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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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with the capital in berlin was under the control of muscovy, and in this sense i am surprised by the anti-ukrainian position of the same robert fitso, the prime minister of slovakia, or the same viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, because it seems that these officials forgot when the boot of a soviet soldier trampled their land , the land of the country of which they are the leaders, but i understand that there may be certain behind... pieces of history that make both fico and orbán behave exactly the way they do, so it is not worth counting on their support for now, but it is worth to attack all the conscious countries of the world, in order to unite and support the same evil aggression that the russian federation and its leader vladimir putin are currently creating and producing. therefore, in any case, work is being done to convince our german partners about the transfer of the same.
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taurus and convince our american partners in terms of transferring attacks with a warhead of the fragmentation-explosive type and the ability to give a distance of up to 300 km. and the result of this activity is worth continuing to implement this case. it is obvious that we have a lot of robots ahead of us, and it is equally obvious that we have something to reproach ourselves with, because the war has actually been going on for 10 years, have we done everything in order to restore in full... our missile- the construction industry, in order for us to have our own samples of the same taursivs or atakovs, or to create our own unique creations like modernized neptunes, in order not to reproach our western partners, but to have our own missile attack capabilities, because the issue of the combat mission of the ukrainian army, it is the basis for setting the key the question is... will there be ukraine tomorrow and
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the day after tomorrow, will it not happen that putin's army, having broken the resistance of the ukrainian army, will destroy ukraine as a state and oppress every ukrainian, ukrainian as a component of the community of peoples of the world, because this is exactly what the alarmist plans are every time will be spread both by putin's pasipaks and directly by putin and his henchmen, and therefore we have no other way than to look for opportunities to increase the volume of our own defense. to strengthen the ukrainian army, including through processes related to mobilization the only issue, which seems to me to some extent not properly organized , is the issue of communication, communication between ukrainian society and the ukrainian authorities, because obviously, without such a dialogue, we have such problems, despair, overheated, expectations, disappointment, it and creates such a negative information space. when
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only at the expense of large-scale missile attacks do we remember that we must unite, we must stick together, because otherwise putin will destroy us all one by one. ugh. thank you, vladyslav for inclusion. we appreciate it very much. we really appreciate this analytics. vladyslav seleznyo, military expert, spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017. well , they report, again, thank you to our movement, and also, in particular, to crimea. and it cannot help but please. actually, further on we will talk about what concerns crimea in the humanitarian aspect, which stirred up ukrainians on new year's eve, and which, in my opinion, was a little overlooked, but now it is re-emerging about the problems of reintegration in the future of the temporarily occupied peninsula with oleg sahakyan, a political scientist, the head of the unified coordination center platform, in just a few moments.
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every day, every hour, every minute, we receive
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a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield? how does the international community evaluate our successes and what is moscow lying about? from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments. about this and much more in today's issue. important in plain language accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. we are continuing
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our joint project, the joint project of the atp tv channel and espresso, together we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea, and actually, many ukrainians were upset by the jokes of the 95th quarter in novorichka on new year's eve, which concerned the residents of occupied skadovsk in the kherson region and their efforts to speak ukrainian. this story attracted a lot of attention, but in my opinion undeservedly little attention was attracted by another simply shameful, but in my opinion much more traditional. because it's 10 years of occupation, a story about jokes about crimea, in dieselshow, oh my god, what kind of garbage is this, you don't know, but it's actually very popular, it's a top comedy show, now i don't know if they, by the way, with about a block away, that's how
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it appears on the tv channel, i don't remember which one, well in short, it's really a top comedy show, as much as we pretend now that we don't want to know anything about... it's just that we're avoiding, i don't know, i'm not profiting, aider, we're not we have , as journalists with you, the right to avoid this story altogether, in which, unfortunately, in which the ukrainian people live, a huge number, in a word, as the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea appear to them, in the new year's issue of dieselshow, they ridiculed the native inhabitants of the peninsula, who they have been in... russian occupation for 10 years, in their room ukrainian humorists duplicate the narrative of russian propaganda, which broadcasts that ukrainians in crimea unanimously supported the annexation. according to the story of the number, ukrainians burned their ukrainian passports and tore up hryvnias, destroying embroidery in 2014, and when
