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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. mass shelling of ukraine. over 50 russian missiles per night. what should be the response of ukrainians? russia is preparing a major offensive in the kharkiv region. intelligence records the enemy's accumulation of forces and means. north korea is on the verge of an armed conflict with south korea. pyongyang arranges provocative shelling and threatens the world with war. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with ours.
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the guests are people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy goncharenko, officer of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin and diplomat oleksandr khara. the second part of our program will feature political scientists volodymyr fisenko, andrii smolii and oleksiy holobutskyi. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the marines of the ukrainian armed forces repelled another attack by the russian army under cover in the kherson region. the defenders repulsed the enemy a tank with a crew. kissed in bc'. the tank was blown to pieces, watch the video.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take our survey, today we ask you if you should from... the broadcasting of the sessions of the verkhovna rada during martial law, yes, no, if you are watching us on tv right now, then please pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you think that broadcasts of the council must be restored, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​call, all calls to these numbers are free, we have our first guest on the line, this is people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy. mr. oleksiy, i
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congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate you. since, mr. oleksiy, we are asking our viewers what they think about the broadcast, radio and television broadcast from the session hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. do you think these broadcasts should be resumed during martial law? i don't just believe, i am them restored in any case, in my tiktok, i conduct online broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada. and i will conduct them until the full broadcast of the verkhovna rada resumes, because i believe that the verkhovna rada should be open to people, transparent, and there is no, absolutely no reason to hide all this and keep it under a drawer, as it has been done for almost two years years there is sociology, according to which 57%, more than 57% of citizens are in favor of renewing the online broadcast of meetings. council on the tv channel rada,
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about 65% of ukrainian citizens believe that journalists must be present at the meetings of the parliament, even during martial law, these are the data of sociological polls of the dem-initiative fund and commissioned by the honest movement. in addition, only 60% of ukrainians believe that the telethon is the only news that has not lost its relevance, 29%, more than 29% do not see it. sense in the marathon, 20% have a neutral attitude towards it, what do you, mr. oleksiy, say about the unified news, about the reformatting of the unified news, because it is clear that with such indicators and such budgets, well actually it is necessary to draw some definite conclusions, it seems to me that he has completely exhausted himself in a single marathon, and a long time ago, and it makes no sense to invest uah 2 billion in this every year.
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i'm sorry, it doesn't make any sense at all, and this money should be spent on war, on drones, which are used to fire russian tanks, as you showed at the beginning, and besides, let's not forget that the single news marathon is actually used as a tool of political propaganda, because there is an absolutely unbalanced representation, there is only one political force, which is constantly shown, this is the ruling party, and others who either do not show it at all, or it is significantly limited, so it is also a tool of political promotion and a certain, sorry for the words , zombification of people, and the last one, just the marathon is the only news and is to blame for that frustration , which for... which millions of ukrainians are now feeling, because it was this marathon that at the beginning of the 23rd year drove away these inflated expectations, coffee in the crimea, so prepare a bikini, everything will be fine soon, all these endless statements of danilov and others were spinning , and all this
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created a huge euphoria citizens, which, unfortunately, did not pay off at all, and therefore i am sure that it should be stopped. to spend state funds on this, and absolutely television must be patriotic, of course, if , god forbid, some tv channel will appear in us that will start promoting russian narratives, it must be urgently and immediately turned off, otherwise it must be ordinary television, as it were, commercial that should work. let us, mr. oleksiy, return to the situation in ukraine, because during the last two weeks, russia has been carrying out massive strikes... on the territory of the ukrainian state, in peaceful cities. this morning, russia launched a combined strike against ukraine, using 59 anti-aircraft weapons. the defenders destroyed eight strike drones and 18
