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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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this is how it should be evaluated, but actually i have a personal problem with these and these humorous shows that we are talking about, that there is a complete lack of understanding of any ethics and understanding of the context in which you create this humor, but have you read the comments on youtube, actually under these sketches, where people don't understand, people say that what's the matter here, it gives us an opportunity... not to go by the kokukha, i'm sorry, it gives you an opportunity, it absolutely does not humiliate us, and it's cool for us and that's all, and well, thousands of people write, support these actors, there are this, there is this, well, you know, always, when people ask me about history or culture, what to do, i always have a disappointing, disappointing answer, only slow enlightenment, well, there are no revolutionary ways here, this you just have to... overcome
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it step by step, but uh, well, on the other hand, you see, we can talk about some theories, uh, theories of colonialism, post-colonial traumas and so on and the like, but when you well, you turn on, you turn on this new year's edition of the quarter, and there, to the tune of the falcons, they sing about the shit of the patron, well, it's not that it's not funny, it's just... it's disgusting, and it's just in a vacuum, well, it's, it's, uh, it's not funny, uh, it just seems to me that the problem is that if a person's melody a falcon means nothing, yes, if it is not her cultural code, yes, then she will never understand the person for whom it is a cultural code, yes, whether it is, or there, say, the famine is a sacred thing, with which you can't. it wouldn't occur to you to just
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say señor holodomor, absolutely, and here, and here i think, this is a problem that is very it is difficult to decide, because we have to accept the fact that there are several socio-cultural groups of people in ukraine, they are now under missiles, of course , they are more interconnected, but one way or another , people are actually brought up in different cultures, so do you see the expediency in this sense , that there should be some... can the state interfere, can someone, let 's say it directly, yes, prohibit, not allow, censor, or whatever, how the state should behave, but you see, in principle, we are in difficult situation, i despite everything if the vicissitudes of democracy, the classics rightly said that democracy has many flaws, but nothing better has yet been invented, and this is really so, on the other hand. we
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are in a state of war, so we must understand that certain restrictions, they have the right to exist, i think that culture, that is, banning any culture, is in principle a very ungrateful thing, that is, it is unlikely to work, especially in the 21st century with all the digital tools, i am convinced that the state should intervene at a time when we can actually talk about, for example, inciting national or ethnic enmity, yes, that is, where this fine line of the criminal code already begins, and when, when we really see that these jokes can lead to direct tension between certain communities, which are created by the ukrainian people, yes, excuse me, i will now add that there is also a skit in the diesel show. new year's thing, where they say the phrase
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tatars are nomadic people without passports, that is , it should not be absolutely necessary, there was a skit in them about how people in crimea, as they are preparing to meet with the ssu, and there they teach the ukrainian language, if they say that all traitors, and this, again, this is about a total lack of ethics, because when you are... well, on the couch in kyiv and you're writing this script while drinking beer, and you're writing about people who are under occupation, well , somewhere this red light just has to light up, and who will tell you: well, stop, that is, it's very often, very often it's a question of ethics , just so that these people understand that this is not possible, this is simply not possible you can, even if you think it's funny.
