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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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we celebrated, but here the children are playing , you see, a little, the woman does not complain about the conditions in the modular town and cannot wait to be able to live as before, it is possible to live, i cannot say that it is bad here, but it is not at home, i understand you, but what do they tell you, that they promise that the housing, the tender has passed, i know that it is written that from february our house will begin to, well, the reconstruction of our house will begin. ms. lily, like thousands of other inhabitants of the village, will have to suffer. new housing is promised, but not soon. today to replace the destroyed ones buildings are carrying out design work. in the first days of the invasion, more than 900 houses were damaged. 4002 402 buildings are completely for demolition,
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that is, they will be dismantled, and 406 will be under major repairs, and this building was named the arch of friendship of peoples, so that everyone would remember what the brotherly love of russians looks like, today it is being demolished, the russians dropped an aerial bomb on it in ... killing three people, six apartment buildings have already been completely demolished, one apartment building is still under demolition, and two more will be partially dismantled apartment buildings. a significant part of the infrastructure facilities is being rebuilt with the efforts of european donors. others - at
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the expense of the central government. 97 objects in the kyiv region are being rebuilt with funds from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression. this is vokzalna street in the city of bucha. she is one of the most famous. and here's why. this photo went around the world. it was made exactly on this street. one of the first completely destroyed columns of the russian army. the invaders were executed for resisting the occupation. civilians and destroyed their homes, like this building, this the five-story building, which was hit by a projectile between the second and third floors, and led to significant destruction, so we had to do a complete dismantling and now we are engaged in restoration. now, in buchy on nivoshchyna, two years ago, the buildings look like new, many local residents... restored housing
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with their own hands, others were waiting for state help, restored everything, installed windows, everything, balconies were glazed, everything is so good, just what, of course, look that's all, we recall, the worst situation with reconstruction in irpen, the occupiers destroyed 3/4 of all objects infrastructure of the city, the damage was estimated at 750 million dollars, this area of ​​the city or not... suffered more from russian aggression, residential complexes here were shot with hail and aerial bombs, estimates for reconstruction were approved only in 2023. two years ago, there were high-rise buildings here, now a solid field. banksy's graffiti is all that remains of the high-rise burned by phosphorus.
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meanwhile, the country's authorities have made the buchansky district a living proof of russian atrocities, foreign delegations are constantly brought here to to open the eyes of the world to the true face of the russian federation. we are here to listen to the ukrainian people, and then return to indonesia and tell our society what happened here, because russian propaganda is powerful, even in... indonesia, so we will make efforts to show at home what is really happening here, and how can we help artem logutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. nothing has worked out yet, not yet, zakrep. oh, normolact, love, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes bowel function, restores amount of lacto and bifito. bacteria, everything
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air and already from our warm, beautiful wonderful espresso studio, not in shelter, this day continues and we hope that it will be without air worries, his rocks will calm down, at least
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for now. next, we will talk with the military about what is happening on the front lines, what are the plans, the russians are trying to implement and to implement, and we also want to thank you for your donations, at least for the card that is mono, we added uah 5,000 there, while we were climbing from our shelter to our bright and beautiful studio, well, in the meantime there are already from mr. terikhov, this is the mayor of kharkiv, a little more information about the missiles. shelling of kharkiv this morning, we know that, according to the mayor of kharkiv , the occupiers were hitting industrial facilities in the city, and in particular there is a fire at one, i understand, from the enterprise, there is one wounded woman, this
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all we can tell at this hour is yevhen ivlyu, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, is already with us, mr. yevhen, good morning, i wish you health in the studio, i wish health to all the viewers, where are you? mr. yevgeny, if you can tell me, and what you have , the situation has not changed with us, we are holding a defensive line in the horlivskyi direction, or has it changed. your sound breaks a little, i'm sorry, yes, has the situation with the enemies changed, how are they behaving? ah, if you compare the last five or four days from there, then definitely not things have changed, the enemy was using everything he could, and so were the guns, both cluster munitions, self-propelled guns, mortars, and tanks were working, and it didn’t stop, so on december 30, i took over the duty, on the second i changed, the situation did not change, i will say that the density is quite high, and it must be admitted that the enemy’s accuracy