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the armed forces of ukraine come, it's like a look into the future, they are considering how to quickly change shoes. dedzel shows crimeans as hypocrites who rehearse the phrase. to the ukrainian military, my dear, as we have been waiting for you for a long time, the crimean tatars are called a bunch of people without passports in the room, the characters of the issue speak the language of the occupiers with a characteristic russian accent, and in more detail, i suggest you watch the breakdown on detectorme, thanks to colleagues from this publication for working on cleaning our infospace, i have a couple of words about this, i really haven't heard anything about this is a diesel show, but... but i want to say, these are unacceptable things , this is racism, and we are no nomadic foreign people, crimeans on our own land, in crimea, and in principle, no matter how much time and inspiration i have, i simply do not have time to do other things,
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i would file a lawsuit against them in court, i urge you to let it be heard in the information space, it may be the prosecutor's office of crimea, or it may be... other authorities may be the security service of ukraine, pay attention to attempts to sow discord, make slander against ukrainians and the crimeans, who are under occupation against their will, and are doing a lot, we just know this, if these bastards don't know what our people are doing there, then let them know, i think they deserve exactly the same gate, yes , like in a good way, like these people, by the way, there... i rested in the crimea in the 17th and 19th years, well, this is already from the quarter, yes, well, that is, you know it, this is a quarter, not a quarter, these are just specific people who have no conscience and more well, they draw attention to themselves with racist jokes, you know, it reminds me
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of something like such ukrainophobic jokes, which very often sounded there in various places, i heard it a lot when i lived in russia, but in ukraine now. during the war, well, it's simple, it's simple, i apologize, yes, the most interesting thing is that the reaction to skadovsk in the kherson region was more vivid than in the crimea. well, probably, after all, the term of occupation decides something here. i would now like to add to our conversation oleg sayakyan, political scientist, head of the unified coordination center platform, he is in touch with us. oleg, congratulations, glory to ukraine. unfortunately, we can't hear oleg here in the studio, at least. greetings, nice to see you. very mutual. well, here we are discussing the peculiarities of humor monopolists on ukrainian television. not only skadovska got, but also residents of temporarily occupied crimea, who have been under occupation for 10 years, i do not know if there is any reflection on this, oleg, then
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please be very brief, instead , i would like to talk about those steps in the direction of the future reintegration of the temporarily occupied crimea, because in fact the personnel initiatives that appear look quite optimistic, but will they be enough ? please, well, i think that this is actually a step into the topic of reintegration, because... from the key levels where reintegration should take place, it is about meanings, it is about our perception of the situation, placing all the dots above and, and unfortunately , this has not been done so far in to a sufficient extent, and then low-grade humor, of course, is one of the first to react to this, it manifests these stereotypes in such a grotesque peak form, and with brachomoristic taste it turns from irony or self-irony, from ridicule. some difficult moments of our existence, in order to extract the essence from the air,
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simply turns into parasitism on shameful stereotypes and instead of irony into humiliation, but it also occurs in other places, reacting to this situation with the quarter and with kadovsk, i published photo diary, which, for example, i saw in 2016 just in a kyiv supermarket, where , in some strange way... national costumes are distributed on the map only in the west of ukraine and in sumy oblast, donetsk region , luhansk region, crimea, kherson, dnipro, zaporizhzhia, and further down the list, it turns out that there were either headscarves, or there are no costumes, or you and i do not know the thesis about what we called ourselves, i remember the history textbook that was released in ukraine, and how activists from donetsk region then raised violence, since the following was written: barely i am not quoting: euromaidan was launched in all regions of ukraine, except for donetsk region, luhansk region and
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crimea. let me remind you that i don't know the exact date in crimea and donetsk, but i know the participants of the euromaidan there, in donetsk he came out at exactly the same moment, and to be precise, even an hour earlier than he gathered in kyiv, and stood from the first day, not to mention the movement to resist the occupation, which since march gathered up to 10,000 people under ukrainian flags, but it was written. textbook of the history of ukraine and so on, i can still get to the quarter from diesel show, demonstrating how in ukraine , russian myths about the events that we all witnessed live as a society still exist, and these narratives that were abandoned by the enemies still exist, in particular the thesis of the separatists, in general, who such and what separatists are, this is a completely different phenomenon than what we have with collaborators who acted in the interests of russia, because... what is a separatist fighting for? he fights for his own and for himself, and
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what those who collaborated fought for in crimea, in the east, for russia, for secession from russia, and not for his own and not for centuries, having his own identity and so on. therefore, if we talk about reintegration, there are still serious problems in ukraine in terms of software, i.e. soft elements of worldview, although work is being done in crimea, i would say, even better. than in the east, here the representation of the president of the republic of crimea is really doing quite serious and good work, let's see how far the institutions will be able to implement it, here i have a grain of skepticism, besides that the personnel potential is being formed, and here i can note and policy in the east, since kharkiv region and zaporizhzhia, which were actually one of the first to start
