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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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that is, he cannot block this type of decision, and the analysts we talked to say that brussels is determined to use this second option, that is, the appointment of another interim president in opposition to orbán. first of all, the danger of orbán becoming the president of the council is zero. the reason is that the vast majority of member states, practically all except hungary, or possibly all except hungary. and slovaks are currently united in the goal of electing someone else. well, this someone else is quite likely will later take up this position fully and permanently, but for this it will be necessary that the european elections have already taken place, and according to the procedures exactly after the european elections, this should happen in the fall , in the post-election period, that is, in the fall of 2024, new leaders should be elected of european institutions, candidate? they do not say yet,
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but they say that they will elect a unequivocally pro-european and pro-ukrainian politician, the vice-president of the globsec analytical center suggested to us that one of these candidates for the post of president of the european for example, kaya kallas, the estonian prime minister, who was also a member of the european parliament and a member of the "friends of ukraine" group, can become a member of the council. she is in charge of... but she has also been mentioned as possibly the next nato secretary general. this is something that she very actively demonstrated when she went to paris, praising, for example, macron. i mean, these were clear signs that she was indeed in the running for nato secretary general. others saw in her an opportunity to become the next high representative of the eu of foreign policy, who will head the european external action service, but it is really too early to say. i mean, she
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has not nominated herself for the position of general candidates yet, but considering hungary's presidency of the council of the european union in the second half of 2024, brussels is determined to have another leader, not orbán, and that's why the mood is here . and please explain how power will be distributed in the european union in the second half of this year, if hungary still presides, and at the same time a new temporary one will be elected president, i emphasize that it will be temporary, will orban then be able to block any important decisions regarding ukraine, and who of these two will be more important, the interim president or the head of the presiding country viktor orban, well, the most important thing... will be
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the newly elected interim president of the european council, because it actually has to form the agenda for the summits, that is, the very position of the president of the european council provides for the agenda, the formation of the agenda for the summits, that is, the meetings of the leaders of the member states of the european union, well, that's it the chairmanship or the presidency, which is transferred from country to country, in the order of rotation every six months, which hungary will actually receive, it gives the authority to shape the agenda for meetings at a lower level, that is... at the level of ministers, and these are preparatory meetings, on the other hand , meetings of ministers, such as preparatory meetings, and they prepare the agenda for the summits, that is, hungary may not put on the agenda and sabotage the preparation of certain important issues, but here i will remind you that viktor orbán is against the military aid to ukraine, a number of other decisions , which you yourself have already spoken about, but during the formation of the agenda of meetings at
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any level , the head of the european council can also intervene, whether he is temporary or not, it does not matter, he has the right to intervene, to decide that this or that issue should be included, and then the council of ministers will not actually be able to prevent it and will be forced to follow the plan that the interim president intervened and included, i.e. the word of the president of the institution, not the country, is decisive , which took over rotating chairmanship, although from a different point of view... already here in brussels, they are saying that this period, when hungary will preside, will simply be a period when no decisions will be made, that is, it will be such a small delay and pause, but no more. elena , allow me one more short question, today i had to read, well, the reviews of political scientists and lawyers and specialists in european studies, and many of them generally criticize charles michel for such a decision, saying that it is a very selfish, self-centered decision. .. he is like that
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announcing even in six months that he will run for the european parliament, in fact almost opens the way for viktor orbán to and increases his influence in the european union, or not in brussels... they actually blackmail charles michel himself, who decided not to reach him, in fact term until november, he does not miss his post much. well, actually, here they say that charles michel was always more worried about his future than about the current state of affairs, this is really the criticism that sounds in his address and also when if you ask analysts what significance this will have for ukraine in terms of the extent to which he promoted certain important issues for kyiv, then in principle. they say that the most important decisions for ukraine are not his responsibility, and if you remember, for example, before the last summit, he did meet separately with viktor orban several times, but as it became known later, the final decision and the final agreement and, let's say, it was the meeting with the leaders
