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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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there are enough powerful forces on the peninsula , which kim jong-un usually wires, and therefore there is also a concept in the theory of international relations, such as a security dilemma, that is, if your adversary is getting stronger, then you must also get stronger, and this is how this porch begins arms race, and in fact the most important driver of this race, is the perception of a threat from the other side, maybe this is a false perception, but it pushes the daughters. quite specific decisions, which actually lead to a collapse, which means balance and possibly conflict. you know me why am i asking you about this, because i remember the events of 1940, when the so-called steel pact was signed between japan, italy and germany, when this military axis of evil was formalized, eh.
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which, in principle, had its own interests, each country had its own interests, but they formalized this military alliance, which was then broken by the allies, including the soviet union, the united states of america and our allies, in 1945 what do you say about the fact that now, in fact, there is this axis of evil, it is not formalized, that is, there is no in... between they are tehran, moscow and pyongyang, but we see that these three capitals and these three states, russia, iran and north korea, they are actually repeating what happened 80 or 90 years ago, 85 years ago, as in this situation the world should to react, that is, whether the bvit community should introduce stock market sanctions and total international. isolation of north korea and
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russia, although north korea is already isolated, don't you have the feeling that this was all, as kuchma said? yes, of course, you are right that there is a completely similar situation, the only thing that if we examine each element of this axis of evil, we will see that in fact, some of their interests coincide, some do not, well, by the way, there was an expansion there recently. it means, and of course, that the russian federation from the very beginning considered it an instrument of geopolitical strengthening of itself, the use of other, shall we say, interests, the interests of other states in order to destroy the world order, dominated by the united states, its allies, here, but if we say, evaluate such key interests for for russia, this is the mobility of the international system, because it is unprofitable, russia cannot realize itself as a new empire, if there is
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a powerful european union and nato on the european continent, if the americans do not agree to new spheres of influence, and they actually started this war against us in the 14th year, even more so in the 22nd, in order to destroy this european unity, transatlantic unity, and to prove that they are some kind of power. as for north korea, i think the most important thing is for them to survive, they would like some more technology, well, to threaten to the americans, but more... they would all like to, let's say, lift the sanctions and they could enjoy all the benefits that can give, let's say, the legal status of possessing nuclear weapons, and such weapons that threaten not only neighbors , but also to the contiguous states, if we talk about china, then china is mostly interested in internal stability, because there are problems of the economic order, in fact, we saw that even these obedient chinese can... pose, and
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for this they need to american investment and technology did not flee from china, they need to manage, let's say, relations with the united states, if it is impossible to improve them, and that is exactly why china, china is the beneficiary of this system, that is, all this crazy economic growth that they have seen there in the last 30 - 40 years, it was thanks to the international system that works now, but the chinese of course dream of... becoming a big center again, maybe more powerful than the united states, and they are slowly getting there, actually that's why the news, it is so formed, but their interests different, and for sure china will not be interested in the fact that a new conflict appeared on its, in its, let's say, underbelly, they do not want to have there, of course to have a united korea, because it indicated the presence of the americans, and of course they don't want to have a war there. since literally in
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the first week there will be tens of millions of refugees from both sides, and they have to go somewhere, of course, china will have to do something about it, i am not talking about the fact that such a ... conflict can cause the use of weapons of mass destruction by the parties , here, but on the other hand, the chinese do not really like the fact that the americans are strengthening there, but against the background of threats from north korea , the americans have placed additional air defense and anti-aircraft systems there, and the chinese consider this as including and limiting their ability to threaten neighboring states with their growing arsenal, they now have about 300 warheads, they... by the 27th, it seems they want to increase to a thousand, that is, to actually enter this club of the world's largest nuclear warheads, that's actually how all these things are connected, and i don't think that china is interested in doing anything now, because it has a weak position, they are not yet ready,
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let's say, to return taiwan to its home port, of course we will look at the results of the elections that are planned, i i think that the results will not be encouraging for... the thais, since even those who previously said that it is necessary to unite with china as soon as possible, they are a little smaller, perhaps, perhaps there will be a balance between those pro-chinese and pro-independence, well, they are more precisely, as they say about the status quo, they don't say what taiwan should be independent, but they do not want this approach of taking over taiwan, as it happened with the same hong kong, so china will balance and we will see... how carefully it will approach such emerging crises around its borders. mr. alexander, this year the elections in the united states of america, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, called on the republicans in the congress to act and approve
