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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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well, it's impossible, there are five times more of them than us, it's simple math, and they can give us weapons, no one will give us people, and the human resource should be the most important, our main task should be to preserve it, and therefore advance across minefields to russian concrete fortifications - this is definitely not our way, our way is to exhaust the russians, let them grind, attacking us, us, we are not satisfied with any other ratio of losses less than one to eight. at any other ratio, this war is no longer in our favor, so we need to to protect people, that's why we need to develop the military industry, that's why we need to work in the external arena to get support, but we also really need to be just vitally important, to become independent in whatever way we can, projectiles to produce, during the second world war, even children were manufactured in factories transported to the urals, shells were standing, well, why can't we
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do it today, i think that this should be our number one task. mr. oleksiy, this week the verkhovna rada of ukraine should already consider the law on mobilization submitted by the government it is known that the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine said that they have 73 comments on 73 pages of this bill. today , the anti-corruption committee announced that this draft law on the mobilization of mi. corruption risks, how do you assess the prospects of passing this document and what should the new mobilization law be in your opinion, if it appears in the future? i submitted an alternative bill to the government bill, actually as the author i am included in various committees, i will also add that the committee on social policy also did not call for adoption government, and called to finalize the government.
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including the provisions of the alternative ones, including my bill. what should it be? the most important thing is the definition of the service life. i have been advocating this for a very long time and, unfortunately, no one has heard it for a long time. it was finally heard and the government offered to determine the length of service, but it offered 36 months, which is too long. we need to reduce this period, and my proposal is 18 months, but if a person submits a report, then the defense is in force. have up to three months to replace a person, that is, i believe that the norm, which is correct and fair, we also need to solve the issue of conscripts, thousands of young men who have been serving for the fourth year, it can even be said that they are already in service, sorry, but they are in some kind of slavery, and they must finally be demobilized, about that both the successors of the supreme commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces zaluzhny have already said, but in the fall there is no way
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they can... should strengthen the army, i do not think that he will strengthen the army in the form of mobilization of people with disabilities, this is some very strange norm, which i oppose, and it does not make any, absolutely no sense, and therefore there are questions about this bill a lot, it cannot be accepted in this form, there will be a meeting tomorrow. of the committee on national security and defense, at which the position of the committee will be finally determined, it is the main committee on this draft law, by the way, i want to remind you that in general it is the responsibility of the president, and the president should have passed the corresponding bill, it looks like this topic, as you know, is being passed from hand to hand, and this is not right, because this law is from this, it is about the destinies of people, there in each, in each point of the fate of thousands, and sometimes tens, even hundreds of thousands
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of people, mr. oleksiy, during the last two weeks we have been observing the reaction to the announcement of this draft law or law on mobilization, people are starting to gather there and go abroad, those who have the right to do so and the right to disability, including because well, people do not understand this communication when december 25 or 26 is different. a draft law is announced and made public there, araheimia is trying to explain something, that there is such a draft bill, what do you think it was for, why would it be possible to do it more calmly and explain it, because it looks like people have started to rewrite the property there on wives, to withdraw money from bank accounts, because they can also be blocked under this bill... in your opinion, there was a mistake in
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this communication and whose mistake was it? well, this is a mistake of the authorities, of course, in what? that's all it starts, you know, with the implementation of the law , the bill had to be submitted by the president and... he is the commander-in-chief and by law he determines the mobilization, the procedure for its implementation , he had, when his annual conference was held, he had to go out there and say that these are the norms, to go through each one, to give an explanation, all this was not done, moreover, it was a huge mistake, in my opinion, that this bill, as you already said, is 72 pages long, it is a colossal bill, complex, difficult, with many regulations, i don't understand... what was the point of doing it just as i had to have 10 different bills, one bill on the termination of conscription , one bill on the introduction of basic military training, one bill on mobilization, one on demobilization, one on social rights, and
