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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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number for that visa-free and which everyone used very well before the start of the full-scale invasion, well, this is my opinion, mr. mayor, what will happen if the question of the law on mobilization is considered for a very long time in the verkhovna rada, this baked potato that is in the hands everyone will be thrown from one to the other, the diligent will understand that without this law and without mobilization, there are 300, 400 or 500 thousand people. this year there is no way around it, and the verkhovna rada will find out who should be responsible for it, who should contribute, whether it is necessary there are these rules about blocking bank accounts for those who do not appear at the tsc, whether it is necessary to limit the departure of disabled people of the first, second, third group, because tomorrow they can also be recognized as valid before completing military service during wartime, well , that is, this the whole story can stretch. how
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will it affect the situation in the armed forces and at the front, most importantly? well, i think that in this situation, if we say how it will affect the armed forces, well, let's be honest, back in the 22nd year, in fact, the kit was no longer in a certain measures at the end of the year in the military units, well, if the front line needs to be held, relatively speaking, some section, so that there are 100 men there, and there are 10 men, they will hold this section, no, they will not hold it, so what will happen? the area will be reduced, well then i think that bucha and borodyanka will be repeated in conditional cities of kharkiv region or sumy region or chernihiv region and so on, they will simply be repeated in us, because the armed forces will be forced to leave their positions and move in retreat, well if you look, well, there are no rockets, there are no planes, there are no shells, and there are no people, then what is there to hold on to? i apologize for the slang,
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you can’t resist it, you have to keep it with weapons and people, in this case, if there is no first , second or third, then we will be forced to leave our cities, and in this situation zelensky will be responsible for the fact that he as the guarantor of the constitution, the supreme commander, the subject of the legislative initiative did not bring an urgent presidential bill to the verkhovna rada, and the verkhovna rada will be responsible right away, i i consider it my... activity, including not only political, you understand, the question from the court to the lynching is such a fine line, especially during the war, someone said there maidan two, maidan three, maidan five, once again i emphasize, there will be no maidans , there are so many weapons on hand , there will never be any maidans in ukraine, well, i think so, but we must stand up as a state, as a state governed by the rule of law, and therefore we must teach the deputies to take responsibility if they are afraid ... if
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they can't, and as arahamiya said, many of them are if he doesn't want to anymore, then let him make tacos with his president, they say, phew, we're tired, we 're leaving, all the power belongs to the soldiers, and then we'll have to look among the military, economists, look, we have a lot of good ones there, lawyers, economists, believe me, they are irreplaceable , today's trash will not be, we will find a replacement very quickly, the country will stand on military rails, martial law, the stake of the supreme... commander in chief, who, well, if he resigns himself, well, then stefanchuk will then lead this process, and if stepanchuk is removed, then he will remain one adult in that house, industrious , so it will be as it will be, but at the very least the country will survive, but the transfer of this hot potato from one hand to another may lead to the fact that, once again, bucha will be in kharkiv, yes, because then we held back with incredible efforts, but we had a lot. patriotic population, i want
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to say simply for all citizens of ukraine, as soon as those at the front end, who do not care about the army, language and faith, then those who do not care, will live in slavery, so that they simply understand, will live in bearded people, in the bush, and in other cities under russian boots. mr. major, you mentioned kharkiv, and british intelligence reported last week that russia was preparing a major offensive on... well, actually, it did not stop this offensive on kharkiv region, because according to the latest data, the russians concentrated on the kupyan direction their attacking efforts, trying to break through the defense of the defenders, and the luhansk regional military administration reports that, as you predict, what can be expected from the russians in the nearest, nearest weeks or the next. these very east, to the east,
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on the north-eastern front, i would say so, the colossal use of s300 missiles, of which they have a lot. and they will make that 100-200 kilometer zone there simply a dead zone of scorched earth by er equipment in order to attack kupyansk there, well, they have large concentrated personnel forces there, the logistical arm for replenishing them from the territory of russia is very short, so they can continue to exert pressure there, but let's not forget, well, in our country, the kharkiv region has a length of many kilometers with the border with russia, and of course they can easily strike from any side. the movement of equipment in those other areas there in the north of kharkiv region and so on will be noticeable, and i think that the satellites of our western partners will already help here, well, i know that the satellite of the same people's satellite, which was bought by the asylum fund, too somewhere there they still say it is flying, so i think that such