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additional funding, in particular, more than 60 billion dollars for ukraine after the conclusion of the agreement on the financing of the government in 2024. now the republican congress. must do their job, end the threats, shut down the government, and fulfill their primary responsibility to fund critical homeland security priorities, including my additional request it is time for them to act,” said joseph biden. according to you, how in this situation, mr. oleksandr, events will develop, if possible within a minute and a half, very briefly. the answer, well , you know, literally over the weekend i was listening to an interview with the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, on the face the nation program, where he said that he wants people to vote for aid to ukraine, but he does not see
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a step on the part of the biden administration to meet in order to do this, meaning the usual reformation migration policy. by the way, he said a very interesting thing that when meeting with the president... there zelenskyi, zelenskyi asked him and said that it is very important, both from the point of view of the war and from the point of view of the signal of support, but from the point of view of zelenskyi , it is absolutely necessary that we vote received no later than february , that is, in principle, the month is named, there is no date, so i hope that this decision will still be made in january, but biden will have to make certain concessions, this is really a problem for the united states. in december , 300,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border with mexico. and of course, this is actually a crisis, and he has to make concessions and unblock aid to ukraine. thank you. thank you, mr. oleksandra, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat. friends, we work live on
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the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own platforms on youtube and facebook. during the entire broadcast, we conduct polls. we ask you about whether it is necessary to resume broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada. council of ukraine during martial law, at this moment , 1,500 people voted, you see, in this ratio, 91% voted yes, 9% no. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental efficiency. kratal is a natural force. for your heart there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. do you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't find a comfortable position on the sofa? you need to improve your sleeping place. meet the
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vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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greetings, friends, the verdict program is being broadcast live on the espresso tv channel. my name is serhiy rudenko, we continue our program, we continue our analysis of political events in ukraine. in the second part of the program, see the ukrainian orthodox church returns to the lavra. meanwhile, putin celebrated christmas with the families of those who were sent by death. mobilization 2024. what should the new mobilization law be? discussions in the parliament continue. media sociology. ukrainians want to watch broadcasts of the verkhovna rada, and the only telethon is losing its relevance. friends, we are live . tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you see us there now, please bet
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like this video and also take part in our vote. today we are asking you about whether it is necessary to resume broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine during martial law. yes, no. if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that such broadcasts are necessary. 0800 211 381 no 08. 211 382 vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, all calls to these numbers are free for you. i would like to introduce the guests of today's program, they are political scientists, political experts, volodymyr fesenko, andrii smolii, oleksiy holobutskyi. gentlemen, i congratulate you, thank you for starting the new year with the tv channel spresso with the verdict program. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good evening. good evening, greetings , mr. oleksiy, gentlemen, let's start
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our conversation precisely with the survey, because since we are asking our viewers whether the broadcasts of the meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, which were canceled, by the way, in 2022, the year with the beginning of the introduction of military state, you in your opinion, should the citizens of ukraine broadcast the sessions of the parliament and what do the citizens learn when they do not hear these discussions in the session hall, or is the logic of how certain decisions are made in the verkhovna rada of ukraine clear at all. mr. andriy, let's start with you. i think that yes, i think that the meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine should be broadcast, at least if there is some kind of warning, maybe about air alarms, about the issues of russian federation attacks there, yes, then i think that such broadcasts can be made there , suppose with an offset there of one, two or three hours,
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that is, but in general we must understand that it is necessary to broadcast the session of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in a time that is available to... for our citizens, for this there is a whole tv channel called rada, here we are there is a tv channel that , in principle, i don't know, it's probably been there for more than 20 years, it was basically created to cover the activities of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, to broadcast its meetings, to interview people's deputies, in order to to broadcast the meetings of the committees, after all... in order for people to know in principle about the activities of their people's elected officials, that's all. we know that the rada tv channel is not currently performing the function it should perform, it is participating in the one news telethon, right? but less so, the fact that this tv channel should broadcast the meeting, and it should not be
