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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] the law provides for certain punishments for those who do not register for military service, and , for example, for those who are abroad, the government has proposed that there will be changes in the provision of consular services, those who do not register for military service in ukraine registration , there are certain other measures provided by the government, and these measures... conflict with unconstitutional norms, that is, in fact , a person will be deprived of certain things if he does not register for military registration, for example, take a loan, sell property, to take a loan there and so on, notarial services, so this is a proposal of the government, and we are looking to what extent it was, by the way, the head
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of human affairs, who commented on certain things. and we, together with him, will also work out options on how to change it, so that it would be within the framework of the constitution as well. vadim, i understand correctly that in principle such measures are being considered, the only question is how to do it according to the law, that is, there are certain restrictions on people, men who are abroad, and men who are in ukraine, but did not stay there, did not go to the tsc to do some financial transactions or something else, in principle there are some restrictions and they plan. well, look, the government has submitted a bill, this bill is available, it is on the website, you can take a comparative table and see what the stakeholders, in our case, the government and the ministry of defense, have proposed. yes, measures, restrictions for people, they are as planned by the initiators. we, as people's deputies, as representatives of the people, we try to make these measures as
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easy as possible. and corresponded to the constitution of ukraine. if we talk about certain points proposed by the government, which the deputies in your committee are not ready to go to, or there are such questions where you and your colleagues say for sure that it is impossible, we will not do that. look, i'm not going to tell you what happens in closed session right now, because we have a lot of discussions, believe me, ah, well, none, let's put it this way. the changing member of the committee, or those who actually communicate with citizens, with soldiers, with the ssu and so on, see many, many things that need to be corrected, because the test of the draft law, it is poorly written, even those norms that can already be adopted, they need a lot of clarifications, including lawyers, so we are working to ensure that the text
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is accordingly... such that society perceives it, it sees it, let's say so, well and lawyers, including the legal department, they saw that it was correctly written, and that the norms were accepted by society as much as possible, which would correspond to the constitution of ukraine, so of course we are talking about what, if a person is not there appeared and so on, that for large fines, of course we... about how to make sure that the tsc does not arrest people on the streets, does not convert these videos that are circulating in the russian public and around the world and so on, like we have people at checkpoints or somewhere they are taken there, taken to the tcc and immediately to the front line, we want the society to clearly understand, and we prescribe this in the law, that the tcc will not seize people as it happens today, and secondly, that
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a person will not be sent to the front line. without three months of training, she must pass three months of training in any case on any training grounds, near kyiv, there near lviv or there near other cities, or there in several places, it must be passed by a person before he will carry out combat tasks, this is the main thing so that we do not have any manipulation, speculation, if the tsc has passed, then you are already at zero, this should not happen. and the second is, of course, what i said , it is motivation, we are waiting for the minister of finance, we want to see the motivation, what do we offer in terms of financial support, financial support, including clothing, financial support for bc, beatings set, to provide finances for the social package, rehabilitation, and so on and so forth, to families, we want to see these
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numbers, where they come from, or whether they exist. how the ministry of finance will finance it is not possible one more moment, taking into account the entire volume of work that is currently available and all the answers to the questions that the deputies have this week. can this bill be passed in the first reading? look, it's hard to say, right now what i can say is that even in the committee there is no consensus on what to do, or there are different opinions, or so that the majority is in favor something, so far there is nothing to do with the bill, either it will be voted in this way in the first reading and amendments will be made, or... after all , comments will be made and according to the comments of the committee they will be voted in the first reading, but now let's see what exactly the comments are, what the committee's decision will be about, and so on, or the third may even be