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a transfer of equipment will be noticed, because simply using infantry to break into kharkiv, well, this is an absurd story, that is most likely the russians, if they do not have a technical the possibility to enter kharkiv, they will use... rockets to try to make it uninhabitable from the word at all, well, i think that this is the story, although, considering the fact that the winter period is now going on, which russians are still interested in not only kharkiv, all of ukraine, so that we freeze here, they will still try to use these missiles on our energy infrastructure to a greater extent, well, it is true, but if putin's task is kharkiv itself, then they will first be there on... as they say , a mess with its missiles, because it is the easiest way is to create chaos and panic among the civilian population of a million-million city that will be evacuated and , believe me, obstruct the civilian, as mirnyak obstructs the military, on various logistical
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routes, you can't even imagine, because it's traffic jams again, it's the same story again, which we saw at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, well, it could be, or or i 'm not going to predict here. we have budanov for this, who can issue two forecasts for three in one day, and podolyak, so here is the question a little not to me. mr. mayor, the european union is already talking about the need to create a common army, italian foreign minister antonio taijani said, he says that the first real reform that the european union should implement is to strengthen the common european defense if we want to be the bearers of peace in the world, we need a european army, and this is... a fundamental prerequisite for an effective european foreign policy in a world with such powerful players as the united states of america, china, india, russia, with crises from in the near east to the indo-pacific ocean, the citizens of italy, germany, france or slovenia can only be protected by what
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already exists, and that is called the european union. the further, the more europeans talk about a joint army, about the need to prepare for war with russia, you? in your opinion, is putin planning a war with european states, with the nato bloc? well, let's be honest, whether putin is planning, only someone who can measure the temperature in putin's bunker knows, but the fact that he had such plans at all this is how he voiced it in open text when he said that the issue of russia's influence, including on the countries, on the baltic states and there, is nato. "let's crawl away, i.e. the baltic countries , the same poles, it's not nato, it's all our interests and so on, that's why putin talked about it, the issue of political statements, i also read today the statements of the minister of defense and the minister of national security of sweden, which they said that it was necessary to prepare, that the entire swedish people
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should be ready for war with russia, they also declared this and many politicians they declare, well, for me it 's some kind of schizophrenia, that is, i understand..." that they hear all the statements of trump, who said that if he comes, he will become the winner, then what will happen to america with nato. well, we remember all these statements, but let's still talk about the european union. that is, instead of giving the ukrainians all that so that we can dump all the wreckage that we have now, all the iron that is now on the territory of ukraine, so that we can break the backbone of this second armies of peace, they still decide to accept missiles at themselves territory well, what can i say if this is a political statement to mobilize. people so that they, as they say, do not criticize the government for helping ukraine? well, okay, then that's understandable, but if they really believe that instead of helping ukraine to pour the russian army into our bombed lands, in fact, they are going to meet
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russian attacks on their territory, well , then, well, what can i do to say, this disease is incurable. mr. mayor, one more small question at the end of ours conversations, law enforcement officers reported today that they uncovered another corruption scheme of the former deputy minister of defense, he was exposed for the embezzlement of almost one billion. hryvnias for the purchase of low-quality body armor for the armed forces of ukraine. the conducted examination proved that these bulletproof vests did not meet the protection class declared in the documents. well, this former minister, deputy minister of defense is facing 15 years in prison, although, well , it would be fair, probably, if he was simply mobilized to the front in this bulletproof vest, in those bulletproof vests used, which he bought, so what are you? can you say about this, as a military man and as a lawyer? let's face it, from the point of view
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of a military man, well, they are scumbags, and, let's put it this way, for them the most just punishment is this, this punishment, i can't say it in another way, because now i will be accused of calling for incomprehensible things here, as for, as a lawyer, as a lawyer, i will say that , to our great regret, in the ministry of defense, headed by the former minister of defense taran, after the continuation of these... criminal actions, a criminal organization was formed the organization that was headed at one time by defense minister reznikov, but we still had zavhorodniuk there, that is, all three defense ministers who were involved in the creation of a criminal organization aimed at undermining the defense capabilities of the state of ukraine, here not only is this not a corruption crime, this is pure treason, and in this context, that little man who was reported to us there today, what do you think that one deputy minister could with his own hand... organize and do everything, and there should have been a whole organization of accomplices, alone they did the household reception, others
