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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. people's deputy oleksandr. binsky will be tried for official falsification of documents for traveling abroad. the case was referred to the court, according to the investigation, the deputy entered false information in official documents. in the application for permission to leave, he indicated the reason for accompanying his father for treatment. however, he actually went on vacation, the sbi reports. during his stay abroad, dubinsky visited italy, croatia and spain twice. there are already
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five bills on mobilization registered in the verkhovna rada, one from the government, the other four people's deputies submitted as alternatives. the term for such initiatives has already expired, yaroslav zheleznyak, a people's deputy from the voice faction, said. now, according to the regulations, it is possible to start considering the law at the committee. a closed discussion of the draft law was held by the chairman of the verkhovna rada and representatives of the parliamentary factions, the defense committee began, where a decision on the draft law will be made. yesterday's death brought the number of victims to three missile attack on khmelnytskyi. during the rescue work, they found another deceased, an elderly man. there is no contact with him since yesterday. the man was supposed to be at the facility, two more people were injured, the mayor oleksandr semchyshyn said. elimination of the consequences of the attack in the city has been completed. two people are injured. due to the enemy shelling of kharkiv region
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, they are in the hospital, their condition is of medium severity, the russians hit the village of dvorichne, a private house was damaged, several times during the day the occupiers attacked with smerch anti-aircraft missiles, the village of velikiy burluk, damaged warehouses premises, a cultural center and an elevator, said oleg synygubov, the head of the region. during the day, the enemy bombarded 15 settlements with artillery and mortars, and struck six villages with air strikes. in three days , ukrainian fighters captured almost 30 russian invaders in the tauri direction. this was announced by the commander of tavria's troop group oleksandr tarnavskyi. over the last day , the enemy launched five missile strikes, conducted 37 combat clashes and launched 452 artillery barrages. during the day, the armed forces destroyed 375 occupiers and 21 units of military equipment.
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concerned about the blockade, the european commissioner for transport of the european commission, adina valean , sent a letter to the minister of infrastructure of poland, dariusz klimczak, regarding the blocking of checkpoints on the border with ukraine by polish carriers. she noted that the european commission is very concerned about traffic restrictions at the border crossing point to rugusk and at other checkpoints. for... european commissioner, the blockade has important consequences for ukraine, poland and the entire european union. shukau air defense and hymars near sloviansk. the security service of ukraine detained a russian the informant the man tried to find out the places of the greatest concentration of personnel and military equipment, and later spread the information through one of the enemy's channels. the 43-year-old local resident
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supported russia's armed aggression against ukraine, he repeatedly wrote about this in pro-kremlin telegram channels. the perpetrator is in custody, he faces up to 12 years in prison. in several regions of ukraine , bad weather left residents of 1,025 settlements without electricity, due to gusty winds and the equipment of lines, the most power outages were dnipro'. petrov region, odesa region, mykolaiv region, kirovohrad region. this was reported to the ministry of energy. zaporizhzhya, kherson, chernihiv and chernivtsi regions were not spared by the elements. there is also a disconnection from the network. emergency crews of energy workers are working around the clock to restore power supply. additional equipment was sent there from other regions, but it barely complicates work and movement. now the weather is stabilizing, forecasters predict a slight warming. wednesday and thursday are
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more than even a certain increase temperature, but still within the limits of negative values, that is, in some places there can be a small zero and a plus. that in the south, it will contribute to the destruction of the ice that has formed there and in the central regions, but still, during the night hours , the temperature remains consistently negative, i.e. 7-12° night hours in almost all regions. on december 29, a few days before the new year, an enemy rocket destroyed the lives of the residents of the khrechkivka microdistrict in the town of smila in cherkasy oblast. one died out of a dozen suffering and more than a hundred destroyed houses. how people recover from a missile attack, see in the material of my colleagues. grechkivka microdistrict - private sector on the outskirts of smila. on december 29, the russians hit the houses of civilians with a kha-22 missile. my brother
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brought fish, i just kept the fish on the street. the sun is shining. well, they were preparing for the new year. nothing in my head , nothing, no one... who didn't think bad, it fell, it just rattled and that's all, i came back, i'm already standing, you're already standing, i'm still intact, fragments are falling from the side, the windows are all broken, and you're standing, just look, come in for a second, there are more than a hundred damaged houses like that of mr. vyacheslav in grechkivka, eight of them cannot be restored, from the first minutes of the tragedy in the region , an operational headquarters was created to eliminate the consequences of the attack, the first task is to help people, who suffered unfortunately, one woman, nadiya holub, died from her injuries. it was on the outskirts of the doves that the flight arrived, which is reminded of by a hole in the place where the garage used to be. ironically, the owner of the apartment worked for a long time in russia on an ambulance, saving the lives of those who ultimately destroyed it.
