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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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see how quickly she copes, even with thick branches. the strong saw is easy to use and mobile. once and it's done. and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard-to -reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger that will allow you to always have a charged saw at hand. call and order a reliable and convenient tool for only uah 1,499. a powerful strong saw is what you need. call greetings, it's news time in etheriso. he works in the studio kateryna shiropoyas. two people died as a result. russian missile attack on
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khmelnytskyi region, air defense forces shot down two missiles within the region, however, the enemy struck infrastructure objects, a fire broke out, it has already been contained, the regional military administration reported. consequences of the morning missile attack on ukraine: one injured woman in kharkiv, she was hospitalized. in the morning , the enemy struck the city at least four times. the type of rockets is set by damaged props. district and educational institution, said oleg synygubov, the head of the region. the russians also hit a private house in zmiiv, kharkiv oblast. rescuers recovered the body of an elderly civilian from under the rubble . two people were saved. they were wounded by artillery and mortars. the russians shelled more than 15 settlements in the region. as a result of the attack on the village of senkovo , a 17-year-old boy was injured and hospitalized. a man died in nechzludavka. in addition, one of
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the wounded in the shelling of kharkiv died in the hospital on january 2. the man was in serious condition. five explosions rang out in zaporizhzhia in the morning. the rockets hit residential areas in the open area and near houses. five people were injured, the head of the region yuriy malashko said. one person is in serious condition, windows were broken in nine high-rise buildings and six private sector buildings were damaged. operational and rescue services are working at the sites of the strikes. the attack on the city was combined. the russians hit with cruise and ballistic missiles from different directions. in kryvyi rih , people were injured as a result of a rocket attack. the shopping center and more than two dozen were damaged private houses. a 58-year-old man received shrapnel injuries. he is in satisfactory condition , the local authorities report. 24 wounded
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in novomoskovskiy, dnipropetrovsk region, among them five children from four to 17 years old, all in the hospital in a moderate condition. due to the russian attacks, a fire broke out in the city, it has already been contained, the blast wave overturned a minibus that was passing by the place of impact, - said the head of the region , serhiy lysak. three administrative buildings, two gas stations, a five-story building and cars and... there is also a hit in lozuvatskyi hromada, in lozuvatskyi hromada a private house was hit, as a result of which, unfortunately , a 62-year-old woman died. all necessary communal services and responsible persons are working at the scene. so, dear ones, lately the enemy has been very active with the coming cold, so please move to safe places. at night, the russian invaders attacked. ukraine with strike drones.
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the enemy used eight uavs of the minecraft type. as reported in the general staff of the armed forces all enemy drones of ukraine destroyed the air defense forces. the operational command of the south also said that the drones were entering from the waters of the black sea. they were concentrated as much as possible on odesa. one drone was shot down in mykolaiv oblast, seven more in odesa oblast. falling, falling, falling, falling. another 440 russians destroyed the armed forces of ukraine in the past day, and in total , the occupation army of russia has been reduced by more than 365 thousand soldiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. in addition, our defense forces burned nine tanks, 19 armored fighting vehicles, 13 artist and one means of anti-aircraft defense of the enemy. 19 units of cars and one unit will no longer serve the invaders. special vehicles, and
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ukrainian air defense forces destroyed 11 russian operational-tactical level drones. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. large-scale embezzlement, the state bureau of investigation reported a new suspicion to the former deputy minister and head of the ministry of defense department. last year, the department and an eastern european company concluded a contract for the supply of a large batch of bulletproof vests, but the products did not meet standards, so it could not be used by the military. as a result of the purchase, the state lost almost uah 950 million. the suspects face imprisonment. for up to 15 years. he threw a grenade near a high-rise building. in kyiv, a resident of luhansk region came to the house where his acquaintance lived. there was a long-standing conflict between the men, so the suspect threw a grenade into the yard, which exploded.