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drove, others transported, the fourth did the recalculation of money, the fifth and tenth, it is necessary to dismantle a criminal organization, it does not fly like that, they will one by one pull out the one who got caught or the one who put the signature, and what did they alone do these shipments of these poor-quality bulletproof vests, no, so i believe there is simply a cover-up for others. officials from responsibility, here is the question why and to whom it is beneficial, well, this is not a question for ihor lapin, but if we recall who is responsible for personnel policy, which related to all personnel appointments, in particular the minister of defense, deputy ministers of defense and so on, then this is the pure political responsibility of president zelensky, as far as corruption matters are concerned, believe me, if you offer this deputy minister of defense a term of 15 or 10, he will write an appearance out of duty . will go to an agreement with the investigation and will tell who he gave, how much he gave, what he gave it for and where he took it, and in this situation
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the issue of an agreement with the investigation may work , unfortunately, the prosecutor general's office by the prosecutor's office of ukraine and other investigators of the sbi , as a rule, the agreement with the investigation is to take one tow truck, milk him and give him a conditional sentence, without arresting the others, i have not yet seen a single corruption crime where in the... by entering into an agreement with investigation , probationary, former minister of ecology, how is he, my lord, zlachevsky, zlochevsky, yes, he smeared himself with a stupid fine and transferred a couple of percent of his loot to the zsu for the united 24 president's fund, well, that's right, that's wrong, that's not a deal with the investigation, this customs clearance is called customs clearance of a criminal, not an agreement with the investigation, because the state will not fail to see a profit from this. the state could confiscate all his assets and have more than
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millions in the fund, including drones there and the armed forces and so on, but now zluchevsky's relatives are patriotically buying real estate in the center of kyiv, well, patriotically, well, in kyiv. thank you, mr. major, it was ihor lapin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent, friends, we are working live on tv channel uso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watch us on youtube on facebook , don't be stingy, please like this video in order for it to be promoted in youtube trends, and take part in our vote, today we ask you about the following: should broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine be resumed during martial law, yes no, please vote on youtube quite simply, choosing two options, if you are sitting in front of the tv, please take your smartphones and vote yes 0800 211 381, no - 0800 211 380. all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next
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, we have a diplomat, an expert on foreign and security policy of the center for defense strategies, oleksandr khara. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation. mr. alexander, let 's start with north korea, with south korea, because even before the escalation began in korea, in... korean land, the general korean land, the situation, we talked about what may well be that the war in ukraine and the situation in the middle east will be... pieces of a big, big picture, a puzzle, a big picture of hostilities on the territory of the planet, or on the planet, and these will be parts of that big war , which, one way or another, will grow and new
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hotspots will emerge around the world, observing the behavior of kimchi in the last few days. and his team, what can you say if he is already ready for war with south korea and if this is in this case part of a bigger plan where there will already be a third point, a hot spot on the planet, and it is not excluded that there may be a fourth, if china and taiwan also reach this hot phase, well, mr. serhii, you are right that the world has entered such, shall we say, a band of turbulence, and now a new world order is being formed, let's say so, and it will be formed through conflicts, let's hope that it will not come to the third world war. if we are talking about this person who is currently being shown on the screens, of course we
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do not know what is in his head, and like any, well, in fact totalitarian leader, he can... somehow misjudge the situation and resort to a conflict that can lead to global completely unpredictable consequences, but if we believe that he is more or less rational, and in principle he showed that he is so, for him in 2011 year led the country, and during this time he did quite a lot to strengthen his positions, i mean the development of atomic... let's say, components and rocket forces, but literally in november last year they launched their satellite for the first time, well in fact, they need it in order to improve, let's say , the effectiveness of ballistic missile strikes, north korea has a full range of missile systems, they
