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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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to touch, that's it, friends, fellow comrade , let's raise the bull to the brim, ukraine knows us, everything will be fine, tell our viewers a little about your acting career, when it began, what happened to you on this path, well, in general, i'm a worn-out kalach in that sense there is a boarding school. a communal apartment, a street, sports, the army , the first border service there, well, you understand that i am a worn-out mess, in a word, and besides, i also lived behind the scenes, grew up, because my parents are actors, natali viktorivna zabolotno, she is an actress of the theater of the young audience, kostiantyn linartovych, film director, screenwriter, film director, godfather of ukrainian dubbing, well, i worked and lived in such an atmosphere, and we always had spirit. so to speak, showing
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off, free-thinking, the spirit of such inner freedom , maybe that's why i went to the air assault troops, all of it, all of that equipment was back then to become an actor, i went to the young theater when i went for demobilization in 1998, as an editor stage, as a stage driver, stuffing floor mats, pulling scenery, fitters together, a whole year on labor book, but i watched how the actors work on the stage, how the director works and at the same time i was preparing, in general, to the theater university, well, to the kyiv national university of theater arts to the faculty of acting in theater and dramatic cinema, i entered the army, well, i it failed, i was probably on the street a little more and i didn’t prepare as well, let’s say, maybe the rod failed, after the army i took this whole thing seriously, i didn’t want to enter the third year, and that’s why from the second time i entered, i know... i enrolled and even managed
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to manage the budget, that's how it started, but you don't become an actor either in the first or second year, or after you graduate from this university, a theater actor and dramatic cinema , you are recruiting, i started dubbing films in ukrainian, i got to know the stuntmen, went to shootings as a stuntman, fought on sabers in the guise of a cossack, fell from the fortress into boxes, uh, then a lot... i went to the sites , scenes, and even then i slowly became interested in poetry, because i was communicating. unfortunately, at that time in the cinema, ah, i will first say about the good things, that i was lucky, i worked with directors who shot ukrainian films, and then there was trouble, because they were constantly harassed, there were moscow tv series and films, whenever the invader came here to this territory, like on the periphery, they spoke the muscovite language
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, they filmed muscovite stories, and film directors, who are called producers, were afraid to write in ukrainian, directors and screenwriters were afraid to write in ukrainian, because all mozkovites, some kind of easier , stokal and pooped, this is a big problem, so what now there is a struggle for language, i don't judge anyone, many were influenced, i refused, i knew, i didn't want my... brothers, my stepsister, cinematic or creative, to be used. our people deserve to play the main roles, live on their ancient land, speak their language. a ukrainian soldier at the front has the right to communicate in russian. i communicated exclusively in ukrainian. even when the intonations were brutal, when it was motherly, it was natural. well, many people who found the post-soviet space, i myself am in a boarding school he studied at sovdepivskyi. i was told
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that the leaders and the people were imperialistically chimped , ah, they so to speak, well, how is it, it was such propaganda, and that is why even we had a mother, it is constantly going on in the army, and it is already like a habit, i hope that the younger generation will get rid of it already, we, on the other hand , zaporizhia cossacks had a curse on the cossacks, i always, even i when i am serious, when i made storming raids in bakhmut. as hello, i always said: teenage mother, because when you see an enemy or someone else, you don't say, dear paratroopers , please, we are storming, there are aggressive vibrations, it's adrenaline stuff, animal instincts, and anyway i managed to speak there in an adult language, and that's why i'm a supporter of the ukrainian language, but there are people who they want to learn, but i have an acquaintance... and
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my cinematographer, with whom i am currently working , is called spielberg, he, he communicates, for example, so far in russian, but he writes on ethics in ukrainian, he writes: incredible poems, you you understand, and you can't radically say like that, yeah, like that, but you understand, if, for example, there is a threat, a threat to a brother, and a person who knows the muscovite language, she communicates, and she sharply shouted the phrase to save, well, this is life, we can’t pass now, so all of us, unfortunately, a soldier cannot be a soldier and engage in humanitarian work, he absolutely cannot, so to speak , communicate in the same correct ukrainian language, of course not, but slowly introduce the language, you know that everything depends on the officer corps , from the higher, yes, that's when they are starting to speak, as of today they are lining up in the ukrainian language,
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commands are being implemented, mortars are already working on combat units, they are saying the word fire, they are already saying the words "charge". the guns are silent, but when the guns speak, then it means that there are few muses, yes, which means that the muses are silent and have been silent, education, culture, it must be sewn and implemented, of course, because well, it expands the range, i think that now the problem is that we do not fully hear the people who are in the trenches, what they say and articulate, the soldier... he cannot always to be certified in his own profession , he is a good performer in the war, he performs simplified, men's, menial work, thanks to which we are sitting here in the city and are able to talk with you calmly, but when he returns to civilian life, after the war,
