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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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on the one hand, if he gives a chance to moscow, beijing, and tehran to come to their senses, and on the other hand, he understands that there is no one to come to their senses, and therefore it is necessary to build up the security and defense potential, but still he leaves, well, there is a chance for another, another way of conducting a dialogue with the fuehrer of moscow, and i must say that i don't see it yet. a more accurate description of the situation that happened with this missile, that is, for the poles, for poland, it was clear to them for a long time that there is moscow, but this incident with the missile, it pointed out absolutely clearly that europe is the target, ibuild wrote about this at the beginning of 2024, there literally in the first issues about what will take place in the winter of 2024-25 in...
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russia on european states at a time when in washington will have a transition from one president to another, and it is no coincidence that petr pavel also said that 2024 may return in an unpleasant way, pay attention to what he said, he did not say for ukraine, he said for us, for us, he said, although for some reason in ukraine it was interpreted as for... of ukraine, although the situation is such that from the point of view of ukraine and a ukrainian, ukraine and the european union are common, well, what is not understood by everyone in europe today, and what is good for ukraine, good for europe, what is good for europe , that is good for ukraine, and vice versa , bad is bad both there and there, here, but here are two positions that were voiced by the build with references to european intelligence and... peter pavla about
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the threats of the next year, well, they were simply demonstrated by this rocket i am convinced that knowing russian diplomacy, understanding it tools of action, these two frenzied attacks on ukraine, which happened in the finals of last year and at the beginning of this year, this is, as it were , a confirmation of theses that they are ready. to attack european states, this is the first thing, and secondly, this coincidence is not coincidental with theses that, you see, in the western press , theses appeared that putin is giving signals about some negotiations, that is, this is what is called coercion by force to diplomacy, and this is how it should be interpreted, it should be understood, and so... in response, it is necessary to increase the capabilities
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of anti-missile and anti-aircraft security and to prepare appropriate gifts for the moscow führer so that he does not feel his impunity, and the absolutely correct thesis that the current situation requires the transfer of the war to the territory of russia, how to do it? this is already the business of the military, the business of the general staffs. i am not saying only the ukrainian general staff , but also the allied staffs, and from my point of view , the year 2024 should be the year of the formation of combat-ready forces of the ramstein format and the management system, to the point that what flashed in the western press regarding the possible opening of the second front, where and how, this is again a matter for the staffs, but... but in addition to helping ukraine,
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we must think about how the appetites of the moscow führer to attack europe and other points must be curbed, and for this the trend that is now shining in the middle east, where in his recent, very recent interview , benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, said that this war is for a long month... this is a war between israel and hamas and israel hezbollah and israel and the houthis, in fact it is an iranian-israeli war. and this is war potential with iran, potential with the russian federation, yes. for some reason, they are ashamed to name her. well, the world, the current world surprises me in its reluctance to really look at the current events. i think like many.
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people, i think, mr. roman, that they are simply trying to somehow localize certain scenarios, hoping to return to the state before the war, there is such a... legal term, on the other hand, we understand that war is also about resources, technological resources, you very rightly noted that the adopted decision is strategic decisions, but any strategic decisions can sometimes rest on stubbornness, forgive the tautology of this or that congressman, yes, well, i was extremely surprised and alarmed when i heard from our ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, mr. kuleba, that what we have, well, we are not considering any options b that there is... confidence, well, that the united states will provide us with the necessary macro-finance. on the other hand, we understand that not so miracles happened in the united states. well, it is worth mentioning only the storming of the capitol, and we understand that the united states, who are currently going through probably the most dangerous election campaign in their
