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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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in general, but nevertheless, this does not mean that it is not worth working out scenarios, various scenarios of how events will develop, in particular at the front, and scenarios are also being worked out, this is mandatory work, working out scenarios, including in in such respectable institutions as nato, and in any command, wargames take place, that is, these are staff games in which the scenario is played out, as the enemy can do. there are videos, these scenarios, well, are considered in various schools, military schools, it is a mandatory process to consider scenario of actions, and scenarios of the enemy's actions , they are calculated from the fact that the enemy has certain resources, and the enemy uses all the resources and all the possibilities that he has, but you should not think that the enemy is not aware of something there, he will use everything , it is even possible, what is impossible, let's see...
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what is in russia, there are a large number of people in russia, they have a big performance with elections there, there is no point in going to the elections, they simply do not have time to prepare , they need to collect some equipment, rental, everything another, that is, all this time they are now planning, they are planning a large mobilization, because they have institutions for this, they are doing all this, they cannot help but do it, so we should expect that they will crawl. that is, it is one of, so to speak, or the only option that they have today, so let's see, and i think that the wargames that were made, they were made and are made every year, and they are made constantly according to certain scenarios that are taking place, including in ukraine, that is, all of these are predicted actions of russia, mr. mykhailo, thank you, mykhailo prytula, military expert, sbu reserve colonel, military expert. intelligence was in touch with us
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while we were talking with mr. mykhailo, friends, i must praise you, because you sped up a little, so to speak, gained momentum, plus uah 10,000 was added, and in general, if we speak from this morning, then + 15 000 has already been added to one of the accounts where we collect money for our military of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, which works in the hottest areas and we are now collecting for them kamikaze drones we need to collect 5 million uah, well, at the moment we have 482,748 uah in one of the accounts, in the other, i will tell you the amount, but if we collected almost 500,000 uah with you today, well, we already have it, we are missing some ee 17 hryvnias before there was an equal amount, it would be nice, it would be such a good amount in order to... rejoice that this day has
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not passed in vain , let's talk about the mood of the russians, whether there was a majority among them willing to stop the already special military operation and ask apologies to ukrainians, whether there are any at all, more on that later. there are discounts on deflu, 20% in psarynsky, bamb and oskad pharmacies. pain can become an obstacle. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. with muscle spasms, long-lasting anticonvulsant tablets. dollgit anticonvulsant for muscle relaxation. 15% in
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a favorable price, only from uah 799. call! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso. dear friends, we are on the air again. andrew, you know with which words russians more often than not characterized ukrainians. ukrainians? so. gods it's fantastic if they said so. older, older brothers. deceived, huh , and you know what they say about themselves, that, mostly, that they are fair, strong, stable and brave, yes, it is clear, well, at least
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that is what the survey conducted among russians says, it is about that , what do they think about themselves and what about ukrainians, and what else? they think about the war and who should end it, in short, it was held from september 14 to 28 2023, and 1,600 respondents were surveyed, both among russians, and we will ask oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences and head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia, more about this survey. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. greetings , mr. oleksandr, in fact there are very few verified and reliable sociological surveys when it comes to russia, since there are actually no independent sociological campaigns there, levada cent is somehow trying
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to survey something there by phone, so yours is very interesting methodology, how did you manage to do this survey and how reliable is it, indeed we use the same one'. methodology and the same methods of data collection as russian sociologists, this is our fundamental position. we use the same sampling parameters, sample size, as our russian colleagues, by the way, we are with them, let's say, with those who can, conduct research in russia in the same way as we do abroad, respectively, publish their data without, for example, being followed if someone doesn't like what they say, as was the case with kagarlytskyi, there is also such a sociologist there , they immediately turned to us when we conducted the first study in december of 2022, and we discussed the methodology, and since then we have been working on exactly the same platform,
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let's say, theoretical , as well as russian sociologists, this is the first thing, but unlike russian sociologists, the same levada center, we can freely distribute our data without fear that something will happen to us for it. so, you were able to interview about 1,600 russians by phone , and we can hope that this were sufficiently reliable answers. we don't ask the respondents any questions, well , which can make them very alarmed , or put them in danger, well, for example, we don't formulate questions about the war as a war, we call it a special military operation, as they do it , although some respondents themselves say that this is a war, they call it, they call the war a war, but , for example, what... what you just told the audience about, here are the first results, and what the russians would write, how they would address