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cruise missiles, at least three people were not killed, 33 were injured, and in a word , the situation is quite serious against the background of the weather that is developing in ukraine and in the background. and what damage the russians can do to our critical infrastructure, what do you think should be the response of the ukrainians to these massive strikes and should it be a response, well, i have i mean the response on the territory of the military facilities of the russian federation in order to carry out at least symmetric, at least some symmetric actions, and terrible attacks, and unfortunately, this... also the fact that the telethon said that the russians still have missiles for two or three launches , let me remind you, a year ago we heard something like that, unfortunately, life has shown us something completely different, what we should do, well, of course, strengthen air defense, this is the number one task, certainly
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strike back, we do not have the opportunity to hit , we don't have missiles that can strike at a long distance, and that's why it... creates problems for us, we try to use drones, if you ask me where we should use them, i will answer you, moscow, the only city that really bothers putin's russian government - this is moscow, and therefore the answer should come exactly there if possible, i repeat, it is obvious to us that, unfortunately, we have one more limited opportunity in this regard, this is true, and this is a huge problem of ours, and of course, a military one.. . industrial complex, what until now ukraine is not able to deliver long-range strikes with long-range missiles, as our allies give us, but excuse me, well, after all, it has been two years and ukraine has the appropriate school and has the appropriate experience, and the fact that until now ukraine is not able to, and we are not we produce
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missiles that would strike deep into russian territory, this is our huge problem and our huge disadvantage in relation to our enemy, so we need a significant strengthening of the military-industrial complex, which should produce everything we need: fpv drones, other drones, rockets, rockets long-range, this is the task before us, which, unfortunately, has not yet been largely accomplished, but we will still not be able to do it, and we will still be forced to do it if we want to really win. and what... according to you, mr. oleksiy , is putin trying to achieve, that is, he is terrorizing ukraine in order to freeze it, to force it to go to capitulation agreements, what is the goal, or does he simply have one big goal, which is to destroy ukraine, and he goes to her. well, of course,
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he has this goal, but let's be frankly, and i will not reveal a military secret now, they are already talking about it and writing about it, that recently, judging by everything, these... putin has objects of the military-industrial complex, and there are various testimonies about what exactly they, their critical infrastructure is being attacked by putin today, as it was a year ago. is attacked not so actively, what is the question? in the fact that it is now quite well covered by air defense, or in the fact that putin does not want to create a picture for the world of freezing ukrainian cities, so as not to return the attention and empathy to the ukrainians that were at the beginning invasion, here the first, and the second, and the third are possible, but the fact remains: putin continues his attacks, they have their own goals, we suffer a lot from this, and there are two answers: to get more help from the allies,
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this is work diplomatic front and direction, and, but more importantly, even for me today, it is becoming more independent and producing what we need ourselves, that is , long-range missiles, drones that will allow us, will allow us to give, strike back. poland, as reported by the media mass information, implemented. heightened security measures due to the missile attack on ukraine on january 8 and was defending its territory, because literally a week ago a russian missile flew into the territory of poland, then returned to the territory of ukraine. the poles said, well, we don't have any additional data, because how did the radars detect this missile, the missile entered the territory of poland at a depth of 40 km, returned back, well... what can we do about it, here are such cases, mr. oleksiy,
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there are drones flying in romania as well as in poland, flying around our territory, flying into the territory of romania, in poland, we already see several such cases when, well, in principle , the airspace of poland is violated, but both poland and romania, as members of the north atlantic alliance, in this situation... not even insist on holding an emergency meeting of the north atlantic alliance there. ukraine made a request that a meeting of the ukraine-nato council should be held this week. can ukraine count on the fact that the countries of the north atlantic alliance, well, at least although they will help us, at least with air defense on the western borders of ukraine, because if this missile flew into the territory of poland, well... it is very strange, if there is no missile defense system there, this missile
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went 40 km deep, that is, if there is a missile defense system, so why don't they shoot down those missiles? i'm not a military expert, so i won't comment on why they didn't shoot them down, but politically, let 's be honest, neither poland nor romania is going to go to war with the russian federation, nor any other country, a member of nato, that it is true, they are preparing, many of them from them i understood that the baltic countries , the scandinavian countries, those who feel this foul breath of this empire on themselves, they feel a threat and they are preparing, but they themselves will not enter into any war, this is a fact, and it is simply necessary to understand and not hope , that now a missile will fly somewhere, and then, even if this missile did not just fly, or hit something, unfortunately, i do not think that we could count on the fact that... poland or in the entire alliance would enter the war, this is true,