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and you and i are talking now, i am now thinking about the fact that we are with you, maybe these are such isolated cases when we say a word on television. or post-colonialism, in general, in ukraine , they were somehow very shy about this, and we did not talk in this context about our heritage, cultural, mental, there were traumas and so on, you wrote immediately after this scandal with this, in 1995 quarterly and new year's , their scene is not enough, you actually wrote a post about the fact that this is a revelation, so you wrote when can we talk with you about why this is the inertia of colonialism, how it manifests itself in other cultural manifestations, and whether it is necessary to talk to a mass
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audience at all, or are these too complicated matters for people, i'm sure so, i know there are people who don't agree with being colonized right there. position of ukraine for centuries, but i insist that, in particular, in the cultural plane, well, we were really in a colonized position, for this, well, it is very simply several key factors, the most typical thing and the simplest is russification, so planting the language of the conditional metropolis or regenam, that is, it was, well, i don’t know, who doesn’t know, they can read ivan dzyuba, and if, if this i must explain. nationalism or russification, this is the rewriting of history, during the 20th century, these are all these stories about the reunification of ukraine with russia, about the fact that the history of ukraine was actually erased by russian history, and this is actually this culture, yes, the culture that was in
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within the socialist framework, but again and as vulgarized as possible, these are signs that we were colonized, they often disagree with this because, they say, the colonizer... must bring culture, well , how about france or britain, yes, in it was the opposite for us, okay, but this does not change the fact that thanks to military force, administrative pressure, foreign elements were planted on us, well , language, history, culture were actually planted, it was, and it is quite natural that this is the inertia of colonization . continues, it is not easy to declare independence, and here we all... changed our minds, because it passed into the times of independence, well, first of all, precisely because of the difficult language situation, it passed, in my opinion, well, most of it by february 22, no understood the essence of our relations with russia,
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yes, because this myth about friendly peoples, about the brotherhood of peoples, it was so deeply simply pushed into the ukrainian consciousness that for many people they are just people... in the year 22 , it became a revelation, although in fact, well, friendship of peoples has never existed, i.e. a person who though reads a little history of the country, and here it is, here it is this primitive culture, yes, that is , these are the things that entered the time of independence, took root to some extent, rather it was reinforced by moscow, took root in the ukrainian consciousness, and this is necessary, well this is something that needs to be overcome, it seems to me that it is... not difficult things in the sense of explanation, so, well, you understand that you are there, well, now kyiv is more ukrainian-speaking than ever, probably, but you understand that there are many russian-speaking , well, we talked about it, we talked about the friendship of peoples, this is what i think there is no need to explain to anyone, they talked
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about this colonial culture, for example, about humor, and you see that, yes, there is something in it, i guess i know that, do i myself very... often ask myself if what is happening to us is actually this post-colonial syndrome and actually one of its manifestations, which we talked about today, so in the sense of humor, and is it a natural thing, or is it, you say about evolution, but evolution is called such a cranky aunt who is in no hurry, she is slow, and now you see this re-evolution is under, it just accelerated, so with russian rockets, do you think that this is natural? that we have been progressing so slowly for 30 years, compared to other post-colonial nations, what kind of situation are we in? i am afraid that we simply, in essence, did not have an understanding of the meaning of culture in the broad sense of the word, so this, that, on it's a pity, what
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always happened in moscow, but in moscow they always understood very well how the language works, why the language works, and how the culture works, like why history needs to be rewritten in our country. er, and me it seems that in reality this understanding still does not exist, it is already manifesting somewhere, but at the state level, this understanding, in my opinion , is still not there, that is why it is so slow. that's why, that's why it's all very, very long, that's why it 's true, they accelerated russian missiles all over ukraine, but comparing with , for example, with india, yes or with african countries, and india when in 1947, yes, and we continue to see signs, yes, that they continue to fight this colonial legacy, so in that sense you agree that it is on... these 30 years that we have lived are really not that long, in general yes, well, that is, we must
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understand that if we want to find some starting point, although it is very conditional, yes, but if the starting point of russian colonialism, moscow colonialism, take pereyaslav council, 1654, well, you can compare, yes, that is, we are talking about 350 years of colonialism, and what are we? it has only been 30 years since they started to fight this, i am sure that it can be done faster if more state was invested in it, if there were more resources in it, if it were some, you know, strategy, there is no such thing, there are , there are some crazy enthusiasts who are trying to somehow explain it, spread it, engage in enlightenment, but, well, okay, you have to work, my last question is, do you think that... this an irreversible process, because when we talk about these cultural codes
