of this war, there may
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simply not be any left, because everyone is somehow starting to define themselves, not many who can afford to stay. in the center, without choosing positions, as it is called, positions, only here are such rich countries as the united arab emirates or saudi arabia, which are needed by everyone, and biden, and putin, and us, and so everyone can turn a blind eye to some of their actions that do not suit him, putin will not quarrel with the emirates, he can afford to supply gas to turkey, well, that's simple logic. only business, nothing personal, and it is a great happiness that thanks to such an event, a certain number of people saw their relatives, their friends, and about the development of events in the middle east, a rather high
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hamas official was destroyed in beirut, this is a person which was responsible for the paramilitary wing, and this is definitely a success of the israeli special services, in particular, the united states of america in the person of kirby actually emphasize that, in compliance with all international rules and norms, israel has the right to act as it deems necessary. i do not know whether such actions will continue with what frequency, i understand that these are established goals, the goals of israel, but less about whether this liquidation has undermined something, changed something in the course of the conflict now? i think that specifically she cannot change anything personally, because hamas has a collective leadership, there is sinwar, who sits in the gas, there is khaniya, who is the head of the organization, his deputy, the second person. to what extent it should then be understood that the hamas politburo
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is a collective body, and there is always a question , the most important one, to which we do not have an answer, and what happens next, even if this politburo is destroyed, i think that israel will do it, because they never will not forgive the death of its citizens and the fact that they are taking hostages, all these people, they will be destroyed sooner or later, almost all of them, maybe someone will remain exactly as they left. the israelis once tried to kill him agents in jordan, the jordanians were detained , they were given antidote, then there was a whole story, but after that he was not in any danger, but in this situation, you see, the problem is that hamas relies on the support of the population, something like this... the program of hatred and destruction of israel is supported by the vast majority of residents of the gas sector,
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so when they say, you know, the israeli military, we will destroy hamas, we will provide security ourselves, and there will be a palestinian administration, i think that this is an unlikely option for this simple reason, that if there is population, she has no understanding of how this population will be when this population wants to live with its own problems, and not with the problems of the destruction of israel, we do not know that, but we talked to you. about the united arab emirates, if you look closely at the gas sector and the united arab emirates, it's about the same area, uh, in the gas sector or better climate conditions, ports, in 2005 the last israeli soldier left this area , it came under full palestinian self-government, unlike the west bank of the river, and here with the obvious the desire of the west and the global south to help them with money, in principle there could be... new emirates to the envy of israel, that the palestinians can live like this, there is not even
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a state, but there are just ports, gardens, trade, education, a university, everyone was ready to give any amount of money, which was used by the people of the gas sector, to turn their sector into a springboard for attacks on israel, and the people voted for it because they voted for parliament. elections , almost the entire population of the sector, in the west on the banks of the jordan river there was still such a branch, but in gaza there was clear support for hamas, hamas, vote for us and we will destroy israel, us, vote for us and we will do everything possible to destroy israel, they are fulfilling their campaign promises, well this is the choice of the society, in parallel, however, they also destroy a large part of the residents, like the gas sector, the residents become shahedis, we know all this logic. well, what are you going to do, huh, and that's what the people of the morning say, that's what they say in the gas sector, that's what
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everyone says, it's great to become a shahed, that more, no need to thank the leadership of ham for providing such an opportunity, money, flows of money, where do they go, to the families of suicide terrorists, every mother wants to have a suicide terrorist in her family, because there will be a lot of money , which can be used for other children, and you and how to solve it? i know, i don't see any, but i don't see any political preconditions for ending the russian-ukrainian war, i don't see any political conditions for ending the conflict in the gas sector, maybe even in some time to achieve some kind of military success, but since such are the moods of the population, as the population of the gas sector wants to destroy israel, as the population of russia wants to destroy ukraine, there is no chance, it will end, we have to learn to live with it as it is. the question for both ukrainians and israelis is how they will be able to deal with this, whether they will be able to, how long they will be able to
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deal with it, but this is such a real conflict, there are such conflicts that everything ends at the negotiating table, do not reach for the table break with hamas, they were already at the table with him negotiated several times in a row, they agreed on a truce, about this, about that, about allowing the residents of gaza to work in israel, then these residents of gaza, together with hamas militants , killed those who gave them work. who treated their children with his own money, imported gas from the sector to the israeli hospital, all this was already fine, let's negotiate again, the same with putin, we can negotiate with him, i... er, i have a hard time imagining how from the western point of view, i mean the world, about the truce, but there comes a point when we find out what he decides, that he doesn't need a truce anymore and will start attacking us again, well, that's the reality we live in, so here, to be honest, i think it's not a matter of destroying a particular hamas leader, so you made a point about the request,