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there were no casualties. the car was damaged, the police reported, and the perpetrator was arrested. he is repeatedly convicted of property crimes and hooliganism. during his inspection discovered f-1 grenade with fuse, he faces up to seven years in prison. and in ukraine, due to the accumulation of wet snow and ozhelets, almost four hundred settlements were cut off. the most difficult situation is in dnipropetrovsk oblast. according to the ministry of energy , more than 15,000 subscribers are without electricity in kryvyi rih. boiler and pumping stations operate on generators. trams and trolleybuses in kirovohrad oblast stopped due to icing. about 80 settlements without electricity, 58 in odesa and another 54 in mykolaiv regions, also almost 9,000 subscribers were left without electricity in the kyiv region, power outage schedules will not be applied. the boing 737 plane is considered
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one of the most reliable in the world, four years ago the world was shaken by terrible news, one of the biggest tragedies occurred. history of ukrainian airlines. a boeing 737 was shot down in neneb over tergegran. then 176 people died. all who were on board. the morning of january 8, 2020. the boging 737 plane of international airlines of ukraine is on its way from tagheran to kyiv. shortly after takeoff , the plane crashes. all 176 people who were in the plane, among them there are 11 ukrainians, nine crew members and two passengers. citizens of iran, canada, sweden, afghanistan and great britain were also on the plane. poperovakh tehran insisted there was a technical fault, and just three days later iranian authorities admitted their
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involvement in the disaster and said their air defense system had shot down the ship. tehran officially declared that it is ready to pay compensation to the families of the victims, but... refused to investigate the plane crash further. the countries whose citizens were affected did not rule out that the plane was deliberately shot down by the iranians. that is why the international group of investigators is not given full access to investigate the case. compensation in the amount of 150,000 dollars was offered to the relatives of each deceased. ukraine did not agree to such an amount and stated that tehran is trying to resolve the case without admitting the illegality of its actions. the decoding of the black boxes showed that after the first missile hit the plane, about 19 seconds, the pilots were still talking in the cockpit, 25 seconds after that the plane was hit by the second, but the pilots still tried to control the plane to the last. the airport was fully
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open, in full working order, there were no bans on flights either from the ukrainian administration, certainly not from the iranian one. authorities , there were no notes for the pilots about closing the airport or shooting toys, the pilots did not know, they could not have known them, because there were no warnings, the airport was working normally, who was shooting from where and where, it is not a matter of civil aviation. for the downed ukrainian battle, ten people were sentenced to death, one of them commanders of the calculation of the air defense system received 10 years of imprisonment, nine other military personnel from one to three years. however, today, after iran began supplying russia with combat drones for shelling ukrainian territories, it is difficult to talk about a fair investigation and prosecution of those responsible for this tragedy, because iran still refuses to fully recognize its international legal responsibility for the downing of the plane and
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continues to ignore claims countries whose citizens died in a plane crash. that's all news for this hour, more interesting and relevant information can be found on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. i will conclude the issue with this. my colleagues lesya vokulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. see you dear friends, this is the final hour for today and we are starting it, in this hour we have two, two conversations with two interesting and important people, with valery pekar and bohdan logvinenko, and already with... we are valery pekar, public figure, entrepreneur , teacher of the kyiv-mohyla business school, we welcome him
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to our airwaves, mr. valery, good morning to you, good morning, mr. valery, if you think back to the past year, the beginning of the year was perceived as fairly optimistic by yu, everyone was hoping for some success, there were many predictions about that in 2023 the war will end with the victory of ukraine, now everyone is much more cautious, and even i would assume that such a little ... gloomy and pessimistic views prevail, or does this really mean that those forecasts last year were too optimistic, and in what difference between forecasts and scenarios, as i know that you have prepared just scenarios of how events can develop until 2025, thanks for a great question, actually emotional coils are of course. things in difficult times, those who were on the maidan got to know them back in december
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2013, and everyone who was tested by subsequent events knows them well, at first it seems that everything is very good, we are winning, then it is the opposite, everything is bad , everything is a betrayal, nothing will happen, we are doomed, then we win again, then we are doomed again, this is in fact, it’s just emotional fluff, but at the same time it must be said that... there really were inflated expectations a year ago, and these inflated expectations were based on two assumptions, not assumed, that russia would not be very strong in defense and a significant number of russian losses would lead to a split in russian elites, this assumption turned out to be false, and the second assumption, that our allies will actively and quickly supply us with the necessary... weapons and military equipment for a quick victory , also turned out to be false, it also did not
