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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 11:30am-11:59am EET

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well, the revenue strategy recently adopted by the government at the request of the ministry of finance, no one saw it before it was adopted and published, and of course, business associations as well as analytical, economic centers were shocked by the lack of communication and the presence of numerous comments, numerous corrupt. opportunities in this document and, let's say, significant violations of what is considered justice in society today, not to mention numerous violations of laws, but this is exactly what i mean by non-inclusive development politics, i.e. non-inclusive politics, policy-making without the participation of industry experts and without the participation of those whose interests are affected, we have several such examples recently, this is not good.
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it would be correct for the government, parliament, and other authorities to be more open to expert communities, one cannot talk about the economy without economists, but it is also impossible to talk about the economy without entrepreneurs, one cannot talk about the mobilization of the non-military, and so on, etc. the absence of such dialogues actually leads to low quality management decisions, and here i would very much like to give a bad example... an example where you can get stuck, such a bad example is russia, where, as we know, the decision to invade ukraine was made behind such closed doors that even putin's closest entourage knew about it knew nothing, the quality of this decision turned out to be catastrophic for russia. well, thank you, thank you very much for the conversation, valery pekar was a guest of our iter today, a teacher at the kilian business school, thank you very much for participating, and we... we are probably going to take
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a break now, for a short break, then we will come back, and bohdana lugvanenko, the founder of projectiner, public activist writer, will be in touch with us, we will talk about what is being done with ukrainian culture and whether it will succeed in becoming strong, or people with pro-russian views will sneak in there. oh, and we got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c? c3 zinc and the main one - quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule, four components together. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin is immune. new york of the 19th century. this is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on mego. everyday life
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top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present own names project with myroslava barchuk. series. conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names from myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. and what, the ukrainian cultural fund again... it may end up in the hands of retrograde
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figures, sexists and even citizens of the russian federation, in fact bohdan is now talking about the fact that... it is necessary to monitor who will be in the supervisory board, and as an example he publishes a screenshot from one of the posts, and there are many such posts, one of the members of the supervisory board, oleksandr suslansky, that 's what he looks like: the husband called his wife a chicken, she didn't get upset, she just laid two eggs for him, something, my god, from the run-up, and there's a lot of different things too. there are many more, for example, on january 12, 22, this man posted that on january 10 and 11 the creators of the katyusha field rocket artillery system were shot, or he writes about the post about the top 10 russians who supported ukraine, well, in short,
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if you scroll through this person's tape, it is not clear what culture she cares about, which of the country, the soviet union, russia or ukraine, although he... is on the supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural foundation, in other words, posts in russian, some kind of, you know, humor, what kind of humor this person is posting, low quality, well, ideals, and people, on which he refers to are also such doubters, let us remind you that this war ultimately started with the publication of putin, who on the eve of the invasion tried to explain to the world, in particular, that in his opinion ukrainians ukrainian culture does not exist and there is no attempt... to prove this with an armed invasion, and let me remind you that for more than six months, ukrainian, the ukrainian ministry of culture remains without a head, there is one in karandiyeiv , there is no minister of culture, before that there was tkachenko, who was derzhkino, the head is a handy and handy person,
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who is a protégé of the same tkachenko, who seems to be gone, but became his protégé after the ukrainian cultural fund is a cool institution, one of... one of those, i don't know , well, i think, achievements, in particular , the revolution of dignity, i'm not talking about petro poroshenko, groysman, there's no price there, the revolution of dignity, in fact, which led to changes in ukraine and reforms, in particular the creation of the ukrainian cultural fund, can it be noted that there was some positive, positive influence of poroshenko's wife, well , less so, let's not engage in political advertising now, well, the fact that the institute was serious ... tion is independent, which actually made possible hundreds of projects to support the development of ukrainian culture and in history, and some documentaries were made, in the end, well, we were able, we had the opportunity, for example, to make our own, our series of 10
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episodes, 10 days of independence, and so on, today, too, this institution actually collapsed, too, because they wanted to take control over it, this is a desire in general. control, and by the way, i want to tell you more about these new year's jokes of the 95th quarter, well, we can talk about that too, and it seems to me that vitaliy portnikov said it well, here seems pretty apt, exactly that the people who make these jokes, they actually, they've been joking about it all along. kvn's jokes were always intended for the russian audience, vitaly writes. their audience wanted to laugh at the ukrainians. the problem of quarter 95 is that its authors have not changed their style and approach to humor. the quarter continues to laugh at ukrainians, this leads to the irritation of those who are disgusted by the scoop