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of france and germany that changed orbán, that is, on the one hand now charles michel is not given too much, let's say, credit or, well, they don't talk about the fact that he did a lot of things in... the influence is extremely large, but i would also say that these are all the statements that he is actually leaving the european union at such a crucial moment, they are more likely to date on sunday evening, already today there were more discussions about the fact that this is not such a critical situation, that actually there is still plenty of time, that it is not so much that the temporary candidate who will be elected, most likely it will be a permanent candidate who will handle all these same duties further, starting from the fall, that is , i would say that in general... today is not as, let's say, catastrophic as it was yesterday evening, actually. olena, thank you, and then, too, in this vein, i cannot help but ask you about the prospect of agreeing a financial package from the european union for ukraine. we remember that the same viktor orban
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promised a package of 50 billion euros. i did not go to drink coffee, in contrast to the time when they voted for the start of negotiations for ukraine on joining the eu. what is the current situation in brussels regarding this, when will the eu countries be ready to return to consideration of this issue and have they found any solution in case viktor orban will again block, block this financing for ukraine? the actual solution was already found at the end of last year, i.e. it was announced that there are various plans b and not only plan b, and an extraordinary summit will be convened for this purpose, by the way, on february 1 it... is set, that is, there will be more once the leaders gather and try to pass it decisions, and even according to the results of the previous summit, they talked about the fact that it was actually unrealistic that at that summit viktor orban would simultaneously give approval to such a large number of decisions regarding ukraine, that is, a principled
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decision for which there was little hope, this is actually a green light for the start of negotiations on membership with ukraine was pushed through and this is considered a great victory of this summit, well , if we take into account the fact that part of... the funds for hungary remain blocked, that is , orban still has room for bargaining, let's say yes, after the diplomats said that it was expected, that a certain number of issues could be postponed to a later date, and precisely for this reason, the summit will be convened on february 1 and there is hope, that is, i still hope, and because part of the funds can still be unlocked for orbán that this decision will be taken. thank you very much, olena abramovych, rfe/rl correspondent in brussels, we talked about... the prospect of viktor orbán's presidency in the eurocouncil, well, as our colleagues say, in brussels they believe that such a prospect is still possible is almost zero. thank you very much, elena. well, i hope that we will return to this
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topic, to the prospects of viktor orbán's presidency in the eurocouncil. here are the key issues that we as journalists will monitor and discuss. for example, is it ready? will, will, or can russia take advantage of such a chance for viktor orban, from what i have already heard today from ukrainian political scientists and diplomats, that russia can certainly take advantage of such a chance, and in the near future, perhaps it will intensify his work in europe and become such a lobbyist for hungary and viktor orbán, so that, albeit temporarily, but so that he, he begins to preside over the eurocouncil, this is so and so... the first fears, which actually had to be heard, well, the second such hopes or hopes, they consist in the fact that a person who can be called a friend of ukraine will be appointed to the position of charles michel, because no matter how they accuse him now, they do not
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accuse him of egocentricity or about or what he thinks only about himself, after all, charles michel could be called, can be called a friend of ukraine, he constantly expressed support for ukraine. condemned the russian aggression, and of course, this is also such an important point, actually, who will be elected instead ? pavlo klimkin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine 2014-19 joins our broadcast. ukrainian diplomat, good evening, congratulations, mrs. vlasta, something skype does not like us with you today, but we play it anyway, and this is already a familiar story for people who live in ukraine, the connection sometimes fails, or including through shelling, tell me, and you too do you think, like the majority of whom we interviewed today, that the prospect of orbán's presidency in the eurocouncil is zero, or is there still a prospect? well, unfortunately, in politics, never say no. i don't want to cure anyone , i also think it's marginal, but
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it's never zero, it's been known for a long time that charles michel will go to the european parliament, it's just that the news was thrown out recently and it created such a funny wave and it only against the background of the fact that hungary presides over the eu in the second half of the year, this is the presidency. it is more like that ritual for today, but really, even if the eurocouncil does not find a successor to michel, orbán has a chance, i am sure that a successor has already been found, well, maybe there are still some discussions, but 100% there are worthy candidates, for example, mr. antonio costa, a former prime minister of portugal who is seen as serious. a candidate can replace him, there are several more, i am not going to actively speculate and throw
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candidates into such a round, but nevertheless, today's european union will not allow orban to lead the process, and this, this issue is not only procedural, this issue is more of a political one, so i think that it may not be zero, but something approaching zero, but again, how will it go... the elections to the european parliament, what will happen next, we always have a chance for different swans , then black, then white, then some in krapenko , so let's see, by the way, you named a portuguese politician as one of the candidates, our colleague named the prime minister of estonia, she may be one of the candidates for the position of the head of the european council, but who also, who is schelos, kaiv kalos is also being considered, she fits well, me i don't want to have sex here. but i have long wanted a woman to lead the eurocouncil, and i wholeheartedly support it. the only question
