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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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we have a certain lack of ammunition, so what does this mean in practice, according to the data provided by the representatives of the british institute of russia, in fact, the situation now is such that the ratio of time, there are 200 shots from the ukrainian side per day, up to 10 thousand shots from the side enemies, that is, now we see that at will the enemy sometimes has a significant advantage in artillery, this, of course, affects the nature of actions on the front line. the question arises, what potential is there today in the united states, in european countries, to provide us with ammunition for at least the 24th year. here, the statistics are such that british experts provide data that, in general, ukraine needs at least 200,000 ammunition per month, or relatively speaking, 2.4 million for the whole year. because the enemy has
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the ability to produce in the range of 1,500, over 1 million munitions per year, and the industrial capacity of our european and american partners is so far such that they can only produce half of what the russian federation can now do, while , that we remember that this can also be done the addition of artillery supplies from north korea also adds to a certain potential of the russian federation, so that in fact, we are now in a situation where the situation on the front line will largely depend on a new level of military-technical cooperation, on the acceleration of the work of our partners, but at the same time, in particular, the american partners make statements that the aid to ukraine this year and next year will be... less than in the 22nd and 23rd, because
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in fact now the rate of our american partners is to ensure more production of weapons on the territory of ukraine, what exactly is it about, what statements are the spokesmen of the state department talking about, we will talk with our next guest and... now we are joined by pavlo verkhnyatskyi, he is the director and managing partner of the ukrainian company kosa, as well as co-coordinator of the security and aerospace working group of the american-ukrainian business council, mr. pavle, congratulations, nice to see and hear you. good afternoon, sergey. i would like to start with a statement, which was made just a couple of days ago by the spokesman of the us state department, matthew milder, he... said that the funding in
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the following years will be less, it was immediately perceived by a number of experts and journalists there as a betrayal, and then it was, let's say, a more detailed reading of this statement, it was said that washington insists that ukraine's aid to kyiv should contribute to the fact that the ukrainian side could independently finance, produce and procure. weapons, that is, in fact, it is about giving ukraine a fishing rod, and not the fish itself we see, we mainly get used to it, the question arises, is this already a reflection of the permanent policy of the united states towards ukraine and in what direction will relations between ukraine and the usa develop further in this particular segment? well, if i knew how relations between the usa and ukraine would develop in this segment. i think i
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would have shared this information with you in advance, but seriously, yes, any statement, especially top officials, and official ones, ah, including our partners, should be read or listened to in full, as you said at first there was one, second information, the message was the same, which means that support, ah... may decrease, but at the moment the states cannot afford it, ukraine cannot afford it, so the support will continue, but in parallel the ability of ukraine to produce weapons on its own must be increased, and there was already a moment that, well, confirmation of what we just talked to you about, that 60 billion is from... er,
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the united states, which must be approved by congress, they must be e-e approved, and the events of the last few days, they also say that, rather than all this, it should be... at the same time, the states and their policy towards us, well , in my opinion, it does not change, that is, the support of the united states of ukraine should continue , and at least in the current administration and in the overwhelming majority, it means that the top officials of the united states are like this, well, there is a consensus here, moreover... if we speak more broadly, not only looking at what is happening in ukraine, in the world in general, and building a military-industrial base in ukraine has no
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only to support ourselves, in the future i will not be surprised that we will also support our partners if we look deeper and even further. for a potential global war, i don't want to be some kind of apocalyptic prophet here, because there are already enough of such predictions from famous analytical centers, including, by the way, ukrainian ones, which predict major events in the coming years, and how, if we see now , as far as europe has enough weapons and ammunition. for example, yes, to the united states, then for large global events of some kind, this is possible will not be enough, i will not be surprised if ukraine will be one of the players in this field, it may sound a little naive today, but well
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, i would watch how events develop in this direction, and of course a lot will depend on that, in general , how things will unfold, well... it is clear to us that in ukraine it is first of all important to us how the events in the war with russia will unfold, but it is worth looking at it a little more broadly, because if we talk about the policy of the united states in relation to us , then we are not the only one for them the country that they have chosen to support, then in continuation of this topic, is there not , relatively speaking, a contradiction between the political interests of the confederates that you have outlined, and the market reality in which, in which american companies are now, i will explain what i mean, penny pritzker, who is the special representative of the united states for the economic recovery of ukraine, said that