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the ukrainians in a short telegram like them characterize their people, how they characterize the ukrainian people, these were their words, we did not offer them anything, well, to choose, it was a living language, and accordingly, for several months, why is there such a gap between the results and actually, when we collected this data, because it was necessary to gather all this into a pile. because it was just people answering and it was necessary to generalize, such a simple question, what would you write in a telegram to ukrainians and what would you, how would you victorize yourself and ukrainians, they are very simple questions, but what are they, what is the possibility, what exactly to evaluate, they are us allow and what are the first conclusions? well, if we're not talking about telegrams now, we're talking about ukrainians, namely, about the features of russians and features. to ukrainians , which they attribute to ukrainians, then of course
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there seems to be a disproportion in positive and negative, if in general, we take the characteristics that russians give to themselves and the negative characteristics that they give to ukrainians, and therefore, that is, 6%, in general, negative traits were attributed to russians people, and the ukrainian people much more than 6% and even. more than a third, and therefore really there is this disproportion, it's just that, it's just that, i'm sorry, er, er, it's just that disproportion in the attitude towards ukrainians, that is, dissonance, when on the one hand they talk about a triune nation, a fraternal nation, and on the other hand, and on the other hand, negative characteristics are attributed to him themselves... they inscribe , ascribing to themselves, well, let's say this, a much more moral, well, advantage, if
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you sum it up, and this is the first disparity, and the second disparity, this, not a disparity, is a difference it is special that people of different generations do not differ from each other, that is, there is no significant difference, you know, such a global one in... the answers of people who were socialized in the soviet union, that is, conventionally speaking , simply popular, and people who grew up under completely new conditions, where ukrainians and russians live in different countries, this is very important, but the attitude, it is not very different, it is not better or worse, it has become more or less, the only thing is that among young people there are more... those who are undecided, but this is generally just a feature of young people of any ,
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and not only russian. what does this indicate, how interpret it? again, please interpret simply what, what does it mean for us to understand this? well, first of all, what does this mean for us, and what is the meaning of what was written in the telegrams, it is very important. and this is not only research, it is generally our research for more than a year that shows that there is no significant difference between the generations of russians, that is, relatively speaking, there is hope, and we hear this from, for example, the russian opposition, the liberal opposition, that everything is a problem in the older generation, which... which soviet generation, which grew up in a different paradigm, it is in it, putin relies on
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it, and accordingly the departure, such even a natural departure of this generation, it will change the balance in favor of a more people-oriented, european-oriented, western-oriented, liberal-oriented, well, let's say so discourse in russia, in fact, we do not see this according to many criteria, according to many... parameters, and this leads to the fact that, in fact, everything that led to the war and toleration of this war by the russian society, i will reproduce it... starting from such a fundamental feature as the lack of awareness of what russia is doing on the territory of ukraine, what atrocities, what crimes against humanity are taking place here, we can see this very well on the example of writing by ordinary
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ukrainians, ordinary russians to ordinary ukrainians, once again that was the question. that's exactly how it was put, not to the military, you would write, not to politicians, but to ordinary people like you, only the people of ukraine, yes, only 3% wrote there, sorry, yes, but the main part says that let's live in peace, let's all be fine, that is , this dissonance for us ukrainians, it is obvious, well, how come, you are now bombing our cities, aren't you? attack ukraine, they destroyed a huge number of places there, killed a huge number of people, and at the same time, after a year and a half of a full-scale invasion and 10 years of russian aggression against ukraine , which is already military, you answer exactly like this: everything will be fine, we want to live in peace, we are one
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nation, i.e. such a complete oryol region that peace is war, war is peace, and accordingly. between generations, we do not see a very strong difference in these messages, there is no such thing as a moral, highly moral, conscious youth and , for example, a bloodthirsty older generation, that is the problem, and you and i are planning for there, for example, decades ahead, these are those people who will later become the middle generation, the middle generation will eventually become the older generation, but all the same lack of responsibility, lack of awareness for what happened in... will remain and accordingly this will be the basis for new aggressions. mr. oleksandr, but here are these results, can these survey results, can they also be influenced by the fact that the russians are afraid that they are being watched over there, they are being listened to, they are watching what they answer, or does it in principle not play a role , well, let me repeat, we
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invited the respondents to write something themselves. in their words, we did not offer anything there, the answer options were stop this war, putin has to go, well, this is not our methodology, and in general, in our research, when we ask closed questions, we also we don't put any ratings, besides, if you listen, and i listen to all interviews by phone, it's a myth that russians are very, you know, closed, that they answer in monosyllables, yes, no, i don't know. well, of course, if we ask, how about you , how much do you trust putin, and would you vote for him, well, well, well, for this there are absolutely propaganda campaigns in general, we do not do this, we want to find out what on an everyday level, how they perceive, and what happens to them, what experiences, that's exactly