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unfortunately, and we have to admit it, and therefore leave in all our calculations from our own forces, and to go out from our own forces in all our calculations, as far as i am concerned, means one thing: it means strategic defense, because when i hear that let's recruit another 500,000 people there, i generally, well, i don't i understand our approaches and our strategy, because if we don't have enough drones and shells, then let's... at least we will recruit 3 million people, and what will they do, we will give them spears, we are not in the middle ages, well, okay, even kalashnikov assault rifles they are soviet in composition, they will not change anything on the battlefield, therefore our military industry is more important today, there are missiles, drones, what is our army equipped with, than just numbers, we will never win in russia with the number of people, well, it is impossible, they are five times more than us, it is simple math, and they can give us weapons, people no one will... give, and the human resource should be the most important, our main task should be to preserve
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it, and therefore stepping on minefields on russian concrete fortifications is definitely not our way, our way is to exhaust the russians, let them grind, attacking we, us, we are not happy with any other loss ratio less than one to eight, by any other ratio, this war is no longer in our favor, so we need to protect people, so we need to... military, so we need to work in the external arena to get support, but we also very much need, it is simply vital, to become independent in the fact that we... can produce projectiles, during the second world war even children in factories transported to the urals produced projectiles, why can't we do this today, i think this should be our task number one. mr. oleksiy, this week the verkhovna rada of ukraine should consider the law on mobilization submitted by the government, it is already known that the committee
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of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, profile, said that they have 73 of... comments on 73 pages of this draft law, today in the anti-corruption the committee stated that this draft law on mobilization contains corruption risks, how do you assess the prospects of passing this document and what do you think the new mobilization law should be, if it appears in the future? i submitted an alternative bill to the government's, actually, as the author, i include... in various committees, i will also add that the committee on social policy also did not call for the adoption of the government bill, but called for finalizing the government bill, including the provisions of the alternative ones, including my bill. what should it be? the most important thing is the definition of the service life. i have been advocating this for a very long time, and unfortunately for a long time no one heard it. it was finally
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heard and the government proposed to set the term of service, but it proposed 36 months which is... long, we need to reduce this term, my proposal is 18 months, but if a person submits a report, then the defense forces still have up to three months to replace the person, this is the norm that i think is correct, fair, also we need to solve the issue of conscripts , thousands of young men who have been serving for the fourth year, it can even be said, are in some kind of slavery, and they must finally be demobilized. the supreme commander-in-chief's successors and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces zaluzhny already said about it, but in the fall, neither there nor in any way they can make an appropriate decision. of course, when adopting a mobilization law, one must understand that it should strengthen the army. i do not think that he will strengthen the army in the form of mobilization of people
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with disabilities, this is some very strange norm, which i am against, and it has absolutely none. but it doesn't make any sense, and that's why there are a lot of questions about this draft law, it cannot be adopted in this form, tomorrow there will be a meeting of the committee on national security and defense, at which it will be finally the position of the committee should be determined, it is the main committee on this draft law, by the way, i want to remind you that in general this is the responsibility of the president, and the president should have approved the corresponding draft law, it looks like this topic is throwing a hot potato... from hand to hand, and this is not correct, because this law is based on this, it is about the fate of people, there in each, in each point of the fate of thousands, and sometimes tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people. mr. oleksiy, over the past two weeks we have been observing the reaction to the announcement of this bill or law on mobilization, people start to gather there and