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and, in other words, scientists talk, neuroscientists talk about these neural connections, yes, which were formed there in our childhood, which are associated with irony good luck for the new year and olivier, young parents, a happy one, a happy family there and so further, that is, we have ties that are purely biological, so to this entire heritage. skultiv russian soviet and russian, and whether in this sense what is happening now, what we are going through, this decolonization by missiles, or whether in your opinion this is an irreversible story, well, here it is impossible to be categorical for sure, yes, but it seems to me , and what i observe in some younger segment, but younger than me, actually speaking, a segment of culture, and this is again about such a stand-up, and, for example, those people which they listen to, well, they no longer have any of these soviet
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and post-soviet narratives, well, because it has simply died out for them, it is not their culture, in this sense i remain an optimist, except that, well, it is difficult for me to imagine that after all that russia has done in 10 years, in the last two years, and what else, well, unfortunately, from the looks of things, russia... will have time to do, it's hard for me to imagine us getting back on this track, of some kind of friendship, fraternities, and you know, and sat there on autumn evenings, read pushkin's poems, so that the trauma is too deep, and i believe that we are already old enough to realize it, well, if not now, then really, probably never, thank you for the conversation, i’m glad... mokryk, historian, culturologist, was guest of proper names, it seems to me that it was an important conversation
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about how important it is for us to get rid of the colonial heritage, self-deprecation, some such destructive, destructive low-grade humor, about ourselves, how important it is for us to eradicate russian soviet cultural codes from ourselves, not to look into the mouth of russian to intellectuals, actually... dad yes, who we are, and in the last few years we have seen how smart, powerful and cultured we are and even the world is fascinated by it. thank you for being with us, we will see you next week in the project own names, all the best, thank you, thank you. congratulations, this is a joint project
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of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber, in which we talk about the problems of the occupied crimean peninsula, and the topic of crimea was actually widely distributed in the infospace this week, probably the most and most effectively, all this took place on january 4, around 3 p.m., the armed forces of ukraine struck. the command post of the connection of the russian occupation forces near sevastopol, this is reported by the strapkom of the armed forces of ukraine, well, a little bit from the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. mykola olyschuk , on january 2, the ministry of lies of the russian federation reported that russian rockets hit a bunker with deputy commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny and nine other generals of the armed forces of ukraine. well and conveys greetings to the occupiers in crimea, mr. mykola, i am waiting for the same fiery report from the enemy propaganda from sevastopol and yevpatoria on january 4, and once again i thank the air force pilots
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and everyone who planned the operation for their flawless combat work, lieutenant general oleshchuk. well, we understand that january 4 was a difficult day for crimea, and although the ministry of defense of the russian federation reports on the shooting down of 100-500 thousand of all possible missiles and drones, drones, by the way, also flew into crimea, there are some details that relate to the damage in the sevastopol area from ok pivden. nataliya humenyuk reports that not only the command post was hit, but also serious damage was done to the defense system. invaders, not only one command post , powerful combat work has taken place over the past day, this is not the first damage, and we are talking about the destruction of the manpower of the invaders, perhaps with high-ranking officers in the number of up to 23 people, it is only that they of records admit, well , let's see how it will turn out in the end, salam
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alaikum to all, i congratulate our viewers in the temporarily occupied cream with the fact that... ukraine does not forget about crimea, and these new year's and post-new year's fireworks, they continue, continue rhythmically, methodically, the ukrainian army and command do not leave the occupiers alone, and the occupiers react to this in such a way, well , a little perverted, lying, they, i think that if they are just woken up there at night, they will start lying just automatically, but still, in the end, we will find out what happened there? there was even information that gerasimova there, this is russian information, well, they, it ’s not the same, you know, in order for us to buy into it, they started, they are fakes, by the way, our viewers should also know, they are usually, well, not usually, but often it happens that they throw out fakes that can be picked up by
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the average ukrainian readers of social networks, and then they deny it and there you see. you lied there, and we didn't, we 'll wait what actually happened there, i have doubts about gerasim, he is the head of the general staff of the terrorist russian army, but what something so bad happened there for the command, and also as far as ms. humenyuk understood for the anti-aircraft forces of the enemy, it is for sure, well, let's see, let's wait for official information, let's not wait for official information, let's try to remember in general... what is located in that area, and what command post and what level of defense of the crimean peninsula we can talk about. vladyslav seleznyo, military expert, spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017, is in touch with us. vladislav, congratulations, glory to ukraine. friends, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. i didn't have time to say hello to you, and