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he must where to draw something from, and here are educators and greatness, so to speak, some such precious thing, there is a book or a word, no, not the academic form is good, but what enters the heart, that’s what i do with the word song from ssu, yes, i i talk about everyday life with simple things, socially everyday themes of soldiers, about the love of a soldier, about his interaction with senior officers, about officers , about what a ukrainian is when he has committed an act, wears a military uniform when he serves, and without... of course, it it is necessary to frame our armed forces , what they are doing, that is why now, you see, the armed forces are actively attracting actors, attracting poets, writers, cameramen, presenters, because we need to cover, we need to show the armed forces of ukraine that we not
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like the muscovite, dmytro, now the parents, ukrainians complain that they see that their children... watch russian new series and movies, i don't want to advertise the names of these products, so i won't say it, but it is, ukrainian children, even now, quite often listen to russian music, on your point of view, it says that ukraine is losing on the artistic front, ukraine is not lost. who is the front, because we have so many talented different people in our recording studio, it 's a different matter here, it's a different matter here, the fact is that other countries, you'll see how an overseas friend, he takes, i duplicated more than 200 foreign films, captain america, pirates of the caribbean, skipper,
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they just do a sprinkling of injecting assets, what a muscovite does, they do injecting info, information to say that we don't have enough. some few musicians, few poets, few artists? no, dazby, in our ukraine according to unesco it has already been established that it is an intellectual nation, that the ukrainian language is singing, that it is, well, in terms of the number of vowels, it is simply a very voluminous, polyphonic, figurative, highly associative language ukrainian, it is big, it just needs to be given wings, for this, what you say , they listen to something else, they would not listen to something else, if it was in exchange, that is, we need to educate, we need to speak, that's how you and i got together this topic was raised, to fill the network with ukrainian , so to speak, works, cauldrons, we must talk about the fact that there are films, everything, everything, everything, everything, now we have started, as they say, the lost time will catch up with us, because time has passed,
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but due to the loss of great grief, now only people realize it, they start to petrify because of the loss of family members, already close ones, so... i think we will correct this situation, because we have now understood from the cost of blood that if you do not mentally have a foundation, the language is the nation, it is the face of the country, everything, if you don't have... your music, your cinema, your armed forces, your culture, you won't have your doctors in sports, you won't have your scientists, you won't have a country. dmytro is engaged in patriotic education of young people and support of soldiers undergoing treatment. this project is called slovospiv y armed forces the idea came after being wounded in the hospital, when dmytro read me. this poem. well, the war is over,
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the doctors are stitching up the body, the nurse is giving the bandage, there are crackers on the tray, i would like birdsong, and a ray of sunlight, without shooting dreams, and the cheerful noise of friends, a hospital, a temporary station, i am studying in a new way. there is a conscious way to live, a core to grow in oneself , a caring look, a nurse sits next to me, i adore your medical examinations, you are like early spring for me, she is from the red cross, and i was removed from it when i liberated the cities, because by character zealous, the procedures will soon begin, white coats are treating, for me it is torture, that's why they hear my... growling, only understanding and love heal my soul and the blood is renewed, so
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i have to renew, a caring look, a nurse is sitting next to me, i adore your medical examinations, you it's like early spring for me. our children will have to fight with the russians, the same story that continues, it is more than... years, this war and more and more great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grand they, the invaders, have imperialist chipping, and secondly, they , as chauvinists, they believe that this is the periphery that surrounds them... that is, they consider themselves the masters of the globe and the planet, although
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the master is only the creator, so they , you know, the invading psychology of the invader, they arrange genocide, what is genocide, it is the erasure, not only of the architectural monument, not only of the territory, but of people and everything that is connected around it, the erasure of the nation. so whether the children will have to fight or not i think i know for sure i will answer your question what internally, so they will have to be on chats and conduct, so to speak, an action called war-defense constantly, and not allow themselves to be stepped on, that's why they are all this, of course, that this war hurts children. damn it, he has nowhere to return, but we ukrainians
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, our brothers and sisters, have nowhere to go, we are at home, this is one thing, but the second is that we have nowhere to go, we are on our land, and we will fight to the last crack until to the last pulse, why, because we also want to forget our own, to have our own comfort zone, so that our the descendants lived well, that's why this... war , it, it is protracted, it's all for a long time, this victory will be given to us with very big, such bursts of energy, and here it is necessary to recruit simply, i will say in the literal sense of the word, just courage, to know what is needed to improve the lives of our descendants, we just need to... carry our christ and not be afraid to put our lives on the altar for the sake of the future, that's all!
