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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and news sport two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 20 to 20. so, dear
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friends, we are back on the air, we continue, actually, as we announced to you, now we will talk about the new year's issue, oh, i have now chosen a literary word, the new year's issue presented to us by quarter 95 , which was apparently intended to arouse desire in ukrainians. it is better to learn ukrainian and switch to ukrainian. it seems to me that there is no person who has not seen this passage, because those who watched near the screens, probably saw it, and then people who were indignant, did you see andria? no, i haven't seen such a person, there is at least one such person, well , then we have to see, so that at least andriy can see what it is, about which the whole country has been buzzing for days, well, my whole life.
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she, in addition to the fact that she looked and just got indignant somewhere, decided that after all it was necessary to act, and wrote the appropriate complaints, mrs. yevgenia, we welcome you to our airwaves, i don't know, i'm not from skadovsk, not from the kherson region, i am from the lviv region, all my life spoke ukrainian, you know, but it outraged me, because i have only respect for people who switch to ukrainian, and if they make mistakes, i don't laugh at them, on the contrary... i say, maybe there is something to
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help or what am i saying, don't be shy, speak, even if it's wrong , in time you'll speak up, because practice is the best thing that can happen, it's like a baby, if it won't stand up on its feet and support itself, if it won't fall down and make noises, it won't eventually learn to walk, i don't know how you have it, how a resident of the kherson region, what , what, what emotions did this cause you, but the fact that you filed a complaint, probably, in addition to indignation , there are many other... different emotions, please tell us about them and the fact that how did they finally react to them, to be honest, yes, thank you, well, to be honest, all normal people act like you, actually, yes, because i also learn foreign languages, i need them for work, and when i do any mistakes, foreigners are delighted that i speak at all, if i make any mistakes, they they correct me correctly and that's all, no hate, no insults, actually
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, this number was just the straw that broke the camel's back, because you probably know that before christmas there were other very shameful numbers of another team. and there was also talk about the occupation, but it was a little bit, i won’t say that it wasn’t before, that cup probably wasn’t full yet, but when i saw the speech of skadovsky ’s mayor and watched this number, because i hadn’t seen it either, it not my humor, i didn't watch it on new year's eve, but i was just overwhelmed, and i'm used to acting in general, i.e. if i see that i can do something, then i have to do it, so i filed a complaint with... the commission for journalistic ethics, i understood that there, most likely, the reaction would be quite fast, and it was fast, they really reacted, provided recommendations, gave a statement, and also filed a complaint with the national council on radio broadcasting and television, because in addition to the fact that this is a violation of a certain
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code of ethics, which can be considered subjective, yes , someone sees it this way, someone else, it is also a violation article 36 of the media law, and i would like the channel. what is it missed it, er, suffered the appropriate punishment, but again, it is not me who has to decide, but the relevant regulator, and the complaint has been there for several days, uh, there was no reaction yet, and the answer, no, there was not yet, but oh well them , i know they're very busy with the media plus law going into effect, they have, i think, up to 30 days, something like that, let's figure it out anyway, why does this offend us? did that offend you? in general, i really like high-quality humor, and there are certain collectives and individuals, for example, stand-up comedians that i like, who can also joke on the edge prick, but i was offended by the first submission,
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that is, it is an insult, in my opinion, to displaced women, it is a clear stereotyping of displaced women, secondly, it is absolutely false, because... skadovsk is just that magical city that speaks ukrainian, and it definitely speaks ukrainian, i even remember the story, a few years ago in one of the cafes a football match was announced "belgium-occupiers", that is, this is an indicator that skadovsk is ukraine, not belgium, russia, belgium is the occupiers, and the third point is the style of presentation in general, that is, it is very poor humor. about people who are now in very, not bad conditions, terrible conditions, and this trigger must have worked, i still know the story about how a resident of skadovsk paid with her life for shouting that the occupier skadovsk is ukraine . i don't know how i would have behaved in