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may not be as perfect as those of western countries or china, but up to 15,000 km... they already have the means in principle, and of course what these threats are, they are primarily not directed at south korea, they are directed against the united states, and its allies in the region, and japan, well, south korea, of course, as the closest territory, but you know that even if not applied nuclear weapons north korea, it can deliver a devastating blow to south korea, literally. 40 km from the demilitarized zone is the center, well actually seoul, and in seoul itself and around it live, well, almost half of the population, 70% of the most important economic assets, and actually only with artillery systems, fire, howitzers, so
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north korea can inflict such damage, well, on the first day, more than 250,000 may be victims. i don't know somewhere around 90,000 killed and the rest maimed there, actually this one threat, it is only growing, and it is helped, as at one time by the soviet union and china, with missile systems or the development of nuclear weapons, and now by the russian federation in exchange for ammunition that is supplied to kill ukrainians, but i think that this the conflict that we have seen, there are literally several hundred shells, strikes on... behind the islands, this is just a reminder to myself, i think that he is not ready for a large-scale conflict yet, by and large he would like to convert his growing power , nuclear and missile in concessions with on the part of the international community, maybe he , like putin, is waiting for trump to come, because if you remember, they had cinemun, that is
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, they had very friendly relations, although trump did not manage to achieve anything with... chen-ying, but there was such a rapprochement and such an attempt , he probably hopes that it will continue like this, but there are other nuances here, which we will not go into details, but you understand that, for example, containing china required the united states to strengthen its presence and build alliances in the indo-pacific in the region, and including on the korean peninsula , there are sufficiently powerful forces, which usually leads kimchinin, and therefore there is another... in the theory of international relations, there is such a concept as the security dilemma, that is, if your adversary is getting stronger, then you must also intensify, and this is how this porch arms race begins, and in fact. the most important driver of this race is the perception of a threat from the other side, perhaps this is a false perception, but it pushes to very specific decisions, which actually
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lead to a collapse, which means the balance and possible conflict. you know why i am asking you about this, because i remember the events of 1940, when the so-called steel pact was signed between japan, italy and germany, when this military axis of evil was formalized, which in principle had its own interests, each country had its own interests, but they formalized this military alliance, which was then broken up by the allies in 1945, and in including the soviet union, the united states of america, and our allies, what do you say? about the fact that now, in fact, there is this one the axis of evil, it is not formalized, that is, there is no agreement between them, tehran, moscow and
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pyongyang, but we see that these three capitals and these three states russia, iran and north korea, they are actually repeating what was in the 80s or 90s years, 85 years ago, in this situation, how would the world have... that is, should the world community have imposed massive sanctions and total international isolation of north korea and russia, although north korea is already isolated, don't you have the feeling that that was all, as kuchma said, you are definitely right that it is absolutely similar situations, the only thing is, if we consider each element of the eye... axis of evil, then we will see that they actually have certain interests, some do not, well, by the way, recently there was an expansion of brics, it means, and of course, that the russian
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federation from the very beginning considered it an instrument of geopolitical strengthening of itself, the use of other, let's say, interests, the interests of other states in order to destroy the world order, which was dominated by the united states, its allies, here, but if we say... we evaluate such key interests for russia, this is the destruction of the international system, because it is unprofitable, russia cannot realize itself as a new empire, if there is a powerful european union and nato on the european continent, if the americans do not agree to new spheres of influence, and they actually started this war against us in the 14th year, even more so in the 22nd, in order to destroy this european unity, transatlantic unity, and to prove that they are somehow... tight, in relation to the north korea, i think the most important thing for them to survive, they would like a little more technology, well, to threaten the americans, but most of all they would like
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, let's say, the sanctions to be lifted and they could enjoy all the benefits that can give, let's say, the legal status of ownership nuclear weapons, and such weapons that threaten not only the neighbors, but also the united states. if we talk about china, china is mostly interested. internal stability, because there are problems of the economic order, in fact we saw that even these obedient chinese can go on strike, that's for they need this so that american investments and technology do not flee from china, they need to manage, let's say, relations with the united states, if it is impossible to improve them, and that is exactly why china, china is the beneficiary of this system, that is, all this crazy growth.' that they have seen there in the last 30-40 years, it was thanks to the international system that works now, but the chinese of course dream of becoming a great