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yes, one on accounting, and one about the powers of the tsc, i.e. all these should have been different laws in each of which we would have solved a specific issue, and of course all this should have been... done in a very clear communication with society, unfortunately, all this was not done, submitted was at night indeed, on christmas night, then we heard some crazy number, we will draft women, we will not draft women , let's cast lots, let's draft only the poor, because this is absolutely absurd, if someone pays high taxes, we will not draft him at all, what is it at all, in general, and this, and this and... this has stirred people, people feel this lack of a real plan, lack of a clear vision, and what should be done, what is the problem, and the problem is that this vision must be under a certain strategy, and this is the worst thing that i
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can state, after zelensky's press conference, after ours. any connection problems? we would like to thank oleksiy honcharenko for the conversation, it was oleksiy honcharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as live on youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like this video, don't be stingy. in order for this video to be promoted in youtube trends. and subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages. in addition take it participation in our vote , today we are asking you about whether the broadcasts of the meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine should be resumed temporarily, during martial law, yes, no, if you are sitting in front of the tv now, pick up your smartphone and vote 0800 211 381, if you think
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you need to resume the broadcast, no 0800 211 3802. call, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will pick up. the results of this vote, then we have an officer of the armed forces in touch of ukraine, major of the armed forces of ukraine, special agent ihor lapin, mr. major, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. major, i wanted to ask you, since we are also asking our tv viewers whether we should resume broadcasts sessions of the verkhovna rada during martial law, i will ask you, as a person who has parliamentary and... and combat experience, whether people now need to see and hear what is happening in the session hall, who is conducting what rhetoric and how some are being discussed questions? well, let's be frank: if there will be a discussion
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of some draft laws in the parliament that could betray the enemy, god forbid, some state secret or elements of this or that country's activity, well, of course. such meetings are simply closed, and that's the point, and why don't they want to show other meetings that are not conventionally connected with state secrets, i have only one explanation for this, is it necessary to do this, of course it is necessary, and bodur everyone should be alone, as they once said, i'm sorry that on in the moscow language, but nevertheless, so that every person can turn on the tv at any time and see what they are doing there, because frankly. that is to say, you know, under the guise of war, to slander the concept of the general openness of parliamentarism and so on, it is they who can, under the guise of war, stefanchuk, by abusing his power , decide the issue of the law of ukraine on the status of a people's deputy, as he likes
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in relation to business trips and so on, under the guise of war , they actually make their biggest, as they say, their biggest profits and the biggest troubles for ukrainians, because... they are hiding behind this screen of war, well, and the second point, why there is only a question of the broadcasting of the parliament, the broadcasting of the verkhovna rada. in general, i look at what we have recently... in principle, it is not a secret for anyone, you can see, as they say, any information through telegram channels, through a youtube segment, well, except for the one that is meant, except the one that is classified, so what is the problem at all in letting go of this concept of freedom of speech so that, in principle, citizens of ukraine can to draw all information from open sources, those that are not prohibited by law and those that are responsible, or, i apologize, from us through anonymous telegram channels. the information and psychological special operations
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of the russian federation work precisely the best and most successfully, and we have people, they are simply disoriented, and yes, well, the dear channel is the same, no matter what it is there, humpbacked, but nevertheless there is a question of the national council on issues television and radio broadcasting, which can take certain measures when it really needs to and, on the contrary, may not take them, but let's say everyone's stupidity will be visible then in this story, and the rada tv channel, and any other tv channels, i believe should... work, we live in a market economy and there is nothing to finance them from the state budget, and the rada tv channel, well in particular, it should be financed, because it should simply cover the work of the parliament, and not sing odes and give out all sorts of natural products, let's say, at the expense of taxpayers in the interests of the current government, there is such a thing as the objectivity of covering the activities of the parliament, it is in us was, it was built into the very essence of the rada tv channel, and... well, in accordance with the legislation, what the greens turned it
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all into, they turned it all into a tent, a show, well, this is very important, this is the question right now, because well the verkhovna rada of ukraine is starting to consider the big law on mobilization, and again many questions will arise about who votes for what, who proposes which changes, and today the anti-corruption committee, for example, of the verkhovna rada... said that the government draft law on mobilization contains corruption risks, and it is clear that very many questions arise regarding certain norms of this mobilization law, in conditions when society and journalists do not observe it live, it may happen that some moments may be unclear, and then the commander-in-chief will throw up his hands and say: listen, well, this is government, this was requested by the military. the verkhovna rada has voted, i'm here, why are you appealing to me, that's what the problem is. well, here
