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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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yanonenko on espresso tv channel. well, dear friends, let's get back on the air and now let's add denys nagorny, major of the national guard, chief of staff of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade to the conversation, he joins us. mr. denis, we congratulate you. good morning, studio, good morning, dear viewers. where are you, if you can say what news you have? i am directly in the vahun direction. er, news. such that the enemy continues to carry out assault actions in the direction from klishchiivka, ivanivskyi, in particular, tries to break through our defenses in bohdanivka, and also on the fun and controversial, the weather at the moment is not conducive to combat operations at all, why, because the drones are freezing, it is almost impossible to dig into the ground, the ground is frozen, the ground has become like a rock, like a stone. er, and
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all unmanned aerial vehicles get iced up in the same way, but there is one plus, that since the ground is frozen, it is possible to drive up to the line of battle, you can apply more or less equipment, er, you can, to save personnel, that is, in we appreciate technology more, oh, more appreciated personnel, er, than equipment, as well, in the russians on the contrary, they are ready to invest there 100-200 of their, er... fighters, their servicemen, but to keep one or two tanks or bmps there, that is, they have assault actions in assault small and medium-sized infantry groups are used in their actions, this is somewhere from 10 to 15 stormtroopers in a small group, it goes in the second line, in the first line directly go light-armed infantry, bathers, uh, prisoners who... eh - the prisoners who were caught up
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are the mzt and the prisoners who directly signed the contract with the ministry of attack of the russian federation, these are the so-called shtorom subdivisions. also, russia continues to turn on the bulldozer mode, directly artillery shelling and air strikes switched from the landings, that is, from the landings to the cities, that is, they are trying to hit. along the logistics hubs, they are trying to destroy all the infrastructure behind which at least the defense can be maintained, that is, they will demolish to zero what they cannot take, and their main attack at the moment falls along this line from klishchiivka and all the way to bohdanivka with the aim exit to the settlement of yar times in order to access the sivsky donetsk donbas channel.
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to start a sentry operation, but there are no tactical successes on either side at the moment, that is, the war has stalled, the war has turned into such a static form, where, roughly speaking, there is such an artillery ping-pong, we call it that , throwing ammunition, unfortunately, this is a little not in our direction, because... if, for example, before the new year there was a statistic that for 700 of our shots the russians responded with a thousand of their own, at the moment 200 ours fly 12,000 russian ones, and the same, but we maintain parity in the use of drones, as well as fpv, bombers, reconnaissance drones, which of course are never enough, for example. if we take our direction
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of the fourth brigade of the operational assignment of frontiers, then thanks to the high-quality application , thanks to the commonwealth, when the reconnaissance drone and artillery units are used, the task of counter-battery combat is qualitatively performed, what is counter-battery combat, in general, 70% of all artillery tasks at the moment . it counter-battery fighting, that is, it is easier to use a drone, it is easier to use a certain type of the latest weapons, but why use the same outdated methods that the russians use, that is, soft missiles. financial times, by the way, you write about the fact that in russia, the russians are now very advanced in the use of not only drones, but also radio-electronic methods. fighting, which
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makes it difficult for our gunners, that is, your work now, because they actually reduce the accuracy of accurate projectiles such as excalibur and hai. and so on and everything became serious the problem, by the way, just now , salevan also had a meeting, it seems, with representatives of the united states industry, to which jake salevan, and he met with them specifically in order to prepare some solutions in order to overcome the russian slaves on the one hand on the ukrainian front, and on the other hand, to help ukraine defend itself. from russian drones, that’s right, the russians have advanced significantly in the use of drones, here they are ahead of us, i would say hundreds of steps, because if before there were such great russian drones as
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beauty, there is like borysa glebsk, now this whole series of use of their rebs, there the catalog seems to be up to 60 or even 70. already guested, that is, according to the state standard, according to the state release of rebs, starting from such rebs as lisochek, who are interested in the technique , ends, ending with large -scale rebs, and the point is that they go even in a complex already with quadcopters and with eagles, with halls, with the same planes, which. drones, which are still used by the russians, instead we are trying to develop success to overcome their rap, we try to develop success in fpv, that is, changing channels, changing ways and methods of fighting, right