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is that kaia kallas represents estonia, and it is great for you and me, or it is great for all the key countries of the european union, we will see. well, kaya also got, if you remember, a scandal with her husband, and his business was not directly, of course, but indirectly related. to russia and a lot of people didn't like it, so my prediction is that kaya kales will be in the european commission next convocation, but whether she will be the president of the eurocouncil, well, we'll see. tell me, please, do you have any fears that russia will now launch all its possible mechanisms, tools of influence and do everything possible so that viktor orbán still presides over the eurocouncil, even temporarily, this is... a wonderful conspiratorial idea, she, she, you can
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write a good script about her, but i think that even the insidious putin with his arsenal of special services and all the global evil has no chance of promoting orbán to this position, and orbán is actually not such a simple scumbag, and he will not play completely in putin's shoes, so... to invest in this story, well , it can be nerve-racking in the european union, it can also confuse the cards there, and i am sure that russia will do the same to invest in trump's election, although i am confident that trump will actually help russia with something, it may even be the other way around, but influencing the election is such a well-known russian story, so anything can happen, although i... i am very skeptical about this, in our literally a minute and a half, but i can't help it remember, there was a recent study
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by the hungarian analytical center political capital, and they stated that a number of media that work for hungarians outside of hungary, they actively promote russian pro-kremlin narratives, but at the same time there is a direct influence of the kremlin there, or to record that the kremlin pays for it failed, that is, hungary supports russian narratives, it looks so simple. this is a paradoxical situation, no, it just doesn't happen like that, whether they pay physically for it there is another question, but in hungary a significant part of the media, it is not finds under literal control, but nevertheless there is an influence on it, because, in my opinion, hungary is now a democracy that is managed, and i would say a better word, managed, remember, there was such a vladyslav surkov in russia, who invented the term manage democracy, managed democracy
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, there are certain signs of this in hungary as well, but of course in a completely different way than in... russia, so the point is rather, rather this: there are independent media in hungary, but a significant part of the media, it cooperates with the authorities, and this is a specific hungarian feature, i would say that it is a sign of hungarian democracy, so that viktor orbán is not offended, at least today. thank you very much, pavlo klimkin, ukrainian diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, 14-19 years old, we talked about the prospects of viktor orban's presidency in the eurocouncil. thank you very much, and that's all for us, svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow, subscribe to the radio svoboda page on the internet and until tomorrow, there are discounts on psyk, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings.
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greetings, friends, during the past week, probably one of the top topics was the discussion of the 95th block, the show
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they put on on new year's eve, on new year's eve, it went from 7:00 p.m. until i think it was two in the morning, i had the pleasure of watching all of that because i had to review it show, but literally the next day or two days later , a real scandal and brawl began, because some of the users of social networks noticed one of the numbers in this show, which already contained such, you know, a phrase, or even a word that, will probably take root in our ukrainian language, it's called siskadovska, and it was about a girl who comes to zakarpattia from skadovska, but since she... speaks ukrainian so badly that she ends up with siska-dovska, i think it will enter the ukrainian language as a neologism
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along with riganitsa, which we won last year, well, let's remind ourselves of this number, were you born in ukraine, and yes, of course, and why didn't you communicate in ukrainian before that? as for this, well, me, well, because i'm from siskadov, i'm sorry, who? no one, and from where? there is a city, such in khersonskaya region, skadovsk, that's why i'm from kadovsk. we will definitely discuss with you in the next half hour why the level of our humorous shows, at least the two top ones, this show from the 95th quarter and the diesel show, have already hit the bottom, these are my subjective judgments, they are also shared by a lot of my colleagues
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, journalists, who are engaged in reviews of these shows in particular, well, let's also ponder, why do such jokes appear in general, why do they continue with their hands, by the way, i and my colleagues, who have been involved regularly for years reviews of these shows, we see it for real years and two years ago. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, so these jokes were on our television, they still remain, and we will try to understand, and why exactly now scandals around these numbers arise regularly, because this week we discuss the 95th quarter and dieselshow also faced criticism, just two weeks ago dieselshow again faced criticism, and during the year we also saw scandals with other humorous shows. with humorous series, remember this series to make it to 30 with this stupid girl from kolomyia, well, let's get this straight: firstly,