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the conditions in which she found herself, i don't know if i would have had the courage to call out to the occupier, skadovsk is ukraine, well, honestly, huh. she did it and she paid for it with her life and well the last of that that really hurt me, after all, i am a person who lived in the occupation for 4.5 months and had to run and hide from the fsb, who were looking for pro-ukrainian media persons, and i know what every minute of life in the occupation is like, that's why the humor about the occupation of course it should be, if there is a desire to joke, why not, but it should be very measured and balanced. and they can, actually, but not in this case. well, and, probably, does it matter from whose mouth come jokes, similar, risky, because even this actress, you can say so, or a comedian who was pronounced from the stage, i understand that she herself has some kind of difficult history with
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the ukrainian language and patriotism, in relation to the ukrainian state, because she traveled somewhere in the crimea during already and already during that time. she is going to lviv with a tour, she will be here on january 18, so we can arrange a meeting for her, there is a description of the play, by the way, very interesting, i read it, and as for ms. gatun, here, by the way, she is the one, photos from 2015, if this mrs. gatun laughs at... women, apparently immigrants, who do not know ukrainian well language, then here is the description of the play from which she comes, there is such a sentence, the story is spied on in one family, it begins as a domestic comedy, what what ends, well,
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in a word, dear friends, well, well, it can be seen, what is it that this sentence is written in russian and then translated into ukrainian, this is the first thing, and i looked up a word like that in the ukrainian language, there is no, madam... iryna gatun, and iryna gatun, i think that's her name, you see , what is said in the window, then in the store, see, a person corresponds to his stage image, then let him laugh already myself, then, then would... you could probably take this joke normally, right? well, if she was laughing at herself , she was laughing at the residents of skadovsk, i know that, by the way, she was not just in the crimea, she was even in my hometown in feodosia, where my path is very, very closed. in the 18-19 years, she rested, in particular in yalta, in feodosia, in other cities of the crimea, and exhibited these photos publicly, by the way, i am very careful about traveling to the crimea, i... that travel is permissible in the occupation, so that hung
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connection with ms. yevgenia, i will very briefly remind you that, for example, another friend of president zelensky, naum barul, who lived in russia for a long time, in moscow, still retains, as the journalists of the scheme investigator claim, russian citizenship, and in memory probably berezhet has. has a business in crimea and pays taxes to the russian treasury, the russian state budget, but now in ukraine he receives state orders and films patriotic tv series, this is also related to the question of why those people who poured shit on this ukraine and laughed at it, ridiculed, ridiculed russian television, russian concert halls, now they teach us how to speak ukrainian correctly or how to be patriots, with our own state funds during the war. this is a question for us, for our own dignity, taking into account the fact that gur made some
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statement there that it seems that the russians are terribly worried about the fact that ukrainians in ukraine have such a tendency that ukrainians are increasingly switching to the ukrainian language, then this number looks like a provocation in order to make fun of those ukrainians who are trying despite their mistakes and to make sure that they do not switch to ukrainian, to somehow calm the russians, well , at least that's how i perceive it, danylo miro is with us, we will ask the dnipro city council about the consequences of this morning's russian attack on the dnipropetrovsk region. mr. danilo, we congratulate you. greetings studio, thank you very much for constantly keeping in the information field so that people know, you know, from the scene. what happened in our country, basically, how many rockets were launched all over the country. we have, yes. we have po and yes, we had, let’s say, arrivals in the region in kryvorivskyi district, in
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in the city of kryvyi rih there was a hit in a shopping center, there were also hits in novomoskovsk, there was an explosive wave, unfortunately, very badly, well , a minibus that was passing by the road overturned, and there are currently in our region. the most injured, there are 24 injured , five of them are children, it's a shock in general, so it's kind of , you know, the morning, really, as the experts said , including in your studio, who are probably waiting for when it will be cold, when there will be hordelica and the like, that's why the situation is like this at the moment, well, the day before yesterday, you probably already are everyone knows about ice cream. she sang on the dnipro, and literally, in principle, a christmas tree with an ore