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the withdrawal and submission of a new text of the law, which will be more or less worked out already , including in the working groups, which will correspond , including and norms of the constitution, but with of what you are telling? how many hours a day do you work in the committee, this surely indicates that there is a certain haste in this matter, and is there any need at all to recall, for example, maryana bezuglai from the position of deputy head of the committee, which should be considered parliament, according to your estimation , will there be enough votes in the hall to support such decisions and is it an urgent decision? well, look, urgent, not urgent, this is determined by society, of course, whether it is necessary today, well, from... to carry out there some personnel issues and so on , there is a decision of the committee, it is, well, one hundred percent unanimous, no one voted to leave maryana without a review, further according to the law and
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the regulations of the verkhovna rada, and this is the law, the parliament must vote so that the parliament voted, it should be on the agenda, the agenda is formed by the chairman of the verkhovna rada, who for... may put the resolution to the vote, or may not put the resolution to the vote, and then each deputy is determined, look, this should be the position of each people's deputy ukraine, or something to recall from the committee altogether, or to recall only the deputy, but it must be voted on by 226 votes, i would, of course, i would certainly like the parliament to say... its word, because this issue has been discussed for a long time, let's say, in society, and the committee made the appropriate decision, if there was no decision of the committee, it could still be said, well, the committee did not make an appropriate decision, there was no appropriate appeal, it made such a decision repeatedly , there are obviously some reasons, this is a request
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from society, can it be so mistrust between deputies to mrs. bezuglai, and are you and your colleagues really rooting for her not just to leave this position there, but you... from the committee, what is the purpose? i will tell you, look, the goal was, and we talked about it at the meeting, the first thing is that maryana created such an artificial, artificial confrontation during the war between the president and the general and the commander-in-chief, it was artificial, because those things that affected the general staff, the work of the general staff during the war, and so on. further, therefore artificially such a confrontation is not necessary , during the war, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada and everyone else says, we must speak with one voice about correct statesmanship, about the defense of the country, and so on, and shake
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up the general staff internally, what is happening there, yes everyone , who are mobilized to fight, roughly understand that we were not ready then during the war, and now during the war, to make some kind of reforms from the wheels, something somehow... when we need to provide the front line, make rotations, do, help with treatment there and so on, to do fortifications, well, and the like, there is no need to endure so much and make an artificial confrontation, because it will not lead to good, first of all for the country, that is why we talked about some further steps, it will not be left to decide, let's say yes, folk. well, people's deputy, and this will be decided by the parliament, if it is put on the agenda, the relevant resolution, i thank you, mr. vadim, for sharing your analysis of the situation and your thoughts on this account vadim ivchenko, people's deputy from of the motherland party, a member of the verkhovna
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rada of ukraine's committee on national security, defense and intelligence, and we talked about changes to the laws on mobilization. the broadcast of svoboda ranok continues, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and so on. in this broadcast, we will talk about the following topics: ukraine has fulfilled its part of the agreements to unblock the border with poland, the ministry of infrastructure of the country said. meanwhile, the government of poland signed an agreement with farmers, they have already unblocked the medicashegini checkpoint. what does it mean that the blockade is over? let's discuss further. frosts in ukraine, a storm warning was announced: in the northern regions , the temperature may reach -20°, along with the cold there will be rain and sleet, heavy snow on the roads it will become icy. let's talk about which regions are waiting for difficult weather conditions and how to prepare. if this content is useful for you, subscribe to radio svoboda 's youtube page, like it. and promote it, share it in chats,
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communication with your friends and family, it is important for more people to know, to know the operational news. tim representatives of ukraine and poland are scheduled to hold an online meeting today regarding the unblocking of the border between the two states. deputy minister of infrastructure of ukraine serhiy derkach announced this on the air of the telethon, and he once again noted that ukraine has fulfilled its... part of the demands of polish carriers, but the cancellation of the agreement on the liberalization of transport between kyiv and the eu, as demanded by the strikers , is impossible. he noted that on january 6, polish farmers stopped their protest at the checkpoint medical center, and the trucks are already going there as usual - reported serhii derkach. the unblocking of this checkpoint was made possible thanks to an agreement signed between the polish government and polish farmers, according to the polish ministry. to agriculture, the authorities agreed