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producing these mechanisms , were actually the flagships for the added territories of the practice of implementation and personnel reserve and priority plans for the implementation of their activities by the authorities in the recently occupied territories at the state level, there is a resolution of the specialized cabinet of ministers, which is rather amorphous, it does not give prioritization, but nevertheless creates a legal framework within which military administrations can then act and already create specific and effective applied plans, which were actually made in kharkiv oblast, zaporizhzhia, i know that there is such a process in other regions, but these two regions are them. were flagships and worked out their own in detail, which then became an example for others. that is, at this stage, if we talk about the response, right here and now at the moment of deoccupation, we have the first priority steps. precedents, if we talk about the long vision, then crimea itself, but coming back comprehensively, the topic of de-occupation and reintegration on a military basis, it is not only about measures first of all, this is a very systematic , long process, which must contain various components, starting with the light line, ending with economic, demographic, managerial, personnel
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, etc. example, kyiv: when they say that de-occupation is about what is there, about reintegration there, no, it is about us, about the ability of the ukrainian state to reintegrate, to reintegrate, we have not had such an experience in history for a long time, the only experience of the colonization of ukraine and the reintegration of what, in fact, is the east, the far east of the russian empire, where ukrainians moved, created green wedges, other wedges, and actually built from scratch, or built from scratch, restoring what was destroyed there, inside ukraine, the russians are able , they enter the territory quite quickly as they know how, by dictatorship, barbaric through destruction, etc., they master the territory, but we have this experience, it is forgotten, we have a monument to lenin in kyiv, where the pedestal remains, and soon it will be 10 year anniversary how did ukraine not master these few square
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m2 of occupied territories, they were occupied, true. and it is strange, and as a result it is a monument to what it is, a monument to the inability of the ukrainian state to redevelop even public spaces that have already been vacated, that have already been occupied, and that are located in the very heart of the state, where it would seem that nothing should interfere with this to do, it was recently removed, and again the discussion, and what is in place, nothing in place, and now young people or someone are meeting here, and how they'll say, let's meet near... what , a little box from the lenin monument, near the lenin ex-monument, or near what? there is not even a name, so this indicates how much this issue is a priority for the ukrainian state and how capable it is of dealing with it. oleg, thank you very much, i hope that we will be able to expand the horizons of this extremely important topic already in
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our next programs, oleg sahakyan, political scientist, head of the unified coordination center platform, was with us. in touch, well, choh saol, it was very interesting, actually, a very long conversation, maybe on this topic, maybe we'll invite oleg there for the next programs and we'll talk, sure. well, it's time to say goodbye to our viewers, we continue our monitoring and such analytical work regarding crimea, during the next week and we will meet next saturday. thank you, this is together beraber, a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel, aydermuzh dabaev and khrystyna yatskiv for you. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. bribes, treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. which of the judges distinguished himself
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last year. cars are constantly changing on it. greetings, this is judicial control and i'm tatyana. shustrova. together with the team, i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. we believe in the victory of our armed forces, whose courage and resilience impresses the whole world. and thanks to which you and i followed the judicial reform taking place in ukraine, which is one of the key requirements for our entry into the european of the union summing up the results of the year, let's remember those desperate people of the old system, who tried with all their might to disrupt important transformations for ukraine, and fortunately they did not succeed. the judge of the zinkiv district court of the poltava region, serhiy doljko, in his court decision called the ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers private companies, and
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the laws on mobilization and martial law as copyrighted works. according to the case file , it is military. connected and suitable for service in the armed forces, a resident of donetsk region, who received two summons for military service, first in january, and later in march of the 23rd year, he ignored both calls, although he was warned of criminal liability for evading the draft. judge doljko acquitted him. minister famida justified his decision by the fact that the laws of ukraine and the decrees of the president on mobilization and martial law, which are called so-called in... the judgment, are allegedly author's works. the so-called laws of ukraine, which are legitimized under the guise of laws, are copyright works, have no constitutional basis. principles are not laws in essence, they are not mandatory for the people to fulfill, they are offers from an entity that provides public administration services. these normative acts
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have the status of being applied, and are not legally valid legislation. in addition, judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company, referring to the fact that the department has an identification code of a legal entity and. the cabinet of ministers also called it a private company. the judge claims that it is ukrainian the government owns a private foreign company , dan & bradstreet, citing foreign registries. also, the judge believes that territorial staffing centers do not have the right to staff the armed forces of ukraine, but can only offer to conclude an employment contract. at the same time, the verdict emphasizes that forced labor... contract is a form of slavery. however , judge serhii doljko surprises with his logic when making court decisions for the first time. in
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2021, he justified the illegality of the introduction of quarantine in ukraine, and in 2018 he justified businessman detained while handing over a bribe to the chief of the zinkiv police. within a year , he closed the case against the ex-head of the zinkiv district state administration. who submitted the declaration in time and was running away from the police. at the end of april, the security service of ukraine detained the head of the poltava district court , larisa bogomolova. she is suspected of treason due to alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. at the beginning of the war, bogomolova worked as a judge in the berdyansky district court, after the capture of the southern city, she did well. freely remained on temporarily occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. according to law enforcement officers, she allegedly urged other employees to support the russian occupiers and
