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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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no, that's the verdict program today, i'm saying goodbye, the program was conducted by serhii rudenko, goodbye. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in iryna koval's studio, and right now the most important thing about her is: the russians killed 33 people. the kyiv city military administration provided an update on the victims of the racist attack on december 29. in a warehouse in the shevchenkiv district, they found, i quote, signs of another dead person. the data was confirmed by the national police. let me remind you, on the eve of the new year, muscovites attacked the capital.
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more than 30 rockets, debris damaged houses, cars, commercial premises in several districts of the city. more than 30 people were injured then. they fight with civilians. the occupiers dropped a guided aerial bomb just 200 m from the power engineering brigade in the kharkiv region. electricians were repairing high-voltage lines when the russians struck, kharkiv oblenergo reported. fortunately, none of the workers were injured. this is the second time in a day that the russians have fired at their specialists. due to bad weather in ukraine, more than a thousand settlements in eight regions have been disrupted. said the press officer of the state emergency service oleksandr khorundzhiy. emergency crews are working around the clock to restore power. currently, the state emergency service has almost 200 units of emergency and rescue and special equipment on standby.
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liquidation of the consequences of bad weather. the most out of power is in the dnipropetrovsk, odesa, mykolaiv and kirovohrad regions. oblenergo brigades were involved and are currently working to restore the power supply. the influencing factors are, of course, the sticking of wet snow, it's frostbite, it's sharp decrease in temperature, sharp air. the case of the hrynkevichs, the ministry of defense of ukraine tore everything apart. the contracts are related to the companies of this family, the deputy head of the department vitaly polovenko said at a press conference in the interfax ukraine press center. and the security service of ukraine eliminated three new schemes for evading mobilization. the organizers were detained in several regions of the state, and in kyiv, the ex-advisor of the head of the yanukovych administration was caught. he registered his clients with the carrier company . them in the system way as drivers
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foreign flights, in transcarpathia fake medical reports were issued to the evaders by an official of the local vlk, in the ternopil oblast a volunteer allowed the men to the border with the european country for a fee and then showed them the necessary routes. more than a thousand cars are blocked on the polish border, we are talking about checkpoints. ruska grebennyk, rakivets korchova and yahodin dorogusk. this was stated by volodymyr balin, vice-president of the association of international motor carriers. sheghini medica checkpoint is open, but there is also a traffic jam thousands of trucks as of today , only the smallest of the four checkpoints is unlocked. passes in the width of the medic, why
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the least, that his, the opportunity per day is 250 cars per day to pass in each direction, only 500 cars. donbass has always been considered a leading industrial region of ukraine, but few people know that entrepreneurs from various european countries are behind its successful development and development. my colleagues will tell the story of european industrial heritage on ukrainian lands. start of hostilities in donbas russia argued that it was during the soviet regime that the rapid development of the region began, but in fact the birth of the industrial region began after european capital entered there. the british started large enterprises in donbas as early as 1865, and then other representatives of european countries joined. the english were the first to come , the famous hughes with his... his wife, and he
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was a pioneer, before that there were also enterprises and entrepreneurs, but there was no such scale as the novorossiysk society - at that time, then the french came, then when the belgians saw the success of the french, they ran, everyone came. the european bonds found by mr. dmytro completely debunk the kremlin myth that the region's industry was created by the ussr. kostyantynivka was built by three belgian families in the absolute steppe, and it was a metallurgical enterprise, it was a glass enterprise. chemical enterprise, and, by the way, kostyantynivka was one of the most successful at that time, because they produced unique things, and they were least affected by the world crisis.
