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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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who, who is released, who is demobilized , in a few months, how is the encouragement of those people who are going to fight, how is it happening, what is happening in style, why, for example, is there not in this norm of this law, for example, such a norm that every person who works, relatively speaking, he works his working day there, and another plus two hours or a separate day a week works in the field that he can do, which is directed to the negotiation, why can't he work even more? ugh, it was in this these rows of cars on friday at 5 p.m., they just suggest that ukraine is not fighting in the rear, at least because of that... because of
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that, because of that, these are quite such, well, difficult decisions , which need to be voiced by someone, no one wants to voice unpopular decisions, do not want to voice unpopular decisions because they are thinking about the upcoming elections, but we must finally understand that if we do not take effective steps that will bring us closer to victory, then elections may never happen at all, in ukraine it may elections do not take place, and this applies , by the way, to all expenses, which we have already written and talked about many times, that is, you can build 250 parks now or break up 300 flower gardens, or do something else, what is being done there for decorations, sports complexes .
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to understand that the enemies will take advantage of this later if they capture this territory, as actually happened when the roads were being built, and instead we had to increase our defense capability, such and such things, this is , on the one hand, elementary, someone does not like these things , but these are things that... have to push people to what they want to choose, do they want further slavery, are they ready now to really put all their efforts into doing something to win, and one more question, sorry, sorry for such a possible, well if pessimistic pessimistic words, but we must finally speak... with
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our people in the language of adults, and not talk to them like children. it seems to me that there is already a request for this, by the way, that is, people do not want to be talked to like children, or to be misled, at least if we let's try to evaluate the survey about the activity of the national telethon, the only news, almost 43% of ukrainians, it was conducted. was from december 8 to 15 last year, initiated by ilko kucharev, this study, almost 43% of ukrainians believe that the telethon format has lost its relevance, half as many disagree with them, 22%. well , these are the results, the marathon is quite expensive, the funding actually goes to private tv channels with state funds, state funds, and many are open in the west as well...
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the publication says that the marathon to a certain extent stavor and advertising of the ruling party. andrii, the question is not even about the marathon anymore, the question is, really, you said it right here, the question is about the money used for the marathon. this money, i think, should really be directed to those projects that bring victory closer. it's a lot of money, it 's a lot of... losses, it's money that can really be counted in drones, in slaves and in other, other weapons that the front needs. i think that without the marathon, somehow we would live. and this concerns, well, that is, once again, it's not just about the marathon, it's about any spending that 's going on there right now. level, at the central
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level and so on, on prozoro, look, go to prozoro, see how many trades are going on daily, and see how many of those trades. are er those things that er are vitally necessary, without which you can't live, well, maybe 20, maybe 30%. the country is roaring, well, part of the country is starting to live its own life, and when you talk about social polls there, you know, i spent there myself, social research there in kyiv, and on the one hand people say: "hey, hey, we have to go to the borders of 91, but when they are asked, what did you do to achieve this, and are you ready to take the machine guns and go tomorrow to fight, are you ready to prepare yourself for the fact that
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in six months, maybe a year, you will have to take this machine, no one wants to think about it, that is, them." themselves even this thought, you understand, and this, this means that our society, well, it is becoming a little indifferent, that is, they want some the mythological people there, who are sitting in the trenches, were only getting closer to victory, but they themselves are engaged in the same things they were engaged in before the war, actually, mr. viktor, thank you very much for this conversation, viktor. the chairman of the board of the institute of world politics was with us, thank you, we are now going on a short advertising, just a pause and believe, there are discounts on fkalor, 20% in pharmacies plantain, pam and
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the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, january 9 at 5:45 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholotny yar is in dire need of front lines to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier in order to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for.
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glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. so, dear friends, have you seen the announcement from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, which needs kamikaze drones , we need uah 5 million for this for today + uah 2,000 to the account, thank you, we already have uah 486,550 on one card, less than uah 13,000 is needed to make it 500 thousand, this part so join in, you still have a chance to do it, further on our air will be an exclusive interview of khrystyna porobiy with the family of the defender who managed to return home from captivity during the recent large exchange of prisoners that took place. on january 3, the largest since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine.