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there is nothing left. the grandchildren have nowhere to go, no one to go to, nothing to go to. that's all. well, this will be cleaned up, built, but the grandmother will not be returned, which will be very difficult for him in his old age. oleksandr golub's house is on the list of those that will be restored from scratch. now we are actively completing the demolition of damaged buildings, those that cannot be extended completely, that is, we will build them from scratch. we have these eight buildings systematically distributed among the districts on a voluntary basis, each district will be responsible for us for two restorations of two houses individually and we are convinced that it is with this distribution that we will be able to restore it quickly.
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several accounts have been opened in the region to help the victims, and the canadian red cross promises to provide substantial assistance. today , volunteer organizations and religious communities are actively working here every day. they roll up tents, where you can get hot food, warm clothes, everyone helps: educators, utility workers, repairmen from smela and neighboring areas, there are no indifferent people. we cannot stand aside, we must be on to this place the first, to help people, show love, mercy, compassion, help people, support people, in no other way. for the espresso tv channel from cherkasy. and we cannot stand aside either. join the fundraiser for a front-line car for the advance guard tankers who protect the eastern flank of the fight for our independence. avtovka on the front line fights and saves. in off-road conditions and under constant fire. the service life of front cars is short. a lot of cars are needed and they are needed quickly. so
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we invite you to join the gathering. the account already has more than uah 180,000. let's put victory on wheels together. in general, our goal is uah 250,000. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you will find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your preferences. that's the end of the issue. see you later. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. during the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war and
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about our victory. today in the program. mass shelling of ukraine, more than 50 russian missiles overnight. what should be the response of ukrainians? russia is preparing a major offensive in the kharkiv region. intelligence records the enemy's accumulation of forces and means. north korea is on the verge of an armed conflict with south korea. pyongyang. arranges provocative shelling and threatens the world with war. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy goncharenko, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, ihor lapin, and diplomat oleksandr khara. in the second political scientists volodymyr fisenko, andrii smolii and oleksiy holobutskyi will be part of our program. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how the marines... the armed forces of ukraine repelled another attack by the russian army under cover in the kherson region. the defenders overturned the enemy
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tank along with the crew. they took aim at the bc, as a result of which the tank was torn to pieces. let's watch the video. friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please put. like this video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take part in our
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survey, today we ask you about whether it is necessary to resume broadcasts of the meetings of the verkhovna rada during martial law, yes, no, if you are watching us on tv now, please take your phone or smartphone and vote if you think council broadcasts should be restored 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 380. 2 call all calls to these numbers are free. we have our first guest on the phone, this is people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy goncharenko. sir oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate you. since, mr. oleksiy, we are asking our viewers what they think about the radio and television broadcast from the session hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. do you think these broadcasts should be restored? during martial law? i don't just believe, i restored them.