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baby jumped so much, because it all happened very, very close and very loudly, the hit was also in her usually five-story house, and to a very, very great miracle, no one suffered, thank you very much for this conversation, for the fact that mr. danylo was able to join us after all and... told us about the results of today's morning rocket attack on the city of dnipro, in fact, we wish all dnipro residents strength and perseverance, and ukraine survived this one shelling, and calmly look to the future , the russians are not getting anything at the moment, the third mass attack and minimal results thanks to the ukrainian air defense system and the help of the allies, and of course the skills of our anti-aircraft fighters yes, defense, what about friends, we will now go for a short , no, we will not go anywhere, we
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will still stay here, there will be a pause later, well , we will now continue the conversation with dmytro kupyru, the director of the anti-shadow expert organization life, he will join us now, our bots have been activated under the broadcast, they say, they say that if the president was not from the 95th quarter, no one would be affected by this number, listen, i will tell you if the president was not from the 95th quarter. then at all, we would be eating kebabs now, there would be no war, but no, i mixed something up, no, it’s the other way around, it’s all because of poroshenko, i forgot, for sure, you know, that is, the people who sit in the theater, who have... 25 years of experience working on television are bots, ugh, and people who, under an incomprehensible nickname, like vita, tanya, masha, etc., log in , register and write something on youtube in broadcast, they are not bots, ugh, they are real characters, and they write in capslock, nata some,
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ay, nata namni nata, ok gentlemen, thank you for watching us. in the meantime, we want to emphasize that we continue fundraising, we need to raise as much as 5 million, that's all, but if we already have, and we already have our next guest, dmytro kupyra, the director of the anti-shadow expert organization of life, we will add him to our broadcast , and we are talking about what is harmful to life, such as bad humor, as well as tobacco. mr. dmytro, actually. discusses raising excise taxes on tobacco, and what is meant? i wish everyone good health, indeed, here in ukraine, in accordance with european integration obligations , an increase in excise taxes on cigarettes is provided for
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, but ukraine also has advanced practice, it has harmonized excise taxes on pipes and heating cigarettes, and according to the increase plan, we have the increase was supposed to take place by 2025 to €90 per 1,000 pieces, but due to the devaluation of the hryvnia by 35%, we actually do not reach this plan by 35%, and therefore there is a proposal to increase, additionally increase this excise tax, and the cabinet of ministers has now developed a proposal. the increase in excise taxes on cigarettes, this is still at the level of the ministry of finance, that is, it is responsible for this ministry of finance, and the good thing is that they are proposing to extend this process until 2028, we as a public think that it can be done faster, and this will contribute at least
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uah 36 billion to the budget for 2 years 2024 and 2025, if it is done quickly, and the second thing that... to be honest, impressed me is that the ministry of finance, which submitted this for public discussion, proposed a tax preference for tobacco products, the largest participant in the market of which is an international company sponsoring the war, and we are very surprised by this, because again we are talking about billions of hryvnias of tax preferences for a specific tobacco product, which is produced, well, which is imported into ukraine by two specific ones. .. two specific tobacco companies, we paid attention to this and we hope that these are heating cigarettes, they are now advertised there under several brands, but of course there is no benefit from them for the population none, but in addition, it would still be a multi-billion-dollar shortfall to the budget of ukraine, we drew the attention of the cabinet
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of ministers and the ministry of finance to this, we hope that it will be taken into account, and in fact additional under... products can pay for a significant share of military needs , which we now have in fact from a product that, in fact, is unnecessary for the population, and in addition, it causes harm to health. i understand that there is a difference in taxation, i.e. non-taxation, investment with excise duties on regular cigarettes and these cigarettes for heating devices, otti aikos and so on, what is there? security, well , look, that's the point, that today there is no difference in their taxation, it is harmonized, that is, what excise rate do we have on each cigarette, what is our minimum rate, what, what kind of excise tax do we have on these cigarettes for aikos, and this is what we think