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history. do you understand what the problem is, mr. antin? in conditions of recognized multipolarity, return to monopolarity. it is impossible , you have to go through leadership, and leadership is a thing that has a strong will, is the american society, which in its history tends towards isolationism, able to talk about leadership in the current situation, and that means help, and that means give for, that i will use this term, in this case it is certain. ness, and for this you need will, and for this requires very strong leaders, and i can tell you that internally, i am convinced that america will pass this test, because in the congress the settings are positive, and in the senate the settings are positive, including,
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it is not so much about internal political showdowns, as in the adoption of this global choice, because the fact is that... these concrete slabs, which consist of the russian-ukrainian war, the iran-israel war, and the sino-taiwan confrontation, they must stand on a solid foundation, because god forbid, one of them will tilt, they will start to fall like dominoes, thank god, they understand this in the state department, in the pentagon, in the congress. in the senate, and therefore, i will emphasize this once again, we are talking about the global choice of america, because in fact this choice will take place in the autumn of next year, in the united states of america and in june in europe, when
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the european parliament will be elected, this choice includes and about what fate awaits the war criminal putin, the red dictator sydzenpin, all... this junta of fundamentalists in iran and so on, and such some of these three, such as lukashenko, etsera, maduro, there, kimchenina, kimchenina and so on, that is, in fact, the year 2023, the 23rd year at the end, he marked the beginning of the turning point, and here president joseph biden and all the others are right, but the 24th year. this is the year of defining a turning point, the formation of a rising force that will be able to strike at russian racism, dictatorship, the red dictatorship of china, islamic fundamentalists in iran, and so on. that's what
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we're talking about. how effective it will be, from my point of view, for ukraine, for a turning point. it will be an effective f16 and they will forgive me for being so intrusive, but we understand that there are certain, so to speak, indicators, litmus tests, and here we are not talking about some symbolic number of f16s, for example, three, four or five squadrons, look, all the decisions have been made, i remember the statements, do not suffer from these things, and lloyd austin, and mark mi'. about the fact that by the end of the 23rd year, and the f-16 will be in ukraine, this is the maximum that was called, but where the dog is buried, the industrial capacity of neither the united states of america nor european countries were not allowed
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to re-equip them during the year and bring them to the level of integration for participation in combat operations as part of the armed forces of ukraine, and here... the question is not in the decisions that were made, not in trained or untrained pilots, in industrial potential, and if to actually take all the contracts that... which were unfulfilled or obligated, which are unfulfilled, the reason for their non-fulfilment lies in weak industrial capacities, which, as you understand, is at least months, if we take the shortest necessary lines for production, let's say ammunition, it was not by chance that i stated the thesis at the beginning that it is really possible to get it on the battlefield only by the end of 2024. dominance in certain types of ammunition.
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thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extremely important and interesting conversation, i want to remind our viewers that roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, was currently working for you on espresso. hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver? alohol should be taken. bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural alochol components contribute to the normalization of the liver and gall bladder. alohol - with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. pain can become an obstacle. on foot with moves, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with long-lasting cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. with convulsions. the century is luxury,
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mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on fkalkalor 20% in psarynyk, pamp and oskad pharmacies. see this week in the collaborators program. a living traitor: how rashists protect. details regarding the rescue of the deputy chairman of novaya kakhovka, vitaly hura. but who is responsible for propaganda among children in the occupied territories? today , she motivated our youth with a personal example. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, january 9 at 5:45 p.m. the war created many challenges. for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but
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well, the scenario of a long war has already taken shape, so we understand that the issue will be a resource. it's money, it's equipment and it's prepared human reserves, so we understand that the russian federation has now demonstrated its meanness, that is, what they can do, it is said in particular. massed missile strikes on ukrainian cities. our air defenses demonstrated to the russian interlopers that we can work normally and destroy their missiles, but, in general, in in the medium term, this involves a certain competition, who will have more air defense systems, who will have more missiles, which strikes to deliver, and so on.
