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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 on espresso. well, the intra-ukrainian discussion about the prospects of reservation from the mobilization of people with extremely high incomes failed, that is, rather not all of it will be approved, at least that was reported by the first deputy head of the verkhovna rada committee on tax and customs policy, yaroslav zheleznyak. we will talk about this and other things with boris kushniruk, the head of the expert council of the ukrainian analytical center and an economist. glory to ukraine, mr. boris, we congratulate you. congratulations hero glory. well, we gave up on
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this story, so to speak, in principle it was predicted, well, but we think that they will try to implement certain ideas in a different, in a different way, we would like you to ask in general about the prospects, so to speak, of certain innovations, in particular, when it comes to increasing administrative fines for those who evade mobilization, and in general for the introduction of possible additional punishments or restrictions, in particular. for example, removing people from the ability to carry out certain financial transactions? and look, i have already commented on this topic, and i wrote about it both on television and in the media, what is the problem, it is necessary to clearly imagine that our war is a war, including not only from the point of view of military events at the front, and this is economically economic endurance.
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therefore, the question of how our economy functions during the war does not disappear from the agenda, so that no matter what decision is made in the parliament, the question is that in our country, i gave examples, and these are not just hypothetical, without there are the names of the companies, but the stories that i know personally, here is the owner of the company, he employs up to 100 people, the person is of a given age. the owner and director of this company, we imagine the situation absolutely it is normal that it is being mobilized, accordingly , this company should be closed, people should be dismissed, so neither the people themselves will receive a salary, no, this institution will not pay taxes, can we call such a situation normal from the point of view of the economy. well, hardly from the point
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of view of, let's say, the constitutional obligation of all men of pre-eminent age to serve, that 's normal, but from the point of view of the economy , it's obvious that this is a bad story, the same situation when, for example, here again, an example in essence of the same campaign, the owner calls me and starts by saying, i have three people stolen from me today just from when you... were traveling by minibus to work, they were stolen and taken away, and among them there are those who are simply very difficult for me to replace, that's what i'm saying, i'm just i say, i don't know what i should do in this case, the reservation of employees , well, the appropriate mechanism has been implemented, well, the point is that the reservation is, first of all, it is opaque, secondly, it forms a component of corruption, and because it is all located outside of specific normal processes. because i
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proposed, i proposed clear, transparent procedures, which provide that, first of all, it is not just that the rich may not serve, the question is that if we are talking about a working enterprise, where there is an owner and there is a manager, a leader, then in in this case, they should have more armor, and yes, you have to pay for it. and there must be a one-time payment, very significant, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of hryvnias, and then monthly, and this is not about taxes, the tax system is of no use here, these are payments for booking for himself, for the owner and possibly for some key employees, simply the owner of the company will not be able to pay for all his employees the amounts that are required, that is, they must be quite high, but... hundreds of thousands, monthly
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payments there are tens of thousands of hryvnias, but at least it creates a procedure, a procedure, a transparent procedure for... the company, and everyone understands what's going on, you decide for yourself how, well, i'm talking about the owners of the company, you decide for yourself what to do, from the point of view of certain employees, and even himself themselves, what to do next, in this form , it is so indisputable, well, there is a contradiction that someone turns out to be redeemed in this way, but someone is forced to go to serve, but if we just leave it as it is, and we have a situation now, when
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... you are beaten not by those who are actually the most prepared, by those who could leave, because not everyone will leave, relatively speaking, you need several thousand people, but men of working age, from 7 to 10 million , that is, you need, relatively speaking, one out of ten, but at the same time you must ensure that gone, well, the most effective for the armed forces, the situation that exists now, when and... all the people there took this idea of ​​the lottery as a crutch, and it is, well, matvii, my god, now it is out of my head who proposed this idea there, milovana proposed it, yes his idea, he first
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said that it was not his idea, that was what the united states did, and during the second he said that it was the united states, he said that it was the practice of the united states, and maybe we should adopt that practice. how was she there, well, i'll say it again, he, he didn't offer, he i simply asked the question, what should be the mechanism that would be transparent and understandable, unfortunately, we have all options accepted, and despite the fact that the armed forces really need rotation, we need military personnel, unfortunately, war is exhausting and bloody, mr. borys, we still have three minutes, and we still want to be in time. to talk with you about the changes in the labor code, what changes await ukrainians, actually, because the ministry of economy has prepared a draft of the new labor code, if you can comment, then you should literally two minutes, and this is actually a big
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problem, because it consists of several layers of the issue, it is that our labor code, it is extremely outdated, was adopted back in 1971. the economy and the type of economy is completely different than it was then, in that at the same time, there are problems related to the fact that the labor code is a matter of relations between hired employees and the management of one's own company, and i am more in favor. more freedom for managers, of course, so that they have the opportunity to solve the issue of firing people much more easily, especially those that do not satisfy them, in the united states, i always give an example, in principle, a person is told, you are fired, he is not even allowed to return to the workplace,