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go abroad, those who have the right to do so and the right to disability. including dignity , because, well, people do not understand this communication, when on december 25 or 26, on christmas, they announce and publish a draft law there, arahamia is trying to explain something, that there is such a draft bill, what do you think, why was it done, wouldn't it be easier to do it and explain it, because it looks like people have started there... copying on wives, to withdraw money from bank accounts, because they can also be blocked under this bill, in your opinion, what was the mistake in this communication and whose mistake was it, well, it was the government's mistake, of course, in what, well, everything starts, you know, with the implementation of the law , the draft law had to be submitted by the president, he is the supreme
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commander, and according to the law he determines the mobilization, the procedure for its implementation, he had , when was his annual... conference, he had to go out there and say, these are the norms, go through each one, give an explanation, everything this was not done, moreover , it was a huge mistake, it occurred to me that this bill, as you already said, is 72 pages long, it is a colossal bill, complex, difficult, with many regulations, i do not understand why it was done so, as for me there should have been 10 different bills, one bill means a difference. services, one bill on the introduction of basic military training, one bill on mobilization, one on demobilization, one on social rights, and yes, one on accounting, and one about... about the powers of the tsc, i.e. all these should have been different laws in each of which we would solve a specific issue, and of course all this should have been done in a very clear
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communication with society, unfortunately, all this was not done, submitted was at night, really, on the night of christmas, then we heard some crazy number, we will draft women, we will not draft women, let's throw lots, let's pr... only the poor, because it's absolutely absurd if someone pays high taxes , it is not at all let's call out what it is, in general, and this, and this, and all this has stirred people, people feel this lack of a real plan, the lack of a clear vision, and what should be done, what is the problem, and the problem is that that this vision should be under a certain strategy, and this is the worst thing that i can state, after... zelensky's conference after. are we having any
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communication problems? we would like to thank oleksiy honcharenko for the conversation. it was oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as live on youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like this video. don't be stingy so that this video is promoted in youtube trends, and subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages, in addition , take part in our vote, today we are asking you about whether it is necessary to resume broadcasts of the meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on time, during martial law, yes no, if you are sitting in front of the tv right now, pick up your smartphone and vote 0 800 211 381 if you think what needs to be restored... broadcast no 0800 211 382 call, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next
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, we have an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, a major of the zsu, a special officer ihor lapin. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. major, i wanted to ask you, as we also ask our tv viewers. on whether it is necessary to resume broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada during martial law, i will ask you as a person with experience parliamentary and combat experience, or do people now need to see and hear what is happening in the session hall, who is conducting what kind of rhetoric and how some issues are being discussed, well, let's be frank, if there will be a discussion of some bills in the parliament, which... . may betray the enemy, god forbid, there are some state secrets or elements of this or that activity of the country, well, of course, such meetings are simply held
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behind closed doors, and that’s the end of it, and why don’t they want to show other meetings that are not are conditionally connected there with a state secret, i have only one explanation for this, is it necessary to do this, of course it is necessary, and everyone's bodur should be known, as ka... sometime, sorry, that it is in the muscovite language, but none the less , so that every person can turn on the tv at any time and see what they are doing there, because frankly speaking , you know, under the guise of war, to slander the concept of the general openness of parliamentarism and so on, they can, under the guise of war, stefanchuk can by abusing power to resolve the issue of the law of ukraine on the status of a people's deputy as he pleases in relation to business trips. and so on, hiding behind the war, they actually make their biggest, as they say, their biggest profits and the biggest troubles for ukrainians, because
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they are hiding behind this screen of war. well, and the second point, why is there only a question about the broadcasting of the parliament, the broadcasting of the verkhovna rada. in general, i see that lately, in principle, there are no secrets for anyone, you can see, as they say, any information well, except for the one that is meant, except for the one that is classified, so what is the problem of letting go of this concept of freedom of speech at all, so that, in principle , citizens of ukraine can draw all information from open sources, those that are not prohibited by law and those , who are responsible, and i apologize, we have the best and most successful information and psychological special operations of the russian federation through anonymous telegram channels, and we have people, they are... just disoriented, and yes, dear channel is the same, no matter how hunchbacked it may be, but nevertheless there is a question of the national council for television and radio broadcasting, which can take