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at least in his tik tok. i conduct online broadcasts of the meetings of the verkhovna rada, and i will conduct them until the full broadcast of the verkhovna rada resumes, because i believe that that the verkhovna rada should be open to people, transparent, and there is no, absolutely no reason to hide all this and keep it under a drawer, as it has been done for almost two years. there is sociology, according to which 57%, more than 57% of citizens are in favor of renewing the online broadcast of the meetings of the verkhovna rada on the tv channel rada, another 65% of ukrainian citizens believe that journalists should be present at the meetings of the parliament, even during martial law, these are data from sociological surveys of the deminitiative foundation and commissioned by the honest movement. in addition, only 60% of ukrainians. believe that the telethon is the only news, it has not lost its relevance 29%, more than 29% do not see the point in the marathon,
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20% have a neutral attitude towards it, what do you say about the only news , about the reformatting of the only news, because it is clear that with such indicators and with such budgets, well, actually , certain conclusions must be drawn. it seems to me that he completely exhausted himself in a single marathon, and it was a long time ago, and there is no sense in investing 2 billion hryvnias in this every year, sorry, there is absolutely no sense, and this money should be spent on war on drones, which are used to fire russian tanks, as you showed at the beginning, and in addition, let's not forget that the single news marathon is actually used as a tool of political propaganda, because there is absolutely no '. owl representation, there is one political force that is constantly shown, it is the ruling one, and others that either do not show
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at all, or it is significantly limited, so it is also a tool of political promotion and a certain, sorry for the word, zombification of people, and the last thing is that the marathon is the only news and is to blame for the frustration that millions of ukrainians are feeling right now, because it was this marathon that drove them away at the beginning. in the third year, these are inflated expectations, coffee in the crimea , so prepare a bikini, everything will be soon, all these endless statements of danilov and others were spinning, and... all this created a huge euphoria among the citizens, which, unfortunately , was absolutely not justified, and that's why i 'm sure that we should stop spending public money on this, and absolutely television should be patriotic, of course, if you don't god, we will have some tv channel that will start promoting russian narratives, it should be urgently and immediately disconnected,
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otherwise it should be ordinary tv, as it was, commercial, which should work. let us, mr. oleksiy, return to the situation in ukraine, because during the last two weeks, russia has been carrying out massive strikes on the territory of the ukrainian state, on peaceful cities, this morning russia launched a combined strike on ukraine, using 59 anti-aircraft weapons, the defenders destroyed eight strike drones of mines and 18 cruise missiles, at least three... people were not killed, 33 were injured, and in short, the situation is quite serious against the background of the weather that is developing in ukraine and against the background of what damage the russians can do to our critical infrastructure. in your opinion, what should be the response of the ukrainians to these massive strikes and should it be a response, well, i mean
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a response on the territory, on the military facilities of the russian federation, in order to... conduct at least symmetrical, at least any symmetric actions? and terrible attacks, and unfortunately it is also the fact that the telethon said that the russians have two or three missiles left, let me remind you that we heard something like that a year ago, unfortunately, life has shown us something completely different, what we should do, of course, to strengthen air defense, this is the number one task . definitely retaliating , we don't have the ability to strike, we don't have missiles that can strike at long range, and that's what creates problems for us, we try to use drones, if you ask me where we should use them, i i will answer you, moscow, the only city that really bothers putin's russian government is moscow, and therefore the answer must
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come there if possible, we repeat... obviously, unfortunately, our options in this regard are limited, that's true, and that's a huge our problem is, of course, the military-industrial complex, the fact that until now ukraine is not able to deliver long-range strikes, with long-range missiles, so our allies provide us, but excuse me, well, after all, two years and ukraine has a suitable school and has relevant experience, and the fact that so far ukraine is not able, and we are not... we produce missiles that would hit deep into russian territory, this is our huge problem and our huge disadvantage in relation to our enemy, so we need a significant strengthening of the military-industrial complex, which should produce everything we need: fpv drones, other drones , missiles,