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come true, as a result, we see that during the 23rd year, essentially each side has shown that it is stronger in defense than the other side in attack. the russians did not manage to break through the ukrainian defenses, ukraine did not manage to break through the russian defenses, and despite the significant successes of the armed forces of ukraine at sea and in the air, the main front is still land. and in fact, from this point of view, the 23rd year did not bring what we expected in the spring, but this does not mean that we should despair and think that everything is lost and all the more to look for those who are guilty of what happened exaggeration of expectations never led to good things, and here it is rather necessary to rebuke those people who are guilty of these exaggerated expectations, and it is not only those people who formed the information policy. you, and those people we can see in the mirror, because we 've actively been led into such a very optimistic
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mood, at the same time the gloomy predictions for the 24th year are also not very realistic, because the western aid keeps coming, because the armed forces continue to defend steadily and occasionally advance, i am sure that one way or another society will understand the importance of mobilization. will be implemented with maximum justice, this is a separate topic in which i am not an expert, and therefore i do not really want to comment on it, but today there is already a professional conversation about it among specialists, and this is good , as well as other factors, as well for example, the factor of financial support of the event will work just as well, that is, in fact, we are not expecting a bad year, but we cannot apply exaggerated expectations to it in the same way, as well as very underestimated ones, it is best not to have any expectations, but just do what every day
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must, here i want to remember viktor frankl , a psychologist who passed the nazi monster , he said that the first to surrender were those people who believed that everything would end very quickly, then those people who stopped believing that it would ever end will end, but those people survived and endured, who every day just did what needed to be done every day, sorry. for not a very exact quote, but the gist is about this, and therefore the second question was related to what is the difference between a forecast and a scenario, the difference is significant. because the forecast means that someone tells us that he knows how it will be, the scenario means that no one knows how it will be, but there may be different options for the development of events, different options for the development of events, which are formed not only by objective trends, but also by subjective ones , that is, by the thoughts, actions, deeds of millions of people, in this case millions of ukrainians, as well as the elites of other
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countries involved in this great war. and therefore it is very imprudent to make predictions, no one can say with certainty how everything will turn out, but scenario analysis, on the contrary, is very valid, and here it must be said that , unfortunately, a large part of our fellow citizens do not understand what a scenario is and believe that if there are several scenarios, for example, good, average, bad, then this means that a bad one will definitely happen, and oh, it’s left to us, what to do, everything is gone and so on, and... and often it is difficult to correctly calculate even the probable scenarios, but understanding good scenarios and bad scenarios gives us the opportunity to act as free people of a free country, to do everything possible for to avert a bad scenario, in order for a good scenario to materialize, and believe in the best, prepare for the worst and work so that the best happens, somewhere,
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you yourself published three scenarios that are most likely to develop in the near future. .. for two years, the situation, in particular with ukraine’s war with russia, and this is a scenario of a war of attrition, a continuation, this is a scenario of freezing the war, and this is a scenario of a ukrainian victory, and you yourself emphasize that it is the worst scenario, namely the continuation of the war of attrition most realistic i would say that the current trends are leading us there, it is not so much the most realistic, but what is called inertial. please tell me about this scenario itself, what does it mean by itself? it is implied that the russian leadership chose a war of attrition not because russia has more resources than ukraine, today no one has an understanding of how many resources russia really has, all the figures are classified, the figures published in russia are not to be believed it is not possible in any case, therefore it is possible that the right ones
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who believes that russia will hold out for another 10 years, and perhaps those who believe that this year will be the last for it, we do not know the real picture in the russian economy and we do not know the real picture in the russian elites, at the same time, the choice of war is not exhaustion as its main strategy is based on another assumption of the russians, on the assumption that since all of ukraine's allies are democratic countries, sooner or later people who are not so inclined to support ukraine, or maybe even... not at all, will come to power in these democratic countries not inclined to the support of ukraine, as it happened in slovakia, ah, then there were bad expectations from the elections in the netherlands, and even worse expectations from the possible scenarios of the elections in the united states of america, our main ally in terms of military aid, but such in this way, the russians are betting that sooner or later people who are not inclined to help