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. it seems quite apt to me, the formulation of the fact that ukrainians have actually already changed, we already have a state has changed, we are no longer some appendage. branch of moscow, no one comes to us anymore , i hope, for the new year's corporate party and will never go to moscow again, and kirkorov and alegrovo will not come here to film together in blue lights somewhere at the dovzhenka film studio, and they still joke the same , as they joked, the only thing is that they are there, well, they, they , they really don't understand what to do now, i think, because these are people, well, they don't understand who ukrainians are, first of all, they... i don't understand what it is to be ukrainian what is ukrainian? well, i have this idea, although my opinion is of course subjective, because i have never watched them, and for me, you know, i have not watched it, i do not condemn it, no, well, wait, now you can watch all sorts of excerpts to and you don't have to, you don't have to watch
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several hours of this new year's slag to understand that it is slag, because you can draw a conclusion based on several numbers, bohdan lygvanenko, founder of public project designer. this writer is already joining our air, mr. bohdan, congratulations, congratulations, actually, we want to talk about your a post about your posts related to the ukrainian cultural fund. where you say that ukraine may lose this year as well, and lose this cultural fund, which is still called ukrainian, because it was seized by not quite ukrainian people, not quite people with a ukrainian position, which is what caused you such a reaction and such thoughts? well , in november and december, we were preparing for these elections to the honorary council of ukraine. fund and in the process understood it at the time of the announcement
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of candidates and voters, we understood that 40, and maybe more than 40 manual, pocket organizations were established, which have never participated in any ukf contests, which were created in order to nominate one of the candidates and vote for him, so we realized that... that, despite on the activity of the public sector this time, we can still lose, you posted a screenshot from the page of oleksandr suslenskyi, we showed our viewers a little of the content of his facebook page, and that's how he is, to be honest, what is he doing on the page already closed for something, but already closed, yes, well, posts in... and i blush from all that he did there, what kind of person is he, how did he get into
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the ukrainian cultural fund and how in general do people get to the supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural fund fund? there are nine people in the supervisory board, eight, that is, two people from the president's office, two people from the ministry of culture, information policy, two people elected by public organizations, that is, from the public sector, and two people from cultural institutions. in fact we are now talking about the competition is for only two people from the public sector, i.e. those that mr. suslensky is trying to falsify. others, well, in my opinion, publicity of this whole story. can prevent suslenskyi and the company from bringing
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their own people from the office of the president and from mkip there as well, as it happened 3 years ago, actually three years ago , the same mr. kiryushchenko became one of the members of the supervisory board, who has a russian passport, and actually now we try to prevent this, yes, and the ninth person, the ninth person, she is already elected - as the head of the supervisory board by other members already elected to the supervisory board based on previous tenders. if we talk about the ukrainian cultural fund, about the very case of its creation and its activities, well, at least until the 19th year, including, in particular, for sure, what the ukrainian cultural fund was, what it is not now and why there is such a struggle for control over this fund ? in fact, before the 20th, that is, in... the 20th year, in fact at the end of the 20th, this revolution took place, when the old cadres of culture, i.e.
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suslensky, it has long been in the ukrainian culture, is actually such a parasite of ukrainian culture, and it is actually his fault that he is trying to extend his term, if we talk about the 20th year, the ukrainian cultural fund was a state investor in the field of culture, that is, it invested. in various good cultural initiatives that changed the whole sector and in fact quite a lot of ukrainian youtube channels that appeared thanks to the ukrainian cultural fund, and a large number of various audiovisual products, a large number of festivals that were supported then, now it is clear that the priorities should be different, that is, it is not about support. for example, music festivals, but we have to talk about the fact that now we are forming
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the narratives of the war that is taking place, and this is actually the role, the role of culture and the role of the ukrainian cultural fund to support such projects, and in fact the ukrainian cultural fund has not become that platform , which could enhance similar war series. well, there are books about the war, films, theater performances, now, well, this is not happening, so in fact we are talking about that it needs to be changed. it will soon be six months since the ministry of culture remains without a leader, how to explain this situation, do we really not need a minister of culture and a politician, a cultural policy during the war. well, in fact, we are waiting for acting duties, it can be a maximum of
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six months acting duties, so we are waiting for a change. but there is no person who could lead the ministry. of culture, which would really be the ministry of culture of ukraine, who would you see, if not personally, then at least with what qualities of a person, with what, i don't know, the competencies in this position, yes, something separated us, it seems that someone called bohdan logvinenko, just during our conversation, let me know if there is a possibility, so i will try to bring him back to ours now. we were divided on the most interesting question, i would like to hear, well, on the 20th, the 20th, the 20th, it seems that it will be exactly six months since we did not have a minister of culture, so we return, mr. bohdan, who, who you would see in the position, this position, well, actually, the head of the ukrainian