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there, roughly speaking, flying over their heads there or something, getting to their vulnerable places, which they have quite a lot and... and we are trying to destroy more of their equipment, which they protect so well , why do they protect it, because there were even such interceptions that it does not work there, they say i have run out of people, give me people there, or give me two or two bmp , two tanks are still there something, and in response they tell him that, like, why do you need those tanks and bmps, we will give you better than 100 people, the task is asking, and the point is that... even to overcome the russian reb, you need a lot of drones, and they never happen, there are never many, and at the moment the advantage is that even if
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the russians use 100 of their drones, the hit rate is somewhere between 13-15 percent, and then we use 20 of ours. espresso tv channel is currently collecting for the military of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, we are collecting for kamikaze drones, and you are gathering them for rebs, we actually showed the qr code, we can show it again for our viewers, you need these rebs actually in order to neutralize russian drones, of course, our fourth brigade of operational frontier assignment. where there is a need for rebu, it also needs copters and rebu , buga, a lot, a rich list of what is needed for waging war, because resources are never few, they are never many, they are always few to
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perform combat tasks qualitatively , for defense, for example, there are enough resources, but in order to qualitatively, qualitatively move there, for example, to assault actions or to act... maneuverable defense is not enough what is available at the moment, and the same copters, for example, are never many, but the statistics for today, for example, are as follows , that the copter takes off, rises to a height of 100-200 m there, and just falls over us, because it is freezing, and you need to look at the front edge, you need to observe the front edge without sticking out there, for example, a fighter who can look there or raised something else. the copter saved a man's life, well, well, dear friends, here i am to our viewers , they just saw the qr code, transfer funds, help our military, 2,600 hryvnias are needed by the guys from the headquarters of the artillery of the fourth brigade of rubizh,
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to collect, help them in this, not only for our collection, but also for theirs, in principle, these are all these meetings, these are the same meetings, meetings for our armed forces of ukraine. that is, for ourselves. mr. denis, thank you, we wish you a peaceful day. thanks for telling us about what's going on with you. denys nagorny, major of the national guard, chief of staff artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade. was with us, now we are going to take a short break, come back and continue talking about what is happening at the front. serhii zurets , a military expert, is already preparing to appear on our airwaves, in the meantime, dear friends, please transfer your donations for our military, for those whose qr code you just saw, and for our military from 93- of a separate mechanized brigade, we are also collecting, let me remind you that we have not added much since the last announcement, friends. only some 2000 hryvnias, i don't know you i recognize, a pause, there is time to
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8:44 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. bakhmut, let's tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and join the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. well
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dear friends, we are back on the air and now we will analyze the events on the front, as well as everything that is happening around russia's war against ukraine. serhii zurets, military expert director of the defense express company, joins our broadcast, and we will analyze it with him. that's it, mr. sergey, can you hear us yet? good morning, yes, i hear you, yes, good, good morning, we already hear and see you, well, let's start with the analysis of events, mr. sergey. and at the front, the russians report certain of their successes, and that that their next target after marinka is korakhove, how serious does the situation look for us there? well, after such a definite lull in hostilities on the front line, which was there for the new year, where there were a total of 30
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combat incidents, we are now recording them. oops, sorry, please, please, we have a small technical problem, so to speak, people can stand it, and the cameras can no longer stand the marathon mode, but we will now return mr. serhiy sverets to our air, something has disconnected us, in the meantime, dear friends, i remind you, let's show ours qr code for viewers, because something bad is going on today, i just thought that maybe we will collect 500 today. we will have hryvnias, we currently have 469,748 hryvnias, dear friends, and there are some 30 thousand not enough to reach 500 with a small tail, 30 thousand is quite strong for us, yesterday we collected 36,000, so please join, don't waste time, our military needs our help, we