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first, we expected major attacks, as russia has for several. that is, she was preparing by accumulating resources. at the moment, it appears that the main attacks were carried out for the purpose of terror, and not to disable missile systems. but from a strategic point of view, if russia is able to continue to launch a large number of missiles at ukraine, even if ukraine is successfully shoot them down, at a certain stage you will have to do not sweetly, due to the decrease in the supply of missiles from the west. we know that other countries have problems with the presence of missiles, so it is quite possible that, for example, what your people are doing in kyiv, gathering small teams with machine guns and other weapons to intercept drones, this practice should be extended to the whole of ukraine, so that did not have to shoot drones with expensive missiles. you have to have a different approach to
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how drones attack and how missiles do it, because each missile is launched. with the ukrainian side is worth its weight in gold, while russia continues to receive drones from its allies and is actively preparing to manufacture its own. so, in the medium term, we just have to hope that we don't run out of missiles, that western countries like the uk, the us and germany are actually able to provide ukraine with more missiles than it needs to fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield, which. in your opinion , steps should be taken, because part of the so-called military experts are talking about that, about the need to move the war into the depths of russia, in particular, it is more about the destruction of certain russian military facilities, but for this , equipment is needed, and the necessary equipment that would allow it to be inflicted is currently under
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something, under a certain, yes so to speak, an unspoken taboo. we... are in a difficult situation, but i think that putin's situation is even more difficult now, because he needs some success before the elections. this is one of the reasons why they carry out massive attacks, they try to achieve some kind of breakthrough. it comes down to what they want to take avdiyivka as that will be enough for putin to claim they have advanced. but when you don't have enough equipment and missiles, you can't attack deep into russia. and if it were possible to strike with long-range missiles, then one question must be asked: will it help the front line? and the answer at the moment is probably no. in fact, it could create even more problems, in particular, even more set the population of russia to fight against ukraine, if you start killing people inside russia? therefore, it is very problematic before
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elections, i think we need to see how it goes. elections in russia in order to understand the population's appetite for the continuation of the war, but if it will be possible to hit distant targets, then specifically important objects should be under the crosshairs, the neutralization of which will directly affect the course of the war. we are interested in big fish, obviously we are talking about the largest objects in crimea, about ships like novocherkassk, about the crimean bridge, that is why we need to strike, because cutting off crimea will change things. the entire geopolitical situation for russia, an attack on another fuel depot behind the front lines in russia probably won't matter much to the front line, so we should do something that will actually bring big realistic gains that will change the course of the war, not just hit whatever we can, here 's a recent missile the territory of poland, earlier
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there were relevant stories with the airspace of romania, that is , in this way we understand what messages putin is sending to the west, and accordingly, the west needs to make a certain strategic decision for itself about the readiness to respond in one way or another , perhaps in a military way, if a military operation is carried out, i am not saying that it will happen now, but we understand that putin is demonstrating his readiness, on the other hand, maybe putin wants to force the west in this way to protect our resources, especially when it comes to anti-aircraft systems... the first is how much longer putin can continue to operate, and frankly, he will be able to continue in this way... as it is now for a couple of years, because what he does, he simply throws into ukraine what which he has plenty of, people, weapons, ammunition, and this can continue for a very long time.
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let's not forget that he controls the missile launches, so he can do it whenever he wants now, next week, next month, at the rate he can afford, and russia will continue to do so for as long as possible. at the moment, russia has not given any signal. doesn't send, it's me about the missiles that flew into romania and poland, these are just mistakes on putin's part, and the message that putin can continue to fight for a long time was delivered both in brussels and in berlin, everyone knows about it, they are aware that they must continue to support ukraine, since the war is going on now. i don't think they expect putin to expand the geography of the war, because putin is unlikely to win such a large-scale battle. the west is indeed able to exert a lot of influence in order to prevent putin from advancing his aggressive ambitions. but if the course of the war will be as it is now,
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then putin will definitely not stop, and the west will have to look for new ways to slow down it will probably be about stronger sanctions, about increased control over their compliance, in order to find out exactly which processes can be stopped in this way. now people in the capitals are trying. figure out how to reduce putin's ability to wage war in the long term, so we'll see some small steps soon, we don't know much about it because it's going to be between banks, between financial institutions, there's going to be a lot of discussion between european officials, between american officials, and, for example, switzerland, which we never talked about we won't know, so you can be sure there's a lot going on behind the scenes in an effort to reduce putin's ability. continue this war as it is at this stage. in order to change the course of events on the battlefield, we need aviation in sufficient numbers. we understand that a decision in principle has already been made and we