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the kryvyi rih-dnieper and donetsk industrial regions were built by people who came with knowledge, opportunities and capital, they were looking for a new platform, better than ukraine, and it was a good time in... it was a unique process in which we directly participated as, as ukrainian lands, we were not an independent state, but these were our lands, our people, our heritage, our ore, our coal, which they mined in a civilized way, which the red vandals then took from us. and 100 years of development took millions people's lives were taken, it's just to tears, at that time, in addition to industrial enterprises , the catherine railway was also being built, in its project it included a bridge that connected the two banks of the dnieper. this all happened
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in 1884, and in fact from that moment this industrial region began, which later... in the 19th year, the russians vilely stole from the europeans and from us, well, by simply issuing a decree that provided for the expropriation of capital, enterprises, banks and bank notes and the whole world, everything that could be stolen, the bolsheviks, and they did it all diligently, with the train of the bolsheviks. 200 families of belgians and frenchmen were taken to murmansk, from there they reached norway, and then each went to his own home. for a long time, belgium, for example , did not recognize the soviet union, because in addition to being robbed in this way,
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many people were actually offended because they invested all their lives, all their knowledge, and strength. in ukrainian enterprises, in the network, in the latest technologies, in development, among european investors there was also many poles, lithuanians, czechs, they were engaged not only in big business, but also in small ones, breweries, restaurants, salons, it makes a lot of sense to run something there, then over time from europe there, for example, the same sports equipment, it started to be produced here, we studied went through these technologies at all levels and in the end we were ready to join the european union already in the 18th year. during the soviet rule, the progressive industry of donbas gradually degraded, and now russia is erasing
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the once powerful industrial region of ukraine from the face of the earth. tetyana golonova, andriy verstuk, espresso tv channel. and about the support of partners from... sends two armored vehicles to ukraine to provide medical aid and evacuate patients, reports the spanish agency for international development cooperation. according to the head of the country's foreign ministry, jose manuel albares, the armored vehicles were adapted for medical needs before being sent to ukraine. the agency also noted that the volume of humanitarian aid for ukraine over the past two years has exceeded 46 million euros. this is the largest sum of money for madrid. for an emergency for one country, and i want to remind you about an important collection from the espresso tv channel, this time the funds are needed for a car for the tankmen of the offensive guard, who are fighting for our independence on the eastern flank. machines on
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the front line help both to fight and to save. in conditions of off-road conditions and constant shelling, the service life of front-line vehicles is short, so they must be purchased quickly. and send to our soldiers. thanks to your donations, we already have uah 19,700 in our account. our goal is 250. join, as much as every hryvnia you have. important, such were the news for this time, we will see you at 3 p.m., read more on our website espresso tv, subscribe to us on social networks and watch on youtube, my colleagues, marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskiy, will continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel.
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thank you to iryna koval, thank you to the news editor , well, there are really a lot of events today, the main thing is to have time to analyze them in a timely manner, live in the espresso studio, marta ulyarnyk, and antin burkovskyi and traditionally on... we remind you about our collection espresso tv channel is currently collecting funds for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. you already know that these guys were on the hottest destinations, including donetsk airport, ilovaisk, sumy, and kharkiv, so now we need to raise uah 5 million in order to buy them the much-needed kamikaze drones. our goal is 5 million. we hope to close this amount in the near future, so if you have the opportunity, please get involved. right now, we will ask our editors to display qr codes and card numbers on the screen
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for this fundraiser, so join in, please scan the qr code or rewrite the bank card number, if it's more convenient for you, there are no small donations, so let's give as much as we can, let's get down and close this fundraiser. if you have the opportunity, dear tv viewers, then join in, be kind, we understand what the situation is now. both in the east and in the south of our country, extremely heavy battles are going on, so any hryvnia will not be superfluous, and we are now adding dmytro snegerev, a military expert, co-chairman, to our marathon public initiative "prava sprava". glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, congratulations, thank you for the invitation. i would like us to start our today's analysis of the situation on the left bank of the dnieper, in particular krynka and the activation. the enemy on the left bank of the dnipro, what do you know now? well, the enemy has no intention of knocking
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the armed forces of ukraine out of the occupied positions. however, it is worth mentioning that the armed forces of ukraine not only maintain the indicated boundaries, but also expand the area of ​​their presence accordingly. according to the russians public on the kryna in the direction of krynka is in quite big problems for the 104th. landing of the airborne division of the armed forces of the russian federation, in particular, the russian occupiers report that two regiments of the aforementioned division have already died in the battles in the krynka region, and according to the language of the original, i will quote the company, so that we are not accused of double interpretation, there are already two regiments of our comrades, all of them 200, absolutely everything, that is, we are talking about... irreversible losses, these are not even sanitary losses, and the occupiers themselves note