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has also increased, i won’t tell you that they blew up some of our positions, but if it was flying there before, it’s not clear where, now it’s all flying pretty close, they write that the russians now have no shortage of ammunition, and there is an institute defense research. per day are now released by the russians on the front line, and it is twice as much as it was, for example, in the summer, is it felt? you know, i will tell you, i will confirm as accurately as possible that they really do not have a shortage of ammunition, i cannot say for the entire front line there, because i am locally located right here and i have communication in the plane of ee bapla, with the avdiiv guys who also fly on kamikaze drones, so about that... i am shocked by them, which i sometimes hear on the phone from him, and about the fact that we are definitely short of ammunition
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there are no mortars, no tanks, no self-propelled guns, because they are constantly pounding, there may be two or three hours in a day when they quiet down, but you know that, there may be some changes in the positions of people and so on, so they are constantly extinguished, ee komikadze drones, how many should there be in order to be able to say that this is a sufficient number, and i will tell you that no one will tell you such a number. can just to give you a little understanding, i will go back to this loud figure of a million drones that was promised for the next year, so if you take a million drones and proportionally distribute them throughout the front line, then this is about three weeks of active work, so that you understand how much it will take to disperse a million drones on the front line, and this i have already repeatedly said in your broadcasts and to you that this that weapon , which grinds the teeth of the enemy very seriously, because first of all, you are sitting protected more or less, well, relative to what, relative to the fact that enemy bullets will not
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hit you, at least when you control this drone, and the drone is much more accurate, what, for example, do you understand, a mortar, when it works, sometimes it is necessary to release two or three mines in order to shoot, and during this time the enemy has already climbed into their holes as much as possible, so i say, it is both safe for us and destroys the enemy as accurately as possible, so, well , we can get approximately from such numbers, a million drones for the entire front line, this is active work for three weeks, and... well, i will remind you that we, for example, the espresso tv channel, are currently collecting for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold yar, and we are actually collecting for kamikaze drones, so friends , you see, there is this qr code, you just heard, mr. yevhen yelio, how important and necessary these kamikaze drones are on the front lines, while we are talking, you can contribute your hryvnias to our collection, we need to collect a lot, 5 million hryvnias and... we haven't even collected yet of the tenth part, so we have
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to, we have to do our best to help our military, mr. yevgeny , i'm sorry for interrupting like this, i just randomly decided to remind people about what this collection is, and they actually heard from you what it is, those kamikaji drones, very well you remind me, and i'll give you an example, we were recently in relation to the fact that you asked how many drones are needed, there are some people, let's say, wealthy people. who show interest and help us seriously, are very wealthy, there are those who can afford to buy something like 100 drones there, and a person allocated funds, let's say, a little more than the average wealth for 100 drones, and you know, i thought i blocked there is half the front line, we say, well, we have open communication, we say, friend, we have it there for a week of work, these 100 drones, this max, he was very surprised when he heard that it was he who thought there for a month blocked our needs, that... they just understood how unnecessary this story is in every part of the front, recently saw a video,
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it is claimed that this year already about such a mass attack by the russians somewhere near soledar, allegedly, and indeed , when dozens of infantrymen are moving from landing to landing, it’s just that you and yours are also in such an area where strong russian assaults are taking place, you know, we have a lot... the very lane on which we are standing, she is from the 14th year, and she and mined in chend, and the line of defense, relative to modern military science, is built in such a way that the enemy... will suffer colossal losses if he goes in our direction, we are between avdiivka and the bahamud direction, where there was a little momentum and the front line decreased a little, and certain geographical features do not allow the enemy, therefore, all the enemy can do, why i say that they constantly try to pick us apart at a distance, we all have the means, but regarding meat assaults, i heard for myself a little if positive news, but i don’t know if it’s a lull before the assault or what, because on december 31 he was recruiting
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with his brother, the guy is also doing vapal in avdiivki, and he said that from the point of view of... assaults by personnel, their dynamics have decreased a little, that is ee at those barriers, where they reached the plant there and terekon, that the dynamics of the assault personnel in them decreased. i also wanted to ask you, because we have weather outside, so really winter, and i have already seen photos of the military, their limbs, ee and already read about that that there are such severe frostbites, when , unfortunately, the limbs of the military have to be amputated, or is this temperature felt, how do you save yourself and are the mice bothering you? oh, mice are a separate topic, i’ll tell you, they haven’t gone anywhere, rats have joined the mice, and either you’re in the dugout, if it’s a dugout, we’ll start with the frost,