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on an everyday level, so that you in simple words they told the ukrainians, yes, we see echoes of propaganda there, but... this is also the result, the same 25% and more who say, come to your senses, lay down your arms, stop resisting, do n't trust your army, don't trust your government, surrender, this is also an echo of propaganda, but it is an echo that was refracted due to their awareness, and they answered it in their own words: we did not offer any stamps, these 3% of russians, who openly instilled... their, their sense of guilt towards ukrainians, we are sometimes told that that we still have to somehow reach the russians, are these 3% capable to break this general opinion that prevails in russia, are these russians on whom we can count, or are they a very small number, no,
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it is not, not the number that can break, even if we extrapolate there, what else is there , even plus 10% who are there out of 12%, plus 10 of them who said they couldn't answer that question, well, even imagine, let's imagine that these are people who would actually like to say, sorry, it's us against this war, all the same, it is not the one, not the ratio that would really have an effect. on the situation, and this is the main conclusion that moral, let's say, moral awareness that all that is happening is antigo. there is no need for it, there is no need to count on the ukrainian side and there is no need to count on the prospects, accordingly
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, the only way to change public opinion in russia and, let's say, at least the beginning of awareness of what is happening, it really is an influence on their everyday life, everyday life through sanctions, everyday life due to the fact that... in them, they see more people who either died, that is, relatives who had someone die, or who was mobilized, or who returned disabled, and only because a selfish motive, i.e. the fact that this war worsens my personal life, my loved ones and puts them at risk, only this can affect russians, i.e. this, let ’s say, syndrome when mass demonstrations took place against the war, it did not originate here , and what has arisen, so far single,
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not yet organized as it was in the first and second chechnya, but women's protests are mobilized, because in fact now in russia there is such a disproportion and such, you know, discrimination, when ordinary russians, yak... called last fall a year, they have been serving for more than a year, and the zhes , who serve under almost the same conditions , they served six months, not only did they not serve their term, but were also demobilized after six months, this can actually affect russian citizens, a personal motive , well , thank you very much for this research, very interesting , mr. oleksandr, it reminded me of the interview, very... for those who missed it, maybe radimir mokryk, historian, researcher of the dissident movement, myroslav borchuk, he was interviewed i'm on the espresso tv channel, which says that this practice itself
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strategy, ridiculing , making fun of ukrainians, presenting them in such and such a greedy way, for example, the fact that the russians first say that it has existed since the 19th century, belinsky, turgeniv, venichenko wrote an open letter of their time to russian writers urging them to stop this practice, thank you. very much for that, oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences and head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia was in touch with us, they conducted a study on what is the current public opinion of russians regarding ukrainians, as well as regarding themselves myself, and now we want to tell you about the ghost of kyiv, who shot down more than 40 enemy planes and became legendary not only in ukraine, but also in the whole world, pilot az, at the beginning of the russian invasion, he was called the ghost of kyiv. that's how they christened him, it was major stepan tarabalka, he was 29 years old, later it became known that this was a collective image, nevertheless, stepan tarabalka also contributed
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to creating this image, on march 13, 22 , during an aerial battle of his unfortunately, it did not happen, the aviator went to heaven, and today to him could turn out to be 31. let's remember this asa pilot. stepan tarabalka comes from kolomysk district of ivano-frankivsk region. there was no military in his family, but stepan dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood. at the age of 13, he entered the carpathian military sports lyceum, and later the aviation military college of the kharkiv national air force university named after ivan kozhedub, which he successfully graduated in 2014. rank after rank, position after position, participation in training. changes, improvement of piloting skills, combat rotation, such was the life of an aviator. major tarabalka flew the mig-29. on the first day of the full-scale invasion, he was on a combat
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mission. according to the stories of his comrades, he shot down many enemy planes that were bombing peaceful ukrainian cities. attacking the enemy in the air, he saved people's lives on the ground. he was a top-class pilot, he was very responsible for combat duty. he himself sat in a combat plane and waited for takeoff, he expertly controlled the plane in the air, he was very responsible for his work, who once got into the air, he will spend time there all life, it's such an addiction, you want to fly all the time, when you don't fly for a long time, it hurts , drags you to the sky, only stepan was called the cause of kyiv, you have to be a very brave person to go against two or three enemy planes. stepan tarabalka posthumously received the title hero of ukraine with the order of the golden star, he is survived by his parents, wife and son. in memory of stepan, the family opened a center for medical and psychological care
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