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to fulfill all the demands of the organizers of the protest, namely to provide subsidies to farmers for the production of corn, to increase lending and not to increase the tax. meanwhile, other checkpoints remain closed for the time being, and we let's definitely talk about the situation on the polish-ukrainian border and what the following news means: the complete unblocking of the border and the fact that kyiv and warsaw. found common points of contact, so to speak, it is on our broadcast, by the way, you can also ask questions to the speakers of our broadcast during the broadcast, and thank you for your activity, for writing, from where you watch our broadcasts, it is very important and don't forget to ask questions and don't forget to subscribe to our channel too. serhiy derkach, deputy minister of community development, territories and infrastructure of ukraine joined our broadcast. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. good morning. tell us what... the situation is as of this morning, is there
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an agreement with the polish side on the complete unblocking of the polish-ukrainian border? eh , as far as we know, there are no such agreements yet from the polish government, we have good news from the ministry of agricultural policy of poland, which in principle fulfilled the requirements and agreed with the protesters at the shegeny medic crossing point, it is already working there in the usual standard mode. passing trucks over the past day, more than 200 trucks were allowed to enter ukraine, which is about twice as many as were allowed before the blockade. as for other checkpoints, the polish ministry of infrastructure is leading the negotiations here, with which we have already met more than once, today we will have another meeting, and we hope that colleagues from the polish ministry will tell us which ones. stage of negotiations and assure us that
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the border will be unblocked soon. if we talk about these negotiations today, about the meeting that should take place online, then what are the arguments here, well, what else does ukraine have to do, or has ukraine already done everything for the de-blockade to take place and this process to get off the ground. the situation with this blockade is unique in general, if we are talking, for example, about farmers, yes, then there at all. there were no demands on ukraine, and such examples of border blockades by polish businesses are irrelevant to any sphere of the economy, they are very harmful to the economy of ukraine, but in fact ukraine cannot do anything about it, since the demands are made specifically to the government of poland, partly this concerns as well as carriers, as there are many requirements and problematic points that carriers talk about, namely loss. russia and belarus and so on, they are precisely on the side
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of the polish government. last time we met with the ministry of infrastructure, we worked out seven clear steps to unblock the border. we know that both the minister and the deputy minister of infrastructure have taken turns meeting with the protesters, but as far as we know, the protesters are demanding the cancellation of the transport liberalization agreement, which is legally impossible because in principle, poland has nothing to do with it. cannot do, because it is not a party to the treaty, and it is very much a stalemate, and it is very important that the polish government takes active steps right now to come to an agreement with the protesters and withdraw. this blockade , can there be such a rollback, at the moment there is information, it has been announced that where the blockade took place at the checkpoint of the doctor shegini, is this the final release of the blockade and then there will be a release of the next checkpoints, is it possible that the rollback will somehow take place , what does it depend on, and you you know, it's very difficult to say and give an answer
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to this question, because in these last two months of the blockade, we have seen that the protesters change their conditions very often. they change their demands, including to the polish government, they often say that they will let through, for example, humanitarian aid or dangerous goods, then they don't let them through, they say that they will unblock checkpoints, then they don't unblock them, so today it's very it is difficult to talk about it, we have hope and assurances from colleagues from poland that the situation will definitely not worsen, therefore, we hope that the checkpoint that was unlocked by shogoni medica will work normally. and it will not be blocked, at the moment there are no traffic jams, everything is happening as usual, what information is there from the border? there are still queues because, of course, most of the carriers went to this checkpoint after the announcement that it had started working normally, so today we have
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about 1,900 trucks from poland to ukraine at all checkpoints, and of course about 500 trucks is standing in front of the shegeni medical checkpoint, of course because... just as he left and most of the cars just reoriented to this checkpoint, everything is going on at the checkpoint itself as normal, there are no traffic jams, and we hope that even a larger number our colleagues from poland and ukraine, these are employees of the border and customs service, will be able to pass vehicles there. if we talk about losses, are there already certain estimates of the losses of this blockade for ukrainian and polish carriers? there are losses clearly and for not only carriers, for business, for the economy of both countries, even for the economy of the european union. according to the data of the state customs service, in november alone, we did not receive about 10 billion hryvnias exclusively from customs payments. as for the amount of her