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ukraine now has a lot to offer western defense companies as a defense market and in the near future, but american companies are now... companies are now solving scaling tasks, they now have a lot of orders, and then the question arises that they have a lot of work on their own territory, why should they take additional risks of creating joint ventures or other initiatives on the territory of ukraine, which is accompanied by new risks for their own companies, how to combine these two realities, whether they can be combined at all, well, it depends on the scale and scope. the world needs weapons in general, unfortunately, unfortunately, the need for weapons is increasing, yes, everyone would live well if the money that could have been allocated to arms would not have been allocated to arms, to something
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more peaceful, but the reality is this: authoritarian regimes raise their heads, unfortunately, they spread. their , their, their narratives, their power, uh, the world, and the democratic world has to counter that , so the scale of how the scale of the need for weapons, it's growing, and the american companies, of course, that have uh, let's say , orders around the world and within our country, if we are talking about the united states, and for them, as we ... more than once with you said, the american market, the american government is the main customer, they have to meet the needs there, but it is already clear that the needs for large events will not be met, so far,
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even with this scaling that is planned, because the calculations of this planning are also, you also see them, where, let's say, there are already calculations and an understanding of the fact that... the scaling there can be, well, two times in some categories of goods, three times, but the reality is that even more may be needed. places a there is enough space for all manufacturers, perhaps even unfortunately. then, the question arises whether the ukrainian side is really determined to expand cooperation with american partners. why such a strange question? the president really talks about the need to create joint ventures at a meeting there on december 6 in washington where joint projects were discussed. but just a couple of days ago , an interview of mr. podolyak appears there, where he talks
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about what he said, why create enterprises, if we create on our territory, the enemy will certainly carry out missile attacks on these objects there, but we understand that in any case we will exist in conditions of war for a long time, and the issue of creating a defense industry in any case requires attention and creating there... solutions, why do we make such statements at times, well, we are blurring that unambiguous sub-game, the basis for foreign companies entering here and there with their projects, their capacities, their initiatives. well, as far as i understand, mr. podolyak works in the information space and manages, let's say yes, informational aspects, i will not undertake to comment on it, i will not undertake to comment on... that this is done precisely in the information field, because i am not a specialist in information warfare, but i
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see specific steps, specific, ah, a specific desire, and - and the negotiation process on work regarding joint enterprises, regarding the strengthening of existing ukrainian enterprises, and i also see the steps that are being taken in this... in this direction, so i would separate the informational component, the disinformational component, i don't know , i repeat, i do not not i would comment on this, but in the industry itself, in the most practical aspect , steps are being taken, and here the only thing you can talk about is american companies, you can talk about western companies in general, or, well, not the fact that there should be the interest of large-scale big companies... companies, yes, in the matter of placing production in our territory, maybe, well, not possible, in some aspects
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even the same british companies are more flexible and more quickly included in these processes, the regulations in all countries are different, and we need to adapt less under some countries than under others, to the states, it is difficult to adapt, because they have complex legislation regarding technology, but it is all being done, at least steps are being taken in this regard, and in the practical aspect there are some advances, those companies, by the way, i will not say the names, but those companies , which were not considered at all a month, two months ago, and not that the placement of something, even upon arrival here in ukraine, is already treated more flexibly, and this is a good, good sign, even against the background of heavy shelling from... mr. pavle, you are talking about the russian federation are the american companies, which after the meeting there
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on december 6 received a new vision of prospects with ukraine, really ready to enter the ukrainian market under such risky conditions? so. and, by the way, are there any directions that, in your opinion, are the most promising in cooperation with american companies, these are the directions that already concern the post. delivered american weapons or those that will be delivered, or maybe even separate directions that do not intersect with the arsenal of equipment that the ukrainian armed forces already operate? well on in my opinion, it should be determined by the general staff and the ministry of defense, that is, there should be an assessment of what we need in general, what has proven itself well, what has proven itself well in the conditions in which the armed forces fight. country and in our landscape, in our climate
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, etc. , which is called low hanging fruit, and what we need and to choose partners for this, then there will be logic for everyone, in fact, well... i would actually approach it this way, of course there are projects that came out as if by themselves, but now you have an f-16 video series, it is clear that it will be necessary do something. in this aspect, it is necessary to adjust the maintenance of these planes, and this is also an industry, yes, that is, even if it is not production, then maintenance is also an industry, repair and so on, but in the future there are some components of these systems, and yes air defense systems, which it is already clear that