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the high character of the successful counter-battery fight of the armed forces of ukraine and, accordingly , the total superiority of the armed forces of ukraine in striking the positions of the russian occupiers, both by means of defeat and, accordingly, by using fpv drones. in particular, the occupiers note that the armed forces of ukraine managed to liquidate during the last two days. two missions to evacuate the russian occupiers. in addition, it is noted that the armed forces of ukraine managed to create a successful character of electronic warfare, and accordingly, it is used terrain relief. it is said that the right bank of the dnieper, which is controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, is higher than the left, and due to this and the tactical and technical characteristics of western weapons, the armed forces of ukraine succeed. to impose a successful nature of counter-battery struggle on the occupiers
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, in addition, it is worth noting that the activity of the russian aviation after the downing of the three russian courts in this area, respectively, by the krynks in this area, has significantly decreased, and this is accordingly reflected in the nature of the hostilities of the russian occupiers, as well as morale and psychological state, and it is noted that the units of the 104th airborne... landing division, which is considered legendary, but newly formed, they can actually receive positions occupied by other units, and we are talking about... units of the marines of the russian occupiers no more one and a half to two hours, and then their armed forces of ukraine actually knock out the occupied borders. but the main thing, colleagues, in summing up, i would like to use this whole mass of information to refute yet another misinformation in the western media about the fact that that the situation on the left bank of the kherson
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region is catastrophic for the armed forces of ukraine. do you remember another treason was spreading, that the retention of ukrainian bridgeheads was almost a wrong decision of the ukrainian command, which only leads to numerous losses of personnel and, accordingly , military equipment and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. dmytro, look, and for what purpose do you think they are dispersing such nonsense in the western media, well, there must be some ultimate beneficiary, it is about some kind of payments. articles, or simply journalistic incompetence and unprofessionalism, well, and the key story, for what purpose, we understand, any military operation, if it is complex, well, it must be kept within certain frameworks, here is one, you understand, with a minus sign , mr. antin, this is the sixth message in the western media, which do not correspond to reality
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, accordingly, this gives me the opportunity to assert, no longer assume that... there are so-called active operations in their media, i do not exclude, including by the russian special services for the purpose of forming public opinion, as in ukraine, because unfortunately useful idiots from among the editors -in-chief of the ukrainian media reproduce these messages without even checking them, and accordingly, among the general public, they talk about the civilian population, our western partners, but the main thing, in my opinion, is to create information itself... political pressure on the ukrainian leadership in order to force them to start looking for so-called compromise solutions regarding possible peace negotiations with the russian federation. agree, these are not rare cases when bild reports twice during the week, first about the successes of the occupiers, as if during the vremiv offensive, and
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then after the occupiers themselves were surprised to learn that they had captured two settlements... ryobka published this message, just a few days later he published that the occupiers had successfully, as it were, taken the settlement, which is still is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, then i understand that these are , accordingly, active operations in the information space, but the question arises that yulian ryobki, by the decree of the president of ukraine, was awarded the order of merit of the third degree, for which merits and the highest. sir dmytro, look, right now in ukrainian society, probably the number one topic is the draft law on mobilization, but for some reason i still worry that we are now focusing more attention, well, not us, in particular, yes, in principle, we are ukrainians, now let's focus more attention on what restrictions there should be and what violations
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of our constitutional rights there will be, well, actually there are some encroachments on bank secrecy and the like, but we talk very... little about the potential of our army, about losses, about the replenishment of our troops, and actually for the sake of it this draft law was supposed to be developed, and we understand that today our people's deputies should somehow have already finalized this draft law and either put it before the parliament, or continue to come up with some alternative draft laws, of which there are already five in a word, what is your opinion on about what... the wording of this law should be, not from the point of view of limiting rights and freedoms, but from the point of view of taking into account our needs , first of all, in order to be able to defend ourselves? dear presenters, you actually answered the your question: five more alternative bills have been introduced, imagine how much time it will take to consider them, while the armed forces of ukraine need
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to carry out mobilization measures in order to rotate personnel directly on the line. clash, i have such suspicions that all this information company around these draft laws is a blow to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , a corresponding attempt to bind him to the adoption of so-called unpopular measures regarding mobilization, because theses about the possibility of mobilization among even categories, i'm sorry, and other , let's say, controversial versions, but the main thing that is worth talking about is that the project was introduced on december 25, and as of january 10, 2024, that is