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customs payments for december, it is now being calculated, but these are huge sums of money that our state budget did not receive only because... the fact that we have blocked borders, besides this, the carriers lose, about 300 € they lose on idle time of one machine in day, and of course we see that these are thousands of trucks that have been standing in queues for the second month, so this is a huge loss, both for ukraine and for polish carriers, and even for european carriers, when we were there and fixed the queues, we saw a lot of european carriers who stood in these queues in the same way. therefore, losses are borne by absolutely everyone, in addition to this, a lot of companies, both ukrainian, polish, and european, do not receive the goods they should have received according to the contracts, and therefore also bear losses, therefore, these are colossal losses that both the european union and ukraine bear today, due to the de facto
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blockade of carriers with a demand that cannot be fulfilled today. mr. serhiy, during this time of the blockade, has ukraine found alternative... ways for export and transit? i think that many business representatives have already reoriented themselves to other checkpoints, if we talk about road transport, in addition to this, the sea corridor has become more active and started to work, so most of the goods have already started to leave through the ports of odesa, in addition to this, of course, we launched such a train-train with trucks in test mode, which came to poland and returned the same way... with trucks back, now we are studying the demand, how many companies want to receive such a service in order for their truck to cross the border in a day, we just worked with our polish colleagues to make it fast, because the first train went for about three days, and now it comes back in a day, so for
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businesses that need fast delivery of goods to fulfill contracts, this will also be a good option in order to to actually ensure this implementation, well... in addition to this, ukrzaliznytsia has already increased its capacity to export goods abroad, even ukrposhta has carried out the transportation of postal goods by ukrzaliznytsia, therefore, of course , business finds ways and we, as the ministry of infrastructure, contribute to this in every possible way. mr. serhiy, if we sum up this whole story, can we currently conclude that the polish protestors are pressuring their government with their protest to obtain certain. preferences for themselves, and ukraine essentially became such a tool in this process at the same time, definitely, look, this is already the third blockade over the past year from the... polish side, there were transporters, then farmers, then transporters and farmers, so it is a matter
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of what, it seems to me, colleagues in poland have found such an effective, effective mechanism influence on the government when the ukrainian border is blocked, and very often these demands that the protesters state, they state precisely to the polish government, that is why we as a ministry are working for what is with the european union, in order to create safeguards. because it is not only a border after all, this is the border of the european union, and we are working with our colleagues to create safeguards so that it is impossible for any country in the european union to block the border itself. we respect the right to protest and he has the right to life, but definitely not by physically blocking border crossing points. thank you for joining us, for your position, serhii derkach, deputy minister of community development, territories and infrastructure of ukraine, and we talked about the chances for success. well, the unblocking of the polish-ukrainian border. thank you all to our viewers for joining our broadcast and also
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communicating in the comments, it is very important. for now , let's talk about what concerns everyone, namely a sharp drop in temperature, heavy snowfall and ice. the ukrhydrome center reports difficult weather conditions in ukraine over the next two days. the temperature can drop to -15 and -20° below zero, and here in... in the central and northern regions, forecasters expect from 10 to 30 cm of snow, in the south and east of ukraine there will be rain with transition to snow and also in the center and east and in the south of the country gusts of wind, blizzards and snowdrifts. in the western regions, the temperature will drop to -20° during the day, the second orange level of danger has been announced in most territories of ukraine, traffic on national highways may be limited or blocked due to approaching bad weather. so said the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine. drivers are already being urged to refrain
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from traveling in the coming days, especially over long distances . a 24-hour operational response headquarters has been established to eliminate the consequences of bad weather. later in our broadcast we will talk about and such a weather forecast, how it can affect our life and movement. oleksandr khorundzhiy, press officer of the state emergency service of ukraine, joined us. broadcast, mr. oleksandr , i congratulate you, we are also waiting, mykola kulbida, director of the ukrainian hydrometeorological center, will join our broadcast, and for now i will ask you a question, mr. oleksandr, is there already such a certain, certain result, certain complications due to bad weather, which have the regions already felt the consequences at this point? greetings to all listeners, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, as of this morning. there are no complications of significant weather conditions on the territory of the state , according to ukrenergo, 373