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so societies of people. a request for violence, when you want to kill your opponent more than mind your own business soldier, she said that we will be able to live in peace with the palestinian arabs, then, with the arabs in general, when they will want the lives of their children more than our deaths, this famous aphorism, i don't i am sure that this aphorism is suitable for a country like iran, for example, what do you think, by the way? on this account, because despite the fact that iran is such a pillar of the same, one of the feet, the axis of evil, things are still happening there that indicate that many people in this country would not like that path, who was elected by its leadership, and literally on january 3 there was a big attack,
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in particular, on the procession to the cemetery where he is buried... ksm suleimani is a general who, on the fourth anniversary, it seems, of his death, in 2020, he was eliminated, and this was a very influential person who could probably argue with influence only with the leaders of the number two state in the country, such an iranian beri, if you consider stalin's toluhomania, in a word, what kind of incident do you think it was, is it connected with resistance, so with use. violence, because it's 84 people dead, and it's, i think , the most frequent act of violence since the 70s, actually, since the 80s, 80s, yeah, you know what the problem is? iran, the islamic revolution in iran is a typical bolshevik revolution, which is based on violence, because how
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bolshevik audience, the party seized power in the country. she intimidated her opponents, she subjugated her army, she created effective secret services, and we don't know how long all this could have lasted if it weren't for the second world war, because as you understand, there were still a lot of people in the soviet union, too , who hated everyone and were ready to kill, they were just that, only 30, 3-4 years had passed since the bolshevik coup, and since the time when they more... fully established their power there, it was no more than 20 years, then there was the second world war, and it changed everything , as you understand, the soviet union has already left the second world war, so to speak, completely reformatted, this is unity in the fight against the aggressor, the fact that many people, by the way, remained outside the soviet union , from those who could have lived in the occupied
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territories, well, that was another story, let's not talk about it, iran... exists in such a state without there they tried to make such an analogue of the second world war, the war with iraq precisely for this , ugh, but it's still not true, the iranian dictatorship exists without the war in this form has been going on for how many years in 1979, and of course this dissatisfaction that exists among the youth, which exists among the people who remained in it is a whim of internal emigration, and their children no longer want to be in internal emigration. many radical groups, both anti-islamist and left-wing, the same party, the iranian people's party, the former communist party, has not been completely destroyed, there is also the iranian mujahideen, all of this exists, they just exist without us seeing it , but we see that there can be any explosion of dissatisfaction, as it was recently, which can only
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be suppressed by force, only by force, plus internal conflicts, it must be understood that the iranian... clans are at war with each other at the very top of the islamic republic, and let's say, now, when it comes to the fact that ayatollah khamani in dire straits, and there is always the question of who will succeed him, say the current president raisi, or the former president rafsanjani, ugh, who is considered a much more cautious, moderate person, why. on the side will be the islamic revolution guards corps, whom will he support army, then these people may want to kill each other using their own opportunities, their own connections with the opposition special service. and this is a complicated story , but again, well, why are we surprised by this, well , let me remind you again that we know little about what happened in the soviet union, but when
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we look carefully at the latest research , we understand that there was internal party opposition even there until the 41st year, what they were preparing as they fought against stalin in the system itself, well, it is true, but stalin shot almost all the members of the politburo of lenin's time, not for nothing, that just because he considered... competitors, enemies and so on, the same thing is happening here, so in this regard, iran does not look, iran looks stable, only as long as its power apparatus is stable, because iran basically just a violent state in which you can feel more or less normal as long as you fully comply with the norms and respect the power of government and... and moral, so to speak, uh, guidelines for your behavior, so what but it is not just about the fact that you do not oppose the authorities, you still have it is correct
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to wear a headscarf, so for some reason i remembered kirkorov, well, i said that he is an orthodox taliban, okay, and by the way, you know that putin, we know this famous story, as putin, you understood what he should look like system of power in russia, this is after the visit of dtgaran, he met with aitola khamania. realized that ayatollah khamenei was not the president of the country, the national leader, the supreme leader, after that putin began to be called the national leader, and it was after this that he decided to abandon this model, which he inherited from yeltsin, when he i played there, oh, i was the president for two terms, and now there will be a prime minister, and the president is medvedev, we have a democratic republic here, we change places here, well, in iran , no one changes places. because he is a lifelong faqih, ugh, and the same with putin, he is a national leader, it is the same as the supreme leader of the islamic republic of iran,