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long-range missiles, this is the task before us, which, unfortunately, has not been done to a large extent, but we will still have to do it, we will still have to do it if we really want to win, a what do you think, mr. oleksiy , putin is trying to achieve, that is, he is terrorizing ukraine in order to freeze them, to force them to go to capitulation agreements, what is the goal, or does he simply have one big goal, it is to destroy ukraine and he is going to it goes, of course. he has this goal, but let 's be frank, and i won't reveal a military secret now, it's already been said and written that lately, apparently, putin's goals are the objects of the military-industrial complex, and there are various testimonies about , that it is they who are being attacked by putin today, ah, critical the infrastructure, as it was a year ago,
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is not attacked so actively, what is the question, is that it is quite well covered by air defense now, or? in the fact that putin does not want to create a picture for the world of freezing ukrainian cities, so as not to return the attention and empathy to the ukrainians that were at the beginning of the invasion, the first, second, and third are possible here, but the fact remains: putin continues its attacks, they have their own goals, we suffer a lot from this, and there are two answers: get more help from allies, this is the work of the diplomatic front and... the direction and, but more importantly, even for me today, it is to become more independent and to produce what we need ourselves, that is, long-range missiles, drones, which will allow... we will be allowed to give strike back. poland, as reported by the mass media, implemented increased
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security measures due to the missile attack on ukraine on january 8 and defended its territory, because literally a week ago, a russian missile flew over the territory of poland, then returned to the territory of ukraine. poles they said, well, we don't have any additional data. because how did the radars detect this missile, the missile entered the territory of poland at a depth of 40 km and turned back, well, what can we do about it? such cases, mr. oleksiy, happen both in poland and in romania, in romania drones fly over our territory, fly into the territory of romania in poland, we already see several such cases... when, in principle , the airspace is violated of poland, but also poland and romania as members of the north atlantic alliance in this situation they do not even insist on holding
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an emergency meeting of the north atlantic alliance there. ukraine made a request that a meeting of the council of ukraine should be held this week. can ukraine count on the fact that the countries of the north atlantic, well , at least they will help us at least with air defense on the western borders of ukraine, because if this missile flew into the territory of poland, well, it is very strange, if there is no ppu there, they are 40 km in the depth this missile went, that is, if there are anti-aircraft defenses, why not them shoot down those missiles? i'm not a military expert, so i won't comment on why they didn't shoot them down, but politically, let 's be honest, neither poland nor romania is going to join. war with the russian federation, nor any other nato member country. it's true. they are preparing, many of them understood, especially the baltic countries,
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the scandinavian countries, those who feel this stinking rise of this empire on themselves, they feel the threat and they are preparing, but they themselves will not start any war, this is a fact, it's just necessary to understand and not hope that now for... a rocket somewhere, and then , even if this rocket didn't just fly, or hit something, unfortunately, i don't think that we would be able to with you to count on the fact that poland, or the alliance as a whole, would enter the war , this is the truth, unfortunately, and we have to admit it, and therefore rely on our own forces in all our calculations, and rely on our own forces in all our calculations, as means one thing to me, that means strategic defense, because when i hear that there... let's get another 500 00 people, in general, i, well, i don’t understand our approaches and our strategy, because if we don’t have enough drones and shells, let’s
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recruit at least 3 million people, and what will they do, we will give them spears, we are not in the middle ages, well, okay, even kalashnikov assault rifles are soviet-made, they won’t change anything on the battlefield, that’s why our military-industrial complex is more important today, there are missiles, drones, what our army is equipped with, than just a stake... we will never win in russia with the number of people , well, it's impossible, there are five times more of them than us, it's simple math, and they can give us weapons , no one will give us people, and the human resource should be the most important, to stand as our main task or to preserve it, and therefore advancing on minefields on russian concrete fortifications is definitely not our way, our way is to exhaust the russians , let them roll around, attacking us, us, we are not satisfied with any other correspondingly. casualties less than one to eight, by any other ratio, this war is no longer in our favor, so we need to protect people, so we need to develop the military industry, so we need to work on