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thank the royal family of great britain for this, storm shadows work yes, but storm shadows combined with aviation is a completely different quality, yes? we understand that this would require more than one or the other planes, and maybe two or three or four scds. accordingly, this entails the strengthening of our air defense system, which could cover military airfields, so we understand that russia is also preparing for similar scenarios. honestly, i can't answer that question because i don't know what countries actually do. i don't know how many f-16s are being prepared for delivery. i also don't know how many of them are actually ready to go to the front line. and here i have a question: when you have f-16s, what are you going to do with them do? i do not know this at the moment. i 'm not even sure if many other advisors have
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any idea how ukraine will use the f-16. after all, there should be some element of surprise when they launch, and another question, will they support the line of scrimmage? will they be used for more strategic purposes, such as destroying russian aircraft? i don't know, we'll have to wait and see, but your comment that everything revolves around the f-16, for example, the abrams, is not necessarily true. i mean, the most important thing that will change the situation at the front is quality training. high-quality training of commanders and soldiers is the first and most important thing, because in order for this not to happen, soldiers still have to fight on the front lines. i'm fine with drones, but it's worth remembering that f-16s won't destroy air cover from drones. they will not engage in
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battle with them. even if you have f-16s, even if you have more abrams, those drones that russia is using will still be in your skies. therefore, instead of constantly thinking about something large-scale, you need to think much more about countering drones and weapons, there is a certain one against them. fixation on large and powerful vehicles, but the presence of large equipment and more weapons did not help to counterattack. what matters is the quality of training, so that soldiers can continue to fight as they fight, and even better. for me, this is the highest priority. training is especially important in case of mobilization. soldiers must be properly trained before going to the front, otherwise they are simply will kill in large numbers. so there is still a lot of work to be done on this. forward, but probably not in the way you expect it to be. and
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finally, mr. colonel, what signals are currently most awaited in london, berlin or washington from our military and military-political command. i do not think that they are waiting for any signals, now they are well aware of what is needed in each of the spheres, and each of these countries has its own different problems. the main problem of the us is its domestic policy, which is closely related to the negotiation of positions political parties. before the presidential election, here's the problem: great britain will continue to be with you, there's no doubt about it, they know what's going on and will do everything to support ukraine in every possible way, but they're running out of equipment and actually running out of ammunition, so in some moment great britain will not be able to provide you with what you need until their defence, industry starts producing more. germany has the same problem with politics, the left party which was mostly against
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war, now essentially before... it is being created to the right, if we talk about a lot of support, it will continue to come from poland, and much more help can come from southern countries, such as france, spain, portugal, italy, their it is necessary to involve more, because they have more opportunities to help ukraine with equipment, equipment and other things, more than they do now, the signals, they have not changed, but for some countries they should be stronger than for... our program time has run out , leave with espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important things. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air.
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see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. bribery: treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. which of the judges stood out last year? cars are constantly changing on it. greetings, this is judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. together with the team, i congratulate you with... with christmas and new year's holidays, we believe to the victory of our armed forces, whose courage and resilience impresses the whole world, and thanks to which you and i followed the judicial reform that is taking place in ukraine and is one of the key requirements for our entry into the european union. summing up the year, let's remember those desperadoes, representatives of the old system, who
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tried with all their might. to disrupt important transformations for ukraine, and fortunately, they did not succeed. the judge of the zinkiv district court of the poltava region serhii dolshko in his court decision called the ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers by private companies, and the mobilization and martial law laws by copyrighted works. according to the case file , he is liable for military service and fit for service in the armed forces. donetsk, who received two summonses for military service, first in january and later in march 23, ignored both calls, although he was warned of criminal liability for evading the draft. judge doljko acquitted him. the servant of themis justified his decision by the fact that the laws of ukraine and presidential decrees on mobilization and martial law, which are called so-called in the verdict, are
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allegedly... copyrighted works, the so-called laws of ukraine, which are legitimized under the guise of laws, are copyrighted works, have no constitutional basis, are not laws in essence, are not are mandatory for implementation by the people, are offers from an entity that provides public administration services, these normative acts have the status of those that are applied, and are not legally valid legislation. in addition, judge doljko named the minister. the ministry of defense of ukraine is a private company, referring to the fact that the department has an identification code of a legal entity. he also called the cabinet of ministers a private company. the judge claims that the ukrainian government owns the private foreign company dan bradstreet, citing foreign registries. also, the judge believes that territorial assembly centers do not have the right.


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