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at night, but it should be at a normal available time, that is, it could be prime time, it could be there. time, i say once again, if there are any cautions, there are any questions, perhaps regarding there is an attack of some kind or some danger , it can be done with a certain delay, but it must be done on the same day when the verkhovna rada is held, it must be done, and i say again, at an available time, not at night, it must be done like this so that people can see the meeting from a to i, thank you, thank you, mr. andriy, mr. volodymyr, yes, it should be resumed, but on the record, based on security issues, i think not even there in an hour, in two, because well , if the verkhovna rada works during the day, then in an hour it will be restored, well , it will be obvious that this is, let's say, a potential goal, therefore, for security reasons
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, it should be recorded, it’s okay that it will be recorded , the main thing is that it should be, i would say, more, i am very dissatisfied with the way the website of the verkhovna rada is currently open, most of the information there is closed, this is not normal, because the control over the work of the verkhovna rada is primarily carried out by experts, journalists, and the active public, and it carries out this meaningful control not so much through the broadcasting of the verkhovna rada, it is for the general public, i will tell you, in fact there have never been ratings. high enough and now, well, maybe, except for the bill on mobilization, they will not be high either, but broadcasting is necessary, and it is necessary to have access to the normal work of the verkhovna rada website, and most importantly, it is necessary to immediately restore the admission of journalists to the verkhovna rada, restore accreditation, this is from the point of view in terms of
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control, publicity, i think that first of all, thank you, mr. volodymyr, mr. oleksiy. no, well, of course via broadcast, well, well, well, at least we have to pretend that we are a democratic state, if it is not such, at least for our westerners sponsors, here is some idea that we have, in addition to the president's office, some other institutions in the country that are working, yes, judging by the fact that we have not seen the broadcasting of the verkhovna rada and we have not seen political activity for two years, but i i don't see what problem we have solved by this, if at all. problem that is a security problem? well, i think that our deputies have more chances to reach the bomb shelter than the residents of, say, there, i don’t know, kharkiv or other cities, that is, i don’t see the issue of security here at all, ah, these are buildings under which there are huge a network of various underground passages, in addition to the bomb shelters themselves, then this is not a problem, i remember,
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i myself walked along these passages in the 90s, so to speak, and well... which again, it is much easier to solve than to deprive some ukrainians, i repeat once again, want an imitation of political life. thank you, mr. oleksiy, gentlemen, i don't know about you, but i , for example, was very confused when i saw the christmas liturgy on january 6, which was held in the opechersk lavra by metropolitan onufriy of the orthodox church of the russian orthodox church in the church named after st. gapita pecherskyi, svyatopecherskyi. of the holy dormition pechersk lavra of the country, there was a mass, and that is, before that manufry addressed his parishioners, spoke about
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the enemies, i also listened to his speech, he spoke about the enemies, he did not say a single word about the russians, he did not say a single word about putin, that is he did not name them, did not articulate who the enemies are, which also raises a lot of questions, who he considers to be enemies, this is also a question, because the decision regarding... this church regarding staying in the kyiv pechersk lavra was adopted in the spring of the 23rd year, they had to leave part of the premises of the kyiv-pechersk lavra there, this did not happen, part of the people remained there, the monks are also still there, how to understand in general that the church, which is connected with the russian orthodox church and is actually a branch. roc in ukraine, that it continues to work in ukraine, two years of the great war, 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war, the decision to
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ban the activity or to reformat the work of this church has not been adopted, and in fact we see that in the center of kyiv, in kyiv -pechersk lavra, this church works, and the question, how long will it work and... is this question about the future of this church overripe, mr. andrii? well, i am generally concerned about what the russian orthodox church is actually doing in ukraine, mr. serhiy, so here i will, so to speak, articulate the question that in fact, in fact, the metropolitans or representatives of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, let's say yesterday, the day before yesterday, are a huge number of videos, by the way, are there on social networks, they mention kirill again, let me remind you that kirill gundyaev is in fact one of putin's closest allies, including in the war against ukraine,
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they de facto continue to quietly promote this russian peace, they continue to hold their services not only in the kiev-pechersk ladva, let's be to talk about other ukrainian shrines, there is, for example, the same pochaiv bench in the ternopil region, which, well, unlike the kiev-pechersk lavra, it is in fact completely subordinated to the russian orthodox church today, in fact completely, there, if i am not mistaken, some only a small part of it was transferred back to the state, in fact owned and controlled by the state, there is the sviatohorsk lavra, there is a huge number of other religious buildings in ukraine, which today are used de facto by the russian orthodox church, and this is not only communal property, it is state property property, this is communal property , this is also private property, that is, all types of property