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one or another measure when... it badly needs to and, on the contrary, may not take it, but let's put it this way, everyone's stupidity will be visible then in this story, and the tv channel rada, and any other tv channels, i believe that they should work, we live in a market economy, and there is nothing to finance them from the state budget, but the tv channel rada, well, in particular, he should be financed, because he should simply cover the work of the parliament, not sing go and give out various types of natural products, let's say, at the expense of taxpayers in the interests. the current government has such a concept as the objectivity of coverage of the activities of the parliament, we had it, it was built into the very essence of the tv channel rada, and well, in accordance with the legislation, what the greens turned it all into, they turned it all into a tent, a show, well and this is very important, this is a question right now, because the verkhovna rada of ukraine is starting to consider a big law on mobilization, and
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again many questions... will arise from about who votes for what, who proposes some changes, and today the anti-corruption committee, for example, of the verkhovna rada said that the government draft law on mobilization contains corruption risks, and it is clear that a lot of questions arise regarding certain norms of this mobilization of the law, in conditions where society and journalists are not watching this live, it may happen that, well, some moments can be... unclear, and then the commander-in-chief will throw up his hands and say: listen, this is the government's the project, the military asked for it, the verkhovna rada voted, i'm here why, why are you appealing to me, that's what the problem is. well, here the question is not only whether or not the supreme commander will have the opportunity to quietly go into the forest. he has now quietly gone into the forest, because he has already announced it, that it was allegedly invited by the military
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to... that we need to defend the country, it is the military, not the whole of ukraine, that is , zelensky has already removed himself from this problem, the second point , there is a law of ukraine on mobilization, article four, article 11, they clearly regulate who is responsible for mobilization in ukraine, and this is the president, and who should be the author of this draft law, this is about what oleksiy honcharenko said in your studio, it should be an urgent presidential draft law, further, further we see statements about corruption risks. well, i will tell you, we are already seeing statements from bankers that it is impossible to do, how will they approach this dilemma, to limit the use of cards or not to limit, that is , what is proposed there, as i understand it, in this draft law, well, in general, well if that the draft law concerns the whole of society , so isn't it high time that it should be drafted in accordance with the constitution of ukraine and the european convention for the protection of human rights, namely this european convention says
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that in case of... national security, the state of ukraine must the right to limit certain rights and freedoms of citizens, and here everything would be fine, it would stand in its place, if this draft law was submitted by the guarantor of the constitution, but in our country , the guarantor of the constitution turned out to be a person who was afraid to do it, because he rather, not so, no, he did not stop, he was not a statesman, statesmen differ from politicians precisely in that statesmen take responsibility in difficult times, and statesmen yes, of course not... electoral risks, because, as a rule, everything what is needed for the country, it is not very popular with the population, and there should be a certain kind of balance here, but unfortunately politicians succumb to such a system called populism, and statesmen, as a rule, bury their ratings in the name of the state, well, the eighth convocation parliament here in my opinion, it proved a lot of things, no matter what, but we were blamed for everything, that is, including that nonsense that everyone...
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used very well before the start of a full-scale invasion, well, that's my opinion, mr. mayor, but what will happen if the issue of the law on mobilization will be considered for a very long time in the verkhovna rada, this baked potato that is in everyone's hands will be thrown to one another, the diligent will understand that without this law and without mobilization there 300,400 or 500,000 people this year cannot be dispensed with. and the verkhovna rada will find out who should be responsible for this, who should contribute, whether there is a need for these regulations on blocking bank accounts for those who do not appear at the tsc, whether there is a need to limit the departure of disabled persons of the first, second, and third groups, because their tomorrow, too, they can be recognized as valid before military service during wartime, well, that is, this whole story can be stretched.


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