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your belongings will be taken out there separately so that you do not steal anything from the workplace places of things that do not need to be taken from documents or things. at the same time in the same united states, for example, if an african-american woman with two children works, it is almost impossible to fire her, accordingly, she simply tries not to be hired for no conditions, so this is also the problem that as soon as you establish very strict rules for the protection of salaried workers, you automatically create a situation where they are simply not hired, or ah... are deliberately hired on working conditions that are not extremely uncomfortable for people, when there every month a person has to write a monthly contract for only one month, they take you only for a month, then the next month you re-sign the contact again, in fact
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they take a large bill on a permanent basis only in order not to have problems with whether this person could be fired at any moment, therefore the labor... code is always a very complex process of compromises between the interests of employees and employers. again, it is a separate problem that we do not have a large number of trade unions. realistically, that is, you, those organizations that protect the interests of salaried employees, and this is also a separate topic for conversation, there is the issue of the social protection mechanism, in the form in which they are, these so-called euv contributions, they are extremely unsuccessful, and i absolutely convinced that their it is necessary to change, and it would also be appropriate to write it in the job code in order to make them more personalized and so that they... are not so tied to the amount of wages, because this creates problems for shadowing the economy,
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that is, the problems of the labor code cannot be considered separately from a number of other problems that need to be considered, but of course, mr. boris, forgive me, we simply have limited air time, we have to let you go already, because we have to go on a break, boris koshniruk , chairman of the ukrainian expert council of the economist analytical center was in touch with us, now we will go on a break and literally... a few minutes and we will come back a little bit into the shadows, this is also a characteristic moment, although in fact. take the civil service, for example, take the civil service,
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for example, in order to dismiss this or that official from this or that position, it is usually necessary to overcome his immediate superiors, i don’t know the 10 circles of hell, there are some permanent sick leave, some courts , judgments and so on and so on, and we understand that there are many, many different things the ballast is with us, in particular, in public positions, so let's continue. yes , the editors tell us that we will not go on a break now, well, antin and i will then inform you about the most important things that we actually do during the hours that we work with you in this studio, i will surely remind you to our viewers about our collection, because at the beginning of the second hour i mentioned it, and now i think it is a good opportunity to remind our viewers about it once again, so we remind you, espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of kamikaze nadron for 93'. of a separate mechanized brigade kholodnyi yar. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since 2014 and
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have crossed the hottest areas - the battle for donetsk airport, ilovaisk, the battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, soledar and bakhmud in donetsk region, and currently the defenders need kamikaze drones. our goal is to raise 5 million. the amount is really big, but i believe that with joint efforts we can raise such a large amount, and if you have... the opportunity to contribute, then please do it privately or monobank, qr codes are available, you can scan them from your screens right now, or you can copy or take pictures of bank card numbers, this is also a fairly easy way to make your contribution, so if you have more modern smartphones, then definitely scan qr code, in a few clicks, drop the amount comfortable for you and join this collection, i think the guys from the kholodny yar mechanized brigade will be very... grateful to you, and i think that the result of their work will not make you wait, so let's work together
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we will help even with small donations, we understand that there are no small donations, nevertheless, small donations create big donations, and large donations create big problems for the russian occupiers, so we understand that our fighters need urgent help, we understand that the situation is extremely difficult with ammunition, with support and not only with that and... if the soldiers make a request, then it is the task of all of us, dear tv viewers, to help our military get what they need for military service. tim at the time, the president of the united states of america , joseph biden, called on the republicans in the congress to finally approve additional funding, in particular, it is about 60 billion dollars for ukraine. this is stated in the official press release of the white house. i quote now the republicans are in congress. must do their job, end the threats, shut down the government, and fulfill their primary responsibility to fund critical
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homeland and national security priorities, including my supplemental request. it is time for them to act. at the same time, the president of the united states noted that the agreement brought the country one step closer to preventing an unnecessary shutdown and protecting important national interests. well, priorities. well, we will keep it, so to speak. by the way, i have to until , you know, we have not lost this topic. while we are still talking about it, i want to emphasize what a politician, by the way, an authoritative publication writes, in the usa they are preparing an agreement that can unlock funds for aid to ukraine, the chief representative of the republic said. and he says that the congress is preparing an agreement on the border and immigration , which will allow funds to be unblocked for aid to ukraine, and it may be published as early as this week, so of course we will be watching, we will follow all the informational pretexts of the united states, and we will hope that already, if there is a text already this week, then already