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the question is not only whether the supreme commander will have it or not the opportunity to quietly enter the forest. he quietly went into the forest anyway, because he already announced it, that it was allegedly invited by the military, the impression is that we need to defend the country, it is the military, and not the whole of ukraine, that is, zelensky has already removed himself from this problem. the second point is the law of ukraine on mobi. the fourth article, article 11, they clearly regulate who is responsible for mobilization in ukraine, and this is the president, and who should be the author of this draft law, this is about what oleksiy honcharenko said in to your studio, this should be an urgent presidential bill, further, further we see statements about corruption, well, i tell you, we already see statements from bankers that it is impossible to do, how will they approach this dilemma, limit the use of cards or not limit. that is, what is proposed there, as i understand it, in this draft law, well, in general, well, if
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this draft law concerns the entire society, then isn’t it time that it should be worked out in accordance with the constitution of ukraine and the european convention protection of human rights, namely this european convention says that in the case of national security, the state of ukraine has the right to limit certain rights and freedoms of citizens, and here everything would be in place and the draft law would be submitted by the guarantor of the constitution, well, in our country the guarantor of the constitution turned out to be a person who was afraid to do it, because he was more than that, no, he did not stop , he was not a statesman, statesmen differ from politicians precisely in that statesmen take responsibility in difficult times, and statesmen usually bear this electoral risks, because as a rule, everything that is needed for the country, it is not very popular with the population, and there must be some. balance, but politicians , unfortunately, succumb to such a system called populism, and statesmen, as
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a rule, bury their ratings in the name of the state, well, the eighth convocation of the parliament here , in my opinion, proved a lot of things, no matter what, but us they got wet for everything, that is , including for the visa-free regime, which everyone used very well before the start of the full-scale invasion, well, that’s my opinion, mr. major, and what will happen if the issue of... about mobilization will be considered for a very long time in the verkhovna rada, this baked potato, which is in everyone's hands, will be thrown from one to another, the diligent will understand that without this under... the law and without the mobilization of 300,400 or 500,000 people there this year, there is no way to do it, and the verkhovna rada will find out who should be responsible for this, who should contribute, whether there are necessary regulations on blocking bank accounts for those who are not from it appears in the tsc, whether it is necessary to limit the exit of disabled people there
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of the first, second, third groups, because tomorrow they can also be recognized as valid before military service. during wartime, that is, this whole story can stretch, how will it affect the situation in the armed forces and at the front, most importantly? well, i think that in this situation, if we are talking about how it will affect the armed forces, well, let's be honest, back in the 22nd year, in fact, the set was already not complete to a certain extent by the end of the year in the military units, well, if necessary to hold the front line, conditionally speaking, some area so that there were 100. a man, and there are 10 people there, they will hold this plot, no, they don’t, so what will happen, the plot will be reduced, well then, i think that bucha and borodyanka will be repeated in conditional cities of kharkiv region or sumy region or chernihiv region and so on, they will simply be repeated in us, because the armed forces will be forced to leave
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their positions and move in retreat, well , if you look, well, there are no missiles , there are no planes, there are no breakfasts, and there are no people, so what to hold on to, sorry for the slang , by him, by him not you can hold it, you have to hold it with weapons and people, in this case, if there is neither the first , nor the second, nor the third, then we will be forced to leave our cities, and in this situation zelensky will be responsible for the fact that he, as the guarantor of the constitution, the supreme commander , the subject of the legislative initiative was not brought to the verkhovna rada as urgent. the presidential bill, and the verkhovna rada will be responsible right away, i consider my inaction including, not only politically, you understand, the issue from court to lynching is such a fine line, especially during the war, someone said maidan two, maidan 3, maidan 5 , i emphasize once again, there will be no maidans, there are so many weapons on hand,
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there will never be any maidans in ukraine, well, i think so, but we must stand as the state as legal. the state , and therefore it is necessary to teach deputies to take responsibility if they are afraid, if they cannot, and as arahamia said, many of them no longer want to, then let them make tacos together with their president, they say, phew, we are tired, we are leaving , all power to the soldiers, and then it will come we need to look among the military, economists, look, we have a lot of good ones there, lawyers, economists, believe me, they are irreplaceable, today's trash will not be there, we will find a replacement very quickly. the country will be on military rails, martial law, the stake of the supreme commander, who, well, if he removes himself, well, then stepanchuk will be in charge of this process, and if stepanchuk removes himself, well, then there will be one adult in that house, an industrious one, then it will be like this , as it will be, but at the very least the country will stand, but here is the overturning of this one