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this week in the collaborators program. by. sellers from the resort village of lazurne. but how do they force locals to get russian passports. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of the heart and the harbor, went to serve the rashi occupiers. today's issue is about the sellers of lazurna village, skadovsky district, kherson region. staff war, which unleashed by russia, some ukrainian resorts on the coast of the black and azov seas were under occupation, including lazurne. the urban-type village of lazurne is located in the south of the kherson region on the black sea coast and is oriented toward resort recreation. it got its name due to the blue color of the sea water. until february 24, ukrainians came there to bathe in
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the warm sea, breathe in iodized sea air and treat themselves with mud. in the village. there were about 30 recreation centers and children's camps, so parents sent their children there children on summer vacation. unfortunately, after february 24, the village of lazurne was occupied by the russians and almost immediately established their order there, and they were helped with this by local collaborators who were very much waiting for russian peace. he took an oath to protect sovereignty, but instead he encroached on our freedom and territorial integrity of ukraine. we are talking about serhii yakovych belikov in 1900. he was born in the 91st year, he came from lazurny and started building his career there. at first he was a policeman, then after the euromaidan and the beginning of the armed conflict in the russian federation against ukraine in 14 years ago, serhii transferred to the national guard of ukraine, where he participated in the anti-terrorist operation of the ukrainian forces against the illegal dpr and lpr. after serving
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for some time in the national guard, the man resigned and decided to start building a political career. he returned to the village of lazurne and put forward his candidacy for the post of chairman and won. as the new chairman, he promised development for the azure. it is difficult to enumerate how much has been done both for the community and for vacationers. the main thing is the improvement of the infrastructure, it is roads, alleys, lighting. but when the resort area was under occupation , belyk forgot about his promises, switched to the russian language and installed a tricolor rag on the main administrative building. village head serhii belyak betrayed his voters. when the rashists came to lazurny, he voluntarily went to cooperate with them. the occupiers, despite the fact that bailey is a former member of the ato, left him in office. the head of the occupation administration of the smt lazurne, there will be no other way, we have to get used to the fact that the tricolor hangs here and the tricolor will be here forever,
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therefore, you need to turn off your ego, your so-called ego, belik was one of the first to turn it off, he seems to have understood: if you want to continue sitting in the mayor's chair, start serving the master from the kremlin. in the first days of the occupation, the man urged the locals not to resist the russian army. and to help her in every possible way, as he started with the russification of the village, transferred schools and kindergartens to russian educational standards, gave empty houses for the deployment of the russian army, decided to live in the village according to the laws of the country of the aggressor. also belik on the instructions of the special services the russian federation and the russian occupation authorities organized the collection and transmission of information on the location and addresses of local patriots, activists, military personnel, ato participants and law enforcement officers. authorities, you all must understand this and rejoice every new day, many processes have already been launched, processes that
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will ultimately benefit the population, this traitor was informed of suspicion by the sbu in the summer of that year, after which belik disappeared from the radar, in the last about him , as about the head of the occupation administration of lazurny reported back in september 2022. well, as they say, or the earth. good luck to him or welcome to your native ukrainian prison, if you suddenly want to save your life, because most likely the occupiers no longer need this used material. the position of the head of the occupation administration of the village of lazurne was not vacant for a long time. later, the rashists gave it to a so-called piper oleksandr petrovych. in peaceful life, he managed the utility company lazurna, which was engaged in the maintenance of the local beach. the man has been in this position since november. in 2021, when the russians offered him to become the new gauleiter of the village of lazurny, he immediately agreed. i am the head of the territorial administration of lazornoye. local