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the external arena to receive support , but we also very much need, it is simply vital, to become independent in whatever way we can, to produce shells, during the second world war even children in factories transported to the urals were made... there were shells, well why can't we do that today, i think that should be our number one task. mr. oleksiy, this week the verkhovna rada of ukraine is to consider the law on mobilization submitted by the government, it is already known that the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, profile, said that they have 73 comments on 73 pages of this bill, today the anti-corruption committee said that... this bill on mobilization contains corruption risks, how do you assess the prospects of passing this document and what do you
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think the new ones should be. mobilization law, if it appears in the future, i submitted an alternative bill to the government's, actually as the author i am included in various committees, i will also add that the committee on social policy also did not call for adoption the government's, and called for finalizing the government's, including the provisions of the alternative ones, including my bill, which should be, the most important thing is the definition of the term of service, i have been for a very long time. i stand for it, and unfortunately, no one has heard it for a long time. it was finally heard and the government proposed a length of service, but they proposed 36 months which is too long, we need to reduce that term, my proposal is 18 months, but if a person reports, the defense force still has up to three months to to replace a person, it is the i believe that the norm, which is correct and fair, we also need to solve
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the issue of conscripts... thousands of young men who have been serving for the fourth year, it can even be said that they are already in service, sorry, but they are in some kind of slavery, and they must finally be demobilized. it seems that the successors of the supreme commander and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces have already said about it, but in the fall there is no way they can make an appropriate decision, of course, when adopting the mobilization law, it must be understood that he must strengthen the army, i do not think that he will strengthen in the form of mobilizing people with disabilities, this is some kind of very strange norm , which i am against, and it has no, absolutely no sense, and therefore there are a lot of questions about this draft law, it cannot be adopted in this form, tomorrow will be meeting of the committee on national security and defense, at which the position of the committee will be finally determined, it is the main
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committee on this draft law. by the way, i want to remind you that in general this is the president's responsibility, and the president had to pass the corresponding bill, it looks like this topic, as you know, is being thrown from hand to hand, and this is not right, because this law is from this, it is about the fate of people, there in each, in each point of the fate of thousands, and sometimes tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people. mr. oleksiy, during the last two weeks we have been observing the reaction to the announcement of this bill or law. about mobilization, people begin to gather there and go abroad, those who have the right to do so, including the right to disability, because well, people do not understand this communication, when on december 25 or 26, on christmas, they announce and publish a draft law, the araheimia is trying to explain something, that there is such a draft bill, what do you think, for, well, for... what
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was it to be done, or is it not possible it would be calmer to do this and explain, because it looks like people have started transferring property to their wives there, withdrawing money from bank accounts, because they can also be blocked under this bill, in your opinion, what was the mistake in this communication and whose this is a mistake well, this is a mistake of the authorities, of course, in what, well , everything starts, you know, with the implementation of the law. the bill was supposed to be submitted by the president, he is the commander-in-chief, and according to the law he determines the mobilization, the order of its implementation, he was supposed to, when his annual conference was held, he was supposed to go out there and say such and such norms, go through each one, give an explanation, all this was not done , moreover, it was a huge mistake, it seemed to me, that this bill, as you said, is 72 pages long, it is a colossal
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bill, complex, difficult, with many norms, i don't understand what was the point of doing it as i had to have 10 different bills, one bill on the termination of conscription, one bill on the introduction of basic military training, one bill on mobilization, one on demobilization, one on social rights, and yes, one about accounting, and one about the powers of the tsc, that is, all these were to be different laws in each of which we would decide. specific issue, and of course, all this had to be done in a very clear communication with society, unfortunately, this this was not done, it was submitted at night , indeed, on christmas night, then we heard some crazy number, we will draft women, we will not draft women, let 's cast lots, let's draft only the poor, because it is absolutely absurd if someone pays high taxes, his at all.


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