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, please, they do what they want, and here the question really arises for the kyiv cave lavra, why still, despite the fact that almost a year has passed since the the contract was terminated, these people continue to be de facto in state property absolutely illegally, and no one for some reason against them... well, there are claims, but we do not see any definite actions, and in the end, let's get to the main question, why russian orthodox the church in ukraine , no matter what it is called there, is still not prohibited, why is there still no final adopted profile law in the second reading that would prohibit or regulate, at least somehow put into some framework this church in one way or another, if it is so can be called that is, these issues are on... unfortunately , there are a lot of them, and unfortunately, those actions, the correct actions, which are really, which were really declared, which were, which were initiated there at the end of the 22nd year,
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in particular by the national security council and of defense, which were started in the beginning of 23rd year, for some reason, as of now, these actions are on such a pause, and it looks really sad, because these people continue their anti-ukrainian activities, we see how the... security service of ukraine actually every week exposes these persons who in one way or another affiliated with the russian regime, with russia. we see that there are already court cases, we see that dozens of criminal cases have been opened against, in particular, high-ranking persons in the so -called moscow patriarchate. all this proves one thing: we cannot keep the russian orthodox church in the country today, in the form in which it is. whatever it is called, we cannot tolerate this russian peace any longer, if it continues to happen, what will happen will happen, they will continue to sit in the laurel, they will continue
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to sit in... they will continue to mention kirill, and what is next, well, we already know in fact what they did, how they did, how they acted, are acting and will act, if their activities are not really brought to justice requirements, current time , martial law, here i absolutely believe that there should be no questions, so we still expect from the verkhovna rada of ukraine, from the people 's deputies, we expect... that there will be a really balanced draft law, by the way, the draft law, which was adopted in the first reading, it is rather weak, it is needed were being finalized, i don’t know at what stage it is today, but the fact that today we need such a bill and we need a really powerful bill that will settle this issue, that will not leave loopholes, that will do everything to make this, in fact, the advancement of the russian world impossible, well, this is a fact, and this is
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a requirement today. literally after this divine or christmas liturgy took place on the territory of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, the general director of the spas tv channel boris karchevnikov, a russian, wrote literally such: genuine, painted russian living kiev is not broken, not fooled, it is not visible now. he is silent, he is intimidated, sometimes he is talkative, he is chased, he is exhausted, but he is there, he is standing, he is faithful to his church, and he is waiting for us, and they showed the actual photos of this service, mr. volodymyr, mr. andriy mentioned the activities of the sbu, and we remember how at the beginning, at the beginning of the 23rd year and at the end of the 22nd year,
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how much the security service of ukraine published on its pages and in social networks about how they almost were somewhere in the morning searches were carried out in certain dioceses, in the orthodox church, we remember this story about pavel the abbot, the former abbot of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, he is currently under house arrest, do you think the state is making enough efforts to localize this threat , because we understand... that in history, when there are parishioners who go to these parishes, we understand that they can be used, can always be used by those who manage church life in ukraine, and even more so if this church life is not is simple, and it is connected with moscow, with the russian orthodox church, you know, i am still a supporter of the systematic and sufficiently
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flexible. the solution to this problem is not only purely administrative, it is very easy , you know, but let's just ban it, well, you ban it, yes, and we, in principle, the state is going this way, but in the second reading they have to vote, i think that in the end , the relevant bill will be voted on, but in my opinion, at the same time, it is necessary to decide what to do with the millions of parishioners that you mentioned, the millions, the active part is hundreds, well, very active, in particular those who were under the laurel, that's tens of thousands, there were several thousand under the laurel, and this is a potential risk, it's a challenge, that's why we need thoughtful , sequential, step-by-step actions, and not just a ban as such, that is opzzh, yes, it was easier to ban it, with the religious question,
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flexibility is still needed here, in particular because... unfortunately, this is also a topic on which we will be evaluated, and unfortunately, this topic is already being used against us, particularly the trumpists in the us, and it's no secret, so i think there needs to be enough flexibility, but every case, they mentioned kirill, this article, they remembered, this video appeared, a criminal case, the fact that the sbu began to actively work in the direction of the cpi. there are already dozens of cases, and there are people who are already behind bars, in particular the priests of the uoc mp, this, i think, is very important, and this trend should be continued so that everyone understands that any solidarity with the aggressor country, with kirill, yes the so-called patriarch in quotes, yes, she should be punished because there is a war going on, but here...


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