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thank you for being with us, les vakulyuk andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, then the interview. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. my name is khrystyna. on parobia, today we are talking about the exchange of prisoners of war in early january one of the largest exchanges of prisoners of war took place, during the entire full-scale invasion 230 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we have the opportunity to speak with the daughter of one from prisoners of war from lviv oblast, who returned during this exchange to natalia danylovych. natalia, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, thank you. when you are sitting at work
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, i didn’t believe it at first, i’m telling you honestly , and you get a call from the headquarters, that’s how they call you right away , good afternoon, you are greeted by the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners, your father was exchanged today, i didn’t believe it for the first few seconds, well and immediately directly began to ask when it would be possible to contact and... in what way, where is it located, well, of course, at first they did not tell me anything, they said that later they will give my father a phone, and that means it will be possible to communicate with him, this shock and joy, i did not believe it at first, two years have passed after all, it should have been almost in march, so somehow there was so much more shock in the first seconds, and then it was infinite happiness, joy, that it is true, that it is true, well, in principle, in this way, when i managed to communicate with my father on the same day, i called somewhere around 3 pm, they gave me the phone. and we basically talked for a few minutes literally, because they were still on the way to the rehabilitation center, and
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then we managed to talk about what the first ones said, the first conversation about my first phrase was that i don't believe that i will hear your voice in two years, and my father says: well, you know, i couldn't leave you, and we literally fell over each other in words, that is, how do you feel, where are you, where are you being taken, and already he said that they are being taken to a rehabilitation center, it was such a literally five-minute conversation, because there was... bad communication, and so we only managed to chat a little on the first day, you have a daughter who grew up with her father as she reacted, tell me during this time with him, in captivity, how he was, how she reacted to it, how, what she asked about her grandfather, you know, the daughter directly, that he was in captivity, she did not know, because i didn't want to hurt the child, but she knew that grandfather was at war, that he went to defend his country, and that when she asked why he didn't call for a long time, i will say: she said that he had no chance, because he was on the such a territory, where there is no connection, in the first seconds,
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it was so funny, she talks to him, says, then hangs up the phone and starts crying with such zealous tears, i say, why are you crying, and she says, because i am so glad that my grandfather finally called, well , that is, the child was comforted so, you know, she probably felt a little intuitively somewhere , well, after all, i hadn't seen her for a long time, i hadn't heard her for a long time , she was comforted, very comforted, she reacted so emotionally... tell me about your father, when he went to war, why did he finally decide to join the army? my father went to war when the anti-war began, well, this is the first operation, in 2014 he went to serve, i it seems that almost immediately, he left as a volunteer, but he went as a volunteer at that time, he said that he had to give back to the country and still have to defend it, he wanted to, i was very against it, i... to be honest, i didn't i wanted to, because it is still dangerous , and i was against it, but in principle i accepted,
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respected his choice, and he served, but he served somewhere for one and a half, maybe even two years, and later after some time, well , he was demobilized, he was at home for a short time, and signed a contract for military service service for three years, that is, it was long before the invasion of russia directly into our territory, when the war began, in fact he still had to serve somewhere around six months, if i am not mistaken, during this time before a full-scale invasion of some key points where he fought, in which brigade did he fight, in which battles did he participate? he served in the 128th mountain assault brigade, they were in many places, they were also in luhansk region, they were in the same hot spots, i don't remember directly by city, but i remember that we were watching the fighting there , this is luhansk-donetsk, the main direction where they were, they were here and there in hot spots, because no one named these places themselves, because it was dangerous , but they were constantly there, because
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there were times when there was no communication, that is, yes, well, they were in such rather dangerous places. father, because of this great experience of such combat operations, he predicted some kind of such a big war that russia would start this full-scale russian invasion. you know, my father always said that russia will never dwell on what she has achieved, that is to predict, the thought, i think it was, maybe he did not voice it so directly, but we all understood, probably including my father, that if they had already begun to conquer the territory, then on two parts of ukraine they... will not stop , so it is more likely than not, tell me how the father actually during the full-scale invasion did not fight so much, did not fight for so long, already in march 2022 he was captured, how about you they found out, in general, where did it happen, he was in the zaporozhye direction, they were captured got into the zaporozhye direction, as
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i found out, you know the circumstances in general, what kind of battle it was, what it was for... and i don’t know in detail, i know that when my father was captured, this particular area was captured already on march 2 , that is, they were still there for some time and already without, well, later, i don’t know if they were counted out somehow or how it happened, then he was captured, it was in the pologiv region, zaporizhzhia region, in principle, he was on the they mainly started in the zaporozhye direction they seem to be from somewhere with an energy gift just right. these were the first battles, when there was, and then they were somehow transferred there to this area. how did you find out that your father is in poland? i first came out to the people who were with him, i don't even remember what kind of guys they were, who said that someone somewhere had seen that they had been taken away, well, but it was officially confirmed sometime in july, already in the 22nd year