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of the cultural fund, yuliya fediv was interviewed for the position of minister of culture. and it is very surprising that this appointment did not take place, because this is the person who created the ukrainian cultural fund, who actually changed the policy, ah, the financing of cultural projects, therefore, in my opinion, this is the best candidate at the moment, somehow strange , that in ukrainian culture there is a place for people like mr. oleksandr su suslenskyi, suslenskyi, and there is no place for people like mrs. fediv, that's it. it is strange and not strange at the same time, but all the same, or as ms sienkovych, yes, who was not taken on by the state cinema, although she passed all these competitions, but instead she ended up there, like her, my god, my god, i forgot her last name, but if in our country such a character as naum barulya is shooting patriotic series you still can't deny that he has a business in the crimea and a russian passport, but he
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receives budget funds properly, it's difficult, mr. bohdan, i know, i know that it's difficult here to... give what, what can we to do, we have a minute left, we have a minute to answer, eh, what can we do, i am grateful for publicity, for raising this topic, in fact, this is what we can do now, we can show the president's office and the ministry of culture that it will not be possible to merge the ukrainian cultural fund. thank you, bohdan legivnenko, he was with us, the founder of the yuyner project, we talked about what remains without a head. the ministry of culture and there are no attempts to establish control over such an important cultural institution as the ukrainian cultural fund, which was independent of the authorities, but instead did a lot of wonderful projects to support ukrainian culture. very many ukrainians do not really think about the role of such institutions, what, but,
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but, dear friends, all those films that we have seen up to this moment, the premieres that... came out, they were not actually filmed during the war and not during the 20th, what did chershil say? what are we fighting for if we are not fighting for our culture. so, dear friends, the issue of culture is important, even in times of war, and we must defend it, especially as bohdan logvanenko wrote, again in his own words, russia allocates 40 times more money to its culture than ukraine, and culture is important in fact, no less important in this one. war , and what else i want to tell you: the war, unfortunately, takes the lives of people who could actually do a lot for ukrainian culture, and the young ukrainian writer maksym kryvtsov died at the front at the age of 33. his book,
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poems of a thief, is called a collection of his poems, and as far as i know, there is no longer a single copy of this book, unfortunately, it so happens that ukrainians find out about some of their writers, poets, just when they are no longer available. , eventually, this is how all of ukraine learned the name and surname of the writer who died during the attack in kramatorsk, viktoria amelno, and this is how the whole country learned about volodymyr vakulenko, a children's writer who was murdered in kharkiv oblast in raisin moskala, and this is how we learn about maksym kryvtsov, who is no longer among us, because he died protecting us and you. poems by a rogue, this is his collection that managed to see the world. during his lifetime, he wrote that in his post he wrote that he dreams that this collection would be given as a gift in particular to zaluzhn, and for bloggers or famous
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people to read his poems, i scroll through the feed on facebook and see how famous people, bloggers, write poems by maksym kryvtsov, unfortunately, who has already died, we can listen to one of his poems with you, which he managed to read on video. i walked along the plantations and fields with the nightingales, i hid behind them, i was grateful to each nightingale, and i smiled and stopped, one day they spoke to me, their speech was hoarse and quiet, they said, hahaha, what have you forgotten here , you know that the sun is a traitor, that the wind hides in the cellar, do not disturb the clouds now'. as a carriage figure in the madame tussauds museum. i listened attentively, looked down, saw my feet, the stem,
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ran my hand over my face, and dry and empty seeds were scattered. i will stay with you, guys, - asks sonyakhiv. and you didn't go anywhere? - they answer. where are my dreams, where are my dreams, where are my dreams? look, they are hiding in the trenches. we return with the task, tired to the empty, what to turn on, i ask, and the one that played in the fight club, they answer me, everything sounds from the window, where is my mind, where is my mind, where is my mind, where are my dreams, where are my dreams, where are my dreams, i shout back, and in response, quieter, boy, quieter. maksym kryvtsov died at the front, died together with his tailed friend, you could often see him in photos from the dugout, which he posts on his
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page, with such a red cat, unfortunately, unfortunately, he died and, as he wrote in one of his poems , my hands, torn off , will sprout violets in the spring, but rather later... to finally blossom into a violet, this is how maksym kryvtsov predicted his future, dear friends, in his memory you can transfer funds to the collection we are making for our military, so please help so that there are fewer such deaths. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio today for you, remember maksym kryvtsov with a kind word, remember his poems, and stay with espresso, our marathon continues. attention - an incredible
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11:59 am
call greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russian invaders carried out another air attack to ukraine. the enemy used winged aviation, ballistic, anti-aircraft guided missiles and attack drones. the ukrainian military recorded the launches of 59...


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