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western air defense systems are perfect, more perfect than those that were soviet systems there, those that... tried to develop, further develop in our country, and it is clear that in this aspect there will be certain advances, ah, there are more banal things, such as ammunition, which, which are constantly needed, and in this direction, of course, a lot is being done, and this will also be one of and is one of the priority components, well, you can go one by one for each type of military. equipment, weapons, but, i repeat conceptually, we have to proceed from what we need in a strategic plan, based on the assessment of that technology that already exists, and do not choose projects randomly, but systematically, according to our needs. mr. pavle, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your professional comments, i would like to remind our viewers that pavlo
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verkhniatskyi, the director and managing partner of the ukrainian company kosa, as well as the co-coor, was on the spress channel. nator of the security and aerospace working group of the american-ukrainian business council. these were the main results of this wartime, and more international and economic news in general broadcast by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you to serhiy zgorets, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day, then the big battle continues, the second hour is ahead and a lot of important information is waiting for you, but we will start with the most important news that happened at this hour, the number of wounded in kryvyi rosy and the area increased to six, the russians fired rockets there in the morning, it also reached
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novomoskovskiy, there were 27 victims, three of them, four of them children - said the leader dnipropetrovsk regional military. administration serhiy lysak. in kryvyi rih, 24 private houses, a shopping center, an enterprise, several schools, shops, medical and rehabilitation facilities and a kindergarten were damaged in gatilei in the lozuvatskyi hromada, a woman died there, unfortunately, 10 houses were destroyed, one was completely destroyed as a result of an enemy attack. unfortunately, we also have casualties in kharkiv region, one woman died, three more people were injured, russians. hit the city of zmiiv in kharkiv oblast. two enemy irons residential buildings were hit, two more on the territory of the enterprise were reported to the national police. as a result of the attack, the roof of one of the private estates collapsed. windows and walls were damaged, and houses and outbuildings located nearby were also destroyed.
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enemies also targeted the south of our country, the occupiers fired five rockets at... zaporizhzhia this morning, according to the head of the regional military administration, five people were injured as a result of this attack. all of them are in hospitals, one is in serious condition condition the russians damaged private houses, high-rise buildings and cars. as yurii malashko writes, only civilian objects were used. there is no military personnel at the sites of the hits. a step towards liberation. the armed forces of ukraine destroyed a railway bridge built on... in the village of granitnetne near the temporarily occupied mariupol. fuel tanks and engineering vehicles were also destroyed. this was reported in the mariupol city council. muscovites tried to shoot down the flying rockets and were unsuccessful. and our soldiers succeeded to establish the location of new air defense batteries in this area.
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let me remind you that the bridge was part of the invaders' plan to build a railway from russia to the city of maria. a child at home: a 12-year-old boy was returned to ukraine from the temporarily occupied kherson region. this was reported in the office of the commissioner for human rights. the boy lived with his grandmother and mother, but she died in the summer of the 22nd year. the boy was threatened to be taken away from his grandmother and placed in an orphanage, as he was left without a legal representative. with a request to take the child to the ukrainian side, his older sister, who lives in kirovohrad oblast, appealed. and already on january 1, the grandmother and grandson finally found themselves in safety in the territory controlled by ukraine. the return was carried out by the joint efforts of the ombudsman's office and the ukrainian network for children's rights. they made repairs and stole state funds. law enforcement officers kidnapped a criminal organization in the dnipropetrovsk region. the construction company concluded
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an agreement with the ministry of defense to renovate the canteen in the military town. during the work, the participants recorded incorrect amounts of materials for repair. the total amount of damages reaches almost 4 million hryvnias. during the search of the perpetrators' residences in zaporizhzhia, kyiv and brovary, law enforcement officers seized vehicles and equipment. the amount of uah 2 million. went over to the side of the enemy, and the police announced suspicion against nine officials of the mariupol pre-trial detention center, according to the investigation, all citizens of ukraine. they betrayed their oath and went over to the side of the rashists in whole families. on march 22 , they were allowed to enter the pre-trial detention center fighters of the somali battalion. they took possession of the weapons and released the six detainees. the other 340 men staged a riot due to... lack of food and water, to suppress such an uprising, the somalis threw grenades into the cells of the most active protesters and demonstratively shot the leader. the national police noted that
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this is only the first series of suspicions. 17 apartment buildings and two educational institutions were left without heating in poltava due to a breakdown of the heating network, the head of the region philip pronin said. poltava-teploenergo specialists are already working on... due to the consequences of the accident, according to preliminary information, the damaged area will be repaired in the near future. in lviv, a visiting center for the provision of administrative services operates in the sykhiv lyceum, providing assistance to residents whose homes were damaged by a russian missile attack on december 29. apartment owners can receive up to uah 1,200 in compensation for a window and uah 800 for a door. tsnap administrators have already accepted 130 applications and funds. compensation is allocated from the reserve budget of the city, and lviv residents are also consulted about the state programs are recovery and renewal of lost documents. the