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of hot potatoes from one hand to another can lead to the fact that, i emphasize once again, that bucha will be in kharkiv. yes, because then we held on with incredible efforts, but we had a lot of patriotic population, i just want to say for all citizens of ukraine, as soon as those on the front end, who care about the army, language and faith, then those for whom there is no difference will live in slavery, so that they simply understand, they will live in borodyanka, in buch and in other cities under russian boots, mr. major, you mentioned kharkiv and british... intelligence last week reported that russia is preparing a major offensive in the kharkiv region, well, actually it did not stop this offensive in the kharkiv region, because according to the latest data , the russians have concentrated their offensive efforts in the kupyan direction , are trying to break through the defense of the defenders, and this is reported by the luhansk oblast military
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administration, what do you predict what can be expected. from the russians in the coming weeks or the coming months, exactly east of the east on the north-eastern front, i would say so, the colossal use of s-300 missiles, which in there are a lot of them, and they will make that 100-200 kilometer zone just a dead zone of scorched earth, its equipment to attack kupyansk there, well, they have a large concentrated force there in person. warehouse, the logistical arm for replenishing them from the territory of russia is very short, so they can continue to exert pressure there, but let's not forget, well, in our country, the kharkiv region has a lot of length. many kilometers with the border with russia, and they can of course strike from any side, just moving equipment in those other areas, there in the north kharkiv region and so on, will be noticeable, and
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i think that the satellites of our western partners will help here, well, i know that the satellite of the same people's satellite, which was bought by the asylum fund, is also said to be flying somewhere there, so i think , that such a movement of equipment will be noticed, because just infantrymen breaking into kharkiv, well, this is an absurd story, rather. all that the russians, if they do not have the technical ability to enter kharkiv, they will use rockets to try to make it uninhabitable from the word go, well, i think that such a story, although, taking into account the fact that now is the winter period, that the russians are still interested not only in kharkiv, but in all of ukraine, so that we freeze here, they will still try to use these missiles on our energy infrastructure to a greater extent, well, it is true, but if putin's task is kharkiv itself, then they will first create a mess there, as they say, with their missiles, because it is the easiest way to create chaos and panic among
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the civilian population, a million million city that will be evacuated and believe me me to obstruct civilians, as mirnyak obstructs the military on various logistical routes, you can't even imagine, because it's traffic jams again, it's again the same story that we saw at the beginning of a full-scale... invasion, well, it can be, either or, i'm not trying to forecast here, we have budanov for this, who can issue two forecasts for three in one day and more, so the question here is a bit not for me. mr. major, the european union is already talking about the need to create a joint army, the minister of foreign affairs stated this of italian affairs, antonio taijani, he says that the first real reform that the european union should implement is the strengthening of european defense. if we want to be the bearers of peace in the world, we need a european army, and this is a fundamental prerequisite for an effective european foreign policy. in a world with such
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powerful players as the united states of america, china, india, russia, with crises from the middle east to the indo- pacific, the citizens of italy, germany, france or slovenia can only be protected by already exists, and it is called the european union. the further on, the more europeans are talking about... a joint army, about the need to prepare for war with russia, do you think putin is planning a war with european states, with the nato bloc? well, let's be frank, whether putin is planning , only someone who can measure the temperature in putin's bunker knows that, but the fact that he had such plans at all, he voiced it in plain text when he said that the issue of russia's influence . including the countries of the baltic states and nato, let's go crawl away, that is, the baltic countries, the same poles, this is not nato, it is all our interests and
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so on, that is why putin spoke about it, the issue of political statements, i also read today the statements of the minister of defense and the minister of national security of sweden, who said that everything must be prepared, everything the entire swedish people must be ready for war with russia, they also declared this, and a lot of politicians say this... well, for me it is, you know, some kind of schizophrenia, that is, i understand that they hear all the statements trump, who said that if he comes, he will become the winner, then our america nato, well, we remember all these statements, but let's still talk about the european union, that is, instead of giving the ukrainians all that in order for us to throw out all the trash that we have now, all that iron, which now on the territory of ukraine, in order for us to break the backbone of this second army of the world, they still decide to accept missiles. in their own territory, well, what can i say, if this is a political statement to mobilize their racial people so that they, as they say, do not criticize the government for helping ukraine, well