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the voting itself will not be taken away, but in the meantime we are adding oleksandr kondratyuk, an expert on education, to our airwaves. questions of the founder of the all-ukrainian educational company set stat, we welcome you, mr. oleksandr, to espresso. congratulations. well, they wanted you first of all, i would like to ask about the extremely high level of activity of the ministry of education of ukraine, right? well, we see that the matter of rectors, conglomerations, associations and so on is heating up, so to speak. they are trying to implement some additional mechanisms that could, for example, elect or de facto appoint. rectors with the help of the appropriate new body, well , the situation there is extremely difficult, but i would like to ask you about this first, and they plan to leave only 100 of the 170 universities next year under the control of the state, that is, there will be a planned large unification, and in fact half of the vns will simply disappear
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, merging with others, they do this, as they say, because we simply do not have that many universities, or rather, there are so many... universities that have students in them there simply isn’t, and teaching there actually takes place in half, that is, half of the classrooms, half of the teachers and so on, are empty, although, if you look, of course, at the number of those who enroll, there are quite a lot of enrollees, because even in our country the demographic upswing happened somewhere 17 years ago, and in recent years since, despite the war, there are much more first-year students, for example, this year the nmt was one and a half times more than last year, so it goes... in spite of everything, they say that we have too many universities and we need to reduce their number, accordingly proportionally reduce and the number of teachers, because, as they say, they say there are too many, well , in parallel with all this, there are generally many changes, and even there they said that the scholarship will not be left to everyone, but only to those who agree to work out the budget, that is, who to
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the state proposal work immediately agrees, moreover, on the very first proposed one, which they say demonstrates that a person... money also needs a larger scholarship, and many people will even have their scholarships taken away from the budget accordingly, so this is such a very comprehensive reform of everything that is happening in higher education now , which begins with the reduction of the number of universities and the number of teachers , respectively, and to make it more optimized , and those who will already remain, they will be given funding for certain innovations, for certain reforms, and the student himself will also be affected, we all heard about. .. what now they will not study for four years, but if you want, you can choose many disciplines on your own, well, the system is like the one in europe, rather something closer to it. autonomy of universities, that is, you remember, at one time, well, more than one worthy minister of education of ukraine tried to protect the university from
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external influence, in particular, it is about establishing certain, perhaps not completely parity, but mutual relations with the same mini. by the ministry of education, so that university communities can develop, and accordingly, now we see that a certain cascade is coming, in particular , also, as you rightly noted, related to what, consolidation, merger of universities and so on and so on, and we understand that there are many vacant positions due to the reorganization of the so-called administrative , which allows you to employ people who, for example, could lead that or. the university, and accordingly, the mechanisms of how to make it so that academic communities are able to defend their candidates, everything is quite simple, universities should simply be perceived both a private university and a state one should not contain any differences, or at present often the state apparatus in general, for example, schools are the same, it is perceived as
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the place of work of teachers, and not the place of education of children, from that, in general, all the problems of the world stem from that started because in fact, when it is perceived as a place of work, the teacher believes that he should not give results, well, some of the teachers, and what, well, the children themselves must somehow work there, and i tell you how convenient it is for me, because of that inflexibility when children change, the teachers will not change, because they believe that this is their place of work, they came to them, so let the children themselves adapt to them, the same will be the case in universities, and the other side of this problem is that the place of work in the first place, and not the place of provision of services, because essentially. this is an educational service provided by universities, what is the difference, public or private? all of them must work according to the same rules and work for their client, for the student. well, of course, there are requirements, no one will just give. diploma, no one it will not be expelled just like that, i.e. there are requirements, but it should be as autonomous as possible, any higher education institution is headed by the same rector, and he decides
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how everything happens there, teaches meetings and so on, well, everyone together , of course, not alone, one person, democracy is probably built there, but all of them together decide how to move in the university. the state is, i don't know, the ultimate beneficiary, let's put it this way, it is the owner of this, and that's it. it gives some grant funding, but the same grant funding, this is the news that is now very widespread, that is , they will pay, well, essentially the same, only according to a different scheme, and they will simply cut a little more from the budget, to put it simply and frankly, then the same and why, for example, a company like novaya poshta cannot finance those they need, this happens all over the world, whether there is an outlet or anyone else, there is a private bank, for example, this happens all over the world and it happens here too. will be, therefore, the grant does not matter who gives it, and the state here gives the grant simply as an analogue unicef or some other company that gives a grant, and the other is the state, which is the owner, it is simply the owner, i don’t