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need 5 million hryvnias in total, well, i'm talking about the fact that although we would approach 500 thousand. it is on one card, on another, of course, different amount, and we will inform you about it later, and serhiy zgorets, military expert, director of the defense express company, dubl2, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you once again, yes, when we talk about the situation around maryanka novomykhaivka, and indeed the enemy for a long time, i carried out offensive actions there, but now, interestingly, it was actually yesterday. information the day before yesterday that in certain areas near novomykhaivka the enemy was advanced there, but the enemy is now trying to move there in the direction of kurakhovo, but in front of kurakhovo there is still settlement of georgiyivka, and the enemy is trying, well, to move in this direction, so far there is no reason to say that these
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successes will be sufficiently successful for the enemy, although we understand that this... direction is a priority for the enemy, there was information about , that the enemy is transferring this restored 155th marine brigade to this direction, so we will continue to follow this section of the front and understanding all the risks and opportunities of the ukrainian army, financial times published a publication where they consider the current situation at the front ukrainians in ukraine, and actually they write about the fact that the russians are taking the upper hand or ahead in the actual radio-electronic struggle. and that there are a lot of various russian rebs, with which they, in particular, allow even defense against high-precision projectiles such as excalibur and even hymers, as well as the fact that the russians began to use a lot of fp drones on the front line, which makes it very, very difficult even to move by car now immediate proximity to the front, well
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, a word about the fact that this is a serious problem, i i understand, they also know in washington, we know... that jake salevan met with representatives of these various venture companies, including companies that are engaged in these developments, countermeasures, i mean electronic warfare, in the united states, and this means that the same he, they are trying to figure out how to technologically overtake russia now on the front, what can you say about it, how difficult the situation is, in fact, when we talk about the means of rep, what the finalist writes about. in fact, they do not discover anything new here, we know that for a long time the russian federation carried out significant measures related to the development of this direction of technological attack, and for a certain period of time russia was considered a leader in the means of radio-electronic warfare, but now, in my opinion, the situation is slowly becoming such that
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the progress that ukrainian companies are currently demonstrating is not. .. extremely revealing, because now there were several international conferences where our leading reb developers participated, american and european partners are already serving them, because relatively speaking, americans and europeans now they do not have the experience that already developed ukrainian companies have, in particular the well-known company infozakhist, which is now joined there by a number of other powerful american companies that are ready to cooperate with ukraine and strengthen this ukrainian direction. defense potential, and here we are not only talking about a mine, but about means that are really capable of influencing the defense and... and the offensive capabilities of the enemy at a greater depth, in particular, weigh the situation on the surface, in all the summaries of these russian military personnel it is mentioned about that the ukrainian reb works very powerfully, we cannot use the fpv, the fpvvi drone, we
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have no communication and so on, that is, in fact, the dynamics of the ukrainian defense industry, it is, well, in my opinion, well, impressive, precisely the direction of the reb attributed to one of the priority sectors of development, the hostage also spoke about it. the minister of digital transformation federi also spoke about this, so i hope that there will be such a promotion here as with fpv drones. and the second component is a meeting with sullivan, the us president's national security adviser, who reported on this yesterday agency reuters. first of all , four companies were gathered there, three of which deal with unmanned systems, artificial intelligence, some of these companies really cooperate with ukraine. well, it provides the supply of certain samples , the company polanttir was also known there, it is an extremely technological company of the american side, which provides
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the collection and intelligence data, the transfer of this intelligence data to our military in real time, this is what significantly strengthens the capabilities of our artillery, and this suggests that sullivan wants to be well, another driver of those statements about helping ukraine. more in creating its own defense-industrial complex, transferring licenses, creating joint ventures, and this is the component that today, in fact, is such an important component of the united states' activities in relation to ukraine. hopefully that will be an important addition to just the financial component that we 're talking about from the united states to support our defense capabilities. military sergei flesh wrote that... the first rocket launcher was shot down on the territory of ukraine, it flew to the middle of the country and traveled at a speed of more than 500 km/h, have you