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ukraine will come to power, and then ukraine itself will not be able to conduct hostilities without western aid . ah, well, what needs to be said: first, of course, certain caveats of this kind exist, uh, but at the same time, ukraine itself is increasing, uh, its own capabilities, to produce weapons, and secondly, we currently see, for example, in the united states of america , strong bipartisan support for ukraine, although it is bad that ukraine became a hostage, this is a hostage, a hostage in fact, of internal politics. after the race in the united states of america, anyway, in the near future, no stop for help is expected, and we have the opportunity to continue the dialogue with our partners, convincing them that our victory is their victory, our defeat is their defeat, this is actually the key to the third scenario, to the scenario of ukrainian victory,
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because today the west is inclined to support ukraine and prevent ukrainian defeat, but at the same time... it has reservations about russian defeat, because russian they associate defeat with a catastrophe, with the collapse of russia, the uncontrolled spread of nuclear weapons, various refugee crises, ethnic cleansing, the excessive strengthening of china and all other troubles that the west is terribly afraid of, in fact, this there is no need to be afraid, because this is exactly the path to ukrainian victory, because ukrainian victory, as written in the document here , is desired with... the document, which is actually the only one, describes in detail the ukrainian victory and the path to it, it is called the manifesto of sustainable peace, it it is easily accessible if you search for the manifesto of salo mir on the internet, it is a document prepared by several dozen ukrainian leaders. intellectuals, he just shows that our way to victory is the way to political changes in russia, because as long as the empire exists, ukraine will be in danger, security
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ukraine and stable peace in europe and in the world is the end of the existence of the russian empire, and this will actually happen, only when it will happen in three weeks or in 10 years, we don't know, we need to work to make it happen faster. the speaker of the house of representatives in the united states congress, mike johnson, a representative of the republicans from ... said that the aid to ukraine will continue when biden calls the end of the war in ukraine, the ultimate goal of this aid , do you think this is a sly statement on the part of mr. johnson, and on the other hand, perhaps he is right, what is the ultimate goal, and could it not actually be this option of freezing the war, or is it not the ultimate goal of president biden and his administration, which they just... dare not say out loud, if so, by the way, what possibilities remain for us? in fact, everything that is happening today between democrats and
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republicans in the united states of america must be considered exclusively from an internal political point of view. ukraine is just such a word that they throw around like a tennis ball, despite the fact that here lives are at risk, the lives of thousands of ukrainian soldiers and millions of civilians, they... are simply using it for internal political struggle and it is not necessary to pay attention to this from ukraine, we need to ensure bipartisan support, and ukrainian diplomats and members of parliament are working for this. as for the real purpose of the war, there is indeed a claim against the biden administration that they do not know how the war will end, and the american press is already frankly writing about the fact that the united states of america cannot afford a defeat in this war, because it the defeat of the democratic world and in general... the defeat of democracy and those politicians who supported ukraine cannot afford victory in this war either, because it is associated with troubles for them, well, we have to
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show this picture to our partners, it is necessary to prove that the russian defeat is an acceptable end to the war, and thus this is the way to our victory, because it opens the way to the supply of the necessary quality and quantity of weapons, sanctions, diplomatic support, etc., therefore, you and i actually described two key scenarios, the bad scenario: the freezing of the war, sorry, the bad scenario of the continuation of the war of attrition, which will lead to ukrainian troubles, and the good scenario of the ukrainian victory. there is a freeze scenario in the middle, but it is not the end point of the war. first of all, freezing the war today is very unrealistic, it's just that today ukrainian society is not ready to freeze the conflict for negotiations right here and now with russia, no, the leaders of the russian state are not ready either. because their strategy is clear, their strategy - this is not a war of attrition, but the situation can change, and the point of view of ukrainian society changes, maybe under the influence of some factors, maybe putin, under
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the influence of some factors, maybe chinese influence or internal problems, and then this scenario is possible, but it is not the end point of the war, because the mesmerization of the war means just a break before the next war, which will be in 3, 5, 7 years, during which time ukraine and... russia will participate in the modernization race, ukraine with the help of the west, russia with with the help of china, will try to prepare as quickly as possible for the next hot phase, and in a good case it simply will not come, ukraine will prepare so well that russia will not attack again, well in a bad case it will be what happened to the chechen republic of chkeria after the second chechen war, having learned from the mistakes previous invasion, russia, as we remember, then invaded the chechen republic of ishkeria. and actually destroyed it, therefore, if the freezing of the war is not an extreme point, it is not the last day and not the end of the war, it is just a break,