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know, the organization, well, let’s go back to the history of academic communities, and the academic community of this or that higher educational institution , as far as we understand, this is what she has to offer from her environment. the rector, yes, and to approve him in the position, well, i doubt that, for example, the ministry of education of great britain would appoint this or that character to the position of the rector of oxford or cambridge, yes, as far as we understand, there is a certain mechanism called the academic autonomy of the higher education institution, so, well, accordingly, how should we be in ukraine, that is, should we maintain a similar approach, or , for example, do everything in a different way. that these oxfords, for example, harvards and similar universities, more than half of them are not public , and we do not even know from the side which of them is public and which are not, because as i said, there is no difference between them , they
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look absolutely the same, and that this is a majestic conclusion that the state is simply there to those who receive some kind of profit there , if it is a state university, if it is profitable, or contributes funds there, if it is subsidized and all, it does not interfere with the work there, how they teach, there is a certain set of rules, programs, for which we issue diplomas we teach some general rules like there from three to six years, they are ready to finance such a set of specialties, because we need them in the state. everything else is a matter for the university, we are moving towards this, there are various autonomy, there is financial, managerial, i.e. who to hire, and many diverse, not to mention academic, in the sense of what to teach, and all the innovations that contradict it, they actually seem convenient in the short term, they reduced the number of universities and all, but they lead against the vector we are moving. that is, about autonomy, the only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the state really has the right to reorganize, because it is the owner of these universities, in fact, it disposes of them, and it is logical that
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it should have the right to reduce the universities somewhat, if they are such that they do not provide the necessary personnel , give for low qualifications, they are very unprofitable there, and they are not worth it , then of course she will reorganize them, but these newly created schools must have their autonomy, they must decide for themselves how to teach, what methods... who to hire, who to make rector , to have their own financial system, their own money and to have profits or independent accounts, then the state deals with this on a different level. mr. oleksandr, we still have a minute and a half, but i would like your comment about higher education on credit, it is actually interesting, because we understand that we have and yes, it seems to me that in ukraine there are too many people who get a higher education, because here, in principle, anyone who has the opportunity to sign a contract can afford it, but we understand that the war dictates completely different things. economic trends, and this in particular is vocational and technical education, which , in my opinion, should be a priority now, don't you think that in this way the government can encourage more people
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to enter higher education institutions, maybe not in those specialties , which are now more in demand, and it will actually be from this to suffer vocational education, there should be such a conspiracy with loans, because maybe someone did not make it a little bit on the exams, but desperately wants to become a marketer there, and not a plumber at... for example, or any other specialty vocational school, but professional technology really needs to develop and what is important, here you know, there is a certain paradox behind all this funding, for example, this year we all heard that 40 billion more is planned to be funded only from the state education budget, and there are also local budgets so on, but in reality, the number of funding for people, i.e. how many people the state financed budget places, they are decreasing, so there are fewer places, and funding... in general more, why don’t we then give talented people, thanks to some kind of grant-type systems, more budget places, it is paradoxical, loans should exist, of course, a little. of course,
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oleksandr kondratyuk, an expert on... educational issues, the founder of the all-ukrainian educational company sedstat was in touch with us, now we have a break and then there will be news. oh and got wet would you like some tea? mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and , most importantly, quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule, what... four components together, so simple, one capsule a day, so convenient, quertin immuno. naobi, feel free, the real you, and every touch will be tender when the world on obbay opens up to you. loving yourself is now very simple. feel free, pamper yourself every day. now bay feel free -
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restores. the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normact and everything will work out. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of f5vi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the loss of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. see this week in the collaborators program. a living traitor, as the rashists protect the main seller of novaya tiles details regarding the rescue of the deputy head of novaya kakhovka, vitaly hura. but who is responsible for propaganda among children in the occupied territories? today
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, she motivated our youth with a personal example. on tuesday, january 9 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many they became relatives, as well as honored guests. studio events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio?
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let's find out. there will definitely be topics on sunday relevant, special guests, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. 17 in ukraine, iryna kovalyu. and for your attention the most important events at this time, i congratulate all viewers: the child is at home, a 12-year-old boy was returned to ukraine from the temporarily occupied kherson region. this was reported in the office of the commissioner for human rights. the boy lived with his grandmother and mother, but she died in the summer of 2022. the boys threatened to take him from his grandmother and place him in an orphanage, since he was left without a legal representative. by request.


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