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if we talk about the jokes of the 95th quarter and the dieselshow, from my point of view, the diesel show is a much worse phenomenon than the 95th quarter, and they these a lot of people don't like jokes, and so they get into such fights, because the authors , from my point of view, are suitable. absolutely mindless to their writing, they have several schemes according to which they write them, and they have been using them for years, and it does not matter what they write about, about the occupied territory, about some family celebrating some holiday, about a married couple going shopping, it doesn't matter, they have the same thing over and over for years, so i assume that in general their jokes are not built to be a real problem. that the authors do not delve deeper at all, what they are making these jokes about, they simply choose some funny words in their opinion and beat them, but let
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's look at another example from the same scandalous issue, you will see in general, but pay attention to how this girl from skadovsk, how she speaks ukrainian, that is, it is not at all based on what mistakes ... russian-speaking ukrainians who switch to ukrainian make, because the authors say that they made this number in general in order to support these people, so that they do not thought they had some kind of badass look, so that they wouldn't think they would be laughed at, they did this stunt, well i think they achieved the opposite effect, i don't know what they were thinking by portraying a completely idiotic character , trying to support these people, well, that is, look, you look so idiotic? switch to ukrainian, everyone laughs at you, but switch, we support you, absolutely some absurd twisted logic, but just note,
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russian-speaking people who come to ukraine. and they make mistakes, they don't speak like this character, that is, they haven't even studied elementary, which is called mother tongue, they haven't studied, well, these are typical of some troubles and difficulties with language that people have , let's listen to what it looks like, i you understand, i'm talking about the ukrainian language, well, let's go school, she was growling, no, no, she wasn't growling, she was wolfing down. studied, studied, yes, that's why many words, words, words, words, words, words, i remember , i've already observed, well, you know, who has small children, well, those who enter kindergarten or first grades, i think, you friends, you watch jokes like this somewhere, and...
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i personally find it very strange that adults laugh at such jokes, i was at the performances of the 95th quarter, the women's quarter, live, i saw these sold-out children, by the way, there were also, and people really laughed, someone there thinks that it's a montage, no, it's not a montage, people are really laughing, but it's like that, the question is, how did everything go wrong, the mayor of skadovsk recorded the video like that, because skadovsk, let me remind you, is an occupied territory, and the mayor... said this the city, that other people's lice are not as scary as their own nits, and he actually said that now all of us residents of skadovsk, who stayed there and who left, need support, and not such mockery, because this is exactly a mockery, no self-irony, because in our country such authors of such sketches often say, but you simply do not have self-irony, you simply cannot to laugh at oneself, to laugh at one's own
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actions and... and to make fun of oneself and insult oneself, these are completely different things, let's listen to mr. mayor, probably the jokes about the village of skadovsk seem very witty to some, but let's leave it to the conscience of the directors, i hope that they will have enough strength to apologize to the ukrainians, today skado is under occupation and... really, what he needs is not ridicule, support. well, the people involved in this scandal, of course, later apologized, but even before their apologies there are big questions, well, i just i will tell you, because many people ask , why, how did they even think of taking an occupied city, why, well, why, well, they would have taken some other city, it would have been less of a scrap, from my point of view, since i have been watching for a long time neighborhood jokes, my
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, my position is, my guess is that they probably didn't even google this city, maybe they didn't even know it was occupied, they just have this principle, brothers are funny like me already said before, in their opinion, to twist their words, there skadovsk, they must have thought, i imagine how this situation could be, skadovsk, from skadovsk, oh, it looks like si skadovsk, let's make some kind of... why am i saying this? well, i'm talking about the fact that they most likely just took this name, yes the city, and did not even see where it is located, because they announced this number as a girl from the east comes to transcarpathia, in fact skadovsk is not in any, no in the east, he is in the south, this is the kherson region, and before in the women's quarter, i was six months ago at their show, they laughed out of town wrocław, for example, how funny is the name of the city
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wrocław? because the audience laughed, well, it was in the context of the scene that a man wants to escape to poland to his wife, because he has not had sex with her for a long time, and he is so excited that he reacts sexually to everything, and when the border guard tells him there something about wroclaw, and he starts to get even more excited, my friends then said in the comments that there is another wonderful polish name dorota, it was possible to make a skit around it, it's just in style. 95th quarter, that's why i'll emphasize that everything in them is built on such things, and when they started asking questions, it was obvious that they didn't know that this city was occupied. i also want to remind you about this scandal with the tv series that made it to the 30th, there too, it came to the indignation of the residents of kolomyia and to the statement of the mayor of kolomyia,


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