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you know, the front line is not all the same, and when for example, we have 600-800 m to the enemy there, this is... slightly more comfortable conditions even in the trench line, because these are prepared dugouts, it is already a strong and well-made trench line, there are some small huts installed there, where you can warm up at least a little, and when the front line is dynamic, it changes there in a month, positions change from hand to hand, you understand what the more or less comfortable conditions are about, well, that’s in quotes comfortable conditions, well, if there is already a borzuika in the dugout, it counts as a five-star hotel, and there is a front line that is constantly moving, there are guys there who are doing their best. it's just digging in. i have to say, i haven't met any of the guys this year to do anything to anyone was amputated, last year, in general, my story at the forefront began in the luhansk region. in january of last year, i got to luhansk region, so there i will tell you that there was a quite, quite frequent story when boys were transported for frostbite and so on, because there was no time to prepare positions
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where you could arrive at least an hour after the observer to warm up there toes or. hands, and the story with mice and rats is such that i will say a little for humor, i have a crazy allergy to cats, but here is the last shift or in there are two cats in the dugout, or when you throw the cats out , the rats and i just put in a mask there, my god, well, you see, cats are also now a combat part of the armed forces of ukraine, not without that, probably, yes, yes, thank you very much, mr. yevhen , yevhen ivliv , he found time to visit us and... are we going to take a short break now we are smoothly moving on to a conversation with our military expert, director of the defense express company serhiy zgurets, we are adding him to our air mr. serhiy good morning good morning i greet you i greet our viewers so today we had such a restless
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monday morning, almost the third in a row such a mass one. attack in recent days, what can be said about this, so to speak, russian trend, how successful are these attacks so far? well, we still don't have a complete summary of the enemy's activities at the moment, we understand that it somewhat resembled the attack of january 2, when strategic bombers were also used, and carriers were used. cruise missiles were used, there were fewer shaheds, but it seems that there were eight shaheds in odesa, which were shot down, in general the attack is also so complex, when cruise missiles entered the airspace at the same time and quite quickly, at the same time daggers were launched, according to the daggers we have
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four mig-31s ​​rising there, were all four launches so far. to clarify, because in fact such false launches are possible there , from the point of view of confusing our bottom, such electronic deceptions are used for strikes, given the fact that 13 bombers were rising, there were 995, then four, then 22 and then four more separately , could 31st, then in fact, this attack is somewhat less powerful than it was on december 31 and january 2, but we understand that the enemy is trying to use such complex approaches and we will see what the results were, if the previous two attacks were mainly aimed at industrial, military there and civilian objects , now we see, when we talk about kharkiv, kharkiv, then industrial objects, we will see in more
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detail what exactly, because it was in the sights of the enemy, i literally think that by the end of the day everything will be more or less known , and mr. serhiu, actually, regarding the situation with munitions, the americans said that next year will be the main one... their emphasis is on air defense, and if there were also missiles for anti-aircraft defense, but what about the shells, i have heard various forecasts that they say they will already be exhausted there literally in a month, well, in fact, two components remain important, in particular , air defense as an element of basic defense and field artillery as the main one. the method of holding and position and causing damage to the enemy during defense and active defense. when we talk about anti-aircraft systems
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of defense, indeed, in a number of foreign publications, there were various forecasts that, relatively speaking, the enemy will use a significant number of missiles there, which creates risks for the depletion of anti-missile reserves. this discussion is not new, it is actually ee... it is understood both at the level of experts, and at the level of the military, and at the level, as we see, of journalists, we see the efforts of the united states to increase the production of missile systems to the patriot complexes, the pace of the production of missiles to the patriots about 500 per year, we know, apart from this decision on japan, that japan can transfer missiles and ammunition to the united states and britain, and then this means that it is possible, let's say, transfer to ukraine, the decision to deploy the production of missiles in germany, missiles for patriots, that is , this dynamic is quite positive, but we understand that
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it will take time , and for a certain period of time we will mainly use the stocks that our partners have, the rates of delivery of air defense equipment, if we take into account germany and the united states, then they remain sufficiently stable and dynamic for ukraine, the thing that is more difficult with ammunition, because... in fact, we understand that when we talk about artillery, in general, when there were offensive actions in the south, then we, relatively speaking, had an advantage over the enemy, there we used 700 of ammunition, the enemy has five, now a number of foreign publications, or rather, let's say, experts of the british institute of russia, present different statistics on the current moment, when the average rate of firing there is. of ammunition on the ukrainian side there fluctuates within 200 ammunition, y the enemy has up to 10,000 munitions, so in any case, the story of the supply