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you're already answering, well, it's simple. we have such an automatic reaction, glad to see in reality , each other in reality, but, mr. vladyslav, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy did not lie in the interview with the economist when he stated that crimea and the battle related to it in the black sea will become the center the drag of the war, at least the first days of january 2024 show us exactly this, please tell us, this is the increase of our pressure, at least from the air on the territory of the crimea peninsula, what trends does it have to tell us? the tendency is as follows: the enemy must feel that he is on someone else's land, and therefore that land has chambers under his feet. now the ukrainian army demonstrates this every time. let's recall the statement of the american general ben hodges, who is convinced
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that we can liberate kryl in a fairly short period of time and with relatively little effort. but for that we... systematically and methodically search for enemy military facilities in sevastopol, and by the way, there are about 232 of them there, and in the first next, we have to destroy the same kerch bridge, with the help of which the enemy carries out permanent logistics of its occupation contingent, respectively, in the temporarily occupied crimea, this is exactly what our defense force is doing now, although it is obvious that we lack the resources to implement that plan, because the same penjojes is convinced that in order for us to be... as effective as possible, we need missiles from german-swedish manufacturers like taurus and we need atacoms from american manufacturers from the combat unit high-explosive type and the ability to overcome. up to 300 km, unfortunately, we do not have such missiles yet, but we have a knack for zeal and development from domestic manufacturers, who from time to time
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welcome to the crimea, by the way, regarding insiders, regarding last night, the good news was not only in the sevastopol area, the noise was quite noticeable in the area of ​​novofedorivka, this is the resort of saka, not far from the town of the same name, the samiksak was also quite loud in yevpatoria, as for the information about... 23 russian high-ranking officials there, i relate to this information in the same way as mr. ayder with such caution, because often the russian psoshniks throw all kinds of nonsense at us , we, wanting to receive at least some pleasant news from the front, first have to react to this nonsense, and then find out that it is all a delusion of the russian propagandists of the chipposhniks, and in in this way, the overheated ukrainian society receives such a report and stops growing altogether. in bucha, so i agree with panomder, we have to wait for official reports on the consequences of missile and drone attacks on an enemy military object, but nevertheless we must understand that the attacks
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were and they were until now, the flight was recorded, including by independent researchers, in particular residents of the same sevastopol in the area of ​​5 km, one of the command posts of the russian black sea fleet is located there, the flight was recorded not far from yevpatori, there is the village of uyutno, there is one of the ... units of the anti-aircraft defense of the russian army of occupation, as to their consequences, it is still unknown, but the fact that ambulances moved in that direction , and several units, it means that at least the wounded were there, as for other losses, we will find out later, i think, well, mr. vladyslav, if we talk about this, it is actually damage to the defense system in crimea for the occupiers. what nataliya gumenyuk remarked about, it is about their anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, or, let's say , we can consider it in a more combined way, and how much
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time can we have to take advantage of this and that loophole, until the russians have stretched the logistical chains available to them with additional air defense systems, to replace possibly destroyed ones, you bet a lot a relevant question, because in fact... the ukrainian system that counters enemy air defense systems works very much, on the one hand, by decision, and on the other hand , it always carefully prepares for this type of attack, conducts reconnaissance and preliminary reconnaissance of the area, including at the expense of the activities of ukrainian werewolves and ukrainian partisans operating in sevastopol and on the territory of the crimean peninsula, after finding out exactly where the key elements of the enemy's air defense are located, it is precisely on them that the damage is carried out, either with drones or missiles. uh sometimes it's this damage is combined in order to hit the enemy's air defense system as much and as effectively as possible. of course, the enemy still has some resources to
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pull additional elements of the same air defense systems into the holes in their defense as soon as possible, but even if they do pull those elements, the air defense system is not perfect. well, for example, in the feodosia region, the russians have deployed a complex of modern s4 anti-aircraft defense systems. which was supposed to protect all military objects, as on the grounds of fyadosi, as well as in its surroundings, but we remember the excellent defense that took place in the water area of ​​the seaport, as a result of which the large amphibious ship novo cherkass turned into a pile of scrap metal. it's obvious that the enemy's effective anti-aircraft system didn't work if our stormshadows and scalps called where they were supposed to call. i think that there will be more and more such cases in the future, because it is thanks to such activities. we can systematically and methodically reduce the entire enemy's military potential to ashes, yes, i understand that there is a lot of work ahead , but the fact that our system operators