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administrative services center on ignat khutkevycha street will serve people until friday. this must be done by a registered person or an apartment owner with a vacation passport, documents for the apartment, property rights, an inspection report , which the head of the osb helps them fill out. the head of the gkp, the account where the district administration will send the funds, the bank details, and the invoice account, this is done by a private organization, where they order a window, or come here with a check for payment. well, in fact, this is a good initiative, and of course , in every city, which, well, there are simply cities that suffer from morning to evening and from evening to morning from constant enemy shelling, in some cities it does not arrive less often, but again, over time with tragic consequences for human life, and the health of citizens, sometimes with consequences for housing, well, especially since we understand that in the winter period it is very, very important
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to insert windows, and to repair doors, and to suddenly concrete the cracks with something for that , so that they do not let the cold through, well, now we will now have an inclusion from warsaw, ukrainians and poles unite at rallies because of the massive missile attacks on ukraine at the beginning. 2018, a large-scale action already took place in polish wroclaw, and today the ukrainian community gathered in the capital of the republic of poland, in warsaw, near the representation of the european union in poland. our correspondent maria chernyakhivska is at the scene. maria, congratulations, i'm glad to see you, please tell me what the protesters are demanding, whether the poles have joined the ukrainians, please. greetings, greetings studio, greetings, dear viewers,
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and we will continue our action, please, glory to ukraine, what has changed,
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what we don't have has changed. time, we no longer have time to ask and wait, those who are at the front don't have time, those who are under fire in ukraine don't have time every day, european politicians, unfortunately, don't have time either, only they still don't have time that for some reason they do not understand. such actions will take place not only in warsaw, but also planned in other large polish cities this month, in wroclaw, in dansk, in toruń, so there will be ukrainians. very and the polish community, who are involved in this , for the work and, of course, i thank our community very much to remind the poles of the threats that ukraine faces today, but in general they also face poland, in general , the european common community, so we need to share these problems to decide and not play the
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hand, as they say, or moscow cards. maria chernyakhivska, our correspondent from warsaw, from the republic of poland, a rally was held near the eu representation in warsaw, where they once again reminded how important today support for our state and pressure on the country of the aggressor. yuriy fizar is with us, the world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please , good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us, today, the world about ukraine breaks into this week, in particular, today i will talk about the following: in the united states of america avoided the suspension of government structures, the so-called blinken shutdown about possible. and the metastases of the war in the middle east, and the icon with stalin in georgia, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this, president of the european council, charles michel , may resign early. he said this while answering
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a journalist's question. on the eve of his decision, he explained his desire to take part in the elections to the european parliament, which are scheduled for june 6 and 8, 8 and 9 of this year. here is a short quote from him: i have decided to participate in the european elections in 2024, if i am elected, i will take my seat, the european council can decide and name my successor by the end of june, the beginning of july, this is the end of his quote, well, until thing, in the history of the european union, this happens for the first time, when the president of the european council leaves his post before the specified term, well, charles michel, let me remind you, was supposed to resign, according to such a schedule, in the fall of this year, and for ukraine, too, it seems to me that perhaps the resignation of charles michel is such an unexpectedly bad
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option, now i will explain to you why, the fact is that after he resigns and by the fall, it will be necessary to elect a temporary chairman, who may then become the interim president, which may later become and permanent president, and in case, in the event that they cannot decide on the candidacy of such a president, therefore, then the european will lead this european council, maybe here in some cases, i say, should be... drum roll in this case drum roll should not be the leader of hungary, viktor orbán, can lead for six months, and for us it can be very, very bad. therefore, we really hope that even if charles michel wins the elections to the european parliament and becomes an mep, in the european union will immediately decide on a candidate for his replacement. and here's why it
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might be, i mean the candidate. viktor orbán as the president of the european council can be very dangerous for us in the following information. in budapest , it is hoped that the elections to the european parliament, which will be held this year in many countries of the world, as well as in many global institutions, can become a turning point that will help stop the war in ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs said this on his facebook page. of hungary peter sijarto. here is his short quote. this is an opportunity to establish peace, which should finally replace the war in ukraine, the supply of weapons and senseless human sacrifice. that is why it is so dangerous, i would even say, for us. as.


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