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settlements in six regions have been affected, these are dnipropetrovsk, kirovohrad, odesa, mykolaiv and donetsk, oblenergo crews are involved in the restoration of electricity supply, and they actually work around the clock, according to our information state agency for the restoration and development of infrastructure, travel on all roads. more than 1,200 units of equipment are in operation and are provided for public use more than 1,400 people, 450 units of equipment and 684 people are on duty, which means that on january 7, we have a headquarters for liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations on public highways under the state agency for reconstruction and development of infrastructure . monitors the situation, monitors all bodies that can be involved in the elimination of vengeful conditions, and accordingly all information is transferred there, and
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the headquarters clearly reacts to that other situation with investment. as for the work of the department of emergency situations, then we have already carried out 39 calls for assistance, 17 of them went to towing cars, including an ambulance, a bus carrying 15 people, and three of them children worked in volynsk, dnipropetrovsk, ivano-frankivsk, kirovohrad, odesa, poltava, ternopil, kharkiv, chernihiv, cherkasy regions. mr. alexander, thank you for this information. mykola kulbeda also joined our broadcast. mr. mykola, can you tell me how many days this bad weather has been going on? what is it like, in which regions is the biggest drop in temperature expected there? well, that's it for now, tempering. has already happened, mainly in the northern part of ukraine, and the minimum
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temperatures reached 19-21° of frost. this is in the territory of chernihiv and sumy regions, in the northern regions from 13 to 18. in the western regions, as well as in the central part of ukraine, the temperature drop was from 8 to 12 degrees below zero, in the south and transcarpathia 1.6 degrees below zero, on the coast 0.5 degrees below zero. as you can see, there is already a very wide range of temperatures, but in addition to the frosts, we also warned about the arrival of a sufficiently active cyclone on the territory of ukraine and intense snowfall, which began in the carpathian regions, then moved to the central region of ukraine, and the most such, the largest amount of precipitation fell and continues to fall in
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kirovohrad, dnipropetrovsk, in the north odesa, north. mykolaiv, northern, zaporizhia regions, as well as partially in cherkasy and poltava regions. it is mainly snow, although yesterday it rained in these areas, which then turned into snow. thus, there are conditions for the occurrence of such dangerous weather phenomena as ice, sticking wet snow and ice on the roads. during today and the next night, the cyclone will leave the territory of ukraine and thus the weather conditions will improve from the point of view of precipitation, but from the point of view of temperature, this is a cooling, it will spread to the extreme south of ukraine, with
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temperature values ​​somewhere up to 10-15°. these are the basic rules of behavior at the moment, taking into account such and such a weather forecast for ukrainians, well, depending on what we have on attention, if it is snowing, then accordingly it is necessary to listen to the parades not to go out, during the period when we transmit trade warnings, in particular, we receive, to the house of the center, accordingly, we immediately publish the same warnings also go to local authorities, so when we call , don't plan well... there are big long-distance trips, then you have to listen accordingly, besides , information is constantly given about which roads may be closed in order to reduce traffic and to increase the capacity on the roads and prevent emergency situations, besides , if it is desired, then of course it is necessary here, and
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if there is such an opportunity, and first of all, well, of course, we have been busy for a long time... and secondly , moving accordingly is cars , at minimum speeds, your hands should be smooth and let pedestrians pass, reduce your speed at pedestrian crossings at traffic lights, and be attentive to the population, yes, and look carefully to move accordingly, if there is an opportunity to put on ice boots, and no, too earn accordingly such. the most important thing before going out, and even more so before leaving home , is to watch the news, what is the weather forecast, what is the situation in general, the news in your region, this is very important, i thank you, gentlemen, for joining oleksandr khorundzhui, press officer of the state emergency service of ukraine and mykola kulbida, director of the ukrainian hydrometeorological center were guests of our broadcast. i thank all of you for making this morning broadcast together with radio liberty, watch us on youtube on
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the radio liberty channel every day from 9:00, we are also available to viewing on the air of telekanaluso tv. thanks for sharing this video. my name is katerynana nekrecha, i and the entire freedom of mornings team wish you a peaceful day. before meeting. congratulations, it's news time on the etheris, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. consequences of the morning attack on ukraine, one wounded woman in kharkiv, she was hospitalized. in the morning, the enemy struck at least four times in the city. the type of rockets
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