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heard anything, mr. serhiy, about this jet missile, that's right, the first information about this jet missile appeared in november, in december we already the sample was analyzed according to the photos, it can be assumed that the russian federation received a certain limited batch of these... active shaheds, i think that in a day or two we will know more about this sample, because so far all experts are operating on the fragments of the downed shahed 238, which actually has somewhat smaller dimensions than standard shahed, and with a jet engine... it can really develop a speed there of 400 - 600 km/h, the warhead seems to have not changed within 40 kg, what risks does it not
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carry? well, first of all, the faster target will have to be destroyed primarily not by machine gun systems, but most likely by means of manpads, other missile types that are in the arsenal. of the ukrainian army, although the cheetahs, which shoot down cruise missiles themselves, do a great job with this, so i think that now there will be a certain restructuring of the risk assessment on the part of of our air defense system, our mobile units, which are fighting the shaheds with the help of machine guns, probably receive a larger number of manpads, and we understand that these jet shaheds have less. range compared to shaheeds there is 138 because the divun jet needs more fuel which is depleted quickly and that uh will reduce, i
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think, those variations when the enemy there can launch those shaheeds on such long trajectories, but in any in this case , we will wait for a more detailed analysis of this sample and will forecast volumes the supply of such shaheds from iran, not sure that this time... they will be as big as the shaheds that are used to 136 and 138. politico writes about this, quoting, by the way, anna lena berbock, the german foreign minister, about that , that germany will probably approve the sale to saudi arabia of 48 eurofiters, typhoons, eurofighters, fighters, and this is happening against the background of the fact that ukraine is in dire need of aviation renewal. and until now this request was blocked due to the fact that in saudi arabia there were problems that did not disappear anywhere with the observance of human rights, but said anna lena burbokt that... on october 7
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, referring to the attack by hamas on israel, changed everything and now we need to support our allies in the middle east, despite the fact that, despite the fact that saudi arabia already has a powerful and serious military air fleet aviation, and there is a lot of criticism already from many experts that this is a very strange decision for the fact that actually, well, for example, benjamin tallis writes that it is absurd to sell eurofa now. for saudi arabia an authoritarian regime that does not respect liberal values ​​at a time when ukraine needs these planes in order to protect our values, interests and our security. well, actually, i think now maybe it's going to be another push, to put pressure on the german political authorities to speed up the supply of taurus long-range missiles to us,
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because in any case... we see that it's an upscaling of the discussion. regarding certain types of weapons, well, i think that ukraine can use, well, to its advantage, especially since part of the political forces in germany is ready for this, and by the way, there was interesting information that france is now ready to transfer another 85 new scalpig cruise missiles to ukraine in addition to... those 50 that were transferred last year, so in fact, i think that these components are related to russian attacks on our air defense system there, our civilian objects, can be a significant impetus in order to, well, so to speak, add dynamics in the transfer of long-range weapons specifically from germany , eh, well, i will ask, probably at the end, what about
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ours, ours... 16, what are the advances here, when they will be in ukraine after all? i think that now the ukrainian armed forces are making efforts first of all to prepare the infrastructure, analyze the airfields, protect these airfields, because deputy minister of defense gavryliuk said about it literally the day before yesterday, in fact i think that now this component is infrastructure, technical, it is a priority for the territory of ukraine, preparation... continues, i think that now our foreign partners, well, we ourselves are clearly interested in the maximum speeding up the delivery of these aircraft to ukraine, when it will be the first quarter of this year there or the second quarter, well, let's hope for the most optimistic time indicators. thank you very much, mr. serhii, serhii zurets, military expert, director of the defense express company was with us on our air, our, meanwhile, our second hour with lesii vakulyuk is coming to an end. and we will return to et.
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with andrii saichuk at 10:10 and we will continue to talk with our guests, we still have two hours of marathon ahead of us, but now the air our colleagues from the radio liberty project will pick up ours, there will be freedom in the morning, and let me remind you that at 9 o'clock we all over the country, wherever you are, remember those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, we remember for a minute... , remembering those ukrainians, we think about the lives of all those who can still be saved, and thus our thoughts, as you know, can be material, and even more so, if we will throw in a few hryvnias each, who can donate how much for ours and let's help our military in this way to be in they are drones, kamikat for which they will destroy the enemy, so please, remembering everyone with a moment of
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silence, help: those who are alive. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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