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, our rocket engineers approach this work in the most thorough and high-quality manner, which is shown and demonstrates decent results, is obvious, well, what about russian propagandists, and here i again agree with mr. ayder, they take care every time these movies open their mouths, so you shouldn't pay attention to them for... any. vlad, tell me, please, did you mention the so-called novocherkas, the new submarine of the russian black sea fleet. please tell them, you follow these channels 100% theirs, they still officially, semi-officially, there unofficially, somewhere with the warships, they recognized such losses of personnel, well, that is, the fact that... this ship is completely destroyed, it is difficult to hide, but as for the personnel, they are the last vytyzhn ​​said, well, first of all, we
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have to understand that among the russians... there is no anarchy at all, ugh, and so that they don’t talk about their independence there, they are absolutely clear, units of the same information front of the russian occupation army, so they act synchronized coordinated and under the general leadership of the military or the fsb, so you should not count on the fact that they will raise hype about the fact that many members of the same novocherkassk died, but what is going on in the factories there is terrible. i'm still starting to hear calls for help to find a man who is said to have gone missing in an explosion on a large amphibious assault ship, with more emerging now and word that at least a third of the 83-strong crew was on that ships, it is obvious, maybe even more, because this norm applies to a third of the personnel in peacetime conditions, now there is a war, the war is raging, including in the territory
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of the crimea, and therefore, most likely, there were on board ... much more personnel, and why so many missing people? i think that they were simply physically exhausted due to the incredible explosion that occurred , including during the secondary detonation, because we remember that it was buzzing in the vicinity of the novocherkassk deployment site for quite a long time, that there were, at first, you talked about 200 shaheds, i i don’t believe in such information, it’s sad on the level of reports, but nevertheless, i think that after all, there was a regular ammunition kit, in particular missiles for rszzo of the grad type, which are installed as a regular combat unit on this amphibious landing ship, in addition, there was a kit stockpile of artillery ammunition , perhaps some property with explosive filling was still stored in the holds, in any case, it exploded brightly and powerfully, well, again , we remember that at the beginning of the full-scale attack, the enemy had in the equatorial region of the black and azov seas, at least 12 vdk, vdk, which
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should have created such a powerful group to carry out a naval amphibious operation on the coast of odesa, it didn't work out, already three of those 12 vdk remained forever at the bottom of the black sea, well, someone there said that the minsk vdk is located near the dry dock in sevastopol, of those nine the remaining two are old e -ships, and of the level of a linomamommoth, that is, as an effective combat unit. they are by no means, there are seven left, well, i think the time will come for those seven ships that are at different levels of combat readiness, that i, they are the same will head to their flagship, to the missile cruiser moscow, because that's where they're headed, ugh, so vladyslav, after all, the mammoth shit is a very valuable thing on the scientific market for research, i think it's worth much more than any a ship, a wrecked
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ship of a black man. fleet, and i want to ask, you know, what, you mentioned recently about the crimean partisans, in general, in your opinion, or maybe you know, well, only something that is not a secret, how the targeting takes place on these targets, because we definitely understand, that ours beat we don't have so many missiles and opportunities, unfortunately, so far, ours hit where they know for sure that there is something or someone there, right? er, this is the work of partisans, people who collect our people there, collect information that is transmitted, this is, satellite images of some kind that are transmitted to us by western intelligence online, or whatever else, how it happens, as it is, that is, hidden part of these operations, as it may look, so the question is that in order for any operation to destroy a military object in crimea
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and sevastopol was. active begins with the planning and involvement of ukrainian partisans, ukrainian kulaks, who are actually active in crimea and sevastopol, and this history already has at least nine years of such coordination and such activity, now during the full-scale russian-ukrainian war, activity of our partisan movement in sevastopol and crimea has become significantly more active, and this is also not a secret, but of course the details are hardly those that are relevant to that process in general, so what... until the end of the war is unlikely to be reported, but the fact that there is an integrated approach to identify the enemy's own targets is obvious. space reconnaissance is working, aerial reconnaissance is working, pay attention, we constantly see on the internet, in particular, in the channels, there are monitoring, regarding the problems of crimea, reports that various types of radar reconnaissance boards are constantly working over the waters of the black sea and over the waters of the country, which border


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