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a truce, in fact, which gives us time to prepare for the next war, which will be soon enough, and it will be the last, and it will either be a ukrainian victory or a ukrainian defeat, depending on how we prepare, and somewhere , the scenario looks like this today, and from the procrastination. and its war of attrition is a bad scenario for ukraine, ukrainian victory together with allies is a good scenario, and the average scenario of freezing the conflict is temporary, leading to the continuation of the war after a certain time. er, mr. valeriu, maybe tomorrow, perhaps in the coming days, the verkhovna rada will consider a package of laws that are related to solving the issue of mobilization. to the army, the legislation is very important, which affects many and everyone in one way or another, we know that it has been discussed there for three days, in particular at the committee and zaluzhnyi and everyone, and there is a lot of criticism that
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you write about this... old bill about the fact that , in fact, the question of mobilization has two main components, the components are ensuring, this is all at the management level, and also ensuring the fairness of mobilization, which you have on mind and will it be possible to solve it? i would not like to comment on mobilization precisely because the conversation has already moved into professional circles, and there are a sufficient number of specialists who are professional. i can discuss it at the level, and i am not such a specialist, but from the point of view of an ordinary citizen, i will only say that society wants mobilization to be somehow connected with the criterion of justice, and the criterion that, for example, the poor are fighting there , and the rich are left behind, i am oversimplifying, but this is how it was phrased in social networks,
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it is obviously not suitable, because it does not meet the criterion of justice, at the same time , everything is not so simple, because it is necessary to provide the military-industrial complex with the necessary specialists, and to understand how mobilization will affect the economy, that is, it is a classic professional multifactorial analysis, which is better to do behind closed doors to specialists, and then show it to society and explain why it is as fair as possible, of course, in order to explain why it is fair, it must be fair, that is, now it is a topic professional conversation. and i expect , based on the results of this conversation, as well as millions of other ukrainians, i expect good governmental and parliamentary communication, what was definitely done wrong, is the introduction of this bill during the holidays, without any communication, it is obvious that society reacted quite harshly , not seeing there any mechanisms for overcoming corruption, no mechanism for ensuring justice, and no willingness of the government to respond. to the numerous
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questions that will be asked by society, mr. valery, there is literally a minute left, you also say that apart from the war, the biggest challenge for ukraine right now is non-inclusivity in politics, how would you explain that, what do you mean, i mean that today the main political decisions are made by people who are very weak in communicating like with experts and stakeholders. well, for example , veteran policy there is often developed without the participation of veteran organizations, economic policy is developed without the participation of key business associations, and so on. well, but it happens that even by the way there is and involved representatives of the market, for example, as in this case with the manufacturer of first-aid kits, who said that there are some corrupt things there and some bad chinese first-aid kits are being started and so on, and this has now
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appeared to him, as we see in the prosecution. sbu? i apologize, we are talking about policy making, not about the pressure of security forces on business. where there is a criminal case, i hardly have the right to comment on it, because i do not know its specifics. let those who conduct this criminal case, its participants, comment on it publicly. and we, citizens, except that we expect that we will learn the truth and what happened to us, how everything looks like. as for policy making, that is mobilization. a good example, obviously , before the government introduces the mobilization bill, it could talk about the bill with the military, with veterans ' organizations who know very well what the sense of justice is in society today, with business associations to understand, where there are critical points that can affect the economy today, including significantly reducing the capacity of ukraine
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to produce weapons and military equipment. and so on, or take, for example, the national income strategy recently adopted by the government , as submitted by the ministry of finance, no one saw it before it was adopted and published, and of course business associations, as well as economic think tanks, were impressed by the lack of communication and the presence of numerous comments. numerous corruption opportunities in this document and, let's say, significant violations of what is considered justice in society today, not to mention numerous violation of laws, and this is what i mean by non-inclusive policy-making, that is, non-inclusive policies of policy-making without the participation of industry experts and without the participation of those whose interests are affected, we have
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such... several examples recently, this is not good.


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