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center again, perhaps more powerful than the united states, and they quietly are leaving, that's exactly why the news is so formed, but their interests are different, and for sure china will not be interested in a new conflict appearing in its, let's say, underbelly, they don't want to have... there of course to have a united korea, because it meant the presence of the americans, and of course that they do not want to have a war there, because literally in the first week there will simply be tens of millions of refugees from both sides, and they have to go somewhere, of course, that china will it will be necessary to do something with it, i'm not talking about what such a conflict can cause the use of weapons, mass destruction by the parties, here, but on the other hand, the chinese also do not like... that the americans are strengthening there, but against the background of threats from north korea , the americans have placed additional air defense and anti-aircraft systems there, and the chinese see it as
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including. and limiting their ability to threaten the united states with their growing arsenal, they have about 300, now they have up to 27 warheads, it seems that they want to bring it to a thousand by the year, that is, to actually enter this club of the largest nuclear weapons world, that's actually how all these things are connected, and i don't think that china is interested in doing anything now, because it has a weak position, they are not yet ready, let's say, to return taiwan to... well, a harbor. of course, we will look at the results of the elections that are planned. i think that the results will not be encouraging for the chinese, since even those who previously said that it is necessary to unite with china as much as possible, there are a little less of them, it’s okay, maybe there will be a balance between those pro-chinese and pro-independence, well, they are more accurate, how they talk about the status quo, they don't say
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taiwan should be independent, but they don't want to. this approach of the death of taiwan, as it happened with the same hong kong, that is why china will balance and we will look at how carefully it will approach such emerging crises around its borders. mr. alexander, this year the election in the united states of america, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, called on the republicans in the congress to act and approve additional funding, in particular. for 60 billion dollars for ukraine after the 2024 government funding deal, now republicans in congress must do their job, end the threats, shut down the government , and fulfill their primary responsibility to fund critical homeland security priorities, including my additional request, for them it's time to act, - said joseph biden on ...
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how in this situation, mr. alexander, events will develop, if you can in a minute and a half, give a very short answer, you know, literally over the weekend listened to an interview with the speaker of the house of representatives , mike johnson, on the face the nation program, where he said that he wants to vote for aid to ukraine, but he does not see a move from the biden administration to ... a meeting to do this , the usual reformation of the migration policy is meant. by the way, he said a very interesting thing that when meeting with president zelenskyi, zelenskyi asked him and said that it is very important, both from the point of view of the war and from the point of view of the signal of support, but from the point of view of zelenskyi it is extremely necessary that we receive this vote no later than february, that is, in
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principle, the named city is named. there's no date, so i think, i hope, in january , that decision will still be made, but biden will have to make some concessions, because this is really a problem for the united states. in december, 300,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border with mexico, and of course this is actually a crisis, and he should make concessions and unblock aid to ukraine. thank you, mr. oleksandr, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, friends, we are working live tv channel as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during the entire broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether it is necessary to resume broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine during martial law. voted at this moment , you see, in this ratio, people in our country voted, 91% yes, 9% - no. next, in 15 minutes we will have a studio with political scientists, andriy smoliy, oleksiy holobutsky and volodymyr khysenko will be on
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the air in 15 minutes. don't switch. stay with us, the murder of the vashkah was in lebanon in a week after the assassination of the leader of hamas, did it bring the war beyond the borders of the gaza sector closer, on bbc news ukraine, i am jefefemerov. another aimed strike at the enemy. israel to kill a hezbollah field commander in a drone attack. a week after the explosion in beirut, which killed the leader of hamas, saleh al-urouri. what do these high-profile murders mean and will they hinder the us secretary of state's efforts to defuse tensions in the middle east. passed


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