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, in two weeks we have what we still have five alternative draft laws, and which actually block the very nature of conducting mobilization events, which forces the deputy to speak, to explain to the deputies, that he is not actually the source of the legislative initiative... tives and questions mobilization, which is absolutely necessary for the armed forces of ukraine, is the prerogative of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and we see what we see, we actually see a storm in a glass of water, a glass of water, and talk about the violation of the rights of people who evade implementation of his constitutional duty to protect our country. yes, a comprehensive comment, mr. dmitry, what would we like to ask you about the situation, in particular with artillery ammunition, so the latest statistics show that the russians have an order of magnitude,
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well not an order of magnitude, well, but several times exceeds the amount of ammunition for artillery installations, and accordingly, well, our soldiers, the supply of those ammunitions has decreased critically. do you think you're going to be able to get closer to... sometimes rethinking, so to speak, the sources of supply and your vision in general, or is the united states now going to go back to what was called intensive aid. mr. antin, let's once again shift the emphasis from the united states to the internal problems of ukraine. it is said that the security service of ukraine is currently conducting investigative actions regarding the embezzlement of money from the budget of the ministry of defense for the purchase of artillery shells in the amount of 1.5 billion hryvnias, and we are looking for the culprits among the countries of the west and the united states for the non-delivery of artillery shells. in our country , the scumbags inside the ministry of defense
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have established corruption mechanisms that prevent the purchase of these artillery shells , which are necessary for the armed forces of ukraine. in general, it is worth mentioning that the receivables of the ministry of defense have been overdue in a strange way since may. 2023, when it amounted to 36 billion, it increased as of december 23 to 44.4 billion, overdue receivables, this is dear company, and dear presenters, this is money that has been withdrawn into the shadows, including that which was originally intended for the purchase artillery shells, you have to look for an answer to your question. and the reasons inside ukraine, and not in matters of military-technical cooperation with our western partners, we are all right, dear society,
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cancel yet another betrayal. the largest producer of artillery shells in europe, rain metal, announced an increase in the production of artillery shells for the 24th year from 400,000 to 1 million. the lion's share will go to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time, the military-industrial complex of the occupying country is capable of producing approx. for 350, a maximum of 400 thousand shells per year, so everything will be fine with the shells, another issue is to give in to those scumbags who do not give the opportunity to purchase these shells, while buying luxury cars and real estate, 47 plots of land are bought by representatives of the ministry defenses, which are exposed on corruption instruments. mr. dmitry, you know, it is difficult to add something here after you, but i will simply add what umirov, the minister of defense, says, that in four months
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, the internal audit of the ministry of defense revealed violations of more than uah 10 billion, we understand that even 1.5 billion, you mentioned about ammunition, here we are talking about the amount, well , about seven times more, if we talk about four months, and we do not know what happened there in the previous year and a half, what do you think? is there political will now in our country? to clean up this system and finally stop this scale of corruption in the ministry of defense? well, thank you, mr. mayor, but it is worth noting that these figures were actually named after i raised the issue of the increase in overdue receivables already during the time of the newly appointed minister of defense on the air of mainstream tv channels, i gave you the figures of its increase, but you know, i i will give you another... example that simply shocked me: embezzlement in the system of the ministry of defense for the purchase of 50 thousand body armor substandard, you will not be shocked by this number, you know
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who was the final one? the beneficiaries of receiving this money are non-residents of companies that belonged to citizens of the russian federation, period, and on this point, let me tell you, actually the former minister of defense will come out and explain the situation, 50,000 lives of ukrainian defenders were put at risk and the money was transferred to non-resident companies, which belonged to the citizens of the occupying country, everyone applauded in the verkhovna rada. escorting the ex-minister of defense, thank you, mr. dmytro, well, me i think that in the near future we will continue with mr. snigerov the analysis of internal ukrainian extremely unpleasant situations, we were contacted by dmytro snigirov, a military expert, co-leader of the public initiative on the right. we are now taking a short break, after which we will continue. there are 15% discounts on aquamaris in
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the consultants. stoper casper ortolight - your healthy sleep and instant furniture renewal at a good price. call! 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar has an urgent need for fpv drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to victory. all of ukraine is waiting, glory glory, glory to ukraine, heroes, see this week in the collaborators program. a living traitor, how the rashists protect the main seller of novaya kakhovka. details regarding the rescue of the deputy head of novaya kakhovka , vitaly hura. but who is responsible for propaganda
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among children in the occupied territories? today, she motivated our youth with a personal example. on tuesday, january 9 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the enemy does not stop trying to surround avdiivka, about this and about other things, vitaliy barabash, head of the avdiivka city military administration. glory to ukraine, mr. chief, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, we can see from the maps that the enemy is trying to advance.


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