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of artillery ammunition for this year remains the most serious challenge for our defense system, we hope for an intensification of the work on the manufacture of ammunition at our partners, but we understand that really.. ... the first quarter may well be difficult enough to have a certain parity in the enemy in artillery, but this means that you have to look for other options for compensation at the expense of other weapons systems for hitting the enemy. mr. serhiu, what north korea transfers even ballistic missiles, in addition to projectiles, how serious is this and what should we expect? indeed, information about this... appeared based on the data of the american side to the white house, when it was said that at the end of last year, in the first attack in the mass and on january 2
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, the enemy used north korean missiles, such fragments were found in kharkiv, they are now being analyzed, there are also fragments near zaporizhzhia in an open field. so far , the analysis of these units, volumes, is actually underway supplies are unknown, although the american side said that they transferred several launchers and several dozen missiles to the russian federation, these missiles are a certain copy of the iskander missiles, ballistic missiles with a range of up to 600 km there, when we are talking about an e. product under the index kn- 23, i can rely on conversations with our specialists that, in fact, these missiles, although they are ballistic,
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they shoot down our... idf, but the question is that for this, again, it is necessary to use patriot, samppt-type systems, that is, in fact this may increase the load on our air defense, but there is no confirmation that these deliveries will be massive, and when we consider the earlier deliveries of art munitions from north korea, we have had many interesting confirmations that these munitions themselves are of poor quality, are inaccurate, but in any in any case , even with inaccuracy, it is still a certain threat, which also, well, forces our partners to look at support for ukraine on a larger scale in a different way, we are expecting a meeting of the security council, on this issue, and further assistance to ukraine, first of all in air defense systems. just last week , treason was spreading in ukrainian social networks so much that the americans want, so to speak, to dispose of all their outdated attacks instead of handing
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them over. to ukraine, even the pentagon was forced to deny it, in general, do we have any encouraging possible super packages of supplies for this new year, what should we expect and what is the delay, by the way, f-16. the issue of military aid, well, in particular, already this year there were packages from germany, where there are munitions, and missiles, and supplying a number of systems there for... to detect russian drones and anti-drone means, the package was quite powerful, and now germany, i think, is becoming such, well, an important element of the maximum assistance from european countries in particular . regarding the united states, we are waiting for the approval of this long-standing package of 61 billion dollars, which will determine long-term support for ukraine. i think that it will be this package in any case, the issue of f16 supply, it really is...
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raised in the foreign press, which seems there is a delay in the delivery of certain aircraft, there was no confirmation from official sources, in any case, we understand the importance of the f-16 for our air defense system, i hope that both the ukrainian side and our partners will make every effort to there were no such delays with the f-16, but here it is primarily a question of equipment preparation, infrastructure preparation and the main determination of the list of weapons for the f-16, because this question remains, as i see it, behind the scenes, we do not clearly know what is the main list of weapons that the planes will have, of course there will definitely be air-to-air missiles, but there are also questions about long-range missiles that can also be used by these planes, so far this question, as i understand, is being discussed somewhere, for no additional information releases on this
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topic until. that was not in the media space, but in any case, i repeat, i am sure that ukraine and our partners are extremely interested in speeding up the pace of delivery and minimizing any technical delays there arise from one or another circumstances , less than a minute remains, regarding the german taurus, i understand that in mondestas this issue is already being raised by several parties, indeed, now again in a new circle after just massive enemy strikes with the use of daggers and other means. the logic is that we should destroy enemy targets, including on enemy territory, in order to minimize the use of these long-range systems, one way or another, this was also the reason for foreign minister kuliba's statement that we a larger number of missiles with a range of 300 +m should be transferred, and this somehow just stimulates the discussion among our partners about accelerating the transfer of long-range systems and
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remnants. khamtsy and, of course, tauris. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy zurets, military expert, director of the defense express company. at 9 o'clock, i will remind you that we have a moment of silence and we remember all the ukrainians whose lives were taken by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war solved russia.


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