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is the right policy, instead the ministry of finance, i don't even know for what reasons, well , i don't know what happened to the... according to the experts of the ministry of finance, whether it was interference of the tobacco industry, but for some reason they proposed that for cigarettes, they say, let's tax them at the level of €90 per thousand pieces, and here are cigarettes for heating, let's tax them at the rate of €72 per 1,000 pieces, well, fortunately, as the head of the tax committee said, with you will not even pass such a proposal to the committee, the specialized tax committee, with the demand that... these rates were the same, harmonized, because from the side of health, from the side of common sense, there are reasons to tax these cigarettes for heating at a lower rate, than there are no ordinary cigarettes. maybe this way they want to stimulate people to switch to this type of people who already smoke cigarettes, so that they are still considered less harmful
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to the lungs, ugh, you know that the logic is obvious, maybe it is, together with this and the ministry of finance itself , and the world health organization, and the anti-tobacco public, we in no way consider these products any less harmful, moreover, research. show that these cigarettes are for heating, they are promoted by the tobacco industry not to get smokers to switch from some tobacco products, on others, and so that those who do not smoke, those youth and children who do not smoke, become smokers under the slogans that these are less harmful products, and if you hear less there, then everyone perceives, well you know, if it is less harmful, then you can smoke there, because life is generally a harmful thing in... death comes, that's why, that's why it's such a trick of the tobacco industry, and it's obvious what such an offer is, such a tax preference , they tried and
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are trying to push it into the tobacco deal companies, but what is even worse for us, because , for example, the manufacturer of these aikos is the philip company, and the national anti-corruption agency recognized this company as an international war sponsor. because this company is the largest transnational tax payer in russia, so in fact the shelling that we had today or on january 2 of this year, well, as many taxes as this company paid, they can conduct four or five such shellings with this money, and very briefly, we have two minutes left, vape, vaping, vaping is a very fashionable topic for young people. or she is enough here there are things to stop it , did it become more, here is also a question from lesya , did they smoke more because of the war, maybe because of stress, yes, thanks for the good questions,
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first, did they smoke more, studies show that no, there were no more smokers, fortunately, but the intensity among those who smoke, unfortunately, increased, that is, those who smoked there, for example, 15 or 13 cigarettes, they began to smoke more, but in terms of percentage, there are a lot of smokers there... no more, the second thing is that regarding the effects of e-cigarettes, again, our thesis is that there is no such thing as safe smoking, the human lungs are made only for air, whether tobacco smoke, whether there are vapors from heating cigarettes or e-cigarettes, they cause devastating damage to human lungs and health, and again tobacco industry, namely the tobacco industry, is the biggest promoter. electronic cigarettes, uses these products to attract those who have never smoked before they become addicted to tobacco and nicotine, so i wish ukrainians not to start
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smoking, and those who, unfortunately, already have such addiction, make the best decisions for your health and give up any smoking, because we still need to restore human capital for the future of ukraine. thank you, mr. dmytro, for your answers, dmytro kupira, director of... the expert organization life was in touch with us, they talked about the increase in excise taxes and whether more ukrainians started smoking due to the fact that there is a full-scale invasion, then we will go on a break, we will return, we still have an hour ahead of our part, our participation in the marathon, and we will have valery pekar, public figure, entrepreneur and teacher of the kyiv-mohyla business school, as well as bohdan logvynenko, founder of the yukray project, public figure and writer, we have many interesting topics to discuss with them, thank you for staying with us, thank you for you will donate to our army, i remind you
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that we are collecting for kamikaze drones, and we already have uah 450,708 in at least one account. about the other account , we will tell you the results tomorrow, well, we still need to collect a lot, we need to collect 5 million, so the collection... continues and join please go to it and stay with the espresso. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots - perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes are from 30 to 46, so get two pairs for yourself and your husband. furnace zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. the insulation keeps perfectly
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