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directly, when they called, i applied to the services in different and in red. cross and to the coordination headquarters, where i did not apply, then i was already called from coordination headquarters, it was they who responded and said that the aggressor side officially confirmed that your father is in captivity, in fact, you were in such obscurity all spring that what were you thinking at that time, that is, there was some information, with whom you were in contact, there was a lot , you know , from the fact that starting with the fact that they were killed, ending with the capture, ending with the fact that he is missing, that is, in part, he was generally... he was missing, well , i tried, but march came to me, until there was no connection with him, because it was like that at the beginning of march, somehow , somehow, there was no contact with him for the first week, and then he got in touch, i think, well, maybe there was no contact and that's why he can't go out with me, when i was already told at the end of march, at the beginning of april, that he was officially considered missing from the cell, well, then i started
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writing various appeals, searching, collecting a package of documents, sending them to various services so that somehow they would start searching. contacted, we even have a whole group in viber 128th, where relatives are looking for their own, and we so we divided in directions, because in that period many people went missing in those directions, and we divided in directions and already helped each other to search, contacted volunteers and directly from there with people from zaporizhzhia, those who could helped, for these two years, you say that in july you already officially confirmed to you that the father was in captivity during these two years, what work was done to get the father out of captivity, with whom did he have sex? worked with whom, how they worked, with whom they worked, they probably worked the most, after all, with the coordination headquarters for issues related to the treatment of prisoners of war, this is one of the organizations that clearly provided instructions on how and what to do, to be honest, well, in fact, i repeatedly tried to make myself known through the keel over the course of several months, that is, after a month, i would call all the authorities
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in full, which i applied to the department, to gur, and to coordination. headquarters, that is, to ask if there is any work, i don't remember when they told me that he was included in the lists, well , i think it was somewhere a year after he was captured, somewhere plus or minus a year later, they already told me that he is already on the lists, that is , all that remains is to wait, that is, you can't do anything, everything, everything that you could, you have already done everything, during this time with your father did you manage to communicate, were there any, were there any? conversations, i don't know, correspondence is possible, only correspondence, and it's so paper-based, you know how you used to write on paper and they send you to the coordination headquarters, they directly pack them and send them, that is, everything was done. in russian, you had to write like that in general terms, because otherwise i would not have missed it, well, as far as my father told me, he received two of my three letters, the third may have already been moved somewhere at this moment,
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so he did not receive the last one, that is, that is how they arrived, i do not know which in a way, this correspondence was arranged, but it arrived like this , and it came from my father, and from my father, then it came from him first, and there were already clearly indicated instructions, how you can answer him, and without, and i have already written to him and handed over new ones . by mail to kyiv, and they are already there they were sent there through the red cross, as i understand it, these letters were delivered. that my father wrote in his letters, that in the end the russians allowed him to publish these general phrases: everything is fine , alive, healthy, i miss you, that is, nothing extra, just such phrases, every time, just in a different paraphrase and that’s it, and they answered it's the same for him too, if even something was written, it was so general, then everything was fine with us, it was told about the family. well, nothing extra, there were no addresses, there was nothing, that is, only my name, his name and that's all, when there was hope for an exchange, you say,
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a year after polon got into the lists for exchange, and when there was a real hope that the father could really be exchanged, the last few months, i already yes, on all social networks, everywhere , even the president himself said that they were preparing a large amount. but they can’t solve all these formalities with the other party, i was already hoping in principle, i think, but suddenly, because the person who was in captivity with him, the three of them were caught together, then they were released even last time year, and i already think so to myself, well , i don’t know under what circumstances they didn’t sit together, and i already hoped so, i think, well, suddenly, if some kind of big exchange is really being prepared, because it was announced, that there should be about 300 people, i was already hoping that maybe the father would finally be exchanged. god, the coordination center said something to you, that it was possible for the father, or it was only your guesses, these were my personal guesses, that is, some hope and expectation that the father would be at home, that was all
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so secret, that's why i was like that , you know, in a state of shock for the first few seconds, because i didn't understand whether it was true or not, my relatives didn't believe it at all, they say, well, until we hear it on the phone, we won't believe that it's true, but that's it my guesses are purely personal, well, since some kind of work has been done for a long, long time, it was finally hoped that it would bear some... fruits, how is the father feeling now, have they already talked about any plans, yes, what is he planning what to do next? nothing, you know, he's feeling good, while he said he wanted to rest, and then, well of course, you need to undergo another examination , to check your health, but in principle it is excellent, i will tell you that i spoke to him, i told him, i told him personally, i have the impression that you are not i returned from captivity for two years, rested somewhere in a resort and was a little tired, that is, my voice was tired. it is not normal that at first it adapts a little, but in my opinion , of all the options, even the best turned out great, in principle, it feels great when you can see each other, well, father says that somewhere
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plus or minus up to a month, they should still be treated there, well, if he doesn't go to the unit, then he should come home, that is , they should still be kept there for about a month, thank you natalya, for being with us today , i will remind our viewers that today we spoke with the daughter of one of... the released prisoners of war vasyl danylovych, natalia danylovych, i hope that soon all our soldiers will be at home, and we are waiting for them home, thank you , that you were with us today, stay with espresso. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling
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12:00 pm
greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. people's deputy oleksandr dubinskyi will be tried for official misconduct. forging documents for travel abroad. the case was referred to the court. according to the investigation, the deputy entered false information in official documents. in the application for permission to leave, he indicated the reason, accompanying his father for treatment. however, he actually went on vacation, the sbi reports. during his stay abroad, dubinsky visited italy, croatia and spain twice.


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