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cooperate with them. and those who refused to cooperate were handed over to the fsb. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariupol to the mangusha district. the russians killed these servicemen. the security service of ukraine published an audio recording of bogomolova's phone conversation with the occupier. today i heard information that three people from azov are some kind of tricksters got out of mariupol. can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in mind. judge larisa bogomolova, without remorse, betrayed the employee of the russian fsb and all her colleagues who had information about ukraine. position, and can i ask you, do you have a list of judges, there are not many of them, of course, and you can mark for me those who are ardent opponents of all this, i can, mark and send me
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a photo, please in telegram, ok , well, well, except for the frank knocking, larisa bogomolova for the russian occupiers she also performed the work of a personnel officer, in particular, according to the investigation, she helped form the occupation unit of the ministry of the name. of russian affairs, and also recommended to her russian curator the candidacy of gauleiter berdyansk and the heads of one of the captured local hospitals, so i will make a list for you, you better call me one more time, tell me, ask me one more time, i will tell you for sure, we will definitely use it, if i know something, i'll say it for sure, if i don't know something, i 'll say, i'm sorry, i don't know, okay, agreed, what i don't know, i can ask someone who... and i know half a city. the court took larisa bogomolova into custody without bail. but the lawyers tried to cancel her arrest,
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assuring that the judge has a serious illness. in particular, it was emphasized that bogomolova has been suffering from cancer and diabetes since 2017. also , larisa bogomolova's lawyers assure that all the information about... in azov, which she gave to an employee of the russian fsb, is not true. from the decision of the zaporizhzhya court of appeal. according to the indications suspect, the information that was reported to the employee of the fsb of the russian federation is a fabrication, it does not contain reliable data that was known to her. any coincidences are random. however, prosecutors did not find confirmation of these words. the court kept bogomolova in custody. the national anti-corruption bureau with the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed the judge of the kyiv district
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court of odesa ludmila saltan for bribery. according to the investigation , the judge received $4,000 from a citizen for passing a positive decision in a civil case in his favor. she was detained immediately after receiving funds. currently, her actions are qualified under the third part of article 368 of the criminal code. obtaining an unlawful benefit. judge lyudmila saltan has long had an ambiguous reputation. and the question. to her integrity arose long before her detention. the ukrainian judge, whose only source of income, according to the law, is only salary, lives in the elite cottage town of sauvignon 3 near odessa. here she has 10 acres of land and a house of 400 m2. according to avtomaid experts, its value at the time of purchase in 2009 warehouse. uah 1,282 is 21
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annual salary of lyudmila saltan, as of 2011. today, this estate can be worth from 550 thousand dollars, at least 20 million hryvnias. soltan declared that this house is officially worth about uah 2 million there, although in our opinion, it is... the price is underestimated, when we filmed and flew over this house, it was there in 2016, then the judges did not have this huge salary, as they have now, she also has no income apart from the judge’s salary, so at that time it was quite difficult to explain exactly how she could to buy such a house,
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lyudmila soltan also indicated the availability of a 68 m2 apartment in odesa. the judge also likes expensive cars. in 2013, she bought a new volkswagen tuarec. its value at that time was at least $50,000. this is saltan's combined income for three years. she is constantly changing cars. then she had a volkswagen torech and she sold and bought. newer, she currently has an audi q7, also 2019, at least it was 2019 on the 2020 declaration . lyudmila soltan was appointed a judge in 209, in 2017 the verkhovna rada voted for electing her as a judge for an indefinite period, and already in 2019, the higher qualification commission...
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to dismiss her due to ineligibility for the position. then soltan simply failed the qualifying assessment. judge saltan of the kyiv district court of the city of odesa received less than 50% of the maximum possible score for the practical task. therefore, she did not pass the exam and cannot be admitted to the second stage of the qualification assessment for the position held. petition for dismissal from the higher qualification commission. transferred the judges to the higher court council of justice in january 2019. the latter undertook to consider it only after one and a half years in august 21st. however, it still did not satisfy. so lyudmila saltan remained in office. she administered justice, until she finally fell for a bribe. this was
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the final datj. of the judicial control program , we will meet in exactly one week. we are looking for 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk from donetsk region. official information about the girl's disappearance came in the summer of 2023. but it is quite possible that the connection. stopped with the infusion much earlier, but it is not surprising, after all, the child disappeared in the bakhmut district, where the situation has been too tense for more than a year in a row. if suddenly someone knows about the possible whereabouts of anastasia pokhylyuk, or someone has seen the girl before and knows something about her fate, immediately call us on the hotline of the child tracing service using the short number.


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