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russia is copying iran, iran itself, and that is why the role of patriarch kirill is, that is why everyone walks with flags back and forth, that is why they expel, by the way, as in iran, from the russian church those priests who say that fighting is a sin, it is forbidden to serve it. this is absolutely a remake, if they say that putin is recreating stalin’s regime, no, he is recreating khamenei’s regime, he likes it, and right under his nose, well, that’s right, and our regular column: my efforts to quarrel portnikov with the polish people, that’s what you said last time once, this happens every time when i try to start a conversation about what is happening at our border, actually make jokes, but while we are talking, information has come out... that the minister of agriculture and rural development cheslav sikerskyi and subcarpathian voivode tereza kubasgul signed an agreement with the farmers who were blocking the border with ukraine at the
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sheghini medica checkpoint. what the farmers get in return depends on their demands: subsidies for corn in the amount of 1 million zlotys, an increase in lending by 2.5 billion zlotys, maintaining the size of the agricultural tax at the level of 2023 . ukrainians are exhaling and waiting for the border to be unblocked, these farmers are not morzotniks, i have nothing against their conditions, and then you will accuse me of being you i'm arguing, no, but why are they blocking exactly our border, come on, they would block the apartment of this minister of agriculture, or the carpathian voivodeship, or some other border, why are they blocking exactly the border of this country, which is at war in poland, there are many borders. they could block the border with the kaliningrad region, if they feel like it, or with anyone, or not only the border, i don't know, there are many opportunities
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to block something, it has always been in poland, i would say, the poles are the most, i would say , are so picky about their stocks protest, they, they created solidarity, why on our cordo, we say, well, yes, now to fulfill, these conditions apply to us, no, they do not apply to us. not us, you know, as this american senator said to zelensky, who was it, one of our friends in the congress, who said, what are you doing here, we are thinking about the border with mexico, by the way, and you are all right , we support you, we are the best friends of ukraine, we just need to put pressure on biden, you are useless here, so are the farmers... and we are useless here, we are now we just get subsidies, we want money, and you sit there without fuel, without goods, we don't care, we get money, we will, we lazy people will not give up.
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and this has nothing to do with the polish people, it is simply the behavior of certain groups of people who simply want to be paid money to allow children and women who are effectively under economic blockade not to die here from the lack of necessary goods , but the fact that now the polish government is actually going to meet and satisfy these demands shows that... the government the previous one, in fact, obviously had his own motives for not suppressing these requests, the truth is another testimony for the previous government and others, by the way, demands were made, well, yes, and now you also have to understand, the current government, it is also in a pre-election state, we all the time too, i think, but how will this government be able to make all these decisions when it has local elections soon, then there will be...
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presidential elections, and also elections to the european parliament, if you are constantly in an election situation, then you are constantly meeting with blackmail, uh, and this, this a question that we could quite easily ask all the politicians of today's europe, the united states of america, who you want to be politicians, or statesmen, if your main goal is to win elections. well, you are doing everything right, great, you will definitely win, if your goal is to win the war with russia, to prevent it from intensifying, and you are ready to sacrifice your power with mandates, you will have to make unpopular decisions, by the way, this is what we tell our own leadership all the time, we can say the same thing to the united states, and the countries of the european union, if you do not want the russian federation to occupy
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the former soviet republics and strengthen. to the capabilities of the soviet union , we sometimes say that the soviet union was already, it is not true, the soviet union had a gross national product that could be compared with the gross national product of the united states of america, and could therefore look like a threat, now such a threat is not russia and china, but if russia collects everything, then its mobilization potential will increase, ukraine is currently there 25. 30 million people live in uzbekistan, 40 million live there, 35 there, these are big numbers, this is not a joke, if russia transforms, returns to the year 91, then the future with such a russia will have to be taken into account much more seriously than with the current russian federation, and this is what putin wants, who sees these numbers, these possibilities, and he is acting absolutely competently in terms of returning to
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these er... scales, if we talk about his appetites, and why does the west not notice this, why blink all the time i explain that why we should win, in this confrontation, not because russia will reach uzhhorod and attack poland , no, there will be no need to attack, the farmers will vote for the right politician who will say that we should negotiate with moscow, if it is already here, if it is so strong, that's what can happen, political can happen revolution without any attack. in central europe and not only, and that is why i want to call on all politicians to make responsible decisions if they do not want to live in such a strange world, khrystyna, thank you, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov and the saturday political club, see you, all to you the best
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greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk and this is a program of my own name, a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. so, today the topic we want to talk about is ukrainian wartime humor and the post-colonial syndrome. what i mean is, for years and decades, the russian empire, through its literature, art, later the soviets... the empire through its show business, comedy shows, kvn and so on, portrayed ukrainians as such wretched scumbags with herrings, with mustache who chew lard and so on, it has been since time, it is not a decade, it is a century, because if we take ukrainians, heroes of classical russian literature, for example ferdyshchenko in dostoevsky, if you do not know,


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