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ok, then that's understandable, but if they really believe that instead of helping ukraine dump the russian army on our bombed out land, they're actually going to face russian attacks on their territory, well then, well, what can i say, this disease is not... mr. mayor, one more small question at the very end of our conversation, today the law enforcement officers reported that they uncovered another corruption scheme of the former deputy minister of defense, he was exposed for embezzlement of almost 1 billion hryvnias on the purchase of low-quality body armor for the armed forces of ukraine. the conducted examination proved that these bulletproof vests did not meet the protection class declared in the documents, well... the former minister, deputy minister of defense faces 15 years in prison, although, well, it would be fair, probably, if he
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was simply mobilized in this bulletproof vest. to the front in those body armor he used, what can you say about this, as a military man and as a lawyer, let's face it, from the point of view of a military man, well, they are scoundrels and, let's say, for them, it is only fair a punishment is a punishment, i can't say it in another way, because now i will be accused of calling for incomprehensible things here, which concerns, as a lawyer, as a lawyer, i will say that we have a very big... in the ministry of defense at the head with the former minister of defense taran, after the continuation of these criminal actions, a criminal organization was formed, which was headed at one time by the minister of defense reznikov, but we also had zavhorodniuk, that is, all three ministers of defense who were involved in the creation of the criminal organization , sent on undermining the defense capability of the state of ukraine, not only here, this is not a corruption crime, it is pure treason, and in this context
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, that little man, who was reported to us there today, what do you think that one deputy minister could organize and do everything with his own hands , and there would have to be a whole organization of accomplices, some were involved in the government reception, others drove, others transported, the fourth did the recalculation of money, the fifth, the tenth, it is necessary to dismantle a criminal organization, it does not fly like that, they will one by one pull out whoever is caught or to the one who put the signature, and that they alone did these deliveries of these low-quality bulletproof vests? no, that's why i believe that there is a simple hiding of other officials from responsibility, the question is why and to whom it is beneficial, well, this is not a question for ihor lapin, but if you recall, who is responsible for the personnel policy that concerned of all personnel appointments, in particular the minister of defense, deputy ministers of defense and so on, this is the pure political responsibility of president zelenskyi, as far as corruption matters are concerned, believe me,
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if you offer this deputy minister a term of 15 or 10, he will write a guilty plea, enter into an agreement with the investigation and tell who he gave, how much he gave, what he gave it for and where he took it, and in this situation the issue of the agreement it can work with the investigation, unfortunately, the prosecutor general's office of the prosecutor general of ukraine and other investigators of the sbi, as a rule, the agreement with the investigation is to take one tow truck, hunt him down and give him a conditional sentence, without arresting and... others, i haven't seen any yet corruption crime, where us, having agreed to a deal with the investigation, the conditional former minister of ecology, how is he, my lord, zlachevsky, zlachevsky, yes, he got off with a stupid fine and transferred a couple of percent of his loot to the armed forces, to the united 24 president's fund, well, that's it , this is wrong, this is not an agreement with the investigation, this
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is called customs clearance, customs clearance with... a criminal, and not an agreement with the investigation, because the state did not fail to see the profit from this, the state could confiscate all his assets and have more than millions in the fund, including drones there and zsu and so on, and now relatives from luchevskyi are patriotically buying real estate in the center of kyiv, well, patriotically, well, in kyiv. thank you, mr. major, it was ihor lapin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent, friends, we are working live on tv and also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, don't be stingy , please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube. well, take part in our voting. today we ask you about the following: is it necessary? resume broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine during martial law? yes, no , please vote on youtube, it's pretty simple, choosing two options, if you're sitting in front of the tv, please pick up
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your smartphone and vote, yes. no. 0800-211382 , all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have a diplomat, an expert on foreign and security policy, center for defense strategies oleksandr khara. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation. mr. oleksandr, let 's start with north korea, with south korea, because even before... the beginning of the escalation in korea, on korean land, the general korean land, the situation, we talked about the fact that it could very well be that the war in ukraine, and the situation in the middle east, these will be pieces of the big, big picture, the puzzle, the big picture.


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