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insiders say that in the pre-war years he could be seen in poltava, because it was there that he worked in the raividdil of internal affairs. the pipers also incriminated the theft of gasoline, robbery and illegal possession of other people's apartments, but he did not suffer any punishment and disappeared. reminded me of myself. even when he began to actively act in the videos of russian propagandists in the summer of 2022, haughtily sitting in the mayor's chair, this jester threatens to take away the property of those who left the village in the territory controlled by ukraine and to evict from their homes those ukrainians who refused to obtain a russian passport. there is a census of immovable real estate, abandoned by residents who left for the other side, the former. employees, former participants of the ato, employees of law enforcement agencies, those who support the policy of ukraine have
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some fantastic hopes to return here, all this housing will be nationalized and transferred to the state property of the russian federation. dudka, at the behest of the kremlin, creates such conditions in the village that people have no choice but to leave and replace their passports with russian ones. essential medicines. food, pensions, wages, humanitarian aid - all only if you have a passport with a chicken. i have one of the documents in my hands right now - it is information about patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, which are included in the register. here is the first list of 24 people, but half of them do not have i never dreamed of a russian passport. this means that literally in 2-3 weeks these people will not be able to get free insulin, they will have big health problems. absence of a russian citizen's passport.
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the office of the president of ukraine noted that forced passporting indicates the absolute violence of the invaders against ukrainians. dudka openly threatens those who are waiting for the armed forces and paint symbols of ukraine on the walls. like, the greedy will come for you, so don't stand up. the russian federation is already here, the laws of the russian federation are here, they are already here are working therefore, this lawlessness will be punished cruelly and mercilessly. but as the piper did not want. russians still have ukrainian roots, it’s a pity that it’s treasonous , in his video you can hear the ukrainian language, he himself drives an audi car with ukrainian license plates, these are our most wonderful patrons, this is the rector of the agrarian academy, who by the will of fate settled in the azure, and we thank you they have already given out gifts, and humanitarian aid, and today already today at the invalid osokinaye, it is interesting, because this the traitor will stay in office, i hope
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not for long. we advise him not to forget his native ukrainian language in order to listen to and understand the sentence he will receive in court. his deputy frulov oleksiy volodymyrovych, this traitor is 45, is eager to become dudka's cellmate. his main activity in peaceful life was politics. since 2012, he has regularly participated in local and parliamentary elections. so in 2012 and 2014, he tried to get into the verkhovna rada from the green party, and time will tell. fortunately did not pass. in 2015, he was elected at the local elections a deputy of the skadovsky city council, already in the 20th year he flew past the deputy's chair again. at the same time, he was the director of the communal institution skadovsky center of financial and economic services, institutions and educational institutions. when our resort towns were occupied, frolov decided that it was the right time to return to politics, only under a different government. at first , the invaders threw him a bone in the form
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of a position as the deputy in charge of housing and communal services in occupied skadovsk. the traitor served the occupiers with faith and truth and was soon promoted, made a deputy of dutka's collaborator, who is the temporary pseudo head of lazurne village. quality is a positive contribution to the development of the city. now these two pseudo-politicians are puffed up. who pretend that they are important and are afraid to do something against russia. at the time when the chmobyks enthusiastically and enthusiastically pass the baton of death to each other, frolov with the colorado ribbon congratulates them from may 9. congratulations, don't interrupt the relay of memory of heroic tragic events, you can't forget the past. a matter of honor for law enforcement officers and judicial authorities to sentence this treasonous pike to 15 years. it is a matter of honor for ours.
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partisans, you yourself know what. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, and we start with the situation in the kharkiv region, one person died, three more people were injured. the russians hit the city with rockets.


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